K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetitoner's Criminal History

On the I129F it says that the petitioner must provide certified copies of police and court records for certain types of legal transgressions. It also says that this is done in order to comply with the International Marriage Brokers Act. Does this mean that you only need to provide this information/documentation if you met your foreign fiancee through a marriage broker, or do all petitioners need to answer this part and provide documentation? Thanks for any advice anybody can provide.

I had to provide police records (or lack thereof, in my case). I've never had more than a speeding ticket (which are not on the record, by the way), and they still want that proof. In Massachusetts, it took me 2 weeks to receive it.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-04 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresemail from uscins

the following was send to my friend after he sumitted his petition, he recived the NOA 1, and after two months he gets this??? WHAT DOCUMENTS ARE THEY REFERING TO????

Case Status
Receipt Number: wac0x0xxxxxxx
Application Type: I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Undeliverable document filed.

On December 27, 2006, the post office returned your document as undeliverable. Please call 1-800-375-5283 to update the mailing address.

Well, since it doesn't seem to say what documents they're referring to, I would call the 800 number to update the mailing address. :thumbs:
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-07 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting requirement

...... I can remember the phone call... "Ahhhhnsheylah... we are going to get married!" I was glad HE said it and not ME!!

Oh lucky you! I was the one who first brought it up!!

I got the typical "ummmm......I'm not sure I'm ready for that kind of step". You can about imagine how the rest of the conversation went.

But then again, I was dealing with a 41 year old bachelor. Plus we hadn't met face-to-face yet. We were both trying to figure out how we could manage our relationship if our upcoming face-to-face worked out. NEITHER of us wanted to 'jump the gun' but we also knew that long-distance wasn't for us.

I will tell you this - we filed the K1 with every intention of marrying BUT.....we filed it at the beginning of a second long visit for him to the US. He made it fairly clear to me that this visit was in no small part a 'test' - not only to make sure we were doing the right thing personally but to see if he felt 'comfortable' in America.

I remember having several conversations about how we loved each other enough to let each other go if things didn't work. It would have been painful but we would have broken it off even after filing if things seemed amiss.

Now, almost two and one-half years after meeting online, we sit here together in America. Both underemployed and poor as hell!! It must be LUV!

Well, I'm 10 years older than him, and have two marriages under my belt, so I sure wasn't going to be the one to bring it up. We had met while I was vacationing with a girlfriend in Paris. I honestly thought I'd never see him again. And here he comes, giving up everything he has there. You're right - it must be LUV! :luv:
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-06 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting requirement

Hell yes! Hahahahahahahaah!!!

I remember sitting there reading and going "omg the only way we can REALLY be together for an extended time is to get married".

Just the kind of news every woman wants to break to her new boyfriend. You know how they 'bolt' when they hear the "M" word!!!

For the longest time, we just pretended that we were in a "see you when I see you" kind of relationship, even though we travelled at least every two months, for a least a week, to see each other. When we finally got to the point where we knew it was more than that, we both did "homework" independent of one another. I can remember the phone call... "Ahhhhnsheylah... we are going to get married!" I was glad HE said it and not ME!!
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-06 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting requirement

From what i have seen research wise so far, this seems like a hellish process, so i would not be surprised if the failure to activate has quite a lot to do with what Angilla suggested. That the stress and strain of it all can make it just too hard. :wacko:

Well, in all fairness, it sounds like you just started researching today. If so you are presently on "information overload" and yeah - it does seem like a lot at first. I remember the first night I decided to look for a "boyfriend visa" and came up empty-handed, confused, and bleary-eyed from reading.

Take it one step at a time and it won't seem so bad.

rebeccajo, I did the same thing! LOL!! "boyfriend visa"!!
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-06 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting requirement

I'm sorry, but you ARE going to marry someone

Because you said "and we have to wait and wait", which felt like to me that you were personally offended and injured by me as a "couple", thus invalidating my existance as a couple and my feelings to boot. I lost it because when you go to the main visa website, it is a confusing mess, that makes it look like you have to file this kind of visa if you are romantically interested in someone or it is fraud. So i searched and found this website, and posted a question. and from the gate, I start getting reamed about not only my relationship and that we are not a "real couple", but how valid are my physical issues and if you "really loved him" you would kill yourself to fly to mexico. :P

You shouldn't let what anyone says to you on the internet "invalidate" your existence as a couple. It's the internet - not real life. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. :)

Edited by bostonparis, 06 January 2007 - 05:47 PM.

bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-06 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting requirement

If he comes here on a tourist visa, and you get married, it's fraudulent.

