Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

In this kind of situation--it calls for drastic measures--ask yourself "What would Kim Mitchell do?"

val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-01 14:07:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
well the interviewer did say she was going to 'make sure' we were ok (she was unfamiliar with the credit report and address check nvc had provided them). this all scares me cause i feel like we might be in ap or something. not knowing is killing me. dos says everything is good to go, just waiting to print and send.

as always, nothing can be done but wait.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-01 13:45:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

did they give you a welcome to the usa letter? or a k1 faq letter? i got both when i was there, thats how you know your approved, they tell you the what to do at poe and after you marry bit.

oh god, no...they didn't give us anything!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-01 13:01:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

That's what it said on the letter they gave me at the end of my interview.

i'm jealous, wish we'd gotten a letter at the end of the interview :o
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-01 10:31:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

I think its just 1 more thing they can do to ya,lol! Soem get the visa right away, some have to wait. Guess it al depends whose desk it lands on! Some work faster than others!!

kind of a let down, right? get all pumped like, "finally an interview!!!" go to the interview and she's all "you're PROBABLY approved" and then...crickets :blink:

ps flames: i was born in falls church, lived there till third grade. little house on lily pond drive. :D
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-01 09:05:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

27th was just friday!! Could be sitting Approved on someones desk, just waiting to be stuffed into an enevlope!! Mtl can be slow at mailing them out at times!!

oh i know it hasn't been that long, i just wish the interviewer hadn't said something might be wrong if we hadn't received it by the following monday..i thought that sounded soon when she said it, but she worked there so i figured she wouldn't say a specific time frame if it wasn't actually specific...

but thanks flames i really want to believe i'm overreacting right now :blush:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-01 08:56:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
thanks peachy. yeah i'm sure you're right.
we sent an email monday so, we'll see..
i think this wait for the actual visa, is much worse than the noa2 wait, or the interview wait. hopefully this one will be much shorter in comparison. :)
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-01 08:49:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
hi guys.
we had our interview in montreal august 23rd.
short review, the interviewer said we 'looked' approved but if we hadn't received the visa by the 30th - there 'might be a problem' and to send an email to the consulate. her last day was august 27th.
which we all know - sending an email to the montreal consulate is like calling cairo with a tin can and string.
i've been calling dos daily, and they say - looks like they have everything they need, but the visa hasn't printed yet.
this is killing me, we've got a huge move to make and we're in total limbo..
when should i pack my car up and drive to montreal???
what should we do, how long do we wait before assuming something is wrong?
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-01 08:06:00
CanadaEdmonton POE

Thats it! He was really super nice and sweet.

Here I am in the south, sweating my brains out in this heat. 94 in September.. almost October! SHEESH. Wedding in one week, and we have out marriage license in hand.

Can't wait!


that's awesome. so happy for you ; )
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-24 14:24:00
CanadaDenied at POE
wow. anyway to pack it in and have her immigrate to canada? sounds like your in a good ol us of a bureaucratic nightmare.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-22 16:58:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
"Like here I've had to learn what many things mean, like "rutching" and when somethings "all"."

i'm in virginia, but i've never heard either of these terms :)
val erieFemaleCanada2010-08-03 09:42:00
my two cents: money is an issue of course, as is maturity and responsibility, but its more important that there are two loving people, raising the kid together and that being parents is what those two people BOTH genuinely want.

i love my son with all my heart, wouldn't trade him to erase world of hurt i lived through in the years since his birth - but i will forever hold myself accountable and responsible for the fact that his father is not a father for him at all. i had to overhear the phone conversation just the other day between my ex and my son, my son asking when he can see him again and my ex saying he's working up in new york and it will be a while. this isn't the truth - my ex is actually in jail. one day my son is going to have to find out harsh realities about the 'man' i chose to bring him into this world with. catch22, my son wouldn't be here and bring me the joy (though it seems more often than not his emotional problems stunt such happiness) if it weren't for his now long gone father. believe me, the guilt is tremendous. no amount of financial security shields from the strength of the family unit.

i'm not comparing you to my ex, of course, just an example. if you have a good thing going with your wife - you may want to base your decision more on those dynamics - as opposed to financial merits and questions of readiness. those things manage to fall into place.

i read an interesting post the other day about 'kinda' the same thing. you may want to read it.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-17 16:00:00
CanadaEating Differences

Though still don't think I could ever try Ramen and Ketchup or Ice cream and ketchup.

my best friend and all four of her kids eat ramen with sour cream. not tasty. not at all.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-28 08:09:00
CanadaEating Differences

