K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Hi eveb ody Nich good that you had a good weekend I got back today from a nive weekend finally went to the beach for the weekend was good and relaxing a lot of walking and pool and fish and good food and talking and laghing...
so how are thinks going around here? is evebody starting to pack??? hahahaha
I hope evebody had a great weekend!!!!!

Good luck this week for all the march fillers that are still waiting hope evebody get their NOA this week !!!1

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-07-06 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Jul 1 2008, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dutti, sounds like a wonderful time! Sounds like fun. smile.gif I'm glad you found the tracking info and now know your petition is on it's way. How exciting!!!

Hi Ana, too bad Jeff got his clothes back! wink.gif Naked is not such a bad way to spend the time together! laughing.gif Really, i'm glad everything's sorted and that you get to spend some time together. Enjoy. smile.gif

I know Kim is awesome but is not like the clohtes make us not have any fun hahaha besides he needs to leave the room every once in a while like breakfast lunch and dinner time hahah not really fun my mom and my grandma see him naked all day hahahahhahaha
Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-07-01 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
hahahI wish we were dancing friday Jeff got here at 4:30pm and guess what?? no luggage with him.... yes there we went to discuss with the company that didn[t want to fill a claim because it was the second company and he didn[t do the check in again because the TAG already had this flight number and his destination and bla bla bla It was reallyu stressfull and I didn[t want o make it even more so we decided to come home and ccall delta. BEcause of tat I had to cancel the weekend on the beach and buya feel clothes for him on saturday and sunday I got the number of the Lost Lugagge from the airport h first landed here in BRazil in SP and they founded so luggage only on sunday and sent it here on monday so now Iam more relaxed I fanally got stop playing my new games that I got as a present from Jeff and came here to send some life sign hahahahaha besides that is been really good been with him all the time and huging =) so yes even with the luggage thing Iam really happy now =) besides I got a Nitendo DS hahaha so I am turning into a game girl because of him. hahahhaha

Besides that... sure I always have a lot of things going on, at least laltely hahahah The NVC is a little bit crazy Jeff got the letter fromt hem saying they got our case and when we call them is not on their system today I tried to talk to someone there but was too busy I will try call again tomorrow.

So I see that there are packets going back and foward and people ... what else did I miss here? I saw a april 7 aproval today... maybe Jessica is getting her today!!!

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif luv.gif heart.gif cool.gif tongue.gif biggrin.gif

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-07-01 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
hahaha I waxed everything hahaha did alll the awesome brazillian waxing legs, bikini, made my eyes brown going to make my nails in a bit everything is ready!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica your NOA2 is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nich? well I got t shirts tried to get color that I know he likes but he nver get out of the blue just because is easier to buy. so is always good he can wear to go to work and look at them and say that is from my honey that is why I look good hahahah just kidding and you know some guys like Jeff dont like to go out to shopping so I do that for him hahaha or I try to make him go with me.

Bex I am going to need have at least one shot of HPV too =/ Iam just waiting to take closer to the interview. Here it costo R$380 ouch!!!!!! is painfull pay all that !!1 I rteally want to take but on US but they won´t let me I need get at least the first one here =(

Good vibes evebody getting NOa2!!!!!!!!!!

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-26 11:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
I went to buy his presents =) do pilates and relax hahaha do all my laundry didn't have time to waxing I will do it tomorrow morning before go get a hair cut ... and I called a little hotel they have in a Beach close here and they got rooms so we are going out for the weekend yay!!!!!!!!!!!11
hahah I am tired going to eat dinner and then talk to my honey.

where is Jessica aproval???


QUOTE (aleena @ Jun 25 2008, 03:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> must be really excited to have Jeff with you shortly....
So what did you do all day? Go to a beauty your nailes...wax your legs...clean your

BEX..hope your medical went well. I am sure it did!

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-25 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Aleen we have a tradition that look like yours
but here is for Saint Antony days (santo antonio) but is on june 13 on june 24 is Saint John days June months we have alot of celebration here in the norhteast of Brazil because of them, they are the saints thqat make single girl get a good man to marrie hahahah and Saitn John ("São João) is responsible to bring a good winter for us. ther funny one is that they say if you put the Saint antony upside down on the fridge it will make the process easier hahahahahha but that is old and funny tradition
there is also a lot of forro and good food yummy yummy yummy hhahaha
so anyway it did bring me luck because yesterday Jeff got the NVC letter yay!!!!!!!!! saying that they got or process and that they should send to RJ in 5 days =)
and I am going to be busy because I am getting ready to recive my honey!!! yayyyyyyyy!!! can't wait only two more days!!!

so yes!!1
Happy day to evebody!!!!!!!

