K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I don't know a lick of Langi! :no: I did manage to pick up a lot of Swahili though when I was in Tanzania Dec - January. My fiance has been living in Arusha, TZ for the past couple of years, and he is fluent in Swahili. He picked up Swahili so quickly - I clearly don't have his gift for languages. I did manage to get the greetings down, and a few of the key phrases. I also managed to communicate with his maid, although she laughed at me a lot....:lol:

I'm trying to pick up some Swahili from some Tanzanian friends here, but I don't have a gift for languages, myself. (Aaron insists he doesn't, either, despite knowing English, Dhopadhola, Luganda, enough Swahili to get by, and a touch of Lugbara) I can do basic greetings now, though (mambo!) and some incredibly useful things like nakupenda sana. Aaron and I are going to try to study it together when he gets here.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-10 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Me too February filer. Did you read any posts regarding any Januray approval at VSC? Thank you

Actually, I was mistaken: there has been 1 January approval at VSC (out of 73 listed petitions), from a couple with the beneficiary in Cuba. And 9 approvals from December thus far, out of 65 listed petitions. There are 83 petitions showing from February and no approvals, so we have a lot of waiting left to do.

My fiance is from the Oyam area, but is family now lives in Kampala. He is Langi. What about your fiance?

Aaron is from Tororo, and now lives in Entebbe. His family speaks Dhopadhola, which apparently makes them Jopadhola/Adhola/Badama, depending on who's talking (thank you, Wikipedia, for clearing that up...haha). It looks like the Lango language is mutually intelligible with Dhopadhola, so the two of them could maybe understand each other in their mother tongues. (Better than I could, anyway. So far I know exactly one expression in Dhopadhola, so I'm not making very rapid progress. Do you know how to speak at all?)

Edited by afoyoswa, 10 April 2012 - 09:51 AM.

afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-10 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Me too February filer. Did you read any posts regarding any Januray approval at VSC? Thank you

Welcome! There's no need to post the same question 3 times, though. Also, it's easy enough to check for VSC January approvals (answer: none so far) yourself by going to Immigration Timelines-->Igor's List.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-09 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Yep, we're timeline twins! And both of our fiances are from Uganda as well. Posted Image
Fingers crossed for speedy approvals & problem-free interviews!


Yes, fingers crossed for all of us! Where in Uganda is your fiance from?
In other news: my signature tickers are now proliferating wildly, but I saw the sushi one on someone else's signature and had to have it.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-08 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I guess that's a good way to look at it. Plus, the K-1 visa guides are pretty specific. My fiancé has already started the process of getting his birth cert and police cert, so things are moving along nicely, although slowly...
Happy Easter everyone!

I keep forgetting we're timeline twins! I used the actual notice date printed on the paper I-797C form as my NOA1 date, so that's why I seem to be 1 day ahead of you.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-06 07:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Thanks for pointing it out. I was under impression that filing location will be Texas to everyone with K-1, and then cases are going to Vermont or Cali.. mine is at Vermont, the case number starts with EAC. But I changed "Place benefits filed at" to Vermont :thumbs:

Great! It looks like your timeline is still showing as Texas, so it would be good to change that, too, when you get a chance.

About calling congressmen, I really don't think that's what's going on with those couple of freakishly fast approvals. I've seen a few of those here before that February CSC one, and the petitioners seem just as surprised as anyone else. I just think it's part of the normal distribution (sorry, I work with statistics people) of approval times: if hypothetically the average is around 5 months, there are going to be a bunch right at 5 months, fewer at 4/6 months, a couple more at 3/7 months, and a tiny number that are even quicker/slower, and all of them are unfortunately still ordinary cases.

