CanadaMiracles DO happen....
YAHOOOOOOOOOO! Good stuff sweet! Home for Xmas!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-11 22:18:00
CanadaWhat to bring for the interview??
Bring it all, and keep it organised.. they get reeeallllly annoyed if you have to search through stuff in front of them. I would definately bring everything. As the saying goes... rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. ESPECIALLY where montreal is concerned.. it could cost you anywhere from 2-3 months if you need to send something in after the fact.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-17 17:48:00
CanadaWhat to bring for the interview??
At MTL (I had my interview there), bring EVERYTHING!! My police record was checked as being received by the consulate on my interview letter, and when I got there they said all they had was a copy... I got a 221(g) for a new police clearance. Soooo I had to go home, and mail it to them with my passport, and with the way Montreal is, it took an extra 3 months to get my visa.

coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-15 23:03:00
CanadaNVC expedite request sent to Montreal Consulate..questions.
Yes, I would wait until Friday like they said, in the mean time e-mail the Mtl consulate like Inky said. If you still get the run around after that... call a congressman.

Good luck and I hope things go through quick!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-14 18:00:00
CanadaChristmas Present Thread
Ok.. Im now running around in circles.. I cant find anything for my sister-in-law....AAAHHHHH :wacko:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-14 17:57:00
CanadaChristmas Present Thread
ITS CHRISTMAS NEXT WEEK??????????? Oh #######.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-13 17:51:00
CanadaChristmas Present Thread
Well, Im in a complete bind.. my hubby and I usually dont get eachother anything, it all goes to family and our little girl. HOWEVER.. I work in a jewelry store, and as I was headed in to work the other day, I coulda SWORE I saw my hubby sneaking out the back door... :blink:

I have snooped all over the house, and cant seem to find anything, Ive also looked on our account at work and cant find anything.. so do I buy him something.. or not...ARG!!! I asked him if it was him that I saw leaving my work the other day and he said "I didnt even know you guys had a back door"..

I think I might just get him a video game, his brother bought him an xbox360.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-07 18:38:00
Canadafiling paperwork without marriage license?
Yes, rather wait the 2 weeks for the license, than god knows how many weeks for the RFE... :bonk:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-21 20:07:00
CanadaMontreal Interview questions..
HAHHAHAHHA Boxers or Briefs.. thats hilarious!!!

As for the questions.. Where you met, how long have you known eachother, what does he do for a living, what does co-sponsor do for a living. Basically all the same questions that annoying stranger next to you on a plane would ask on a 6 hour flight...
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-21 17:30:00
CanadaHappy Holidays
YAY!!! Happy Holidays!!! Im staying in town this holiday.. but Im finally home with my family for an xmas!! Safe travels, lotsa loves and a very merry christmas to all!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-24 09:30:00
CanadaImmunizations for Medical Exam (Canada)
I went for a blood test to see what I was vaccinated against and what I wasnt. I took the results of that with me, as well as a letter from my doc saying that he did the tetanus shot for me. It went fine. I think its called a Titre (sp?) test. The results show if you have immunity to any of the diseases on their lists. And if you do have an immunity then they take that as you having had the shots. I did that because I lost my immunization records.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-28 10:47:00
CanadaChanging Interview Appointment?
Yes, going through montreal, changing your appt date would definately add extra months to your process.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-02 12:29:00
CanadaBooking Flights on Interview Day
I was in at 7.30 and out at 8.30... you are safe booking an afternoon flight :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-05 12:09:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
Well, if anyone in Buffalo, NY sees a crazy red-head that looks very similar to Cruella DeVille, then kindly trip her for me :devil:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-17 17:20:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
SHE'S GONE!!! :dance: YAY!! My house and life is once again my own... I am pleased to report that there were no meltdowns during her visit this time, and the one time she got really snarky, my hubby said that she could go and stay at a hotel if she wanted to treat me that way :)

Thank goodness its all over though....
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-16 23:19:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
Yes, in-laws can be rough. Mine is up to her old tricks again. She called me at work to tell me to come and address her christmas cards on monday. I was like "Uh, can you do it? Im at work" She said no so I asked if I could come over after works because I was busy, and she said "No, I want them sent out today, before mail cut off". So I left for an early lunch and spent almost my whole lunch hour addressing her xmas cards.

coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-23 08:47:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
Oh please dear God.... Can my purgatory end now PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!!!! This sux!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-22 19:39:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

If I see it I'll totally post a copy! I don't know if ours came out a full page but that's what she wanted. They like descrive the bride's dress in detail, who all was there and where they came from haha. Thank god she didn't include out 70 person guest list hehe.

Holy #######... talk about no privacy!!! :blink:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-14 17:54:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

Posted Image
how to make inlaws leave soon.

