K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPast K-1 petiion
Thanks everyone...
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-07-05 07:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPast K-1 petiion
Hi everyone I actually have 2 questions.

1. I had filed a previous Fiancee petition in 2006. I withdrew the petition becasue the relationship did not work out. I sent in all my information fromt he beginning with this current K1 petition adn also the letter I received saying the previous petition was terminated at my request. Will this cause me a problem? What type of questions will they ask me about this?

2. When I fill out the petition it asks if my fiancee had any childre. He has a daughter but the mother does not want her to come to the US yet as she is only 2 years old. I only listed her to be truthful but do I have to tell them somethign in advance about not petitioning her tight now? They have mentioned her to me when I called NVC but i think it is just becasue she is on the application.

Thank you everyone for all your help!
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-06-30 09:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Dom.Rep SDO#
My fiancee got it at the post office. I had him go make friends with the people there so they would call him as soon as the packet got to post office. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-07-23 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support

You are good dont worry, it will drive you crazy

I dont know if I am going to be sane after this....
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-07-24 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support
Hi Everyone, I am a little worried abotu the affidavit. I make about 42000 which is enough for a family of 3 but people keep telling me i need about 5000 in savings. I read the paperwork and although the do ask for the bank letter, it seems that the important indicator is how much you make. Can anyone share their experience comments or observation?

SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-07-23 10:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOriginaL DOCUMENTS
I have copies of thhe NOA1 and 2. Pero not the originals..
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-07-28 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOriginaL DOCUMENTS
I sent my fiancee all the original documents to DR via express mail (they promised me it would be there in 5 days) we were goign to have an immigration attorney over there review it to make sure everythign was correct. It seemd that it has been sen to the island of Dominican instead of to the Dominican Republic adn now I don't know when he will receive. My problem is my interview is next week. So will they accept copies of everything. I went and got a new work place letter and reprinted all the pictures. I can go tomorrow and try to get my tax returns from the IRS as well. If anyone has any guidance please let me know. I dont know why I didnt send the copies...I would hope that if I take the receipt adn explain the original package was lost then maybe they will not question it..
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-07-28 14:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2
All of them go tru NVC. Angela gave you good advice. call within a week and they will give you your case number. Good luck!

All of them go tru NVC. Angela gave you good advice. call within a week and they will give you your case number. Good luck!
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-22 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??

The questions that the OP was asked vividly return the memories of several VJ members to the ####### consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador, and the so-called "marriage interviews" that were really Stokes interrogations, and being interrogated by a Foreign Service National and not even by an American, and being put on ice indefinitely for weeks thereafter. People really need to read the Embassy Review by PDXBicycleBoy, who got hosed perhaps worse than any of us.

Edited to add: It is here: http://www.visajourn....php?entry=4679

Wow I hadn't read that. I can take the intimate questions its the humiliation of the manner they ask and question you that doesnt sit right with me. I will continue to battle this but I think this consulate went above and beyond their scope of work.
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-22 20:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??

I wonder if the interview that was before yours went bad and it carried over.

I honestly dont know..but I am tired of rethinking the interview. I am just moving to the next step and trying to get my ducks in a row...lolz
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-22 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??

Ask your fiance what his answers were to the stokes questions and compare answers.

I am NOT judging you or your partner but a similar situation I remember was the guy actually had 2 other previous marriages but only 1 listed on the forms, and like 3 other kids than the 2 he listed so they were denied because of that. I'm not saying it IS the case here, but it's something to think about. Maybe USCIS found out something you or he didn't previous disclose.

If he is hiding something we will find out. We are petitioning the case file and the video of the interview. On my side I was honest and explained why I withdrew the petition. So I just have to wait for my attorney to do her thing.. Thanks for the info..
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 20:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??

Sorry it went that direction.....pray and keep positive

Thanks Jazz... I am not giving up. Already contacted my congressmen and also hired an attorney so the ball is rolling.
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??

High level US officials are aware that they do this in extreme circumstances. I disagree that the questions are perverse or alarming. They are personal and embarrassing, but should be easily answered by a legitimate couple. Detail is not required. I don't know my husband's favorite color at all (in fact I thought it was blue but then he said it was "burgundy"), but I sure know about our sex life. I don't know his favorite food; I don't think he has one. In the OP's case, she said that it was a fast courtship, so "favorite places visited as a couple" doesn't exist. Regarding C-section, I would hope that someone's SO would know the details of a life-changing event like the birth of a child, the general story of what happened, whether it was difficult, easy, was there a C-section, etc.

