CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
hey peeps! just called and got our date : august 23rd!

yay :dance:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-06-22 08:17:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
no, she said nothing yet. we mailed our packet three the 26th of april but never got a response that it was logged until the 17th of may..who knows! considering we got our noa1 november 27th - we've come a long way.
i'm just glad SOMEONE is getting interview dates - i know we can't be too far behind :D
val erieFemaleCanada2010-06-18 16:19:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
oh and when i just called, the lady said - what do you have a blog or something? i just had three MTL's in a row...

val erieFemaleCanada2010-06-18 16:08:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
FINALLY!!! yay guys! hope ours is comes soon..

val erieFemaleCanada2010-06-18 16:05:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
val erieFemaleCanada2010-06-16 10:34:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
oh yeah, i know all about the roads i quebec, they are pretty bad..!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-06-16 10:30:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
thanks chick.
google maps says ten for me, i got my fingers crossed it's less than that.
luckily, i don't have to go through new jersey. however i do have to go through west virginia and pennsylvania which are both notorius of sh*tty roads ; )
val erieFemaleCanada2010-06-16 10:17:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
exactly : )

i just know that sitting in a car for ten hours on the way ocd brain will have plenty of time to think of all the possible CO possibilities. haha.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-06-16 10:07:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
i'll only be there till the 30th - but i figure i'll be back soon for the interview...
i'm worried about driving all that way and getting refused at the border. sure that won't happen but still...

i think that should be enough vero, of course - its all up to the mood of the CO. unfortunately.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-06-16 09:54:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
i'm driving to montreal from virginia on the 25th because the ticket prices are so high. we know (eventually) i'll have to get a ticket to fly in for the interview, but we haven't seen each other since december so a ten hour drive doesn't seem so bad to me!
: )
val erieFemaleCanada2010-06-16 08:51:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
'eligible but not scheduled yet'

i think i'll pass out when we finally get a date.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-06-04 15:24:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
i just called. nothing yet...
val erieFemaleCanada2010-05-28 15:19:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Don't forget to add mandaNchris to the list.. MTL received there P3 On April 9th, they don't know the date they got logged in, but they are in the wait for a interview.

i called yesterday and was told we're eligible for an interview, but they didn't have a date to give me...
val erieFemaleCanada2010-05-18 14:13:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
i haven't called to see if its been logged yet. i'm going to wait a full two weeks before i call.
i think about this process, including moving/money/generally missing orfee like crazy all day, every day and have been for well over a year at this point - i know that i love this site, it is comforting to know so many other people are in the same situation.
so we just keep telling ourselves, one day closer.
i just got approved for the townhouse i was trying to rent, so at least i now have our future home secured. one of a million things down ; )

i'll let you guys know as soon as i call (my pet peeve is in complete timelines! come on people i need to compare!)

val erieFemaleCanada2010-05-04 13:03:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
proof of domicile is for CR1 applications only. they use the same checklist for both types of visas..
the petitioner does need the letter from their employer to provide income proof, with the affidavit of support.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-04-26 10:33:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
finally got the p3 :thumbs:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-04-20 12:32:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
i called dos yesterday and they said our p3 had finally been sent to us..i guess we're behind a bit. anyway we're ready to send it back as soon as it arrives :thumbs:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-04-16 10:45:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
our case left nvc 3/29 and montreal hasn't even accepted our case into the system yet, let alone mailed out the p3.
i'm getting nervous.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-04-13 15:16:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
waiting on p3..always waiting ; )
val erieFemaleCanada2010-04-06 09:36:00
CanadaI-693: Civil Surgeons in San DIego that aren't rip-off artists?
i haven't got to this point in the game yet but, try:


also, i think i read that the guy in austin is no longer around..but i'm not totally sure.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-07-20 16:07:00
CanadaI just gotta say..
awesome : )
if only all consulates could be that efficient. :whistle:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-05 14:40:00

Thank you so much :)
I wonder if they skipped most of Sept.... ?

maybe they're reserving september for CRs mostly - they skipped over them for august..that has been the 'pattern' lately - one month mostly marriage, next mostly k1s..

anyway.. :dance:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-06 12:19:00
so happy for you guys :D
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-06 11:51:00
CanadaI was denied...

