K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressome friendly advice and reassurance?
Thanks you guys for the encouragement, hopefully in about 24-48 hours from now I'll be back on here posting about how amazing it felt to get it off my chest and how (hopefully) supportive theyre being!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-05-18 20:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressome friendly advice and reassurance?
My boyfriend and I aren't officially engaged yet. The ring has been purchased but the proposal can't happen until next month when he comes to visit me. Tomorrow morning I'm flying home to California to announce the exciting news to my parents that we're getting engaged and starting the exciting but arduous K-1 process! Unfortunately my mom is severely disapproving of young marriage (we're both 22, will be 23 for the wedding)I think my Dad will be pretty excited, but I'm going to be completely heartbroken if my mom isn't supportive.

Any advice on the best way to tell them? They know I've know my SO since we were 10 and have been best friends since we were 15 or 16 (see my profile for the whole story) but I just don't think they see this coming! Help!!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-05-18 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRedress Number
I see your point but they weren't interested in how much money he had to his name, just how much physical cash he had on his person. He has a debit card and credit cards as well, and I'm sure they assumed this. Most people in America tend to use debit/credit for almost everything, people rarely carry around much cash anymore. And when they do, its usually way less than $1000!

But I think you were originally right in saying that this was unlikely to have caused his problems.

As a side note, he's actually on a flight on his way here right now and I'm sitting at work desperately trying to make the time go by faster by perusing VJ and anxiously awaiting his arrival. I am crossing my fingers that there aren't any problems this time at immigration! :unsure:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-06-11 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRedress Number
I only mention it because when they pulled him into secondary at immigration they specifically asked him how much cash he had on him. He wasn't going to lie obviously so he told them he had about a grand. From what he relayed to me, they really didn't seem to like that.

Might I mention we're both rather young, and at the time he was a student. Neither of us look like the kind of people that can afford to be walking around with $1000 in our pockets. But even still, you're right, that shouldn't have put him on a list. And I'm so at a loss to think of any reason that they would have!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-06-11 10:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRedress Number
Months! Yikes! Good to know he was successful at least. As for why my fiance's name was added to the list, other than flying in and out of Boston fairly regularly (I'd say once every couple of months on average) neither he nor I have any idea why they would have put him on a list. Though last summer when he came for 3 and a half weeks he did bring about a thousand dollars in cash (because he got it all exchanged by his bank who gave him a better rate than if he had exchanged money here or used credit) and they did give him a hard time about that. Of course they had a reasonable excuse, I mean who legitimately carries around a thousand dollars in cash? But this whole SSSS red letter thing didn't start until a visit or two after that.

Anyway I guess I'll tell him to look into it. It obviously can't hurt
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-06-11 09:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRedress Number
I forgot to mention that he gets the big red SSSS on his way OUT of the US as well, not just on his way in, so clearly this is not just an immigration thing, they must think he's some sort of terrorist! He's never overstayed on the VWP, never even come CLOSE to the 90 day limit! He's never brought anything sketch into the US, he's never done anything wrong at all! It makes me so upset! :crying:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-06-11 08:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRedress Number
So my fiance and I, like most of the rest of you I'm sure, like to viist each other as often as possible. He comes to Boston to visit me every couple of months and is always pulled aside at immigration for secondary security. I understand that this is normal (at least for people in our situation) but I was wondering if its also normal that everytime he checks in for his flight to depart London, the ticket counter writes SSSS in big red letters on his boarding pass and he gets pulled aside for extra security before even leaving the UK! Luckily this has never caused him to miss a flight (at least not yet!) despite a few close calls. He's clearly on some sort of government watch list now and I was wondering if anyone else has had this same thing happen to them?

I was also wondering if anyone had tried getting a redress number. Supposedly you can apply for one if you think you've been (unfairly) referred (continuously) to secondary security or if you've been denied or delayed boarding a plane or entry into the US.

Anyone applied for one? Has it helped?