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-25 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
yay!!!! a lot fo march 31 aprovalss tghat is awesome seems like htey really want to finish march filler to get into the april ones which sounds really fair!!!
so Good luck april fillers!! and lets get done with march filer right???


Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-23 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Yay!!!!!!!dutti congratulations!!!!
\now vibes for Jessica!!!!! your is going to the next!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif


I called the NVC my case is not there yet =( but hopefully will be soon

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-23 17:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Just came by to wish evebody a good week with a lot of NOA2 so we can finally finish the marchs timelines Iam still sick... so Iam feeling all crappy
taking anti allergic medicines =(

I will talk to you guys tomorrow
Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-22 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Jun 21 2008, 10:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning March!

Yes Ana...the booty is so you can KMA for giving me slack about visiting you folks! I've been waiting around for years just to able to file so I figure I can go anywhere I want! laughing.gif I think you will just have to deal with it young lady! tongue.gif hehe

Bex...feel better love.

It seems they are pushing through March. I know it's so hard watching the dates change. I try not to pay too much attention to that just because I know folks are joining and dropping out all over. Just the fact that they're moving through March keeps me going. Let's hope all those adjuticators are working the weekend and that we find the rest of you March'ers approved on Monday! Too much to ask for ya think? laughing.gif

hahahahahahahahahahaha I liked hahah Iam going to put on my messenger ahahaJeff is going to laugh because we say KMA all the time hahaha

Jessica: your NOA2 must come this week I think there was just wayyyyyyyyyy to much march 31 fillers...

Nich!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will tell Jeff to call monday morning before he leaves to work =)

Have a good saturday evebody I woke up today feeling my throat hurting =( hopefully is only from the chocolates I ate yesterday before go to the that gave flame to my reflux ... but I am not sure ...

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-21 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Nich I just saw your post talking about brazil not having pack 3, I saw that I have most of the forms filled out just not the medical exam because that I will have to do in Rio de Janeiro but we have the pack 4 they send to us telling what docs they will need ( which I already know). Here they dont want us to mail anything the just want us to bring it to the inteview. Probably because they are too freakin busy with all the visas here in Brazil. =/

I am hoping that the process will leave the NVC soon to get there on time for them to schedule my interview to august. Do you know if there is anyway to get to know if the pack is at the NVC already? Should I ask Jeff to call them??
Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-20 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Jun 20 2008, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


Kim is that a Boston kiss my ### thing?? hahahaha rofl.gif

Sun tend is good I will make sure I enjoy my fortaleza winter to get some before Jeff get here hahahah and YES sunny winter that is Fortaleza.... cool.gif

Bye evebody good night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-20 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
[Hi Kim sorry evebody yestrerday I was only on the watching room hahahahahah
I was a kind of busy trying to finish a workt hat I have been doing and seems like as much as I work on it as much m ore I have left to do =/ so I decided that I am goin got stop (particially) everything else hahahaha

So I hope evebody get to have a good day Iam going back to work. kicking.gif

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-20 07:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Bex: Maybe she is trying to get more of your atention before you leave, just try to tell her that you are not going to another planet and that you will be able to talk to her and she talk to always always when you guys miss each other and that she won[t only depend on you to see each other she will always be able to go see you. =) Tell her that you will need her help on summer time to be with the kids hahahah that is what I told mine.... I was like dont worry we will be together all summer long hahahaha so yes and for you the best is for you to think that from the moment you leave those people are going to miss you but the few moments that you guys will get together again are going to be really special. We rather have spend a few good times with people we love than be with them all the time and do not give to this person the right value she has =)

Nich: It said they sent the aprovel leter on june 17 it will probably be at Jeffs house today or tomorrow Vermont is really close to MA so is a overnight mail. I guess I need wait the NVC send em a letter so I can now when they got my process right?? do they tell you when they send to the NVC???

HiTech: Ok! That is true I was going crazy about the timelines I didn[t think about that because I didn[t have any other case number to check...

