CanadaJob Interview

If I were in yer shoes - I'd call the recruiter asap and chit chat about 'normal process for hiring with that company', then 'some idea of specific turn-around time for the position you've applied for'.

Talking with a recruiter doesn't interrupt the process that the COMPANY is doing, usually.

See, I thought about that. The thing is, is the "recruiter" is actually employed there. He has to leave because he is moving across country for family reasons. His boss (the owner) told him to find his own replacement and then foreward the resume's to him. So, I think its kinda good news that he decided to put mine foreward, because he wouldnt want to ruin his own reputation by putting someone thats not qualified up, but I dont know. I hope he wasnt blowing smoke when he told me he'd foreward it either.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-24 18:48:00
CanadaJob Interview
Me either!!! Its always been face to face, and usually I can tell when I walk out how I did. Im driving my hubby crazy with all my fretting! Of course I cant tell anyone else in town, because I dont want my current employers to know that Im looking around. Grrr...

Anyway, lemme know how yours goes ok!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-24 18:45:00
CanadaJob Interview
ARG.. its sooo frustrating. I shouldn't be so panicked, because I do have a job. The pay just stinks. The one Ive applied for is a very high end jewelry store and Im pretty sure Im qualified. I just couldnt gleen any info off the phone interview that I had.. the guy had a freakin poker voice!

I will call on Thurs if I dont hear anything.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you Inky!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-24 18:35:00
CanadaJob Interview
Well, I dont know why Im posting this here. I just need to get it out of my system I guess.

I applied for a job that is in my industry (jewelry) however, I could potentially make 7x what Im making now (YIKES) plus benefits and paid for relocation.. I called the recruiter for the job, and he gave me an impromptu phone interview and told me to read more about the company and its policies, and then call him back the next day. After researching the company I was VERY excited and called him back. We spoke for about 20 min and then he said that he would be forewarding the owner my resume (this was friday). I emailed my resume to him and called him on Sat morning to ask if he had got it and he said that he had, and he would give it to the owner today (Mon) and I should hear back from him by Wednesday. If the owner likes what he sees he will fly me out to Nashville for a face to face interview and then make a decision from there.

Well gosh darn it, this wait is KILLING ME!! Its almost as bad as immigrating!

So now for my question... Do you think if I haven't heard anything by Wednesday I should call and see if the position has been filled, or should I just sit tight and assume that if I haven't heard from them by the end of the week, I am no longer being considered...? :wacko:

Im pulling my hair out here!

Also, I think they will do a credit check, the fact that I am an immigrant to the USA means I have like ZERO credit. Will they be able to check my Canadian credit score (not so good..)?
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-24 18:18:00
CanadaIncome assistance in Canada
I filed all my taxes in Canada as "seperated" this is what they told me to do at H&R, because essentially thats what I was. It never affected my Mat EI, and it certainly wont affect your visa application.

Good luck!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-08 19:04:00
CanadaGet a job before Green Card?
I came up against some objection while I was still waiting for my actual greencard. Some business owners are skittish I guess. I had one guy flat out tell me they wouldnt hire me until I had my greencard in hand. Even though I had my visa and welcome letter with me!

Oh well, it took 5 weeks for it to get to me (3 weeks after SSN) and I was employed shortly after that. Just a heads up that some people are wierd about having the actual card in hand.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-11 19:53:00
CanadaMontreal Interveiw
HAHAH! I was there in Feb '10 and I didnt see a play area either. I didnt have my daughter with me though, and was really focusing on not puking on the floor from nerves!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-11 19:49:00
Canadacustoms paperwork
Thats why I just threw all my stuff on the front lawn with "please adopt me" stickers on it. It was all gone by the evening, and I only had clothes to pack :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-13 18:30:00
CanadaMontreal interview for Feb.15,2011
Let us know how it goes..
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-15 12:49:00
CanadaSome Canadian Humour
:rofl: I read a book when I first moved to Canada.. for the life of me I cant remember what it is called.. I think its "the tourists guide to Canada"..and I just ROLLED laughing. Its a good book for anyone looking for a laugh. It compared Calgarians to hamsters because of all the +15's connecting all the buildings downtown. I did enjoy it.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-19 19:03:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
Oh that is SUPER awesome.. what a wonderful valentines gift!!! :) (F)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-20 21:15:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
Call DHL about a week after your approval. If they dont have the information for you yet, then call the DOS to see if your visa has been printed yet or not :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-21 18:23:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
These are one of those visa "Black Holes"... AP is a catch all phrase for everything under the sun. It could be a background check, it could be them preparing your visa or a whole host of other things. Yes.. true AP can last up to 3 months, for some people even longer.

