Philippinesprincess rose
CONGRATULATIONS! Just had ours over a month ago.. Hope your ready to see the most beautiful thing in the world! I know how you feel, the night my wife was in labor was the most exhausting intense night of my freakin life! :lol:
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-05 13:39:00
PhilippinesFlying from Manila.
Yeah i just flew on Delta for 3 separate flights.. Manila to Tokyo, Tokyo to Honolulu, Honolulu to LA. 30 hours total but that is because it was the cheapest possible flight they had. Delta is a very nice airline. Comfortable planes, good service and good food. :thumbs:
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-23 01:42:00
Philippineshospital and advanced terms

Ok... This is for the part about the aswang. My fiance still believes in the aswang or the wok wok and all her friends/family do too. I laughed so hard because when I was there last month the neighbors had a newborn baby boy. According to superstition the wok wok loves the smell of newborns. Well she called up her best friend who is a bakla, and he lives in the house with the newborn too. She called him and told him that she heard the wok wok outside and he should be careful on going home. Needless to say she was joking but her friend believed her and didn't go home but slept at a friend's house.

But my mahal is exactly the same as jena. She loves to walk behind me so she can dart in somewhere to look at stuff. Because she hates me coming with her shopping hehehehe. My fiance was a nanny for 3years in qatar, and she took care of a Western family baby. She had to learn all the European/American techniques of raising him. When she came back to the province she actually showed people new things on taking care of babies. They were amazed at some stuff. My fiance is Bisayan and from the province, she knows English pretty good but some of the finer points get lost with her until I explain them out.

Yeah I know about that too.. when my wife was pregnant she had to sleep in one of m dirty shirts every night so that the Aswang or Wok Wok would get the scent of me instead of her and the baby, becuase they prey on pregnant girls and babies. Or so I was told. But yeah that happens a lot over here, whenever one of my sister-in-laws husbands have to leave the barangay for work or something, they stay here because they are afraid of Aswang with no man in the house.

So far the only thing i have found that is very foreign to them, is burping the baby. My wife about freaked out the first time I made the baby burp. I had to explain how its good for the baby so that she doesnt get really bad gas or colic and such. Now that I have showed her she always makes me do it, but she wont let her Nanay see. She makes me go in the room to do it because she thinks her Nanay will get angry. But none of them know or have heard of burping a baby.
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-10 13:05:00
Philippineshospital and advanced terms
My wife says Moo Moo is a monster. But thanks for the heads up, wont be staying there. If my wife hears a little creak in the middle of the night she freaks out hahaha..
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-09 13:19:00
Philippineshospital and advanced terms

Never tell them that Aswang and witches aren't real. Haven't you heard the hundreds of stories about why its real, it must be real... I just let her go on and tell me all and then when she asks if I believe, I still say no but it's ok if she does.

There is Moo Moo in the Boulavard Mansion hotel across from the embassy, I won't even stay there Again, haha...

Oh, believe me I gave up about a year ago. The brothers seem to agree with me because they have "never seen" aswang or anything like that. But the mother and sisters are hardcore. Like 'come to our house in the middle of the night because Aswang was on the roof' hardcore. Of course, they never see it, but it was Aswang. I have gotten all kinds of stories from them. I always say, "when i meet Aswang, I will believe." I have no problem with them believing in it though. I havent heard of Moo Moo but here there is the Wok Wok, or bird-like thing. I really try hard not to be insensitive about it, but sometimes i slip :whistle:

Edited by Brandon+Roslyn, 09 July 2012 - 01:02 PM.

Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-09 13:01:00
Philippineshospital and advanced terms

good for you.... I keep on trying to get her to walk beside me.... even after 10 months I still have problems.... I keep on having to remind her to stop it. In the Philippines, she would be beside me or in front of I have no idea why she walks behind me.... maybe she is looking at everything and doesn't want me to know what she is looking at or browsing.... I don't know.... I have just gotten used to it.....

of course there is a difference between men and women shopping as well.... men are on a mission... women browse and wander with a purpose which looks like no purpose to a man.....