Aleena: Who is Igor? the Hitech?
Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-18 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Hey evebody I have another question =)

I got another touch today does it mean my process went to the NVC already>>???? do you guys think so????

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-18 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Thank you evebody!!!!!
hahahah I got so excited that I prionted the forms and the list of them yestredya I was also already helping a friend of mione fo fill whne I got my NOA2 hahahaha So the forms are not that bad really I had filled ones like those before on the first time I went ot US so I think I got use to it.... th medical is the only thing I have left today I woke up early (I was so excited I couldnt sleep that much) and I went to the health center and got my shots update!!! got 2 shots ='~~~ I was sad my mom couldnt go with me ... it use to feel a lot better when she was on my side but that is ok she had to work. and it was funny evebody was asking if I was pregnant hahahah First because I was wearing a dress and second because the woman said people only update their shots when they get pregnant hahahahand I was like, ok what about if we wait a couple more yers that will be more $FUN$ hahahah baby cost a lot I need work hard until there.
So yes my mom got home crying yesterday she is all emotional now just liek the last time I went to do my interchange program and I keep teeling her that She will see me again a lot of times... and bla bla bla but still she keeps crying hahahaha that is ok....
I am excited and expecting to get my interview to august =) we don[t have packet 3 here so just wait as soon as I get my RDJ number I will send the consulate an email.... so yes now Iam going to type a lot all the time because I am happy and I just keep typing, talking and smilling hahaha I think I was smilling even when I was sleeping (just kidding)

so yes I think things are going to be faster now and Jessica pretty sure yours is coming soon, yesterday I had checke dthe USCIS website at like 4pm time here in Brazil and there wasnt anything diferent and all the sunddelly at 9?30pm when I was talking with Jef on the webcam and my network was getting into a huge slowliness I got the email... I was going crazy trying to type stuffs here and I couldnt because my internet was awfull hahaha
Thank you evebody =)))

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-18 07:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
hi evebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got my noa2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I didn't even update yet here on visajourney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but Iam going to Iam so happy that Iam already printing all the forms for the interview hahahahah I amjust going to right down by pencil so I can know right now I need and bla bla bla bla all those crappy so is sooooooooooo good get to be bale to have my life going on!!! I can finally start selling my stuffs here and there is a crappy load of stuffs todo and IAm so happy because I will be so bus from now on and JEff is coming in 10 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 Ow my good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 is sooooooooooooo goodddddddddddddd feelsssssssss so gooooooodddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whistling.gif kicking.gif good.gif star_smile.gif rofl.gif wow.gif laughing.gif luv.gif yes.gif tongue.gif cool.gif smile.gif biggrin.gif

Do I need to put anything else to tell you gusy how happy Iam???? hhahahah

Today a happy Ana!!!
Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-17 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
I cant understand anything either...

where are those codes from? what website??
Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-17 17:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Good morning!!!
woke up thinking about the NOA2 I hadn[t done that for 5 days I think =/

Kim - It is a pretty song I love that. wasn´t father´s day here in brazil here father´s day ehre is on the second week of august =) It was our valentine´s day on june 12 because of that me and JEff awe are getting ourselves 2 valentines gifts hahahaha I am thining to go buy his presents today or tomorrow

Jessica: I know whneI sent my petition I also had a really high expectation about getting the NOA2 ASAP and didn´t happen =(

I hope evebody get to have a good day!!!!!

Big hugs for all!!!

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-17 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Here inb BRazi lwe don´t have pack 3 but the consulate is busyyyyyyy very busyyyyyyyyyyy

Iwas looking at the first post from tuty and she said her NOA1 was signed by PNovak how do I know that? I ahven´t see anything like that on my papers

Nich is hahah I took a feel tequila shots once (I can´t remember what day and whta happened it was crazyyyyyy hahahah long time agora the week before I leave to US) I never get if I was supose to drinkt he lime first and the salt later hahah the barman was just laughing at me and my friend hahaha sal e limão(lemon)... and the forró I will get you a teacher I know a food one hahaha my father died a few months ago =( one more reason why Forro always make me cry I feel all emotional it reminds me him and his father both good dancers.
Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-16 11:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Kim!!! here is the song I want you to sing hahahah is awesome
Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-16 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
hahah Nich you song is awesome I liked the
"Jose and Cuevo you are a friend of mine I like to drink you in the little (ICan´t understand the next word) hahaha but yes I liked that part...
you are my friend you are best hahahahaha awesome! Once I did a dancing festival where I was a cowgirl and we had to dance some song like that hahaha

Aleena you did awesome!!! haha I am going to get what you wrote and translate a little more Ia lso promised Jeff I would translate for him ops...