Just a little clarification here- he can come on a tourist visa and get married. They can get married while he is here on a tourist visa, but he must leave before the visa expires and the USC then files for a spouse visa while he waits in Mexico.

Yes, my bad for not completing. Thanks! :thumbs:
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-06 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting requirement

so glad to see a response NOT to the question that I asked. Had you actually READ what I wrote- you would have seen that I THOUGHT you HAD to file the k-1 visa if you EVENTUALLY want to get married- didn't say I am marrying tomorrow- didn't elaborate on our personal story, circumstances, religious beliefs etc. What amazes me is that I thought this site was just for that- QUESTIONS about the process and paperwork- not for some sort of intervention because you have mistakenly labled me out of misguided notion that somehow I am delaying your process to be reunited with your love because i am some ditzy internet teen. You don't know me, you don't know us. you don't know anything about my personal life. I also did not ask for your advice or opinion on my personal life or decisions. I asked and had answered my question- that you can in fact visit on a tourist visa even if your eventual plans are to be married. Please to not criticize my personal decisions as to who/what/where/when/why I chose to love someone or choose to marry them. I am sorry you are bitter and angry about the delay in obtaining your visa, but please do not take it out on me. I have not even FILED any paperwork for crying out loud, and even if I had, it is my right as a tax paying citizen to do just that if I so desire. Last time I checked, they did not place qualifiers on filing paperwork based on passing any 7 dimensions of true love, or require anyone's specific definition of what is "real love" and what is not.

So, hopefully you know your answer. If he comes here on a tourist visa, and you get married, it's fraudulent. If he comes here on a tourist visa, you both know you want to get married, and he goes back home, there's no fraud. Some people will say that if he comes here on a tourist visa, but you get married a couple of months later if there was no initial intent to marry, there's no fraud either. I don't buy that, but that's just my opinion.

'm not :bitter and angry". My visa is not "delayed," so I'm not sure why you say that. I already received NOA2, and my petition is at the embassy in Paris. I get annoyed when I see people who ARE delayed by the process because of many reasons. Angilla clarified for me that you didn't file paperwork. Yes, it is your right as a taxpayer to file paperwork if you want to. But a lot of times, people don't realize how it affects others when they're filing these petitions when they're not even sure.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-06 17:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting requirement

Bostonparis, she was asking about the waiver only because she was under the impression that him visiting her in the States would be fraudulent, and she is physically unable to go to Mexico. Now that she's realized that it won't be fraudulent for him to visit her, she said they'll go the route of getting him a visitor visa so they can spend some time together. So they're going to meet in person before doing the K1 shebang. ;)

Ah. I was under the impression that she had already filed for the K1.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-06 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting requirement

I'd definitely suggest talking to a good immigration lawyer.

One question though: why in the world would you want to marry someone you've never even met? I know it's possible to think you're in love with someone you met online... but there's so much more to a relationship than words. There are all the nonverbal things, and a little something called "chemistry" that also comes into play.

Airlines can be very accomodating to persons with physical impairments as well. You can arrange for them to drive you in the little golf cart things to your gate, and you can pre-board so you don't have to wait in a huge line for everyone in front of you to get setted. You're asking him to give up everything he knows: his family, his culture, his way of life just to be with you. It isn't too much to ask you to go visit him just once?