Maybe its a Visayan thing.. my wife is from Samar, and everywhere we go she always walks like behind me. It is actually pretty irritating because I want her to walk along side of me so everyone knows that we are together. I had never heard about that being a custom or anything, but it would make sense.

What part of the Visayas are you from?

We just had our baby girl here in Samar and it has been extremely rough trying to make a balance (American/Filipino) between the way the baby is clothed, bathed, taken care of, etc.. The feeding was easy because we both were solid on breast feeding and my wife was lactating before the baby even came. But i had to practically argue with the family about lampins, beanies is 100 degree weather, aceite be manzanilla, and all that other type of stuff for months before they let up. They wanted everything to be done the way that they have always done it, the Filipino way. Not that that is bad. But we are from an area that is still ruled by extreme superstitions. Aswang lives here, and witches and other things of that nature. People dont go to the hospital, they do "Hocus Pocus" first. The family wouldnt let my wife bathe or drink cold water for 3 weeks or else she would die. She couldnt eat noodles because the babies belly button wouldnt heal properly, etc.. Its so frustrating being from somewhere where I know that this type of folk lore is non-sense, but you cant tell that to them. Even, if i told them every girl that has ever had a baby in America eats whatever and takes showers, they just tell me "well its different here". And my wife always goes to Nanay first, I can tell her to do something like taking pre-natal vitamins and she either doesnt listen, or she has to ask Nanay first and if she says its ok, then she will do it. If Nanay doesnt give the OK, then its a battle to get her to do almost anything. Did you ever experience anything like this?
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-09 12:38:00
PhilippinesDCF Philippines, Going to File 13a at Consulate in Los Angeles
I agree with Bron.. I did my 13a in Cebu and I walked in, had everything put together properly, applied for it, and they gave us our interview the same day because we live very far from EVERYWHERE. Its so easy. The atty told us to look on the website 2 months from the interview or call to check the status of the visa and I got a phone call like 3 weeks later from Cebu telling me I was approved. Everyone told me i was really lucky and were shocked I got it all done in one day, but I just did my research beforehand as was well prepared..
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-06-05 09:53:00
PhilippinesAmerican vs Filipino
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-10 15:49:00
PhilippinesAmerican vs Filipino
To not breast feed for obvious legitimate reasons like not lactating is one thing. But i just dont understand how and why giving your baby the natural God givin' nutrients that are far superior to any formula and is recommended by doctors is frowned upon by some people. That is absolutely retarded. Even all infant formula cans say to never use unless directed to do so by a doctor, and that its recommended to breast feed your child until 2 years old. end rant :ranting:

Not to mention its free. :thumbs:

But yeah here my wife just pops her soso out whenever our baby is hungry, i dont care and neither does she. Of course, it will be a little different in America if we are in a public place like the mall or something, but if people want to frown, let them. In 10 years they will look like ####### from frowning all the time :rofl:

Edited by Brandon+Roslyn, 10 July 2012 - 12:33 PM.

Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-10 12:31:00
PhilippinesAmerican vs Filipino

I have never eaten dog meat but if I was starving I may try it. I had a Chinese friend who asked me how clean are pigs? Of course pigs eat just about anything including carcasses... very dirty. Then he said dogs are cleaner then pigs. He had a point. Still not my cup of tea.

Yeah, pigs are about the filthiest creatures on the planet.. I actually worked on a pig farm and it was one of the most disgusting experiences of my life. But i will still handle some bacon! One of my favorites! hahaha.

Edited by Brandon+Roslyn, 10 July 2012 - 01:16 AM.

Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-10 01:15:00
PhilippinesAmerican vs Filipino

stir fried dog is nice - had it in China many times, knowing what it was..

