CanadaLetter of invitation
So YAY!! My parents are coming to visit from South Africa...WoOt!! I have a quick question though. When I was I first visited the US and got my visitors visa, my hubby had to send a letter inviting me down to see him. Do I need to send one for my folks and gramma, and if I do, should it be one of each of them, and how do I word it???

Thanks for helps!

coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-01 10:30:00
CanadaGirlfriend denied at POE. Canada to US
Why not go and visit her in Canada? I know its not exactly what you want, but if she has weak ties to Canada and has been denied once at the border, chances are it will happen again. And THEN it starts to look hella suspicious... because she keeps trying to cross the border.

Your best bet is to visit her in Canada, and if you are really happy with things, then file the K-1.

Good luck!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-13 12:28:00
CanadaGirlfriend denied at POE. Canada to US
Yeah, I went in and out a few times, the one time I only had a one way ticket (because we still werent sure when they were going to implode the Stardust hotel) and I wanted to be there for that, they sent me on my merry way back to Canada and cancelled my visitors visa (I was a Can perm resident with SA citizenship).

Only having a one way ticket is a HUGE red flag for them.

She will have to gather up all the ties she has to canada (lease, school, letter from boss for vacation permission, RETURN ticket etc) and they might let her through this time. It will be a bit harder because she was told no once, but you might be ok.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-12 19:20:00
CanadaKnocking on wood and crossing fingers and toes!
OH YAY!!! I will even keep my eyes crossed for you!!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-11 10:15:00
CanadaTrip to DC..
All these helpful tips!! Im quite confident in my ability to plan this now! :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-18 09:51:00
CanadaTrip to DC..
I thought about that.. but they want to see missouri as well. They are going to be here for 2 weeks, and Ive alloted 1 of those weeks to this trip. My Gramma is the whole reason we are going on this trip.. for as long as I can remember she has always talked of going to see the statue of liberty. So when they decided to come out and visit us here in the US.. it was sort of a given that we had to go up to NYC.. Ive always wanted to go to DC.

We will be there over the 4th of July (3-5) and then up to NY for the 6th... and then straight through back to MO with my hubby and I alternating the driving.

Thank you all for all your advice and tips, its sooo much easier to plan all of this now!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-11 12:38:00
CanadaTrip to DC..
Wow.. you guys are awesome!! We are driving to DC from Missouri and then up to New York for a day... after that it will be a strait drive back. There will be 5 adults (one of whom is a very spritely 76yr old) and our daughter will be 5. I figure we will leave the car at the hotel and do the public transit thing. I want to avoid a preplanned group tour, incase we want to spend more time at one place and less at another.

The hope diamond at the smithsonian is important, my family has a rich history in diamond mining (father is mine overseer at diamond mine) and I work in a jewelry store... so thats kinda important.

Our hotel budget is around $100 per room for the night. Where is a good place for lunch?

Thank you so much for all of your replies.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-11 11:17:00
CanadaTrip to DC..
Thank you! We really want to see the Jeff mem...capitol...white house... mall....and arlington cem. Also we wanted to go to the smithsonian and see the hope diamond.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-11 10:08:00
CanadaTrip to DC..
So. YAY my folks are coming to visit from South Africa next year, and hubby and I decided to take them to DC, since neither of us have been there, we figured it would be a fun vacation for all.

However, we only have 2 days (one night) to spend in DC, so I would LOVE to have opinions from anyone else who has visited..

Best way to get around
Best things to see
Best hotel to stay at (price vs comfort)
and most importantly.... Where to eat?? :whistle:

My dads one and only request on this whole trip is this "I want to eat at one of those diner places and have a giant breakfast with apple pie afterwards.. it want a breakfast so big and greasy that I get chest pains eating it"... his words not mine.

Any input would be most appreciated. Thank you!!

