CanadaWarning: Mega complicated question
QUOTE (Reba @ May 18 2009, 07:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, a driver's license is not proof of citizenship, only proof of residency.

Once again, if her only FEDERAL ID that she has is a British passport, as far as ICE is concerned, she is BRITISH, not Canadian. And therefore will be treated as a BRIT. Because she entered with a driver's license and not a passport, there is no proof of the day she entered or even that she entered with inspection, and because she of course won't have an I-94W in her passport, she will be considered here illegally, and will be sent packing. To Britain.

Unless of course she leaves now without fanfare and goes back to Canada. I'd highly suggest she go by land, because if she tries to go by air, the airline will be looking for the I-94W to take from her passport, which she doesn't have and she'll have to explain why. Possibly to ICE at the airport.

I'm sorry, but I don't see how this follows. You're right that if that all she can prove is that she is British, then, in the event she were to be deported (and we're skipping over the common option of voluntary departure for some unknown reason), she'd go to the UK. But if she crossed the border using only her Canadian driver's license (and birth certificate?), that's the status that would be in effect (as in, she was admitted as a Canadian, with a permissible six month stay, and she's now out of status from that date, not the status she would have had as a British citizen.)

You seem to want to turn this into an issue where she entered-without-inspection merely by possessing an British passport, but that's not how it works. E.g., I have a friend who holds dual Iranian-Canadian citizenship. He is here on an F-1 or J-1, which is tied to his Canadian passport. He entered on that visa, and that's what determines his status. That's still his status even if he loses his Canadian passport; he wouldn't turn into an illegal immigrant from Iran. If he overstays his visa (which he's not), he's someone who overstayed the terms based on his visa in his Canadian passport, not a EWI from Iran.

I'm not arguing that she should stay, but merely not having an I-94 isn't sufficient to make her EWI. Proving legal entry and citizenship would be a separate issue, but that's why deportation proceedings involve courts and time (and not merely ICE putting your butt on a plane.)

CaladanMaleCanada2009-05-18 08:09:00
CanadaWarning: Mega complicated question
QUOTE (Reba @ May 16 2009, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At the moment, the OP is in the US as a BRIT NOT a Canadian. If she is asked for federal ID, she doesn't have her Canadian passport any longer, she said she lost it. So, as far as any ICE or USCIS person is concerned at the moment, because she is carrying a UK passport, she is a BRITISH subject, NOT a Canadian citizen. And therefore would be treated according to the laws for visiting Brits, which would include the Visa Waiver Programme, which allows visits only up to 90 days. Which she has obviously well overstayed!

I will add to the others who have already said it. You're screwed. Go home. Get your life sorted out and get a new Canadian passport.

It's going to depend on how she entered. If she crossed at a land crossing with Canadian ID, that's the status that will be in effect for determining the ban (though if all she has is UK ID, that's where she'd be sent in the unlikely event she is detained, found deportable, and refuses voluntary departure.

CaladanMaleCanada2009-05-17 19:33:00
CanadaWarning: Mega complicated question
You're accumulating unlawful presence now; if you leave you will incur a ban based on the amount of time you had overstayed in the U.S. Since you entered legally, were you and your boyfriend to marry, you'd be able to file for AOS, but you'd have to show that the marriage was not entered into for immigration benefit. (That is, I'm not saying "marry, and stay" but "if you two are thinking of getting married, better to do it here and adjust now rather than head home and face a multi-year ban.")

Any work status is going to require activation, which means contact with CBP, which means the overstay will be public knowledge.
CaladanMaleCanada2009-05-17 19:31:00
CanadaMarrying and being married
QUOTE (trailmix @ May 15 2009, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Caladan @ May 15 2009, 10:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not intending my answer to be a snide comment on anyone else's situation, and I hope question three wasn't intended that way.

Well...since you asked...

No, it wasn't intended as snide - which would assume I was being critical of the person who originally posted the thread about her Husband - I don't know why you would think that Caladan.

But anyway, does it relate back to that thread, of course it does. Basically the intention of that question was to more or less discuss what seems 'fair' and how it works in your relationship. For instance, if your Husband said the above, that probably might not go over well in some relationships. If you sat down and discussed it over coffee, while it might be perfectly acceptable, in some relationships the wife or husband would at least want to be included in going on the trip too - etc - the poll is more about dialogue than a black and white answer.