And I agree that finding out the embassy-specific requirements for your case helps a lot at this stage, although certain ones are universal (police certificate, financial paperwork, etc.). I'm trying not to start worrying about all of those things TOO early: maybe around 3 months? If I happen to get surprised by a quick approval when I have nothing ready, that's a *good* problem, right? (Besides, what about Murphy's Law?)
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-06 06:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Yes, that's a good point, Rose! Every timeline that is listed under the correct filing location makes the VJ timelines that much more accurate. Plus your name will come up in the section for your month on Igor's List. And you can join in on the complaining/celebrating for VSC or CSC, whichever is applicable. Win/win!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-05 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I don't know why but I guess because you will also be dealing with the Kenya embassy, I thought you were with me at the CSC! Didn't know you were are a VSC case. Yeah, you guys don't have anything to worry about...honestly I am in CSC but I usually wish I was in VSC because when VSC gets to working, they work HARD and FAST. Moreover, I've looked at the CSC volumes for November, December and January and it ain't pretty. If it is truly representative of the volumes that CSC has in total, God help us. In the meanwhile, life goes on! Keep hope alive everyone! Each day is one step closer...

Good point! I keep forgetting that we're in this thread together because we filed around the same time, and we don't necessarily have anything else in common regarding this process! It does seem like both VSC and CSC are approving quite a lot of petitions lately, though, so hopefully we will all make it through quickly. I'm still holding out for February VJ Approval Day maybe, hmmm, next Tuesday? Does that work for everyone? It could be a national holiday thereafter. :dance:
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-05 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Not so optimistic on the VSC approvals - yikes!! Ah well - fingers crossed for everyone!!

Re: VSC--one promising thing is that they seem to be picking up speed now with the December VJ petitions. 5 of the 7 December VSC VJ approvals so far have been within the last week. Once they get through December, it's a straight shot through January to get to us.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-05 00:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Aw... I just heard it one day and though I'm not a big Nickelback song, I couldn't imagine a song more perfectly describing how we feel. It turned me from my usual sarcastic, wisecracking Bostonian selfa into a puddle of mush. :-P

Not so optimistic on the VSC approvals - yikes!! Ah well - fingers crossed for everyone!!

I've heard that song before but never really paid attention to the lyrics. Wow, if VJ had a theme song, that would be it!

Somehow I didn't notice that you were another Bostonian: yay! Whereabouts are you? I'm in Brighton.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-04 23:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Today's Igor's List observations:
--Wow, CSC is really plowing through those VJ November petitions now!
--The last 2 VJ VSC approvals were for petitions filed in August and....June? Oh, dear.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-04 00:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Is this in addition to the fee we mailed in the beginning? I keep getting confused to whether we will have to pay more come his interview. Can you advise? :bonk:

Yes, this is in addition to the fee we all already paid. The $340 is the I-129F petition filing fee; the $350 (now $240) is the K-1 visa application fee that has to be paid to the embassy at some point during the post-NVC part of the process (varies by country exactly when/where/how). Not the same thing.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-03 22:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Thanks for the warm welcome - hope we all have speedy approvals! I feel bad being impatient when there are so many people who have waited so much longer... Great news on the fee change though! :-) Now to find me one of those cool looking timelines...

Oooh, another AlternaTicker fan! I really like their designs.

I'm now in this kind of frightening phase where all of this waiting seems completely normal and routine, and feels like it has been going on forever and will never end. It just doesn't seem real anymore that there's something different coming up at some point. I guess it is a little better than the active frustration/impatience, but it's strange, too. Anyone else?
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-03 00:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Welcome, Kimmie! Hope you have a nice short stay here. :)
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-01 21:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I know, frustrating not to even be able to afford to be excited about the wedding because everything is so much up in there...that does raise a question I have been wondering about. A lot of people are asked to present evidence of wedding plans at the interview stage, how do you guys plan on addressing that? Seems tricky to me. You can't really make any rock solid plans because you do not have 100 percent guarantee of any date of approval, much less on if you are actually going to get approved. I for one had mentioned in the application that if at all possible, we would have loved to wed in August (true but probably unlikely to happen)but of course we haven't done more than just hope to get married sooner than later. Any thoughts and suggestions? We should probably ask the many that have gone before us on this journey as well.

