CanadaThe Packet 3 ordeal is almost over...

Man, I'm sorry. That blows. Do you think it's Canada Post, or the consulate goofing things up?

Maybe Réjean can 'move' the three months he wants to save up to while you're waiting for an interview, so you're not apart as long.

Thanks. I don't know which it is. Réjean told me that the Canada Post website said that a lightweight packet can take up to 6 business days to receive (!!!!), so it's somewhat possible. Amazing. Who knows, maybe we'll get Packet 3 in the mail before he can even pick it up next week. I could only hope.

I wish that's what he'd do. I'll have to talk to him about it.

I hear ya. Assuming C. gets his visa next month, he won't move here until June because he wants to have a lot socked away before he moves down here. (My salary jusssst barely meets the income threshold, and he'd like to eat more than ramen.) He's been great though; he talks about it as making money for *us*.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-12 22:09:00
CanadaThe Packet 3 ordeal is almost over...
Man, I'm sorry. That blows. Do you think it's Canada Post, or the consulate goofing things up?

Maybe Réjean can 'move' the three months he wants to save up to while you're waiting for an interview, so you're not apart as long.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-12 16:46:00

W-2s may not be in the mail for a few weeks yet, so if you don't have one, don't worry. It's the IRS tax transcripts that tell the income story, so that's the best bit of supporting evidence. I believe Caladan has a good "package," with tax return, letters from banks and employer, and pay stubs. There's also a co-sponsor.

Once again, it's up to the officer to pass judgement: is there enough evidence to show that the foreigner will be supported by family and not the taxpayer. I'd say there's plenty of evidence.

I'm worried I'm going to bury the poor officer.

My 2006 W-2 arrived Jan. 3 because I can get them electronically. So, in addition to what I listed above, I'm sending the 2005 W-2 (which matches with the most recent tax return and is $500 under the poverty level), the 2006 W-2 (which is well over the poverty level)...

and since none of the figures match (except for the bank balances) as when I filled out the I-134 I was estimating 2006.... to top it off, universities' fiscal years are my letter from my employer is for 2006-2007, which will be filed in separate tax years.... oh, and the letter from the employer doesn't include summer teaching, and the salary for that won't be set until March, so they can't write a letter, so I'm including the e-mail that confirms I'm working there...

...I wrote the consulate a nice cover letter explaining the whole situation with everything itemized.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-13 11:53:00
Anyone here self-employed? If so, did you need three years of tax returns/1099s to be a co-sponsor? (The I-134 asks for one, someone up in the Foreign Embassy forum is telling me three, and I think there's a limit to how much more I can ask my dad to notarize.)
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-07 11:53:00
Excellent. Thanks for the catch. Friggin' government forms, not askin' for th' t'ings they want. At least W-2s are easy to photocopy.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-05 14:06:00
The W-2? They don't ask for that anywhere on the I-134, though that's easy enough for me to procure.

My co-sponsor is self-employed, and we have his tax return, but no W-2.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-05 11:14:00
So C. is here for a short visit, and I'm handing him all of the information he needs for a successful interview. He has yet to have his medical, but other than that, here's what I'm giving him:

1) Copy of the I-129F petition I sent in.
2) Originals of boarding passes, receipts, and other evidence.
3) Original of my birth certificate (he's insisting he doesn't need this.)
4) I-134:
-two notarized copies of the form
-two notarized copies of the tax return
-two bank letters from bank A
-two bank letters from bank B
-two letters from employment
-two recent pay stubs
-one letter detailng summer assignment & income (grad student, picked up a summer course, no documentation on the income before March.)
5) Co-sponsor's I-134.
6) one signed OF-167. (not notarized. does it need to be? does co-sponsor need to sign this, too?)
7) Several months of phone bills
8) Two small photo albums.

This is just stuff from my end. He has a few things to add. Anything I'm forgetting?
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-04 10:39:00
Canadabackground check question....
I'm not quite sure how long ours took. Days, not weeks. C. went to the second closest RCMP detachment near his place (the closest one sent him there; rural jurisdictions are weird.)
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-13 23:15:00
CanadaIs this NOA1?
My NOA1 was 9/20. I never actually received the notice. About two weeks in I called VSC to ensure they had my address right and to ask for another copy. The very nice officer told me that she didn't have the authorization to print another receipt, but she wrote a letter that took its place.

Both the letter and the NOA2 arrived in my mailbox on the 18th of October. I was only touched once during the process, and it updated online just fine.

