PhilippinesToday is the DAY !!! Rose will have her Interview
Congrats!!! Wish you both the best!:thumbs:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-06-29 05:20:00
PhilippinesToday is the DAY !!! Rose will have her Interview
Bring home the Pink Rose.......:dance: She will do fine Jason! Just a matter of time and you two will be together...:thumbs:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-06-28 05:26:00
PhilippinesMEDICAL EXAM on July 6 and 7
Good luck on your Medical.:thumbs: You will do fine!
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-01 05:16:00
PhilippinesMy Interview Experience
Congrats!:dance: Don't forget your CFO stamp...... Have a safe flight to America.....:thumbs:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-07 05:47:00
PhilippinesThe 25 Day Shuffle & Share
That's fantastic! Glad your're both together again..... Now, all you have to do is to behave yourselves....:innocent:.....:D
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-08 17:32:00
PhilippinesThe 25 Day Shuffle & Share

@Daruma - The driving school ought to be interesting.. She already knows how to drive, but I'm not entirely sure what that means.. LOL I have an 04 Nissan Pathfinder which is what she'll be practicing on.. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.. I figure I'll let her take me for a spin one early morning, and depending on how much damage she does, I'll enroll her with Sears driving school.. :rofl:

You will find out real quick what that means!:rofl: Take a photo of your Pathfinder because it might be the last time you see it in the shape that it is in.....

Seriously, we wish you both the best. It won't be long now that the two of you will be together sharing your life. Have lots of fun and always remember what got you two together.:thumbs:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-06-13 08:51:00
PhilippinesThe 25 Day Shuffle & Share
Get her a Cell Phone to start...

Forget about finding where things are. She will rearrange the house daily:wacko:

Double up that 25lb bag of Rice. Just kidding...:whistle:

Don't forget the Rice Cooker....

Yes, you will have to have the Tabo... Or else plan on sleeping on the couch!:innocent:

Plan on spending at least 3 days teaching her how to use all the appliances. It was the fun part for me.:P

As Tahoma mentioned, Driving School unless you have nerves of steel and a life time prescription of any anti-anxiety Medication..:unsure:

An understanding ear and plenty of tissues when she is feeling homesick. This will come to pass in time... Promise!!

The drive home from the airport will bring out all of your emotions. She will be extremely tired from the flight, but she will not complain. You will have to basically force her to lie down and get some rest. You both will spend many hours catching up on time lost. It really fascinated me watching Ruchie looking at everything driving home from the airport... It was priceless.....
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-06-12 13:31:00
PhilippinesA Joke to liven up the Forum


I can sense there is a spark of life in the forum...

Love that movie Roy.... Thanks for posting.:lol:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-04 15:09:00
PhilippinesA Joke to liven up the Forum


No doubt about this forum being dead, it just plain suxs to read and I have never seen it this boring. I take a vacation away from here and return from time to time and in my opinion if it stays this boring they might as well shut down the Philippines section.

What happened here, did the mods run off all the people off this section?

I am not sure what has happened Jack. I have seen it slow before, but never like this. Use to pop on in the forum and you would see 30+ people here, but now there are times I see none. Hopefully, it will recover.

There has been so many changes at the USEM level since we have done this. It's hard to offer help in that area, but I try to be here to give a word of encouragement to the ones going through it.

We are taking a year break since we Lifted Conditions. Our next step is Citizenship for Ruchie and Mathew. In the mean time, we are trying to give back to VJ for what VJ has done for us........:dance:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-04 08:53:00
PhilippinesA Joke to liven up the Forum

The wife is funny, and the hubby is one sandwich short of a picnic! :lol:

Yea, hubby isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer....:lol:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-03 20:57:00
PhilippinesA Joke to liven up the Forum

WIFE FROM HELL A police officer pulls over a speeding car. The officer says,' I clocked you at 80 miles per hour, sir.'

The driver says, 'Gee, officer, I had it on cruise control at 60; perhaps your radar gun needs calibrating. '

Not looking up from her knitting the wife says:'Now don't be silly, dear -- you know that this car doesn't have cruise control.'

As the officer writes out the ticket, the driver looks over at his wife and growls,

'Can't you please keep your mouth shut for once !! ?'

The wife smiles demurely and says, 'Well dear you should be thankful your radar detector went off when it did or your speed would have been higher.'

As the officer makes out the second ticket for the illegal radar detector unit, the man glowers at his wife and says through clenched teeth,

'Woman, can't you keep your mouth shut?'

The officer frowns and says, 'And I notice that you're not wearing your seat belt, sir.

That's an automatic $75 fine.

