Canadamontreal interview
our experience at the consulate in montreal was status quo, we lined up early, got through security, got called up to windows, sat, more windows, paid, sat some more. nothing out of the ordinary to report, up until the interview itself:

i noticed that there was a letter (from NVC) on top of our file that had my CREDIT REPORT and a bulleted section indicating factors of "possible fraud". one of these factors being that i had received my divorce in october and filed the 129f petition in november. then i noticed a listing of all my prior addresses (from the past 10+ years) with tons of what appeared to be random names (i believe that these were names of other people who had been associated with these places i had formally rented). i was trying to read as much as i could, upside down, without the lady behind the glass noticing.

the woman was very nice, went through all the papers and asked why i had filed for the fiance petition so soon after my divorce. i answered that my exhusband and i had been separated for over a year prior to that and she seemed satisfied with my answer. this wasn't a question i was expecting, i was thinking more along the line of proving that me and orfee's relationship was legitimate, not proving that i had nothing more to do with my ex - but anyway.

then our interviewer began sifting through my credit report and asked about how much debt i had and why i hadn't paid all my debts. i explained that most were associated with my exhusband (one of the many reasons he is my EX) and that i didn't feel any rush to pay for his doings. she agreed and smiled. again, i was perplexed - as everything i had read on vj said credit doesn't come into play concerning the affidavit of support. i was really kicking myself, thinking maybe i should have gotten a cosigner even though i make well above the 125% poverty mark for a family of three.

then came the list of addresses and names. the lady read off the name of my ex and if i recognized the name, i answered yes, that is my ex. then she read another name i had never heard of. and then another. and then another. each time she would repeat the name and i would insist i had no idea who those people were. who knows the people who rent a spot once you've left?

the lady hardly asked us any questions about the two of us, that i can remember. she said she had come to help montreal with the backlog and she was retired and had never seen such a printout from the NVC accompanying interview paperwork. she said her last day was friday and she would make sure our case was finished before she left. she verified with orfee that she could get in touch with him for any additional information if need be and that he didn't live far from montreal (15 minutes).

she said everything looked ok and we should have his passport and visa OR hear something from the consulate by monday. of course, this is not at all what you want to hear after waiting so long for an interview. however, she seemed to believe that everything would be fine and approved - i'm going to go with that verdict till monday and hope we're not in for another bout of waiting.

i'm wondering if anyone else (specifically canadian - not a high fraud country by any means) has had their credit report and such pulled. it just seemed odd to me, although it did clarify why our case took so long to get from NVC to montreal. i suppose we were placed under administrative review at that point and never even knew it :P

good luck to everyone still waiting for an interview!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-26 16:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
hey guys. the lady behind the glass should have his visa issued by friday and if there was any problems we would know by then. sounds approved to me :D
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-23 13:20:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1

The list explaining what I needed was in my stolen laptop... so going by my checklist do you think I have everything I need? (I have copies and then doubles of everything)

- Passport
- Visa pics (4 just in case)
- Birth Cert (long form)
- Police Cert being picked up in a few hours
- Both of our intent to marry letters
- 'Evidence of Domicile' we included the info from the Army stating how much money Justin will receive for housing based on his rank once we are married. Also a copy of his passport, Army ID and drivers license. Enlisted record brief.
- Affidavit of Support
- Evidence of Support, printed bank records and his last 5 pay stubs. Trying to also print his tax records for the last 3 years, should be on his online pay account with the Army so will print that when he arrives in a few hours.
- Photos of us (almost 20), over 20 pages printed from facebook messenger and hotmail.
- Letter from Dr. Seidens stating my results are ready at 2pm and sealed envelope.

Oh and the money of course.

I am also bringing back up info on myself that I will keep seperate... not sure if I should bring my own bank account records since Justin doesn't have a lot of savings and I have, well enough to support the both of us for a while.

you probably know this but i don't see it in your list: express post mailer, big one! :)
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-19 10:04:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
getting ready to start my ten hour drive to canada.... good luck everybody w/ interviews coming up! i'll post some as soon as i can about our results MONDAY! finally !!! :dance:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-19 09:14:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1

Thanks Valerie - I do have a copy of the 129F but there's just a cc of his passport. I'm going to assume that'll be enough/no birth cert required for him. So it's Monday for you...wish ours was Monday...want to get this damn thing OVER WITH! Best of luck, although I'm sure you won't need it as you'll be well prepared.

yeah - we're all gonna be fine ; )
i'm super grateful our interview fell when it did because my son starts third grade on wednesday - so that leaves me one day (tuesday) to drive from montreal back to virginia (10 hours). i'll be exhausted but hey - we've been waiting to jump this hurdle for quite some time now. ready to get on with life!

good luck to you as well :thumbs:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-17 11:27:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1

Guys - it's been a while since I've been on...self preservation really, thought my head was going to explode...the more I read the more anxious/excited I got and knew I wouldn't be able to make it through the wait to the interview without therapy or pharmaceuticals!

So huge congratulations to all those who were approved over the last month or so - can't wait to be in your shoes!

Our interview is on Tuesday - think we're in good shape, other than the trembling :). Wondering if, and please say no, my American fiance needs to bring his birth certificate too...he'll be bringing his passport, think that's all he needs. Think the birth cert only applies to the CDN, but am having a moment of paranoia.

if you have a copy of the 129f petition paperwork, you should have a copy within?
if not, i'm sure his passport would be enough..that's all i'm bringing with me (besides the huge folder containing the papers we've been accumulating since november)..monday. MONDAY.!!!!1

jeez - panic attack!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-17 11:05:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
[quote name='Vero and Chris' date='22 July 2010 - 12:22 PM' timestamp='1279815760' post='4080906']
Thanks for the wishes! I think I'm the only one that actually filed in November though... Oh well!

i filed in november!!!!

sidenote: i'm happy for all these folks getting there noa2s in one/two months from vt but damn, i'm green with envy. this has been a long haul.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-07-23 16:08:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
quick question...can you pay the visa fees with a credit card? i'm pretty sure you have to have cash, right?
val erieFemaleCanada2010-07-13 12:55:00
CanadaSchedualing our own interview????
i would call them back, get someone else on the line. she sounds new. and really untrained. :wacko:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-10 10:52:00
Canadawhos In Maryland/washington?Northern Va
we'll be in northern virginia, in berryville!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-02 07:52:00
CanadaK1 Visa Entry... Can I get an American Drivers Licence?
i would go to the alabama dmv website to find out what they require - its different for every state.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-10 11:06:00
Canadahelp with package 3- Montreal, Canada
from what i've read (my fiance hasn't received his P3 yet) you fill out the forms you've linked above and send those in with the checklist and that's it. everything else you will bring with you to the interview.

you can send the P3 without booking your medical.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-04-06 12:14:00
CanadaK-1 Schedule October Interviews whil CR-1 Wait????

a couple of weeks ago, it took a few tries

This process DEFINATELY has to be redefined somehow.

yeah, i just got through. she asked if this was concerning a death, when i said no
she said, you have to go through other options, i said could you please tell me what those options are..and she hung up on me.

Edited by valerie78, 14 September 2010 - 02:07 PM.

val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-14 14:06:00