I didn't feel like going into the whole long personal story, or what other things have factored into our thoughts on this. And I would not be marrying someone I never met- when you are at the visa website, it looks like this is a simpler visa for what we intend, and that you can't file for tourist visa if you intend to stay permenently eventually, so the thought is you have to get this kind. We would be meeting in person before marrying. The visa is not a binding contract to marry- to the contrary, it just means if you want to stay here, you have to get married in 90 days. Obviously, he is free to return to mexico at any time, he is not a prisoner here, nor just because he was here, would we HAVE to get married, either on of us could decide to wait, and not do that, or have him return to Mexico etc.
My question simply was on the waiver bit, and can he come here first to visit on a tourist visa even if we plan to be together permanently. I have had some reent complications with my health issues that really make it beyond not a good idea for me to travel that far. It is not the walking, or riding in a cart- it is the sitting on the plane for hours and hours. Not to mention because of where I live, even getting to the airport. At this point, I found this website in doing some searches online, looking at different options, and just had the question, as I am well aware that what the government SAYS, vs. what they DO can be 2 entirely different things LOL.

I'm sorry, but you ARE going to marry someone that you have not yet met. This is clearly a larger issue - how on earth can you know that this is the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with when you have never met him? Never held his hand, looked into his eyes...??

This is the kind of stuff that makes me crazy. There's all kinds of couples out there just dying to finally be together for good... who are in love, who have MET, who have travelled in all kinds of conditions, just to be together for a few days at a time... and we have to wait and wait and wait while USCIS and the rest have to sift through petitions of "couples" who have never met.

But, like I said, that's clearly a larger issue.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-06 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile you're waiting for NOA2: Talk to your boss!

I checked, and Roissy is where the DHL warehouse is. So they are delivered there, then they ship out to the Embassy.

I didn't notice that about calling the embassy for a fee. That sucks. If I don't hear anything by mid-week next week, maybe I'll call. Because I'm an impatient girl.

Aaaah, ok, so good news then. :) I checked from December 26th til yesterday and there's only been 2 France deliveries, I would think they've gotta be us. Wouldn't that be funny, the only two France deliveries in this time frame and we meet ONLINE? :lol: I also think it's funny that NVC told us both the 28th, and DHL is saying 27th and 29th.

If you do call the embassy, can you ask if the packet 3 forms can be sent to the embassy before the Frenchie fiance recieves packet 3 in the mail?

Yes, I'll ask. I also want to know if he can pick up packet 3 directly, since he literally works next door. THAT would be sweet.

Also regarding the person (Nkybaby?) who sent the letter from employer with I-129F, you didn't need to do that. You will need a new one since a significant enough amount of time will have passed between your original petition and the interview (which is when they actually want to see it. But, I'm sure it won't be a problem for you to get another one!!
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-06 11:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile you're waiting for NOA2: Talk to your boss!

Since you and BostonParis' petitions were probably shipped in the same batch, chances are your fiancés will have their interviews on the same day.

I'll probably get to the US through JFK too (long story). Who knows...maybe I'll arrive on the same day as your fiancé :D

LOL that would be very cool! And if you go through JFK, too, keep us posted - maybe you can join our VJJFK party. :lol:

The France embassy page is ... I don't want to say worthless exactly... but it doesn't have NEARLY the information that some other embassy web pages have.

Aaaah, glad I'm not the only one that thinks that about the embassy's website!

Angilla, yes, he did live in London! :)

LOL I'm sending you a PM about that.

I did a search, and there were two packets delivered to Roissy, France - one shipped the day before they said mine shipped, and one shipped the day after mine shipped. But nothing said they were delivered to Pars, to the address. Oh, well.

And, of course, they do not accept email inquiries. Sweet. :huh:

Yeah I tried searching around and saw those two deliveries to Roissy, too. Isn't Roissy where the Charles de Gaulle airport is? Would the packets be sent straight to the embassy in Paris, or would something involving that airport happen?

And yeah, no e-mail inquiries and the VJ embassy page says there's a fee for calling the embassy - to talk to an operator it says there's a 14.50€ fee! That's sickening! I guess our best bet is to wait for our fiances to get packet 3 in the mail. :(

I checked, and Roissy is where the DHL warehouse is. So they are delivered there, then they ship out to the Embassy.

I didn't notice that about calling the embassy for a fee. That sucks. If I don't hear anything by mid-week next week, maybe I'll call. Because I'm an impatient girl.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-04 20:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile you're waiting for NOA2: Talk to your boss!

