US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 May 2008 Filers
Hubby had his biometrics yesterday, his appt. was at 10:00, we got there at 9:40 (we always leave early since it's about an hour drive to the place, and you never know with road work and stuff...) they took him right away and he was done at 9:50! Now he just waits for his interview....
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-05-31 14:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 May 2008 Filers
I don't know what I did wrong, but our biometrics date keeps getting dropped from the list. Could the list keeper please put that in for us? Thanks! star_smile.gif Biometrics tomorrow, 5/30
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-05-29 15:29:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 May 2008 Filers
I just added hubby's biometrics day, it was left out when info originally added.


Tony1967............04/29/08........05/06/08.......05/21/08.........--/--/--.........--/--/-- TSC
omarchavez..........05/01/08........05/15/08.......05/30/08.........--/--/--.........--/--/-- VSC
Tushar..............05/02/08........05/16/08.......05/29/08.........--/--/--.........--/--/-- TSC(Atlanta)
kkate2000...........05/04/08........05/13/08--.....05/28/08........--/--/--..........--/--/-- TSC(Memphis)
BostonChick.........05/06/08........05/21/08.......--/--/--.........--/--/--.........--/--/-- VSC (Boston)
Jelly100............05/07/08........05/16/08.......05/29/08.........--/--/--.........--/--/-- CSC
coloradogirl........05/07/08........05/19/08.......05/30/08.........--/--/--.........--/--/-- NSC
maunzebaer..........05/12/08........05/27/08.......--/--/--.........--/--/--.........--/--/-- TSC(Atlanta)
robandlucy..........05/15/08........--/--/--.......--/--/--.........--/--/--.........--/--/-- VSC( Wash. DC)
smartie.............05/20/08........--/--/--.......--/--/--.........--/--/--.........--/--/-- TSC(Houston)
laura19angel........05/20/08........--/--/--.......--/--/--.........--/--/--.........--/--/-- NSC

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-05-28 15:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 May 2008 Filers
Please add us to the list, I don't want to mess it up.

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-05-22 16:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 May 2008 Filers
When I got home from work I found hubby's 10 yr green card in the mail!! whoo-hooo!!! And... a 'receipt with exception' for the N-400, it states our app was received and is in process but is missing some evidence (I can't believe it!!! I printed out the check list of what to send and we sent it all!) that we will need to bring with us at the time of his interview. They will send us another notice of what to bring to the interview, don't send anything by mail. Fine. The notice also stated to expect to be notified within 240 days of this notice. We also received an NOA for his biometrics, he goes May 30th at 10:00 am. So here we go again.... let's see this makes at least 3, maybe 4 times we've gone for fingerprinting in the last 4 1/2 years....
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-05-19 19:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 May 2008 Filers
We mailed ours in on May 7th, check cashed May 16th. Just waiting on the NOA.... whistling.gif
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-05-19 17:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionRescheduling Oath?
Below is what I added to 'hotairguy''s post about his Marilyn's oath ceremony here in Denver on Aug. 20th...
Had to wait nearly 18 months for 10 yr gc, but with naturalization they couldn't move fast enough! In any case, yeah... I'm pretty upset with him for not sticking around till the end.

We were supposed to be there too, but hubby bought his plane ticket way early in July to leave for Morocco soon after his Aug. 5th interview, thinking it would still be a while before we got the letter for the oath ceremony. So he was/is out of the country. I'm furious with him of course but there was nothing I could do to make him turn around and come back. So I had to send the letter back with a letter of explanation. So I don't know if they'll invite him to the next one or what will happen. All this work and all this time just to have him screw it up like this!! mad.gif
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-08-22 20:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGreen card extension letter not enough for new job

It turned out though (and completely my fault!!!) that my husband's ss card indeed did have the dreaded DHS legend on it.

Would be a good idea to have your husband's SS card updated to one without the DHS legend as soon as he gets his new GC. :)

Oh yeah... and it's a good reminder of WHY this is a Good Thing to do as soon as you get your PR status.

