K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresblack ink or blue ink does it really matter??

As the saying goes, take it from the voice of experience. We filled out the I-129F with whatever was handy, a black or blue pen. Turns out signatures were mixed colors some black some blue.

Upshot was when I sent in the package to USCIS the whole thing came back to me a week later and told me signatures were photocopy not originals (the ones in black) and I had to write a letter saying NO they were originals in black ink. So that cost us about another 12 days in processing and an RFE.

They did accept it when I sent it back with cover letter saying they WERE original black signatures. But it was a 12 day delay in processing our I-129F.

So I learned, use blue ink at least for all signatures, fill out the rest in black is fine, but use BLUE INK for all signatures is my experience.

And for what it's worth we did make it through the interview and approval, and the signatures in black ink on the orginial petition were never questioned again.

AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-15 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresblack ink or blue ink does it really matter??

because we sent everything in black,and there was no problem with it for the first notice of action,i just dont wanna get a completely random RFE after all this time,waiting.:ranting:
thanks tho

I wouldn't stress about it. It sounds like lots of people fill out everything in black and then sign in black as well. That's what I did. I'm sure you'll be fine. :)
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-15 09:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresblack ink or blue ink does it really matter??

ok question,IF they find a problem with the ink,will they return the case before the first notice of action OR send an RFE?

It probably depends. If the whole petition was written in red ink and they didn't like that, they might send it back. If it was only the signatures that they were unsure about, they would probably just RFE you.

I dunno for sure though, thats just my common sense opinion. :)
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-15 08:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresblack ink or blue ink does it really matter??
I signed all my stuff in black because I was already filling all my forms out with a black pen. As if I was really going to rummage through my drawer to find ANOTHER pen when the one I was already writing with would do just fine?! No thanks. If I get a freakin RFE for my black ink signatures I swear I'll poke my own eyes out.

They are TOO PICKY!! :bonk:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-15 06:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow to file k1 visa
Here is a link to a thread about 2-year meeting waivers. It's actually very interesting if you read both of the cases mentioned in the first post. Hopefully this will help you see what does or doesn't constitute "extreme hardship" in these cases and how unlikely it is that a waiver you filed would get approved.

All the best!

Edited to say: Sorry for the double post!

Edited by Amyyduck, 20 October 2010 - 01:15 PM.

AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-20 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow to file k1 visa

but in the question #18 at the application form, we can say NO as long as we can expalin how our relationship was established...he really have no time to leave his work but he really wants to file the application.. help us please

The only way to get around the 2-year meeting rule is to file a waiver stating that it would cause EXTREME hardship for the two of you to have to meet in person before filing. These waivers are almost impossible to get approved. You can certainly try, but your best bet is just to suck it up, meet in person and then file. Good luck! :)
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-20 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPresent with fiancee at K-1 interview?

My fiancee and I are beginning the K-1 process. Do I need to be there with her in Costa Rica when she goes for the interview? Does it make a difference if I am there or not?

Some consulates do (basically) require that the USC attends. Some consulates do not let the USC attend. I don't know specifically which ones are which but based on your embassy information page it does state that the USC is allowed to attend. My opinion would be to go if you can, because it definitely can't hurt. :star:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-20 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresattaching pics to paper
I stapled the plastic baggie that held my passport style photos to a piece of paper. I know it says not to use staples but they really mean not to use massive heavy duty staples to put the whole packet together. You can use a paperclip if you're worried about it.

Heres a link to some helpful assembly instructons: http://www.visajourn...ontent/assembly
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-20 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Question!

thank you :thumbs:

No problem :)
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-20 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Question!

im the beneficiary,i just noticed the " last residence " part of it,got a heart attack for about ten minutes,this is what not reading properly gets you :bonk:

Ok so if you're the beneficiary and you listed your current address where you live as long as it's outside the US and you've lived there for more than 12 months you're all set. That was exactly what they were looking for. As for the OP, what I said still remains true. If he's the petitioner, which I would presume he is considering he's been here for the past 20 years, then he still needs to list his last address outside the US of more than one year. Wherever the last place in the USSR that he lived for more than 12 months before coming to the US is what he needs to write in that space. Hopefully it works out for him

Edited by Amyyduck, 20 October 2010 - 04:15 PM.

AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-20 16:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Question!

2 questions,what if you are in OPs shoes?you cant remember the address and/or it doesnt exist anymore?
i personally stated none(as far as i can remember ),because i read the question wrong and didnt get it correctly,would that cause an RFE?or get considered a misinterpretation?
PS1: IF i stated the address,it was the last address ive been residing in for the past 6 years,would that be enough?

I honestly don't know. I was 2 years old when I moved to Scotland with my family so I obviously didn't remember the address. I had to have my mom do some serious digging to find some old records or bills or whatever with our address listed on it. It's possible that it would somehow come up as an RFE if it was listed in some database that USCIS came across. It's also possible that they would have no way of knowing where you lived 20 years ago when you were a minor. I can't say either way for certain but what I can say is that if you knowingly put that you never lived outside of the US when in actuality you have, it could be considered a misrep if they find out about it. Your best bet is to attempt to correct the information somehow, I know there has been a thread about this recently although I don't know if it had any useful information because I didn't actually read it. Try here: http://www.visajourn...representation/

Best of luck!

Edited to ask: Just to clear up some confusion, are you the USC or the beneficiary? I'm the USC so when it asked me my last address outside the US of more than 1 year I listed it, even though it was a long time ago. If you're the foreign beneficiary then your last address outside the US of more than one year is your current address if you've lived at your current address for more than 12 months. Hopefully that helps..

Edited by Amyyduck, 20 October 2010 - 04:03 PM.

AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-20 16:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Question!

none,you have been there for 20 years,thats more than one!

This is incorrect. The question is asking if you've lived outside of the US for more than 12 months at a time, and if so, where? Even if it was 20 years ago you still must disclose it. I lived in Scotland with my family between the ages of 2 and 5 years old. That was 20 years ago as well but I still listed it because it definitely happened.
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-20 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThoughts on process
If you're interested in staying more than 21 days, you can stay up to 59 days with a tourist visa which can apparently be applied for ahead of time or while in the country.

See here: http://manila.usemba...06.html#Tourist
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-20 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho do i make the check out too

From that particular poster, I didn't expect much more.

And for the record, nobody here is saying that people can't ask whatever they'd like. But when they see a question where the answer is very easily found in instructions, it gives off the impression that perhaps other things could have also been missed in the filling out of the forms, so to save the OP some time and worry, it's not bad advice to recommend reading the instructions again.

Thank you Coconuts, for backing me up, because that was exactly my point and I appreciate the support. Hopefully the OP got whatever he needed taken care of and the rest of us can go back to our lives. No harm, no foul.
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-21 10:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho do i make the check out too

you simply asked a simple question that need a simple answer all the rest was not warrented.

All the rest? What you mean like you responding to Coconuts with the ever-so-polite exclamation of "WHATEVER.." Right. I would just like to point out that I DID answer OP's question with a simple and succinct answer. You're the one that came along and contributed to the "all the rest." :angry:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-20 22:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho do i make the check out too

TRUST me when i say i read those instructions 5 times at least. ive read countless forums and guides and w/e else u can throw at me. thats the problem ive see it 2 million times, and couldnt find it when i actually was doing the petition. next time i wont ask lol ill just breath and be a day late. sorry for all the headache.....

Please don't over react. No one said that you shouldn't have asked the question. I merely suggested that it seemed possible that you hadn't read the instructions because there are some people out there that don't read them and expect the rest of the VJ community to spoon feed them all the way through the process. If you say you're well-read and prepared, then I believe you and I'm glad to hear it. If you have any more questions along the way, please feel free to post them in the forums. Likely someone will be around to answer them promptly.