:thumbs: Its funny because being from your average American family, eating dog is about one of the most taboo things you can do. I got so much flack from my parents when i told them.. and my friends too. Like "Ewww, gross. How could you do that!" I said, "Just insert in mouth, chew, and swallow!" :lol: Never imagined it would taste so good though :whistle: I would eat it again anytime. :devil:
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-09 12:03:00
PhilippinesAmerican vs Filipino

I understand that some eat dogs, but the problem is the stereotype that all Asians/Filipinos eat dogs.

Well living in a part of the country that is considered exremely poor even to the Filipinos iyam(dog) is not only eaten, its a celebratory food. They cook it for birthdays, fiesta, etc... Most people here cant afford to buy a lechon. They actually get a dog and feed it and raise it just to eat it for a special occasion. I'll have you know that dog is absolutely delicious. Dont knock it til you try it! Seriously, tastes like beef.
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-05 13:12:00
PhilippinesBringing a Dog to the USA

Does Rover want to apply for a tourist visa? :jest:

:rofl: It sounds like it would be a pain is the a$$ and expensive process. You probably will need to have the dog vaccinated and then put in quarantine in the US until they clear the dog of rabies and disease.
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-16 01:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFINALLY!!!!
CONGRATS!!!!!! :thumbs:
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-13 01:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbonifide evidence of a marriage
I just had pictures of our wedding, and Affidavits from 3 people that were at our wedding claiming knowledge of our relationship etc.. My petition was approved in 16 days! Maybe you will get lucky too! Just send that and everything that they put on the list. Good luck!
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-02 09:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAddress contradict on I-130 form and ds 230 form
I would call the NVC and notify them that there has been a change of address and give them the new address so they can update your file. Then you can just put the new one and not have to worry about anything. :thumbs:
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-03 03:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC
i found that the best way to keep correspondence with the NVC is through email. Just ask them what the next step is now that the petition is approved. They will send attachments of everything that they send you in the mail. This worked out great for me because i was able to print all of my correspondence and finish everything about 3 weeks earlier than if i had to wait for the postal service. The mail moves really slow in this part of the world. They will answer all of your emails, but it usually takes a few days maybe more.

The NVC?s e-mail address is

E-mail is the NVC?s preferred method of communication.

Note: Use your personal e-mail account to contact the NVC. If you click on the email address above and your computer does not automatically connect to your personal email, copy and paste the above e-mail address into an e-mail using your personal e-mail account.

In order to ensure a prompt response:

Enter your NVC Case Number in the Subject Line of the e-mail.
Provide the applicant?s name and date of birth and the petitioner?s name and date of birth.
If you are an attorney, include the name of the law office requesting the information.
If the petition is employment-based, include the employer's company/organization name.
Ask about only one case per e-mail.

Edited by Brandon+Roslyn, 09 July 2012 - 04:30 PM.

Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-09 16:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC lost our civil documents!?
Same thing happened to me but they only lost my AOS.
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-09 15:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Advice Petitioning My Wife
Everything else aside, the sooner you file the petition, the sooner she will be able to come to the US and live. She will most likely be wasting time and energy trying to get a tourist visa, since she would have to apply, you really would have nothing to do with it. As its been said, its very, very hard for fiances/spouses to get tourists visas because you have to show strong evidence that you will need to leave the country, which she most likely wont have, as you are her reason for travel. At least you can go there to visit whenever you want right? Like I said the sooner you get the ball rolling the sooner you can spend all of your time together :bonk:

Edited by Brandon+Roslyn, 10 July 2012 - 04:07 PM.

Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-10 16:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Advice Petitioning My Wife
What is your wifes work situation? Is she applying for permanent Canadian residency? If you plan on immigrating her to the US i dont see how that could possibly work unless her job can transfer her to America or she were to quit. If she immigrates the vast majority of her time would have to be spent living in America otherwise they will cancel her residency in the US. I would imagine Canada has similar rules for residency. If she wants or needs to keep her canadian residency i would think a tourist visa is her only option of her visiting you in the States. I think she would have to show strong ties to her country so that they dont think she will overstay or never leave.