But no - never intended as snide.

Oh, good. I thought that would have been very out of character for you, and for this forum!

CaladanMaleCanada2009-05-15 19:35:00
CanadaMarrying and being married
I am not intending my answer to be a snide comment on anyone else's situation, and I hope question three wasn't intended that way.

We mean the marriage to be permanent, the actual wedding ceremony was a big floofy thing which was important to us and our families, and I think that visits home are important, whether the USC can come along or not. I do think it's not acceptable to just declare that one is leaving for three weeks without discussing it, but that's not something that has to do with immigration, just planning and making joint decisions. C.'s been back several times because his work takes him across the border, and usually he builds in a trip to see his mom and dad for a couple of days on the end of the trip.
CaladanMaleCanada2009-05-15 09:30:00
CanadaWondering if the drive to Canada is worth it this weekend...
Over Memorial Day weekend? Hahahahhahahahahahahahahaha. Not without a good reason.
CaladanMaleCanada2009-05-20 09:17:00
CanadaThe internet and you
QUOTE (trailmix @ May 21 2009, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So based on the discussion in the vent thread today, I thought this might be an interesting discussion.

Why are some people more brutal online than they are offline - or are they? Is it easier to be nice online than offline. Why do people refer to meeting someone in 'real life' - are the people online not real to you?

Just brings up lots of interesting questions I think.

There are more social controls and conventions in person, as well as the ability to read body language. This is one of the things that contributes (not speaking of VJ, but of online communication generally) to over-the-top statements online. I think most people try to present themselves online as they expect they come across in real life, but I also suspect most aren't successful (for one thing, every day conversation isn't usually written communication.)
CaladanMaleCanada2009-05-21 17:16:00
CanadaPOE by land with no I-94
If I'm reading you correctly, it sounds like you had plans to come down and visit, but the situation with his ex and the home changed your circumstances. Getting documentation of that might help your case. In any case, you weren't planning to immigrate when you came down in December, so have an explanation with as much documentation as you can in case they ask for it. But it is legal to file for AOS within the country, and plenty of people have successfully done it.
CaladanMaleCanada2009-05-23 11:49:00
CanadaDriving in California - A warning to all you non-resident newlyweds.
1) You need to find out what is a likely fine and sentence; suggested maximums are almost never given for first time offenders. That might ease your mind.
2) AOS paperwork specifically excludes traffic-related offenses from their consideration; I am not an attorney, but I would be very, very surprised if this caused any immigration headaches for you.
3) Catholic Charities often have legal clinics attached, and they often have experience with law enforcement and immigration. This could very well be something that a judge will toss out, or there might be a way to plea it down to something on the infraction level. But they are free-to-sliding scale, and you don't have to be Catholic or anything.
4) If you have an address in Canada, proof of insurance to drive in the U.S., etc., bring those along. They might not help with the technical question of whether you violated CA law (a quick look at the code seems to indicate it all depends on whether you count as a CA resident), but it will show good faith.
CaladanMaleCanada2009-05-16 10:23:00
CanadaShort Term Insurance for Canadian in US
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Apr 1 2009, 03:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How foolish would it be to walk around without medical coverage for 50 days? That was my plan... But I have little to no understanding of how the US medical system works. Is it so stupid expensive that if I need to go to a doctor once in those 50 days I would be better off getting coverage? Or maybe... is it not legal to walk around without coverage? That would be kinda weird, but I've heard weirder things...

Honestly, I'm 21 and I haven't been in a hospital since the day I was born. I don't think I'm going to need one...