Best of luck to you on the rest of your journey! :)
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-20 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho do i make the check out too

If you don't mind me saying... Thanks for what? :P I was just saying Coconuts has a point. I think you misunderstood, but you're nice. :P

:lol: But Coconuts was saying to take my advice because I had a good point. So really it was just a chain of thanks.. :P
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-10-20 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp - Next Step After Denied
Hi Everyone.

Just got back from Vietnam. My fiance and I met one year ago. We file for K-1 petition for Vietnam. Recieve NOA 1 + NOA 2 on average time. Fiance went to first interview, recieve BLUE requesting notoray chronology timelime resubmission. I flew back to VN to go to the consulate for resubmission, after 4 hour wait, recieve WHITE - denied.
Reason: lack of formal tradition enagement ceremony, & less than 3 trip visit to VN.
I have visit VN 2 time now, and our engagement ceremony schedule for september 26 (which will be my 3rd visit)... I tried to explain to them that but reasoning w/ them is impossible. They said our case will sent back to NVC.

Question: What do I now?

Do I:

1. Appeal? if so, how/when?
2. seek consular review? if so, how/when?
3. cut our loss and file new petitition? if so, now or after engagement w/ pictures?
4. arrange for engement and wedding in same month and file for CR-1 (screw K1)?
5. which is better CR-1 or K-1? length of wating, procedure, restriction, cost, and guide line diiference?

I'm physically and mentall exhausted from this whole process and willing to do everything/anything to bring my fiance to the state.... please help w/ your insight.

My only regrets thru this whole journey is not able to discover VJ Forum before I've submit 1st K-1 petition?

Thank You so Much


Tommy TranMaleVietnam2010-08-14 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures4 months limit btwn I-129F approval and obtaining K-1??
im *guessing* mid-October based on end of July submission of K-1 app and the 7 weeks average montreal seems to take for notification of interview and then that interview being a month out from that. big "ifs" but yes i have time : )


thanks for the tip!
KnJFemaleCanada2009-08-17 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures4 months limit btwn I-129F approval and obtaining K-1??
k. he didn't send this with the other stuff. jeez, i felt all on top of things, i was reading incessantly, but i think this is all gonna come rushing up and i shoudl be ready now. my medical is tomorrow morning! woot.
KnJFemaleCanada2009-08-17 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures4 months limit btwn I-129F approval and obtaining K-1??
alright. y'all rock.
thanks stephen+elisha

i am relaxing a bit.

KnJFemaleCanada2009-08-17 08:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures4 months limit btwn I-129F approval and obtaining K-1??
thanks, this helps..

tho i don't see an expiry date.. for that matter, i dont see an NOA2 - as a beneficiary do I receive that or does he? does it look like the first NOA (Receipt Notice) - like, on the same paper?

i believe, looking at timelines similar (same consulate), i will likely find out about an interview date 7 weeks after i returned the checklist (mid Sept); the interview date will be a month from then (mid Oct)... i think this is reasonable. anything earlier would be a miracle.

KnJFemaleCanada2009-08-17 08:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures4 months limit btwn I-129F approval and obtaining K-1??
I'm sweating a bit about this.

Submitted I-129F petition in January
Notice that this was approved came in May,
VSC fwded to Montreal consulate and I received packet shortly after.
So I got the packet with the checklist in May


I submitted checklist etc. end of July.

I'm reading somewhere on this website that there is a 4 month time limit (ack somewhere? can't find it. my fiance said it was somewhere)

as in, from the time the petition is approved.. to obtaining the K-1 in hand.

4 months??
May.. June.. July.. August....... by mid september, we'll have 'run out' of time to obtain the K-1. Are we misunderstanding here?
I know the K-1 is good for 6 months from issuance, that's different though.

This delay between when I received the package from the consulate to when i submitted it.. is this affecting our application in any way?

I basically want to know if I should start trying to reach the consulate to clarify this.

The other confusing thing is that the stats say they are currently processing K-1s for petitions from January 15, 2009... which is just before our date. But does our delay in submitting the P3 checklist mean that we can't go by any of these stats?

