K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures5 month - calling USCIS
You should not be calling them over and over that does not help. And then people wonder where their NOA2 are ? Its because the VSC is flooded with calls from people like you and does have time to be doing what they suppose to be doing--- > approving petitions.
So hang in there and give it time.
OasisFemaleBrazil2010-12-09 12:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy is my Visa taking longer than others?
No not at all.. I do still come here often as I received lots of help here durning my process and all I can do is pass it on and offer my support.
OasisFemaleBrazil2010-12-09 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy is my Visa taking longer than others?
Yea thats what happend to me and then magically it showed up in my mailbox. Hopefully yours is on the way. fingers crossed :)
OasisFemaleBrazil2010-12-09 13:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy is my Visa taking longer than others?
I am not hostile at all. I was in your same shoes and it got me very very frustrated to see other petitions approved before mine. Try not to compare your timelines with others since each case is different.
It looks like you are at the 5 month mark too, I personally would give it a few more days longer and call.
Fingers crossed that the NOA2 is on the way.
OasisFemaleBrazil2010-12-09 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy is my Visa taking longer than others?
We all waited just like you, some less then others. The petitions dont get approved in order they come in.
If you are so frustrated and stressed out over this process why did you even bother to file ? I say, learn to have patience like the rest of us.
Your turn will come, sooner then later.
OasisFemaleBrazil2010-12-09 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVermont, 5 months is up
I feel your pain but take a look at my timeline to see what I went thru !!! And that was not the end of it, my fiance also required a waiver.
So waiting 5 months should be a piece of cake for everyone... seriously I wish all I would had to wait was 5 months.
Soooo..... everyone, be patient, stop calling the VSC - it does not do you any good, your NOA2's will come, sooner then later.
OasisFemaleBrazil2010-12-15 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat questions to expect at interview
There is a portal for this questions with lots of varied answers to your question. I am new on here but I have checking out everything the site has to offer and there is no question left unaswered. Browse around and see for yourself.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-07-03 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview
Congratulations to you ...
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-07-08 17:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen will you marry?

my fiance's response to this when I asked her. My POE is Vegas right???? sssooooo....let's get the family to meet us there.....

(her first answer was: how soon after we get off the plane????) I have no idea what her response will be during hte interview... she has some really interesting answers. She is very, very playful.....

I just imagine the interviewer at the embassy or the Customs official.... She might actually ask the Customs official, "can't you marry us?.... No, well hurry.... I want to get to the little white chapel...." (and she is wearing a leopard print dress with a red ribbon sash while saying this.)

Very cute, that's what is great about different cultures. My Fiance also has some interesting answers to a lot of practice interview questions I present to him.

As far as the question when will we marry? I tell people before the end of 2011. But the truth is I really better start planning because once the interview part is over and approved things will start to happen on US time and not Carribean time and what a big difference that is...

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-07-09 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting for NOA2

On feb.22.2011 we got our NOA1. Now we are waiting for NOA2. I'm checking everyday if my case status change ,but still nothing.
Will I get first a note through my email,post or does it show first online on my case status ?

That is a long wait but it can take 3-6 months for a NOA2. You will get an email if you requested to be notified that way or you may just get a hard copy of your NOA2. I would also check your country portal to compare your dates with others filing for loved ones in the same country as your fiancee.

I learned last night, PATIENCE is key...and Prayer helps...Good luck.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-07-09 14:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Petitioner Need to submit Birth Certificate?

Thanks...Just to confirm...Are you saying I have to send my original birth certificate to my fiancee who will be going to the U.S. Consulate in Juarez for the interview?

Good question. The answer is yes.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-07-09 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview and........Approved

On July21st I had my Medical (€ 145,-), the appointed Doctor did a quick check, gave me one vaccination (DTKP € 35,-) and took some blood. Next stop that day was the X-ray (€ 50,-) and that only took 10 minutes.

On July28th I had my Interview on the American Consulate in Amsterdam, got to the Consulate at 13:15 pm and there was already a line. At exactly 13:30 pm security opened the gate and asked the people with an appointment to step forward and come in, and then he asked who did not have electronic equipment with them and because I left my cell phone home I could immediately step to the front of the line and was directed to window 5. The very nice young lady asked for all the forms, their copies and proof of payment (€ 263,-) took my finger prints and signed of the documents, it took no longer than 10 minutes.