As a personal note I'd like to vent for a tiny second that I think its disgustingly unfair that my fiance is now on some government watch list and has to go through hell just to come visit me when that a-hole who put a bomb in his underwear and tried to blow up a plane flying into Detroit over last Christmas, who was on a TERRORIST watch list, can buy a one-way ticket with cash and waltz onto any US bound plane that he likes. It makes me absolutely steam at the ears just thinking about IT !!! :angry:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-06-11 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved too Soon??? HELP!

That you can enter the US on another visa or vwp without using the K-1. (Umit still has a valid B-2 visa, and could of used that instead of the K-1). I have read some posts where CBP asked the person which visa they were using (same scenario)

I wouldn't necessarily rely on this. I don't know from experience myself, but when I was trying to plan out my time line I posted a question on the message boards asking if my Fiance received his K-1 and wanted to enter on another visa and then use the k-1 later in the 6 month validity period, would that be feasible? I was advised by the very wise and knowledgeable VJ members that it was up to the immigration officer at the POE whether or not to allow it but the general consensus was that it would be a risky move.

Again, I want to reiterate that I don't know from experience but I was just reading this thread and thought I'd put it out there.

Also, I know this probably isn't helpful or what you want to hear, but congrats anyway on getting through to this point quickly and smoothly and seemingly without any hassle. If only everyone could be so fortunate! :luv:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-06-25 22:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting
Hi JeannieL,

I think a lot of people have this same question, so you're definitely not a lone, there's even a whole discussion about it which can be found here: http://www.visajourn...-you-can-visit/

There's a lot of input from Canadian citizens there which should probably help you. The discussion was originally started ages ago but all the information should still be very relevant and to be honest, I'm not sure why this isn't pinned somewhere. It should be!

Hope that helps, and good luck on your journey!

AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-06-28 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJudgement Call
If your instinct is saying yes and you can afford the trip without too much trouble then I'd say definitely go for it. I'm planning on being there for my Fiancé's interview, not for the sake of making our case stronger but simply because I know my Fiancé well enough to know that he'll need me there when the time comes. And because if everything turns out the way it should, I want to be there with him so that we can celebrate together!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-07-10 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTrying to Schedule...
You can definitely have your fiance come visit you from England during the K-1 process. There are some things you should know first though, like in case the immigration officer requires it, he will need to have adequate proof that he is planning to return to the UK. Sometimes a return ticket isn't enough. Something like a lease in his name, and/or a letter from his employer stating that he is expected back at work on x date would help. Likely he won't need it, but it wouldn't hurt to have. You can see more experiences and advice about visiting in this thread:


Also once the visa is approved and is actually physically stapled into his passport, he can no longer come visit on the VWP. His next entry into the US will have to then result in your marriage within the 90 day timeframe.

In my opinion, the sooner you can get all your stuff together and send it out, the better it will be for your peace of mind. If it helps, I'm hoping to have the wedding next June and I'm sending my I-129F out on August 1st when my new lease starts. So send it out whenever you're ready and good luck on your journey!!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-07-17 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A question
The form doesn't ask whether or not your parents are living, there isn't a space to fill it in, so I would advise against adding it.
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-07-20 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile waiting for a K1....
Check out this thread, its very relevant and pretty helpful. http://www.visajourn...059#entry903059

I swear someone should have pinned that somewhere.

Good luck on your journey! :luv:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-03 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange in Address for sending I-129F
Yea it sounds like they've been sending them to TX for processing or whatever but then they go right back to either CSC or VSC for the actual adjudication. I think Texas is just doing intake for some reason.
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-04 11:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange in Address for sending I-129F

The instructions indicate that they will forward new filings to Texas for 45 days and then they will start returning them to the petitioners if the petitioner sends them to either CSC or VSC directly.

oh phew! good to know, I would have been super bummed if they'd sent it back to me! It's pretty silly though, this means my package is going from MA -> VT -> TX -> VT ...whats the point of the middle man?? :huh:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-04 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange in Address for sending I-129F
Seriously? Of course they change it the very day that I send mine off to the VSC. I foolishly thought that since I checked YESTERDAY, I had the most updated instructions. I obviously didn't see this in time, will they automatically redirect my package or will they send it back? :wacko:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-03 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow should I send the K-1 package? (presentation-wise)
I sent mine off today and I labeled each section using sticky post-it brand divider tabs (that come off easily so they don't ruin the forms) and then I just binder clipped the top and stuck it into a manila envelope and then into the post office's priority shipping envelope and off it went!

