Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

I thought that too, until I saw the option of M-pesa while trying to schedule my appointment. When I saw the M-pesa option, I had seen shops around town with that service but better yet, my sister has a friend who does that, so yesterday I went to the agent and he helped me out. He sold me a safaricom line, sent the money to my line and i sent the fee myself. I booked my interview today morning.

This guy is found in Kampala. I'm not sure about other agents but I know this guy through my sister and i'm sure, he can help. I can send you his details. For the medical, I received a confirmation for my appointment and I think you have to go with the money in cash

Good luck and speedy NOA2. hang in there. God bless

Thanks--this is very helpful! I'm passing this info along to Aaron. It will be really nice to be able to sort out a lot of this stuff before Aaron and I go to Nairobi.

And......I got my NOA2 yesterday!!!!! So now we are officially into the Stuff Happening phase: whee!

Ann, do you have any tips for getting the police certificate? I got some instructions from the USC half of another UG/USC couple, but it would be even better to hear from someone who's actually dealt with it.

So, the next part is: call NVC until they receive the petition and can give me the case number. Then I can start contacting Nairobi to find out when they receive it. When Nairobi receives the petition, they will schedule the medical exam, and we can pay the visa fee and schedule the interview (for at least 3 days after the medical exam). Something like that? Did I miss anything?
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-08-10 06:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Hey Cotton Candy,

Don't look so down. You can pay for your visa fee here in Uganda. I did it yesterday using M-pesa and I just booked my appointment today :dance: :dance: :dance: All you have to do is buy a safari com line, register it, print out the PDF on the website and then pay the money to an M-Pesa agent and then he will send the money to your safaricom Number and then you can pay using the instructions on the receipt.

After that, come back online and schedule your appointment. After you have paid, you have to wait 4 hours before you can schedule your appointment. M-pesa is like Mobile money. I can give you the number of the M-pesa agent who helped me, if you want.

On the appointment scheduling website, make sure you choose the M-pesa safaricom option and print out the PDF and all the instructions are there. Ask me if you need more help.

Will gladly help. Good day.

Oh, really? I've been thinking all this time that we will have to get the money to someone we know in Kenya in order to pay the visa fee. Aaron is in Entebbe: where would he go to buy a safaricom line or find an M-pesa agent? (I should probably just ask *him*--maybe he knows all about this stuff?) And this is for scheduling the visa interview, or the medical appointment, or both?
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-08-09 08:23:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

We got the visa on Friday!

Congratulations!!! It's so encouraging to hear about positive outcomes from Nairobi. You both must be so excited: hooray! :dance:
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-24 08:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Hurray!!!! This is amazing news!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-13 11:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

So an update...Dan's visa was refused this morning based on "missing evidence." Ten years ago Dan lived in Kenya for about 9 months (less than a year). He did not have a police clearance from Kenya, and so his interviewer refused his visa application based on that, and on the fact that I am attending Harvard and she said, since he had not completed University that "there's no way an American would marry you."

Oh, I am so sorry. So, what happens now: do they keep the petition at Nairobi and let him bring the missing evidence once he gets it? That blond sounds horrible: how is that so many people seem to get her?
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-03-22 12:07:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

We got our interview date - Thursday, March 22nd! His medical exam is complete (everything went well) so this is our last step!!

Wish us luck! I wish I could be with him, but I have school and there's no way I can make it. Hoping it all goes smoothly...

Congratulations: sending lots of good thoughts your way. Can't wait to hear how things go on Thursday!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-03-20 07:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Thank you for the very thorough answer! And I promise I will stop pestering you around Feb. 10 when I finally send this thing (plus I will be out of town for 1.5 weeks between now and then)!

Here is my working list for what I am planning to put in:

- Payment: check, $340
- G 1145
- Cover letter
- Form I-129F
- Continuation sheet explaining Aaron's address situation
- G325A and passport style photo (petitioner)
- G325A and passport style photo (beneficiary)
- Copy of US Passport (petitioner)
- Copy of my 2002 divorce decree (petitioner)
- Letter certifying intent to marry (petitioner)
- Letter certifying intent to marry (beneficiary)
- Proof of having met in person in the past two years:
*First trip:

--flight itinerary
--bank statement showing wdrawals in UG (BoA)
--passport stamps
--photo of us at Anna's house (print photo & label)

*Second trip

--flight itineraries
--bank statement showing withdrawal in UG (BoA)
--passport stamps
--photo of us with Anna's kids (print photo & label)
--photo of me with Anna & her kids? (print photo and label)