sounds painless :D
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-09 12:42:00
CanadaAlaba... APPROVED :-D
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-12 10:14:00
awesome : )
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-11 09:09:00
CanadaApproved on Monday @ MTL!!!!
YAY! :thumbs:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-18 08:26:00
Canadaimporting cars from Canada to USA
i don't know the answer to your question - but i thought all you needed was the compliance letter and the forms are filled out when you poe.... :wacko: :wacko:

Edited by valerie78, 10 August 2010 - 07:58 AM.

val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-10 07:58:00
CanadaCompiling what USC provides for interview
i would also have his bank letter list all the deposits made into the account for a year. i would have a copy of his passport on hand, they didn't ask me for a copy of mine but better to have than not! :yes: hope you get a date soon...
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-27 07:59:00
CanadaThanks guys =)
good luck - almost there ; )
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-30 15:12:00
CanadaPOE in Ottawa
congrats! can't wait to be at that point in the game...
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-02 11:48:00
CanadaShoutin' from the rooftops!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-03 15:19:00
Canadamontreal interview

Yikes poor you! My thoughts are with you both for Visa APPROVED!

thanks, i'm sure everything will be fine. its just a matter of waiting - which we all know is a killer..
hope all you cr1s and k1s patiently waiting get your dates soon !
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-01 11:33:00
Canadamontreal interview

My interview was about 10 mins, if that, they asked 5 questions about him and I, and about 12 questions about the game we met in.
Said congrats and gave me my welcome letter.

yeah see, that's what i was expecting. just a normal interview. oh well, now back to waiting.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-27 15:13:00
Canadamontreal interview

oh - that credit report shows 'current co-mingled finances' with you and the ex.
You might have 'cleared that up' after finalizing the divorce. Many people do this, some don't.

When things like this are 'not un-mingled' - it is a sign of fraud, ie - you and ex still 'have a life' together. Doesn't matter any other facts, as the credit report still shows 'stuff' , evidence of co-mingled life together, even after the divorce. I think yer 'explanations' on interview day were adequate, but I'm not that VO, don't know the 'totality of yer casefile'. Is good, really, that you were there to explain all - imagine how yer fiance would have handled these issues, without you there?

Hope it all turns out OK for your fiance!

For now, you can call DoS Hotline (# in my profile), get a DoS human™, inquire about casefile status. Do that once a day until you hear those magic words 'visa approved'.

Good Luck !

thanks darnell, i didn't think about the credit report showing a link to my ex, only my finances...i guess cause of the obvious - my divorce decree! but, yeah i see what you're saying now..

i paid 400 bucks to get divorced, i had no lawyer and it was uncontested. the state of virginia requires a year separation and that's the only requirement. as far as the bad accounts are concerned - they're all seven+ years old and i was under the impression they'd be dropping off my credit report soon (it is only around $7,000 tops). honestly considering i take care of my son without any ASSistance from my ex - repairing my credit is something that i can only do a bit at a time (which is what i told the interviewer and she seemed to understand).

my fiance said the same thing, good thing i was there. it was more like MY interview than his or ours ; )

thanks for your comment darnell - i know you know your stuff!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-27 14:23:00
Canadamontreal interview

My fiance (USC) was with me and she asked him more questions it seemed. I felt like she was 'addressing' him even for the general ones but I answered anyways because after all, it is MY interview haha.

same here. i wonder how they conduct the interview if the usc isn't present? ; )
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-27 12:35:00
Canadamontreal interview

What an experience! I send my best wishes, I hope you hear good news by Monday. At least its not TOO long a wait. Sounds like the same woman I had, just by the way you were quoting what she said. I found she would ask questions but purposely state the answer in the question but incorrectly haha so I'd answer correcting her... but it all sounds familiar except in a different situation.

I have been told by several resources that Canada does have a pretty big problem with identity fraud, not just our citizens, just with all the various people and residents here combined. I have even seen it because I used to work for an international airline and one of my many duties was fraud prevention and almost every day someone was trying to use someone else's identity. Some are smart and easy to catch but some know how to do it just right. Hopefully there aren't any issues related to you personally in your case.

thanks, i hope this wait is a short one - comparatively.

i'm the usc, and she didn't question orfee on his identity at all :wacko:

i'm clueless, just hoping to have his visa soon!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-27 08:02:00
Canadamontreal interview

They pulled your credit report and you didn't provide it? How bizarre that they were asking you questions about it.

