K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFront & BACK??? copy of birth certificate??

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david'sgirlFemaleScotland2012-01-14 17:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFront & BACK??? copy of birth certificate??
I really assumed a lot of this was folks having a laugh. It just seems too absurd to think of sending in a blank page.
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Edited by david'sgirl, 14 January 2012 - 05:02 PM.

david'sgirlFemaleScotland2012-01-14 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFront & BACK??? copy of birth certificate??
There are instructions but following them does not mean you throw common sense out the window. Some of the responses must be tongue in cheek. It reminds me of the Amelia Bedelia books I read as a child where Amelia Bedelia puts prunes on the hedges when asked to prune them and takes her umbrella for the baby shower. It is possible to take something too literally. The only reason the back would be necessary is if it had writing on it. :rofl:
david'sgirlFemaleScotland2012-01-14 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblem with affidavit of support

My last 3 yrs of tax stuff is my husband filed jointly he was killed in Nov 2011 an I'm on SSI I own our house an I have co sponsors. My question is what do I have to send in ?

You can order your tax transcripts from the IRS next week. The site is down for planned repairs until the 4th.
david'sgirlFemaleScotland2012-09-02 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVaccination Requirement Waiver
My hubby was unable to secure vaccine waiver for a valid medical reason so I find it doubtful you will get one based on principles and belief.

To o/p whether you believe so or not the visa and being allowed to live in the US as a permanent resident is a privilege not a right.

Just an observation but has anyone else noticed that whenever there is a topic that gets people all hot under the collar it seems to be by a newbie with no information on the profile and no other topics? I am beginning to wonder if some people are joining for the sole reason of being sh#t stirrers. Just sayin.... :whistle:
david'sgirlFemaleScotland2012-09-16 09:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSkip K-1 Visa?

I've been searching to find experiences and I'm having trouble finding any. I've booked a flight to the uk to bring my fiance back with me to visit my family in florida. We would prefer to not wait on the k-1 process. Just thinking with all the illegals in the country already what are the consequences to marrying her at the courthouse and filing for a AOS afterwards? Would they send her back immediately or would we be able to stay together while the process went thru?

I see that she should return to the uk while the I-130 is in process.... I'm just looking for personal experiences/

Thanks VJ

If you really plan to marry here then have her go home and file for spouse visa you can use VWP. If you want her to remain here then you need to wait for the fiance visa or get married and wait for the spouse visa. My husband has family in the UK so we needed for him to be able to travel and we also needed for him to be able to drive and get a job once he moved here. We went with the CR1 I-130 after we wed in Scotland. It is so much easier for a USC to get a fiance visa. I applied online, followed the directions and was even able to have my fingerprints and photo for visa done in the local US office in Boston since the UK is an ally.
I flew home and applied for the visa for my hubby. He was still able to visit on VWP while we waited for his visa to come through and he was able to get social which you need to get a driver's license and he was able to work and travel from the start. It was the best option for us. It sucks being apart and none of us like it but until the process if changed it is what we must do. It certainly is not worth risking a ban by breaking the rules. Best of luck to you.
david'sgirlFemaleScotland2013-02-02 16:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee has sister in US illegally - DS156 question 37
I agree, contact an attorney.

Also, for the sister, you said she is trying to obtain some kind of legal status, so I am sure she is on top of this, but there are organizations out there to help people from other countries for various immigration issues that may be similiar.

I know in Boston there is an organization for Irish immigrants, they provide legal aide, etc. and give recommended donation amounts but charge no actual fees for those who can't afford them. I know that they helped a friend of a friend of mine who was here illegally, but wanted to get legal and get married. It is a completely above-board organization, they just help you get through all the legal hoops and file the correct paperwork, etc. I am sure that there are similiar places around the country for different groups. If she is not already involved with one it might be a good idea to try to find something like that, a simple search on the web would probably turn something up.

Good luck!
j&jsNot TellingIreland2006-01-28 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee has sister in US illegally - DS156 question 37
Has the family been in contact with the sister? Like do you all know where she is and what she is doing or did she just kind of run away from everybody and they have no idea?
j&jsNot TellingIreland2006-01-28 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - Cairo (Age Difference)

This thread (and forum in general) are really not the appropriate place for you to profess your undying love for your wife. I can appreciate your feelings and God knows how much I miss my wife, but the thread is about a petitioner who was denied for their age difference and people are responding with advice to her. Not sure what you are trying to accomplish with these but typing like a 12 year old isn't going to convince anyone of the sincerity of your relationship, not that you have to convince us since it is the immigration officers that must be convinced. Please keep the thread to dealing with the OP's issue and save these for your private chats.