And you probably won't. But if you do, the cost can get into life-ruining territory very, very quickly. Let's be clear; a doctor's visit probably wouldn't be a big deal, but as the saying goes, you don't insure your first dollar, you insure your last. Travel insurance is comparatively inexpensive.
CaladanMaleCanada2009-04-05 08:51:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
I think I am going to stir-fry shrimp and kale in ginger and red pepper.
CaladanMaleCanada2008-03-02 14:09:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
French onion soup tonight for me. I love making it, it's very easy, and it's so awesome, it can probably cure cancer.
CaladanMaleCanada2008-01-28 11:12:00
CanadaCanadian Taxes Refund Timeline
C. filed the non-resident form with his taxes in April. The non-rez status was approved June 23, and the refund check sometime in late July/early August.
CaladanMaleCanada2008-09-24 20:51:00
CanadaWhere are you from in Canada?
C.'s from outside of Edmonton.
CaladanMaleCanada2009-05-19 10:15:00
CanadaRaise in Unemployment Benifits makes some ineligable for food stamps
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Jun 16 2009, 07:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The original question and article posted was about food stamps. My all time favourite expression is "..there but for the grace of God go I..." We can never be so arrogant to believe bad times are not going to fall on us. Or we shouldn't anyway. If someone needs food stamps, heaven help them...and hopefully the government does as well. Some of the stories from posters already seem to indicate that rents are very high, so the unemployment benefits do not cover everything whatsoever, so I'm glad there is something there for people to be able to at least eat.

I don't agree with the whole idea of "food stamps" however. I think it's demeaning. They can't be used for things non-edible either. Like toilet paper, toothpaste, sanitary products. I think it's an antiquated system and should be stopped. Perhaps in Canada they used food stamps at one time, but I know that in my adult years, people were just given a cheque and they were allowed to buy whatever they wanted. Not anyone's decision but their own as to what they bought with it. They weren't identified by it either.

I would suspect it's hard to have to ask for this type of assistance, let alone be objectified by others when you approach a grocery store identifying you in this manner.

Here "food stamps" usually means a plastic card with an electronic strip, like a debit card but tied to the monthly benefit instead of a bank. It looks like a normal credit card and works in all of the debit/credit readers. I think it's a good thing so it's not demeaning to someone who has fallen on hard times.

It's also probably worth pointing out that the requirements for benefits can vary somewhat by state, so someone could meet the income requirement for immigration but receive benefits, and I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with that. It's not as if the feds don't permit co-sponsors in any case.

CaladanMaleCanada2009-06-16 09:20:00
CanadaNS woman denied entry
While I can see why there are good reasons to deny her entry, I can see why she's feeling bad. It's a handful of days after the underwear bomber, and she's never had a problem in the past. All the articles say she's traveled regularly between the U.S. and Canada, so presumably, even though she's married to a U.S. citizen, she hasn't had issues visiting and her evidence of non-immigrant intent in the past has been sufficient. And she returned with all the information they told her to have, and they still wouldn't let her through. And no one's said to her that the problem was that they suspected her of immigrant intent -- those of you denied entry surely were told why, and that you'd have to get a fiance or spousal visa -- and it's curious that no one seems to have mentioned that to her.

In other words, it doesn't sound to me like someone whose knee jerk reaction was to cry discrimination and I'm a little surprised at the consensus developing here. I don't doubt that they pulled her aside because of the spousal thing, but I can also see why after coming back to the airport with all the documentation they asked for and still getting turned back she'd start to consider other explanations.
CaladanMaleCanada2010-01-10 10:04:00
CanadaDriving in Canada
Good to know, thanks. I was worried about a case of "unknown unknowns"; immigration has made me paranoid!
CaladanMaleCanada2010-06-22 19:00:00
CanadaDriving in Canada
Hey everyone,

C. and I are going to drive to Edmonton this summer (cheaper than plane tickets, plus, woo! road trip), and we can get a proof of insurance from GEICO that suffices for driving in Canada.

Is there anything else that would be good to have with us regarding the vehicle paperwork like loan information? I figured there were enough cross border drivers here that this would be the place to ask.
CaladanMaleCanada2010-06-22 13:50:00
C. was able to get a credit card from Bank of America right away, but after about a year and half, when we went to buy a car, while his credit payments had always been on time and in full, his check came back as "insufficient information." We were able to purchase the car anyway based on my credit, but at least in our case, it took a major purchase to establish a solid credit history for him.
CaladanMaleCanada2010-11-10 15:56:00
CanadaBuying a House
So, we're thinking of buying a house. We bought a car two years ago, so C. has a short but good U.S. credit history. My credit is excellent; when we pulled his a year ago it was excellent but obviously short.