I know - I couldn't believe all the helpful information on most Embassy pages! I was SO excited to get over to the Paris website... then... nuthin'. Ah well.

I did a search, and there were two packets delivered to Roissy, France - one shipped the day before they said mine shipped, and one shipped the day after mine shipped. But nothing said they were delivered to Pars, to the address. Oh, well.

And, of course, they do not accept email inquiries. Sweet. :huh:

Oh shoot...that sucks! :angry: And here I was thinking that they would be nice and things would go fast and easily since it was an european embassy...
Anyway, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys. I still think your fiancés will have an interview date before I do.

Thanks! I bet it will be around the same time. Looks like they shipped yours a week before ours!
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-04 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile you're waiting for NOA2: Talk to your boss!

The France embassy page is ... I don't want to say worthless exactly... but it doesn't have NEARLY the information that some other embassy web pages have. Thanks for that link, though, I'm going searching now!

Angilla, yes, he did live in London! :)'re right, I went there and couldn't find half the info I found on the brazilian one...

The DHL tracking isn't a sure thing. You'll get to know if a package was sent to Paris, but there is no guaranty that package contains your petition. The best way to know for sure is emailing the embassy (I began doing this just before Christmas - didn't even know if NVC had it then... :hehe: ).

If you or your fiancé email them, ask if he can send packet 3 before he recieves it.

Good luck :thumbs:

I know - I couldn't believe all the helpful information on most Embassy pages! I was SO excited to get over to the Paris website... then... nuthin'. Ah well.

I did a search, and there were two packets delivered to Roissy, France - one shipped the day before they said mine shipped, and one shipped the day after mine shipped. But nothing said they were delivered to Pars, to the address. Oh, well.

And, of course, they do not accept email inquiries. Sweet. :huh:
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-04 09:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile you're waiting for NOA2: Talk to your boss!

They better - cuz our petition was mailed over to France the same day as yours, December 28th! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: The guy on the phone couldn't tell me the day they got it, but he said he could tell me when they sent it. :D What next, bostonparis - your fiance and mine have their interview dates the same day? LOL!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

You can kind of track the package using DHL website. Here are some links explaining how to do it:

If the France embassy website is anything like the brazilian one, you should look for a link to visas, then immigrant visas and then fiancé(e) visas. You'll get a page with some links that describes (badly) what you have to do and links to the forms.

I'll try to look for some info and if I find any, I'll post here.

Check on the regional forum for timelines for France. The few I saw seem to go pretty fast.

Since you and BostonParis' petitions were probably shipped in the same batch, chances are your fiancés will have their interviews on the same day.

I'll probably get to the US through JFK too (long story). Who knows...maybe I'll arrive on the same day as your fiancé :D

The France embassy page is ... I don't want to say worthless exactly... but it doesn't have NEARLY the information that some other embassy web pages have. Thanks for that link, though, I'm going searching now!

Angilla, yes, he did live in London! :)
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-04 08:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile you're waiting for NOA2: Talk to your boss!

Aaaaaaaaaaaah YES! Me too! It is SO sweet sounding lol. My fiance seems to have a mix of French and British accents, since he lived in England for 2 years as a kid. It is SO CUTE!

My fiance lived in England for 2 years, too, but that was just a few years ago. His accent is definitely all French. When we first met, my girlfriend (who was with me on a vacation to Paris) had to ask me to translate his English because she couldn't understand him. Granted, this is the same girl who called Champs Elysees "Champs Eloise".
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-03 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile you're waiting for NOA2: Talk to your boss!

Let's see how things go and talk about it when it gets closer! :D It's going on 13 months since I've seen my fiance. So yeah, when I meet him in JFK it's gonna be awesome! But I wouldn't mind meeting a fellow French/American VJ couple - it's not like I go to Boston very often! ;) Wouldn't that be funny - Hi Angela, Hi Angela. One of our fiances calls "Angela" and we both jump. *snicker*

I love the way he says Angela. Ahhhn-shey-laaahh... *le sigh* :luv:
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-03 21:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile you're waiting for NOA2: Talk to your boss!
I know - I'm pretty excited about that last week in Paris. Hopefully in March!! Fingers crossed!