Posted Image I know right! Posted Image woooow amazingly ignorant! Posted Image


Unfortunately the VO's seem to make their decision before they even have the interview. Have you considered getting a visa immigration specialist in Egypt involved? The one's I have talked to in China are very specifically focused on what goes on at the Guangzhou consulate so everything is tailored to meet the requirements there. Your looking at a long drawn out process. Hang in there.

OMG thank you for saying this. They act like this on every thread they post on. They behave like two 12 year olds. She is 55 and he is 26. Bizarre to say the least. Others have asked them to stop and they continue to post ridiculous things. I wish they would get a hotel room...or at the very least their own chat line somewhere.

Betsy.... Posted Image
Amber & AhmedFemaleEgypt2011-05-21 00:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat false information can do to you

as we all know,ive been on VJ through out my whole visa process and thanks to this website i like to think of myself as some kind of...well pro in simple and normal cases.
our visa process was a difficult one because of the wrong and at times unnecessary information users share from time to in point,the other day i was going through k-1 form,trying to catch up with the new information and possible changes that i thought uscis might have made.i came accross a post from a member asking about information regarding AOS and how long the time frame to file aos in was.some member mentioned that AOS has to be filed before the visa expires which is wrong,because its true that if you dont file for AOS before your visa or other cards and information expire,the time you spent in the US is considered over staying,but its forgiven base on the marriage when you do file for AOS.
needless to say when i saw that i started doubting and wondering whether or not that was true.
to sum it up,i spent 4 sleepless nights looking for that information,so from an old member to the new ones, double check each and every piece of information you see on this website

Was I involved in that conversation? :blush: Because I posted something like that and was corrected by another member in the same forum and how grateful I am for that. It is true, none of us have much experience outside of our own and I think common sense says you should look at information here as well as other places until you are certain you have the correct info. But these forums do give us the opportunity to learn, share and teach others. But again common sense should prevail and everyone should check and recheck the info they read here and correct others when the see an error.
Great post LastPetitioner. Hope all is going well for you both!

I was reading that post and read all the comments posted to the end. It is true for me. I read the posts then go and verify it on the appropriate website and I also read past posts concerning the same topic.

It's interesting how that bothered you for so long. I do hope now you can rest easy.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-09-03 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy application

Hi guys, so I finally sent in my application, I'm still doing a personal head scan making sure I sent everything.
my checklist included:
-cover letter
-the application to receive the emails and text message notification
-the $340 money order
-I-129f application
-supplement to question 18
-passport picture of me, attached to form g325a and my letter of intent
-same for my fiance
-naturalization certificate
-copies of my passport showing proof of going to haiti
-boarding passes, tickets, receipts, etc.
-pictures with dates and names
-33 pages of call log from an online phone company
-facebook messages
-emails between myself and a hotel owner in haiti, discussing my plans for our pre wedding honeymoon, in december(if that's any help)
-about 2 months worth of phone cards- about 250 of them
and I think that's about it.
I sent it on wednesday though fedex, so they should receive it in on monday or tuesday.
also I sent it to the lewisville, texas location since fedex is a courrier.

feedbacks, would be great at this point...tell me what you guys think!!!

Whoa I think you got it all covered. I don't think you will get an RFE...mani 250 phone cards for 2 months.... :wow: talk about keeping will get your first notice in 1-2 weeks letting you know they have recieved your petition...after that you will wait like the rest of the k1 filers.
Pre wedding honeymoon :thumbs: hehehe I am sure they will enjoy reading that. Good luck to you and keep your questions coming....the answers will help give you a peice of mind... It helped me a lot.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-09-30 14:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Case Numbe

Hi, I have the same problem!!> Nothing for me too!!. Since 9/23.. When others received their well after us..??.. I mean why does NVC has to be a pain ALSO??.. Cant we just get this NUMBER and move on?.. pffff.. Im getting tired of ALL this... I want the number!.. So that I can start getting an appointment.. And having my baby here and planing my wedding.. And leave with my baby..
Is there anything that we can do to get it faster??..
NB: When you get the NVC # then you can call the embassy, start doing your medical and police certificate right??..
Please advise.

