K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I feel your pain, Scott. Looking at the timelines, VSC seems to be at least 2-3 weeks ahead of CSC. I'm hoping CSC picks up the pace soon!

I don't know: CSC seems to be moving a lot faster than VSC over the past few weeks. If you look at the graphs, CSC is not too far behind VSC on December petitions at all, and about even on the January ones.

I'm excited to see some action at all being taken on more of the February petitions, though! Don't RFE'd petitions usually become approvals within a few weeks after satisfactory evidence is submitted? An RFE isn't much of a delay, all things considered, if you get it now and everyone else gets approvals in a month or longer!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-21 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I feel the same way, I think it's because we are so close we can almost taste it, but yet there's still another month to wait. We'll all get through it! Keep your chin up! Posted ImagePosted Image

Yes, that's really the only thing to do! (Also, I stole your "waiting waiting waiting" entry in your signature: I like having something to update every day, even if I can't add anything to my timeline!)
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-18 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I tend to think that it does differ depending on the embassy. From what I know, in RU we are bringing everything to the interview. There is no BEFORE but in other countries people are talking about mailing their documents..

Same here: in Nairobi you bring everything to the interview (hence the practice of "front-loading," which we did so that they'd be able to see more of our evidence).

I realized yesterday that I am now tired of being tired of waiting.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-18 07:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I am wondering why some of RFE take so long time after bieng received by USCIS to make a deceision on?!!!!! Some applicants took them 2-3 weeks from sending their RFE until their NOA2. Others took 2-3 months !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, we don't know how long it took the petitioner to return the requested evidence once USCIS asked for it. Their timeline also lists "RFE Reply(s)" on 12/14, but maybe there were other unusual circumstances in the interim?

Oooh, I just searched for posts by that petitioner, and there were actually TWO RFEs. Here are the posts:

Hi Vjers!!! Finally after ten long months of waiting we got our NOA2...with two (2) RFE's and the pain and loneliness we finally have the most awaited. Thank you so much for all! Now is my turn to do US Embassy. THank you LORD for this blessing and hope to do good with my USEmbassy interview. THANK YOU SO MUCH VISA JOURNEY!

Hello Alla! I just want to ask you a question regarding my situation. Filed July 25, an Rfe then filed an expedite twice and the second time just this recently and I think twas denied. Then we got another RFE this April 18 , they needed 2 passport-style photos of my fiance (petitioner) of which we submitted when we filed our petition. Can you give me a reason why they needed another 2? And on April 27 they received those photos and asked us to wait again for at least 60 days?

Thank you very much for your input. Help me understand this, it has been too long the wait. VSC

and, well, actually, this entire thread.

Wow. Not your garden-variety case, anyway.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-15 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Awww, Meg, I'm sorry to hear that! What is wrong with people and/or the courts? I'm hoping for the best possible outcome. With all of us so impatient to get our loved ones over here as soon as possible, it must be agonizing to think about actually lengthening the process just because of someone else's ineptitude. :o

In other news, what on earth was going on with that JULY petition that got approved today at VSC? The RFE was in November, so it should have gone through shortly thereafter. Let's get ready for the estimates to be wonky for a while...
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-15 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Another VSC approval, from late Dec./early January! That's more like it!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-14 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I see a jauuary approval....thats the first VSC approval of the week. Yeah! keep it moving. :blink:

Yes, I saw that too! Definitely a (baby) step in the right direction! :thumbs:

Oh, and the most exciting thing today: Aaron just called to tell me his birthday card arrived in the mail!!!! :D :D :D I sent it through snail mail on Apr. 24, and really didn't have a lot of hope it would get there at all, much less this quickly! His birthday is tomorrow, so the timing is PERFECT! YAY!

Edited by afoyoswa, 14 May 2012 - 01:56 PM.

afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-14 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

That is really nice but I just wonder how they skipped all the way to January 18th when I'm January 14th...Makes me kind of sad but then i know its an anomaly it happens...Just wishing it was mine I guess...

The progress is definitely not linear! I've seen descriptions here before of the process: each adjudicator gets a box or batch of petitions, and the various adjudicators do not move through their assigned petitions at the same rate, so later ones can easily get in ahead of earlier ones. Frustrating, for sure. I'm sure most/all of us will be doing the :blink: dance when people who filed after us get approved first. Grrr.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-14 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Aww Joy, didn't realize that your family has issues with your relationship. I hope they get to meet him and see how happy two make each other. I know how important family is to me so can imagine the stress it's causing you. Best of luck with things!