No binders, folders, staples or other accoutrements for me!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-03 15:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre there any forms for the I-129f petition that need to be notarized?
When I sent in my I129F a couple of days ago I didn't get my letters of intent notarized. I don't believe that you need to. I do know, however, and this is London specific, that when you get to the interview stage, if it has been more than 4 months since your NOA2, you need to have a new letter of intent written up and that copy DOES have to be notarized for your interview. But again, only if it has been more than 4 months since your NOA2.

Hope that helps! :luv:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-09 14:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInformation needed asap

Please note though that passport stamps, airplane tickets etc. are not required as eveidence that you have met. Since I'm Canadian and I travel by car for teh most part I have never received a stamp in the last 3 years when going to the USA to visit my fiance. We sent in letters from both our bosses (both usc) that stated they had met both of us in person adn they knew about our ongoing relationship etc. We also had 60+ pics (4 per page with date, location and people in pics named) We also had a joint bank account that we opened up together and therefore our signatures and dates prove we were in teh same spot...

Good point, every case is different. Especially Canada! :P
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-09 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInformation needed asap
Actually pictures are only secondary evidence of having met anyway. Primary evidence would be passport stamps, boarding passes, credit card or ATM receipts with the location/date listed, and any other documentary evidence showing that you were in the same place at the same time. Photos of you two together are encouraged because they're good supporting evidence but they're not required. It sounds to me like passport stamps are the best evidence. So make a copy of the stamp in your passport that says you entered your Fiance(e)'s country. One of you must have used a credit card to purchase something or other while you were together, a hotel, the plane ticket, anything? Call your credit card company and see if they can send you your statement from those dates. Try to dig up as much evidence as you can because I can assure you, emails and notes to each other are not going to be enough.

Good luck!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-09 15:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJuarez
Try reposting this in the regional forum, you'll probably get some better info there!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-09 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1

we got a NOA1 letter about 10 days after we sent the i129f. even thought we signed up for text and email we never ever recieved any! good luck with your journey

10 days or 10 business days? /sigh/ waiting is hard! :(
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-09 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1
I'm not 100% positive either but I do know that if your case # is on the back it'll start with EAC. So look for that, and if not, well hopefully your NOA1 comes soon!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-09 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1

I only got snail mail. Also, if you paid by check you can see if it has cleared your bank. If it has there will be a receipt number on the back, you can use that to access your case online.

I thought that since all the packets are initially going through texas now they're not putting the case #'s on the back anymore?
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-09 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSaying hi

welcome welcome! Like others have said, read the guides (they're incredibly useful) check the FAQ's and tips sections too, then utilize the search bar (or at least attempt it, sometimes its not helpful at ALL) then read the guides again! Then ask away!

Best of luck on your journey! :luv:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-09 15:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDallas Lockbox?

I did the same thing, I swear I double and triple checked EVERYTHING, then sent it off on its merry way on the 3rd of August to Vermont. Got to work after the post office, saw all these posts about TX and was like OH NO! :crying:

They forwarded it on no problem, my check was cashed yesterday and I'm well on my way to getting my NOA1. You should be soon too. They've actually been forwarding them to TX since May I think. They only made the formal address change announcement on the 3rd. I've heard theres going to be a 45 day grace period where everything that gets sent to VSC or CSC will automatically get forwarded to TX. After those 45 days, I dunno, I guess they'll start sending them back.

The only thing that actually will affect you is the fact that because all our packets are going to TX now, they're not stamping the case #'s on the backs of the checks anymore. So you'll have to wait until your actual NOA1 hardcopy.

