K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast minute jitters
I have a copy of my (USC's) birth certificate (but it's a duplicate copy, we lost my original when I was a kid). In case they don't want a duplicate, I also have a copy of every page of my passport in there too.

We went ahead and through copies in of his "cédula" (Costa Rican ID) and passport (including US Visa) for good measure. At least it couldn't hurt!

Do you have proof of citizenship for the USC?

virolaFemaleCosta Rica2011-08-28 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast minute jitters
Thanks, TBone!

Definitely planning on going back every opportunity I get, and we will go to the interview together. I didn't realize how important "collecting evidence" is until I began I applying. I don't know how many receipts and boarding passes, etc. I would have saved!

I'll try to keep the posts literate... but I feel like this crazy process can drop the level of anyone's writing! :)

Welcome to VJ, si man! :)

Your list of items looks good. Some front-loading (with evidence of bona fide relationship) never hurts, and you're wisely including this. After the petition is submitted, make more visits as you can, of course collecting evidence, and be there in person for the eventual consular interview. This last is often important at certain Latin American consulates.

And, thank you for your refreshingly literate post, si man. :thumbs:

virolaFemaleCosta Rica2011-08-28 21:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast minute jitters
Hi world!

Well, this is my first post on the website, but after browsing it nearly a gazillion and a half times in the last month, I finally decided to join.

I am about to submit my I-129F (well, I'm waiting for original documents from Costa Rica to arrive, theoretically any time now....). I feel like I've dotted my "i"s and crossed my "t"s, but still want some feedback from the community at large of people who've gone through it.

What advice would you have wanted to hear (or were glad you heard) before submitting your I-129F?

How can I avoid that dreaded RFE?

I should say I have everything from the cover letter from the website all prepared. For evidence of meeting in the past 2 years, this includes passport stamps (some that were even shared between our two passports during an international vacation), airline ticket receipts, a handful of boarding passes (we've lost most of them along the way, or they have been completely electronic, but we have some). For evidence of ongoing relationship, we have photos, email exchanges, scanned copies of envelopes sent between the US and Costa Rica, letters from two colleagues (one a US citizen, one a Costa Rican citizen), legal documentation of a car I bought in Costa Rica with my name that also includes Daniel's address down there, and... well, that's probably about it.

I think we have everything together, but I still am terrified about calling it done! Any words of friendly advice?

Laura (on behalf of Daniel too!)
virolaFemaleCosta Rica2011-08-28 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhite-out on G-325a
Just FYI, I was told by an immigration lawyer giving out free services in the Boston area that it was okay to use white-out. My fiancé had put the date next to his signature in Latin American format (dd-mm-yy) not what is asked for in the US (mm-dd-yy). I took her advice, whited-out the date and wrote the correct format on top, and sent off our I-129F. Our application was accepted without RFE and in less than 5 months.
virolaFemaleCosta Rica2012-01-17 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs a sponsor appropriate for me?

virolaFemaleCosta Rica2012-02-09 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs a sponsor appropriate for me?
Hi again!

I'm preparing my Affidavit of Support for my upcoming K-1 interview in San Jose, Costa Rica. I would like some VJers opinions to whether or not a sponsor (i.e., my father) would be appropriate in my situation. By all means, I make enough money to support both my fiancé and I comfortably, well over the 125% of poverty line mark. However, I did not receive a W-2 for all of this income, and my 2011 W-2 is for a bit more than $15,000, well below that coveted 125%. That is because I receive a graduate fellowship, money that is taxable but not claimed. I have letters from my university and from the government institution that granted me this fellowship (the National Science Foundation, in case you're interested) saying that I make $xxxx over the course of a year. I have paystubs for each month that reflect the total amount I earn (which includes the fellowship), and will also ask for a letter from my bank reflecting average monthly deposits and totals. However, at the embassy I'll be dealing with (San Jose, CR), they explicitly mention the W-2 (among various) as a piece of evidence to bring along. I will, of course, also bring my 2011 tax return, which reflects my total income. While I earn enough money, I don't know how important that W-2 is in my scenario. My dad would be more than happy to help out as a sponsor, but I think both Daniel and I would prefer to not place that burden on him if it is not necessary.

