K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting to do the paperwork... a bit confused.
For Ecuador .... FRONTLOAD, FRONTLOAD, FRONTLOAD ... They are notorious (way different animal than Thailand) read the regional forums for Ecuador and you will see, they want proof, substance etc.... Don't listen to those that poo poo the need for,this at your consulate... Read the stories and consulate reviews! and you are very correct in being prepared! Also, good for you for making it a point of being present for the interview in Ecuador... They virtually require that the USC be there, it is expected... So e consulates are more difficult than others, and Ecuador is one of them... You are on the right track in getting prepared and don't give them a reason to doubt or deny... Good luck!
christeenFemaleItaly2014-01-08 11:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas Anyone Entered US With Opened Envelope?

Anyone know if when you get the sealed packet if you're supposed to take out your passport or not? And if you're supposed to, how do you do it without opening the envelope?

You need the passport to travel, take it out of the plastic but do not open the big envelope. It is normal,for there to be a small tear or corner opened on the envelope...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-05-17 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas Anyone Entered US With Opened Envelope?
I been posti g here since 2009... I have seen posting of couples as detailed above... One was turned away at Dublin ad one was paroled.. There are quite possibly others that have been turned away... There was even one who had the package stolen during the flight (she was also paroled upon entry if i recall correctly) Do a search... However, The majority have returned to the embassy and have it resealed. But that was not his question.
christeenFemaleItaly2014-05-17 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas Anyone Entered US With Opened Envelope?
No-one that I recall on this board has entered with an opened package without issues... as they either A) went back and had it re sealed or B) one was turned away (at Dublin if I recall) or C... They were paroled in and had to,later interview with immigration to verify all the info.

You will be hard prodded to,find somebody currently on the boards that had this experience as most, after POE and AOS do not come back to'post regularly. But if you do an advanced search in the topic, I am sure you can find details of,experiences of past member...

christeenFemaleItaly2014-05-17 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Visa And Pregnancy
If born outside USA but parent is citizen, the baby is born a us citizen... You file for a CRBA and the baby will get a us passport and come to the USA as a citizen.
christeenFemaleItaly2014-05-18 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Visa And Pregnancy
No legal issues... If born before visa is issued, the you will need to obtain a CRBA for the infant to travel... No expedites for pregnancy ...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-05-17 20:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please!!! Entering US
WOW... Man that stinks for you guys.... I hope they get it straightened out right away for you!
christeenFemaleItaly2014-05-18 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please!!! Entering US
Have you contacted the consulate yet? So she was given the passport with the visa correct? But no envelope? I have not heard of this before...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-05-18 17:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat are acceptable forms of income?
Do you file taxes on that income? Are you classified as an independent contractor? How about just using her as a co sponsor?
christeenFemaleItaly2014-05-14 10:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 in process Long Term Visit
I totally understand it... But, you have to think about how the immigration looks at it. Too many people entered as a tourist then "spontaneously" decide to marry and file for AOS... So bringing proof of WHY she must return is more important than proving why she needs to be in the USA...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-05-21 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 in process Long Term Visit
As long as she does not overstay her visa... But remember, she might receive increased scrutiny when entering the USA and would have to show adequate ties to her home country to overcome the presumption that she will stay and adjust status in the USA... These time might be difficult to prove if she is able to spend 4-5 months in the USA ... What country is she from?
christeenFemaleItaly2014-05-21 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPast visitor visa denied, can K1 visa be denied because of it
No they can't. Being penalized on an immigrant visa petition for be g denied a previous visitor visa because of immigrant intent logically does not even make sense... So no worries for,that... Carry on
christeenFemaleItaly2014-05-22 21:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdrug convictions
As the USA petitioner, it should not pose any issues... Sexually based offenses and those falling under special IMBRA (Adam Walsh act) will. Now if it is the immigrant with the criminal history, that is a different story, but as the USC you should be ok.
christeenFemaleItaly2014-05-25 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA Big Concern
So ur gonna waste precious time letting this petition go through, then, when, It is denied after waiting and submitting all the paperwork you will have to cancel and refile anyway? Just so you don't have to break bad news to her? You need to get your self straight, withdraw and refile... Your current petition is invalid as you did not meet the basic requirements...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-06-04 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing a bond for K1 visa