And even though we are in the age of computers and the internet, somethings do take time. With a real AP background check, they run your name through CIA, FBI and other government websites. They look at EVERYTHING. I know its hard, and it can be heartbreaking to be apart from eachother, but look at this as one last test for you 2. If you get through this, everything else will be easy breasy. Dont dispair 2 much. If there is nothing in your past to worry about, AP should go quickly. They are also going to check your refugee status with the Canadian government to make sure that you have legal status in Canada, and while it may seem obvious to you, they will also want to know why you have refugee status in Canada. Make sense?

Patience girlie.. all good things come to those who are willing to wait for them.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-21 17:24:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
I know its tough.. those 2 weeks I waited for my visa after I heard I was approved were the toughest 2 weeks EVER!! It will be wonderful when you get off the plane and see her though!! All will be forgotten and your new lives will start.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-20 17:45:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
Its not pushing them, that is what your fiance is paying taxes for. Sometimes things just slip through the cracks and a quick congressional enquiry can fix it. I would say wait one more week though ok :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-20 01:08:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
Lol... weekends are very frustrating when it comes to immigration.. because nobody is working. If you are very concerned, have your spouse contact your congressman and see if you can get to the bottom of it. (F)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-19 11:30:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
Im sorry, and please dont fret.. the GOOD news is your visa was APPROVED!!! :dance:

It just might not get to you in the time frame that you wished. God willing it will be in your hands soon :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-17 12:09:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
Yes, a few people have been approved only to find themselves in AP. I know this is very frustrating for you, and I hope this goes by quickly for you. Of course it is only speculation on my part too, but the fact that you are a refugee and from the middle east, makes me think that this is the reason for your AP.

It could also be that your visa is just waiting to be printed.. :huh: Give it another week and then call DOS!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-16 18:19:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
No, the fact remains that you are originally from the middle east. And perhaps because of your refugee status, they might just want to run a few more check on you. I wouldnt worry too much, I was told I was in AP on a friday, cried my eyes out all weekend, and got my visa on the Monday... they dont really know what they are talking about at the DOS sometimes. I was just thinking of reasons as to why they might have told you that you are in AP.

Keep your chin up though, its seems as though 3 weeks is the "timeline" for receiving approved visa's from MTL.If you are really concerned, and it goes further than 3 weeks, then get your USC fiance to contact a congressman. Sometimes they are better at getting answers.

I had my interview in MTL as well.

Edited by coraliesolms, 16 December 2010 - 12:13 AM.

coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-16 00:12:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number

Yes, if you have called the DOS (Department of State) and they have said they are running an administrative check, then it might be a smidge longer for you. 2 weeks is really not so bad though, I would give it another week and then start panicking. Once you calle the department of state, and they tell you that your visa is "in print", then you can start calling DHL and get a waybill/tracking number.

Just to add to my quote... it might be because you are from Iran, as well. If you go into the middle eastern forums, many of them go through AP, even after approval. I dont mean to make it sound bad, its just a policy the department of state seems to have adopted. Good luck though, I hope it goes quick :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-15 23:11:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number
Yes, if you have called the DOS (Department of State) and they have said they are running an administrative check, then it might be a smidge longer for you. 2 weeks is really not so bad though, I would give it another week and then start panicking. Once you calle the department of state, and they tell you that your visa is "in print", then you can start calling DHL and get a waybill/tracking number.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-15 23:08:00
CanadaFloridians... I need some advice
Thank you Krikit!! This is almost as bad as waiting for my immigration interview... I wish Friday would hurry up already. I have read a gajillion "how to interview" articles and have my outfit prepared and all my certifications in a folder, just waiting for friday now.. :wacko:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-21 12:51:00
CanadaFloridians... I need some advice

With an older vehicle and clean driving record and if you don't change your insurance provider your rate may not change. I lived in Arizona and moved to Florida and went down a few dollars. But location could make a difference too.


Thank you! That link was pretty handy :) I think I have it under control. Now I just have to sail through my interview (shouldnt be a problem, I have experience and training) and look into Uhauls and such things..
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-20 21:00:00
CanadaFloridians... I need some advice
Hmm.. how much u figure that would be? Its a 2001 Grand Am, both of us have clean driving records.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-20 20:22:00
CanadaFloridians... I need some advice
LUCKILY we own our car outright...

And we pay $25.00 for vonage, wich I have included in our cable and internet bill... I think we can do this.. YAY for leaving boonville!!! Hopefully I can impress them enough on friday and get the job. After all this research, if I dont get it Im gonna kick something!

I get full benefits, health, dental, vision and vacation time. I will have to look at renters insurance and car insurance too. For now we are leaving our car insured here (for a few months anyway, just to get a leg up).

Edited by coraliesolms, 20 February 2011 - 08:19 PM.

coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-20 20:17:00
CanadaFloridians... I need some advice
NM... I just googled it. $60 for unlimited use monthly.