Yes thanks! I don't know why I didn't know this before, all the reading I've done here and everywhere, it just never occured to me that had to be done. I hadn't even thought to ask about it. Well, another lesson learned and I will definitely see to getting his SS card updated when the new GC comes in. Thanks! :)
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-03-21 16:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGreen card extension letter not enough for new job
Well I did follow up and it's taken this long to get an answer!! I went straight away to the dept. of justice and faxed the man all the docs he wanted. It turned out though (and completely my fault!!!) that my husband's ss card indeed did have the dreaded DHS legend on it. I hadn't looked at it since he got it, these 2 years went waaaaayyyyy to fast! And of course his work permit was expired too. The man at the justice dept. called me back and told me he wasn't promising anything, but he would call all the same and see what he could do. That was last Friday when I heard from him. And just this afternoon the deparment head of human resources at the place my husband applied called and said that they WOULD accept the receipt notice of the extension letter and did he still want to work for them? His license and this notice was all they needed to complete the I-9. And the head of HR said she was handling this herself and would meet with my husband tomorrow to finish up the paperwork and get it all started. I really thought that since I screwed up nothing would come of it, but wow, it does pay to perservere! And just a side note, the woman never did tell me the justice dept.contacted her, she told me she researched this herself and found that this receipt could be accepted. I didn't say anything, if it made her feel good to play detective why not? And she said that she was soooo glad that the division office (of their company) gave her my phone number (except they didn't have my phone number....) guess who gave it to her... ;)

I was just getting ready to call the man at the justice dept. I'd talked with when he called me to tell me the good news. I thanked him, he really was great, and soooo kind and friendly. Then he said, well, I'm an immigrant too so I know what it's like. Then he wished us both luck and told my husband to hang in there! So... it all turned out ok!

Thanks so much for your input, links and everything else. Couldn't have done it without the help you wonderful people and this site offers!!

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-03-20 15:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGreen card extension letter not enough for new job
I'm glad it was useful and hope he has no more problem completing his hiring. The only caveat about his Social Security card is that it must not have the legend on the front ('valid for employment only with' blah blah)
A no-legend SS card plus valid Driver's License are sufficient hiring documents. No need to mention or produce the Green Card.

Let us know what happens! :)

oops, I messed this up somehow. the above paragraph is from Meauxna, below is mine.. sorry!

No, his SS card is just a regular one without the legend. I tried GENTLY informing and educating, but they wouldn't
budge. I was told that on the I-9 form itself he would have to check one of the boxes; a citizen or national, a lawful permanent resident (Alien#) OR an alien authorized to work, so that's why they want to see an unexpired green card (no, the NOA is NOT acceptable), since he'd be checking box lawful permanent resident. So I said, ok, he puts in his alien#, it doesn't ask for proof at that point and he still has 2 ID's from List B and List C. Then I got the spiel about how Colorado is the strictest state about immigration since 9/11 and that's how it is. He'll have his new green card before this gets ironed out! So, I guess we'll go the route of I-551 stamp. I see that that is an acceptable piece of ID from List A. I spent too many hours on this, reading verbatim from the immigration-related unfair employment practices act (that did get me from person #1 to person #2 at least when I mentioned that I might have to file a complaint)! but person #2 wanted to ramble on about legislation, and colorado law and there was nothing she could do, everyone is treated the same. Anyway, I hope this will be useful/helpful for others in the same situation. Just get the I-551 stamp! Now my next question is, we've already been for biometrics, I suppose I need to call (or infopass?) for an appointment to get the stamp?

Thanks again Meauxna for all the valuable info and links, I looked at everything, even if it didn't get me very far! :)

Edited by coloradogirl, 13 March 2007 - 05:27 PM.

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-03-13 17:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGreen card extension letter not enough for new job

It's not clear if the NOA would fall under the reciept rule. An argument could probably be made either way. However, there is this, which supports them not accepting the unexpired card (even though the form instructions do not stipulate an unexpired I-551 card).

About Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification
The terms Resident Alien Card, Permanent Resident Card, Alien Registration Receipt Card, and Form I-551 all refer to documentation issued to an alien who has been granted permanent residence in the U.S.. Once granted, this status is permanent. However, the document that an alien carries as proof of this status may expire. Starting with the “pink” version of the Resident Alien Card (the “white” version does not bear an expiration date), and including the new technology Permanent Resident Cards, these documents are valid for either two years (conditional residents) or ten years (permanent residents). When these cards expire, the alien cardholders must obtain new cards. An expired card cannot be used to satisfy Form I-9 requirements for new employment. Expiration dates do not affect current employment, since employers are neither required nor permitted to re-verify the employment authorization of aliens who have presented one of these cards to satisfy I-9 requirements (this is true for conditional residents as well as permanent residents). Note: Even if unexpired, “green cards” must appear genuine and establish identity of the cardholder."

Form I-9 does make clear (and the regs support this)
Employers are not permitted to request more or different documents than are required or to refuse that reasonably appear to be genuine and to relate to the individual presenting the document.

If you feel wronged, you may contact this group:
Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices
Q. How can employers get up-to-date and accurate information?

A. OSC has a toll-free automated telephone hotline for employers: 1-800-255-8155 (1-800-362-2735 (TDD). Information is available 24 hours a day and features easy-to-follow prompts to receive prerecorded answers to common questions asked by employers.

The hotline offers callers taped information on four key subjects:

Tips on avoiding immigration-related discrimination when completing the I-9 Form;
Information on how to avoid immigration-related discrimination in hiring practices;
The penalties for employment discrimination; and
The acceptable documents that establish identity and work eligibility.

Callers who need additional information will be able to speak with an OSC representative from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Eastern Standard Time/Eastern Daylight Time. The hotline's Fax-Back option provides callers with helpful written information. Callers can key in their fax machine number, and within minutes will receive by fax a copy of the list of documents acceptable for establishing identity and work eligibility and information on the INA's anti-discrimination provisions. OSC updates the telephone system's recorded and Fax-Back information to reflect changes to the list of acceptable documents.

For more information, please contact:

U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
Office of Special Counsel for
Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530

General Information: 1-800-255-7688
1-800-237-2515 (TDD for hearing impaired)
Automated Employer Hotline: 1-800-255-8155
1-800-362-2735 (TDD for hearing impaired)


Thank you so much for this wonderful information! He does indeed have a driver's license and social security card, and I looked at the I-9 document list and these 2 pieces of information should be more than enough, so although what is stated above about the expired cards, wouldn't the other 2 documents be enough? Well, hopefully I'll be talking to somone else today and I'll report back my findings.

Thanks again so much, I really appreciate it!
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-03-13 09:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGreen card extension letter not enough for new job
Hello all,

Has anyone else experienced having a job offered, doing the drug test, show up for training with all the proper documentation then being told 'we can only hire you with a current green card, we can't accept the extenstion letter'?
If this is company policy it's one I don't understand! The job is a clerk position at a large grocery store chain. We filed the I-751 back in Dec., got the NOA and his extension letter in Jan. His green card expired March 3rd. So even though this letter clearly states my husband is still eligible to work this company won't honor it. For all the good it will do I have called the 800 number on their website and got referred to their division office here in Denver. I'm now waiting for a call from their human resources dept. It's particulary aggravating because he was so looking forward to working there, well working period really! He lost his other job in Jan. when they 'scaled down' and hasn't worked all this time. He's going nuts! And making me nuts too! And does anyone know if this 'policy' is even legal? If every company had this policy of not hiring with the extension letter all these poor people would never get hired!

Thank you for reading and any input anyone might have!
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-03-12 18:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging jobs while the I-751 is pending
Hi, my husband went through a similar experience recently. Search here for 'green card extension letter not enough for new job to read about our (his) experience and the outcome. I hope you'll find it helpful!