Thanks, Meg! (I wrote a little about the whole thing here if you want some light reading...) They've been pretty volatile and dramatic most of my life, so it wasn't a huge surprise, but still is taking a lot of the fun out of what should be a special time, you know?

Welcome to the February holding pen, Cori and Rob!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-13 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

yeah.. I came to hate weekends for only one reason - there are no approvals coming out during weekends :D

You make it sound like there are actually approvals during the week! And Miss AAA: "crawl" implies some sort of actual movement, doesn't it? The waiting is really wearing on me lately.

On the plus side, I just learned on Friday that my parents & one of my sisters will be arriving here from NC on Friday to attend my grad school commencement ceremony (yay for short notice!), and I am hoping to talk via webcam with Aaron while they are here so they can "meet" him. I am also making plans to take them to see the church where we'll have the wedding (with the ulterior motive of hoping that talking to the minister will calm them down a little bit, although it won't). If they behave themselves, I might even let them see my dress. We (by which I mean "they") really need to get to a better place with regard to their attitude about my relationship with Aaron and our plans, so hopefully this weekend will provide a nudge in the right direction.

Oh, and welcome, OuardaMalik!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-13 01:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Thats nice...we need more of those in VSC.

Yes, seriously!

<sigh> Last week was so encouraging at VSC: what on earth happened this week? Boo.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-12 01:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

VSC is still handling december and even some november petitions....( yes there are 2 or 3 January petitions in there). I cant help but feel a little disappointed. I expected a slew of january petitions to be handled already. At this rate, it might be more than a month away for us.

Hopefully its not.

Yeah, they are still digging out and processing some really old petitions. But on the other hand, judging from the graph, they are very nearly done with December, so when/if they start processing any petitions at all again (!!! slow week, much? of course last week was, too, until the Friday extravaganza--both centers seem to really move in erratic spurts rather than anything steady), we should start to get a bunch of Januarys. But I'm really not expecting anything before mid/late June.

(Although has anyone noticed that their estimate range is getting smaller as time goes by? That's kind of comforting.)
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-10 14:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Hi Joy,
Do you know if it's important to explain in a separate sheet of paper about how I met with my fiancee in person? We are from the same country, and I just answered the question (18) in the space provided below the question without attaching a separate sheet with explanation. I knew her from Egypt as a relative to one of my best friends there. Any thoughts about if it could have an impact on my application?

I did the same thing you did --just answered with a few sentences in the space provided on the form-- but I've seen both approaches recommended with equal fervor here on VJ, so I'm guessing it's one of the few things that's somewhat variable as long as the basic elements are there? From what I've read here, the purposes of that question seem to be to find out HOW you met (maybe) --online, through friends, etc.-- and to affirm that you've seen each other within the last 2 years. Both of these are easy enough to accomplish in a few lines.

Mine said:
"Aaron and I met for the first time in Entebbe, Uganda at the home of ____ (my friend and his cousin) where he also lives, during my visit 12/27/10-1/11/11, since which time we have kept in touch by phone and email. I visited him again 7/2-7/9/2011 and 12/24/11-1/9/12, during which we traveled to Nairobi together to see his sister 1/6-1/8/12, and he proposed 1/7/12 in Nairobi."

I wanted to give a basic overview of our visits, since I organized the photos and other evidence in separate sections by visit. Hopefully, this will do the trick!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-09 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Wow, CSC received its own shipment of Red Bull yesterday, I think!

And Darkmoonfaerie: that's really exciting about your invitations! That's kind of a tempting idea, actually. VistaPrint has some really nice designs, and I like that they're not part of the whole Wedding Industry (see also: why, oh why, did I ever give David's Bridal my mailing address???? :angry:).

Edited by afoyoswa, 09 May 2012 - 08:37 AM.

afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-09 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
I ordered all the years available: 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. Not sure if I will send them all with him, though--probably just 2009-2011. Aside from those, if my income is well above the poverty line, all I need for financial documentation is proof of employment and the 1-134, right?

I know someone made a list earlier, but just to get it straight in my head, for the interview he'll need:
(from me)
--duplicate copy of original I-129F submission (so that the embassy can keep copies of evidence that has been misplaced, if any)
--originals of all evidence submitted with I-129F petition (boarding passes, receipts, etc.)
--I-134 & financial documents above
--evidence of wedding plans being made
(from both of us)
--new letters of intent
--evidence of ongoing relationship since petition was submitted
(from him)
--police certificate
--his passport
--his birth certificate
--visa application forms from embassy (DS-230, DS-156, DS-156K)
--medical exam results, sent directly from exam facility
--2 passport photos
--fee ($240)

I think that's it?
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-08 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Tax Transcripts:

Click on the order transcript under #3,00.html

Oh wow, thanks! That was easy! I never expect anything to do with the IRS to be easy...
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-08 06:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Welcome to Pillo!

