K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many NOA2's this week.. ??
That was my last touch also

Well count me out of the statistics...I was not one -- nor a touch since Sept 26 :(

Yea I think the closer to the 60 day mark the more those touches mean something.... Good Luck!

I've only seen like 1-2 NOA2's this week..

Seems to be down some...

Not enough of them for sure. BUt there have been touches (me- twice in 2 days) Here's hoping to a whole wave of approvals before the week-end. :dance:

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-15 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many NOA2's this week.. ??
Seems to be down some...
Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-15 22:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2!!!! Approved!!!! Double WOOOO HOOOOO!!!

OMG I'm right behind you with my NOA1 about a week.. and My Fiance is from Moldova..So I could be anytime....

Receipt Number: WAC0xxxxxxxxx

Application Type: I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status:

This case has been approved. On November 16, 2006, an approval notice was mailed. If 30 days have passed and you have not received this notice, you may wish to verify or update your address. To update your address, please speak to an Immigration Information Officer during business hours.

Touched Yesterday, and Approved Yesterday!!!! I'm walking in the clouds now!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :yes: :yes: :yes:

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-17 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgot NOA2!
OMG I need to move and resubmit , even at the 52 day of my time after my NOA1... I bet I could still beat the time frame...ahhahahhahah Congratulations...

hello everyone!...i am one of the lucky ones to use the vermont center....just got 2 emails saying my case was approved.....cant wait to tell my fiancee! :D
now...i guess i wait, like 2 weeks and then see if nvc got my case right?...will they send me a notice or something?

hope everyone has a nice day!!

good luck to everyone still waiting!

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-14 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAh yes, MyCheckered Past
Aren't they more worried about past spouse abuse charges then anything... Of course alcohol abuse is closely related..but you did fullfill the court demands and haven't be in trouble since... I feel they will see it for what it was...A mistake that we all have done...

About 12 years ago I (the petitioner) got a DUI at a road block (bit of a wake up call about my lifestyle at that time really). It didn't result in a conviction as it was a first offence and I went to some classes. Never had any run-ins with the law since.

1. Is my background checked at any time during this process (I'm assuming it is but I"ve been reading around and I can't quite see where, when I file the I-129F?)?

2. I know this isn't a deal breaker, but is this the kind of thing that will get our package flagged for further scrutiny (meaning delay)?

3. If the anwswer to questions 1 and 2 is yes (my god, I'm even starting to write like a USCIS guy), is there anything I can do to minimize the delay (submit records of my arrest for example)? :devil:

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-17 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC/NSC/TSC Timelines are now posted
I didn't have a problem earlier...but I do now..I think it's being hit hard with views... just wait alittle...

:help: I can't open the page :crying: Is it just my computer??

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-19 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI should move to Virginia
Yes there is someone..."Me" and then I'd use your $1000 to move to Vermont and refile..and still be done faster then CSC...

Oh I'm teasing...don't send me money...I'm in the same boat...waiting..

I should move to Virginia for a week so i can refile my I-129f, send it to VSC, get my NOA1 and 2 within 2 weeks and move back to California just to speed things along.

I am getting mad...Isnt there someone at CSC i can bribe to bring me to the top of the list? :devil:

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-24 00:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresadjudicated
I think it's a guess-ta-ment :) of when it will be final..Done..kaput..

Hello Everyone,

In 'My Timeline' on it says my case may be "adjudicated" as early as February 13th. Does that mean I should get NOA2 on Feb 13th? Or does it mean K1 Visa on Feb. 13th?

Thanks! :dance:

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-26 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this possible?? Approved already?
I'm moving... hahahahhaha

Hope you have a equal speedy time to the interview..

Today I received in my e-mail notice that my petition for fiance had been approved. I sent my 129-F in on the 13th of November with overnight shipping and today I got this message 8 times in my e-mail (why they sent it so many times I do not know):

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On November 21, 2006, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Case Status & Processing Dates.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

I have no idea why it would be this fast. I did think that our case was pretty straightforward though. I alone have over 12 stamps in my passport book with a Heathrow or Edinburgh stamp. I also thought that perhaps since I am a female applying for a male it would be easier as well (don't know why I thought this...just did). Thank you so much for everyone's help here. The online guides were a wonderful resource. I was nervous because on the how we met question I took the liberty to be a little fun and joked around a bit. I thought it may not have been official enough. Apparently they didn't mind. I hope this is not a mistaken e-mail they sent out. Thanks so much again...I know I will have many more questions for the next hurdles.


Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-23 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC/NSC/TSC Timelines are now posted
I got it to work...

So only 6 approvals last week..... boy those guys are a ball fire..(of course I know we are only a small percentage of filers... it's just a joke :) ..

Dang we already blew your bandwidth...I didn't even get to see it... :(

Here are this weeks timelines. Enjoy!

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-26 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC/NSC/TSC Timelines are now posted
Dang we already blew your bandwidth...I didn't even get to see it... :(

Here are this weeks timelines. Enjoy!

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-26 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2+ months since NOA1 and no touches yet?
Yea Join the party... :)

Hmm... I was wondering if it was normal to NOT have ANY touches at all? It's been 2 months and a few days since the NOA1 and my case has not been touched/updated at all since... Is this okay or do you think they might have misplaced mine or something else... Should I be worried?

Thanks! :huh:

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-28 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow Many Sept Filers Are Manically Checking For Touches?
I agree totally..on everything.. I'm a 9/19 reciept date filer... and I'm not seeing much this week...Hopefully they have a mind set... Easy this week,,,bust our butts next week..

First, apologies to those who've been in the queue far longer than me already. This waiting sucks, and may your patience, and even your lack of patience and extreme frustration with this process, be soon rewarded.

Second, I'm just curious how many other Sept filers are out there like me (NOA1 on Sept 14th from CSC) who are manically checking the the USCIS site for touches. It seems there is a 60 to 70 sweet spot now for post IMBRA filers waiting for NOA2s. True or delusion on my part? It also seems the tryptophan has kicked in early at the CSC cuz I'm not seeing the usual level of activity reported on this site. Thoughts?

Just curious,

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-22 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long till "Touched"
My last touch 9/26

How long is it usually from the NOA1 to being "touched"? It has been a month already. Will it only get "touched" right before it may be processed?

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-01 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAny September NOA1 receive the NOA2 for CSC??
Actual I wish they would do it by the month and not jump around..that way when they did get to Sept's then I would know I'm really next in line... not the false hopes they do with this jumping around stuff..

I agree....

I also noticed that some countries get through faster then others.... but on the avg it seem around 60 days from NOA1 to NOA2 ...
And yes...Finally we are into Sept ... :dance:

:huh: I know everyone wants their N0A2 as soon as possible and I hope everyone gets theirs in a timely manner, but there are still March, April, May, June, July waiting. Yes, most of those were affected by the IMBRA fiasco but many of them are still waiting even though they've sent in the information on IMBRA. And while many of August filers have been approved already, not all are there yet, including mine. My N0A1 date is 10 August 2006 and I've watched as many who filed after me in August have been approved and moved on. Heck, some of those who filed at the same time as me have already cleared NVC and have their P3 and P4 and interview dates already. I've been very anxious as I've watched my fellow August filers get approved while my case lies dormant. No touches since filing. And now I'm seeing September filers being approved. Hmmm.... seems a bit like standing in line at the grocery store waiting patiently to be checked out while others who came into the store after me are being pulled to the head of the line. Am I ticked off about it? Sure I am, but I'm not mad at the people who file their applications. I'm upset with USCIS for not having some type of system that allows for a first in, first out instead of just grabbing any application and approving it, with no regard to when it was filed or who's being bypassed. I'm at day 90 and still waiting... although I'm not as patient as I have been and I'm getting less and less patient as I continue to see people who filed after me being approved. Nothing personal.. this is just human nature.

Yes, there are March, April, May, etc applications still waiting, but bare in mind that the Feb, March, April filers now can complain because they are rightfully outside of the processing times. Yes, there are June, July, and August filers still waiting. All we can do is speculate as to why some applications get through while others are held up. It could be an infamous 'name check' or it could be a more complex case, or it could be any number of anything.

