CanadaWe were...
Yippeee!! All that worrying and stress done with!

Now you get to worry and stress about the important things in life... like WEDDING PLANS!!! :) :dancing:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-05-17 10:08:00
CanadaWedding in Canada possible on K-1?
I agree with the previous posts. Have a "courthouse" marriage in the states, and then a ceremony in Canada for family/friends. The K-1 is a visa that allows you to legally marry in the states and adjust your status without having to prove that you didnt "intend" to get married while you were just visiting.

If you dont want to wait for a greencard and all that after you are married to travel back to canada, then do the ceremony in canada first (but dont get legally married), and after she has crossed the border, run to the nearest courthouse and "legalise" it :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-04-18 12:10:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
My Vent... the FREAKIN VANCOUVER OLYMPICS HOLDING MY WHOLE LIFE UP!!! cant be with hubby until I get my visa ,cant get visa until daughter has CRBA.. cant get CRBA until consulate re-opens after the olympics.... AAAAAHHHHHHHH *sobs*
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-02-11 14:08:00
Canada2010 NHL playoffs
Stupid Canucks... always get the early lead, then lose it... :crying:

Oh well, hopefully we win on Monday. :unsure:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-04-18 12:15:00
Canada2010 NHL playoffs

If I have to be stuck here in canada waiting out my document processing, Im happy enough to be stuck here during the playoffs!! :dance:

As for the habs...I have a personal thing against mtl right I have to include the Habs with that!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-04-17 21:01:00
CanadaWAITING and waiting
Congrats Lenie!!!!! And Cowgirl.. I am still crossing my fingers for you!!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-05-08 18:14:00
CanadaWeight loss support
Im scared to quit smoking incase I pack on the pounds :( anybody quit and not put on too many pounds?? need some SERIOUS help.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-02-18 00:12:00
CanadaWeight loss support

Welcome to the topic all you non Canadians :)

Lol, the SA flag is because currently that is my Citizenship status... Im a Canadian PR.. immigrating to States... long story, was happily almost canadian until I met my US hubby..

And now I forgot the point of my ramble...
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-02-17 02:08:00
CanadaWeight loss support
Ok, Ive banned scales from my house.. but as per my medical...

current weight 185lbs
target weight 150

plan to lose 10lbs in 2 months (by my daughters birthday May 24th)
and plan to lose the whole 35 by xmas..

Slow going I know, but I dont want to set ultra high standards and lose my optimism :)

(Oh, Im 5'7" by the way)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-02-17 01:05:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread
OMG!! computer illiterate people... SUCK. We just got a new POS at our work, with new options and a different method for layaways... and O-M-G... 2 of the girls I work with just stand there and stare at it. They wont ask for help, but they dont know what they are doing. Drives me NUTS. Somehow they think they can Jedi mind trick the comp into doing what they want it to do.... sheesh :( Yay for long weekends. I dont have to deal with it until tues again :) :dance:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-04-02 11:24:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread
LOL.. I have a super annoying co-worker!! She just started at our work about 3 months ago. Im a jeweller at a jewellery store, and we dont have commision. So it doesnt really matter who helps a customer. But Ill be helping someone and she ALWAYS jumps in with her 5 cents "how about these earrings, you should show them this watch"..Like #######?? Ive done this waaay longer than her, and Ive had additional schooling (almost a gemmologist). On top of all of that she tells me everyday that if I had just married a "nice canadian boy" I wouldnt be dealing with the stupid USA... Her son knows Im married and comes in and hits on me all the freaking time, which is REALLY awkward.

She talks constantly...about nothing!! You cant even have a conversation with her, as Im sure shes just talking to hear the sound of her own voice...

Anyway, off to work, another day with L... UGG.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-03-31 10:48:00
CanadaMontreal United States Embassy
OMG... the place my nightmares were made of for sooooo long!!! :unsure:

I thought I had deleted that from my memory bank, thanks for the refresher....Lol.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-04-22 19:18:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Oh how exciting!! I get to go postcard shopping tomorrow. Finally I wont be sitting in the back room doing nothing on my lunch break!!

coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-04-06 23:03:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Done and done!!! :)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-04-06 02:30:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Im totally up for this!! What are the rules, who do I give my addy to?
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-04-06 00:48:00
CanadaElectronic Processing
Dagnamit.. thought I was onto something.... :bonk:
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-04-05 22:16:00
CanadaElectronic Processing
I have a question, I wonder if EP can be done AFTER the interview... example: they asked for my joint-sponsors 2008 tax transcripts.. the IRS faxed it to us, there is no "official seal" on it or anything, I was wondering If, since we did the OPTIN before our interview, if we could scan the 2008's and send them to MTL?? Anyone have any clue? Or is this waay outside the box for backasswards montreal?
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-04-05 17:13:00
CanadaTravelling after Green Card
Well, thats a huge relief!! He has told me not to come home now, in case he needs me later. It is good to know that I can take off when I need to though. Thanks guys
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-11 08:57:00
CanadaTravelling after Green Card
Hi All!!

I havent been on here in a while (too busy enjoying finally being with my hubby). However, I received some bad news about my dad in South Africa (cancer), and want to go back and visit.

Here are the facts:

I have a 10 year green card
I got here in April of this year on an IR-1
I have SSN and US drivers license

Do I have to file any paperwork to go home for a few weeks, or is it ok since I have a 10 yr GC?

Thank you.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-10 17:47:00
CanadaTurkey day panic!!!