And holy #######! Did everyone see the slew of approvals that came in from VSC on Friday?

Welcome, Pillo: we're very glad to have you here!

And yes--7 approvals on one day?? I thought my eyes were tricking me. I hope the people at VSC keep drinking the Red Bull or whatever it was they started doing on Friday.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-07 10:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Hi gang,

It's a sad day for me, the day this journey becomes irrelevant to me. :( We broke up today. There's been one major issue I've been waiting for him to make up his mind about and he finally has and it qualifies as an irreconcilable difference sadly. Heartbroken doesn't begin to describe it, I'm in that phase, I can't stop crying, i won't be able to sleep, it'll be tough going for a really long time. Plus I will have my son to break the news to and that is the worst of part of it all. I've already started re-initiating him to our "just-the-two-of-us" theme. I also have practical matters to attend to as I begin to reconsider the direction of my life. In a strange way, I am still so glad because I have read too many sob stories on here, I didn't want to be one of those people who find themselves stranded in a foreign country because something went awry so when this issue came to my attention, I opted to deal with it head on so that no matter what, there are no surprises in the future. So, I'm a wreck right now, but thank God, I'm a wreck in my home country and I will figure it out. I just had to let you guys know, you will inevitably be hearing a lot less from me but I will all the same update my timeline when NOA2 comes in for the benefit of other members in the future.

I wish all of you so much joy and happiness in your lives, the visa is just the beginning, I'm praying most of all that the rest of your lives be filled with love and peace as He intended for us.

Oh Rose, I'm so, so sorry to hear this. You'll be in our thoughts.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-05 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Oooh, a VSC approval just got posted from someone who sent the petition Jan. 6 (and got NOA1 Jan. 23: can't tell why that took so that the hard copy arrival date, or did the petition just travel to the lockbox by way of Mexico, or something? I'd prefer the latter!)! And it's another Nairobi couple! :dance:
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-04 11:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
His birthday is May 15 and mine is May 29, so either of those dates would be perfectly fine (however unlikely)!

We have no current plans for another visit before the interview (seems irresponsible to spend that much, with the wedding and AOS coming up), but it's really hard waiting. Not so much missing him (which is always there), but that feeling you get after a few months where it is hard to fathom that you ever were in the same place at all. That's the worst thing.

He was very ill a few weeks ago, and that more than anything else made me want to rush over there to see him. Fortunately he's better now.

The VSC graph went over 50% of December approvals yesterday! And the CSC graph for December is shooting upward, too. :dance:
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-04 09:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I believe a police cert is good for a year, not 3 months.

At least at the UK embassy ...

Yeah, it definitely seems to be embassy-specific! For the African embassies, fresher definitely seems to be better...
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-03 10:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
I hope you're right, Rose! And yes, I am starting to think about the next phase, too. I'm kind of hesitant to get Aaron working on the police clearance this early (I believe it's good for 3 months? it might be tempting fate to assume anything right now), but I have definitely been being more mindful about creating evidence of our ongoing relationship. We're talking on the phone and texting a lot more often, and I've even sent him a few things through the mail (remains to be seen whether they'll ever get to him!).

And in other news, I don't know WHAT was going on yesterday at CSC, but I like it!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-03 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
I just realized I didn't post about my trip to the airport on Saturday! Suffice it to say that I am now about a million times more impatient, and a million times more hopeful, all at the same time. :wow:

It was also sort of...surreal, in the sense that: one minute, it was clearly Before, and they were apart with everything still up in the air, and the next minute, it was After and he was here and suddenly physically present in the U.S. and in their shared life, and all that separated those two distinctly different entire phases of life was the opening of a door. Amazing.

(And the highly sought-after, long-awaited K-1 visa? REALLY doesn't look like much!)


Haha, Nick&Ann--you had me all excited and thinking it was June 1 already! Darn.