I did a quick lookup yesterday of March-September on how many applications sent in and how many approved. There were 130 applications currently in the VJ system for August. Of those, 103 are approved NOA2 as of this morning checking. That's 79% of all August applications. As you go backwards into June, July, etc, they are generally over at bare minimum 75% complete with each month. Of those left, I'm sure a handful of people just don't update on VJ anymore or have left and never will. So really it isn't unrealistic to start looking at when early September approvals will be going through.

:hehe: If we are all to be honest with each other about this process.. we all want OUR applications approved. If you're a September or October filer you really don't care if there are any applications still open in front of you.. be they March, April or August. You only want your application approved.. and this is a normal way to think about it. I don't fault anyone for wanting their applications done as quickly as possible. I don't really care if USCIS is already approving September applications. But why not finish up the remaining people from the previous months BEFORE you start on a new month. There's nothing special or even unique about my application. My fiancee and I have no police record. Our names are not common names like smith or jones or brown which might take a name hit. While we all can speculate on why some cases are approved faster than others.. the bottom line is that there is NO rhyme or reason to it. Most of the delays are a result of stupid mistakes USCIS makes. A man posted here yesterday that his application is held up because USCIS is saying they will deny his case unless he provides a waiver to explain why he's applying for a second K-1. The poor guy has NEVER applied before. This is his FIRST time. So he's delayed because he now has to explain to USCIS that they made a mistake... and we all know that USCIS doesn't make mistakes, right? My point is.. Any application still pending should have priority over any of the new ones. Sorry.. but that's the only fair way to do it.

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-08 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAny September NOA1 receive the NOA2 for CSC??
I agree....

I also noticed that some countries get through faster then others.... but on the avg it seem around 60 days from NOA1 to NOA2 ...
And yes...Finally we are into Sept ... :dance:

:huh: I know everyone wants their N0A2 as soon as possible and I hope everyone gets theirs in a timely manner, but there are still March, April, May, June, July waiting. Yes, most of those were affected by the IMBRA fiasco but many of them are still waiting even though they've sent in the information on IMBRA. And while many of August filers have been approved already, not all are there yet, including mine. My N0A1 date is 10 August 2006 and I've watched as many who filed after me in August have been approved and moved on. Heck, some of those who filed at the same time as me have already cleared NVC and have their P3 and P4 and interview dates already. I've been very anxious as I've watched my fellow August filers get approved while my case lies dormant. No touches since filing. And now I'm seeing September filers being approved. Hmmm.... seems a bit like standing in line at the grocery store waiting patiently to be checked out while others who came into the store after me are being pulled to the head of the line. Am I ticked off about it? Sure I am, but I'm not mad at the people who file their applications. I'm upset with USCIS for not having some type of system that allows for a first in, first out instead of just grabbing any application and approving it, with no regard to when it was filed or who's being bypassed. I'm at day 90 and still waiting... although I'm not as patient as I have been and I'm getting less and less patient as I continue to see people who filed after me being approved. Nothing personal.. this is just human nature.

Yes, there are March, April, May, etc applications still waiting, but bare in mind that the Feb, March, April filers now can complain because they are rightfully outside of the processing times. Yes, there are June, July, and August filers still waiting. All we can do is speculate as to why some applications get through while others are held up. It could be an infamous 'name check' or it could be a more complex case, or it could be any number of anything.

I did a quick lookup yesterday of March-September on how many applications sent in and how many approved. There were 130 applications currently in the VJ system for August. Of those, 103 are approved NOA2 as of this morning checking. That's 79% of all August applications. As you go backwards into June, July, etc, they are generally over at bare minimum 75% complete with each month. Of those left, I'm sure a handful of people just don't update on VJ anymore or have left and never will. So really it isn't unrealistic to start looking at when early September approvals will be going through.

Edited by Chris-n-Veronica, 08 November 2006 - 09:24 AM.

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-08 09:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAny September NOA1 receive the NOA2 for CSC??
Yes I understand... But with this new hiring they are should help..but they will probably go through some sort of training..and who knows how long that will be... I wouldn't think no more then 4 weeks....

