IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 Euro Income
You cannot use your income from Spain to qualify unless this income will continue when you move to the USA... Additionally, some consulates will not count Euro saved in European accounts as assets since they have no ability to verify this amount with European authorities due to the EU privasy restrictions... We ran into this issue even though we have a large amount of assets in Italy... They would not count anything in Italian accounts... The assets had to be in a US account under my (USC) name!!

My husband also was working for a European company and was going to be transferred to the US office once the GC was approved, they also would not count that income since technically it would not continue from the same sourse since in US my husband would be paid by the US branch of the company...

So on paper you can calculate all you want (we did the current exchange rate) but be prepared that they may not consider ANY foreign income or investements... My advice for what it is worth, have a back up plan, either the required amount of assets in a US account (3 years x 125% poverty level or 3 years x the difference in what is earned by your US spouse and the 125%) or have a co-sponsor lined up...

We had to do a lot of scrambling at the last minute as the consulates have become much more stringent on financial support because of the current economic conditions...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-03 12:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressign in failed what is this?
When you go to the site where you paid the bills, you will get a mesage that says that your file is no longer able to be processed and login failed...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-02 16:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarried under VMP!
QUOTE (Surreal @ Dec 6 2009, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks everyone! I surely thought I was going to have problems! Now on to the other mess!

What mess??? Marriage!!! That one your on your own... jest.gif jest.gif
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-06 19:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSemantics in Letter of Employment
QUOTE (Darnell @ Dec 9 2009, 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I suggest both.

Do the one with 'will be' , include in the I-864 packet set, send it in with the NVC electronic filing thing, now.

Then, have the one with 'has been' available on interview day @ GUZ, with a complete I-864 set - and have her GIVE IT TO THE VO across the window thing - don't give it to the screener prior.

Tell the VO - I've an updated I-864 - here it is. Then Hand it over.

Good Luck !!


That would be suggestion too!!!
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-09 22:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone have any news about Parishearts Case?
QUOTE (Bocajr27 @ Dec 10 2009, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Malrothien @ Dec 10 2009, 11:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, there has been plenty - maybe you should check her profile before posting? unsure.gif

I really feel sorry for you. The pettiness in your response is one of a lonely person who pushes people away by "Trying" to show how vastly superior you are, when in reality, all you are demonstrating is your own insecurities. Get a life. I was curious as to how a fellow VJ member was doing and your response was not helpful and therefore considered unwarranted.

QUOTE (Chica Yeyé @ Dec 10 2009, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
or politely ask her via PM? unsure.gif

I didn't consider sending her a PM for the simple reason that she was obviously devestated in the last post I read (in which she had neither a response or a denial).

Because of the fact that a member was so devestated in her last post is EXACTLY WHY you should not be publically calling her out to elaborate on her devestation... Send a PM instead of calling her out... And the personal attacks are very unwarrented. You can easily find a members last posts so if you are really that curious, you can see what she posted recently... No need for her to re-hash her situation to us or anybody!!!
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-10 14:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressome questions before activating green card early jan
Agreed!!! You can enter and re-enter with the passport stamp...

Airlines dont really check up for the address... and as long as you can still receive mail at the parents address, that is fine...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-11 00:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint Sponsor I-864, Filing taxes jointly
I know what NVC says, but the 864 is actually adjucated at the Consulate level so what they say goes... And MANY consulates have become stricter on the 864 requirements... Here is what happened recently to my husband...

During his interview at the Naples consulate, my husband was shown a correspondance from the Department of State to US Consulates stating something like "due to current financial events they are requesting that consulates be extra diligent in confirming petitioners still meet income requirements" and it had a list of things for the consulate to check like recent pay verifications, bank accounts, employment validity etc... and it had something about "calculating real value of assets such as house etc" but he did not have a chance to read it all and since that part did not pertain to our situation he did not retain that info... it was in more formal govt mumbo jumbo, but the CO pointed to it and paraphrased that they needed further information. I have read of several RFE's at the consulate level requiring the 864A for the spouse of the co-sponsor...

This document was in a big binder that the CO referred to and was dated from August. Not sure how many consulates are following this advice but better to be safe then sorry.

To the those applying, there is a chance that they will not ask, or that they will RFE for it... Roll the dice or go with the secure route and send it in anyway.... All it costs is time...