What are your opinions? And I'd also especially love to hear from other graduate students with similar situations as me, if you're out there :). (Stupid fellowship and stipend income.... )
virolaFemaleCosta Rica2012-02-09 00:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration Lawyers..Worth it? Issues with them...
I also want to put a plug in for free legal advice that seems to be readily available in many large cities with substantial immigrant populations. There are many free clinics (sometimes offered from churches or immigrant foundations) where immigration lawyers are are willing to talk you through your process and take a look at your final application. I personally used one of these services in Boston and think I benefited from it. Though I'm the first to admit it was not absolutely necessary, it gave me substantial peace of mind to know that somebody who processes this sort of paperwork for a living (and usually with much more complicated cases than mine) looked over everything I submitted. VJ has been invaluable to me, but there's something to be said by one-on-one contact. (Also, these lawyers are not in their field for the $$, but to help immigrants charitably.. therefore, they all seemed friendly!)

Note, in my experience, lawyers at these clinics do not charge a fee, nor do they compile your paperwork-- they do not sign your application. But they are happy to look it over for errors.

For anyone interested in the Boston area, here is a link:

Also, I live with a bunch of law students who do nothing but study, study, study. I do not think they would appreciate some of the snide comments on this thread. Not every lawyer is in it for the money, and I doubt immigration-related law is a real breadwinner. You have to get into corporate law for that.
virolaFemaleCosta Rica2012-02-12 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLost X-Rays... what should we do?
Thanks for the input! Sounds like the x-rays aren't necessary. Do you guys know what happens at POE if we are asked for the X-rays and can't produce them? There must be a reason we were told to bring carry them by hand at the POE, right?
virolaFemaleCosta Rica2012-03-13 09:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLost X-Rays... what should we do?
Hi all! My fiancé had his medical today in San Jose, Costa Rica. All went super well (he literally was weighed, measured, and asked if he's done drugs--- less than 10 minutes in and out). However, on his way back home, he left his chest X-ray on the bus! He still has the all-important envelope with the medical results in it to give to the consulate when we interview on April 9. We are wondering if it is worth the effort (or even possible) to try to find duplicates or request replacement X-rays for the POE (date unknown). Time is on our side, and I suppose it's better safe than sorry, but I'm scared we'd have to start the whole medical process from scratch (which is more than a little $$$). And yet-- what if we are asked for the X-rays at POE? (POE will most likely be at an east coast city-- jfk, miami, orlando, atlanta, and charlotte are all options.)

virolaFemaleCosta Rica2012-03-12 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequired Vaccines for mid-20s male
at_long_last-- make sure you're getting the vaccines you need! it's likely that by trying get everything on this list, you're paying too much $$ and unduly stressing your body out. if I understand it right, you should only need vaccines as required by this chart:

(joventud3 pasted it above, but the link was broken.)

it couldn't be a more useful link, as long as it universally applies to immigration. it matches what worth_the_wait posted as well.
virolaFemaleCosta Rica2011-10-14 11:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequired Vaccines for mid-20s male
Thank you so much for all your help! That is EXACTLY the information I was looking for. I am so happy that we don't have to shoot him to the moon :).
virolaFemaleCosta Rica2011-10-14 10:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequired Vaccines for mid-20s male
Thanks for your help! I believe Costa Rica does *require* vaccines to receive your K1 visa, but no worries-- I'm sure shots are cheaper there anyhow.

I've seen this list floating around the internet as well. However, I think that what is actually required varies by age, health status, and gender. For example, I am rather certain adults would not be required to take the rotavirus vaccine since it is against a disease that primarily affects infants and young children.

Does anyone know what vaccines they, their finacé(e) or spouse needed for K1 visa or AOS (country dependent)?
virolaFemaleCosta Rica2011-10-13 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequired Vaccines for mid-20s male
Hi All!