I'm at 45 days... my 60th day is Thanksgiving ... I'm praying for a 55-65 day NOA2 or less would be good :)
I haven't had any touches..I'm not sure if thats good or bad.. I'm hoping it's good because a RFE means you need to forget about a wasted 30-60 days for that..

Just curious if they have started on the September's yet...thanks...!!!

:huh: I know everyone wants their N0A2 as soon as possible and I hope everyone gets theirs in a timely manner, but there are still March, April, May, June, July waiting. Yes, most of those were affected by the IMBRA fiasco but many of them are still waiting even though they've sent in the information on IMBRA. And while many of August filers have been approved already, not all are there yet, including mine. My N0A1 date is 10 August 2006 and I've watched as many who filed after me in August have been approved and moved on. Heck, some of those who filed at the same time as me have already cleared NVC and have their P3 and P4 and interview dates already. I've been very anxious as I've watched my fellow August filers get approved while my case lies dormant. No touches since filing. And now I'm seeing September filers being approved. Hmmm.... seems a bit like standing in line at the grocery store waiting patiently to be checked out while others who came into the store after me are being pulled to the head of the line. Am I ticked off about it? Sure I am, but I'm not mad at the people who file their applications. I'm upset with USCIS for not having some type of system that allows for a first in, first out instead of just grabbing any application and approving it, with no regard to when it was filed or who's being bypassed. I'm at day 90 and still waiting... although I'm not as patient as I have been and I'm getting less and less patient as I continue to see people who filed after me being approved. Nothing personal.. this is just human nature.

Edited by Chris-n-Veronica, 08 November 2006 - 08:44 AM.

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-11-08 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC/NSC/TSC Timelines are now posted
Well it looks like CSC is picking up the pace some..over twice as many approvals this week as the week before.. 13 this week for VJ'ers and only 6 the week before ..
Seems like they work tue-thur on K-1's ..?? I don't see many mon and Friday Approvals...but then maybe I'm not going back far enough for the count..

Here is this weeks timelines. Enjoy!!

Is there anyone that has April - June NOA1's that are looking/using my timelines? Since there are only 5-7 of you for each month left I was thinking of leaving those months off. If any of you are still using my timeline for evidence with your senators/congressman please let me know and I will continue to post them.

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-03 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get to talk to someone at CSC about status
You've just started your journey....You might want to start a hobby it's going to be awhile... You might also look at the timelines... Your probably about a month early on even getting close to a approval

ok i've tried calling the CSC to check on the status of the case but i can never get through to a person. does anyone have the phone number and maybe i've just not been using the correct one to get through and talk to a person? i'd really appreciate it. thanks

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-04 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMG, OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG I've been touched
Yea your like 4 days behind me.. Touches could be coming your way...

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: OMG I've been touched...Please..give me that NOA2 Soon....

I hope it's SOON!!! I'm waiting patiently too - maybe not that patiently, I find myself checking online more often than before! :)

Go here:

Create/Edit customer portfolio account

You use your case number you got with your NOA1

how do you know if you've been touched? what changes?

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-05 22:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMG, OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG I've been touched
I hope I don't have to wait for the mail for the next week or two wondering if I'm approved...I hope it shows on the web site... :)

YAY it does feel good. I hope you see an approval tomorrow! Reas my signature below. I was touched twice and that week several people had the same experience only not to see a change in status. Then NOA2 came in the mail!

Can't wait to do teh approval dance! (F)

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-05 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMG, OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG I've been touched
I wonder what I'll do when i get my approval...hhahahahaha I think why it's so exciting is for said 9/26/2006 ..then pop between checking it.. it said 12/5/2006 and I've been checking it alot this last week.,..I was just so surprised.. I almost called Veronica and it was like 2:30am her time..then i got a grip and thought ..hey it's only a Touch.. tomorrow might be the real thing..but not today...So I'll tell her when I call tonight..which is 8am her time..

Good luck, and I hope that's THE touch that means your approval. :luv:

JaJo I think we have LucyC to thank... .Read my other thread... I'm so glad you got a touch also...I hope tomorrow will be the approval...

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: OMG I've been touched...Please..give me that NOA2 Soon....