You say the tax return will not be sufficient. Are they self-employed? If not, what is their current income? Do they have assets to go along with current income?
Have not heard of a bond being used for a K-1, but here are the details of the regulations and law >
9 FAM 40.41 N5.6-4 Surety Bonds

a. In cases where the applicant appears to be otherwise unable to meet the public charge requirements, the U.S. sponsor may wish to post an indemnity bond pursuant to INA 213. Although the posting of a public charge bond does not, in itself, establish that an applicant is not likely to become a public charge, it might be sufficient, depending upon the circumstances in a particular case, to make possible a finding that the applicant overcomes INA 212(a)(4). The bond should be used sparingly and only in borderline cases. When an applicant appears likely on the facts to become a public charge (for example because of an acute physical condition and lack of adequate resources), the filing of a bond would not serve any purpose if the needs of the applicant would easily overcome the value of the bond.

b. The specifics of such a bond and the means of posting one are:
(1) The U.S. sponsor would file the Form I-352 with the Department of Homeland Security. Either a district director or, in some cases, a regional director, will then review the I-352.
(2) If a family is proceeding as a unit to the United States, a bond may be required for more than one member of the family. The I-352 should specify the name(s) of the person(s) for whom a bond is being requested. If only the principal applicant is immigrating immediately, the number of remaining family members should not be taken into account until they are applying for visas;
(3) A public charge bond is canceled when the alien dies, leaves the United States permanently, or is naturalized. The Department of Homeland Security/U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (DHS/USCIS) may, however, cancel a bond at any time if the alien has not become and does not appear likely to become a public charge five years after the entry into the United States. The bond will be reviewed for cancellation upon the filing of Form I-356, Request for Cancellation of a Public Charge Bond, if the alien has not become a public charge during those five years;
(4) You should inform the alien, in these cases, that DHS/USCIS may require a larger bond to be posted at the time of application for admission; and
(5) The visa issued in such cases must carry a notation that the bond was required and the notification (or a certified copy thereof) from DHS that the bond had been posted must be attached to the visa.
8 CFR 103.6 - Surety bonds.

(a) Posting of surety bonds
    (1) Extension agreements; consent of surety; collateral security. All surety bonds posted in immigration cases shall be executed on Form I-352, Immigration Bond, a copy of which, and any rider attached thereto, shall be furnished the obligor. A district director is authorized to approve a bond, a formal agreement to extension of liability of surety, a request for delivery of collateral security to a duly appointed and undischarged administrator or executor of the estate of a deceased depositor, and a power of attorney executed on Form I-312, Designation of Attorney in Fact. All other matters relating to bonds, including a power of attorney not executed on Form I-312 and a request for delivery of collateral security to other than the depositor or his or her approved attorney in fact, shall be forwarded to the regional director for approval.
    (2) Bond riders
        (i) General. Bond riders shall be prepared on Form I-351, Bond Riders, and attached to Form I-352. If a condition to be included in a bond is not on Form I-351, a rider containing the condition shall be executed.
        (ii) [Reserved]

(b) Acceptable sureties. Either a company holding a certificate from the Secretary of the Treasury under 6 U.S.C. 6-13 as an acceptable surety on Federal bonds, or a surety who deposits cash or U.S. bonds or notes of the class described in 6 U.S.C. 15 and Treasury Department regulations issued pursuant thereto and which are not redeemable within 1 year from the date they are offered for deposit is an acceptable surety.