It depends on your Embassy....check your portal and Embassy website for this info. We had to wait for packet 3 to get the documentation needed to do the medical. So it's different for certain countries.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-06 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Case Numbe
I think you can call as often as you like. I would keep calling until you get that case number. They say it takes two weeks minimum but some people get a case number sooner and some a lot later do don't give up...Good luck :thumbs:

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-06 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrouted to the Vermont Service Center for processing
Yeah you made it through step 1, NOA1. Next you wait some more for NOA2 that one takes time. I went through Vermont. Let me know if you have questions. I am here to help.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-11 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 TODAY!!
:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: 3 thumbs up for you and yours.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-14 16:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134
Yes indeed. It's the Affidavit of Support.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-14 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved

Had my interview this morning and after a pretty painless process I was approved.

Just want to say thanks to everyone who answered the questions I had during the process. It helped a lot and I really appreciated it.

Now on to the USA!!

Congratulations (F)
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-14 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa approved! so happyyyyyyyy
Awsome :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: 3 thumbs up.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-14 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTHE NOA 2 SONG
This whole process is about the wait. I have my NOA 2 but I still find myself waiting....Now I am waiting for an interview date. On the upside after the NOA2 the waiting is definately a lot less. So keep the faith. For all of you still waiting best of luck to you.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-18 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEVERYONE BRACE YOURSELF
Congratulations :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-18 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance did not get visa b/c of insufficient evidence
Wow very sorry to hear that. You do need to give more info or else not much anypne can tell you except, not enough to prove your relationship.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-14 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview in 2 days
Confidence is a must....know you will be approved. Feel the approval do not leave room for doubt. You both will be just fine. Good luck. I know your interview will go well.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-23 09:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS230 PART II
You fill the form out including the checklist but do not fill out the lasty bottom part of page 4....In bold it states do not write below the line and you will get help filling that out at the embassy.
Good luck on your journey.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-23 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting very worried

Request the appointment letter be sent VIA email to you, thats what we did with the Jamaica embassy, we never ever received packet 3 EVER!!!!

I agree with the post above. Request for packet 3 by email. I received packet 3 via email and it was mailed to my address as well 2 weeks later. My fiance never received it by mai in Haiti. So email the embassy.

I wish you the best of luck.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-22 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHaiti
So you will have a justice of the peace wedding then a big one?

I am from Boston, Ma.

Edited by Chynna/gapamix, 16 October 2011 - 09:59 AM.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-16 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHaiti
Hey Mani0118,

6 months seems reasonable however you can never tell where something can set you back. I was stressing like you when I first started but then I got some good advice and so I will be married at city hall onnce my fiance arrives and have a grand ole Haitian wedding summer of 2012. That was the least stressful way to do it for me.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-10-14 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy USCIS/ US Consulates might think your application is fraudulent...
Thanks for that post, so far the most interesting thing i read today on VJ :thumbs: .

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-09-02 18:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence needed asked at the embassy stage

I know I need evidence DUHH!!!!! I was asking specifically for Haiti Peitioners. I will have evidence and do have plenty plenty full of it. I just wanted to know from their experiences what type of evidence was look at just to get an idea that is all :thumbs:

LOL be nice girl....but yes they asked if we had any photos. I thought it was odd because the clerk had our file. So kindly told her I see all our pics right there ( pointed to a flat plastic sleeve in front of her behind the glass) Then she flipped through them and was like ok your all set. So send/bring everything just in case they ask.
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-11-08 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHIGHLY DEPRESSED
Wow Yankee4real,

I went through the same thing 10/31/11 and the hardest part is the wait. My faith is what is keeping me sane so please prepare for the wait. As others have stated there is no definate time frame. Do your best to read the different threads similar to your case to be ready for any next steps you may need to take depending on the results. Don't just sit and wait....prepare yourself while waiting. I too wish for a speedy approval for you and yours.

It wasn't till we recieved the 221g did I knoiw it has it's own section on VJ. The info can get quite conflicting because everyone adds their thoughts and advice so try to weed through information pertinent to you and your case. Try not to overwhelm yourself though.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-11-27 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYeahhhh!! finally sent!

I finally caught up with the paperwork that was originally supposed to have been sent back in February,2011 by a lawyer, well now I find out that the petition was sent November 25,2011. I know I could have did better but at this point I am just happy that USCIS has the paperwork and now we are officially on our journey and now we wait however, I have a question on the embassy in PAP and how long they take to with interview and medical appointments? picture is me in Haiti!

Glad to hear your paper work is now in order. Are ypu filing a K1 or CR1?