But anyway, good luck on the rest of your journey, hopefully everything goes quickly for all of us! And feel free to drop by the August VSC filer's thread over in the k-1 progress reports section and say hello! :)

Edited by Amyyduck, 11 August 2010 - 05:05 PM.

AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-11 17:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDallas Lockbox?
yup, thats right. Texas is taking them in and then sending them off to the appropriate service center based on where you live so it'll still end up at either CA or VT eventually.
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-11 16:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A
Just as another point of view, I've been a student for the past 4 years as well but I did work during the summers. I only listed my employment and for the rest of the time I listed that I was unemployed. They don't ask whether or not you were a student, only for your employment so that is what I listed. I'm not 100% whether is matters but what I do know for sure is just to make completely certain to not leave any gaps in time. Hopefully that helps, and maybe someone else who was a student can come along and put in their $0.02 as well. Good luck! :luv:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-25 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTexas Processing Center 129F
I'm not sure about your check, but I can tell you that Texas is only an intake center. They'll receive your petition, log it into the system and then forward it on to the appropriate service center, either Vermont or California, based on where you live. Since you live outside the country, I'm not sure which center it would go to.

Did you get delivery confirmation that your package was indeed, received by TX? If so then I would wait patiently for another week or so. If not, I'm not sure what else to advise. Maybe its taking extra time because you live outside the country?

Hopefully someone else might come along after me with more information and advice! good luck anyway on your journey!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-25 15:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow did you decide on a K1?
We chose k1 for the same reason a lot of people are mentioning: We could handle being apart for another year or so during the engagement if it meant that once we got married, we could actually be together, permanently. Neither of us could stomach the idea of getting married, spending an amazing honeymoon together and then having to go back to separate countries and lives. It made me feel sick just thinking about it.
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-30 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED SOME ADVICE



Is your caps lock key stuck?
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-08-31 21:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTraveling within the US

Just avoid Arizonia ;) (KIDDING)


I just wanted to second that you can definitely go to USVI and Puerto Rico, I've read posts from people who have done it before. You just have to make 100% certain that you don't accidentally go to the British Virgin Islands on a boat trip or anything like that and you can't have layovers outside the US during your travel. I'm also probably planning on Puerto Rico for our honeymoon because I've already been to the USVI and I didn't think they were that great and Hawaii is way too far away from the East Coast to be reasonable.

Edited by Amyyduck, 01 September 2010 - 11:06 AM.

AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-01 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Question - Any Advice?

I got touched today!!!!!! (in a good way on USCIS lol)

RFE RECV CONF 8-4-2010 via text/email
touch 8-5-2010
touch 8-10-2010
touch 9-1-2010

I really hope an answer comes this week

Good luck! Hopefully that does mean your NOA2 is coming soon. It's hard to tell because your timeline isn't filled in (please fill it in!) but it looks like you're still well within processing times. So I would try not to stress too much, though I know its really difficult.
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-01 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs a "touch" the same as a "last updated"?
Yes, the update is the same as a touch. No, it doesn't tell you what they did with your peition. Every time someone touches your file (hencee the name "touch") they scan your barcode. It could mean that someone was reading it, or it could mean that they were only moving it from one desk to another.

Hope that helps, good luck! :luv:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-01 14:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of Address
Are you the beneficiary or the petitioner? If you're the petitioner you can change your address with USCIS online. If you're the beneficiary then I think the process is slightly more complicated.

Use the search function on this site to search for "beneficiary address change" or something similar and there are tons of threads where this question has been answered many times before.

Always read the guides and FAQ's, and then use the search bar BEFORE posting a question. In all liklihood, someone else has had this same problem and will have posted it before you.

Good luck! :)
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-01 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome taxes
I haven't gone through the interview stage yet but what I know from lurking around these forums for way too long is that generally they do only look at your last year's tax returns. Does your fiance have any savings or assets that he could use to supplement his income? As for a co-sponser, I was under the impression that it didn't have to be a family member. Anyone can co-sponser you, under the conditions that your consulate allows them (most do) and that their income is enough to cover themselves, their family members, your fiance and you.