*Third trip

--flight itinerary
--boarding passes
--passport stamps: mine & his
--Nairobi bus tickets: Mash & Queens
--credit card record of hotel charges
--bank records of ATM withdrawal (*BoA: check back tomorrow after closing date)
--hotel receipt?
*us at Garuga Resort, Entebbe, 12/26/11
*us at Banga Beach, Entebbe, 12/27/11 (2)
*us at Sheraton Kampala, 12/31/11
*us at Central Restaurant, Kampala, 1/6/12
*us at Dada Photo Studio, Kampala, 1/6/12
*us at Sportsview Hotel, Nairobi, 1/8/12
*us with Flora's family, Nairobi, 1/7/12 (3)
*giving the ring photos at Flora's, 1/8/12 (2)

- Proof of ongoing relationship:

*phone records 1/11-10/11; 10/11-2/12
*emails (how many? what type? from him + reply from me, or what?)
--decided to include one email exchange from each month since we met
*copies of handwritten letters: mine (1), his (1)
*affadavit from Mirza and/or Jess?
*affadavit from Anna and/or his mom, if we can get it?

Am I missing anything? What is this about the "CERTIFICATE OF NO IMPEDIMENT"? I haven't seen anything about those until now.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-01-25 15:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Hi Joy :) Yes, on the G-325A you can use his physical street address history...that's fine. We did and had no issues. Just make sure you use the continuation sheet for the I-129F - you're good to go. Crazy???? LOLOL. YES!!!!! haha. I'm still here, we made it through, but attention to detail and being organized is the only way to go. I'm here for you. Blessings to you and Aaron and have a lovely day.

Thank you! One more question: I hope you don't mind.
On the K-1 visa guide here at VisaJourney, it mentions additional documentation being sent to the consulate prior to the interview, but the Nairobi embassy's website says that nothing is to be sent there, and that everything is to be presented by the beneficiary when he/she comes for the interview (application, proof of payment, police records, evidence of support, etc.). Some of the interview accounts have mentioned that nothing the beneficiary brought along was really examined. So, does this mean that the only chance we have for supporting evidence to be really looked at by the embassy is to include it with the initial I-129F package?

(I'm not thinking of getting TOO carried away with this: some phone records, a small sampling of photos and emails [maybe a dozen], and maybe a few statements from family/friends [one from mine, one from his].)
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-01-25 03:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Thanks so much, Jill: this is very helpful! One more question: which address did you use on his G-325A? If it is asking for residence history, it would make more sense to use the physical address than the PO Box (where he clearly does not live). I guess it shouldn't be an issue to have different addresses on the G-325A and the I-129F as long as I include the continuation sheet you described to explain the situation?

This stuff will really drive you crazy with the tiny details, right?

You are asking in the right place :D Welcome to you and your loved one. Nothing is sent by mail from the Nairobi is all sent via email and it is sent to both you and the beneficiary (actually - when it's'll be emailing them first anyway :P ). For the I-129F you can use the PO Box address ~ that's fine. That's what I used for Ben, but, I did add a continuation sheet just to clarify (because it's always better to be safe than sorry with USCIS). This is what I used. Feel free to go ahead and use it and adjust it to your liking and specific needs.

Form I-129F Continuation Sheet: Part B, Item #’s 2 and 15:
PLEASE NOTE: For the address block on the Form it specifically asks for “Number and Street”. The mailing address for Mr. _____________ is: P.O. Box _______, Nairobi, _____ , Kenya. His physical address is: ____________ . There is no street name and he cannot receive mail at this address. Therefore, on the first page of the Form, Item #2, I only included the P.O. Box because the Assembly Instructions on the USCIS Website specifically state that the address block on the forms is the data field captured for all of your mailings and that whatever is in that block will become the mailing address used by the system. I did this to ensure that he receives all mail pertaining to this petition. On page 2 of the Form, Item #15, I did include his physical street address for your records.

That's what I used and I had absolutely no issues. Feel free to ask anything here...we are here to help. Stay blessed.

afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-01-24 11:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Hi everyone,

Happy to see some more recent folks who are going through the Nairobi consulate. We are going to be filing our I-129F petition in early February, so I'm trying to pick up all the tips I can in hopes of decreasing the panicky moments down the line when things start to happen.

I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this, but: these days, is anything sent by mail from Nairobi to the beneficiary or petitioner? If so, which address are these materials sent to?

