CanadaCanadian 2013 Filers

I find myself craving new posts, as it would indicate some sort of progress for someone.  Don't you all feel as if we're in a void, just wishing to get our feet back on the ground.... but with our loved ones?!


I'm sure wishing I didn't have to spend another winter in Alberta:(


I totally understand. I'm dreading spending the holiday season here in BC, not for weather reasons (as Victoria's weather is always pretty mild), but because I'm working in retail temporarily until my paperwork goes through, and I'm already exhausted from the hours I've been pulling. 


Here's to hoping we'll start hearing about some NOA2s soon!

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-10-04 14:47:00
CanadaCanadian 2013 Filers

AWESOME KARMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Okay, that was a little excited this early in the morning.  Either way, I'm so happy for you!


Kash - well, at least you only have to do the quick trip to a bit on hotel? maybe? 


I'll be twitching until the end of the week, at which point either the guy who put in an offer may or may not get back to me.  *twitch*  As far as I know, NVC doesn't have the petition yet, but I haven't called and Jesse hasn't gotten any mail


For sure, it should just be a short trip. I think my wife is going to try to come up for it, as well, because she's never been to Montreal, and we might as well make a vacation out of it. The travel costs are going to be brutal, though. :X


And hooray for having the visa on hand! Your adventure is about to begin! :)

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-09-20 16:06:00
CanadaCanadian 2013 Filers

Why do you have to go to Montreal?  That doesn't make any sense:\



Kash cr-1?


Yeah, CR-1 - we got married July 5th. :)


Well, I am in administrative Processing now because they didnt read the forms where I checked that my kids arent coming with me or following me. They Tried to call me while i was driving home and sent me an e-mail, so I responded to the e-mamil to provide a statement that they were not following or coming. Hopefully they will get that today and get the visa out ASAP. I am not putting any notices in until I have my visa firmly in hand.


Fingers crossed that it goes through quickly for you!

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-09-16 15:06:00
CanadaCanadian 2013 Filers

She is, thank you! Luckily her, as well as her family, have been unaffected. Granted, friends and coworkers of ours/hers have had some damage, one of whom is stranded in one of the mountain towns in which the roads were washed away, but everyone at the very least has been accounted for, so we're very grateful for that. :)

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-09-14 23:00:00
CanadaCanadian 2013 Filers

Yay, congrats to the both of you! That's so very exciting. :) I can't wait for it to be the rest of us!


I really wish I was able to interview in Vancouver. I'm over in Victoria, so it would just be a matter of hopping the ferry. As it stands, I have to take my medical exam in Surrey, and then fly to Montreal for my interview. :(

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-09-13 16:41:00
CanadaCanadian 2013 Filers

Good luck for both the medical and interview! You'll have to let us know how it goes! :)

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-09-10 09:37:00
CanadaCanadian 2013 Filers

My wife filed my I-130 petition a few days ago, and our file was just received by USCIS today. I'm trying to keep positive as best I can that the NOA2 will come quick enough, but seeing so many people who are still waiting from early this year... it's disheartening. :( But, in the end, it'll all be worth it - just gotta hang in there, and get the next packages ready in the meanwhile!

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-07-31 17:35:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada


I wish I was California bound...we went to Anaheim for our honeymoon and I would of gladly stayed!  I love warm weather.  People here are like 'you are Canadian you must be used to it!' I may be used to it but that doesn't mean I like it!  It is warmer here in Utah than home, but not a whole lot, just shorter winters mainly.  

I found cheese curds at a local grocery store and was way too excited.  I have also made home made donairs for a few friends that turned out fabulous!  


I love the assumption about being used to cold weather! I'm asked that quite frequently in Colorado, but seeing as I'm from Victoria and the west coast, it never, ever snows here, nor does the temperature ever truly get that cold. I've yet to experience a true Canadian winter. :X


Oh, and then there's the assumption by people here that Colorado must be snowy and freezing all the time. Then I have the pleasure of telling them I'm in Boulder, there are more sunny days than rainy days in Seattle, and snow regularly melts before noon if it does fall, haha.