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-06-19 17:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 sent today to NSC with new fee

Update to our I-751 process.

Biometrics were taken yesterday at the ASC center in Denver. It was a full set of fingerprints and picture. We arrived 20 minutes early and our number was called within 5 min of the scheduled appointment. The process took 10-15 minutes because Marilyn's prints were not coming through that well.

Now I guess we wait to see if we are called for another interview or the new 10 yr green card arrives in the mail. Either way I think we have another 4-6 months to wait.

Take care, Marilyn and Peter.

Here's our update: NOA and biometrics appt. letters arrived same day, 1/20. Biometrics appt is for 1/30.
Barring a 6 for 6 snowstorm for the Denver metro area we should be able to make the drive down from Boulder. I looked at the processing times for I-751's out of Nebraska and they were working on July 16, '06. Not bad.... I still wonder why we have to go through biometrics again though, this will be my husband's third time doing this. Do fingerprints change all that much in 2 1/2 years????? :wacko:

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-01-23 18:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 sent today to NSC with new fee

I sent Marilyn Petition today, express mail to the NSC. The recent form and fee with biometrics ($275.00) was enclosed on one check.

Marilyn and Peter.

Hey there, I remember you from AOS filing. Im in Denver also, and what a coincidence I just sent in my petition today also! Hope all goes well for you.

- Caroline

I've not been here in ages, but we are at this point as well. Sent I-751 in on 12/27, check cashed on 1/5/07 ($275.00) I too tried typing in the LIN from the back of the check on their website, but no go..... Waiting on NOA in Boulder.


Edited by coloradogirl, 17 January 2007 - 06:01 PM.

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-01-17 17:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNew Texas Service Center Processing Times
Well, Nebraska is only on January 3rd, my husband's notice is January 4th and we sent it on December 27th, 2006
10 months????? now THAT'S SLOW!!! As far as I can see our case is waayyyy behind everyone else's.... he'll be ready to take his citizenship test before his card arrives! laughing.gif
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-10-15 19:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNebraska? does the center even exists?
Well, as I replied to lovesdolphins on the TSC time, we are going through Nebraska and my husband's NOA is dated January 4th, and the new time line is January 3rd. We sent it in on December 27th. At least we went to Denver in July to get that stamp (I-551? is that right, I can't remember) so there'd be no problem in traveling and trying to get a new job, well not until July 2008 at least, think he'll get his card by then????? whistling.gif
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-10-15 19:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTimelines for Nebraska
Here's our I-751 timeline:

December 27, 2006: packet and fee sent
January 4, 2007: received NOA
January 18: biometrics taken

4th year wedding anniversary August 15th, had hoped to celebrate with the arrival of his permanent green card as well, but we're still waiting... no word at all after biometrics

cg & mr. cg
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-08-20 18:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNSC working on I-751 petitions dated 1/27/07??
Gosh, hadn't realized so many of us were waiting so long!! I haven't looked at the N400 stuff yet, but I imagine my husband is now eligible to file for it. He's been here since June 2004 (married since August 2003). I called the 1-800 on Thursday, and my god!! after all the push this to get here and push that to go there, blah and blah, I just hung up in frustration!! Never did get to a human, I swear they do all they can to avoid having to talk to anyone of us! The fee is a bit steep right now at this time of year but may as well get it done. As slow as things are, his stamp in his passport could expire before the I-751 ever gets approved! whistling.gif
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-12-10 11:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNSC working on I-751 petitions dated 1/27/07??
I can't believe this! Our NOA is dated 1/4/07. My husband had biometrics 1/18/07. What happened to us??? I've been in contact with 2 other VJ'ers whose dates are also before 1/27/07. Our file hasn't been touched since 2/1/07 and just nothing and more of nothing. I'm going to give a call Monday and see if our file has been lost or what. Fortunately in July we made an info pass appt. and got my husband the I-551 stamp in his passport granting him travel and continued employment until July 2008, but still this is just totally ridiculous! Anybody else stuck in no where land?