Edited by afoyoswa, 01 May 2012 - 08:22 PM.

afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-01 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
It's definitely not required for me to be there, and apparently I will have to stay in a waiting area separate from the interview location. But I'm going. From what I have heard about others' experiences at that embassy, moral support and being on the premises could help our chances of approval, and will definitely help Aaron's frame of mind before and after, so for me, it's an easy decision. (That, and it will give us an opportunity to spend some more time together and take some new photos before the interview, plus we'll get to see each other a little before he actually arrives here.)
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-05-01 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Yeah, I've tried to agitate for TSC to be removed as an option for K-1s, even wrote to Captain Ewok as I was advised to (because he's an administrator) so maybe some day that will be done. If they even disabled it now, it would make a difference to those beginning the process now. And yay, I was so psyched to suddenly see 6 CSC approvals for 4/25...they are alive and well after all :)

And more on 4/26! CSC is zooming along with the approvals right now. (And good call on TSC: hopefully they will change that eventually! Bringing the absence of Kenya as an embassy option to their attention worked, at least.)

And yay, I volunteered to make an airport run tomorrow when our Nairobi embassy-mate and her fiance make their triumphal procession out of the POE (mostly because I want to live vicariously through her)! (Okay, okay: also because I have a car and want to be nice/helpful.) It makes it seem so real! Someday, not too far from now, it WILL be NOW for us, too. Just hang on.

Edited by afoyoswa, 27 April 2012 - 04:42 PM.

afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-27 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
I was just looking through the recent "Texas Service Center" approvals, and there are 3 more somewhat recent ones from VSC (yay!):
  • Sent Nov. 20; NOA2 Apr. 23
  • Sent Nov. 27; NOA2 Apr. 10
  • Sent Dec. 9; NOA2 Apr. 12
I wish VJ would remove TSC as an option for K-1s!

Edited by afoyoswa, 26 April 2012 - 03:23 PM.

afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-26 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Guys, We need to take into consideration that not all I-129f applicants are registered with visa journey website. It means that they could be more December and even January approvals at VSC more than those we have here at this website. VSC is back on track, they backdated their processing time for not being bothered with inquiries about applications that are over 5 months old. Our turn is coming sooooon God willing :yes:

The general rule is that VJ only represents about 5% of total visa applications, so yes, these timelines are not the whole picture! But I feel pretty lucky to have even a tiny little crack of a window into how things are progressing at USCIS...

I strongly believe that they are now doing a lot from December and that the January application may have been an expedited application or an exception. However, I am starting to be excited that it is nearby for February applicants (like me) because my fiancé and I just can't wait anymore. And it's not even our first time dealing with that so it seems as if it's been forever that we are after USCIS. I'll now stop wasting my time calling them and just hope for the best, an approval in June/July if not earlier. So good luck to all of us :thumbs: :whistle:

Without any evidence to the contrary, I believe that the January and February approvals are normal applications just like us but are outliers. The VSC approvals are moving from mid- into late December now, so some early Januarys should start to appear in the mix shortly, I hope!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-26 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Very excited about the January VSC approval, too!

Several more new CSC approvals, too, which is good (although one of them is someone who already posted here about having split up with his fiancee, hmmm)!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-25 23:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Welcome, Dan (and Lindsey)!
We have a great group of folks here, so it's always great to have another one. :thumbs:
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-25 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Yeah, I didn't want to say anything but definitely has me going :huh: to see no approvals on CSC side these last couple of days. Very odd that the last approval was April 19 that's why I really didn't buy whatever theoretical delay VSC is claiming because it seems to me like it's the CSC that's slowing down or rather halting. Yet when all's said and done, nothing to do but keep being patient :) At least we are certain come next year, we will have moved on with our lives with our loves so yes, let us do keep our faith and hope alive.

Another one came through at CSC! Some people just don't update their timelines very promptly. But yes, nothing to do but wait. Beaulahluo's fiance is going to be here sometime this weekend, and I can't think about that very much without feeling a twinge of jealousy. Soon it will be me, right? (Please?)
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-25 07:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Happy 2 months of waiting to me! How on earth has it been that long? How on earth am I going to keep waiting at least this much longer? Boggles the mind.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-23 07:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

The 15 most recent VSC approvals TODAY are:
October: 4
November: 4
December: 7

The 15 most recent CSC approvals TODAY are:
October: 3
November: 6
December: 1
January: 2
February: 1
March: 1

I think there's been progress in the last 1.5 weeks. (And I like to record things like this here so that we can look back and compare when it feels like they are not getting anywhere at all!) CSC is still mostly in November petitions, but the majority of them are in the second half of the month. And VSC is almost exclusively in first-half-of-December petitions. (For VJ members, at least.)