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-16 11:57:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

This will be the second time I've moved to Colorado (and the third time moving out of the country), and ultimately at the end of the day, while there are many things I miss about Canada, being with my wife is what makes me happy - the place we live comes second - and anything to bring this long haul to an end is so important to me.


I think it helps in that I've always had a strong support net. Her immediate family lives in the same city, and we both have mutual friends from when I lived there the first time who are really excited for me to return. I'm of course going to miss my family and friends back here at home, but it's really only a plane ride away.


I think that the two things that are freaking me out the most about this move in particular is our marital status, and of course, health care. Colorado still doesn't recognize marriage equality, and while civil unions are in full effect there and federally we're protected, there's still that tiny part of me that worries about all the what-ifs or implications of not being recognized as married by the state - in particular once we begin a family.


With regard to health care, my wife has an amazing plan that I'll be added to immediately when I arrive, but I've had her go over the details with me several times over just to make sure I understand what the financial stress could be in the event of an absolute worst case scenario. The monthly premium cost doesn't bother me all that much, for I've been paying for MSP and extended medical here in BC that costs me an arm and a leg, but deductibles and out of pocket costs and all the other potential dollar signs does make me feel a bit uneasy.


I think it helps too that I'm sick and tired of living on Vancouver Island, and to return to smack dab the middle of a country where I can drive for hours and hours on end sounds like paradise.  :P But I've always been a bit of a roamer, really.

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-14 01:59:00
CanadaAnother Moving Topic

What you have to do before leaving Canada will depend entirely on which province you're coming from. I'm from BC, so I had to look at things such as my car insurance, health insurance, etc, but I've been taking care of that from here in the States. You'll want to notify Canada Revenue Agency and potentially Service Canada, but that's the only one I can think of off the top of my head that's most important.


I drove over the border with a car full of things, and they didn't even so much as peek inside. At the airport, having it in checked luggage will be just fine. When you get the envelope upon passport pick up, there will be more detailed information about POE specific details, including what constitutes a personal belonging and what may be brought duty-free into the US. 


Congratulations on the final stretch of your journey! :)

Edited by kashewmoo, 13 July 2014 - 10:54 AM.

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-07-13 10:54:00
CanadaInterview Aug 15th - What to expect during and after?

Haha, no problem.


There's no real difference between IR-1 and CR-1 other than CR-1 will have to remove conditions upon two years of residency, and you'll be granted a ten year green card immediately. You still have to sign up for Loomis, but your passport likely won't take long to be returned. Again, seeing as mine had to make it to Vancouver Island, which is the furthest west in the country, I wouldn't worry about delivery in Alberta so long as the interview goes well. :) 


My interview was on the 6/23, the visa was listed as issued a couple of hours later, and I picked it up by 6/26. I could have turned around and went through my POE any time after that, I just had loose ends I had to finalize before making the move. 


Also, do make sure that you have your Loomis confirmation printed out and on hand for the interview. When I was there, they weren't letting people into the building who didn't have it.

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-07-13 10:49:00
CanadaInterview Aug 15th - What to expect during and after?

First and foremost, congratulations for your interview date! That's so very exciting. :)


I would go ahead and book both your flight and hotel. There are plenty of options near the consulate if you want to be a close walk away - I stayed at the Courtyard at Marriott downtown, and it was fantastic, though I did definitely pay a premium per night. I flew in on Sunday when my interview was on Monday morning, and I left Tuesday night (as I booked on air miles and didn't have much of an option of flight times; otherwise I would have left on Monday night). I was coming from Victoria, so just a bit further from you.


As per the interview letter, you need to register a local Loomis location for passport/visa pick up - create an account here, and follow the instructions. You cannot pick up your passport from the consulate, and you won't receive a US passport, either; that's only a possibility if you decide to file for US citizenship three years following your POE and are approved to be a naturalized citizen.