After about a 20 minute wait I was called to window 6 where the CO took my oath and asked where I and my fiance met, I answered that we met in Australia on a holiday. He let me sign the form and then told me that we were approved and that my passport and papers would be send to my home adress next week, after no more than 40 minutes I left the Consulate.

Simple and to the point... Congratulations on your approval.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-07-30 00:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting the NOA2 after a simple RFE

If you got a RFE, then you will receive a NOA-3. Your RFE was your NOA-2. Your RFE was the 2nd Action that was taken on your case. So you received a (Notice of Action-2) which was the I-797 form stating that they are requesting more evidence. Everyone needs to get away from using (NOA-1-2-3-4-97-1002) ect.


Hey John thanks for that small tip. I am about to send in my completed RFE request and at the end I wrote something about wanting to get an noa2 but I should be begging for a noa3. I will correct that now.

Again thanks for the tip.I voted for your post.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-01 18:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1/2 a day and we will be together again

In less than 14 hours the love of my life will be landing in Detroit aboard Delta Airlines. We have waited patiently for this day to ultimately arrive. I can't wait to see her and the kids walk out of that international terminal and into my open and welcoming arms!!! Some of you have already been there and done it and too many of you await that special day in your lives. I have never been more certain about my feelings for the Love Of My Life who will be greeted with the warmest embrace imaginable. I know they will be exhausted and with butterflies inside their stomachs hence being in a foreign land for the first time. I always say to them that this will be the most amazing adventure of your lives. I want to play a big part in that adventure. Life will be different and the cultural changes immense. I am so excited I can't stand it any longer. I want to hold them now!!!!!!!!!!

Are they here yet? I know we may not get this until a couple of days later but Congratulations...That is awsome. Oh what a feeling. Waiting for my day as well.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-07 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about Packet 3 (Hati)

Here's how it works for Haiti...Email the embassy at Put your NVC case number in the subject line. Include the petitioner and beneficiary name and date of birth in the email. Ask them to email you packet 3. Otherwise they will mail packet 3 to the petitioner and it takes much longer. Packet 3 will include the letter that the beneficiary needs to take when they go for their medical. It also tells you what other forms need to be filled out. Once you have the results of the medical and all the other forms including the I-134 and supporting documents the beneficiary will take the documents to Haiti Messager. If anything is missing they will not accept it. When the documents are taken to Haiti Messager, the beneficiary will be given a date to come back to get packet 4. This will give them the interview date. If you want, you can call DOS before this date and if the interview date has already been assigned they can tell you when it is but packet 4 will still need to be picked up at Haiti Messager. The day of the interview the beneficiary will need to take packet 4 with them to the interview. For interviews at the Haiti Embassy it is good if the petitioner is there. Some people are approved without this but others have had to make a trip down for a dual interview if they did not attend the first one with the beneficiary.

This info will help tremendously. Haiti can be a very complicated place especially when it comes to communication.

Thanks for that post.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-07 16:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore Payments?!?

Whenever I need a new transmission, I usually trade the car in....hmm... :bonk:

hehehehe me too...
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-07 17:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOVERTY LINE????

You can find it here... just look at the number of ppl in the household... it would include the petitioner and beneficiary (or beneficiaries if there is more than one) as well as any other dependants of the petitioner...

Ex. I have, our three daughters and my husband in pakistan who is the beneficiary

I was curious about the guidelines myself. The link helped.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-07 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTwo NOA2's ?

I got my NOA2 and the notice date was July 27th... I got another NOA2 in the mail yesterday and it was dated August 4th ? I went online and said the notice date was August 4th.. Was it a mistake on their part or what ?

Seems like you have been blessed twice. Nice! Either way you have dates to work with.


Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-10 18:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! Gathering documents for interview

Hey all. Our fiancee petition was approved on July 5th, notice date of July 5th (2011). We are both anxiously waiting for our interview onto her embassy in Brazil. This wait is driving us crazy. It's driving her more crazy than it is me, because she's READY to go. I can't blame her. Anyway, I plan to fly to Brazil with her to attend the interview.

