ThailandNVC Re: No birth certificate
Hello everyone!

My wife and I are getting our documents in order in preparation for the day when our NOA2 finally arrives. We seem to have everything in order with one exception, she does not have nor can she get a copy of her birth certificate. She has been to the Amphur where she was born and managed to get a letter from them stating they are unable to locate it. Unfortunately they want an original BC and I doubt this letter counts as one. From what I read on the NVC site she can your alternative documents such as an affidavit from her mother. This I cut and pasted from the NVC site.

"Unobtainable birth certificates

If your birth record is not obtainable for any reason, a certified statement must be obtained from the appropriate government authority explaining why your birth record is unavailable. You must also submit secondary evidence such as:

A baptismal certificate that contains the date and place of birth, as well as both parents names (providing the baptism took place shortly after birth)
An adoption decree for an adopted child
An affidavit from a close relative, preferably your mother, stating the date and place of birth, both parents names, and your mother?s maiden name.

Note: An affidavit executed before an official authorized to take oaths or affirmations must also be provided. More specific information is available from the NVC."

Now I know you can get the documents from the Amphur where her birth was registered at but what exactly do they want from there? If her mother makes and affidavit does it have to be given by an official or do you need 2 letters, one from the mother and another from the official? It would be so much simpler if I were to have someone that has gone through this explain it to me. When I try to tell my wife she has no idea what we need and the people at the Amphur do not seem to know as well.

Anyway I hope someone can help, thank you in advance!

Edited by Tegeras, 21 February 2013 - 01:09 PM.

TegerasMaleThailand2013-02-21 13:08:00
ThailandThailand police certificate
I got the clarification on the 2,200 government fee. Part of it is because my wife will not be present. The other part is to expedite processing which is very nice. I was told it should take 5 business days, in my case 7 days total because of the weekend. Add a few more days for express mail and you are talking about 10 days to get a police certificate if you are lucky.

Edited by Tegeras, 26 March 2013 - 09:15 PM.

TegerasMaleThailand2013-03-26 21:09:00
ThailandThailand police certificate
Thanks Karee, 6 months will work.

I talked to her about doing the ride down to BKK and opted for the service. A bus ticket one way is 1,600 baht and a plane ticket is 1,900 baht plus it's a 1 hour flight vs 6 hours sitting on a bus. When you add in the food, hotel and cab fares, express mail to the USA etc etc it just made more sense to pay. Plus my credit card will not be in danger :)

Also I finally got an email back from Siam Legal last night. This is what they quoted me,

5,000 flat rate for service plus 7% VAT (350)
2,200 Government fee. I seem to recall its free for Thai citizens and no mention of expedited service. I already requested clarification on this fee. I am guessing it's more for greasing the wheels since she will not be present.
1,000 for express mail service. He did not mention mail to where but I am assuming it's for mailing it to me in the USA.

Total 8,550 Baht.
TegerasMaleThailand2013-03-25 11:00:00
ThailandThailand police certificate
How long is the Thai Police Certificate good for? I am thinking about going this route since my wife is currently living up in Loei with her parents and having her go to BKK on her own will cost around 5000 baht alone in airfare and hotel stay. Plus my credit card fears for it's safety when she is near malls.
TegerasMaleThailand2013-03-24 11:48:00

Well she got her blood tested today and the only antibodies (or whatever you call them) they found were for Hepatitis B so she only got her first round of vaccinations done for the other 9 items on the list. The doctor refused to administer all of them at once because he feared too many at once would be bad and told her to come back in a month for the second set. Though I think my wife made up the month part due to her fear of needles!  :)  probably more like a couple of weeks at most.




TegerasMaleThailand2013-05-03 02:15:00

So they can all be done on one day? I was under the impression that some vaccinations are done over time, such as Hepatitis B.


We do plan on being in BKK for at least 10 days but we wanted for the start of the 10 days to be the day before interview date. This would give us more time in case something came up during the interview that required a few days to resolve. This is also why we wanted to have all her vaccinations taken care of now and not wait until the last day to do it. That and if she happens to become ill because of them she will have time to recover.