My visa was issued the same day of my interview, and I was able to pick it up at my local Loomis location on Friday, but this will vary from person to person, of course.


Best of luck! Feel free to check out my Timeline, as I've posted detailed reviews of both my interview as well as POE. :) If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-07-13 10:32:00
CanadaK-1 Visa Interview Alone. What Should we expect? Tips?

I went to my CR-1 interview in Montreal alone, and though I was pretty nervous right up to the night before, I actually found myself feeling pretty calm once the day of the interview actually came. Just make sure he's prepared with all of the appropriate documents and evidence just to be safe, read the embassy reviews, and don't worry. It'll be fine. :)

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-07-15 21:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshas anyone seen the adjudication time has been pushed!

I must admit, I dont understand how the k-1s are well into may filers and the ircr1s are stuck in march/april. This new month better bring a boatload of adjudicators to these visas.


This is actually something I've been wondering lately - rather, why are the K-1 visas typically quicker than the CR-1/IR-1 considering there is already a marriage in place. But, something I've realized is that while people who enter on a K-1 typically more quickly than the spousal visas, and therefore together with their significant other faster, they aren't immediately finished with USCIS for at least two if not three years while after POE. 


Either way, I do wish the process was faster. :(

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-08-01 09:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDOMA Filers Living Abroad (Consular Processing)

Congratulations! That's so very exciting. :) All the best to you, as well!

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-10-12 02:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDOMA Filers Living Abroad (Consular Processing)

Welcome to the group! :) 


Yeah, I totally understand. I was also starting to get really tired of people constantly asking us why we weren't able to be in the same country even though same sex marriage was legal in some states - it was difficult explaining that although on the state side it may have been legal, federally we still weren't recognized. 


Luck! If you do have any questions, of course feel free to ask!

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-07-31 17:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDOMA Filers Living Abroad (Consular Processing)

Yeah, definitely! And I can't wait to be back in Boulder with my wife, and my two cats that I miss so very dearly. :) Luckily I just started a full time as well as a part time job, so I have lots of things to keep me busy while I'm still here. And of course, the packing! Oh, the packing.

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-07-31 13:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDOMA Filers Living Abroad (Consular Processing)

I was watching the live results on SCOTUSBlog on the day, as well, though my wife was at work and unfortunately unable to watch with me. :( But, once we had the official news, I called her, and she actually ended up leaving work early so that we would be able to talk to one another! 


I know, that was the exact same thing with me. I had been posting about it across all of my social media, and everyone was just so supportive and wanted nothing but the best for us. To have it finally be officially recognized is such an incredible feeling! 


And this is definitely only the beginning of the journey, but it's a very happy beginning that will eventually lead to a happy end/start. :)

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-07-31 12:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDOMA Filers Living Abroad (Consular Processing)

Hi, all!


My story also differs a little bit because we've both maintained the long distance over six years, but ultimately we are all in the same boat!


I met my wife back in 2005 online, and we instantly became the best of friends. We talked over webcam every night, talked constantly on instant messenger, were always sending each other text messages - we basically acted like a couple before we were officially one. We met in person for the first time in Seattle in 2006, and she flew to meet me in Japan in 2007 when I was over there on an exchange program. A few months after I returned from Japan, we made it official, and have been together ever since.


In 2010, I filed for an F-1 visa and lived in the US while going to school for a couple of years. We lived together, started building our life, and basically were happy as happy could be. Unfortunately, as per the student visa guidelines, you must maintain 100% tuition payments as an international student, and I was unable to keep it all together. Before I moved back to Canada, we became engaged, and just hoped that DOMA would eventually fall to the wayside so that I could permanently immigrate to the US and gain dual citizenship. Of course, we did consider immigrating her to Canada, but ultimately she has strong ties to home, and we didn't want to put down all the money it would cost for the immigration process when we ultimately both wanted to live in the US.