The driver says, 'Yeah, well, you see, officer, I had it on, but I took it off when you pulled me over so that I could get my license out of my back pocket.'

The wife says, 'Now, dear, you know very well that you didn't have your seat belt on. You never wear your seat belt when you're driving.'

And as the police officer is writing out the third ticket, the driver turns to his wife and barks, 'W ILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP??'

The officer looks over at the woman and asks,'Does your husband always talk to you this way, Ma'am?'

(I love this part) 'Only when he's been drinking.!!

Edited by DARUMA07, 03 July 2010 - 07:08 PM.

DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-03 19:08:00
PhilippinesMedical passed!!!!
Congrats Michael and Ivy...:thumbs: 5 more days and you will have the pink!
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-08 17:39:00
PhilippinesI need some answer for 2 Questions
Don't know the answers to your questions, but make sure she gets the CFO sticker before you try to leave NAIA..... Just in case you haven't done CFO yet, here is the link.
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-12 05:19:00
PhilippinesITS A PINK!!!:)
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-12 05:13:00
PhilippinesVisa Approved after 221g
A big Congrats for you both.....:dance:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-16 05:18:00
PhilippinesVJ with Foreigner Hubby / Fiancee/Boyfriend

Thanks for the chuckle, Danny. :lol: I needed it!

My pleasure... We need a few good laughs in the P.I. Forum. It's been quite dead lately. Not much going on here, but we know that can change in a heartbeat.....:P
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-06-10 20:59:00
PhilippinesVJ with Foreigner Hubby / Fiancee/Boyfriend

Sorry about the triple posting! :blush:

You are forgiven!!:D
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-06-10 18:09:00
PhilippinesVJ with Foreigner Hubby / Fiancee/Boyfriend

Best of luck. :) I hope it works out for you.

Same for me Pinkish.....:thumbs: I wish you both the best!!!!
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-06-09 18:03:00
PhilippinesVJ with Foreigner Hubby / Fiancee/Boyfriend
Don't sweat the small stuff Pinkish! Since you both haven't even met in person, you have to take things one day at a time. Long distant relationships are very difficult at first. It's hard trying to get to know someone who is half-way around the world. Chatting, phone calls, emails will only do so much!

Give him the chance to develop the feelings that he needs to want to come over to the P.I. When I was in his shoes, I knew I wanted to meet my fine lady, but I could not confirm my feelings for her, until the day we had met in person! It took a 9000 mile trip to confirm my love for her.

You will both know if you are really meant for each other once you spend that time together in the P.I. Take things a little slower than what you already have. Let time develop the feelings. If you are smothering him, you might scare him off. I wish you both the best. Take it slow.................:thumbs:

PS. Sarah, I am really sorry to hear about your situation. You are the strongest woman here on VJ!!! I wish you the best in life!!!:thumbs:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-06-07 17:32:00
PhilippinesK1 approved
Congrats Michael and Ivy...:thumbs: I knew it was a matter of time. Hang in there Bud and she will be here before you know it....:dance:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-30 05:45:00
PhilippinesI want to Divorce my Husband & back to Phils.
I have a lot of respect for you husband for caring about his step-daughter. Not very many men would do that after the death of their partner. I would almost bet that he would do the same for your child. Good luck to you and hope you guys can get things ironed out..:thumbs:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-08-17 17:01:00
PhilippinesShould I Be Concerned ?!

LMAO! :rofl: Couldn't get any better than that Jack........
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-08-30 09:02:00
PhilippinesShould I Be Concerned ?
What pitch prop are you running Jack? I would think about changing pitches and go with a Jack Plate. You should be fine....:P
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-08-02 19:34:00
PhilippinesCebu Pacific Airlines

Oh Me, Oh My!!!!!!!! Make a Bulldog break a log chain......:P You go Girls!
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-10-02 14:36:00
PhilippinesCan A Filipina Really Be Taught How to Drive? A Car?
I wish I knew the answer. I have been going through this for 2 years now...:unsure: I just bought her an 04 Chrysler Pacifica thinking that it would give her the incentive to want to drive. I have seen my life pass before me a million times. The heart can't take it anymore. I honestly believe that some people are not meant to drive. My wife proves that point. Anyway, short of telling every driver to stay off the streets while my wife is behind the wheel. I have run out of answers.....(F) Maybe I can trade it in for a bumper car???:rofl:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-07-17 20:01:00
PhilippinesWell, JOY for JOY
Congrats to you both! I know it's been a rough ride, but you two have perservered... Things will work out for the step-child. You will have him or her over here before you know it; Enjoy your life together and always remember what got you two together.....:dance:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-10-19 20:23:00
PhilippinesOur Beautiful Baby girl Merci Rose

Congrats!! Same bday as Mhay's nanay & my mom.