Does anyone have a sense or recent experience with mortgage loans and short credit history? I know they can pull his Canadian history but I'd prefer that they didn't (he doesn't have any active accounts there beyond a bank account, so it won't help our case.)
CaladanMaleCanada2011-04-09 17:08:00
CanadaIs it possible to raise a Canadian in the US?
QUOTE (thermophile @ Dec 3 2007, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
tried to add this but was too slow

There are alot of differences between the 2 countries-not necessarily superficially, but as you dig deeper they become apparent. The way that Canadians relate with/to the world, science/learning, the environment, etc. are significantly different and, in my mind, better than the typical US views. And since I'm American I get to say that.

There are alot of great things about both of our countries and all of our kids are going to have a significant advantage by being able to cross the border at any time. And considering how different I am from my parents and how different all my sibs and I are from each other-what we want our kids to be probably only has the slightest influence on how they'll grow up. Therefor, we're back to the brainwashing while their asleep. devil.gif

Typical where? Sure, the Canadian stereotype is different, but I honestly think that parents are more important in all the realms outside of politics for what are relatively small differences. There are U.S. kids who grow up respecting science and the environment.

I guess I see it as hard to get any kid not to identify with the place where they're growing up, and to the extent that Canadians flatter themselves as peaceful, social conscious North Americans, that it's not that hard to raise a kid to be peaceful and socially conscious given that that's what the parents are.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-12-03 21:44:00
CanadaIs it possible to raise a Canadian in the US?
QUOTE (MarilynP @ Dec 3 2007, 04:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i don't think anyone here is saying that Canada is better then the US... unsure.gif

we just want our kids to know that they are part Canadian too...

it would be like a Chinese person living in the US wanting their children to know about their home country and traditions etc.....

Except that it's a little harder for the Canadian given that the two countries are so similar. There's more differences within both countries (Toronto and Whitehorse, NY and the South, etc.) than between them. So it comes down to what -- basically American, but not warlike? Nice? (Not a characterization a lot of Americans would like!) I mean, it's hard to know what pernicious influence one is trying to avoid that one couldn't encounter in Canada.

If it's just a matter of wanting the child to feel ties to Canada, regular visits home should help. smile.gif
CaladanMaleCanada2007-12-03 16:49:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
Dinner/supper is a regional U.S. thing, too. C.'s Albertan so doesn't have a lot of the stereotypical pronunciations. "Toque" is the one that still gets me.

"Well, what do you call a winter hat then."
"A hat!"
CaladanMaleCanada2008-02-25 15:22:00
CanadaI will need to file another form I 212?
Oh, you poor dear. Definitely check with the lawyer before getting all worked up; what the officer wrote on your paperwork is the most important deciding factor here. If they told you it was a five-year ban, it sounds like they didn't book you for misrepresenting a USC, in which case you could be in the clear now. But don't get worked up before you have all the information. Immigration law is a maze of twisty passages, all alike. (Except for when they're not.)
CaladanMaleCanada2007-05-01 08:15:00
CanadaEntered the US from Canada while K-1 pending
Right, I get why they'd ask me MY profession when I am crossing into Canada. I don't get why the Canadians would ask me HIS.
CaladanMaleCanada2008-02-18 13:11:00
CanadaEntered the US from Canada while K-1 pending
QUOTE (Crikey! @ Feb 17 2008, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Caladan @ Feb 17 2008, 10:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was asked once, in Toronto, what C. did for a living. I'm not sure what the purpose of that question is either, but find it interesting that it gets asked on both sides of the border.

I was told that it assists in determining a level of trustworthiness. Someone in a respectable position would carry a greater level of trustworthiness than someone who is unemployed or works in a strip club (or careers of that nature).

Right, but C. wasn't the one crossing, I was. So how does knowing his profession tell anything useful about me?
CaladanMaleCanada2008-02-17 15:03:00
CanadaEntered the US from Canada while K-1 pending
QUOTE (vanee @ Mar 18 2007, 07:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cassie @ Mar 16 2007, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It sounds like one of the main problems for the OP was not how many times, but length of stay. You are only supposed to be in the US no more than 6 months less a day (I do believe) in a year, hence the border guard making mention of it. Sounds like being prepared helped a lot to convince him.

Right. The length of stay was the main concern, and the secondary concern was that I don't have an employer or a rental lease. I wanted to share the story of how being prepared after being forewarned here made the difference. smile.gif

After I posted the above, I remembered 2 more questions that the border guard asked:

- What nationality is your fiance? [Uh, he has to be American to be able to apply for the K-1.]