I visited her for a couple of months this year after I was laid off from my job, and we decided that we would finally make our marriage official. At this point we were waiting with baited breath that DOMA would fall in the SCOTUS proceedings, and when we had the news, I cried happy tears - our marriage ceremony that happened at the beginning of this month all the more special. :)


So, about four of our six years together have all been long distance. When people ask me how long this journey is going to take, they're always so surprised when I say that it's going to take as long as it is, but at this point I'm just relieved that we actually have an end to this journey, now!

kashewmooFemaleCanada2013-07-30 19:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

Our I-130 was approved tonight, so here I am! :) I'm pretty familiar with the process from here on out, but it'll be nice to be able to reference back to this thread with any problems.

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-02-06 00:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014




If the NVC operator said they have the joint email account on file, then that should be fine. There's no requirement to have two email addresses  :no:


Perfect, thanks! I hopped on the phone just in case I did need to give them both, but that's much better news. Now to put together the final packages, and hopefully breeze through the rest of the case! (And figure out how I'm going to fly from BC to Montreal at the drop of a hat, haha.)

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-03-25 11:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


Make sure you fix your signature, so that the case assigned date is 3/21, not 3/25 ;)


Hee, yeah, thanks - have done so. Totally on autopilot, apparently. What's frustrating is that I called Friday morning, and there was no case number assigned. If I had only called back! Haha. 


Also, I totally spaced when I was on the phone. For the EP, do we have to use separate emails or can it come from our joint email account that we gave in the I-130 forms? That's what they have on file, and I'd love to have them in one place if that's possible.

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-03-25 11:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

After several calls to the NVC in which I got the busy tone, I finally got through, and found out that a case number was assigned on Friday! If at all possible, could I have the spreadsheet updated with our information, Saylin? :) NOA2 was 02/05, NVC received the case 02/18, and the case number was assigned 03/21.

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-03-25 11:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

So, I've had good experiences both days I called the NVC this week (spoke to Sandy on Tuesday, Todd this morning), but sometimes I do wonder if they're being run by monkeys over there.


In a nutshell:


As my signature suggests, I received my EP acceptance email on 4/15 (responding to my original 3/23 email), and resent both the IV and AOS packages minutes later. As you may recall, I decided to test a theory: I sent the EP OPTIN email on 3/23, resent on 4/7 per an operators suggestion, and after both payments cleared I emailed the AOS package on 3/29, and the IV package on 4/1. The only time I ever received an autoreply was on 3/29 for the AOS package - never for the OPTIN, or for the three other emails containing the packages.


My DS-260 was accepted on 4/22, and a false checklist requesting both packages was received via email on 4/23 (which I then ignored, of course). 


This morning, I was told that my IV package was under review, and that they received it on 4/22 (remember: I emailed it both on 4/1 and 4/15). Todd was concerned that it was the civil documents rather than the AOS, and advised me to email it once more to be certain it was received. Following his instruction, I did so immediately after I got off the phone (and received an autoreply).


Literally less than three seconds after I hit send (before the email had cleared my outbox), I receive an email responding to my 3/29 email that contained the AOS package (half a month before I received the EP acceptance) that they were now reviewing my AOS package.


I'm going to take this to mean that both packages are under review, and I should expect a case complete some time soon, but I really do hope it's before time slots for the June interviews are filled. :(

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-25 10:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

This is a question for ENROLL and Electronic processing cases. Finally received ENROLL acceptance, they replied to my March 26 one(that I received an auto reply for) I sent ENROLL on March 19(did not receive auto reply) So it would seem you have to receive auto reply in order for them to actually receive it. After you received ENROLL acceptance, when you emailed in your packets, did you receive an out of office auto reply from NVC? And how long did it take to receive and review those packets? I emailed my AOS on March 26, April 1 and April 15(this is the only one I got an auto reply for). And IV was emailed April 4 and April 15 (did not receive auto reply for either one). Just curious as to how much longer I'm going to have to wait.