Since I'm doing this, and I can print chat history/emails/etc. easier than she can.. I'm going to print our additional photos of us together,from the second stay together in her country. I'm at the stage of gathering everything that's needed. I have about 30 pay stubs from about 2008 to now. Since my father is my employer, he's working on producing a letter of employment, with my position, salary, and all that other stuff. I have a few questions... let's see if I can keep from being confusing.

I have my 2010 tax return papers. What forms should I take to the interview for her? Is it w2's only, or more? I also have my 2009 papers. I have the 2008 somewhere too, I just have to figure out where I put it lol. Is 2009 and 2010 enough?

Also, I'm pretty sure I am okay alone with the affidavit of support. More recently, in 2011 I got put on salary pay. I make a fixed amount of money every week. However, in 2010 and previous years... I would have time off from work without collecting unemployment. Which is probably stupid but I still live at home and I could afford to just "not work" and not get pay. Economy is tough and sometimes I think it just helps my dad to not get paid. So what I'm saying is, my annual income for 2010 might not quite reach the 125% above poverty level, on the tax returns. In 2011, it definitely will. Can somebody give me an updated national poverty level number?

I originally, beacuse my father is willing, was going to have him co-sponsor, either way. To be safe. Is this okay?

I want to make sure I do it all right, with what I have. I don't want to be the cause for a delay at the interview, or god forbid, a denial, over something simple. My pay stubs for the last several months show my salary pay for 40 hours... Can they consider that? Hell, I know that some people don't even have this stuff looked at, surprisingly. Anyway, any input is greatly appreciated.

Also, if I am to go the "tax transcript" route... Can anyone be specific on how to order/order the right form that is sufficient? And if I want to order transcrips from 2008, 2009, 2010... would they be ordered seperately?

Thanks so much for any advice.

All I can answer is the tax transcript request..Its easy and all automated. You request them 1 at a time during the one phone call and you get them in about 1-2 weeks. I was here on VJ reading saw the number in a post, called and a week and a half later, I thought I was in trouble with the government and when I opened up the scary letter from the IRS a sigh of releif. Just the transcripts I ordered..CALL THIS NUMBER TO ORDER IRS TAX TRANSCRIPTS >> 800-908-9946

Good luck with the rest of the stuff. I know someone will answer your questions soon.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-08 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - Desperate, please help!

I'm the beneficiary and I included a copy of all the pages of my passport in the I-129F package precisely because of this reason. It is not stated anywhere to do so but only when you send also the identification page they can match the page with the admission stamp to your passport and make sure it's really the beneficiary's passport. The identification page states the passport number that is also visible on every single blank page of the passport so this way they will know that it is truly the beneficiary who traveled and whose passport was stamped.

This is why I think they are asking, to make sure the copies of the admission stamp you sent to them was really from your passport, so this is what you send and you should be fine :)

I had the same RFE so I sent in pics airline tickets, itineraries and as far as the passport pages his international passport did have his number on every blank page but as for me the cover page has my number but my stamped pages had no numbers on them to prove it was me traveling soo I went all out and color coded the itinerary and the date stamps for cross reference and added an explanation why these dates were highlighted.

I do wish you the best of luck. Send in everything you can....they didn't ask you fotr affidavits and photos?
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-08 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMEDICAL TODAY
Good luck on his medical.

Did he have to request a police report also? Did you wait to recieve your packet 3 by email to prepare for this part after your approval or did you start on packet 3 before being approved?

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-16 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee is flipping out!

LOL Mike. She only has to Answer: In the USA in less than 90 days. SIMPLIFIED :thumbs:

I gotta give it to you, your answers are always straight to the point no chaser. I like it...

Edited by Chynna/gapamix, 16 August 2011 - 06:18 PM.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-16 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngaged via email, wearing no wedding ring.

Heheehee. Teeth do not prove a relationship. :rofl: . too funny. Good advice. I think the advice will do some good in helping me focus in on what is a relationship. We will present them a basket of goods. Maybe the book I got my fiancee about pregnancy might signal a relationship more than paying for her teeth? Yep, I did take her a book on "pregnancy and what to expect" because we are both intetested in having kids which neither of us have. We are excited about it all.

I am sorry but that realy was too funny :bonk: :rofl: . Interesting enough I swear I got the same book on pregnancy from my fiance. We both have no children currenlty. I was planning on bringing it to his interview as some proof. It was a gift from him....Why do men feel the need to give that particular book? Just curious...