- What kind of work does he do? [What difference could that make in the decision about whether to let me into the US?]

I just answered the questions, of course. I didn't understand the purpose of those questions, but I did appreciate how polite the border guard was.

I was asked once, in Toronto, what C. did for a living. I'm not sure what the purpose of that question is either, but find it interesting that it gets asked on both sides of the border.
CaladanMaleCanada2008-02-17 10:27:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
Oop, question #2: C. worked in Canada. He moved here in 2007, was a resident of the U.S. and Connecticut for all of 2008. This means form 1116, not 2555, right, for his foreign income?
CaladanMaleCanada2009-03-16 15:29:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
Two quick questions:

1) C. filed as a deemed non-resident of Canada last year. This year, he had some income in Canada though he is still a U.S. Resident. What Canadian tax form do we use? The same one as last year? (C. is disagreeing with me about this.)
CaladanMaleCanada2009-03-16 13:20:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
QUOTE (zyggy @ Feb 15 2009, 05:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Caladan @ Feb 14 2009, 08:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Mr. Zyggy (or others):

1) Last year C. filed the leaving Canada form and was treated as a non-resident for tax purposes. This tax year, he worked in Canada and has job-related taxes. He is a resident of the U.S. and we will file the U.S. taxes appropriately. My question is what we have to do with Canadian taxes: do we file taxes as a non-resident? He owns no property in Canada and has spent ~ 2 months in Canada in 2008 on work business.

2) Where does one go to find a U.S./Canadian exchange rate calculator to report the income earned in Canada appropriately in USD?


1) He would file a Canadian non-resident return.

2) The Federal Reserve has historical data on daily exchange rates. They also calculate a average exchange rate for the year. You have a choice. You can calculate the amount in USD for each date you were paid, or you can take the total amount you were paid and use the average yearly exchange rate.

Oh, thanks. That helps a ton, as he was working in Canada *after* the Canadian dollar took a nose-dive. I'd rather not pay extra taxes on money not earned.

CaladanMaleCanada2009-02-15 18:15:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
Hey Mr. Zyggy (or others):

1) Last year C. filed the leaving Canada form and was treated as a non-resident for tax purposes. This tax year, he worked in Canada and has job-related taxes. He is a resident of the U.S. and we will file the U.S. taxes appropriately. My question is what we have to do with Canadian taxes: do we file taxes as a non-resident? He owns no property in Canada and has spent ~ 2 months in Canada in 2008 on work business.

2) Where does one go to find a U.S./Canadian exchange rate calculator to report the income earned in Canada appropriately in USD?

CaladanMaleCanada2009-02-14 10:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJoint Living Arrangements
Driver's license, car insurance, any piece of mail that comes to the address (we save a couple Christmas cards) in one or both of your names.
CaladanMaleCanada2009-01-20 18:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Travel Question
At the border the guy told C. that he should apply for a re-entry permit if he planned to spend more than six months per year abroad. "It'll be denied because you won't need it if you're living in the U.S., but that way it will show up that you've applied and were denied because you don't need it."

I'm not planning on filing for a re-entry permit for him but it's like a game of count the bad information.

In any case, he had no problems entering but if this is a trend that continues it might be worth knowing for people to plan extra time at the airport.
CaladanMaleCanada2010-04-03 13:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Travel Question
C. was taken aside into secondary inspection, where they pulled up his file and checked to see that he'd been approved. Having the expired card and the letter wasn't enough on its own. They were very polite about everything and he didn't miss his flight.
CaladanMaleCanada2010-04-01 08:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Travel Question
He'll clear customs/immigration in Edmonton, so unfortunately I won't be able to show it to them. I did send him a scan of the approval letter and the face of the new card, in case he needs it.
CaladanMaleCanada2010-03-28 14:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Travel Question

All your husband has to show is his GC plus the NOA1 (extension letter). He will be let into the country without issues. Lots of people traveled like this and haven't had issues.

Best of luck.

Thanks. As you can imagine this close to his return I'm a little nuts. :)
CaladanMaleCanada2010-03-27 21:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Travel Question
C. has been out of the country since 12/30/09, and he's due to get back here next Wednesday after a season of work. He left with his expired greencard & re-entry permit which is good until 11/10. In the meantime, conditions have been removed successfully; I received his permanent green card back in February. It's sitting here in the desk.