FYI, NVC approved all of our stuff without question, it was the consulate that asked for Info... So I would be prepared as there are SEVERAL cases lately where they have requested the 864A for the co-sponsor
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-13 19:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA few first hand lessons learned with NVC processing....
I would like to add the following tip;

If you are a cronic checker of the website, The IV fee bill will show available to pay in the evening... resist the temptation and DO NOT PAY IT IMMEDIATLY!!! Wait till the following day!!! What happens is that the billing is done by a 3rd party, they post the bill as available for payment in the evening and notify NVC that it has been invoiced... THEN NVC will officially recognize that it has been billed and put it in their system and notify you that it is available... ONCE NVC NOTIFIES YOU THAT IT IS AVAILABLE THEN YOU CAN PAY... Many people have gotten delayed because of falling into this grey area where they paid the bill but NVC did not recoginze it was billed!!! This takes a few days to a week to sort out and many times requires you to send proof that the $$$ was paid... It is not guaranteed this will happen if you pay immediatly, just something that has happened to quite a few people and created drama and lost days!!!
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-13 23:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 approved IR1 interview scheduled should I wait??
If you have the chance to get the IR1... it is the BEST visa as you get the GC when you enter for 10 YEARS!!! That means you get the SS#, can get the Drivers Licence and work when you enter and NOP ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS... Don't worry bout the other $$$ as the K3 would cost you $1010 plus the filing fees!!!! For 1 month (since your interview is the 22nd of January) without a moment of hesitation I would trade that wait for the IR1... No questions!!!
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-15 16:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCanceling K1 and going CR1 Question..
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ Dec 15 2009, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Immigration is a right, not a privledge

Sorry chirsteen, but you got that backward. ( I know you meant that the correct way ).

0k, back to topic...

Whoops, sorry the afternoon vodka is kickin in... Yes, I meant that it is NOT a right, it is a privledge!!! So what the hell was the topic??? Oh yes, I recommend waiting out the AP with the K1...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-15 14:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCanceling K1 and going CR1 Question..
Just as you have the right to post as many questions as much as you want, this IS a private website and everyone has the right to post their answers as many times as they wish too... Are some people here harsh and "pot-stirr-er-uppers", yes, but so are people in the real world.... And there are many people in this world who's sole enjoyment is to ruffle others feathers... and apparantly it worked... But sometimes it gets ya to think... But the basis of the advice was fundamentally sound...

In judging from your past posts (which not know you, that is all I have to go on) I would venture to guess that you tend to be impulsive and impatient. Unfortunatly, those traits are not the most helpful when dealing with the govt. bureaucracy. Immigration is a right, not a privledge and there are checks in place (regardless of how stupid they seem sometimes) that must be followed. Unfortunatly, in this world we live in today, AP is a fact of life, especially for countrys and areas of the world that have had a history of extremists with intent to do harm to Americans. There is no short cuts or ways to rush the system... It is like a flooding river... you try to cross at one street and the road is blocked so you drive to another bridge... but that one is probably blocked too... So you have done a lot of running around and are still on the same side... You have to wait for the water to recede to cross, thats the only solution... So you have to just wait out the AP, whether you do that at the K1 stage or run around and file again the CR1/K3.. you will still be blocked and have to cross the river...

I am glad you have decided to wait it out... But as far as concerns for your child, there are many here who are parents and of course a first thought goes out to the effects of such changes on children, especially when you think of your own and how such a rash move would effect them... I know for many, bringing up this fact was not necessarily to be nosy, but to perhaps bring up an issue you did not give enough thought to? But it seems that your more practical side has won out and that is good. For now, you just have to put on your patience face and wait it out... Sorry, but that is just the facts right now. Its' good to explore your options, however they all seem to lead to the same point right now...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-15 14:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCanceling K1 and going CR1 Question..
As posted in the other thread... I understand the frustration and wanting to be together... However if there was something (perhaps a name check or other hit) that caused AP for the K1... It will most probably get caught at the CR1, especially givin that the CR1 is an immigrant visa that directly gives the GC upon entry with no AOS...

I would re-think this plan as it is my opinion that as frustrating as this is, there is no "short cut" out of AP... The same things that flagged it now, will flag it then too... Sorry. I say stay the course and let the AP get cleared then you will be here, together and can start out right...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-14 00:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCanceling K1 and going CR1 Question..
Agreed... I understand the frustration and wanting to be together... However if there was something (perhaps a name check or other hit) that caused AP for the K1... It will most probably get caught at the CR1, especially givin that the CR1 is an immigrant visa that directly gives the GC upon entry with no AOS...