(c ) Cancellation
    (1) Public charge bonds. A public charge bond posted for an immigrant shall be cancelled when the alien dies, departs permanently from the United States or is naturalized, provided the immigrant did not become a public charge prior to death, departure, or naturalization. The district director may cancel a public charge bond at any time if he/she finds that the immigrant is not likely to become a public charge. A bond may also be cancelled in order to allow substitution of another bond. A public charge bond shall be cancelled by the district director upon review following the fifth anniversity of the admission of the immigrant, provided that the alien has filed Form I-356, Request for Cancellation of Public Charge Bond, and the district director finds that the immigrant did not become a public charge prior to the fifth anniversary. If Form I-356 is not filed, the bond shall remain in effect until the form is filed and the district director reviews the evidence supporting the form and renders a decision to breach or cancel the bond.
    (2) Maintenance of status and departure bonds. When the status of a nonimmigrant who has violated the conditions of his admission has been adjusted as a result of administrative or legislative action to that of a permanent resident retroactively to a date prior to the violation, any outstanding maintenance of status and departure bond shall be canceled. If an application for adjustment of status is made by a nonimmigrant while he is in lawful temporary status, the bond shall be canceled if his status is adjusted to that of a lawful permanent resident or if he voluntarily departs within any period granted to him. As used in this paragraph, the term lawful temporary status means that there must not have been a violation of any of the conditions of the alien's nonimmigrant classification by acceptance of unauthorized employment or otherwise during the time he has been accorded such classification, and that from the date of admission to the date of departure or adjustment of status he must have had uninterrupted Service approval of his presence in the United States in the form of regular extensions of stay or dates set by which departure is to occur, or a combination of both. An alien admitted as a nonimmigrant shall not be regarded as having violated his nonimmigrant status by engaging in employment subsequent to his proper filing of an application for adjustment of status under section 245 of the Act and part 245 of this chapter. A maintenance of status and departure bond posted at the request of an American consular officer abroad in behalf of an alien who did not travel to the United States shall be canceled upon receipt of notice from an American consular officer that the alien is outside the United States and the nonimmigrant visa issued pursuant to the posting of the bond has been canceled or has expired.
   (3) Substantial performance. Substantial performance of all conditions imposed by the terms of a bond shall release the obligor from liability.

AWSOME info KayDee. ... I love here on VJ when you learn something new each day! Good work...

christeenFemaleItaly2014-06-09 05:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing a bond for K1 visa
Need to specify what type of bond Op is referring to...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-06-08 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing a bond for K1 visa
Yes, please clarify... Are we talking about a bond like stocks and bonds (counted as assets) or a guarantee bond (like a bail bond) where you put up,a fraction of the amount and a 3rd party guarantees the rest? If it is the latter, this will not be an accepted form of proof of meeting income/asset requirements... However, a savings or investment bond might be viable as be g counted as an asset.
christeenFemaleItaly2014-06-08 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing a bond for K1 visa
As I understand it... You need to qualify with income, assets or a co- sponsor... Bonds are not accepted...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-06-08 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo tax returns for I-134
Yes, if possible, I would have a co-sponsor lined up just in case... Better to be prepared
christeenFemaleItaly2014-06-13 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDetails on how we met....
It is more of a general relationship development, not a day by day account of what you did everyday... Keep it general...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-07-01 21:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhere to get married
However, tread lightly with this one as here n VJ we have seen many who only had religious ceremonies or pseudo weddings before entering on K1 denied because the officer suspected they were married... There is a grey area where an person can be considered too married for K1 but not married enough for CR1 ... That is not to say the WILL have a problem, just that past experiences here will show that SOME have had an issue... Better to go into it knowing the risks.
christeenFemaleItaly2014-06-29 07:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhere to get married
If u enter the USA you have to marry and file for AOS EAD/AP. takes about 90 days,.. Then you can leave the USA to go to Mexico... If you marry, religious or otherwise in Mexico prior to entering, you risk finding yourself in the grey area of being "too married for K1" even just a religious ceremony. If at POE they suspect you are married, they can cause you issues... Perhaps not, but it is a risk I mention as others have tried similar things... They ended up having to re-file a spousal visa from abroad and cost them anther year...

My suggestion, arrive USA k1, marry ASAP in AZ. File AOS and A/P IMMEDIATLY, plan for a Mexico ceremony about 90-100 days later... My 2 cents