I am the petitioner (USC); he is a Ugandan citizen. The address that he is listing on his G-325A and letter of intent is where he lives, but as you all no doubt know, he cannot receive mail there. If there will be anything sent to him by mail, how should we indicate where such mail should be sent? He can receive mail at a PO Box or at his office. How have other recent Nairobi K-1 cases (if any) approached this?

Thanks in advance for any help!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-01-22 18:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)K1 Visa, Additional Processing???
That's the same thing I was told during one of my calls to check the status of my petition. I also became very worried. I had called on a Thursday, and the petition hadn't been received yet. On a Friday, I got the "additional processing" speech. On the following Tuesday, they told me that my petition had been shipped to the consulate the previous day. So, it may not be a big deal at all!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-08-28 15:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate question - East Africa
Someone else can probably answer this better than I can, but I wanted to say that the petition definitely will not be sent to Uganda, as the embassy there does not process K-1 visas. Tanzania sounds like it would be much more convenient for you than Nairobi (where ours will be processed), so I hope there's a way for you to do that!

(Congrats on your NOA1: I also got mine very early this morning: 1:53am! Also, you should come join the Feb. 2012 filers thread down in the progress reports forum: it's definitely more fun to sit around and wait with other people...)
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-02-24 08:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL Tracking From NVC to US Embassy

Waybill: 8806925002
Good Luck!!

Oh, that is wonderful: that MUST be us. Thank you so much!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-08-21 22:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL Tracking From NVC to US Embassy
I can't seem to get this to work, for some reason! NVC just told me that they shipped my petition to Nairobi, Kenya yesterday. Can anyone see any packages to Kenya?
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-08-21 07:28:00
CanadaMove Girlfriend from Canada to US

I live with my parents, but we don't mind having less privacy for some time. I figured someone would mention my age and while I may be young, I feel I'm certainly mature enough to sustain a marriage and work it all out.

Happy to see your good news, and I hope that with time, you two can sort everything out!

I wanted to say, though, that this statement from you struck me as something that (way more than anything else you said) really shows your age. I'm almost twice your age and dealing with the same process of trying to figure out how to build a life with a person who is far away, and I'll be the first one to tell anyone that I have a lot of growing and learning to do. As someone who has an advanced degree, has worked to overcome significant family dysfunction and financial limitations, and has been living/working on her own far away from family for over a decade, I'm well aware that managing to "work it all out" is going to be the biggest challenge I've taken on yet and I wonder constantly if I'll be strong enough. It's okay to admit you don't know everything, and some of the most mature, knowledgeable, admirable people I know/have known are the ones most likely to have a learner's mentality and be open about their shortcomings.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-09-16 09:01:00
CanadaSo How Much Did Immigration Cost You?
Well, it's hard to say! (And if this is aimed only at members dealing with Canada, please excuse me! I saw others posting here who aren't, so I figured I would chime in.)

If we're talking about direct, strictly required immigration costs, my rough estimate is that it has cost a little over $2,000 so far, from 1-129F to K-1 to application for AOS. I'm ONLY including application/petition fees, certified copies of documents, required medical exams/x-rays, and mailing documents. [Detailed breakdown-- I-129F: $340; K-1: $250; Medical exam: ~$300; Mailing/documents/photos: ~$150 (not including what he spent); AOS: $1,070]

But then, he needed to travel here from his country after his successful interview ($1,265), and we decided that since Nairobi is known to be a difficult embassy, it would make both of us feel better about the interview if I flew there to be with him for it ($1,560), which then led to family gifts (~$400), a hotel stay (~$700), several encounters with thieves/crooked cops ($500+), and who the heck knows where the rest of the $4,000 or so that trip cost went. Totally worth it because I genuinely believe that the approval may not have happened and certainly would not have been as painless a process as it ended up being without my going there, not to mention that I got to meet/spend time with his relatives including his 90+-year-old ailing grandmother.

And of course, before we started the immigration process, I took 3 previous trips there, each of which required a ~$2,000 flight + gifts as well. Not to mention probably close to $1,000 over 2 years for talking on the phone, sending stuff to him, etc.

And then since his arrival, we hosted a wedding completely on our own ($= ~2 Nairobi trips) which involved flying 2 of his family members over to attend ($= ~ 1 Nairobi trip), registered him for 2 college classes at full out-of-state tuition ($ = half a Nairobi trip), and probably a lot of other things that I've forgotten.