I would re-think this plan as it is my opinion that as frustrating as this is, there is no "short cut" out of AP... The same things that flagged it now, will flag it then too... Sorry. I say stay the course and let the AP get cleared then you will be here, together and can start out right...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-14 00:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPaperwork Error
Just put the correct information on the 230.. That is the info that NVC and the consulate will go by... I doubt they will notice the discrepancy... I messed up my mother-in-laws name on the 325, then we put the correct name on the 230... Dont stress
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-15 21:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI got my NOA 2 for my wife's 130 and the F129 at the same time
CR1 ALL THE WAY!!!! Don't even think about the K3, especially if they got approved the same time!!! No AOS, can work right away, get Drivers Licence, costs LOTS less, done with USCIS except to remove conditions, gets GC upon entry to US, can travel... and the list goes ON...

K3's are obsolete!!!
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-18 00:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 part 1 and DS 230 part 2 - are they different?
It is all one form... However, the part I is filled out and signed... The second part (the one with the questions about if you have ever been a prostitute etc...) is filled out but NOT signed. That part is signed in front of the CO at the interview... So it is one form with 2 places for signatures...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-12-19 00:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS fee On-line
Give the system some time and try again tonight.... they update the system usually around 3PM so you might be trying at a bad time... I would not mail the payment personally, takes too much time!!!
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-14 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 APPROVED!! Should i wait or do the other steps now?
Oh Goodness, you have a lawyer??? I am so sorry!!! On your own using the shortcuts is MUCH faster!!!
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-13 23:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 APPROVED!! Should i wait or do the other steps now?
You need to call them starting in about a week to see if they assigned you an NVC#... It has been taking about 14 days...

In the meantime, read the guides and the shortcuts (Ling and James) so that you know the process and what to have ready when!!!

Good luck
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-13 22:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 APPROVED!! Should i wait or do the other steps now?
Congrats... As far as NVC, yes you can be done by Dec 19... Just follow the shortcuts and have all the documents together... Personally I would not delay since after the birth, you might want to come to America as soon as you can and start your lives rather then be waiting apart from your wife and new child....

christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-13 19:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMARRIAGE CERTIFICATE question for NVC
Send the original one that you sent to USCIS.... Make sure to make a copy of the entire package and send with the 230 (so you can get the originals back)
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-14 18:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiled AOS - How long until processed?
QUOTE (aggi-gi @ Oct 15 2009, 01:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I sent out the AOS (Affidavit of Support) last week and according to the UPS tracking service they received it. How long does it usually take NVC to process it and is there any notification via email in case they need more documents or that it is approved? When I call I just get the answer that nothing is in the system yet.

Any help appreciated.

No, they do not normally send any notification... But if there is an issue, they will contact you with what they need...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-15 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCo-Sponser.......HELP!!!!!
Then yes, you will have a problem. If your mother does not file a tax return, then she does not make enough according to govt standards... It has to be filed for and claimed... Under the table work (which is what that would be considered since she did not claim it) does not count towards actual income for immigration purposes.... If she did not file because she did not earn enough money, then she does not earn enough money to sponsor...

Someone can correct me if I am off-base, but judging by what you have stated, she does not earn enough to be a sponsor... I would search to see if there is anyone else who can sponsor you... You are free to give it a shot, but I would have a back up plan as it sounds like there are a lot of exceptions in there...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-15 15:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshelp with DS 3032
Take a look at the shortcuts (James or Ling) and they have the template for e-mailing... It does have to come from her e-mail address... Currently, they are processing hard copy mailed forms a bit quicker than the e-mails...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-15 18:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresexpedite approved but dont know when interview is
As far as how long, I believe that your spouse has 6 months to enter once the visa is granted... It does seem like it would be more of a stress for you to have to pack up everything and move to Gahana?? After all the work for an expedite, seems like a waste since you would have to re-apply if in the future you want to return to the USA?? Big decision.

Regarding the expedite for pregnancy... I know that they normally do not grant expedites for having a baby unless there are underlying medical conditions? But you can ask...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-15 19:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-3032 Advice...
I had my husband sign a blank one and when I got the one from NVC, I cut the bar code off the ones they sent us and used a paste to attach it... I did not have any problems... I did the e-mail 3032 and mailed a hard copy with the pasted bar-code and the mailed one was accepted quicker...