christeenFemaleItaly2014-06-28 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some serious advice.
Get ur son a USA passport and bring him for visits... Can you REALLY see yourself living happily ever after? If not, don't uproot both people to satisfy your "desire" just share custody and bring him for summers etc...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-07-09 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 approved, can I still enter as a tourist on a visa waiver ?
Both cited cases above (Canadian allowed to enter without showing passport) and the IR1 (where, if they entered using the visa they would still be able to exit immediately with the I551 stamp acting as temporary GC) are different than your situation... I agree with the suggestion of Sparkle's suggestion to fly directly to South America, then end in USA to activate the K1?
christeenFemaleItaly2013-11-24 18:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne Way Ticket, or Round Trip Ticket?
Platinum member with 4 airlines, have done this 40-50 times... They do not do anything about it! It would be stupid for them to as they get to double sell the same seat!
christeenFemaleItaly2014-08-28 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne Way Ticket, or Round Trip Ticket?
Airlines can't do anything about cancellation of tickets... We have done it literally over 40 -50 times (everytime hubby signed on/off a ship for 14 years) as the RT flights are sooo much cheaper... Plus the airlines get to re-sell the seat if you cancel (paid twice for the seat) so they don't give a hoot...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-08-28 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne Way Ticket, or Round Trip Ticket?
Purchase what is cheaper... However be sure to cancel your return portion before the date to avoid any issues caused by mistaken airline departure reporting...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-08-28 00:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApply to girlfriend
There is NO "girlfriend" visa for anyone! There is a "fiancé " visa, which is granted to USA citizens... Green card holders (LPR's) can only apply for spousal visas... And you must wait for a visa to be me available (usually the process takes about 2 years) ...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-08-28 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge requirment for K-1 visa (Girlfriends 17 at the moment)
There is no "girlfriend" visa... There is a K1 fiancée visa, but she MUST arrive UNMARRIED and you have to get married in the USA... For a spouse visa, then you marry wherever you wish and file for spouse visa... For a fiancé visa, you need to see what the laws of the state in which you live are and see if she is eligible to marry in your state...
christeenFemaleItaly2014-08-28 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing for the k-1 visa - How long?
Thanks! Much easier... welcome to the forum... When you say December, I hope you are not thinking December of this year? As that is not a realistic timeline... As a general rule, the k1s take 7-9 months from filing to visa issuance... Sometimes you get lucky with a quick uscis approval, but then the rest takes another 4 months minimum... You will interview in your home country... I would say a more realistic timeline if you are able to get all your paperwork in by the end of September is April-June timeframe...

Read up on the K1 visa guides at the top of the page to familiarize yourself with the process..

Any he is now your Fiancé not boyfriend as there is no boyfriend visa... Good luck

christeenFemaleItaly2014-09-04 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing for the k-1 visa - How long?
I would love to help... But your font hurts my eyes and I am not up on reading cursive... Perhaps you will get more responses if you use a print and one more easily readable? Good luck
christeenFemaleItaly2014-09-04 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting process to bring my boyfriend to the US
You will have an uphill battle based on the evidence... Prepare yourself
christeenFemaleItaly2014-09-04 19:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting process to bring my boyfriend to the US
Your case has red flags... And DR is a high fraud consulate... Be prepared with evidence of bifold and ongoing relationship with evidence of visits and time spent together and communicating. And there is no "boyfriend" visa, it s a fiancé visa with the intention for him to come to the USA so you can marry within 90 days... Read up on your consulate (as there seems to be quite a few k1 denials from there lately) go to the Caribbean forum here on VJ and read up on the guides for the k1
christeenFemaleItaly2014-09-03 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdenied visa now trying to appeal
You will need to either marry and file I130 or refile K1... Either way, in your new package you need to address whatever issues caused the first refusal..
christeenFemaleItaly2014-08-28 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarijuana arrest
Whether we agree with it or whatever the reasons (religious, medical or recreational) marijuana according to the laws of the U.S. federal gov't its' use is illegiial. Those who have used, are subject to a 1 year ban. It used to be 5 years ban until recently... He needs to stay clean during that time... Otherwise, no visa..
christeenFemaleItaly2014-06-14 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 is hard....
To the op... Options are to get additional source of income (another job) or marry and file CR1 as they will have to accept co-sponsors... Good luck
christeenFemaleItaly2014-08-19 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 134 intend do not inted for k1 visa

ok , thank you very ,much for your help , 

Yuri S.MaleArmenia2014-01-29 09:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 134 intend do not inted for k1 visa
On the form what should I right , ?
Yuri S.MaleArmenia2014-01-29 01:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresopen messgae
Reading and being familiar with the process makes the journey much easier as it is less scary when you know what is happening and when... This journey is very stressing and unpredictable but being armed with information gives a much better feeling of having some control over the process, not the process controlling you. We do not suggest reading the guides because we are too lazy to give information, its kinda like when mom told you to "eat your veggies" they might not taste good goin down, but they do the body good... The guides are a pain the the a$$ to learn, but they do your sanity good....
christeenFemaleItaly2010-02-25 00:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescan sombody explain im confuse
yup, I'm convinced, Hbk is John89!!!
christeenFemaleItaly2010-02-25 13:43:00