I-751 timeline:

Dec. 27, 2006 mailed I-751 packet
Jan. 4, 2007 date on NOA
Jan. 18, 2007 Biometrics
Feb. 1, 2007 last time our file was touched....

a very disgruntled and bewildered cg and mr. cg.... mad.gif sad.gif

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2007-11-21 13:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNSC approval - waiting since dec 2006
Congratulations!!! dancin5hr.gif

It gives us some hope! We are right behind you in filing, etc.


I-751 timeline:

Dec. 27, 2006 mailed I-751 packet
Jan. 4, 2007 date on NOA
Jan. 30, 2007 Biometrics
Feb. 1, 2007 last time our file was touched....

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-02-02 14:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI am still around
Wow, that's wonderful news for you, very lucky indeed!!! Ours is stuck in NSC, gathering dust or worse... LOST!!


I-751 timeline:
Dec. 27, 2006 mailed I-751 packet
Jan. 4, 2007 date on NOA
Jan. 18, 2007 Biometrics
Feb. 1, 2007 last time our file was touched....
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-02-18 17:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPassport stamp in Denver
We had an infopass appt. in Denver last July and they gave my husband a 1 year stamp, and his extension letter (Jan. 4, 2007) wasn't even expired yet. He just wanted to be cofident he wouldn't have any problems travelling. And they didn't seem to care. If he doesn't get approved by this July, we'll be heading back for another stamp! Hope they're still giving them for 1 year then....

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-03-07 12:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionApproved!!
Congratulations! But I'm with Tammi, soooo unfair!!! tongue.gif But I AM so happy for you!


I751 Timeline
Dec. 27, 2006 - mailed in packet
Jan. 4, 2007 -received NOA
Jan. 30, 2007 - biometrics
Feb. 1, 2007 last time touched

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-03-07 12:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWork authorization / SS card / 1-751 pending....
My husband had the same problem. He finally got around to going to the SS office to request a replacement card. All he took was his passport with I-551 stamp in it. His I-751 NOA 1 yr. extension letter expired on Jan. 4, 2008. He went to the SS office on Feb. 28 and the new card arrived in the mail on March 6th. As for his employer, when his letter was about to expire they were fine with the stamp as well.

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-03-10 15:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionInfopass appt in Denver.....and some info on Nebraska
QUOTE (cal @ Mar 13 2008, 05:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
With my extension letter due to expire next week and an upcoming trip home to Australia, I went to get my passport stamped in Denver today. They gave me a one year stamp without any hassle.

I asked about the processing dates going backward by 6 months. The nice lady told me that as they received 3 million apps before the fees went up, they had taken immigration officers off certain types of applications. As the removing condition apps werent " are in the country and can get on with your life" our cases are one of the victims. She gave me the impression that they had basically stopped processing this type of application. I mentioned about how they were being transferred to CSC now and she said that yes they had been doing that for a few months with new applications, but the older ones are basically on hold. She said I would be looking at about 18 months (im assuming she meant including the 14 months I have already been waiting but you never know!!!)

So for all those who filed late 2006 / early 2007 like me, the news aint great.

I said it was a snap to get the stamp in Denver without question. biggrin.gif Hope it continues to be that way as my husband will need another stamp in July. We're right around the same timeline you are, so I hope she meant 18 months TOTAL!! Our file was last touched Feb. 1st. When was yours? Just curious.
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-03-13 16:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAffidavits - Poll
We sent 3 or 4 letters, can't remember right off since it's been 14 months now!!!! mad.gif

I had them notarized (because I thought that's what I read somewhere to do...) here at work, and as I recall the notary had something about sworn something or other on her stamp. Anyway, we still had plenty of other evidence, I just included the letters for good measure.
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-03-25 17:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI751 interview in Pittsburgh
QUOTE (USA1234 @ Mar 30 2008, 11:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone,