Seriously, if we end up getting approved around the same time, that would be so fun! Well, hanging out at JFK in general probably not so much, but we could at least get a drink before we fly to Boston!! :D Although, how long has it been since you've seen your fiance? You probably won't want to see ANYONE but him!! (L)
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-03 21:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile you're waiting for NOA2: Talk to your boss!

I wish I could be, but I just can't. :( We're putting every cent away that we can for the big move, and the wedding expenses, and the AOS fees. Plus I've only had my job for 2 1/2 months and I'm taking off April 4th - 16th for our wedding plus Easter, a family reunion, and my Goddaughter's First Communion all in Florida. There's no way I could get more time off, and even if I could, I can't afford the lost salary plus all the other expenses of travelling. :( I really wish I could, though.

Will you be there for his interview?

Just think about those two weeks for your wedding! You'll make it through. And just think of the excitement waiting for his phone call or text message to say VISA APPROVED!!!!!!!

I wanted to go, but he said he doesn't want me there, he just wants to do it and get it over with. So instead, I'm going to fly over and spend a final week with him in Paris, then we'll fly to Boston together.

Although, I kind of want to fly through JFK so he can get an EAD stamp. Even though he'd have to quit his job after 90 days. That just KILLS me.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-03 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile you're waiting for NOA2: Talk to your boss!

They better - cuz our petition was mailed over to France the same day as yours, December 28th! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: The guy on the phone couldn't tell me the day they got it, but he said he could tell me when he sent it. :D What next, bostonparis - your fiance and mine have their interview dates the same day? LOL!

WAHOO!!!!!! :D :dancing:

I thought the same thing - wouldn't that be hysterical?? Are you going there for his interview?
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-03 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile you're waiting for NOA2: Talk to your boss!
I've been trying to find out things about the Embassy in Paris, too, and haven't had too much luck, either. From what I've heard, though, it seems that they move pretty quickly!
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-03 21:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile you're waiting for NOA2: Talk to your boss!

My advice... while you're waiting for the NOA2, talk to your boss about the letter you'll need stating your employment for the I-134! Explain it to your boss and ask how long it'll take to get it when you need it, so they're aware and you know how long it'll take. It took almost 2 weeks for my boss to do it for me. Not like it killed us or anything, it's just annoying to get the NOA2 and have to wait so long for your boss to sign a 1 paragraph letter so you can send all the necessary documents to your loved one. :)

Funny news is... on the same day I get the letter from my employer, I get a letter from the NVC saying they got our case on 12/29 and it'll be sent to France within a week. :lol: :dance:

Angilla, I got the same letter, - today - with the same date as you. But, when I called NVC today, they said it was sent on 12/28!!! I bet yours went on the same day as mine!!
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-03 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfree to marry

I know that I cannot remarry for six months anywhere in the world. This is the price I pay for getting a divorce in Wisconsin. It would seem that I would have to wait for six months to submit a I-129f. I guess I will try and find a definitive answer from a lawyer. Anyone have any links to one? Almost all states have some sort of waiting period after divorce, funny the law does not make mention of this. Only refers to divorce and annulment. Also, fiance has six months to use visa, I wonder if it was intended for this six months to be used to wait out any state required wait to remarry? I dunno..........................Ken

Never mind - didn't see your newest post. Congratulations!

Edited by bostonparis, 12 January 2007 - 07:41 PM.

bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-12 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to start K1 Journey - Attorney question

Lol, I see your point, but we want to make sure everything goes smoothly, and the income level has always been a red flag for me despite the support we have.... Just worried I guess...

See my thread in the DCF forum. I discourage the use of an attorney unless you have a complicated case. I thought hiring an attorney would make things go smoothly for me, and that they would be able to direct me to the best and fastest way to be with my fiance. He didn't, on both ends. And I truly believe that people here have more knowledge than a lot of lawyers (mine for sure). I absolutely could have done mine on my own, and probably wouldn't have gotten an RFE, either. Just my opinion. Good luck!
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-14 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust a question about RFE

I sent my RFE back on November 17, and received NOA2 on December 19.