I hope at least some of this made any sense. Your help is appreciated

KnJFemaleCanada2009-08-16 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures!!!!!!Help needed!!!!!!
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Sep 30 2009, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Brad & Ellie @ Sep 30 2009, 12:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Part A:
On question 15 when they ask for the phone number that she has in Canada do I put it like this? 011 1 555 555 5555? Will they ever call that number? The reason I ask is because my fiances family since finding out what we are wanting to do has been extremely hard on her. They won't let her work so she can't have money to get her own place. They tell her to leave me or they will kick her out in the streets. They call her names and recently her father said that he would actually take her life! We have decided to keep this all under the rug until things start to blow over a bit. If that's even possible. I try to be there for her as much as I can but I don't make a whole lot of money and flying to Toronto takes a big chunk out of my check everytime. It'd be so much easier if I could just go visit all the time....Ugh, the call worries me.

That said, do not take her father's threats lightly. Family honor is very big deal in Iran, as it is in most Muslim countries. If he thinks she is doing something to dishonor the family then she could be in very real danger. Please consider taking steps to get her somewhere where she will be safe.

I agree. If there is any way to get her away from this, please do it. There are services she can access to get safe. PM me if you want, let me know what areas she's in, I've lived here all my life, might be able to help think of some ideas.

Good luck

Edited by KnJ, 30 September 2009 - 01:05 PM.

KnJFemaleCanada2009-09-30 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisiting each other
I went down in July, I had gotten NOA2 but hadn't sent back P3 yet. I had flight itinerary (flying down is at the very least showing a return date). I did not tell them I was planning to immigrate or anything. I said I was visiting friends (I know more than just fiance there), and going for 9 days. I don't even know if they asked how long I was staying. They passed me through. Have backup, but don't tell them more than they need. If you declare you're returning, and it's not a long visit, then you shouldn't have a problem. I have no idea whether the NOA2 petition approval status shows up when they scan your canadian passport.

Have a great trip! smile.gif
KnJFemaleCanada2009-10-01 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm falling apart pls
QUOTE (shiloh23 @ Sep 30 2009, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rings @ Sep 30 2009, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well it should have a case number on it. Have you logged into and added your case to check the status?

I tried with my case number mtl... but it says case cannot be found, for uscis website where I used to check my status witing for NOA its always the same it says notice of approval sent...

the online thing requires the receipt number from the NOA1, not the case number beginning with MTL. But I don't know that the online thing is very useful. At least, it's not for me, and I'm at the same stage as you.

Hang tight, and fill in your profile and timeline.. get cozy. There are lots of details to take in, I'm using this time to study up on some of the stuff ahead star_smile.gif

KnJFemaleCanada2009-09-30 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp K1 visa approved but pregnant
6 months from date of approval.

K-1 non-immigrant visa is good for 3 months (90days) from when you enter the US, you must get married before the 3 months is up.

Congrats on the baby!

KnJFemaleCanada2009-10-02 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo lie about sordid details?
QUOTE (*Len* @ Oct 8 2009, 07:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A person coming to the US to engage in prostitution, or who has engaged in prostitution within ten years of their application for entry, is inadmissible, as are those who have made financial profit from prostitution. No criminal conviction is required, and the bar applies even to nationals of countries where prostitution is legal. Those who have been forced into prostitution are not inadmissible.
This from Visalaw

I thought this was worth repeating. I don't think this counts as prostitution. My emphasis added. Something doesn't have to be illegal in the person's country in order for the person to be inadmissable because of it. Some things won't come up, some things could. But the point is that even if there is no conviction, the person could be denied because of their actions.