Since I already have my dress, I'm going to include a copy of the receipt in the folder of documents Aaron will bring to the interview (I could put in photos of me in it, but I don't want him to see! :thumbs:). I've also already talked to the minister at my church where we'll have the wedding, so a letter from him could also be helpful. That's all I've got, though. All the rest of the planning I've done is either mental or not-concrete things like talking to friends about ideas.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-03-29 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
And now they've switched again: Nov. 4 (CSC) and Nov. 7 (VSC). CSC is really churning out the approvals lately, though!

<breathe> They will get to us when they get to us, and not a minute sooner, right? I'm also in the not-seeing-him-til-this-is-over club, which makes the waiting extra fun. I may have kind of snapped at the David's Bridal lady who called me yesterday asking if I needed a photographer ("No, I'm all set!" which I'm not, of course, but I DON'T GET TO PLAN ANYTHING YET--boo hoo).
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-03-29 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Argh. Just yesterday the timelines page was saying Nov. 1 for CSC and Nov. 10 for VSC, and now it is Nov. 4 for CSC and Oct. 29 for VSC. I really should stop looking!

Of course, there were 3 VJ approvals today at CSC, and only 2 yesterday at VSC, so that must be part of it. On the plus side, one of the VSC approvals yesterday was a January petition: the first one I've seen come through there! (On the minus side, though, it's someone from Cuba, and most of the weirdly fast ones have been Cuba or Dominican Republic.)

Edited by afoyoswa, 28 March 2012 - 01:18 PM.

afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-03-28 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

The other thing is how do i get a ticker on my profile, can someone help me out and give me a link or show me how to do it?? Will really appreciate it. God bless all of us and lead us on this hard and painful journey...We all need a bit of encouragement and I leave you with Jeremiah 29:11...will give you strength when your reserves are low..Hang in there everyone. Help is on its way...

It seems that things are looking up for the couple I mentioned, so I'm hopeful that their story will have a happy ending soon. I'm still very worried about Nairobi, but we should all try to only be worried to the extent that it can motivate us to do productive things that will help at the interview phase.

To get a ticker you just need to go to one of the websites listed on someone else's ticker. They'll walk you through putting in the dates, choosing images, and customizing everything. When you're done, you'll get a block of text that you can copy and paste into your signature here. Let me know if you need more specific instructions. Another forum I used to post on was very anti-ticker, so even though I sometimes feel a little reflexively eye-rolly when people have 3 or 4 huge flashy blinking ones, I really love having mine. At least *something* is changing in our signatures, even though our visa journeys are completely sitting still right now.

Edited by afoyoswa, 27 March 2012 - 07:28 PM.

afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-03-27 19:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

We will make it together. Honestly makes a huge difference knowing there are so many others going through this same process. I wish I could get to doing online work too but always seems like such jobs are mostly open to American residents but really good you can do that and way smarter than traveling on an emotional binge. I'm really excited about my language studies and expect the time to go by much faster now. The very best to you and yours!

Yeah, most of the online options seem to have some sort of weird catch for non-US folks. I'm using Amazon's Mechanical Turk, which is pretty decent money, but if you're outside the US you can only earn Amazon credit, not cash, which is not that helpful.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-03-27 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Yeah, I keep having to update my info below because the estimated date changes like everyday! In a few instances, it becomes shorter by a day but mostly it keeps moving forward. Let's hang in there, I hope we all get done in 5 months or less. Crazy, when it's other people and you read things like 147 days, you're like, oh, that was reasonably fast...but when you look at your own're just like, wow, I have to wake up 147 times to this ticker at the very least? :( :crying: :angry: At least we're going through this together. I for one have opted to try and spend my evenings brushing up on my French and maybe learning a bit of many online resources these days..and sure beats hugging my blankets being miserable without my baby.