Edited by coraliesolms, 11 June 2011 - 09:55 AM.

coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-11 09:53:00
CanadaExtremely home sick
Well, my husband doesnt understand this, but I honestly felt a bigger "culture shock" moving from Canada to the US than I did when I moved from SA to Canada. Canadians are understanding and forgiving. When I used a quirky "foreign" expression that Canadians arent used to, nobody made a big deal out of it. Here in the USA if I spell Cheque and Colour the way Im used to spelling them my whole life, people get snippy. And when I say something thats not "american" I get the "thats not how we say it here in the USA... we gotta quit you of being a forner".... :o

It is definately hard to move to the USA, Im pretty happy here because my hubby is wonderful, but there are definately moments where I just feel like I wanna go home and hang out with my friends!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-01 16:01:00
CanadaExtremely home sick
I totally understand. I moved to Canada from South Africa and then from Can to USA... Im doubly homesick. I live in Boonville, Missouri and even though Ive worked here for a year, I dont have any friends other than my hubby's family... and I think I will ALWAYS be called a "forner" (foreigner), even when I get my citizenship. My parents are coming to visit from SA next year and Im totally counting down the days until I have a little piece of home with me again.

Im sorry you are hurting... at least we have visa journey to vent!! :)

Chin up girl!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-01 14:04:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
EEEK!! Sounds like montreal is even slower than they were in April... I didnt think that was entirely possible! Im sending all my happy thoughts your way T & E... it can be soo frustrating!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-05 18:16:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal
Montreal's mail room is backed up about 4 weeks. Theyre an incredibly busy and therefore incredibly slooooow consulate. Keep your chin up though, it will be opened and processed soon! :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-19 19:20:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Yummy homecooked mama's style baked macaroni... fried onions, mushrooms and thick smoked bacon with 2 tbsp of philly garlic and herb cream cheese, mix that together with macaroni (al dente) add a cup of milk with 2 eggs cracked into it over the top, pile high with cheese, and back for 40 min...

Dont forget the glass of red wine with it :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-04-08 21:53:00
CanadaWhen You Eat Your Smarties
I just discovered imposter smarties :o My hubby was headed out to the grocery store a few weeks ago and asked if I wanted anything, apon thinking for a second I said "Yummy... a box of smarties" So he says "A box?" and I said ... "yeah a box of smarties".. so he said "Well ok".

He gets back from the store and says "I couldnt find smarties in a box, so I got a whole bag". Im thinking OMG.. A WHOLE BAG OF SMARTIES.... ALL FOR MEEEEEEEE!!!!!(hubby doesnt eat chocolate)... and then he pulled the bag out.... :crying: They werent canadian smarties at all....and of course my poor hubby was left wondering why I was in the throws of a mini meltdown when all he did was get what he thought I asked for in the first place.

I googled canadian smarties and showed him and his words were... "we'll you should have just asked for M&M's".... :bonk:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-11 10:05:00
CanadaI am frustrated with the U.S. Consulate in Montreal
Yeah, file your taxes online and have your SO take the printout with to the interview. Technically they shouldnt ask for it until April 15 (tax cut off), but I have seen stranger things happen.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-22 18:21:00
CanadaI am frustrated with the U.S. Consulate in Montreal
Yes, attempting to reach Montreal non-robots is impossible. Your best bet would be to call the DOS (department of state) and have your NVC number handy, and talk with an agent there.

Just a tip though, I had to send in additional documents, and it took 8 weeks for montreal to turn them around. They are EXTREMELY slow and much further behind the 4 week time frame they gave you.

Its a hassle, I called the DOS everyday until my visa was granted. Good luck though! You are about 3 weeks in, so it should be about 3 more weeks and you will be taken care of.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-21 13:08:00
CanadaNew Receipt Notice?
This is definately a mistake. When he went through his POE did they take fingerprints? If somehow it got overlooked that might be what they need. Other than that, somethings not right and you need to call them ASAP and get it figured out! :blink:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-31 19:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDeath of USC spouse...I'm lost
Im so sorry for your loss!! Its heartbreaking to go through this long journey only to have the rug pulled out from underneath you. You have all of our support Im sure (both emotionally and with advice). Stay close to his family, they will be your greatest draw of strength right now.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-03-27 20:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAmount of Time spent in US
It shouldnt, they might ask why she was out of the country for that long, as it might make them question marriage validity. If it is for a good reason though, then no, it wont be a problem at all! :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-21 18:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCase Denied

Also, does a justice of the peace marriage seem suspicious to uscis? We really don't have the time or money to plan a regular wedding with all of the work we have ahead of us.