:rofl: THAT is exactly what I need. Im on day 3 of MIL visit... shes pushed a few buttons already, but nothing I cant handle. I did tell her, that if she wasnt going to buy anything, to please not come into my work because we are really busy this time of year.. so far so good, she hasnt popped in yet. I put the sheets she hates on her bed, because I dont have others, and she bitched for a bit and went out and bought 900 thread count sheets for all my beds!! So I cant complain too much.. but the 55 day visit has only just begun.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-13 12:41:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
:) !
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-12 17:51:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
Oh my, what a heartbreaking story.. I thought mine was bad, she has never come right out and said I wasnt welcome!! (Maybe thats cus she needed a slave to wash the dishes after..hahhaha).

We should start the "evil MIL club". And yes, I hope to heaven that I NEVER end up doing to my childrens spouses what I have to endure!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-10 16:49:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

God I wish I had advice for you. We haven't spoken to Tony's mother since 31st May. She is a horrid woman. Her latest thing was to call SIL to brag about how she won an argument with an employee over who's child was dating the worst person. I naturally assumed she was talking about me given the horrid treatment of us.. no it was worse. She actually called SIL to brag about how she won an argument about SIL's boyfriend being the worst.

We're pretty sure she's a narcissist.. and FIL agrees with us.

Good lord, sounds just like mine.. she is constantly trying to get in between me and my SIL.. I love my sister in law to bits, and we get along reeeaaallly well, and I think that really upsets the MIL. She is just a trouble maker, and I really think this is the year that I stand up to it all.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-10 13:22:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
Well, I have received loads of good advice here, and this might be the year I tell her politely that this is my house, and unless she wants to pay the mortgage, things will be done my way.. (god, I remember my dad saying that to me when I was a teenager!).

I have made all of her appointments,however if she complains about the times they are for, I will tell her that perhaps she should make them herself, that way she is guarenteed the time that she wants.

Im definately glad that I am not alone on this issue.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-10 13:04:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
Lol.. I just got off the phone with her.. shes already driving me nuts! "I want you to book a doctors appointment for me first thing in the morning, and appointment for my Jag to be winterized, make sure my nail and hair appointments are to my liking, oh, and please dont put those god-aweful sheets on my bed again, the colour made me dizzy last time... bla bla bla bla".

The freakin woman has a phone, I dont know why I have to do all her phoning around for her!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-09 19:53:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
OOOHHH.. wanna come to my house this christmas.. :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-09 19:28:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
Well, Im glad to know I am not alone. I thought maybe it was something I was doing that made her impossible. My hubby is so lucky, his inlaws (my parents) live a gajillion miles away, so he never has to deal with them!

Thank you for all the stories and good advice, I dont feel so singled out any more.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-09 09:09:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

I want to second what's been said before. Forgive me if I overstep my boundaries. Ask your husband to do all that he can to make sure to protect you from being hurt - to minimize any negative interaction between his mother and you. Should any negative situations arise (and it's highly likely that they will), it is he, not you, that should establish the boundaries in your relationship as a couple. His mother is a guest in your home and needs to abide by the rules of your home. The bottom line is that you, as the woman of the home, get respect at all times. I know, as a SAn woman myself that that can be difficult because you want to be a good hostess and have harmony between his mother and you. But, that should not happen at all costs. You should never have to endure disrespect or abuse just because you prefer to be gracious - especially not in your own home.

UR from SA too? Then you KNOW how hard it is!!

I dont know about family mediation.. this woman doesnt really listen well. She got a speeding ticket in NYC once, and mailed it BACK! My husband reminds me constantly about how she co-signed for me to get here and without her help I wouldnt be here with him. And I suppose I should be more grateful, but its really difficult. I will be having a chat with hubby tonight, just so we can set up a game plan for this.

Thank you for all the tips though. I suspect I will be in my office doing lots of catching up on my gemology course this holiday!

Edited by coraliesolms, 08 December 2010 - 06:22 PM.

coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-08 18:20:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

That's a freaking long time! I'd be like: "Uhh no she can stay for a week TOPS"

I think I'd end up stabbing myself with a spork.

:rofl: I feel like stabbing myself with a spork now.. and shes not even here yet!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-08 18:06:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
I must say, he is usually good at intervening when she gets out of line.. but then she starts with the "you used to be my favourite son, and now all you think about is your wife and her feelings!" :huh:

She is just a hard one to deal with. She came into my work once to inform my employers that she needed her hair straitened, so I should be let off early to go home and straiten her hair for her. Nothing I ever wear is good enough for her, if there is just one throw pillow on the floor then she goes on for an hour about how we should tie a cowbell to our 3 year old so "you can find her in this mess".