Anyway she is calling them today and will start looking for hospitals and clinics around Loei that can administer them :)

Edited by Tegeras, 28 April 2013 - 05:50 PM.

TegerasMaleThailand2013-04-28 17:47:00

My wife is about to start looking for a local hospital to get her vaccines done. She has no records at all of her previous shots so it looks like she has to start from scratch.


My question is this, which shots does she actually need? All of them? The Embassy in BKK has this list,


-- Acellular pertussis -- Hepatitis A
-- Hepatitis B
-- Influenza
-- Influenza type b (Hib) -- Measles
-- Meningococcal
-- Mumps
-- Pneumococcal -- Pertussis
-- Polio
-- Rotovirus
-- Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids -- Varicella


But the instructions say this,


If you do not have a vaccination record, the panel physician will work with you to determine which vaccinations you may need to meet the requirement. Certain waivers of the vaccination requirement are available upon the recommendation of the panel physician.
Only a physician can determine which of the listed vaccinations are medically appropriate for you, given your age, medical history and current medical.


She has no current medical history and isn't allergic to anything that she knows of but she is worried that so many shots at once might be bad for her.


Is it possible to contact the doctors listed on the Medical Exam instruction sheet? The doctors in her area are not used to dealing with these requirements and she currently is too far away from BKK to do a drop in visit to ask.


TegerasMaleThailand2013-04-28 02:39:00
ThailandA good video in Thai language on Visa Procedures

Thanks for posting this link. My wife really liked the video. It really calmed her down since she has been on edge since she found out her interview date.

TegerasMaleThailand2013-08-07 20:48:00
ThailandThai food ingredients and other stuff

I have a Roku 3 and I did not see the app for MyDootv on it. I will look again when I have some time, the more options the better. I looked at their website a while back and liked what I saw. Streaming and PC viewing is a nice touch which the other 2 that I have lack since they are tied into one device.


As far as living in the Bay Area I am on the fringes of it way out in Brentwood. Not much out here in terms of Thai cuisine hehe. I think the closest Ranch 99 is out in Pleasanton which is about 30 minutes away. Not as bad as a 1hr drive to the City though.


Thanks for the input guys!

TegerasMaleThailand2013-08-20 18:49:00
ThailandThai food ingredients and other stuff

One of the main concerns my wife has had about her impending move has been finding cooking supplies. Living in the San Francisco bay area there are some options for where to buy supplies IF you live close to the City. Unfortunately the City is about an hour drive away so having to commute to shop will come out expensive. I have looked online but most importers that I have found mark up their products by as much as 400%, with the exception of one.  Also bringing supplies directly from Thailand will limiting for obvious reasons.


Anyway I was wondering where you all get your cooking supplies? Local or online? I have found one good website out of Washington that has decent prices but I was wondering if maybe there are more out there that I can use?




As far as Thai programming I think I am set up pretty good. I have ASEAN TV ($100/yr) and OnlineTVE ($20/yr) accounts set up now that provide streaming of Thai movies/TV programming as well as live broadcast content. I will cancel one account after the wife picks the one she likes most. ASEAN TV is more refined and kind of looks like Netflix. OnlineTVE only works on Samsung smart tv's with Smart Hub and the interface is very basic but is has a lot more content in many languages, when it works that is. To protect me from having to listen to all this wonderful entertainment I also picked up some wireless headphones :) Of course this is what I have been able to find on my own. If you have any other recommendations I will be more than happy to hear about them!

TegerasMaleThailand2013-08-19 11:05:00
ThailandCan't send money to Thailand via Western Union Online

Works fine now. I noticed they updated their website. Might have had something to do with it.


By the way if you use your bank's BILL PAY service to pay Western Union there is no service charge at all and it only takes around 1-3 business days for the transaction to go through.


I tried the second account debit card thing but there is a 150 baht charge every time it gets used so I just went back to Western Union.  


WU is still a good service if you are not in any kind of hurry to send money there.

TegerasMaleThailand2013-10-03 22:00:00