Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

Congrats Val!! its about damn time. Better get the soon to be hubby packing! lol :) Hope the poe and wedding are painless after this treck of yours!

thanks! my boss just approved my request for time off so...31 days i'll be making that 10 hour drive again...but this will be the last time i'll be making it alone.

such a relief :D
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-22 10:49:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

Great!!! Good for you two! Gosh, you must be SO relieved!!!

yep. so glad its over. longest month of my life :blink:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-22 08:31:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
thanks everybody, putting in for october 22nd (that weekend) i'll drive up and pick up orfee since volkswagon won't give him a letter of compliance for his car(do the headaches ever end) and we'll be getting married the following weekend. can't wait :P
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-22 08:08:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

wei -

where's the luggage? :D

Congrats lass - what's the ETA ? Estimated Time o Arrival - on the package ?


any 'body found' back at Mark's office?

notification from canada post says it was received by them today so, i would think in the next day or so.

i thought about calling mark's office and letting them know the recent developments but since i was such a bother to them..i figured i'll leave it alone :hehe:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-21 15:55:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
wow. i can breathe again. amazing feeling. almost forgot..

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-21 15:33:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
HOT DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i just got a notification from canada post.


val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-21 15:24:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

I suspect your package will arrive before it shows up on the Canada Post site!

After my interview last year Canada Post tracking had it still sitting in the Montreal mail room when I had it in my hands. :lol:

when the visa is actually in orfee's hands, i'll feel much better. till then :wacko:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-21 13:41:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
yes. i would like to get off the emotional roller coaster now please. thanks so much montreal its been grand...

would be nice if i could get a $&^%&@%#(@*& tracking number to show up on canada post.

thanks guys for all your concern, means a ton!
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-21 13:27:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
just got off with dos again (third call today) she said printed on the 17th! we may be in luck folks :whistle:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-21 12:13:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

Well, the fact that DOS is now finally saying it's been printed SHOULD be a good sign. Last time, if I remember, they couldn't see if it was printed or not? I hope this is the beginning of the end of this frustration for you. Every time I see that you've updated this post, I come in here hoping for good news! :lol: It's bound to happen soon..

thanks, me too. this has been hell. hopefully we're almost out of the dark.

we've been preparing ourselves mentally/emotionally for another long wait. so if we don't have to do that again it will be awesome, truly.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-21 10:36:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

I know, I was just telling/complaining to my hubby that he should really feel offended, as a US citizen, how much his rights are getting trampled on by the consulate in Montreal.

I told him about your plight, how you used to email them a zillion times and that you, as a US citizen couldn't get an answer from them, not even a response. It's ridiculous! Montreal really needs to contract out some folks to answer phone calls/emails, in my opinion.

Hope to God this time it's true and that your hubby's visa is on it's way.

what really blows is everyone acts as if i'm being crazy, that waiting like this is normal...and we are PAYING for a service, we are doing things the legal way...and seemingly getting punished for it..

i want to call dos back again but i'm at work and have already been on hold for 45 minutes this morning total..

god, why did i quit smoking! i need a cig. look montreal, you're forcing my bad habits back!!!! :bonk:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-21 10:30:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

Keep Calling™, lass - throughout the day.

I pray that you'll have the same answer, as well.

Cheese and Rice? Heck No - It's time for celebration !! Get some poutine !!! 2 KG or more !!!

haha poutine indeed ; )
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-21 10:24:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
of course, nothing is showing up on canada post.

if ONLY there were a simple way to verify information with the gd CONSULATE...

Well that's fantastic!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

right, but this isn't the first time i was told it was printed. previously they told me that it was printed on the 2nd. but, that was my senator's liason, dos never had a print date..

wow. i feel like screaming right now.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-21 10:12:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
called dos and they say it was printed on the 17th.

cheese and rice.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-21 10:09:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
uh. called dos, they say case has been transferred to nvc? call nvc they say the case isn't there yet?

what is going on. what what what...

why would the case go back to nvc?
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-21 10:01:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
so. i can't get the lady at the senator's office to return my calls now. lovely. i have no idea what to do. i received an email from the department of state saying that this visa hasn't yet been issued and they will mail it out when it is. that's it. no explanation. has anyone ever had this happen before? should i try a different liaison or keep with the woman at mark warner's office (who now seems to be avoiding me)?
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-20 10:47:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

Hear anything from your ILS staffer yet Valerie?

nothing yet, i left her a message this morning. i'm pretty sure she's put in a call to her liaison and is waiting to call me back once she hears from them...

nothing to do but wait..
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-16 13:33:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

ya, that's not any 'real response' - yer listening for other stuff, like
--delay because of AP
--casefile lost on someone's desk, handover from retired person on interview day not done correctly (MY #1 gut feeling, btw)
--Visa Printer Broken
--Out of Visa Stamps Paper
etc etc

IMO, 'working on it', isn't really a status with the ILS staffer - they have direct line to Montreal IV Unit, so should be able to get real answers back, in quasi-real-time. Maybe reform some pointed questions for that ILS person, prior to making the next call?

thanks darnell, and yes. she told me she is normally out of staff meetings by 11, so i'm going to call and give her very specific questions to ask. thanks for your advice - very very much appreciated. :D
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-16 09:27:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

cool - an email reponse to yer email inquiry.