"Iam form here
Son of the sun from this greatness
I bring in my heart the love for Fortaleza

Here gate for the beautyness
My richness is just live here
HEre the best place in world
With a deep green sea
Where the sun comes to iluminate
Fortaleza is from all the most beautifull
Your smile is a painting a watercolor
It facisnates me
It alucinates me the heart

I am form here
Son of the sun from this greatness
I bring in my heart the love for Fortaleza

I am pround for live in fortaleza"

hahahah this guy is a little crazy my cousin works making cvideo clipes for him he didn´t do this one abot Fortaleza but he did this one where they went on the singer little air plane where He every weekend does crazy looping around the city, one day Iwas with Jeff in a resort and people there almost run when he came and did one right in front of us he is crazy
Aleena you are good on translating most be really easy for you to learn other language specially portuguese =)

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-16 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
[Aleena Iam glad you like samba I like too but here in my city we have a special kind of sogn called Forró, people say this name came because a long time agora we had an american base here and they use to call this kind of sonf "for all" so the way we pronouce made " forró"
and I founded this video in youtube that is about my city hahaha if I find the lyrics I will translate and send to you guys is apretty song talking about how we love Fortaleza and that we are called the sons of the sun... it made me cry hahahah =)
Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-15 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Hi evebody!!!! Good Morning!!!!!!!
Tuty - Iam so sorry to hear that don[t your kids wants to move with you to States ? I mean they are into the age for you to fill the I 130f ( I think that is the form) anyway is almost the same process as the K1 but for relatives.... I don´t know if your country has some issues on that, you would need their guard and talk to their father to send them there on summer they will be able to be there 3 months a year.

Pandora - OMG OMG OMG girl that is close in a few weeks less than a month....

Nich - hey good morning my fairy tales mom!!! hahahaha did you forget that?

Hope evebody have a good day Iam going bak to work =/ a lot more stuffs to do here.... and so sad that I am not able to enjoy to awesome sunny day outside and run to the beach and feel the good salt water on my face today=~~~~ We use to say that when we go into the sea the sea water cleans all the bad "eyes" and jealoucy that people feel on you It like cleans your soul ... maybe I need that to help with my NOA 2 hahahahaha

Iam going back to work!!!

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-15 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
hahahah girls you guys make me laugh! hahahah

Nice week for evebody!!! =)

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-14 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
hahahhahahahah Romeo from south america that was funny and luck you if you didnt use braces and still having pretty smile =)

But if any of you girl wants to come here just tell me if Iam still here I will help evebody around showing the awesome places...

I loved the other description hahaha Aleena´s description is the same impression I have and te I Vant you blood in awesome


Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-14 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
well thanks for the smilling hahha I wokred 9 year with braces to try keeps my teeths like that becaus eI had a serious problem.. = / I was the girl using braces for all high school and 2 years of college can you imagine that? urgh...

anyway Beck don´t feel like that I had a few problem with my mom yesterday and I said totally the same you siad " when I am gone agian she is going to miss me" that is why sometimes is good live away from your family because whne you are back they just want good times with you so you end up not having those crazy days that you guys use to have =)

Hope you feel better!!!

Good saturday do all of you!!!!!!!!!!!

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-14 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Jun 13 2008, 09:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ana! I think we have the same smile, except mine is older and my lipstick isn't covering my whole bottom lip biggrin.gif
You guys look so cute together.

It look likes a lot really!!! hahahah
but I wasnt using lipsticks in this case was from too much sun hahahaha
Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-13 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
hahahha a dark super model?????????? hahahahahah I really wish I was!!! would be making crappy loads of money!!! and traveling with my honey on the bag with me all the time hahaha so there is a picture of me and Jeff... that was in JEricoacoara and we were holding those sea horses hahaha
they were cute...

so yes now I just want my NOa2 =/

Attached Files

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-13 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
NIch!!! hahahah
funny because here in Brazil the region where I live is the one what we can totally compare to texas hahahah even the accent.... I think my accent is just like brazillian hahahah but I have watched movies with people talking like peiople from texas and I dont think I talk liek that I think I talk just liek Jef (almost) hahaha like he hasnt much accent like people from MA. I like the england accent is cute but even if I concentrate hard really hard I cant make it... hahahah maybe I will need anothe interchange program to there. Well I have been also training my vocabulary playing literati and scrable, as Jeff said, I am the genius of making up words hahahah we always need to know what they mean hahahahha I use to make them up from the latin roots that we use in most of portuguese words, and they use to be part of the hardest words in english.