No, in fact a lot of immigrants or intending immigrants simply go in front of a JP, since there is so much cost and paperwork involved. Usually once the pending immigration is settled, then a ceremony or reception is held to commemorate the marriage. All the USCIS cares about is that your are legally married.

I am sorry for your and your boyfriends ordeal. I hope that with the right kind of help your case will be settled soon.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-05 17:18:00
PhilippinesComedy or truth ?
I thought it was funny :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-03-27 01:23:00
PhilippinesLooking for the best deal on phone service: USA/Philippines
I have family all over the world and I use Vonage.. its AWESOME, very cheap and you get all kinds of goodies with it. Of course, you need high speed internet to have it as well, but I found it the cheapest method of phone service.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-03-28 13:49:00
PhilippinesMy life is over....
Moving to a new country can be daunting. I moved to Canada from SA, and not having friends/fam closeby can be scary. Throw in the fact that I am bi-polar, and a person can do some WACKY things.

This might not be a "visa game" (although it has all the symptoms), it also has all the symptoms of some-one who is bi-polar... (wild spending sprees, rapid cycling highs and lows, violent explosions, crying...) Unfortunately you cannot force her to see a psychiatrist, but if she threatens to harm herself (as you alluded to when she asked about her not being there anymore..) you might have a foot to stand on in terms of "intervening".

Just my 2 cents. Just cus shes an immigrant doesnt mean shes playing the "visa game".

Good luck dude, hope it all works itself out :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-03-26 23:27:00
PhilippinesWhy there are pinays out there who feels so conceited about theirselves once they arrived here in the States?
I cant comment on your post... but I do want to say.. YOUR BABY IS SUUUUUPER CUTE!!!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-03-27 17:42:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice
I am sorry for your heartbreak! Send the transcripts to someone who understands, get the full grasp of what is really going on, and then talk to her about it. If she gets defensive and mean, and is not willing to explain herself, then its time to end things. Definately before her status is adjusted. Keep these longs as evidence of her ill-intent, ICE will need them and can use them if she tries to adjust her status herself.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-15 23:50:00
PhilippinesNo Medical Schedule but we do have a Interview Date
Yes, once they get their interview letter date, they can schedule their own medical :) Congrats!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-31 13:43:00
Philippinesis consulate asking 4 tax papers or info of spouse?
The NVC had all our tax papers for 3 years and somehow our co-sponsors went missing in transit from NVC to consulate. I had to go home and call her CA to get the transcripts again. Save yourself the potential hassle and bring copies. Things go missing when they get moved from being a doorstop to a desk pillow at the NVC sometimes :wacko:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-30 00:22:00
PhilippinesCEMAR/CENOMAR document needed for interview
At least you still have an immigration attorney. Halfway through our process, our attorney's number stopped working, so we went to his office and SURPRISE! It was gone.. just an empty building, no forewarding address... nothing.

I hope your wife's visa comes through quickly. Once you give the information they are looking for, its only a matter of a week or 2 before its approved :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-13 18:27:00
PhilippinesSchedual flight layover for poe
It should be enough, I POE'd in Vancouver (a lot of Canadians fly to USA from there) and it took 45 mins. It was first thing in the morning though. 3 hours should be plenty.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-03-03 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Approval
It seems to happen in waves.. 4 months is the "standard" but then all of a sudden a few people get caught with their immigration pants down and it happens in 30-40 days. There is no real way to guage what it will be. Expect a long wait, but prepare yourself early incase its a short one..
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-04-12 02:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow are you getting thru the holidays?
I worked my behind off.... if there were any hours available I took them. It also helped that I worked in a jewelry store and christmas is our busiest time.