Check out this website: It has a ton of recipes specifically for the holidays. I use it ALL the time. It's great.


Oh wow!! Thats an awesome site... thank you so much guys!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-22 17:52:00
CanadaTurkey day panic!!!
Ok... So this is my first US thanksgiving. And true to form, my family just threw me in the deep end and decided that thanksgiving should be at my house. I didnt celebrate canadian thanksgiving because I stayed with my mom while waiting for my visa process, and for religious reasons she does not observe thanksgiving.

So... what I need from you my fellow VJ friends... are RECIPES!!

My sister in law is making the turkey and stuffing, and Im making everything else. When I ask what they want with it.. I get "I dunno, thanksgiving stuff, whatever you want". GRRRR

What are your favourites for Thanksgiving.. and pls share recipes.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-22 17:24:00
Congrats!!! :dance: :D (L)
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-25 00:25:00
CanadaLightning speed Packet 4!
Wait until your visa approval... I think mine was like 5 lines of the happy dance man!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-25 01:02:00
CanadaLightning speed Packet 4!
YAY!! Its nice to know montreal is finally kicking things into high gear! :dance: I will join you in a happy dance for all those that are waiting.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-25 00:44:00
CanadaWhich phone number is the correct one?
Yes.. Im not sure why montreal has a phone number.. its just a robophone telling you stuff you already know. Sorry :(
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-27 20:54:00
Canada3rd Wedding anniversary
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-25 00:47:00
CanadaPOE Question
Lol.. yes, the poor thing was positively irritated. All she wanted was to get home and see her daddy, and it was early in the morning, we'd spent the previous night in a hotel and I think she was feeding off my irritation at having to pay a gajillion dollars for our suitcases.

Once we got through and got fed and I had some coffee, and realised that FINALLY after fighting with immigration for 3 years we were finally going home, our dispositions improved greatly!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-01 19:42:00
CanadaPOE Question
LOL!!!! I made poutine for my very American in-laws and they thought that I had gone completely bonkers!! Oh well,... more for me!!!

As for your POE it will be at pearson... be nice, smile and say thank you lots. Or you could be like my 3 year old and look the officer in the eye and say "can we just get to the states already!". It was cute coming from her... not sure they would take it well coming from an adult though.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-29 19:45:00
They usually have a bus crossing the border every 2 hours or so... you might be able to book on one bus to the border, and then catch the next one going through, just go give yourself enough time.... Just a suggestion. Oh and Valium and a bottle of wine.. HAHHAHAH
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-11-27 21:07:00
CanadaVancouver Hotels
I stayed at the holiday inn on Howe str... easy peasy to use the busses and the hotel staff seemed to have dealt with other "pending immigrants" before, as they directed me everywhere I needed to go (Woking etc..). I would definately recommend it!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-05 17:56:00
CanadaWhat to do at the birth of a child in the US ?
Congrats on your soon to be bundle of joy!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-05 18:06:00
CanadaSo you think you know everything about Canada, eh?
MMMM...timbits! I WANT SOME!!! Cant find a good cup of coffee thats a reasonable price ANYWHERE in missouri!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-05 18:15:00
CanadaDV 2011 Interview at Montreal in October - placed in administrative processing 221g - how long wait?
Yes, this is a tricky one. Especially because Mtl would not have to deal with too many visa lottery winners. That being said, at least you werent out right denied at the interview, and perhaps it is a good thing that they are taking the time to research it!

I know its frustrating to wait this long, but stay positive!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-05 18:10:00
CanadaWhere are you keeping your greencard
Mine is tucked in my passport in the middle zip up pocket of my purse. Ive never thought about it going missing or being stolen, I just assumed that it would be a good idea to keep it on me at all times.
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-07 18:29:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-07 20:45:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude
HAHAHHA!! Yes, I affectionately call it "podunk". However.. every country has those towns (Canada included)! And I gotta say.. when my hubby and I got married he was living in Las Vegas (born and raised).. halfway through our immigration he told me his whole family was moving out here and he wanted to follow.. when he told me the town was named "Boonville" I just about peed in my pants.. I really thought it was a joke. Alas, here we are, but I couldnt be any happier!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-06 00:21:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude
My family in canada actually gave me a lot of ####### about moving to the US.. I immigrated to Canada from SA and then met my American hubby.. My family actually told me that I should have been grateful to be in Canada and that I was making the "Dumbest decision of my whole life" by moving to the states. I live in a small town in missouri now, named boonville, which I understand is a bit of a funny name.. and I NEVER hear the end of it from my folks in Canada... "hows life in boooooonveeel missourah?" Drives me BONKERS!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-05 18:38:00

I heard that dual citizens do not get a visit from Santa because he assumes you reside at the "other" country. Instead he sends a female Elf with a short skirt and long, red patent leather boots who spanks you while feeding you eggnogg from a funnel. The guy who told me that works at a bar, so I'm sure it's true.

:rofl: Oh lord.. I havent laughed that hard in AGES.. still have tears coming out of my eyes!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-06 00:33:00
Gosh.. I heard that over and over again throughout our process "if you guys are just married, why not just go there and live with him instead of spending all this money,, they give you a greencard at the border if you are married to a citizen".... Eventually I just stopped acknowledging these questions.

There is a lot of mis-information out there... thats why I choose VJ!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-05 17:49:00
CanadaMiracles DO happen....
YAHOOOOOOOOOO! Good stuff sweet! Home for Xmas!!
coraliesolmsFemaleSouth Africa2010-12-11 22:18:00