United KingdomCheap Flights from Continental
Hi everyone,

I will be moving to New Jersey in the United States, to be with Russ and get married at the end of May! Im so excited!!!! I cant wait!

Anyway, the last hurdle for us is to get our flights. We need to fly with Continental from Birmingham to Newark. Our dog, Honey, and I are booked on the outgoing flight.

I bought mine last night for £387 (return even though I'm not returning - but its half the price to get a return rather than one way). And Russ wants to buy his flight to come over here a week prior to help me move and then us two and my labrador Honey, will all be flying back together.

So, I searched for his flight last night and they want nearly £700!!!! Almost double what I've paid!!!

We cant pay that and I don't know what we're going to do. Does anyone work for Continental (ie know when the prices of flights go up or down) or does anyone know of any discount codes to make this price somewhat more realistic?

Help! :blink:

Thank you!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 05:17:00
United KingdomMoving to the US soon but changed US address since interview?
Thanks everyone! Great advice.

How long do people say to usually leave it before applying for a SSN? Three weeks? And should I anticipate problems being a K1 holder? Is there something I can print off to show them I'm entitled to apply if they've not familiar with the process?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 15:11:00
United KingdomMoving to the US soon but changed US address since interview?
I had my K1 interview on January 25th and recieved my visa shorty afterwards. My leaving date for the UK will be May 31st and Russ will be coming over 1 week prior to help me move, so we'll be travelling over together with our labrador, Honey.

On all paperwork that I completed before 25th January I had given Russ' current (at the time) address as the place where I will be staying, but since then we have found a new house to rent together that will be more room for us and our dog. So, I was just wondering, should we inform the DOS that we have a new address now? Will my SS card be sent automatically to hisold address when I arrive? Or should we just list our new address on all paperwork for AOS?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-21 06:05:00
United KingdomThinking about the next step...
Great advice! Thank you.

Id like to second Brit_la's question? Are you supposed to see the Civil Surgeon to complete shots and the I-693 before or after marriage? I cant help think that my application for AOS is going to be allover the place with my new and maiden names...
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 16:13:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
QUOTE (FrostyMist @ Dec 21 2009, 09:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For the K1 process, you do not have to have any of the vaccinations. However, you do need to have them for adjustment of status (after you get married).

The reason why it's a good idea to get the vaccinations sorted out and taken care of now is:

1) You can get a lot of the vaccines free on NHS. You might have to pay more if you wait until you're in the US.
2) You will need a civil surgen (someone approved by immigration authoraties) in order to complete the form necessary to say you've had the vaccinations if you wait until you're in the US. I've read a lot of posts on VJ about people having massive problems finding nearby civil surgen, or being charged massive amounts (100's of dollars) in order for the civil surgen to sign a simple form. Knightsbridge doctors will take care of the form without any additional costs - it's all part of the medical.

When I had my medical, they told me that I needed a teatenus booster. I'd been intending to get any necessary vaccinations done when I was there, if told I needed them. But the nurse was very insistent that it was not going to be an inconveniance to me if I did them during AoS, so in the end I declined having any done at the medical.

I was very fortunate: there's a civil surgen VERY close to my fiance, and they'll charge about $30 to complete the form for me when I get over there. I think they quoted about $90 if I want the vaccine done at the same time (so the $30 is the cost I'll pay if I can get the vaccine done here on the NHS and then just take them the proof). Knightsbridge wanted £25 to give me the teatenus booster-so I guess in the end, I will have ended up saving a bit of money - though not that much!-but they would have completed all the necessary paperwork there and then with no extra cost (it's all part of the medical costs)

It would have been much better if my doctor had picked up on the fact my vaccines were out of date when I asked her-but she said they were fine. sad.gif

I still don't understand. Who says exactly that you have to find a civil surgeon? I havent seen anything in the application for AOS at all, neither did the nurse or doctor in London mention anything about it either... Just that I would need to submit my proof of having the vaccine at my local doctors surgery with the application for AOS, to make all of the medical requirements complete.

Is this wrong? And if you believe you need the civil surgeon to complete paperwork, do you mean that is because you will have had the extra vaccines done in the UK (by your own doctor, not Knightsbridge) or is the civil surgeon needed only if you receive the vaccines in the US before applying for AOS??? Its all very unclear. Can anyone give us some good advice about where we stand...?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-23 06:14:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Hi guys, Craigy & Victoria! Thanks, thats a shame we'll miss you. Bet you can't wait to see each other. kicking.gif Only a few more hours... And you have your interview coming up soon aswell, I see. Let us know how it all goes. Im really nervous about my interview - I'll be going to mine alone unsure.gif

Ok so heres my review everyone, as promised. Nothing out of the ordinary. Bit of a stressful day for me though, but nothing to worry about after all the stressing... We were both really tired, Russ only flew into Birmingham the day before from Newark and hadn't slept for a day before that. We were up on the morning of the medical for 4.30am! We got the coach from Birmingham at 6.45am and arrived in London for about 10am. I felt really really nervous and anxious for some reason on the journey and had an awful time on the coach getting there. Thank god I had my baby to look after me good.gif