I will have my oath ceremony for citizenship on 04/18/08, so I'm finally going to reach the end of the road. I wanted to let everyone know what happened to the idiot officer who interviewed us for the I-751. "What goes around, come around" lol, and this is what happened. We've decided to not file a complaint against her obviously to avoid adverse action against my N-400. Every month, Attorneys, district officials, and the director of the district meet to discuss issues and raise any concerns. One of the attorneys complained to the director about this officer and his experience with her-- she's new by the way- and then, almost the rest of the attorneys divulged their own horror stories with this idiot. They drafted, signed, and filed a formal complaint. The director video taped her next interview and realized how stupid she is and she was reprimanded kicking.gif
I went in for my naturalization interview. She came out to the waiting room. She's still using the urine smelling perfume lol. She spoke to a Russian couple who were looking for a travel document, and she was talking so nice and gentle, as if it's a totally different person. My attorney laughed.

The officer I had my naturalization interview with was very nice, professional, and the interview was quick. You can view the story in the naturalization thread.

Casey and Doreen! I came back as promised to say congrats, but I didn't see that your cases were adjudicated yet! What's going on?

Congratulations, hopefully my husband's I-751 will be adjudicated soon (waiting 14 months now....). We'll probably file for citizenship very soon now, to hopefully beat any fee hike they may impose. Again, congratulations, great news! smile.gif
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-03-30 11:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOMG I was Touched!!!!
QUOTE (cal @ Apr 2 2008, 09:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This morning I got an email from CRIS telling me my case had been transferred. It dosent tell me where, but the online case status does. The email makes it sound like we are put to the back of the line now:


Current Status: This case is now pending at the office to which it was transferred. The CRI89 PETITION TO REMOVE CONDITIONS OF PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS RECEIVED was transferred and is now pending standard processing at a USCIS office. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address. We process cases in the order we receive them. You can use our processing dates to estimate when this case will be done, counting from when USCIS received it. Follow the link below to check processing dates. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. To receive e-mail updates, follow the link below to register. If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283. *Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Case Status and Processing Dates.*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.

cal, I got the same exact email this morning..... after getting the same online case status notice you did. Yeah, 'process in the order we receive them', but from what point from where??? Maddening and confusing....
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-04-02 10:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOMG I was Touched!!!!
QUOTE (cal @ Apr 1 2008, 11:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (goldy99 @ Apr 2 2008, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cal @ Apr 1 2008, 10:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ruairi @ Apr 2 2008, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mine was touched today and is moved to CSC.

Thanks for your post. I re-checked my status and saw I have now been transferred to CSC also. Hopefully something happens soon.

How did you find out that you have been transferred to CSC? I also checked mine online status but it does not say anything about if its moving to CSC (Service Center) or the local office. All it says that is : It has been transferred to the office.

It dosent say anything about being transferred, it just says it is at the California Service Center where it used to say NSC.


Current Status: Case received and pending.

On January 9, 2007, we received this CRI89 PETITION TO REMOVE CONDITIONS OF PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS RECEIVED, and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow any instructions on this notice. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service. We process cases in the order we receive them. You can use our processing dates to estimate when yours will be done. This case is at our CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER location. Follow the link below to check processing dates. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