My first guess would be that your name is very common or has enough matches with folks who may be questionable or have questionable dealings with something.

Glad it turned out ok in the end.

i know, i thought it odd as well. the interviewer said, i don't think any of this matters..but if you want this you'll have to answer some 'embarrassing' questions. i wasn't embarrassed, but if it doesn't matter - why do they need to know?
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-27 07:51:00
Canadamontreal interview

wow i thought all that was important was the petitioners income etc.,? Why would this happen to the benficiary? Got me worried now cause i am in a similar situtation with my x...o we go...4 years since seperated and he still haunts me! I filed bankruptcy...its not finished. there is no way i could have paid all we owed on my own and he's just a druggie and loser. Please any info guys?

i'm the petitioner. the interviewer didn't think my credit would be an issue, as i meet the income requirements. haha, my ex is a loser and druggie too! this is where my confusion comes in, the things they were supposed to be clearing me on - ability to marry and current income - they didn't seem concerned with: instead she spent most of the time on my credit. which in total, we're talking less than 10,000 bucks. in this current economic environment - that isn't a great deal of money, plus its all over eight years old ; )

anyway, my fingers are crossed till we get his passport, with the visa inside ; )
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-27 07:29:00
Canadamontreal interview
our experience at the consulate in montreal was status quo, we lined up early, got through security, got called up to windows, sat, more windows, paid, sat some more. nothing out of the ordinary to report, up until the interview itself:

i noticed that there was a letter (from NVC) on top of our file that had my CREDIT REPORT and a bulleted section indicating factors of "possible fraud". one of these factors being that i had received my divorce in october and filed the 129f petition in november. then i noticed a listing of all my prior addresses (from the past 10+ years) with tons of what appeared to be random names (i believe that these were names of other people who had been associated with these places i had formally rented). i was trying to read as much as i could, upside down, without the lady behind the glass noticing.

the woman was very nice, went through all the papers and asked why i had filed for the fiance petition so soon after my divorce. i answered that my exhusband and i had been separated for over a year prior to that and she seemed satisfied with my answer. this wasn't a question i was expecting, i was thinking more along the line of proving that me and orfee's relationship was legitimate, not proving that i had nothing more to do with my ex - but anyway.

then our interviewer began sifting through my credit report and asked about how much debt i had and why i hadn't paid all my debts. i explained that most were associated with my exhusband (one of the many reasons he is my EX) and that i didn't feel any rush to pay for his doings. she agreed and smiled. again, i was perplexed - as everything i had read on vj said credit doesn't come into play concerning the affidavit of support. i was really kicking myself, thinking maybe i should have gotten a cosigner even though i make well above the 125% poverty mark for a family of three.

then came the list of addresses and names. the lady read off the name of my ex and if i recognized the name, i answered yes, that is my ex. then she read another name i had never heard of. and then another. and then another. each time she would repeat the name and i would insist i had no idea who those people were. who knows the people who rent a spot once you've left?

the lady hardly asked us any questions about the two of us, that i can remember. she said she had come to help montreal with the backlog and she was retired and had never seen such a printout from the NVC accompanying interview paperwork. she said her last day was friday and she would make sure our case was finished before she left. she verified with orfee that she could get in touch with him for any additional information if need be and that he didn't live far from montreal (15 minutes).

she said everything looked ok and we should have his passport and visa OR hear something from the consulate by monday. of course, this is not at all what you want to hear after waiting so long for an interview. however, she seemed to believe that everything would be fine and approved - i'm going to go with that verdict till monday and hope we're not in for another bout of waiting.

i'm wondering if anyone else (specifically canadian - not a high fraud country by any means) has had their credit report and such pulled. it just seemed odd to me, although it did clarify why our case took so long to get from NVC to montreal. i suppose we were placed under administrative review at that point and never even knew it :P

good luck to everyone still waiting for an interview!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-26 16:31:00