There were other factors that caused this line of questioning. A normal couple is not subjected to this. Sorry you're going through this OP.

I understand were you are coming from but the manner in which the questions were asked were extremely disrepecful. Regardless I know I am saying the truth and have faith that the proof will persevere. I spoke to an immigration attorney adn he actually told me many of his clients have been denied when they are an actual couple. So this seems to be a common theme in the conuslate in DR. Every country is different.
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??

Okay. I'm not trying to pry or anything, I'm asking because I'm also trying to figure out just how on Earth they reached that conclusion. Were the pictures that you submitted dated? Was there evidence that you met in the last couple of years, such as boarding passes and stuff like that?

Also I'm very sorry they asked those very invasive questions. :(

The pictures were not dated but they were from different dates.I was slimmer in some and had a different hair styles. There were some before I received my piercing and some after. I did include boarding passes and copies of my passport with the dates of my entry into the country. It's ok. I dont think anybody is trying to pry I just think everyone is as baffled as I am..I am awaiting the actual decision letter so I can see what they say. I asked her several time what the fraudulant evidence was and she was evasive limited to telling me it was a high fraud post and they were very picky. But others that left the consulate were told why they were denied. She really didnt like me at all.
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??

Oh my God, i am so sorry for what happen to you both :( i have no words... Hope things will be ok after you apeal, good luck with that. All this makes me worry now, coz you dont know what to expect from the interview

Honestly I just had bad luck. Just be prepared with all the evidence and all your dates. THey ask for ther parents full name and for childrens names and dates of births. They ask if you or your fiancee is using Birth Control etc...If you want kids... just be prepared adn dont get nervous.. I know my issue was that I was not confident in some of my answers casue they made me nervous adn I am not used to interrogations.. Good Luck!
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??

What exactly did you submit as evidence?

All the pictures with him his family adn our friends. I also submitted allt he phone log that shows that I talk to him almost every day for an hour or more. I also submitted the copies of the receipts for the money I sent him adn when I recharge the phone card on his cell phone. The weird thing is that they didnt look at any of the new stuff. and USCIS approved the evidence sent in with petition. I am wondering what they claim is false. I have seen cases where they tell you one thign in the consulate adn then the paperwork they send says somethign else so I hope this is the case.
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??

yep, something set them off...

OP, you said:


Look at the details surrounding his previous relationship with the child's mother in correspondence with your relationship's timeline. Is there anything answered in the original petition that was answered differently in the interview??

Honestly, these consular officers are trained to find the red flags and identify the "bad guys" which there are PLENTY of. Unfortunately that makes it hard for the good ones.

Do you have any idea of which evidence they are claiming is false?

I asked them several times adn she said I would get the details in the official letter they gave us. I included all the info on the application that was truthful. I didnt lie or try to make things easier thats why I am so baffled by the statement. But I have to wait until I receive the official letter to see what it says.
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??
THey denied my petition but said that I had the right to appeal. I am goign to try to get another interview before they send it back. I already contacted my senators office but if ntothen I have to wait until I get the letter and file the appeal. The attorney in DR showe me a few of the other cases he had appealed for same reason adn the decision can be overturned here but you have to to go immigration court adn they ask for a tape fromt he interview adnthrow out anythign that is inappropriate etc.. this is just goign to be painful.


I am so sorry!

I agree with brokenfamily, plenty of other questions they could have asked!!

There was recently a class action suit thrown out that you can read about here: http://www.entrylaw....lassaction.html

This is the part that kills me:

So basically the consular has the final call... they can accuse you of immigration fraud and there is not a damn thing you can do to appeal it!!??? :angry:

SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??
We made sure we went in with everythign truthfully. I am not sure what they are referring to. I included everythign even the letter showing that I had submitted a new previous petition adn had asked to have it withdrawn. I included my daughter adn his adn we did not falsify any documents or anythign else. I think they might just be referring to some inconsistencies in the interview but when I asked the lady she wouldnt explain.

Unless you are living together in DR then you may have known each other for several months, but that doesn't have an impact on filing a petition very shortly after you have met.

You say there are no red flags on your case, but for those types of questions, something set off the alarm for the VO. First thing is you need to sit down and look in fine detail at your case and identify anything and everything that could be an issue in the VO's eyes. Then you can proceed with either trying to file an appeal or with getting married and re-filing a CR-1. The biggest problem is the part where the VO said you gave false evidence. What evidence are they referring to? If they are claiming a material misrepresentation case then you have a much bigger issue than appealing or a new petition. If there was some error on the forms that is one thing, but if something was not included to make your case look better then you are going to run in to a brick wall with any type of appeal or new petition.

SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??
I actually filed an appeal while I was in DR at the embassy and I have contacted my senators. I just came back today. But I am not wasting time. IF I have to appeal here I will maybe they will be a little more just in reviewing the evidence. I went to an attorney in Dominican republic that used to work here in the US and he said this treatment is typical and that I should contact whoever I could to make sure this is resolved. I guess most people do not appeal and they count on that. Thank you for the example it makes me have a little more hope.

That's true! :thumbs: I read one story of Russian fiancee who got very rude and offencive interview in Algeria (she was an Algeria permanent resident at the petition time), and her visa was denied - officer even didn't want to look any proof of relationship. But her US fiance made official letters with complains about offencive behaviour of this consular officer who was interviewer, explaining how conversation was rude, and that they can show a lot of proof of their relationship, and this fiancee got 2nd interview! She wrote that second interview was much more nice and calm, another officer watched documents she brought, and her visa finally was approved, now she is in USA and waiting AOS. :) [It's Victor (Russian fiance) writing]

SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??
What is a stoked interview? In Dominican Republic they usually require you to asssit or they will not provide the fiancee with a visa. This was our first interview adn there were no red flags that we knew off.I had previously submitted a petition for a former fiancee but I withdrew it adn I stated that in all the original paperwork. I am 3 years older than him. He also has a daughter who is 2yrs and 4 months adn that seemed to set off bells at the interview. They interrogated us seperately and questioned the the short amoutn of time it took for us to have intercourse and formalize our relationship. I am not sure what other details you would want. I need to know what the best way to proceed is..

This smacks 100% of a Stokes interview. Was this your first interview, or a second one, with your presence demanded by the consulate after an unsuccessful first one? Did they interrogate you separately? Do you have a large difference in age between you? What red flags accompanied your I-129F petition? Please provide all relevant details and history.

SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??
They said they determines my relationship was for immigration purposes. They also crossed off on the sheet they
gave us that we provided false evidence when they only looked at a few pictures adn they did not look at any of the backup documentation. We have been together since February of last year. THey ask you all types of personal questions eg..

1.when was the first time you had sexual intercourse, where?
2. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?
3. They asked him if I was using birth control while in the US.
4. Also they asked if I had given birth to my daughter (from my previous relationship) naturally or by C-section
5. Where was he on Nerw years, Did you dpeak? WHo called who?
6. Name of his parents and mine.
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA denied.. Next steps??
I had a horrible experience with the consulate. they were extremely judgemental of my relationship and kept sayin our relationship started to fast. They interrogated ME as if I was a criminal. THe funny thing is their hard questions were with me they were nice to my fiancee. SO now I have to wait for this letter in order to appeal. Does anyone had any recommendations? Has anybody went troughthis process? I felt offended and humiliated by the wya they treated me. I was an AMERICAN in the US Embassy. I am thinking of writing to the US AMbassador and to my senators office. They cant do anything at this point about the denial but I can at least lodge a complaint. I am very upset. Any info would be appreciated.

SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-08-08 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling card fiasco!!!
I would also suggest using They provide almost instant record that you can print out and it is less expensive than the international calling plan on your cell phone. Keep allt he calling cards and the records of you cell phone that indicate you called the calling card numbers. They know that most of the people use calling cards. Do you have any chat conversations, pictures or proof of money you have sent her? All these things together will help you provide the evidence of the ongoing relationship.. Good luck!
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-07-24 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew update for anyone who is following!! yOU GOTTA HEAR THIS
These people at the consulates are horrible sometimes. My case just got sent back and I am also writing to everyone I can think of to try to get. Definitely be prepared for a stokes interview and dont give up adn keep on contacting your senator and document everything. I submited a grievance letter to the Embassy adn the COnsualte as well but am still waiting. I hope that the senators can help you with this! Good lucck and keep positive. I will keep you in my prayers.
SannybelFemaleDominican Republic2011-09-02 11:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresim just curious about the photo with blue background
It will be ok I don't rfe is the end of the world and if you get the right photo taken now and mailed to your fiancee he will have it ready in case they do rfe you . But don't beat yourself up over it ok good.gif

QUOTE (babykim @ Oct 14 2008, 06:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my problem is my fiancee process it already and he finish send the petition already to USCIS... crying.gif headbonk.gif

tommy02141MalePhilippines2008-10-16 22:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo not wish to proceed with application
this guy is a jerk get rid of him. I know this whole thing must hurt you very bad but if this is what you in for once he get hear I myself would want no part of that.
tommy02141MalePhilippines2008-10-16 22:41:00