I don't know that you have to put each applicaton in its own envelope... Maybe just a cover sheet saying the applicants name and NVC # so they dont think it is a duplicate???
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-15 22:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceived DS-3032 + AOS IN..
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Oct 15 2009, 11:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Wait_A_Minute @ Oct 15 2009, 07:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Oct 15 2009, 08:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Encouraging news!

Mine shouldn't be far behind!

Wyatt - Did you call and update your email address?

I was surprised to see email from NVC in my "Inbox" that quick..Good luck to you.

Yeah, I called and updated our email addresses with them. The operator said that we'd get the 3032 via email for sure, but she was 50/50 on the pay schedule etc.

So tomorrow I'll get my police certificate and some passport photos and send off the DS-230 packet. Meanwhile, my wife is just waiting for her tax transcripts before she can send in the I-864. I think we're doing everything in the right order, though I'm a little concerned if the AOS fee package doesn't come via email...

Ah well. We're on the right track.

By send off the 230 package, you cannot send it to NVC until the 3032 and the IV fee bill is paid... YOu need the cover sheet for the 230 package to be accepted... Not sure if you meant send it off to the US peititioner or to NVC... DO NOT SEND TO NVC YET!!!!
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-15 22:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceived DS-3032 + AOS IN..
Allright!!! Now you can start sending the stuff in... Pay the AOS... wait a few days until it shows paid, then you send in the AOS package... Send the 3032 right now (I would send the e-mail and a hard copy since the regular mail seems to be getting processed faster)...

Good Luck
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-15 21:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 approved with wrong name?
QUOTE (nyankee @ Oct 15 2009, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe, it wont be a problem but we used my wifes married name. basically her "first name" "middle name" "my last name"

we put her maiden name under other names used. Can i stil use her first name and middle name with my last name since were married? she did change her bolivian passport to her married name, but it reads like this, "first name" "middle name" "father's last name " "mother's last name at the end it has "de my lastname"

any advice or comments?

As long as you have documentation of her married name you should be fine... Some countries just "add" names like I believe it the case... You changed the passport and it shows her new name so you should be fine...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-15 21:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresaccidentally hit the send button - DS3032 not generated yet
I don't think it is THAT big of an issue... Dont lose sleep over it. If they get it before it has been generated, it will be ignored. However, when they do generate it, I would re-send it. I also sent a hard copy (signed by benificerary) which in my case, was accepted first.
christeenFemaleItaly2009-09-19 12:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs it still possible to get interview??????
They say they do all the scheduling for the next month on the second week of the previous month (which this is the second week) but that is not always true! There are many people who can confirm that they got their interview in other weeks too! So I would not hang up hope yet... There is still a chance that they schedule you outside of the normal schedulign week... I think it in part depends on the embassy and in part on the caseload at nvc... Good luck
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-16 12:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat's the deal with USCIS to NVC
QUOTE (Wait_A_Minute @ Oct 14 2009, 08:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (christeen @ Oct 14 2009, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Wait_A_Minute @ Oct 14 2009, 08:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (christeen @ Oct 14 2009, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Wait_A_Minute @ Oct 14 2009, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ladies and Gents..My case is finally in NVC's system. Yahoooooo..

Hey Wyatt - try calling NVC, yours may be in to..

Congrats... Soon things will start movin for you... Make sure you gave them your e-mail address and keep checking for the AOS fee and 3032

Christeen - I just emailed DS3032 as suggested in Ling_Chi_Shortcut. Actually i used the same format and everything..Remember the draft that I had saved came handy smile.gif

Who... wait-a-minute (sorry couldent help the irony) But seriously.... You jumped the gun here!!!! It is useless to send the 3032 until they have technically "generated it"... It will be ignored unless they are ready to accept it... Just haveing the NVC# is not enough, they have to ask for the documents....

Here is a fourmula I put on a another thread

I posted this in a previous post.... might be of use in keeping things straight! Remember, these are 2 seperate streets that merge in the end!!!