Very well put! Waking up, um, 33 or so times to my ticker is more than enough already, so the people who go 180 or more are...well, just like us and didn't have a choice about it.

I'm trying to avoid looking at the estimated date. There's no reason it should have crept forward a month since I sent in my petition, and with all of the people not updating or listing their petitions as being submitted to a service center that doesn't process them (Texas) or the wrong one or none at all, I'm not putting a whole lot of stock in those dates. It's not like anything magical will happen when that date comes, anyway. We're all just going to sit around obsessively checking our phones/email for the foreseeable future regardless.

Good idea working on your language skills! I'm using my spare evenings trying to put away some extra money, myself (online work), which is nicely distracting. Helps me resist the urge to blow an imprudent amount of money and vacation time to run over there and see him.

Edited by afoyoswa, 27 March 2012 - 08:05 AM.

afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-03-27 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Bumpity bump bump bumpity bump bump!


And to a quick approval for all of us..Timeline info says CSC passed up VSC today :D

Yeah, I noticed that! But looking at the graphs, it appears that there's barely a dent in the November petitions at CSC, while VSC has has around 60% finished already. I'm wondering if the timeline discrepancy has something to do with the freak January and February approvals at CSC throwing off the data? Not that it would matter if they would just go ahead and approve all of us, like, tomorrow.

Hang in there!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-03-26 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

one of my friends on here got approved already from CSC.....Not an expedited case either.

Oh, gosh, I see that! Wow. They really don't have any rhyme or reason there, do they? That case is surrounded by approvals from September, October, and November. Makes no sense at ALL.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-03-23 09:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I know what you mean, I think we must be thinking of the very same case and it shook me too. I don't know about you, but I am officially putting that blond woman on my prayer list as a big no-no for my interview. Though an interview can go either way, it does look like there are a lot of complaints specifically about her. I'm also trying to think of things we can do to solidify our case, my strongest evidence for a bonafide relationship is just that I quit my job here and went to live with him in Shanghai for 7 and a half months together with my son. All the same, it's tough because you just don't know what particular issue they will choose to zero in on. But it does sound like you do have a solid case. I believe the issue sited in that case (if we are thinking of the same one) was the lack of police clearance for countries lived in and more than that, the CO's disbelief that the relationship can be legitimate when there are strong academic differences between them (I of course don't agree, I think anyone should be allowed to be with anyone but just like with age differences, seems like the more differences there are between you and your fiance(e), the more of a case you need to build) those are the best thoughts I can offer. As for what to do about gifts, that's a tough one, don't know. I will be wearing my engagement ring but don't know if that will even be something they notice or not. Just hard to know how much time we will be granted at the interview stage. I almost think it would sometimes be easiest if they just let us talk first and then they shot their questions afterwards.

Here's hoping for the very best.

Yes, here's hoping. I think your case sounds really solid, too. What worries me is that we have almost the same educational differences as they do, except without the brand-name affiliation on my part for them to zero in on. I do have that same brand-name affiliation with my job, though. Aaron has completed a certification through a foreign university via a distance program, but does not have a degree either (although his cousin has several degrees and an affiliation with the same brand-name institution, and mentioned this in the affidavit that she wrote for our petition, so maybe they won't think it's as much of a stretch).

What reassures me a little is what some people have said about the importance of front-loading and how the decision is pretty much already made before the beneficiary even shows up for the interview. Maybe more visits would have tipped them into the category of swinging toward yes rather than swinging toward no, and the petitioner's presence would have pushed them over the top, and the education/police clearance stuff was just something the evil blonde CO fixated on as an excuse. (Don't ask me why this is reassuring! And heaven preserve us all from the evil blonde CO...)

Edited by afoyoswa, 22 March 2012 - 03:14 PM.

afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-03-22 15:12:00
PhilippinesNOA 2s are over due for December 2011 Filers

Hi fellow VJ's,

I'm a January 12, 2012 filer and it has been 91 days since our NOA1 as of today. I have noticed from the VJ statics that the NOA 2s are over due for the December 2011 (11 filers) and (Us) the January 2012 (7 filers) should be getting our NOA 2s from now thru the next three weeks.