Hopefully that helps, good luck! :luv:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-01 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOver all cost of fiancee visa
What I've paid so far:

$60: new printer with copier/scanner for the bajillions of copies I had to make
$40: additional ink cartidges, paper for "see above"
$15: passport photos for peitioner and beneficiary
$455: I-129F visa filing fee
$17.50: 1-day express mailing fee
priceless: my sanity

And thats only just submitting the I-129F, I still have a LONG way to go. You'll end up paying with more than just money for this process :wacko:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-01 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew member, so many questions!
QUOTE (English Muffin @ Mar 2 2009, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello and welcome to VJ. biggrin.gif

I will move your post over to the K1 forum where more people going through the same process will see it and hopefully be able to help.

Thanks Muffin! good.gif I'm already causing problems! Eek!
lovelyalexFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-02 16:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew member, so many questions!
Hello all! I am new here so am currently just reading up the bajillion topics. My partner and I are starting to get the ball rolling on getting me over to the States. I'm starting to collate information together for the long road ahead, and I am looking forward to chatting with you all on here... and getting my timeline started!!

Does anyone already have children with their fiancé/fiancée? My initial question is in relation to our daughter, who is 4 months old. She is my partner's daughter so technically could have dual citizenship, although he was not able to be present at the birth or birth registration and, as I currently live in Jersey (for work purposes), he was not able to be put on the birth certificate (in the UK partners not present can prepare an affidavit to confirm they are the parent but Jersey is extremely behind...). We should hopefully have this rectified in the Summer, as he will be coming to UK to stay with me at my fathers and if we can afford the flights to the Channel Islands, we will have him added to the birth certificate. Although he is not officially listed as her father at present, she does have his surname.

I know on the I-129F she will be listed under the section for 'alien children' of fiancée'. And in our application documents it will become apparent that she is technically further 'evidence' that supports our relationship hahah... but excuse me if this is obvious and I have missed the answers online... am I okay to bring her to any interviews (childcare an issue)? Will she be required to have the medical/x-ray also? (Thankfully her immunisations are well documented and recorded) and will the visa fee be in duplicate, ie, one full charge for me, and one full charge for her visa into her British passport... if we do not follow up the dual citizenship route for her?

So many questions!

Apologies in advance if this has been posted in the wrong forum.
lovelyalexFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-02 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f application
QUOTE (Charliehere @ Mar 8 2008, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dimples876 @ Mar 8 2008, 11:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

My cousin wants to file I-129f application what's the process and how long does the process usually takes?

I thought you had to file I-130 application first is that true?

Hi Dimples,

I have just sent in a I 129f and did not need a 130. The process is simple but it must be perfectly done or they will send it back.
Back in July, I sent one in. They took 5 weeks and sent it back saying one of my divorce judgements was not properly signed and it was not a legal divorce. I had to bring it back to the court house and they said of course your divorce is legal. I asked them to sign the blank line anyways and they did. I sent it back to USCIS and then the girl and i broke up.
So 3 weeks ago i sublmitted another application for another girl and they in 10 days they mailed it back and said that the check i sent was not signed and it was for the wrong amount. I did not realize in that short time the fee increased from $170 to $455.
So I sent them a new check and highlighted my signature with a nice note (because the first check had been signed).
So that is as much as I know. Some of the things they require are
Proof that you met
Biography form for both
Letter of intent to marry in 90 days upon entering the USA
of course the check for $455
and some other things.
You must read the application very very carefully. Write out exactly what you need in a list and check, double check and triple check that you have everything.
There is one thing that i learned yesterday that i had not known previously. It takes 5 to 6 months but you can get it processed in 15 days for a fee of $1,000.
It is called premium processing. There is a toll free number that you can call for the forms.
Read the web site carefully and everything is there. it is .
Good luck and if you need anything, feel free to email

What is Letter certifying intent to marry (Petitioner and Beneficiary)? Premium processing what if they turn you down then you loose all that money?
I will let her know if this preminum processing.
Thanks for the helpful information.
Dimples876FemaleJamaica2008-03-09 16:57:00