In my case, they replied to the original ENROLL email I sent, and that one I didn't receive an auto response. What I was told by the operator I spoke to a couple of days ago is that their email system is so bogged down from receiving so many emails, that the auto responder hasn't been working each and every time. Thus, if you sent an email one day, and then sent them an email a few days later, you should only receive one auto response for the system recognizes your email.


Granted, I don't know how much truth that holds considering I got an auto response for the second email I sent several days after the first (being the ENROLL email, and then my AOS package), but I do believe that the auto responder is not always working the way it should be.


I'm glad to hear you received an acceptance email, though! Full steam ahead now. :)

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-17 13:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Thank you for your prompt response, I am incline to do EP because there is no need to send original documents.  I will talk to my lawyer this week!  thank you again and hope you get your case complete very soon.


Sounds good! Glad I could be of assistance. :)


I hope so, too! I'll wish that yours has a speedy journey through the NVC!

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-15 19:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Hi, I have asked other members about EP processing, some told me its faster to do snail mail.  How was for you, I have to decide soon which way to go.  Thanks!


What I've found irritating about EP is that you have no receipt confirmation of your packages arriving. At least if they've been snail mailed, you're able to call and know for certain they have them in the building. I don't know if either way really quickens or slows down the process, as it depends from person to person. I received my enrolment confirmation this evening, but others in the thread haven't received theirs despite having sent the initial enroll email many days before me.


I'd honestly do what makes the most sense for you and your family. Electronic was beneficial for us because I didn't have to wait for Canada Post (as we all know mail seems to move by moose at the best of times), or worry about sending off my originals, but I've not been entirely impressed with this process, either.


Something I will say is that while the NVC maintains that you should receive an auto confirmation each and every time you send them an email, in my experience this has not only been the case, but I had an operator today confirm that they've been finding that the auto responder hasn't been working the way it should due to the huge influx of email they receive daily. 


That's my take on it, anyway. :)

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-15 19:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Our timelines are close, I'll be watching you.


And I know this wait is killing me. At least before we could keep busy gathering the required info and preparing forms. I even have my packet for the interview ready, immunizations taken and updated and medical records ready for pick up from doctor. Everything is done now, nothing to occupy my time. Going crazy waiting.


I'll be watching you, as well!


I literally just a minute ago received confirmation of our enrolment, so yours should be at any moment, now, considering that!


Now I need to decide whether to resend the AOS/IV documents, or just assume they received them... would it hurt to send them in again at this point just to be certain?

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-15 19:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

In my opinion I would do snail mail if I were you. AOS was paid 3 weeks ago, IV was paid 2 weeks ago and ds 260 was submitted 10 days ago. And now I'm on hold waiting for EP acceptance before I am supposed to email anything to them. Although I've already emailed the AOS and IV, I have no clue wether they will receive them or not because I haven't been accepted for EP yet. Some people have had luck with the EP. So far for me I wouldn't advise anyone to do it. I'm just sitting here waiting, as every NVC operator has told me it can take up to 30 business days to receive Emails.


I still haven't received my enrolment confirmation email for EP, either, but also sent in the packages before doing so in the off chance it doesn't make a difference. It's incredibly frustrating that I've been sitting here twiddling my thumbs not knowing if they've even received my email. /o\


(Granted, I've not received a false check list after completing the DS-260, either, so I don't know what to make of it.)

Edited by kashewmoo, 15 April 2014 - 10:48 AM.

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-15 10:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


NVC has completed case in two weeks for some EP filers. So you might get your wish fulfilled:)


I sure hope so. :) Best of luck for you, as well - it's nice to hear of someone with a similar timeline!

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-01 18:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


Is that when it is?  I'm not a big comic con person... but I always thought it would be interesting to go, if only to see all the people dressed up.  (and in the case of Colorado, also high as kites.  LOL!!!) 