My former marriage technically wasn't legal according to the US federal government. Although it's not a crime, I have no idea how that will impact my case. So all I can do is be prepared to answer questions and prove a real relationship with my fiance.
KnJFemaleCanada2009-10-10 11:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo lie about sordid details?
QUOTE (utopia2004 @ Oct 8 2009, 09:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ Oct 8 2009, 08:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (utopia2004 @ Oct 8 2009, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
webcaming isnt prostitution? the person doesnt leave there own room? no sexual acts with another person are performed?

your post doesd not add anything to the discussion. refrain from personal attacks as they are against TOS. reported,


Sorry i was asking a question. i was trying to help the OP, im confused about the nature of this issue. huh.gif what was the personal attack?

this seems more like utopia2004 isn't a native english speaker than that they were trying to be.. antagonistic. at least, that's how i initially read the post.

ETA Utopia2004, please fill in your timeline

I don't think a porn site = prostitution. Even if individuals are paying for a service that they get off on. So it seems this is more.. just information of a sensitive nature, than a question of a legal barrier. IMO

Edited by KnJ, 08 October 2009 - 09:18 PM.

KnJFemaleCanada2009-10-08 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 interview date
QUOTE (steflovesbran @ Oct 24 2009, 07:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
well i booked my vacations back in april before my fiance even proposed to me. if i wasn't able to change my interview then i would obviously cancel my vacations. but that's good to know that they will prob not be january. i haven't received my packet yet, i just get paranoid but as long as it is after january and before may then i'm good, which it should be. if not, i have done more research and have seen that people are able to change their interviews to specific weeks. thanks for your help!

Um, from what I'm understanding here (and your timeline), if you haven't received Packet 3 (not packet 4, instructions and date for interview)

Then the Packet 3 will arrive when it arrives, and if it arrives when you are away, then it does and you are delayed by a bit. You aren't going to be scheduled for an interview unless you've sent back packet 3. I delayed mine by 2 months. Not only will it take 3+ months from when you get P3 back in to when you'll have an interview date, you won't have a problem going on vacation in Nov/Dec whenever P3 arrives. If you send in P3 a week before you go away, unless it's for 2 months or something, you'll be back before you're issued an interview.

Edited by KnJ, 25 October 2009 - 02:15 PM.

KnJFemaleCanada2009-10-25 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresonline DS-160 incomplete print
QUOTE (Inky @ Oct 26 2009, 02:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The woman I had at montreal requested a full copy of the DS-160 including the confirmation page, I had a small time trying to find it in all my papers and she said " well you better have it or there will be a problem " I did find it and she said "good thing you did!"

So im guessing you need it but if you already submited it online and it was confirmed I dont know what you would do about that because double filing it might cause a problem too..

Yeah, I was thinking double filing it might be a problem.

I got this response from over in the Canada regional discussion:

QUOTE (Tina&Roland @ Oct 26 2009, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all,

I e-mailed MTL last month regarding printing DS 160. Here's what I said:


When I filled out the DS 160, I didn't print a copy of the application, just the confirmation. Would this be a problem? Thank you.

Here's Montreal's response:

No, that is fine.


So it should be fine. I think if they have your confirmation number then they have access to your application.


Yeah. Maybe it's fine. Cause I printed some of it, but not all of it.
KnJFemaleCanada2009-10-26 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresonline DS-160 incomplete print
and to add, from the montreal website:

After completing the new DS-160, the applicant will electronically submit the application and will be providedwith a confirmation page that includes only limited biographical information and a bar code. Applicants must bring this confirmation page with them to their interview. Please note: if the online application has not been completed fully and properly the applicant?s case cannot be processed and a new interview appointment will be required.

I interpret this to mean that it is the confirmation page they absolutely require, which is produced only if the DS-160 is completed in full. They don't really care about copies of the form filled out, they'll have that. In which case, I'm fine.

Others here are saying also that there is a computer at the consulate and they'll let people fill in the DS-160 or other online forms there. I'd rather not have to do that, or lose my interview. unsure.gif

Edited by KnJ, 25 October 2009 - 08:52 PM.