Oh and I do not have a ring. My Fiance lives in Haiti if that's is any indication of his finances (poor). I do have a gold chain he gave me in place of a ring.

Edited by Chynna/gapamix, 17 August 2011 - 07:36 PM.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-17 19:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresstuff i need to send for fiance interview

thanks much for your reply...yeah your right, but how about the space where i need to place the type of job im doing do i have to type in 2 different jobs on that space as well as the name of the employer??..sorry if i sound so ignorant but just want some input from you guys to make sure what im doing is on the right path. thanks again..god bless!

This question helped me out a lot. I am in the same boat as you as far as making enough above the poverty line but like you I was unsure where to add a second job. So from the answer that was given you do not have to list both jobs on the form. When they review a copy of your taxes or tax transcript your sources of income will be there for them to review.

Anyone, please correct me if this is incorrect.

This helps me out a lot.


Edited by Chynna/gapamix, 23 August 2011 - 04:10 PM.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-23 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know what to do
The info I have been reading in this post are very helpful. I do wish you the best of luck at getting things resolved. Stay strong!

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-07-02 21:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWestern Union Receipts

Thank you everyone! I really appreciate your input on this topic! Payxibca....Maybe I was not clear in my question, but I have a binder full of all kinds of evidence of proof of an ongoing relationship....I was just asking specifically of the western union receipts and if they would be good to include or not. Of course I know I can't just use WU receipts as sole evidence.


Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-23 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestax

My fiancee has her 2010 tax return transcript but she does not have the actual 1040 form and W-2. my question is, can i only use the 2010 tax return transcript for the I-134? or must i submit her 2010 tax form 1040 and W-2 as well ???
- and she didn't meet the poverty requirements to sponsor me in 2008 and 2009, so would this be a problem? and should she submit these years info or is 2010 good enough?
- she does meet the poverty requirements for 2010

any replies is highly appreciated

Hey Basher I read in another post that the transcript is suffice. You will also need the trancripts from 2009 and also 2008.

NOA 1 Not Required
i-129f I-134 - YES
w-2 Not required, you'll cover this in the next item.
income tax IRS tax transcripts for last three years or copy of the entire IRS income tax submittal

Proof of employment Yes

Paystubs three of the most recent

Good luck and I hope this helps.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-27 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKeep safe during Hurricane Irene my fellow K1ers

Though I filed for CR1 I'll make sure I'll stay safe. You do same. The storm in DC is almost over.

Funny to see this topic. Just posted the same one in the off topic forum. I am in Massachusetts and we are getting a pounding right now. But so far we are safe. Hope all is well for you.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-28 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPACKET 3

Funny I did the same thing and Iam not even anywhere near your stage but its always best to be prepared. I did so he could get familiar with the forms and had him fill them out while I was with him so when he does it for real he wont have any problems. But definetly let me know how this works and keep a sister updated goodluck! :thumbs:

Sure thing wissnan, I wish I did think of this earlier. I am going to send it all as soon as I get the word that NVC has my petition.

That was a great idea having your fiance practice with the forms.

I will keep you posted. :thumbs:

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-29 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPACKET 3

Hi everyone,
I wanted to know if the forms for packet 3 which are available for DOWNLOAD on VJ can be filled out before actually receiving the hard copy of the DS-156K AND DS-230 FORMS?

In the download section for these forms on VJ, it says "these forms will be provided by the US Embassy handling the Visa" so is it a waste of time to fill it out now. I am not into doing things twice so if I need to wait for them to come in packet 3 I will but if not I don't want to wait when I can complete it now.

DS 156K
Do I also need to fill out the DS-156 as well as DS-156k?

I have been looking around the site for the answer and I did not find a post asking this specific question.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Ok I asked the questions and I did get some helpful hints. Thanks for all the tips.

Just incase someone else is starting on packet 3 here is what I did.

I followed the suggestions in the Guide section of VJ for the K1 process.

Noted all the forms I need for packet 3 and downloaded the ones I can from VJ, then compared it to what the embassy has on it's site to ensure it is the most up-to-date form.

I reviewed each form and the example forms filled out through VJ

So when packet 3 officially arrives. I am going to be ready.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-28 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPACKET 3

Forms are available in the web sites of some Embassies. My case was in Poland and they did; as well we did not have to wait to receive packet; we sent papers as soon as I knew our petition had reached the Embassy. It saved us a few days.
Don't know specifics at your case Embassy, but you can check. It was not prominently posted ,but with some searches, if they have them, it would be not too hard to find.