Wow, things might be moving a bit after all. I just checked ours and we were touched today and just like the statement above, This case is at our CALIFORNIA Service Center. Although we are signed up for automatic updates we did not receive an email about anything from them. I only checked our status after reading this thread. Thanks for posting, I don't often check anymore, it was getting tooooooo depressing..... whistling.gif
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-04-01 22:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCard Has Been Ordered
Congratulations! I sure hope my husband's comes through soon. I can't believe how long it's taking! Looking at your complete timeline you got everything finished up quickly, compared to us, who got married in 2003! Oh well, it's wonderful to see everyone getting their cards ordered. I hope and pray we are not far behind.
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-04-08 14:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussion10 yr green card ordered !!
Congratulations!!! kicking.gif Seems these green card orders are sprouting all over the place suddenly!!! biggrin.gif Great news! Good luck to you!
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-04-08 14:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwho got e-mail update at 4-01-08 ( about transfer file the office and CSC )
We finally received the 'official' notice in the post yesterday, 4/14. Says exactly the same as everyone else's, and it's dated March 27,2008. Got no where when I tried to call to get an update as the letter instructs. But at least we now know it's in California, and the last time touched, 4/2. Sure wish the word 'approved' on the letter was what it really means.... dry.gif
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-04-15 14:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwho got e-mail update at 4-01-08 ( about transfer file the office and CSC )
QUOTE (Ruairi @ Apr 7 2008, 11:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
UserName...........Date of I-751........Date on NOA.......Biometrics.........Approved.....RFE, Service Request, etc

onur....................06/26/06................03/15/07...............04/15/06........................... I -551 stamp for 6 months
coloradogirl...........12/27/06............... 01/04/07...............01/30/07..........................I-551 stamp in 7/07 for 12 months
Ruairi..................01/--/07.................01/25/07...............02/23/07............................I-551 stamp for 12 moths, congressman

coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-04-07 10:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFINALLY!!!! Card Ordered!!
Congratulations!!! kicking.gif It gives me hope that we could be approved soon as well!!
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-04-16 17:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioncase tranfered to california
QUOTE (Gulskjegg @ Apr 19 2008, 07:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Within a few weeks after transfer from NSC to CSC, we were approved. So, hang in there and give it a month.

But not us! But I am ever hopeful! (throw in a bit of sarcasm and skepticism in there.... dry.gif )
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-04-20 10:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSSN card change question
They didn't take my husband's old card either. He doesn't carry his card around with him, but when applying for a job you need to give the employer the card because they make a copy of it for their files. So the last time he applied for a job he took all the necessary documents so they could see, touch and copy them. And then whatever he doesn't need to carry around with him goes into our lock box here at home. Even for me, the us citizen, when I've applied for a job they want to SEE the card, they're not going to believe you if you just spout off some number for them.
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-04-20 10:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSSN card change question
Get it taken off as soon as you can! It did indeed cause my husband problems when he applied for a new job, they would not accept the marked ss card or his one year extension letter with his expired 2 yr gc. It was a mess and I ended up calling the justice department. This happened about this time last year. You can see all my posts about it by looking up my name. Anyway, he went to the ss office with his marked ss card, letter and expired gc and they sent him another regular card in about a week's time. So now everything's good, except that damn long wait on the I-751.... whistling.gif
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-04-16 15:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOMG!!!!! OMG!!!!
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-04-17 09:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Interview...
QUOTE (Feliz @ Sep 24 2007, 07:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Vouge @ Sep 24 2007, 01:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jasman0717 @ Sep 24 2007, 01:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Claudeth and I wish you the best, we will be doing her I-751 in about a month and a half good.gif

Thank you! Wishing you both good luck! wink.gif

Good luck,

here is a long list of separate interview questions:***removed***/marriage-based-greencard-fraud-interview.html

who knows how far they will go in their quality control?

The questions on this site are a hoot!! I printed them out and took them to work and showed my female friends, they all just snorted and laughed and said their husband's would get over half wrong, and their husbands are usc's. I asked MY husband some of them like, 'what color are the curtains in the bedroom'? And he goes, wait let me go look... whistling.gif He's lived here going on 4 years now and we've never moved or redecorated, men just don't pay attention to these things. And my birthday was just this past Oct. I have no rememberance of what he got me if anything. We just aren't big on these kinds of things. Some of these questions might be good indicators but I find them ridiculous, and some were even offensive! Instead of calling US for an interview, I think they should come visit us and they can just ask the neighbors about us. Well, we've not even been called for an interview, so I guess I'll get off my soap box now.... tongue.gif
coloradogirlFemaleMorocco2008-04-25 16:14:00