KnJFemaleCanada2009-10-25 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresonline DS-160 incomplete print
DS-160 is an online form that has been rolled out to some consulates, but not all. See details here (montreal important notice re DS-160)

At least two of us Canadian Montrealers have had problems with DS-160 and printing the application. The common thread is we are both firefox users. Some government sites, including forms, don't support browsers other than IE. Oops.

My confirmation page is fine, but the page(s) with the content of my application didn't print properly, and so I only have a picture page, and then the other information is cut off at "Family Information" -- my electronic PDF copy is evidently the same problem, cut off a bit lower.

I'm not sure if I should fill out and submit the form again, this time using IE, or just leave it, risking having to fill this form out again at the consulate, if somehow my paper copies are necessary.

I realize that because this is a newer form, many people won't be able to offer experience with this. Might call DoS about it. I think they'll just tell me to redo the form online.

KnJFemaleCanada2009-10-25 20:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassports scanned or recorded at the border?
I also have seen US CBP scan the barcode, but Canada doesn't do that. They don't have one big system. I once said I was going for a few weeks and actually ended up staying for months. Of course, not only is the US hooked into when I crossed back to Canada, I don't think CBP records how long we say we're going to be staying in the US.

I figure they don't stamp passports at least in part because Canadians and Americans don't need a visa to travel as a tourist cross-border. And so many people travel between US and Canada so frequently, our passports would be filled with useless stamps.
KnJFemaleCanada2010-02-23 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline
Ahhh -- sorry! You are correct in assuming I meant May of 2011! Whoops!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-04-07 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline
So I know that a k-1 visa is good for 1 entry into the US for 6 months after it is issued (and then for 90 days once entered) but I was wondering if anyone knows if, after the k-1 is issued, can my fiance enter the US on a regular tourist visa and save the k-1 for later in the 6 month period? Or is it that once the k-1 is issued, the first entry into the US must result in a marriage?

I'm hoping someone can help me out with an answer. I want to be able to start the process as early as possible (our wedding is tentatively planned for May 2010) but I'm worried that if the visa gets issued earlier than I had planned he won't be able to visit until he enters the US to marry me and stay for good. Any other advice on when I should get started with this whole thing would also be greatly appreciated!

Extra Details: He lives in the UK so his visa will go through the London consulate and I live in MA so I'm assuming my side of it will be processed at the Vermont office.

Thanks for your help!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-04-07 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresregarding entry into the US
For LOTs of advice and personal stories about POE, check out this thread! http://www.visajourn...-you-can-visit/
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-05-16 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading

So I can't give you any advice for your packet seeing as I haven't started the process yet myself. But what I can tell you is that if you go "Embassy Info" you can choose the embassy that you'll be interviewing at and it will tell you whether or not your fiance(e) can attend the interview. I checked for you and it looks like at the embassy in Egypt the fiance(e) can attend. (At least according to this page) http://www.visajourn...Egypt&cty=Cairo

As for the necessity of you attending your fiance's interview, I can't honestly say. But if it's at all possible I would say definitely go. I can only imagine that when the time comes I'll want to be there for my fiance for emotional support as well as for the (hopefully) celebration after you get approved! I don't know whether some embassies consider it mandatory for approval but I can say for certain it can only strengthen your case!

Best of luck!!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-05-15 23:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressome friendly advice and reassurance?
@John and Camie and @Bernie C,

Thank you so much for the kind words, I went out to dinner tonight with my parents and my grandparents and finally made the announcement! After the initial "whoa, shock" and a couple of "this is a serious thing" and "are you sure you're sure?" type comments they seemed to be fully on board! Maybe not as excited as one would hope, but way better than I was expecting! I'm so happy! It feels amazing to get this weight off my shoulders and start the whole process for real! Because, of course, its not official until you tell your parents!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Thanks for all your support! It really means a lot to me!! (L)
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-05-21 01:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressome friendly advice and reassurance?
Thanks you guys for the encouragement, hopefully in about 24-48 hours from now I'll be back on here posting about how amazing it felt to get it off my chest and how (hopefully) supportive theyre being!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-05-18 20:49:00