Ketchup is good on anything that you don't like the taste of. Drowns things out quite nicely. I think there is nothing abnormal about eating salami and ketchup sandwiches. If you think about it pizza sauce is made with tomato and you put salami on pizza. So if you take your ketchup and salami sandwich, add cheese and maybe heat it a bit you have something that tastes similar to pizza? Mayo is great on burgers! Also coleslaw on burgers, especially if they are bbq'd (that is grilled to our American friends) Poutine those fries as FireRay says! KFC here does the best poutine. So back to ketchup....A few weeks ago I was eating some ketchup chips (Lays) my fiance asked what I was eating and I told him. He had never heard of ketchup chips. He has gone to the stores in and around where he lives in VA and no one has heard of them. I guess that is a good reason for a trip back to Canada when the time comes for a bag of chips.

i'm in virginia, and yeah - never heard of them :huh:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-24 16:20:00
CanadaEating Differences
i'm not a fan of ketchup and prefer mayo on hamburgers. i would, however, go with mustard on a salami sandwich. and yes ketchup on a fried bologna sandwich (that is the only acceptable way to eat bologna and hot dogs!)i would say, its normal to whatever you like on a hamburger - the salami sandwich thing tho, you might be on to something. oh and i'm amuurrican.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-24 15:43:00
CanadaAP question

Yup, I'll email her that then wait a couple of hours and call to see that she actually GOT the email.

sounds like a plan, good luck!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-27 13:34:00
CanadaAP question
is there any way you can call her (your senator liason) personally? i found (with my recent fiasco) the only way to get a response from my senator liason was to call her incessantly.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-27 12:23:00
CanadaNext batch of K1's waiting for interview in MTL
yay guys..finally right? :dance:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-10 09:58:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate

Hey I'm chiming in on this... I WISH THERE WAS A WAY TO SPEED IT UP!!! Over a year now since we filed our I130 and still no interview date:crying::ranting:

I say don't anxiously wait ...think at least a year and if it comes sooner ...your fortunate!:clock:

girl - i really feel for you. everytime i come to vj i check to see if you got your interview yet. hang in there (i know that's annoying to hear), you're getting closer every day.


Edited by valerie78, 01 October 2010 - 08:02 AM.

val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-01 08:01:00
CanadaAOS interview Monday, job interview Tuesday - tomorrow first day of work!

val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-06 08:09:00
CanadaStarting to panic
so glad you don't have to go through another agonizing weekend!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-08 16:18:00
CanadaStarting to panic

you of all people would understand as this just happened to you. thank you for just being there & offering a kind word.

i really wish i could vent this frustration i have concerning my previous situation and now yours, into something positive - some sort of tangible change to the 'system' but there just doesn't seem to be anyone in position to make any changes and the ones that do hold these offices are more concerned with 'illegal immigration' because that's what gets the voter base all riled up over is almost like the consulate in montreal operates of their own accord and law. it's crazy.

hang in there.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-08 08:18:00
CanadaStarting to panic

I just called DOS again & she hung up on me!!!!!!! All I asked was what the standard wait time was. UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

wait a bit and call back, get someone more helpful..

damn i really feel for you :angry:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-07 11:15:00
CanadaStarting to panic

Not to be a downer or anything but my hubby and I have BOTH emailed Montreal from 4 different email addresses:

Hotmail (mine)

Gmail (his)

AKO (mine)

AKO (his)

And NONE have been answered to date. We've tried various clever subject lines, tried putting our expedite approval, the fact that he's deploying soon. Nothing.

Wonderful to be ignored consistently.

orfee got a call from the consulate yesterday, asking if he had ever received his visa. he said yes, with the help of my fiance's senator liaison. the CO said, we just wanted to make sure because we've received a lot of annoying emails. that made me a bit angry because that means they are receiving and reading these emails and choosing to ignore them. i told orfee he should have said, if you'd be humane and answer folks - you wouldn't get a ton of 'annoying' emails!
montreal needs a major overhaul - seems their current staff have become entirely apathetic and justified in their less than helpful attitudes.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-07 08:30:00
CanadaStarting to panic

No, I don't think he has. But he has someone looking into it already.
But good idea! I will use my other 2 email addresses.

i started out emailing and waiting a week before sending another..once i got three weeks in with nothing.. i emailed more than once a day..tried to be as annoying as possible.

i don't know how many emails montreal gets a day, i'm sure its a ton, but if you provide your case number and VISA/PASSPORT MISSING INTERVIEW 9/29 in the subject line they should have the decency to take a second to send you a short reply. drove me crazy!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-06 13:30:00
CanadaStarting to panic

They never gave me any indication at the interview that we were missing anything or them wanting anything more. I asked this morning if they wanted anything more & she said no, this is normal. :huh2:

has your fiance emailed the consulate as well? i used multiple email addresses and orfee sent a couple from his as well. they only ever responded to one of our emails..
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-06 13:09:00
CanadaStarting to panic

I was told in this mornings phone call that everyone is in AP until the visa is issued AND that no one is approved until the visa is actually issued!!!!!!!! (insert every swear word known to man here)

damn, this sounds exactly like what happened to me.i was told that too, and i was also told (by another DOS rep) that AP is a general term they use, but not necessarily 'THE DREADED AP' we all fear... i'm pretty sure the CO has to have you sign a particular form at the interview if you are really in AP..
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-06 10:17:00
CanadaStarting to panic