My finacé and I are between the NO1 and NO2 phases, and want to be productive as we can. His is Costa Rican, and Costa Rica is one of the countries that requires vaccination for the K-1 visa (even though it isn't technically an immigrant visa). For those of you out there in a similar situation, what vaccines were asked of you? Daniel is a 26 year old male with no major medical problems in his history.

virolaFemaleCosta Rica2011-10-13 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding Plans (Cancel?)
I also want to point out that, even if VSC is the "slowest" office right now, it may not remain so for the duration of your application's wait. When I applied (also to VSC) it too was the "slowest" and by the time my petition was approved (a relatively quick more or less 4 months after we submitted it), it was spitting out acceptances right and left and the CSC was the "slowest." The waiting times do seem to fluctuate quite a bit.
virolaFemaleCosta Rica2012-11-08 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Question- Additional Processing

Administrative Processing at NVC
The NVC has a process of randomly pulling a certain, unknown number of "K" visa petitions for further administrative processing. It is unknown what exactly takes place during this process. As it is in AP post interview. It may be background/name checks and/or document verification. Some CSR's at NVC have said that they are "verifying documents". But the most common answer will be that "There is no timeframe for the process". There actually is a very predictable timeframe based on VJers experience that has been shared since December 2008. The average time that a case is held during this AP is around 50 days, give or take a day or so. You can call at least once a week to ask if your file has been released out of AP and forwarded to the consulate. Most petitioners that are pulled for random AP DO receive a standard letter from NVC stating that their file will be forwarded to the embassy "within a week", this is a standard letter which is mailed out whether one is in AP or not. If you find that your case has been held at NVC for longer than a week or so; it is advisable to call and ask directly if your file is in AP.


O&MMaleThailand2012-07-26 09:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSilly Question
C and Lore,

Welcome! I'm going to repeat what AmyKathleen said and advise you to read the guides, its great advice! The FAQ's are really helpful as well I've found. The search function is slightly less helpful because its often way too difficult to sift through all the results to find something useful and relevant but it doesn't hurt to give it a try. You probably could have found the answer to your question about touches by searching. I know that one gets asked about every other day.

As for not having boarding passes, you'll be okay without them if you can come up with some other forms of primary evidence. Passport stamps are probably the best (with the exception of people from Canada). Pictures are secondary evidence only, but they're helpful for backing up your primary evidence.

It's highly unlikely (though with this process, nothing is impossible) that if you filed in December she'd get her interview scheduled for February, so I think you'll probably be pretty safe doing that. Some people get their visas issued in as short as 90 days, for others it can take over a year or more. No one really knows why. :blink:

Best of luck to you on your journey!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-01 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Question 18

This intent is commendable, but reality can be far different, and no one should underestimate any Latin American consulate. Had I known upon I-129F filing what I know now, I would have concentrated very hard on composing a complete, detailed answer to question #18.

An unknown number of consular officers can make their decision to issue or refuse the visa purely on the basis of the petition paperwork, and the interview will either be perfunctory (with issuance), grueling (many probing, suspicious questions), perfunctory (with a 221g for more evidence of bona fide relationship -- see my signature area below this post), or perfunctory (visa refused).

No, USCIS doesn't care beyond "did they meet in the last 2 years," but yes, the consulate can care very much. Front-loading the entire petition, in fact, ensures that the consulate will receive what you've sent to USCIS and can't deny the existence of the evidence, or refuse to accept it at the interview. Take the long-range view when completing the petition paperwork, si man.

You make an excellent point. My intention, of course, was not to misinform. I suppose my advice was meant more for the non-high-fraud consulates and I probably should have been more explicit in saying this. As a general statement, though, what I said was correct. USCIS cares about you and your fiance having met within the past 2 years. The rest is relevant later, at your specific consulate. Since this is the general K-1 forum I was giving the general answer. A more specific answer would probably be better found if the OP had posted this within their regional forum.

My sympathies to the OP and anyone else who has to deal with a difficult consulate. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be dealing with London where things are relatively simple and straightforward. Best of luck to you all.
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-01 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Question 18

My advice would be to focus on being concise, yet provide key information such as:

-Dates: When did you first start to talk to each other? When did you meet in person? For how long did you stay when you went to Sao Paulo? If you have visited more than once, provide the date ranges of your visits.
-Important details: Did you meet you fiance(e)'s family and/or friends? Could you provide a picture or two that could document these meetings?
-How do you communicate: Explain how you have continued to communicate during this time that you've been in apart. How often do you contact one another or through what medium? How has your relationship developed?

Again, be concise (no longer than a page), but provide details so that whoever is reading it can be a picture of the circumstances in which you met and have an idea of how the relationship has developed. It might also be helpful to note in what language you communicate with one another (English, Portuguese, or some other language?)

Best of luck!