I know. And I was at Vermont.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-19 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust a question about RFE
I sent my RFE back on November 17, and received NOA2 on December 19.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-19 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnderstanding the timelines

Hey all, I'm new here, but I have to say how much I appreciate this site. The information is helpful (especially the sample documents) and of course it's always comforting to see other couples slogging it out along side of us.

I have a question about various predicted processing times - the timelines and historical data, etc that's presented here and so on. I suppose my question, more precisely, is what the dates on the USCIS Service Center Processing Dates calendar represent. I see that they report that as of Jan 17, 2007, they are "processing cases with receipt notice date of July 17, 2006." What do they mean "processing?" And for that matter "receipt notice date?" Does that mean that NOA2s are going out now for apps received last July? I mailed our I-129F on Jan 12, received delivery confirmation on Jan 16, and am still waiting for the NOA1. Since the USCIS site seems to be on a steady 6-month calendar, where does that mean I'll be in 6 months? Getting the NOA2? Or is that about the time things will be getting sent over to the State Department?

Just trying to manage my expectations here. Thanks!

It seems that most Service Centers right now are processing late-October filings. So, you should expect a wait... but not a 6-month wait, I don't think.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-19 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo we have to wait to file I-129F?
If you go to the meeting in Albany, and they tell you what you want to hear, I STRONGLY suggest you get it in writing from whomever you speak with. A lot of these people don't exactly know the "rules" that the case workers at USCIS go by... and USCIS may have different ideas about what "legally free to marry" means when it comes to a case that they are unfamiliar with.

I will tell you, if they see you are 17 when you file, and you do not have parental permission, they will deny your petition, plain and simple.

Sorry to say - but I think your best bet is to either get permission, or wait. I know when I was 17, and I asked a question, I only heard the answers I wanted to hear. So, I feel ya, but try and be realistic.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-24 13:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNotary?

You only need to notorize the support document. Other documents, such as birth certificates and divorce finals need to be certified by the issuing agency.

What about translating emails, chats and etc?
can i translate them myself since i do speak english and russian fluently

In your initial petition, why are you submitting e-mails, chats, etc...?

As a proof of an ongoing relationship???

In your I-129F petition, you need to submit proof that you have met in person within the last two years: photos, passport stamps, plant tickets.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-25 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNotary?

So the banking statements, pay stubs, W2 forms, work papers......DON'T have to be notorized?

NO, because notarizing them does not do anything to improve the validity/integrity/certification of those document. If you understand what the function of a notary is, then it becomes much simpler to understand what kinds of documents will be better served.

The only document so far that has required a notary is the I-134 because the notary is validating MY signature to the document.

In the original submission of the I-129F:
The translation of the birth certificate should be notarized, as well as the "certificate" from the translator.
The Letters of Intent to Marry are recommended to be notarized
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-25 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDIVORCE NISI??

I have received our first RFE and it has to do with my fiances divorce paperwork. It basically states that the divorce is not finalized due to that fact that decree uses the term "revocable", which at first I was concerned about but basically this has been since April 2003 and by law in UAE there is a 3 month period where he can take her back. Obviously that time period has passed but now they need proof of it being an irrevocable divorce and have stated it cannot be a divorce nisi. Does anyone have any expericene in this matter and if so, I would really appreciate any kind of guidance you could assist me with.

Thank you.

I don't know about UAE, but here, first you are granted a judgement of divorce nisi. 90 days after that, your divorce becomes "absolute," and you can be issued a Certificate of Absolute Divorce.

I just contacted the courthouse where my divorce was final and they sent me a clerk-certified Certificate of Absolute Divorce. For a $20 fee, of course...
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-28 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCURIOUS
The process can seem very daunting when first starting out. That's why I hired an attorney. I honestly had no idea how straightforward a process it is. Yes, long and frustrating, but easy enough if you're organized and have some grey matter. I was scared I would do things wrong, so I hired one. Sure, they filled out the forms and wrote a pretty little cover letter... but got an RFE for a divorce decree. Had *I* been the one putting this together, I would have been on VJ asking, and found out that it can't just be the judgement nisi. Why the lawyers didn't say or know that, who knows? But, I found VJ before it was WAY too late!
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-29 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCURIOUS

See this thread.