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-12-03 18:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat could it be

:innocent: Ok here's the thing my fiance was refused a visa at the time of his interview. The IO didnt say why it was refused. I am thinking that It could be that I only visited him once and the fact that in the same month of my divorce I filed the I129f form. I am confused because I really don't know waht it could be. At the interview they asked my fiance about my previous marriage and about my kids and then the IO asked him why he never filed for himself. At the same time they kept everything except for his passport and the IO gave him back the pictures of us. What do you guys think it maybe?:bonk:

So did he recieve a 221g or did they tell him visa refused today and gave back all the evidence?

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-12-05 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!!!!!!
Wow sorry to hear of your news. I would think you two went through a lot to get to this point where you are coming to America. I do hope you two can get past the misunderstanding before your K1 visa expires. It is only good for traveling before the expiration date so I am not sure what you mean when you ask if it will still be good in the future.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-12-11 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcedure for correcting an oversight on I-129F form? NOA1 just received
Hey smashrun, I was in the same boat looking for a way to correct the issue before getting an RFE. I called USCIS and asked if there was anything I could do but I was instructed to wait for the RFE. I am currently putting together what is asked of me to complete my I-129F correctly.

You are right there are different ways to deal with this but the least risky will be to wait for the RFE. That's just my opinion. Good luck.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2011-07-24 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespetition DENIED

After trying to process the news of our petition being denied at USCIS level we are trying to find information on what would be reasons. I have dissected our entire petition and have found 3 things that may be the cause.
For those of you who have first hand knowledge I would appreciate your input. Not looking for judgement calls or telling us we were stupid.

1) there is a 5 day shortage of being free to marry. Not sure how it got by me. :bonk:
2) When we filled out the application for I129f I wasn't in the USA but when he sent it off I was. :bonk:
3) AFTER our petition was sent fiance had an issue with having too much fireworks and was arrested and given probation. :(

thank you

Oh wow I am really sorry to hear that. How long did it take for your divorce to be complete and final?
Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2012-01-22 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescalling uscis
Hey mani0118,

Don't get to frustrated at this point in time because there is much more waiting to come. If you don't get anything by the date they stated then by all means file a service request if it has been longer than 5 months. The USCIS website is good but it doesn't always give timely updates. It did work for me, I recieved a text and an email and it would document each time my case was touched. Basically utilize VJ as the great resource it is and use the strategies wisely and by all means use them when you need to. Keep busy. Heck plan your wedding, that should take your mind off the waiting.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2012-02-02 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconsular denied fiance visa ,sent k1 back to uscis
Posted 17 March 2012 - 12:47 AM

brian_n_phuong, on 16 March 2012 - 09:18 PM, said:

Oh Really?? I didn't know thaPosted Imaget the US Department of State had arrest authority in Haiti. :whistle:

If I understand the concept of embassies correctly, any embassy is an extension of its country in another country and thus is considered safe haven for a citizen of that embassy's country(provided that the laws of the foreign country have not been violated) or in case of conflict, an extension of that country and a place to be shut down or put under surveillance at the least by the country in which the embassy exists. In other words, an embassy is a piece of a given country in another country.

OMG I can't believe the OP's question turned into a confusing dispute about whether or not the embassy has a right to arrest on the spot....Her fiance was denied the visa and she is looking for help....She may not know how to write perfect English but she is trying to get some help.

Again wait for your petition to be returned to USCIS and then contact them.


Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2012-03-19 17:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconsular denied fiance visa ,sent k1 back to uscis

The CO believed you failed to provide adequate information or documents. Follow-up with USCIS. This is about all you can do for now.

Thomas is right. Definately call USCIS to find out if your petition is back with them. Then you will know better how to proceed.


Edited by Chynna/gapamix, 16 March 2012 - 08:24 PM.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2012-03-16 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi'm confused i receive in email from uscis
Hi we got the same situation. Personal message me for more info.

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2012-06-01 19:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion About Form DS-230 Part I (“Biographic Data”)

Potentially a "stupid" question, but where it says to put "spouse's information", I should NOT write anything, correct? Since we're not married yet...?

LOL :no: LOL

Correct! or you can simply write N/A

Chynna/gapamixFemaleHaiti2012-09-10 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDENIED K-1 visa at the consulate

To whom do i prove these charges where dismissed? I don't know about the misrepresentation or where she was getting that from. I do have copies of me paying the websites for there assistance in the dating sevice.

I will contact my senators office and seek an immigration lawyers..Thank you
I have to contact my lawyer office to get the info of the charges being dismissed or the couty clerks office i think

Is there a way to read the review in english?

Edited by Matt1968, 06 December 2011 - 07:36 PM.

Matt1968MaleDominican Republic2011-12-06 19:36:00