CSC: 1 September, 4 October, 8 (late) November, 1 March (must be an expedite)
VSC: 4 October, 1 November, 9 December, 1 February

MissK, yay for going along wedding dress shopping! And Kimmie, oooh, a visit! Darkmoonfaerie--the Langham Chocolate Bar was amazing last time I went (which was probably 5 years ago--maybe I should go again!).
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-21 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

How is everyone doing?
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-20 12:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Wow...also awesome news. I wonder if they expedited somehow?

It actually seems much too slow to be an expedite or some sort of special case, at almost 2 months (and the poster didn't mention anything about any unusual circumstances), so I'm going to choose to interpret it as a sign of good things to come. That petition is RIGHT ABOVE MINE in Igor's List, so I keep wishing for some of that magic approval dust to waft downward, haha.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-18 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Welcome back, Darkmoonfaerie, and glad you had a nice time!

The timeline adjudication estimates and processing dates are zooming forward lately! I know we shouldn't read any more into this than the slowdown before, but I can't help but find it encouraging nonetheless! CSC is late November and VSC is even saying December now!
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-17 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Whoa. There was an approval on Friday at VSC of someone (from the Philippines) who sent the petition on the same exact day that I did. Lucky ducks.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-15 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
For those of you who are watching the Nairobi thread, Beaulahluo and her fiance got his visa, finally! They're just waiting for his passport to come back by DHL. :dance:

This makes me feel so much better. Yay! :star:
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-13 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Regarding whether we'll be approved by May:
On Feb. 24, I told Aaron in an email about the 15 most recent VSC approvals:
"1 was submitted at the end of July, 3 were in August, 1 in September, 7 in October, and 3 in November."

The 15 most recent VSC approvals TODAY are:
October: 4
November: 4
December: 7

I don't have comparative data for CSC, but clearly progress is being made, albeit slowly. I'm guessing that in another 6 weeks, they'll be through with the Decembers, working hard on the Januarys, and dipping into the Februarys from time to time. So, some of us could get lucky, but on average it will probably end up being June or July for the most part.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-12 22:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Hey everyone...

Speaking of languages, My fiance is russian and i have been trying to study it though its not easy at all...I will teach him my language Luganda when i get there...but so far, I can't say I have much luck in learning the russian language...It is complicated for a fact because he says so too and his parents say that too, but i am trying my best to learn, decided to give myself a break and refocus on it...with new zeal.

Also, i have failed to include a ticker on my profile completely yet I want too so bad. Can anyone help a lost person in ticker world like myself??? Its been 3 months since we filed our petition. We sent it to Texas but it was forwarded to California. Sometimes I am really tired of all this waiting and sometimes it feels like we just put our petition in (those are the times when we have frequent and regular contact regardless of time.)But other times I feel we have been waiting forever because we only get to talk for about an hour or less everyday and that's too little compared to those times when we spend 5 hours talking and chatting...arggghh the wait is killing me but its all we have for now..

Good luck to us all and God speed on our petitions.

Russian is really impossibly difficult! I tried studying it in college, thinking that perhaps I'd have some advantage given that my grandmother's parents were Ukrainian, and NO. So complicated. Luganda's not that easy, either, though: I made a brief attempt last year sometime, and have been on a break ever since. There really aren't any materials to help with learning it, so all I had was a CD with some words and phrases, so I didn't really understand how it worked at all.

For a ticker, just go to one of the websites that offers them (I used, choose the image you want, enter the date that you're tracking, and then in the end, copy the text that it generates (it will say that it's for a signature) into your signature here.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-12 08:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I don't know a lick of Langi! :no: I did manage to pick up a lot of Swahili though when I was in Tanzania Dec - January. My fiance has been living in Arusha, TZ for the past couple of years, and he is fluent in Swahili. He picked up Swahili so quickly - I clearly don't have his gift for languages. I did manage to get the greetings down, and a few of the key phrases. I also managed to communicate with his maid, although she laughed at me a lot....:lol:

I'm trying to pick up some Swahili from some Tanzanian friends here, but I don't have a gift for languages, myself. (Aaron insists he doesn't, either, despite knowing English, Dhopadhola, Luganda, enough Swahili to get by, and a touch of Lugbara) I can do basic greetings now, though (mambo!) and some incredibly useful things like nakupenda sana. Aaron and I are going to try to study it together when he gets here.
afoyoswaFemaleUganda2012-04-10 11:57:00