Ok.. so budget as follows.. please add corrections if you feel they are necessary (my mom is far away and I need to adopt one on here.. :innocent: )

Rent $900
Utilities (average) $200
Cable and Internet $150
Groceries ($200 per week) $800
Public Transport $ 60
Gas for when we use car $200

Total NECESSARY income $2310


Sound about right? Am I forgetting something?
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-20 19:37:00
CanadaFloridians... I need some advice
Aint that the truth... $48K in WPB isnt NEARLY as much as $48K in oh say... BOONVILLE, MISSOURI... :lol:

I think for the first bit hubby will stay home with Amy. Until we can find a relatively inexpensive daycare and figure out car sharing and exactly how much we need. This way we save on childcare and having to potentially get a second car along the way. Anyone know if there is public transportation in WPB?
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-20 19:24:00
CanadaFloridians... I need some advice
Ok well. I think Im going to take the plunge then. It just seems like WPB is such an expensive place to live, hopefully with commisions I will be able to keep my head afloat.

I hope hubby can find work as soon as possible, so that we can find ourselves in a decent place in life.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-20 17:15:00
CanadaFloridians... I need some advice

I'm thinking Boonville to West Palm Beach would be a pretty serious upgrade :lol:

Go for it girl!!


After the 2 feet of snow we got 2 weeks ago.... west palm looks pretty damned good!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-20 13:47:00
CanadaFloridians... I need some advice
Wow, ok... so I can do this! :dance:

Now to get through the big interview!... And hopefully get the hubby hired as soon as we get there, if not before... :huh:

Edited by coraliesolms, 20 February 2011 - 11:09 AM.

coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-20 11:06:00
CanadaFloridians... I need some advice
Arg.. I figured. I was thinking about a surrounding area. Seems like its not much better than WPB though. Its at a jewelry store thats MUCH higher end than where Im at now though, and Ill be making commision on that too, so if anything, as long as I can maintain some semblance of a life and not live in a cardboard box behind my work, the job experience will be worth it though.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-19 21:24:00
CanadaFloridians... I need some advice
Ok, so I need some advice from those of you who live in Florida. I have a job interview coming up in West Palm Beach at Birks and Mayors. Im trying to compare salaries though.

Right now, I make $12 500 a year. My rent is $400 and my grocery and gas and utilitess probably add up to about another $500. Daycare is about $400 a month as well.

So, heres my question. Is the cost of living in Florida really THAT much more? If I take the job, I will be making $48 000 a year, and want to be sure that Im not just "still going to just survive". I will be getting benefits with this job too, for my whole family.

So is it feasible, and will I in fact be "making more money" or making more money but paying relatively the same percentage of my paycheck to my bills?

coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-19 19:17:00
CanadaMontreal Interview
It would have been nice if mine was there.. to do a timmies run while I was waiting in line.. :lol: My interview was in February and it was COOOLLDDD in MTL.

However, jokes aside, its nice to have a spouse there for emotional support, because the nerves can eat you up, and old montreal is a really romantic place to walk through, but it is absolutely not necessary for them to be there at the interview.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-21 17:12:00
CanadaNervous about Interview...hmmm
Yeah, a simple phone call to the DOS will tell you whats going on. They have access to montreal's database. They will let you know if the visa is in print or mailed out.

Good luck,.. and try not to fret too much :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-21 22:18:00
CanadaWhat is the "Checklist" for Vancouver medical?
That usually means your interview letter. Also, I believe they email you a checklist of what to bring with you when you book your medical online.

Call them and see though. If you are going for a CR-1, usually your interiew letter is all thats required.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-21 22:20:00
CanadaRevenue Canada Warning
Wow, thank you for the headsup!! :blink:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-03-22 18:28:00
CanadaWedding Anniversaires and what to do
Our anniversary is on the 4th of July, we went out to the Gateway Arch in st louis, booked a hotel room overlooking the arch and watch the fireworks. I was BEAUTIFUL!!! A little pricy, but waaay worth it.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-28 22:11:00
CanadaUSC got a DWI (court case next month)
My hubby (USC) has a DUI.. and they told him thanks but no thanks at the border. In 2 years we can apply for what is called "rehabilitation" where you have to file paperwork to show that you are offense free yadda yadda.

Im sorry, it sucks. My hubby couldnt visit me all the time I was in Canada while we were waiting for my visa. They actually got pretty snarky with him at the border, and put him on the next plane back to San Fran (but I think that has more to do with his attitude after they told him "no").

The good news is it can be fixed, the bad news is, it takes a few years.

Sorry you had to deal with this on top of an already stressful time.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-09 22:51:00
CanadaLetter of invitation
Thank you!! That is super helpful, Ive been scratching my head trying to figure out what to write!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-01 12:12:00
CanadaLetter of invitation
So YAY!! My parents are coming to visit from South Africa...WoOt!! I have a quick question though. When I was I first visited the US and got my visitors visa, my hubby had to send a letter inviting me down to see him. Do I need to send one for my folks and gramma, and if I do, should it be one of each of them, and how do I word it???

Thanks for helps!

coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-06-01 10:30:00