Anyway I got out from the house went to the eletronic store (my favorite) and now I feel better from all this Noas feelings but still... just want to move on you guys know what I am talking about....

Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-13 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Nich congratulations for your interview!!! yay!!!!!

good thing you guys are happy and make me feel a little better

I still with hopes to get my NOA 2 today like you said it would come hahahah

But Iam really sad with one think I woke all happy with high hopes that I could see an update email but I didn[t in set of that looking on the timelines I saw that someone from april 23 got their NOA2.... It makes me feel sad and powerless ( took me 2 minutos to remember this word) anyway...

Got this crazy hormonal cranckyness since yesterday.... hope things get better during the day

mad.gif blush.gif blink.gif

Ana =(
Ana&JeffFemaleBrazil2008-06-13 09:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHelp :( - Timeline Post-Homeland Security Step??
Hey Victor,
Welcome to this endless waiting. I saw that you have applied almost at same time me and my fiancé. He uses to say to me to not look at the CSC web site, since they don't tell us the truth!
I've been following process the are close to ours and I have faith that till the end of this month we will get our NOA2!
Courage friend. We will get there!

ClauFemaleBrazil2007-09-10 05:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2

Thank you for your words of support. Yes, it is love which drives us all, and no one could have a better reason. You are right, but sometimes I fail in my strength. I wish I could do something!
4 months - I start wondering if they still have my case! Do you think that helps at all trying and calling CSC?
ClauFemaleBrazil2007-09-13 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2
Hey guys,
I'm May filer too.
We applied at May 02 but only got our NOA1 at May 23.
My fiance called CSC yesterday but he said it was a machine system who answered him. As I have been reading, some people called and realized their case was approved or got approved in the following days.
Am I wrong?
Do you think we should try and call again?

Almost four months and NOTHING!
I'm getting despair here with that endless waiting. It is so sad to be apart for so long and without knowing when we can be again reunited with those we love.

Thank you all. I wish for you all what I also wish for myself!

ClauFemaleBrazil2007-09-13 07:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2!!!
I got it!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! After 4 months we did it!!!!
I still can't believe it!
People, have faith! We all will get it!
Just wanted to share with you that believe or not, this process has an END!

Love you all!!!
Good luck people and keep the faith in your love!

Best regards!!!
ClauFemaleBrazil2007-09-17 06:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPhoto on Pack 3
Yes, I just read what you send to me and they say nothing about ears. I guess my picture should work then. What I know is that at the embassy they "require" the ears on the photo... God knows why... LOL

Best wishes!!!
ClauFemaleBrazil2007-09-21 09:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPhoto on Pack 3
I was willing to use the same passport picture I sent to CSC - there is even a "date" showing. Do you think that this could be an issue?

ClauFemaleBrazil2007-09-21 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPhoto on Pack 3
Hello everyone.
I’m gathering the papers to send the NOA3 (Package 3) and I have one question.
The picture I have – it is the same one I used to send to CSC. It shows my face, but not my ears. I know that at the day of interview I must have a picture showing both ears (without earrings’ if possible), but in that phase, can I use my current photo (since it was approved by CSC)?

Best Regards folks!
ClauFemaleBrazil2007-09-21 05:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCIS Delay!!! Mailing problems!!!
I finally got my NVC number!!!!!!!!!

Hey folks! If you are waiting (hope not as long as me), you probably are going to get it pretty fast!!!

Congrats to us all!!!

dancin5hr.gif kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif
ClauFemaleBrazil2007-10-30 04:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCIS Delay!!! Mailing problems!!!
QUOTE (ktjett @ Oct 26 2007, 11:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We probably won't see any action out of California until next week because of the fires. sad.gif I hope they are back up and running & ready to make up for lost time on Monday. We should put together a Starbucks fund & have it delivered to CSC to speed up productivity smile.gif

Fires???? What fires???
ClauFemaleBrazil2007-10-26 09:42:00