Remember the holidays are in there, plus weekends, plus I *think* (not sure) I read that they print the notices in batches, so the date on the NOA1 might not be the date it left the center. In any case, I don't think you have anything to worry about. The check cashed, you have the number. If you haven't got anything by Thursday, give them a call.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-13 23:22:00
CanadaIs this NOA1?
That notice just means your case is in the system with an NOA1 of 12/29/06. The notice (I-1797, NOA1) should get to your house soon. (Unless it doesn't, like mine did.)
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-13 23:12:00
CanadaInterview documents

I noticed you have a supplement for visits to the US. I was just looking at this the other day, and I'm not sure how I should fill it out. I've made dozens of visits to the US in the past 6 months and many many visits the rest of my life that I couldn't possibly document properly. Any experience with this?

I can't find the thread, but there was a discussion about this before. I would document what you can, and estimate on the rest, maybe writing a note that says, e.g., 1993-1998, various, and explaining that you travel there often. They've got to be used to it. 3000 mile long peaceful border that until very recently didn't even need a passport, and lots of border towns.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-09 17:54:00
CanadaInterview documents
moz, from what I've read here, a copy of the I-134 is okay. I just have two notarized copies because it's easier for me to hand my fiancé two notarized copies and then he doesn't have to worry about which one is legit and which is a copy. So if you're stressing because of my post, don't, because honestly, I probably have no clue either. ;)
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-06 09:33:00
CanadaMurphy's Immigration Laws
You double-check and triple-check every last signature, and post-date the check to September 2008.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-11 00:48:00
CanadaGood Luck Jersery Girl!
Bonne chance!
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-12 22:48:00
CanadaBankruptcy Question
Bankruptcy isn't an easy option. If your student loan had a guarantor, the first person liable for your student line of credit will be your guarantor for that. Plus, it does fuxx0r your credit rating for a while, though tbh, I'm not sure that would follow you to the U.S. as the rest of the credit record doesn't seem to.

But it shouldn't affect the K3, just the marriage. ;)

C. had significant debts when we met. One of the reasons we're delaying marriage till this summer is to get everything but his student loan paid off, and to have assets to cover that loan. C. had been considering bankruptcy, but instead he found a good job and basically, we filed for the K-1 five months after that.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-12 22:05:00
CanadaAre you also looking for your "Happy Place"?
Totally hear ya. Our process has only been moderately stressful (some worries about the I-134, some worries about police record (most likely completely unjustified), lots of parental strain, lots of Church strain), and I'm generally emotionally stable, except for tendencies to cry while watching Scrubs of all things, but you can see the worry etched into my face. It's like I aged four years in the past four months.

When he gets his visa, I'm taking myself out for margaritas.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-16 23:44:00
CanadaUSC visiting Canada

He got here this morning (yay!). Here was the entire conversation at the Canadian POE at Toronto Pearson:

Officer: Where are you coming from? (scans his U.S.passport)

Him: U.S.

Officer: Purpose of trip?

Him: Visiting my wife. (he has all our paperwork with him including original approvals and letter from employer)

Officer: Why is she here? (something to that effect)

Him: Because she's a Canadian citizen and lives in Toronto.

And then he was waved through. :)

That's very nearly my experience at Toronto. I fly in, with all my info, hand them my passport, they ask where I'm headed, I answer, and then they asked me all about C. What does he do? Why is he there?
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-18 18:55:00
CanadaPrior notice of USC attendance at interview in Vancouver?
Cass, forget the Newcastle and score something stronger. ;)

You're in good shape. Relax and enjoy yourself.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-19 00:09:00
CanadaGot a question about 1-129f expiration
Mephys, that's a good question. Our interview is 2/14 and our I-129F expires on 2/12. I e-mailed them to request an extension over a week ago; still haven't heard anything back.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-23 09:07:00
CanadaUpcoming Vancouver interview
C. purchased an inexpensive canvas expandable folder that zips and has handles. He has all the information in that, and that's what he's planning to take in. It's slightly smaller than a briefcase.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-24 23:07:00
CanadaDr. Chana's Phone Number?
Amen to that.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-26 00:57:00
CanadaDr. Chana's Phone Number?
Thanks! The site here says 448. You all rock.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-24 18:52:00
CanadaDr. Chana's Phone Number?
Anyone have Dr. Chana's (Edmonton medical's) phone number? The phone number listed here led me to a different Edmonton business.

I need to make a call on behalf of my fiancé who is a) out of town B) unable to telephone the doctor during business hours and c) left the number at home.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-24 17:15:00
CanadaGuess who got the visa?
Congrats! yayyy beer!
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-26 00:58:00
CanadaWant a better job?
It depends on the job and your position. I've never had a drug test for a position, but they don't normally worry about grad students getting high. ;)
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-27 18:57:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
They're a cardboard tube about as long as my forearm filled with candies and sometimes little toys. You and a friend each pull on an end, like a wishbone, and it makes a 'bang' sound (like a quiet capgun).