IMO, though, still no response back TO the ILS human.

only when i used my personal email account did they reply, interesting. and this is like, six emails in...

the ILS human did call me yesterday - to tell me about the glitch with montreal's computer system and that was why they had originally said our visa had printed - when it hadn't. so i'm going to call her back with this new information and have her 'demand' an explanation from montreal. i mean - come on don't just tell me you're working on it..are we in ap? if so, why? what do you need from us? are they giving us MORE security checks??? after being held up an additional two weeks at NVC - my entire credit report and address history pulled WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT? my ex husband is in jail right now, for drug charges. i feel like they're going to use that against me. are they trying to find a reason not to give us the visa? this is just crazy.
if it's just sitting on someones desk than, take five minutes out of your day, print it and stuff the gd envelope.

if they give us this much hassle with AOS, i'm going to lose ten years off my life..swear to god.

val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-16 08:14:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
so i actually got an email from montreal this morning, saying this:

Good morning,

Your case is being worked on by the officer, therefore it has not been issued yet.

Thank you,


UM - #######.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-16 07:41:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

I hope you get some good news soon with that return phone call! At least an answer so you don't have to keep wondering what's going on. For the amount of time, effort and money we put into this process, you'd expect better treatment.

i know, right???? i feel like becoming some sort of immigration vigilante once this is all said and done..we really need immigration reform in the us..
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-15 12:27:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

I can't even imagine what type of hell you must be going through. Seriously, where the fark is the visa already, and there's no one to complain to, no one to *force* them to get their acts together - nothing.

How sucky is it that the USC can't even get some sort of response, geez.

I'll include you in my prayers tonight for a speedy resolution for this b.s.

thanks, that's sweet of you :P

the aide at my senator's office just called me and said she is having her contact with the department of state get to the bottom of it. now i'm just holding for her return call.

amazing how just a little reply such as that, makes me feel ten times better. even if we are in the horrid ap or a lost file or whatever - montreal needs to get on track and respond to people. its one thing to ignore requests that simply must take their course but they should realize there are exclusions to their rules...

i'll keep you all posted, thanks for all your support. (L)
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-15 12:15:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

That is just the most frustrating thing ever being told two different things. I am so sorry your going through all that. I did notice when we would send out emails to Montreal they only would reply to me not my fiance he is the usc and he only got the automated reply too. So it seems they wont reply to your emails either, I wounder if they even looked at them. How hard can it be to just send you a reply saying something so you would know whether its in AP or printed or lost etc etc...

I think you may need to call the senator's office back and tell them they are full of #######.....

i just called her this morning, we'll see if she calls me back.

i agree, it is totally unacceptable that montreal is not at all accountable. i would LOVE just to know for sure what our scenario is. not knowing is killing me.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-15 10:32:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

maybe time to ask ILS person at the Senator's office to 'check in again' with Montreal?

yeah, waiting on her to get back with me. she was annoyed, like - i told you it was printed on the second...i don't think it has printed. i don't know why anyone would just say that, but something isn't right.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-15 10:26:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

Omg Valerie, that was just terrible. I'm so sorry you are still dealing with this #######.

I'm sure you have done all of this before but,I would send them another email since that seems to be the only way they will let you contact them. I don't know how you marked your email before, but you may want to put in the topic along with your case number something like passport and visa lost after printing. Then maybe they will actually open the email and see what you are asking. Tell them the visa was printed (date) and it was never received.