Its just going to be a tongue biting experience I think. I liked her much more when I was stuck in Canada!! :lol:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-08 18:03:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..
Ok... I just received AWEFUL news. My mother in law is flying in on Saturday.. and staying UNTIL NEW YEARS!!! :blink:

This is my first christmas with my family in the US, and this woman is VERY hard to deal with. She is very domineering and opinionated (she told me how to decorate our house when we moved in. When politics come up she tells me to shut up as I am an immigrant and do not know enough to talk about the USA.I dont want to lose my cool in the month that she is going to be here.. thankfully I work in a jewelry store and I will be worked to a frazzle by christmas eve, so hopefully we wont have too many run-ins.

Anybody have any tips on dealing with an over-bearing monster-in-law?
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-08 17:45:00
CanadaHotels in Montreal
I stayed at the holiday inn express, and LOVED it. There is a timmies kitty corner from it, which is great, because you will want to consume it by the galon before you leave canada :) Its about a 15 min walk to the consulate, and you can see the basilique from your room. 5 minute walk to that, and about 10 min to old montreal. I would definately recomend it!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-31 23:36:00
Canadavancouver vs montreal
Oh dear.. I wish you'da posted a message here... we would ALL have warned you about Montreal... I can't answer you Qu's on medical, because I had mine in Vancouver, but I wanted to wish you luck on your Visa Journey!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-30 18:27:00
CanadaSocial Security
Lol.. Im lucky, the SSN office near me is NEVER busy, I walked in and out in 10 min.. :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-07 21:11:00
CanadaJob Interview
I think its because you are the "face of the company", and they want to make sure you are not a maniac. Also with retail you are dealing with both money and stock, usually this means you have to be at least halfway trustworthy. I get the extensive checks and questions, I just hate the "dont call us well call you's", my already bruised ego feels super bashed right now.... :(
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-02-07 19:03:00
CanadaJob Interview

I don't know why but I got a good feeling reading this thread. If you've gotten this far you have to assume you have a good chance. Typically employers and agencies won't go this far if they feel it won't pan out. Good hunting!

I think I do to, and the guy said as much to me. He really wants me hired, but the owner of the company is a little leary, says its like taking someone out of high school football and putting them in the NFL. And I see his point, I work at your standard run of the mill jewelery store, when this company deals with $100K+ diamonds. Im just hoping that he will give me a chance.

Thank you for your "happy thoughts" though!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-30 18:39:00
CanadaJob Interview
The recruiter I spoke to said that he has 100 resume's on his desk, and he is only dealing with those that emailed resumes to him and CALLED him afterwards. I guess it depends on the company. Jewelery is all about going out and finding customers and then making sure you follow up with them after a purchase, so I suppose thats what they were looking for in my situation. I am finding it harder here int he USA though. It seems you have to know someone who knows someone in the application department to even get a resume looked at.

As for being a permanent resident, the store I work for now was worried about that, and I told them outright that they would treat my SSN like anybody elses. She made a few phone calls to the IRS and then hired me. It is frustrating though, and I wish everyone on this thread the best of luck!! :star:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-30 18:35:00
CanadaJob Interview
Lol.. that would be awesome. Im lucky that I do actually have a job. Im just not excited about it. Its just a job in a regular jewelry store, Im looking to move up into something more high-end and exclusive.

I got a phone call back today, and the recruiter said that he needs a bit more information. A letter of reference from my previous employer, as well as my personal sales statistics. I contacted the company and they will provide it next week (YAY for not burning bridges!!!) I told him I can provide my current statistics because the people I work for now do not know that I am looking and he seemed ok with that.

I should hear back in 3 weeks after that.. so heres hoping!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-29 20:01:00
CanadaJob Interview
Just an update for me. I got a call on Thurs night from the recruiter saying he had forewarded my resume to his boss and believes that I have a good chance. He said he would call me back last night but didnt. Im not too concerned though, he always seems to call 2 days after he says he is going to. The guy that he is hiring for is a very slow decision maker and I guess Im just waiting for that.

Cross your fingers please guys!! If I dont hear back by monday I will email him quick.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-29 12:29:00
CanadaJob Interview
Thank you for all the great advice. I got an email today telling me he will be calling me tomorrow. Cross your fingers pleeeeaaasseeee!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-25 20:55:00
CanadaJob Interview

If I were in yer shoes - I'd call the recruiter asap and chit chat about 'normal process for hiring with that company', then 'some idea of specific turn-around time for the position you've applied for'.

Talking with a recruiter doesn't interrupt the process that the COMPANY is doing, usually.

See, I thought about that. The thing is, is the "recruiter" is actually employed there. He has to leave because he is moving across country for family reasons. His boss (the owner) told him to find his own replacement and then foreward the resume's to him. So, I think its kinda good news that he decided to put mine foreward, because he wouldnt want to ruin his own reputation by putting someone thats not qualified up, but I dont know. I hope he wasnt blowing smoke when he told me he'd foreward it either.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2011-01-24 18:48:00