Scott has contacted anyone & everyone in the government sector. So hopefully we can get some answers. My morning phone call to DOS said they were about to issue it, Scott's afternoon call to DOS said that we are in AP. Like really??? They can put us in AP after the actual approval??? They didn't have 1 single issue with us at the interview. No one said that we need more info or evidence. This is getting more rediculous by the day.

don't listen to the AP line - i was given that one too. i'm so sorry you're going thru this, hang in there..
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-06 08:34:00
CanadaStarting to panic

He's in NY state. He's waiting until the end of today, just in case they decide to issue it today.
I called DOS again this morning & she said "oh yes, they are about to issue it" HUH????? When I told her everyone else on our interview day got theirs, she said that they were backed up & sees no reason why I wouldn't be getting it. Ughhhh! :ranting:

yeah, the only helpful thing dos told me was when it had actually printed (four weeks after our interview). and i called three times to make sure i got the same answer each time. in between when i would call, trying to figure out what was going on - i got quite a few comments that made me think we had been put in ap.

actually - the first time i called dos the day i found out they printed the visa, the woman i spoke to (first call) said they had sent our file back to NVC and i spent a half hour on hold with NVC to try and figure out why in the world they would be getting our file back..

he's probably going to have to send them a written request, which also serves to authorize them access to your personal information (at least i did - i think its the status quo)

Edited by valerie78, 05 October 2010 - 11:35 AM.

val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-05 11:34:00
CanadaStarting to panic

The trouble isn't with Canada Post. It is with MTL. They haven't even issued it yet. What can possibly be the hold up? DOS said yesterday an approval doesn't guarantee anything. #######???

what state is your fiance in - if you don't mind my asking..

if i were you i'd get a call in at the senate level - the liaison can speak to an actual person in mtl. my senator's liaison got back to me in a day - and i know how stressed you must feel right now!

i'm almost positive that the scenario in our 'situation' was that we just got left in a pile on someone's desk and it took some prodding to get a move on it..i could be wrong - but every time i called dos they told me it hadn't yet been issued..
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-05 11:17:00
CanadaStarting to panic

Now my update...still nothing. Another call to DOS & many, many, many checks on the Canada Post website. Here's to day 11 or business day 7...

what did his congressman's aide say? or are you waiting on that..

i wonder if there are a couple CO's there who are making a pattern of dragging feet when it comes to printing? :whistle:

montreal appears to feel justified in their snail pace, why not let it leak into the visa turnaround after interview as well huh..
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-05 08:14:00
CanadaStarting to panic
it could be printed today, you never know (that's what makes the wait so difficult)
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-04 12:29:00
CanadaStarting to panic
have you tried emailing them?
it took them a full month to get orfee's visa to him - that was with senator involvement.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-04 12:13:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Review!
congrats! you're lucky to get out of there so quick. we were like, fourth in line and still didn't get out until almost one... :thumbs:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-19 10:59:00
amazing isn't it? feels like spotting a unicorn in the wild or something...
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-18 10:28:00
CanadaQuestion about upcoming tax year
yeah, you guys have to file as married. you do have to claim your canadian income but it's exempt (sounds pointless but best to do things the right way) i saw a thread here recently concerning, i'm sure it will get bumped once we get closer to april ; )
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-11 09:23:00
CanadaMoving Truck?
we used upack and it was much cheaper than the uhaul option, depends on the amount of stuff shipped and distance. they got his stuff here in two business days and everything was in tact ; )
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-30 20:25:00
Canadavisa denied?

how come it takes so long???
and how come some people got it in 4 days?

hi. my fiance's visa took a full month to get to him. he also lived in montreal. i had to involve my senator to get montreal consulate off their behinds and print the damn thing..not saying you will have to go this route. in my opinion (from the info you've given) you ARE approved - but you've had the misfortune of falling into the post-interview time standstill that has been striking some of us lately...hang in there.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-28 07:54:00
CanadaOctober K-1 interviews in Montréal!
i wouldn't think the 'accompanying persons' thing would apply to the usc fiance, since its the us consulate - we're permitted to be there. i think they're just talking about 'extra' people..
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-14 08:00:00
CanadaDoes the USC get a copy of Packet 3?

yeah, I'm the beneficiary, so I was thoroughly confused as to why he got a copy of P3...
oh well. he's going to scan it all and email it to me.

I thought it was odd.

huh, yeah ,,that is odd. maybe with all the other changes being made with montreal - this is another? or possibly, just an error - since the letter was addressed to you...
guess as long as you get everything turned in it won't matter in the long run, knock on wood ; )
val erieFemaleCanada2010-11-07 20:55:00