It helped me be distracted, and it put some extra dollars in my bank account. I also did an online course.. that kept me pretty busy when they dragged me kicking and screaming out of the store at the end of each day.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-28 00:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsmy useless vent
It can be frustrating, my journey to IR-1 took over 3 years. Many tears and a little heartbreak later, I am here in the states with my hubby.. and the 3 years VANISHED!! Keep your chin up, and know for sure.. your turn will come! It is well worth it all in the end.

Read my signature.. it got me through many many hard immigration days!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-27 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFINALLY APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!!! :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-29 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLost all faith - July VSC
It can be frustrating. Because of various circumstances our application took 3 and a half years from start to finish, and that SUCKED, seeing everyone around me get interviews and even remove their conditions before I even hit the NVC. However, my point is, when I finally got off that plane in Kansas City and saw my husband and knew it was going to be forever from that moment... was worth every day of those years, and it all melted away. It is absolutely worth the tears and heartache to know that for the rest of your lives you can be together afterwards.

Keep the faith. Once you have cleared the USCIS, the NVC is a breeze and then its your interview! After that you get to torture eachother with your forever afters (F)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-17 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow do you cope?
How did I cope? Well, I just did. It really broke my hubbies heart when he heard me crying on the phone, and I had to steel myself against it, because I didn't want to make it harder on him. That being said, there were times when a couple of glasses of wine and a good cry did the trick.

Mostly I just worked myself to a standstill. The more I worked and took online courses to keep my brain on other things, the less I thought about how much it was hurting. Before you know it, BOOM, interview letter!

I know you dont like to hear it, but keep busy, it really does help. And keep it fresh too! Send pics regularly and have some fun with it. It is definately all worth it when its over. The 3 years I waited for my visa have just vanished, I have to work really hard to think about them and remember them!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-21 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPersonal Problems
My husband and I had weekly meltdowns during the process. Most of it stemmed from me being so upset at being "trapped" in another country, and he felt powerless to help me feel better. Its natural, and it causes problems. All I wanted to do was talk about the "next immigration step" and he wanted to talk about anything else BUT immigration, it became the white elephant in the room and made regular "hi how are you, I love you" conversations strained.

However, that moment of victory when you hear the word "approved" and you go to the post office and pick up your visa makes it ALL go away. And when you finally get to be together, all those silly arguments will just disappear. We sit together now and laugh about how silly it was that we would argue over who should call the NVC and "why didnt you sent the paperwork on MONDAY... instead you wasted 2 days and sent it on WEDNESDAY!!".

Keep your chin up, and try to fight the fight together :) And remember, we are all in the same boat, or were at one point, and will gladly offer a kind word or shoulder to cry on (F)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-06 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHell after NOA2
This process can chew you up alive. I remember 3 days after my hubby and I were approved at the NVC we were both talking to divorce attorneys.. oversomething so rediculous I cant even remember exactly what it was. After a few days of not talking, I picked up the phone and apologized for turning a mountain into a mole hill and we started talking again.

Perhaps some cool down time, and perhaps an apology for threatening the visa (my hubby NEVER told me he would hold off on the visa, no matter HOW bad things got). I would also apologise for the Valetines pettiness. She sent you something, the florist is the one you should be mad at, not your fiance.

If you are very serious about this, I would book a plane ticket and go and save this. If you are ready to move on, contact NVC and stop the petition.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-25 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWHAT? NOA2 FOR ME?
Wow.. looks like vermont is speeding up. They must be giving their staff caffeinated coffee instead of decaf these days.. or paying them per file or something.

Whatever it is, I hope it keeps up for everyone!! :star:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-03-01 23:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI Hate Liars
Well, unfortunately you cant believe everything you hear. Most people in the middle of this process have no clue what they are doing. Thank goodness for VJ and the wonderful advice we get here! :yes:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-03-03 13:03:00