Has it always been you sending out the emails or your fiance, I know when we were contacting them, they would reply to me but not my fiance at the time now husband other then the automated email.

i (usc) have been sending an email with a different variation for the subject line every morning this week, i get nothing but the automated reply..
now that dos is telling me that montreal has never printed the visa (two calls two different operators - same answer) i wonder where in the world my senator's office got the information that it had printed on the second?? my fiance is in st. constant - minutes outside of montreal so there isn't any reason it would take a full week to deliver..
i just don't know what to do.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-15 10:13:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

You have to call between like 2:30-4:00 EST otherwise all it will do is ring. They only answer calls between certain times.

i got through to a lady yesterday, she asked if i was reporting the death of a citizen and i said no i needed to speak with someone and she cut me off-told me to use the proper venues and hung up on me.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-15 07:36:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

Kayla*Matthew were in that situation, contact them, they talked to someone at the consulate...
Good luck!

i just tried that number again, and it just rings and rings. goes into 'voicemail' and says that the person at this line does not subscribe to voicemail..

i don't think they answer that number anymore either.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-14 13:22:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
oh - he's in montreal, not ontario.
all this is just extremely ridiculous. they shouldn't be mailing such sensitive documentation anyway -imo.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-14 09:33:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
thanks everybody, its just the day to day that seems to drain the life out of me, checking canada post constantly and racking my brain as to what the actual scenario is. it doesn't help that my job has me locked in front of a computer all day. i can't wait for this to be over...
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-14 07:37:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

So, he hasn't received the enveloppe yet... What happens when he checks on the Canada post website? Well, I think you should consider calling the embassy at this point... This sucks, you're in my thoughts girl, hang in there! (F)

there's nothing under our tracking number. i would assume it's still at the consulate. i just don't know what to do? i keep searching the forums but it doesn't seem like anyone has ever been in this situation before. i called my senator's office again and told her we still hadn't received his passport/visa back even though montreal told her it was printed on the 2nd. she said, 'i'm sorry, i'm not sure what you want me to do' i said, well i wouldn't have to ask you to contact them at all if montreal would just reply to a @$&#*$%^ email!

i called the number you gave me and it just rang and rang..

this is getting to be too much to deal with, short of driving back to montreal and begging to get in the door and offering to personally search the montreal mail room - i feel like we never even had an interview at this point, we should be planning his poe and we can't do anything at all!

sorry to vent but, this is just ridiculous. if anyone has any suggestions please let me know!!!!!!!!!!! :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-13 16:15:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
i'm losing my mind. seriously.
if they printed the visa on the second, shouldn't he have it by now???
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-13 13:55:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

Sorry to hear you are going through this, Valerie. (F)

thanks krikit.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-08 09:58:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
the worst is just, not knowing.
i'm going to be in very close touch with my congressman's aide. there isn't anything else i can do.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-07 14:01:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
i just got off the phone with my congressman's office. she called someone, and said that we are going through security checks, montreal passed our file on to DOS the day we had our interview and it is probably just sitting someone (whatever that means). she said if we haven't heard anything in two weeks to call her back.

i just can't believe this.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-07 08:19:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
i just called dos again, to get someone more helpful. the lady said that when they say it is in administrative processing or review it doesn't mean that something is wrong and it isn't anything to be worried about. she said i should call back middle of next week and hopefully something will be printed. i would assume if our case was officially in ap then it would say so in our case file.

this sucks.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-03 08:28:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?
so i called dos this morning and the lady said it was still under 'administrative review' and 'processing'. so are we in AP now and they didn't tell us that at the interview or does dos not know what they're talking about?
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-03 08:04:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

Kayla*Matthew were in a similar situation, and he, the beneficiary actually did that, and got through and the person was very nice and he got an answer quick...

well, since i called dos today and they still haven't printed it - i'm going to do that tomorrow or tuesday latest. i can't think of any reason why it hasn't even printed yet other than something horrible..i'm trying to think the best but its impossible.
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-02 11:46:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

Hey i know what you are going thru. I had my interview June 23rd. 2 vjers were there that day aswell and i was the 2nd person interviewed and they got their visas within 3 or 4 days and i didnt get mine and i knew we were approved as the guy said congrats you will have your visa within 5 -10 days. So i sent them an email at 9am on July 6 putting in the subject line (visa approved after interview on June 23rd no passport with visa received) i got a resonse within 5 mins saying my visa was printed that morning and got an email from canada post saying the package had been delivered by them to go out. MTL is so slow, even in Maine at my POE the officer commented on how slow MTL is

we sent an email with no response ; ) i like your subject line better, we may try that :)

Valerie, I posted something on your wall, did you try it?

i'm scared to piss them off, i'm going to use that as a last resort.

I didn't get an FAQ letter or a Welcome to America letter at my interview. When I got my packet in the mail they had that information taped to the front of the sealed brown envelope.

ok, thanks. that was worrying me too!

god it feels like montreal is shedding years from my life! :wacko:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-02 07:57:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

then u need to listen to this great KM single!!!

nostalgic ode to the effects of beer goggles? :lol:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-01 14:20:00
Canadawhen should i officially freak out?

In this kind of situation--it calls for drastic measures--ask yourself "What would Kim Mitchell do?"

val erieFemaleCanada2010-09-01 14:07:00