I was just going to post that link here - perfect case in point.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-29 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCURIOUS

There's no need to hire a lawyer. Anyone who takes the time to read everything thoroughly should be able to fill out all the forms. USCIS does a good job of explaining what's needed. Take the time to read the forms, double and triple check and then triple check again and you'll be fine.

If you look at her timeline you will notice that she is waiting on her interview date. She was just being curious. While not hiring someone to prepare everything is ok for some, it's not ok for all. Everyone is different. Some people feel better to hire people who specialize in preparing the forms, especially if they have been doing it for years and have a 100% success rate. For those who do it themselves and get no RFEs, that's great :thumbs: You're probably smarter than me.

I got an RFE even WITH a lawyer - worthless, worthless worthless. I wouldn't recommend one unless a case is very complicated. I hired a lawyer before I knew of this site, however. I never would have had I come here first.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-29 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it neccessary to seek legal help with the I-129?

I used a lawyer, but if I'd found VJ before that, I would have done it myself and saved the money. Having a lawyer gave a sense of peace of mind, but didn't really affect the processing speed, and we did get an RFE anyway.

Ditto, right down to getting an RFE! Wouldn't recommend wasting the money unless you have a complicated case, or if you are highly disorganized and cannot follow instructions.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-02-01 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA newbie with timing concerns!
Kym, how absolutely frustrating. I wouldn't recommend having a wedding ceremony - I think that could put you in dangerous territory. As far as your lawyer stating that 100% of the time people are turned away that try to visit during a K1visa processing, just based on the people HERE that have done it, it's BS.

He really hasn't given you any help, or any hope at all. I do hope you proceed with reporting him to the bar association. The ####### that he spews about "the public and immigration attorneys" not knowing where to file the K1 is BS, too. They're IMMIGRATION ATTORNEYS. I'm so frustrated for you, you must be just out of your mind.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-02-01 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA newbie with timing concerns!

Do you know what lawyers "can do" that others can't? For this process specifically?

Yes. Specifically, immigration attorneys have 3 things to help them that we do not have access to:
-A dedicated telephone line into the Service Centers, answered by someone hired to respond to them
-Contact available with the liason (troubleshoots for specific cases) and the SC Director
-"Insider" resources through their trade group AILA

I submit that an immigration attorney has the ability to make contact, and get action, that DIY petitioners do not have.

heheheh.. bit of a funny argument to be having---usually I am on the other side of it with an atty! :lol:

My immigration attorney told me that had no contact with Service Centers or any inside resources!! :lol:
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-31 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA newbie with timing concerns!
In your letter to the law firm, I would recommend asking that someone else review your file as soon as possible, since you can no longer be confident in the abilities of your present attorney. What if he screwed something else up? You don't want to have to wait to get that fixed, on top of everything else.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-30 16:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA newbie with timing concerns!
Oh my God, what a nightmare. I am SO sorry for you. I hope you have some recourse with that attorney - I hope you haven't paid him/her yet (although, based on my experience, you probably paid it all up front, just like I did... never again).

Good luck - please let us know how things are going.
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-01-29 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI've been refused... then now what!?

Last year I've applied for an Nonimmigrant Visa, but didn't grand it for some reason. Is it going to affect me getting my immigration visa? There is a question on DS-156 form, asking if I have ever been refused for a visa, should I put yes?

And also, below it on part 38...."Have you ever been refused admission to the U.S., or been the subject of a deportation hearing or sought to obtain or assist others to obtain a visa, entry into the U.S., or any other U.S. immigration benefit by fraud or willful misrepresentation or other unlawful means? Have you attended a U.S. public elementary school on student (F) status or a public secondary school after November 30, 1996 without reimbursing the school?", if I put "yes" then I may be required to personally appear before a consular officer.

What should I do? Anyone has the same experience?

You should put a yes on DS 156. However, please see above for part 38 - it's asking if you were refused admission because of fraud or willful misrepresentation. You were NOT refused because of that, were you?
bostonparisFemaleFrance2007-02-11 09:34:00