I never thought this was going to be easy or cheap. It helped immensely that as soon as we decided to proceed with this process, I drastically cut back my spending and looked for ways to put aside extra money (including an extra part-time job that I've now had for the past 9 months), which ended up offsetting about half of what it has cost us. We're also both very frugal people with similar attitudes/goals regarding money, so now that he's here and we're settling into life together, we are on track to recover from the financial hit reasonably soon, especially once he's allowed to start working.

But for anyone considering starting the immigration process for someone: DEFINITELY expect that there will be costs you never anticipated and that it will be very, very stressful if you don't have something of a financial cushion in place when you start out. I'm so glad that living as frugally as I did before I started out on this journey enabled me to put enough aside that I didn't end up having to make hard choices like whether to eat/pay rent OR be able to have his mom at our wedding, go to meet his elderly grandmother, etc.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2013-02-20 11:47:00
Asia: East and PacificRelationship Evidence needing help..
I guess I will have to ask them then.

Just a perplexing issue.

Does anyone know if the people that interview him in Tokyo at the embassy speak Japanese or English?

I'm praying that they can communicate to him in Japanese..

Thank you all for this amazing help!! smile.gif
MkandiFemaleJapan2009-12-06 07:34:00
Asia: East and PacificRelationship Evidence needing help..

I am currently putting together a I-129F petition for my Japanese fiance.
But I'm facing an issue with the relationship evidence.

I know you can use e-mails and letters as a way to show you have an ongoing relationship,
but they're all in Japanese.

Is it okay to use them?
Do I have to translate them into English for them to be readable to the officers?

Thank you very much.

I know that someone in this forum may have faced this issue, since not all fiances/spouses are native/fluent in English.

Thank you again!! Any advice and help is truly appreciated!! yes.gif
MkandiFemaleJapan2009-12-05 10:50:00
Asia: East and PacificAll Japan Filers
I just sent my I-129F packet off two days ago for my fiance Masato!

We're both praying for the best!!!

I wish the best of luck and god speed with everyone else here dealing with the visas!
Anyone else filing in Jan 2010? Or am I late jumping on the band wagon~?Haha ^_^
MkandiFemaleJapan2010-01-14 17:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp with pathetic Affidavit situation please!
Thank you Chris, it is very valuable advice. Thank you everyone. Maybe this thread may help others out that are in a situation much like my own. Everyone is so helpful smile.gif
MkandiFemaleJapan2009-12-13 21:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp with pathetic Affidavit situation please!
Thank you everyone, really. I truly appreciate the helpful advice about the affidavit. And thank you again Malrothien.
MkandiFemaleJapan2009-12-13 19:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp with pathetic Affidavit situation please!
Thank you Malrothien. Yeah that comment was a bit mean...

Any help/suggestions/advice is appreciated though smile.gif

Edited by Mkandi, 13 December 2009 - 04:32 PM.

MkandiFemaleJapan2009-12-13 16:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp with pathetic Affidavit situation please!

I have a few questions regarding the Affidavit of Support.

I know we can have co-sponsors, but as for myself, my situation seems rather different from all the well established individuals in here.

I'm very sorry as this is going to sound pathetic! sad.gif

For the affidavit of support, I was a college student, but am currently hunting like mad for a job. I have yet to submit the k-1 visa but will be doing thus shortly.

Is there any way possible on the Biographic Form and the Affidavit that I can express that I am (will be re-attending in Spring) and was college student.

But I am earning some income per week for babysitting/pet sitting/housekeeping for my family, in between my furious job hunting. I know I sound rather pathetic, but was wondering if this is at all applicable as well.

Thank you for any advice and help in advance.
Everyone on this forum is so kind, well informed, and helpful.

Thank you again!!
MkandiFemaleJapan2009-12-13 15:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNewest Relationship Evidence Questions

I have a quick question regarding the language barriers at US consulates in foreign countries.

I just received my approved NOA2, so I sent out the copy of the I-129F to my Japanese fiance.
I know we have to submit newer relationship evidence, but since he will be interviewed at the Tokyo US consulate,
I didn't know if I have to send translation certificates of all our Japanese e-mails.

Since the consulate staff would have to know (at least some) Japanese and English, I'm not sure.

...And does anyone know what language they will be interviewed in? I'm hoping Japanese..

I'm sorry about my dumb questions! Thank you very much in advance!!!
MkandiFemaleJapan2010-04-28 11:22:00