Thank You!! That is very rare that both of your mothers have the same birthdate..... Merci is not alone!:thumbs: :dance:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-10-19 20:16:00
PhilippinesOur Beautiful Baby girl Merci Rose

Congratulations, Danny and Ruchie! I'm so happy for you!!! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

cutie baby! congratz!!! :wub:

congrats on the baby girl :thumbs:

Congratz Danny and Ruchie! :star:

Pass the cigars please! :D

Thank you all....Having this baby girl sure makes me feel very young.:whistle: She is a blessing to Ruchie and I and Mathew... Tahoma, if you want a cigar, steal one from Charles above....:P Really miss all of you here... Wish we had more time to spend on VJ, but life is very busy now.....LOL!
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-10-18 19:32:00
PhilippinesOur Beautiful Baby girl Merci Rose

Hey! she's finally here! Welcome, Merci Rose!!! :star: Congratulations, Mom and Dad! :)

Beautiful princess Maizy you have there......:)
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-10-18 19:23:00
PhilippinesOur Beautiful Baby girl Merci Rose

cute baby! now where are the Posted Image

Right here Charles.... Puff away! :P

Posted Image
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-10-17 20:31:00
PhilippinesOur Beautiful Baby girl Merci Rose
Thank You everyone again.... Hopefully tomorrow we can bring our sweetie home. Merci has a little Jaundice and lost a little weight, so they wanted her to spend 2 extra days in the hospital.
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-10-17 15:52:00
PhilippinesOur Beautiful Baby girl Merci Rose

You are! And no YouTube needed to prove it :lol: Congratz!

Thanks Hopp!! That Don Refro is one lucky man. He was down on one knee and watched the rest of his car fall to pieces. WOW!!
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-10-16 19:37:00
PhilippinesOur Beautiful Baby girl Merci Rose
Thank You everyone!!!! I feel like I am the luckiest man in the world.....:)
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-10-16 14:12:00
PhilippinesOur Beautiful Baby girl Merci Rose
Merci Rose was born 10/14/2010 at 6:30 pm and weighed 7lbs. 8ozs. and was 20 3/4 inces long. I am the most proudest Daddy out there!!!!

Attached Files

DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-10-16 10:08:00
Philippinescalling it quits
Not trying to take sides here..... First of all, Rose has to understand the value of a dollar... Money doesn't grow on trees, nor is there a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You have to sit down with her and show her on paper the amount of money you have coming in versus the amount of money going out each month. A $900 phone bill is not acceptable. I realize she is homesick and misses her family. That is understandable. Ruchies first year here was tough for her due to her being away from her family. Support Rose through these tough times, but make it clear that the phone calls and txts have to cease until you can find a cheaper alternative.

Jason, it's way too early to throw in the towel.... Give this more time and communicate your feelings to her. Marriage is constant work!!! I wish you both the best and always remember what got you two together....:thumbs:

I just read your other post... Didn't realize you two haven't married... I still wish you both the best!!

Edited by DARUMA07, 24 October 2010 - 06:32 PM.

DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-10-24 18:28:00
PhilippinesOur Little Guy had surgery today...
Wishing your son all the best!!!:thumbs:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-11-03 05:31:00
PhilippinesMy wife finally is here!!!
That is Great!!!! Enjoy your time together... :thumbs: Don't have an answer for your question concerning the child... The cultural shock will wear off in time!
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-10-31 11:49:00
PhilippinesFraudulent Marriages

...and text-sex too... :lol:

That just about gave me wood........:P
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-11-17 19:48:00
PhilippinesFraudulent Marriages

I'm honestly surprised by the number of fraudulent marriages that seem to be happening among Fil/Am couples here on VJ. So I thought I'd start a poll to get other people's perspective on why they think this is happening and what can be done to prevent it.

Steven, honestly I believe when there is major differences in age, attractiveness and income will open the door to being scammed. As ways to prevent these things from happening, a person has to rely on GUT INSTINCT........ If they think they are being scammed then they probably are!!!

Get to know your SO family and friends.... Take your time !!!! Let the relationship grow before making any commitment to marriage.. These are just a few things that might help prevent it.... I'll let others chime in on their ways to preventing these things from happening....

Been a long day! Gotta crash!!:clock:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-11-16 22:25:00
PhilippinesHappy Thanksgiving
Amazing, the good things that can happen in a years time......Happy Thanksgiving to you and to everyone...:thumbs:
DARUMA07MalePhilippines2010-11-25 10:32:00