We too!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: Good luck to us all! (F)

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-05 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMG, OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG I've been touched
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: OMG I've been touched...Please..give me that NOA2 Soon....
Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-05 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWell get ready for next NOA2's
JUst Checked...and I've been touched somewhere between 11am and 5:20pm today.. Thanks LucyC :dance:

Thankyou..!! I know with not having Veronica here for Christmas..the next best thing would be a NOA2 and Maybe even a NVC transfer to her embassy.. before Christmas..

Goodluck all for the NOA2's approvals..

Special mention to chris 'n veronica and Jajo..hope Santa Claus grant all your wishes!! :yes:


Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-05 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWell get ready for next NOA2's
Thankyou..!! I know with not having Veronica here for Christmas..the next best thing would be a NOA2 and Maybe even a NVC transfer to her embassy.. before Christmas..

Goodluck all for the NOA2's approvals..

Special mention to chris 'n veronica and Jajo..hope Santa Claus grant all your wishes!! :yes:


Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-05 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWell get ready for next NOA2's
Oh and the USCI web site is trying to get me to change my password.... I have 7 days to do it... Boy I hope my approval comes in before I need to do it... Let's see what comes first...NOA2 or Change the password..



Oh I beleive they have Red Flag Countries..and take more time going over the paperwork with a fine tooth comb...
Russia and any prevous Russian Country..

and I'm sure I've only touched on a small part of them..

What I find weird our adjudicated date timelines... I'm Jan 4th but some have the same sent date a me..have a later Jan.. adjudicated date.. must be based on embassies also..

If you're right, that means USCIS does treat petitioners differently...hmmm

I've actual been expecting it since Thanksgiving Week... Thankgiving day was my 60 day from my NOA1

I've been too. Of course I was hoping to get approved too, but I felt that yours and Arazia's would (and should) come before mine.

Anyway, last night we all had good news with DeanIWait's approval. Let's hope we continue to read great news like that.

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-05 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWell get ready for next NOA2's
Oh I beleive they have Red Flag Countries..and take more time going over the paperwork with a fine tooth comb...
Russia and any prevous Russian Country..

and I'm sure I've only touched on a small part of them..

What I find weird our adjudicated date timelines... I'm Jan 4th but some have the same sent date a me..have a later Jan.. adjudicated date.. must be based on embassies also..

If you're right, that means USCIS does treat petitioners differently...hmmm

I've actual been expecting it since Thanksgiving Week... Thankgiving day was my 60 day from my NOA1

I've been too. Of course I was hoping to get approved too, but I felt that yours and Arazia's would (and should) come before mine.

Anyway, last night we all had good news with DeanIWait's approval. Let's hope we continue to read great news like that.

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-05 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWell get ready for next NOA2's
What I find weird our adjudicated date timelines... I'm Jan 4th but some have the same sent date a me..have a later Jan.. adjudicated date.. must be based on embassies also..

Yep...I think in the next two weeks we are going to see alot of Sept NOA2's.......

But I think this week..will be a big one ! last week 13 VJ'ers were approved.. I feel this week will beat that..

*jumps in the same boat*

*Jumps on in* Wait for me too, hehe!

I've actual been expecting it since Thanksgiving Week... Thankgiving day was my 60 day from my NOA1

I hope you're right. I've been waiting to see your approval as well as Arazia's since last week. May this be a great week for all of us. :thumbs:

Edited by Chris-n-Veronica, 05 December 2006 - 09:46 AM.

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-05 09:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWell get ready for next NOA2's
Yep...I think in the next two weeks we are going to see alot of Sept NOA2's.......

But I think this week..will be a big one ! last week 13 VJ'ers were approved.. I feel this week will beat that..

*jumps in the same boat*

Edited by Chris-n-Veronica, 05 December 2006 - 09:24 AM.

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-05 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWell get ready for next NOA2's
As I see it...we seem to start seeing approvals..tue to thurs... Not much on Mon and Fri .. So we should start seeing them today...