Some of this is good advice, being concise is definitely important. However, I'd just like to reiterate what I said before. USCIS doesn't care about how you communicate, or how much you love each other, or how your relationship has evolved over time. They only care that you have met, in person, within the past two years. Once you get to the interview stage at your embassy, THEN they will care about those other things. This part of the application however is really ONLY to say that you have met in person within the past 2 years.

Generally, putting more information won't hurt you, of course. I just want to be sure that everyone who reads this knows what is mandatory, and what is extraneous.

Edited by Amyyduck, 01 September 2010 - 09:31 PM.

AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-01 21:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Question 18
USCIS doesn't really care about too many details. They want to know that you've met in person within the past two years. What I wrote was something along the lines of this:

My fiance, John Smith, and I, Jane Doe, met (describe in a sentence or two how you met). Since then we have tried to spend as much time together as possible. Here is a list of our visits within the past two years.

xx-xx-xxxx (date)
John visits Jane in City, State, US

Jane visits John in City, Country

Jane visits John in City, Country
John Proposes!

Thats basically what mine looked like. Theres really no hard and fast rules about this one, so just make sure you list how you met, and that you've met in person within the past two years, thats really all they want to know. Anything else is just extra. :star:

Edited by Amyyduck, 01 September 2010 - 08:48 PM.

AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-01 20:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs Anyone Else Who Filed in June Waiting for NOA2?

hi guys,

the waiting time for NOA2 seems to be very random: my fiancé and I filed on june 21st, we received the NOA1 on June 25 and our NOA2 - approval notice, on July 15th, so 3 weeks after... we were actually very very surprised to be approved that fast, as we were prepared for the 5 month waiting period!

good luck to everyone.

Oh yea, I heard about a number of people who filed in June and got their NOA2's in around a month or less. Someone mentioned it might have had something to do with the TX switch but I'm not sure. You must have been part of that lucky group! Lucky you!!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-03 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs Anyone Else Who Filed in June Waiting for NOA2?

Another day, another lack of update...

bummer :( me too, although you're about a month ahead of me so I'm definitely not expecting anything for awhile yet.

p.s. I read the latest post on your blog after you posted it in another thread. I laughed so hard, well said!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-01 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 while pregnant?
It will also mean that your family size will be 3 rather than 2 in accordance with the poverty guidelines for your affidavit of support. In other words you'll have to make 125% of the poverty level for a family of 3 or get a co-sponsor. :)

Also, Congrats on the pregnancy! Thats very exciting!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-04 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!!!
:dance: Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations! That was pretty fast, only 3 months between NOA1 and your interview! :wow: Lucky you!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-03 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnough income?
Does your fiance have any savings or assets? If not, you'll have to get a co-sponsor. As close to the cut-off as you are, it won't be enough for them unless she has enough savings or assets to make up the difference.

Best of luck! :)
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-05 19:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance - Sweden
Oh, and Gap,

Thats so exciting that your fiance is coming to visit soon! I'm headed off to England in 17 days and at this point I'm just trying to make the next 2.5 weeks go as fast as possible! I'm sure you must be feeling the same way! I wouldn't worry about him getting into the US, my fiances never had a problem. He's been put through secondary security a couple of times but no real hassles. I think they save the real trouble for the Canadians! :P
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-05 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance - Sweden

Amy you just beat me to it!

:lol: sorry! Its a Sunday night and i'm SO bored!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-05 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiance - Sweden
As long as the visa hasn't been issued yet, your fiance should be able to visit without a problem. Just make sure she brings proof of her return ticket as well as proof of ties to her home country so that the CBP officers have no reason to believe she's going to overstay illegally or anything like that.

Check out this thread for more helpful information and good luck on your journey!


Edited by Amyyduck, 05 September 2010 - 10:43 PM.

AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-05 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 Intent to Study Question
I don't know for sure, and hopefully someone will come along to answer your question that does, but my best guess would be that this is a standard form for a variety of different visas, one of which might be a student visa. If you were using it for a student visa that question would obviously be very important. Since you're not, I'm thinking its not.

I'd definitely be interested to hear other opinions on this though, because my fiance is planning on getting his PhD here eventually as well. We don't know when or where and there are no definite plans so I think we're just going to check no for the sake of simplicity. By the time he applied to any PhD programs he'd be a permanent resident anyway and I don't think it would matter. But again, thats just my best guess.

Edited by Amyyduck, 05 September 2010 - 10:41 AM.

AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-05 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures; TIME INTERVIEW!!!!

Ah sorry about that. Thanks for posting the working link Amy!

Np! I got your back, anytime! :P
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-06 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures; TIME INTERVIEW!!!!
That link doesn't seem to work! :unsure:

Here is a link to reviews of interviews in the Netherlands. http://www.visajourn...&cty=&dfilter=5 You can also find it by going to the top of any VJ page, on the lower blue bar where it says Reviews: Embassy/USCIS &POE, click on "embassy" then you can choose which embassy you'd like to read reviews on from the drop down menu.
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-06 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical physician question
Check out your embassy page: http://www.visajourn...a&cty=Vancouver

It lists a couple of doctors that are used for the medical exams about halfway down the page. Also reposting this question in the Canada forum might help you get a more clear-cut answer.

Hope that helps. Good lucK! :star:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-07 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMailing Address in Ecuador
Oh wow! You sound super prepared! Sounds like you don't even need our help at all! :P Congrats on sending your packet soon! It's an exciting step! :)
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-06 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMailing Address in Ecuador
Well I'm glad I could relieve some of your anxiety. Just to be certain I went and checked out the Ecuador Embassy Info page. I copy/pasted this information:
UPDATED June 8, 2009: The packet 4 takes months to arrive in the mail, it´s ridiculous. So you should email the consulate as soon as it´s reasonable (based on the date it left the NVC) and they should send an email saying you can download Packet 4 and present the email rather than wait for the letter in the mail. That way your process will go 1-2 months faster!

So it sounds like you're not the only one who is/was worried about the mail service there and according to this you won't need the physical packet in the mail anyway. :)
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-06 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMailing Address in Ecuador
I'm not sure how it works in Ecuador but in England when they send packet 3 you don't actually really need it. A list of all the forms you need and links to download them are all online and you can call the embassy to get the new case #. Some people never actually end up getting packet 3 from the London consulate and it works out just fine. Perhaps you should try reposting this in your regional forum and/or checking out your country portal. Someone there might have some better advice for you.

Good luck! :star:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-06 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReady to file our I-129F


Your packet & evidence sound great, but do not forget the check! Plus, the instructions do say to spell it out (do not write US DHS), but rather write United States Department of Homeland Security or US Department of Homeland Security. Also, you might want to complete the form (do not remember the form number) so that you can receive an e-mail confirmation from DHS when your petition is received.

Best of luck!

Oh yes, the G-1145, definitely include that one. It's optional but if you fill it out it automatically signs you up for email/text notification. I hadn't heard about it when I sent mine in so everyone else was getting their case #'s by text while I had to wait for my hard copy!

Also thanks for your wishes for a speedy NOA2, Sunshine! I'm not getting my hopes up for anything amazingly fast but I'm hoping for the beginning of Nov. Earlier would be great of course but I'm trying to be realistic. :) Let us know when you officially send out your package, and make sure you update your timeline when you do as well!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-05 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReady to file our I-129F
Don't forget the check for $455 made out to the US Department of Homeland Security! Other than that, your package sounds pretty all-inclusive. You have tons of relationship evidence and proof of meeting within the past 2 years. Probably more than you need (although I don't know the specifics of the consulate in Romania) but at least for this stage of the process you should be good!

Good luck with the rest of your journey and congrats on sending you package! (when you do) :star:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-05 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMissing Vaccination Records!

Amy. You are mighty useful to have around. Thanks!

:lol: thanks! I do try :P
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-08 06:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMissing Vaccination Records!

Have your fiance check out this link: http://www.visajourn...bridge-doctors/

Its pinned at the top of the UK forum and its all about the medical. :)
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-07 20:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 email
Hi Dsgirl,

First of all congrats on making it this far through the process! I know from reading around the forums that some cases on the USCIS website never get status updated out of "initial review" so I wouldn't worry about that. As for the others, I'm not sure. You could probably do some searching of the forums to find some answers or likely another more knowledgeable member will come along after me to answer your questions!

Good luck!
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-07-20 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMail Petition 8/26

If you click on my tracker it'll take you to the website where you can make one. About halfway down the page under where it lists Wedding, Birthday, Anniversary there are four choices. I chose "event" and from there it should be pretty simple.

Hope that helps! :star:
AmyyduckFemaleEngland2010-09-13 22:23:00