I haven't put his greencard in the mail because I didn't really want it to sit at his mother's house for six weeks where it's likely that my toddler nephews would gnaw on it. But now I'm wondering whether his re-entry permit is still good, or whether it expires with his approval.

Has anyone ever traveled post-filing to remove conditions and had the petition approved while overseas, and successfully returned? I can't see why it would be a problem but common sense doesn't often apply with immigration.
CaladanMaleCanada2010-03-27 21:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFiling I-751 (wife will be working away from me maybe months or yr)
C. worked out of town and out of the country on and off over the two years, usually for two or three months at a time, while he was a conditional permanent resident. He was always a resident of the same place that I was; we treated it like an extended business trip, and nothing in our removal of conditions directly addressed that. We filed taxes as residents of the same state. We put down two residences, one for our old place in CT and one for our new place, and we didn't mention the times he was out of town because he was still residing with me even though he was gone a lot with work.

They may see that she's working in Cali (don't lie on your taxes to try to hide this!), but if she's filing as a resident of the state where she legally resides (Nevada, right?), it wouldn't matter. I don't know how Nevada works it, but usually a state has a provision for income earned while a resident, even if that income was earned elsewhere. C.'s federal return included income from Wyoming, Oklahoma, Michigan, Texas and Canada while we were living in Connecticut! The company he works for is registered in Colorado, I think, where he's never been.

We did highlight places in our joint account that showed our paychecks being deposited electronically (to show basically that even though he was working out of town, he was still giving me his money...), but nothing ever came up. Just show that her residence is in Nevada, with bills & driver's licenses & bank accounts, and don't worry so much. She is residing with you; she's just traveling for work; and you're not the first couple to have been in this situation.
CaladanMaleCanada2010-06-22 13:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Removal of Condition- Insufficient Evidence
The way we put ours together was to think of ways that we could show that we'd been living as husband and wife and representing ourselves to third parties as such in our daily lives. I mention this because we didn't add C. to the lease as someone responsible for the rent at either of our places (the first because the landlord wouldn't while he was on a K-1; the second because I'm renting from the college where I work so again, he's just an approved occupant.), and none of our utility bills are joint. This meant showing that we shared money, and showing that we had showed other people that we shared a residence.

What things went in the first category?
Tax transcripts
Joint bank account statements (2 3-month periods), including deposits made by both of our jobs.
C. being on my health insurance & his spousal card for the college where I work.
Joint responsibility for the car, insurance for that car, and previous joint insurance on the old car that was in his name. (Our new car was purchased in 3/09, and we filed in 08/09, and it surely wasn't a problem that we bought a new car only months before filing.)

What things went in the second category?
The leases, even though he was listed just as an approved occupant.
Bills that were in his name.
Bills that were in my name.
Photocopies of driver's licenses.
Affidavits from friends.

I don't think we sent photos. If we did, it wasn't more than one or two.

Like I said, think of things that you have that are somewhat official that show that you've been representing yourself as living at a certain address to other somewhat official entities.
CaladanMaleCanada2010-04-09 12:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
And we're done! :dance:

Vermont Service Center

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date...............Biometrics..........Approved

PATRICKNOLIVIA.....08/17/09..........09/25/09................09/29/09............__/__/__ Early Bio 09/25/09
TRACYTN............08/19/09..........08/24/09................09/22/09............11/19/09 No int.
PS40...............08/21/09..........08/24/09................09/24/09............12/24/09 (Biometrics re-take 10/23 - FBI was unable to process fingerprint)

California Service Center

IVYKRIS............08/07/09..........08/18/09................09/11/09............12/07/09 (Card ordered email received 12/07/09)
SPRINTSCORER.......08/13/09..........08/24/09................08/31/09............09/25/09 Early bio
ZQT3344............08/18/09..........08/21/09................10/05/09............12/11/09 Early Bio 09/21/09
SpiralShape........08/31/09..........09/08/09................10/06/09............__/__/__ (Biometrics re-take 11/02/09 - FBI was unable to process fingerprint)

*Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
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* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

*Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list*
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By the way there's been no movement at all on the online system.
CaladanMaleCanada2010-01-08 14:35:00