What I really liked about DCC last year is that it didn't feel as large as it actually was (an estimated 70k attendees over the weekend), and it was full of different mediums - comics, anime, movies, books, various fandoms, cosplay, you name it. There were a lot of fun panels, too. I'd definitely recommend checking it out, it was a ton of fun. :) (Boulder's always fun during 4/20 for that very reason, hahaha.)

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-01 18:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

You're moving towards me! :D  Soon it will be welcome to Colorado! :D


I can't wait to be home! I miss my wife and my kitties a ton. But I'm really hoping my interview is scheduled for before June 15th because I want to go to Denver Comic Con, haha. 

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-01 18:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


did you receive a confirmation of ENROLL acceptance before sending the packages?


We didn't for two reasons. Reason number one is that there was a member in this thread that said they sent in their packages before receiving the confirmation email, and they received a case complete with no checklists or issue. Reason number two is that we figured we could always resend it after the ENROLL acceptance, in the off chance that it does certainly have to wait. Seemed like a win win, either way. :)

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-01 17:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Hi, did you receive an auto response for your emails for support documents. We submitted yesterday afternoon and did not receive and 'auto' response. We resent the emails once again based on suggestion from VJ members. Please inform if you received an email back from NVC.



We received an auto response when we sent out the AOS packet, but we submitted it on Saturday which is what I chalked it up to. I didn't receive one for neither the ENROLL or IV packet email, as both were sent on business days during business hours. 

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-01 17:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

As of today, all of our fees have been paid, both packets have been submitted via EP, and the DS-260 has been taken care of, as well. :) We decided to send them in without receiving the confirmation of the enrolment email, as we figured the worst possible case scenario would be that we'd have to resubmit them at a later date. 

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-04-01 16:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

We should also add that we are grateful for the support and guidance received from the many wonderful people who inhabit this site.


While we are not one of the more prolific posters, we have visited often. The information, thoughtfully composed and written guides and wiki?s (thank you Saylin and all others who have and continue to contribute) have proven an invaluable resource and have allowed us to move through our time at the NVC without any ?real? checklists.


But most of all we appreciate each and every one of you who are on this journey with us. You have been the source of more comfort and understanding then one could ever hope or expect to receive from a ?stranger.? We acknowledge you and send our very best to you and those you love!




I have to second this. :) <3


On a very happy note, I too have come to say that we've officially received a case complete today, as well! I spoke to Gus this evening (who is probably the best representative I've spoken to of all the times I've called the NVC - charming, funny, and very personable), who gave us the good news.


I'm keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that everyone else sees their journey at the NVC come to an end quickly. It's so hard to stay strong through this entire process, but we're doing it, and it's just a true testament to the love and dedication we have to those we love.


Now to eagerly await our interview date!

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-05-02 01:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

So after what felt like a never ending wait for our eMail to be acknowledged given that we had opted for EP we have received our




Confirmed this morning via a telephone call to the good people who staff the NVC. :joy: No interview date yet, though hoping for June.

We send our hopes for a quick conclusion to All of you as well!


Yaaaaay! Congratulations. :) We received our email confirmation of them having received our IV packages early this morning, so I'm betting we'll also have a case complete any time in the next couple of days.


You never know, maybe we'll have the same interview date. ;)

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-05-01 13:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

Finally got our interview date. June 23rd!


Looks like I'll be seeing you at the Montreal consulate bright and shiny that morning! :) It's kind of reassuring that I won't be the only VJ member there.

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-05-17 02:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

And now I can finally say that I have my interview date, too! We got the email today, and our interview is scheduled for June 23rd. :) Congratulations to all those who have gotten interview dates already, and the best of luck to those who are still waiting!

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-05-17 01:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2014 Interviews

I just got off the phone with the NVC before they closed for the night, and unfortunately we are still waiting for an interview date in Montreal. But, with that said, I was notified that they're still scheduling for June in Montreal, so there's hope for us, yet. :)


Congratulations to all those who have received their dates! I hope us Canadians can join with you soon!

kashewmooFemaleCanada2014-05-12 22:59:00