I think of them as a British thing rather than a Canadian thing.
CaladanMaleCanada2006-11-12 10:08:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
Goodness, you're right. I can't think of anywhere around here that sells unsweetened coconut. Maybe at the Chinese grocery.
CaladanMaleCanada2006-11-09 10:16:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
Heh. My fiancé's from a small town in Alberta and practically no one in his area says it. Either way, it's not universal, and it isn't an 'ay'. :)
CaladanMaleCanada2006-11-07 16:05:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
No one says 'ay' at the end of each sentence. It's not used like the American 'eh', to indicate a question, but for the life of me I can't figure out how it works. It's a very strange usage, but in any case, the Canadian accent out west sounds like someone in Wyoming or Colorado and there's not a lot of 'eh's'.'
CaladanMaleCanada2006-11-07 14:25:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
Canadians don't do that.
CaladanMaleCanada2006-11-07 08:20:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
Oh, I was thinking East Coast as in Connecticut. Every time he's down here we look for almond M&Ms and we have no luck in any of the local stores. And usually, it's much easier to find things here than there. They must just not sell well here.

(Don't misunderstand -- I love West Nowhere, Alberta. I just want the M&Ms here, too.)
CaladanMaleCanada2006-11-01 09:37:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
Smarties are way too sweet, but I think that's just taste and what you grow up with. I heart M&Ms, and Chad loves the almond kind (which for some reason we can find in West Nowhere, Alberta, but not on the East Coast.)

As far as other candy goes, he sent me a Big Turk bar once. Good lord, no one who eats that gets to complain about American candy, ever.
CaladanMaleCanada2006-10-31 15:27:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
I'm beginning to think we'll miss universal health care.
CaladanMaleCanada2006-10-31 10:01:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
People take their shoes off in the U.S. in places! It's a regional thing.

Things he will miss:
His cigarette brand. (Says he: 'Will make it easier to quit with those awful American smokes.')
The ability to get relatively inexpensive organic beef and buffalo from the co-op. Welcome to East Coast food prices and crappy beef!
Taber corn off the truck.
CaladanMaleCanada2006-10-13 17:33:00
Canada(Vacinations) Here a titers there a titers everywhere a titers titers

I quit smoking before I left Canada because I don't like the taste or smell of American cigarettes. I s'pose I'm healthier for it too but that was my main reason for quitting. :yes:

C. is a half-a-pack a day smoker in Canada, but on visits here it drops to about a quarter pack a day, because he's not allowed to smoke in the house, and he's also trying not to run out of his Canadian cigarettes because he doesn't like American ones, and he's not in a smoking culture when he hangs with me and my friends (rather than with his family, all who smoke.)
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-28 15:01:00
Canada(Vacinations) Here a titers there a titers everywhere a titers titers

I am going for the Medical on tuesday. I have to bring my tetnus record, I do have that. I will have to get the titres done. I went yesterday to get my Tetnus record from the Health Unit, while I was waiting a guy walked in to get his Immunization records- he was born in 86 and they had his- he was in and out in 2 minutes with it. It made me mad they have no records on me or anyone in my age group.

I was able to get a letter from my childhood Doctor that I had Chicken Pox. It was in my file so I hope I can use that.

But I think all the Doctors who do the Medicals know exactly what they have to test for with the titres. I don't think you need to worry about anything. Good Luck!

I'm pretty sure you want to get your titre done before the medical, at least that was my understanding. I didn't know they would do titre test, I thought that if you went to the medical without any vac records, I think you have to pay to get them done?

They will take a verbal declaration from you that you have had chicken pox, so the letter will be more than enough.

Stacey, you're going to Dr. Chana, right? C. didn't have his vaccination records for the MMR, and he's had the chicken pox but has no records of it, and they just did the blood titres there on Thursday at no additional charge due to Alberta Health Care.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-13 16:55:00
Canada(Vacinations) Here a titers there a titers everywhere a titers titers
I think tetanus 'expires' every ten years. At least that's what the doc told C.

At the medical they drew blood for an MMR titre and a varicella titre (plus HIV, and hepatitis). He's only 30, though, but those seemed to be the two they were worried about.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-13 11:43:00
CanadaK-3 approved!
CaladanMaleCanada2007-01-20 21:17:00
CanadaThe gods are smiling down on us :)
Goodness, I just caught this post now! Congrats! I'm so glad it all worked out for you.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-02-01 22:30:00
CanadaNOA2 Expiration date?
I sent Vancouver an e-mail two weeks ago asking about that. No response. May try again.
CaladanMaleCanada2007-02-02 18:30:00