It will take longer than 2 months to get a CR/IR-1 visa for your wife. I think my case was rather speedy and we took over 6 months.
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-09 16:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWanting to marry US citizen on tourist visa?
Well I had a criminal record (felony drug possession) but i hadnt been convicted within 2 years of filing the petition. So i didnt have to mark 'yes' to any of the questions of the application form but i know for a fact they could see that stuff on a background check and it was no problem for us. The thing they frown on the most in this situation would probably be drug charges and smuggling illegal immigrants. You would think felony drug possession would be red flag out of fear of drug trafficking, but it didnt stop us from getting an approved visa! :thumbs:

Were I am from kids do that stuff everyday. Not that big of a deal. People thought my wife was CRAZY for marrying me but we are happier than ever. You are just able to see good in people and realize that not everyone is what they did and have the ability to learn from their mistakes and change, not cast them aside for stupid mistakes they made in their past. Props to you! B-)
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-09 17:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp plz :/
Honestly, you should send in everything you have and can possible think of that would help to prove a legitimate relationship. The messages are going to be the best thing to show a timeline of your relationship, that with pictures and visa stamps sound about like everything they asked for. I dont know how strict they are in Albania but it sounds pretty bad if only 1 couple got approved.. Usually what they ask for is exactly what they want. It sounds like you have all of that stuff so you should be fine.
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-09 17:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresW2s Needed

I was the sponsor of my fiancé . The latest tax return I submitted was a joint return with my ex-wife. I only included my W2 but was never question about it being a joint return.

Because you included a w2 along with it. Im just telling my experience and what the CO told me. :thumbs:
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-13 01:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresW2s Needed
Hi, I just had my interview and I also had my dad as a Joint Sponsor and they told me that they didnt accept joint tax returns because my dad is the only one listed as a Joint Sponsor. I asked "what about w2's?" the CO told me that is OK. Copies of the w2's are fine also. Thats all I had.
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-12 15:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me pls..

Chances are that you will have to produce these documents at the time of interview, if you don't receive an RFE. Be on the safe side, and in the meantime request tax transcripts from the IRS in case, you receive a RFE. Tax transcripts are preferred over copies of 1040.

Good luck!

Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-13 08:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC Married Abroad
You can do it all while you are living abroad. Thats what me and my wife did. You may even be able to do Direct Consular Filing if they allow it where you live. It just gets expensive because you have to send a lot of stuff in to USCIS and NVC, and it may get tricky if you need to use joint sponsors and stuff like that. Its a pain having to send a document to someone just so they can sign it :/. These were some of the issues that I had. But from what i understand they process the petitions a lot faster if the petitioner is living abroad. I am not positive of this though. Someone can correct me if I am wrong. Our I-130 was forwarded and approved in 16 days.
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-10 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequirements for Medical

Hi! Can you clarify about the 2 copies of your Appointment Letter/Instruction letter? Is this the copy of the registration that you filled in on slec website?

Yes. That one, you need 2 copies of the registration form.
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-02 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlready filed for I-129F, but want to file for expedite
I was kind of in the same predicament because my wife was pregnant and we wanted to get to the States before the baby came (that didnt work out). But I just emailed the NVC asking if i could get our case expedited because my wife was pregnant and they just emailed me back and told me that they would review my case and notify me if we were approved for expediting. They emailed me again a week later saying that our case had been approved and it would be expedited to the embassy in Manila. Just send an email to them stating your issue and ask if they will expedite your case. They will get back to you.
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-03 03:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures221G - need to involve NVC?
Yeah, you just need to send it in to the embassy.. the 221g is a request from the embassy to send documents to the embassy. I just had to send in another AOS because the NVC lost mine. They never said anything about the NVC, they just said to send the AOS to the embassy and they will mail my visa.
Brandon+RoslynMalePhilippines2012-07-06 11:30:00