Here are the numbers trending down and the process should speed up and take less days:

24 September 2011 Filers, 21 NOA 2s recieved, 14 interviews, and 10 approved.
22 October 2011 Filers, 15 NOA 2s recieved, 10 interviews, and 1 approved.
17 November 2011 Filers, 12 NOA 2s recieved, 6 interviews, and 0 approved. 112 average days from NOA 1s.
11 December 2011 Filers, 1 NOA 2s recieved, 0 interviews, and 0 approved.
7 January 2012 Filers, 0 NOA 2s recieved, 0 interviews, and 0 approved.

Now, I do realize that these numbers do not account for filers that are not members of VJ and could be higher. However, I did see a comment on here that USCIS are working on the November Filers. There is only one December filer with their NOA2. It took them 111 days from there NOA1. The earliest a NOA 2 was recieved in November was 84 days and the latest recieved was 148 days with an average of 112 days. I did not county the one that was expited quickly in only 22 days and there was only one at 148 days. I wonder what is going on, have the USCIS employees gone on vacation or striking and they are short staffed. How about they noticed there are a lot less filers for December and January. they decided to take longer coffie and lunch breaks. These numbers do not make since. The process should speed up with less people filing. We are all ready to get this process finished. Let me know what you guys think?

I have nothing to do with the Philippines and maybe you are only talking about Philippines-specific data, but if not I don't understand where you're getting these numbers from. If you look at the VJ approval data, VSC is just starting on the December petitions and CSC hasn't even gotten to them yet, so the idea that December petitions are "over due" doesn't make sense. Oh, and the VJ petitions are said to be only about 5% of the total, so relying on VJ data is misleading at best.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-12 15:29:00
Philippinesbad american or bad problem

this girl was asawa ko and my escort during my first visit there and is related to the family.

It sounds to me like ambiguity resulting from misuse of the possessive. I read it as, "This girl was the escort of my wife and I during my first visit there." He could have phrased it as "asawa ko's and my" for less confusion. Or, better yet, "Gretchen's and my." (And of course it always puzzles me how everyone else in the Philippines forum uses "asawa ko" rarely or not at all, but this particular member practically never uses anything else. I'd be annoyed out of my mind if Aaron referred to me exclusively in terms of my relationship to him, among people who knew my name already, because it is right there in his username and all.)
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-06-05 20:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 VISA Approved :)
Congratulations: how exciting for you both!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-01-22 00:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarried February 14, 2012
How exciting! Congratulations to you both. :D
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-02-18 14:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshow did you meet your loved one
My first week at a new job in 2008, I got assigned to work on a program bringing African researchers to the U.S. to study. One of the first participants arrived in 2009 and became a close friend. I was curious to get to know her side of the world as she had mine, so I decided to visit her and her family in her country over the Christmas holidays in 2010.

My first night there, she was out of town and so I spent the evening getting acquainted with her extended family, and in particular one of her brothers (cousin, actually, but they grew up together). Over the next two weeks we just never stopped talking to each other, and after I realized that I was missing him when we were not together, I decided to talk to him about it (since he was not in a position to say anything to me, given that I was there as his sister's guest). Luckily he felt the same way, and 14 months later we are now engaged and starting the K-1 process.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-02-19 00:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew here, filed petition in January
Welcome, Ann! How did you and your fiancé meet, and when (exactly) did you file your petition? We have a Feb. 2012 filers thread down in the K-1 progress reports forum, but there are 1 or 2 January filers in it too (since there isn't a January thread), so feel free to join in! The more, the merrier.

And yes, we're going through Nairobi, too, like all the rest of the Uganda K-1s. Not looking forward to that, but there's lots of good information in the Nairobi embassy thread.