I pray I'm one of the next ones.... fingers crossed
Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-05 08:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much is this all going to cost us?
I did a count... and this includes two trips...but I stayed in her Flat.. this also includes estimates to finish up the Visa her Flight...birthdays...Christmas..etc.., the whole shebang :) hhaha about $7000 but you have to remember...I didn't pay it out in one day.. these are the cost..for about 1.5 years of cell bills too.. this all the cost that it took to get my Precious Love her... and Honestly... it's really Priceless...
the only big cost you have at one time is the trips to see her....the rest comes out monthly..

My fiancee and I aren't the richest of people, but we want to be together and she'll get an Affaidant of Support off her parents.

But how much is this whole shebang going to cost us to get through it and be together?

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-05 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBetter late than never, I guess
Hahahahhahahhha those Monkeys... if they would stop doing cases twice..we would be done with all past Petitions and be in Oct by now..

I got my USCIS approval emails last night at 9:15. They claim to have sent my approval notice yesterday. Actually they sent it November 14th and my case is at the embassy now. But I appreciate the effort!

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-07 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapprovedddddd

05th December 2006 approval!!!!!!!!!!

My fiancee in the US filed for the fiance I-129f petition back in January 2006 and got it sent back because we were $5 short....urghhhh.
Sent it back,then waited whilst they were processing but then they req further information.I sent another packet including air tickets,calling cards,reciepts from when i travelled there,photos,everything i could think of.
August 2006 we got the news it was approved so now need to wait on the packet from Sydney.Got that and did my medical/police check,then scheduled for my appointment.

Tues December 5th 2006 i turned up at 7.30am for my appointment only to see hand written forms are no longer accepted......NOOOOOOOO.Turned out it ws no biggie after letting security know i have an 8am appointment and i dont want to lose my appointment.I was told by him to go to an internet cafe and do the forms there,i can come back anytime before 11.45am.It took me 30minutes all up to do the forms.So off i went back to the consulate through security and waited.I only had to wait not even 30 minutes.Ithen got taken upstairs,through security again.Then was able to go on through (after my deodorant can was investigated lol)
I sat for about 45minutes before i was called to the window.Handed all my forms through,my reciept of payment,and told to take a seat.Another 1hour later called up again and told i have "met all the criteria" but am missing my sons birth certificate (even though he is no longer applying with me).It was still req but was informed will be left up to the discretion of interviewing officer.
sat for another 45-50 minutes and got called for my interview.
Very simple,was asked "why do you want to go to America"?
I told him...."Well its called love"
I got a ....(i think he saw i was nervous)
He asked all sorts of questions about how we met,have we met,what does he do for work,has he got children???????
I then offered my copies of emails,calling card statements,photographs,money transfer reciepts,invoivce from boots he sent from victorias secret (and yes they are hot haha)
he glanced,then looked at me and asked when we are getting married?told him original plan was for nye but its too late to plan so asap.
He told me to raise my right hand and swear its the truth....i did."CONGRATULATIONS,YOU HAVE YOUR VISA".i COULD HAVE CRIED BUT I BELIEVE HE SAW THE RELIEF ON MY FACE.....

Through all of this there has been frustration,anxiousnessdelight and excitement but right now am waiting on my travel agnt to get back to me and ready to pick up his wedding band....woooooohooooooo!!!!

All i have to say is make sure you have too much info than not enough because you just dont know.

A couple of tips.......

*if you call the US,a grat card is gotalk,talk tomato and you can get your statements from the web...very detailed
*even the menial things about the two of you may not be so menial after all
*dont do what i did and not sleep the night before....that wait can make you want to catch up on sleep.


And to those of you still going through it,good luck!!!!! I think the security got a good chuckle at how happy i was.............tooooofunnyyyyyyyyy

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-06 21:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 PETITION APPROVED!!!!
Yes and I thankyou JaJo for these last weeks supporting Us also...

We didn't send in Veronica's BC either... ..

To the brazilian (this one is for you Alex) people, thank you so much for keeping me sane.
To everyone that posted a question, thanks for asking before we did.
To the ones that took their time to answer, thank you to get us here with no RFE's.
To the people that post on OT, thanks for making me laugh when I was almost crying.
Thanks everyone on VJ for helping us assemble the package, taught us to be patient, "holded" our hands when we needed help.

To everybody wondering if they will get an RFE for not sending the beneficiary's BC, don't worry. We didn't send mine.
I wish I'll be able give a least a 10th of the help I've been given here so far. If anyone needs, feel free to ask.