Ok I can check that as well. Thanks for that tip.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-26 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPACKET 3
Hi everyone,
I wanted to know if the forms for packet 3 which are available for DOWNLOAD on VJ can be filled out before actually receiving the hard copy of the DS-156K AND DS-230 FORMS?

In the download section for these forms on VJ, it says "these forms will be provided by the US Embassy handling the Visa" so is it a waste of time to fill it out now. I am not into doing things twice so if I need to wait for them to come in packet 3 I will but if not I don't want to wait when I can complete it now.

DS 156K
Do I also need to fill out the DS-156 as well as DS-156k?

I have been looking around the site for the answer and I did not find a post asking this specific question.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-26 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures8-1-2011 K1 changes?
If this was true the K-1 process would be a very sad process not to mention a waste of time.

"Torture" is the word I am looking for.

Your friends info is false. :no:

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-31 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this question/concern for NVC or the Embassy ?
How the heck does packet 3 get to your fiance...In Haiti?

Currently regular post office mail is absolete.

I have downloaded all the forms available to me for packet 3 EXCEPT I am unable to find the medical or the police report form (even from the Embassy website for Haiti). So I am guessing it comes with the original packet 3. That is what I am afraid of...he will never get that, eventually yes but not in 30, 60 or 90 days.

If Haitian mail is that slow and he never gets packet 3 where will he obtain the two forms he needs for the medical and the police check?

Will they be willing to email everything to me or should I explain this to NVC before the approved petition gets transferred to Haiti?

Thanks in advance


Edited by Chynna/gapamix, 30 August 2011 - 06:34 PM.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-30 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally My Interview Date

Finaly On Nov 4th 2011 It will be a yr Since , So called Sent my Petition For my fiance, before getting ripped off by my Attorney ! So Last week i recieved My packet 4 at my home in Boston , and my Girl received hers th next day! Yeahhhhhhhh! So happy Interview In late Oct.. Now to continue with the Next process and wish for the best!

Cogratulations on getting your packet mailed to you and your fiance. Kudos for doing this process on your own. You must be very proud.

Good luck to your fiancee on the day of the interview. Will you be going to DR to be with her for the interview?

By the way I am also from Boston.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-09-04 10:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 VISA INTERVIEW IN HAITI
Wow so I am not an expert but obviously they maybe questioning your relationship and want to meet with you as well to rule out fraud.

Have you been reading the posts and some of the embassy interviews on VJ for Haiti? They are very helpfull.

I am sure someone else with more info will be able to answer your question a little better.

Good luck
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-09-03 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes petioner have to be at Interview?

So Mochamich,
what will you do? I want you to go so you can document the experience for the rest of us coming to Haiti for our interviews. If you do go please write a review and share with us.


Again given the circumstances in Haiti right now I do not think this will be against you if you do not go. If you do go you have to be safe. The last time I went which was in June I stayed home everyday. I went to Petionville once but I did not party at all. I just layed low for the week I was there.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-25 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes petioner have to be at Interview?
So Mochamich,
what will you do? I want you to go so you can document the experience for the rest of us coming to Haiti for our interviews. If you do go please write a review and share with us.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-25 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes petioner have to be at Interview?
It's Haiti, if you can go then do your best to be there. It's important to prove you are in this relationship for real. If you can not go because... we both know it isn't safe, then writre a letter along with recent documentation regarding the lack of security. Seriously not safe.

I am willing to risk it though to be there with my fiance for his interview. Once they see us together...Visa approved!

Good luck.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-08-19 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on VSC -> NVC for I-129F

Frustration over... Whew...

Apparently, I should know better than to rely on the automated system.Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
Spoke to a CSR @the NVC. He asked me info about myself and the beneficiary. And I asked about the Case number, he provided.
Said was recived on Sep 9, 2011 and Left Sep 12, 2011.

YAY!Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Mumbai Embassy: Here we come...


Congrats... after I read your post I also called my suprise our packet was forwarded on Friday 9/9/11 :dance: :dance: :dance: I was shocked. The csr was very nice. So thanks for the update...
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-09-12 19:34:00