Also, regarding the embassy you specify on the forms, there is a note there saying that you are not guaranteed the embassy that you specify, so I am guessing they will correct it to the one that handles your type of visa automatically. But others will know better than I do, I'm sure: I'm also new here.

Edited by afoyoswa, 21 February 2012 - 11:32 AM.

afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-02-21 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 fiance visa case sent back to USCIS
Without knowing anything about what you submitted as evidence, I can't help with your questions, unfortunately, but why does the email refer to a "bona fide marital relationship" if it is for a K-1 visa? That seems really strange!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-02-23 09:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOpinions and Observations
Wow, 122 pages? Mine had 82, and I thought I may have gone a little overboard. Good luck to you! Also, there is a Feb. 2012 Filers thread down in the K-1 progress report forum: you should stop in! I hope that all of us spend very little time there.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-02-19 00:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2.. Yes baby!!


Whatever mojo you have, I want some to rub on me!

Yes, please! Maybe if we post in this thread, we will catch it?
Many congratulations!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-02-27 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE ARE APPROVED!!! THANK YOU GOD!!!
Yay, good for you!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-02-28 09:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat u been doing since you have to wait??????/
I'm the petitioner, but my fiance is carrying on with his life as usual, because obviously he won't know for sure if/when he's leaving Uganda until the interview (or after). We're planning in general terms for when we will be together, but trying not to take anything for granted. Keeping busy is the best way to (partially) avoid being frustrated about all the waiting, I'm finding! Makes the time go faster, for sure.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-23 18:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhere are you planning to have honeymoon??

We talked about the sooner vs later aspect and decided that for us it's best to take the honeymoon while he can't work. That way only one of us is losing time from work. Since I own my own practice, I don't get paid time off and he's a teacher so any vacation time when he is working would be on a school break = Disney hell lol.

I've thought about that: how difficult it will be to coordinate vacations for two people once he's working. But conversely, I can imagine that he won't be all that eager to take a big, expensive trip before he's working, so I guess it comes down to that whole time/money continuum that no one ever seems to avoid.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-02 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhere are you planning to have honeymoon??
We haven't talked about it at all yet, so I have no idea if there will be someplace specific he has his heart set on going once we get to that point. If not, I'd just as soon spend a few days somewhere local --maybe some sort of romantic B&B in New England?-- and save the extra money for a bigger trip later after all the dust settles. After the stress and excitement of planning the wedding, I'm probably not going to be really keen on embarking on an epic voyage immediately, plus there will be out-of-town friends/family in town so we're probably not even going to want to leave right away.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-02 14:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC??? Whats happening

Not everyone getting approved is a VJ member.

Yep. With our tiny little 5% window to watch the action through, it makes sense that what we are seeing isn't always representative of the larger picture. Either way, though, nothing to do but wait.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-10 14:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Approved
Whoo hoo! You are almost exactly a month behind us, so I was very encouraged to see your approval! Congratulations. :dance:
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-23 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC slow as a snail
VSC has clearly diverted most of its personnel and resources to processing some other type of document. This happens sometimes. If you look back at the history of petition approvals at any of the processing centers, there are slow periods followed by spurts of activity. I'm not defending VSC or anything, but all we can do is keep waiting.

The thing to do is keep busy and try to avoid putting your life on hold. Myself, I've taken a second job to save up extra money for wedding/immigration expenses, and started decluttering/sprucing up my apartment in preparation for Aaron moving in. (It would be even better if I could find another focus for my energy that *isn't* related to the immigration process, but I haven't yet achieved that!)
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-06-21 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE I got was simple and silly

I stand corrected. :bonk: It is question #2 which have 3 parts to it and at the bottom of it there are two check boxes Yes NO. I did not check off either box. That is what my RFE is on.

Oh, okay! I guess it make sense that they would want to have all their ducks in a row, but what a tiny thing to RFE you about!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-08-04 00:07:00