I KNEW IT!!!! I KNEW IT!!! CONGRATS! =)))) I hope Angilla will get her approval soon too.


thanks! :D I'm waiting for Angilla's approval too, along with another couple (or dozen) more.

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-06 19:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 PETITION APPROVED!!!!

I got mine tooo........ Just like clock work with the touch..... Thanks LucyC

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: APPROVED!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Just got the e-mail:

The last processing action taken on your case


Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On December 5, 2006, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Case Status & Processing Dates.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

Thank you to all who wished us well, and good luck to all who are still waiting! (F)
One big step closer! :dance:

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-06 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!!!!!!!!

OMG, i got this email:

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On December 5, 2006, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-06 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED NOA2!
I hope these problems work themselve out... But you know some one needs to be the one in the drivers seat... I'm the petitioner...I do the the states...Veronica has her work cut out for her with the medical...Police report...the 6 hour taxi ride to Romania for the interview... the interview...and everything else I can't make easier for her.. Everyone has their job in this journey of a lifetime... Does it really matter who does what...when the end results is happiness for both of you ??
I'm not going to say much more because I don't know both sides... But Veronica told me this today... She said.. "I'm not sure who thought up this program(THe Visa Process) but I think it's to find the people whose relationships aren't true love..or strong enough to make it a lifetime..because if they can't make it these hard few will they ever make it in real life..together.." Yes she said this.. I did touch it up alittle because english is her 3rd language..

I'm not sure what the moral of the story is...well I know what it is...and I think you do too.. You need to talk to him....Find out what his thinking..what's wrong..... point him to this web site...Let him see what we all are going through..He isn't the only one with hardships...

But I hope this approval will give him new strenght...because even if the next part of the journey takes just as long... it has many short waits for the next steps...NVC...Emabassy...Packets...etc.., so instead of months..between's weeks..
so it seems like a short period of time... and then you find out when your interview is..and that is the last date you will need to worry about....because it leads you to being with him forever.,..

Best Wishes..I really hope this works out for you...

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#FF0000]

,,hang on..sometimes separations and the waiting/guessing stage drives both us nuts !!Wish you both strenght and

Thank you:) "Driving us nuts" is about where it's at right now. He feels that everything is so vulnerable that he can't live with that day to do through the rest of the journey. I try to reassure him that we're not the only ones and that we will get through it, but then eh. He sort of seems to resent me because I "get to" stay here in the US and wait for him to do everything. I feel a little diminished and blamed when we're supposed to be equally in this together, supporting and understanding. We want kids someday and I can't imagine me telling him off for just getting to have the sex while I have to carry and deliver the babies. I think he needs to understand that there's a burden on both of us and that will always move a little more to one side or the other but we will both be there for each other when it does. I try to be supportive but sometimes I just don't know what else I can do. It is what it is, and we have to accept that and work with it.

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-07 01:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally got it!!
I hope your Journey is smoother from now on...and Let it be quick !!!

Wow my heart is racing I am so happy!! Just got notice of my NOA2.. wohoo!!
Thanks for all your kind words and finger crossings! I thought this might come soon but you never know... I have been checking all day and finally I decide to leave it for awhile and I got approved :)


Goodluck to everyone else and may we all get to be with the love of our life VERY SOON xox

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-06 21:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 THEN touched again
I would's on it's way to NVC as you said..

What does it mean when they touch you after they have already sent out the NOA2? Wouldn't my case be on the way to NVC? Any ideas why they keep touching me :) ??? Not that I am too worried, like Arazia said, it feels good to know your case isn't lost somewhere! :dance:

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-08 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched today...
Where is LuckyC when you need her... hghahhahahaha Got my fingers crossed for you...

Sometime between 4:00pm and 5:30pm CST our application got touched.
The date changed to 12/08/2006. Certainly with all the September approvals
and such, I'm excited to see something happen with our case. Fingers crossed
and hope for good news.

Even if it's nothing, it's still nice to know we're not lost somewhere.

Chris-n-VeronicaMaleMoldova2006-12-08 18:49:00