For anyone confused the formula is this
Petitioner = Get NVC # + receive AOS fee bill + pay 70$ online + wait to show paid + print cover sheet + send 854 AOS with all documents and case # written on each page
Benificerary = Get NVC# + receive 3032 + send 3032+ 3032 accepted + IV fee bill available to be paid + pay and wait to show paid + print IV cover sheet + mail 230 package with all original/certified documents
======= wait for case complete + wait for interview to be scheduled

I guess I did jump the gun. So the email that I sent will be ignored?
I gave them my and my wife's email address. Will they notify us by email when DS3032 is generated? Is that when I am to email DS3032?

Yes, it will be ignored and Yes, they will generate an e-mail... Follow the formula and the guides
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-14 20:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat's the deal with USCIS to NVC
QUOTE (Wait_A_Minute @ Oct 14 2009, 08:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (christeen @ Oct 14 2009, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Wait_A_Minute @ Oct 14 2009, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ladies and Gents..My case is finally in NVC's system. Yahoooooo..

Hey Wyatt - try calling NVC, yours may be in to..

Congrats... Soon things will start movin for you... Make sure you gave them your e-mail address and keep checking for the AOS fee and 3032

Christeen - I just emailed DS3032 as suggested in Ling_Chi_Shortcut. Actually i used the same format and everything..Remember the draft that I had saved came handy smile.gif

Who... wait-a-minute (sorry couldent help the irony) But seriously.... You jumped the gun here!!!! It is useless to send the 3032 until they have technically "generated it"... It will be ignored unless they are ready to accept it... Just haveing the NVC# is not enough, they have to ask for the documents....

Here is a fourmula I put on a another thread

I posted this in a previous post.... might be of use in keeping things straight! Remember, these are 2 seperate streets that merge in the end!!!

For anyone confused the formula is this
Petitioner = Get NVC # + receive AOS fee bill + pay 70$ online + wait to show paid + print cover sheet + send 854 AOS with all documents and case # written on each page
Benificerary = Get NVC# + receive 3032 + send 3032+ 3032 accepted + IV fee bill available to be paid + pay and wait to show paid + print IV cover sheet + mail 230 package with all original/certified documents
======= wait for case complete + wait for interview to be scheduled

christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-14 19:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat's the deal with USCIS to NVC
QUOTE (Wait_A_Minute @ Oct 14 2009, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ladies and Gents..My case is finally in NVC's system. Yahoooooo..

Hey Wyatt - try calling NVC, yours may be in to..

Congrats... Soon things will start movin for you... Make sure you gave them your e-mail address and keep checking for the AOS fee and 3032
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-14 19:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864EZ QUESTION???
No you did fine, the spouse they are referring to is say if you are sponsoring a child or your mother or sister etc... And you have a spouse already living with you in the household... You can leave it blank, as long as the total is 2 for total household size.

As fas as the income/pay stub issue... If the sponsors income is enough to cover everyone and they have proof of current income (paystubs 6 months and employment letter) then dont worry about the last 3 years... This is if you think it might be questioned if there is enough... However, if they do question it, then you just provide it...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-18 22:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceive Instruction Package
QUOTE (hindocha @ Oct 19 2009, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
but it's on the CR-1 not the K visa?

What are you looking at, the VJ timeline?? That is just a generic one good for CR1, K3, K1 and AOS, you just put in the dates of what applys to you...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-19 11:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceive Instruction Package
If they are a CR1, they will not get that... Only for the K's... Disregard
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-19 11:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceive Instruction Package
I assume that you mean in the timeline thingy? There are lines for all different visas.. The K-3 and K-1 have different packets and instructions as their documents are processed with the consulates and CR1/IR are processed at NVC... and Adjustment of status is another world entirely....

No worries, from your timeline you are to the point of sending in the 230 or waiting for case complete right??? After case complete you just wait for interview to be assigned...

Good luck
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-18 18:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 and Police Cert
However, they are at least good for 6 months and since it is only 2 months old you should be OK... At least to turn it in, depending on when your case is complete and have the interview, you might need to get an updated one, but for now, you are OK

Edited by christeen, 19 October 2009 - 12:09 PM.

christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-19 12:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 and Police Cert
QUOTE (ashlesha @ Oct 19 2009, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The police certificate that I have is 2 months old, dated Aug/25th. By the time I submit DS-230, it will be over 2 months old from the date issued? Is that a problem? It doesn't have expiration date (which is the case with police certificated issued by Nepal Police).

They are usually good for at the very least 6 months from the date issued so you should be good to go...
christeenFemaleItaly2009-10-19 12:00:00