So eventually, and after some looking around, we made our way to Bond Street tube station. My medical was for 12.50 at Bentinck Mansions and we found it after some searching (all the streets look the same down there) As we were an hour early, once we'd found it, we trundled back down to Oxford Street to look around the shops some more... So the time came and we went back to the Knightsbridge Doctors and found their offices really easily (through the building, on the right). We went through and was met by a sharp sounding voice 'booth number two' she barked! Oh jeez! Immediately, I recognised that this was the crabby recpetionist I'd met with over the phone. Hmmm... mad.gif She seemed abit peeved that we were early (yes we know, we just want to get it over with) and she directed us to a waiting room, where Russ enjoyed reading a few magazines whilst I filled out the form. I also handed in my passport, vaccine history, completed form and US sized passport photos (which she later cut down to UK size). I was then shortly called into my appointment, early (12.44pm). I went into the room with a friendly nurse who informed me that my MMR and tetanus vaccines were out of date and were required for AOS. She said I would be best to get them done at my local doctors surgery as they would be an additional £60 today. So I opted to get them done later. She made out like it was very easy to just get them done and then submit my proof of having them with my application for AOS (no talk of civil surgeons etc) I asked her if it was fairly straight forward process and whether the paperwork will all comply with US regulations? She said it would be fine, no problem. So I'm a bit unsure about all that now after reading all the info about it above...

Anyway, I was then called into the X ray room by a very friendly, pleasant and professional guy. He made some small talk and asked me to strip from the waist up and put on a gown (I wasnt naked much to Russ' delight lol) Russ later joked no wonder that guys so friendly he get to see boobs all day haha! But no, he didnt after all! Anyway, I did the weird chicken pose and then was asked to stay in the robe and go and wait with Russ in another small waiting room nearby. I was only waiting a few more minutes when I was called in by the doctor, into her office. I cant remember her name but I instantly recognised her as the bossy and direct Asian lady (who's talked about on here quite a bit). When she called me in she was searching for flight info to the US and complaining about how the snow has interferred with her plans to fly the following day. Hmmm... I looked around the room and she still continued to look at flights. 'Wow' I thought! Anyway, first question was... 'have you ever taken illegal drugs?' Taken aback, I said 'no!' Ok, few more general questions... blah blah blah. She then asked me to weigh myself and call the weight back to her as she sat on the computer (still looking at flights, I think) So I did. And then she asked to me to lie on the bed and she came into the little cubicle and she examined my breasts, stomach, fingernails, eyes, ears, throat, engagement ring (?!) etc... She really prodded and poked me, even my ring and made small talk about getting married., how did I meet my fiance (online), when did he propose (April), did he propose online? (er no, at the top of the Statue of Liberty). She seemed a little suprised at that. Why do people always seem shocked that you have 1) been together two years and not 5 mins and 2) that you've made 6 trips each to see each other during that time. Hmmm, but then the dreaded blood sample was taken. Stung a little bit but not half as bad as I imagined (hate blood tests!). And then she scalded me a little for not holding the cotton wool on tight enough but congratulated me on being one step closer to getting married! Yay!!!!! star_smile.gif - All done and out the waiting room where I was charged £190 for the pleasure. It all took less than 30 mins.

We then wandered around London and went to Harrods. We also saw the big christmas tree in Trafalgar square. The snow started coming down quite badly and by the time we went to get our coach back to Birmingham at 7.30pm all coaches were delayed (some by 4 hours!) we didnt get home until 1am! Hopped into a taxi in Birmingham to get home (extra expense) and we enjoyed a great nights sleep. Ahhhh, 1 step closer!

Good luck to everyone else with their medical coming up! Hope this review helps someone, I know the others definitely did for me! star_smile.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-23 05:57:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
QUOTE (pdcvcm @ Dec 17 2009, 06:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Part Two....

So Kim request the following, Passport, questionnaire, pictures, I hand
them over while keeping complete eye contact (just to clarify my eye's
remained focused) , she politely smiles and instructs me to wait in the
near by waiting room, great ceiling in there plastered in coving very
Edwardian, anyway I wait then Kim is back with another questionnaire which
is the same as the first but formatted differently, quick test see if I
can write me thinks (sneaky) so I apply the same answers and pass it back.
Minutes pass by and another woman calls my name, right game on I think as i
follow her to a small medical room but "computer says no" she is the jab
woman, she has a copy of my jabs and states I'm covered no others required
but I could have MNR for £35.00, i pause with a thoughtful look upon my
face then say "No" she looks disappointed but directs me to another room
for a chest x ray, 2 minutes later task complete I'm back in the waiting
room .

"Mr Craig!" I hear the voice, turn quickly and there is the doctor, shock!
horror! holly molly it's a woman, panic I wasn't expecting that but I follow her into another office.
Few questioned followed, fairly standard, am I mentally disturbed, do I
smoke, no mention of alcohol which saved me lie'ing direct to her face,
hopped on to the weighing scales, I notice a slight frown as she jots the
number down, quick eye test which I just squeezed through and a received a
ticking off for not going the opticians every year and before you know it
my pants are round my ankles then there back up my shirt is off and she's
tapping me on my back, ok mr craig just need some blood and a blood
pressure test and were done, I look at my watch , total time of stay
32mins, blood came out nice and easy one more step and I'm homeward , hummm
stumbling block, my blood pressure is high 154 / 102, I tried to explain
6hrs travel, 4 coffees on the train and a red bull prob wasn't helping the
matter but she wasn't having it, I'm packed back to the waiting room, I
wait awhile Kim calls me back over the hatch then hits me for a quick
£190.00 closely followed by a letter for my Doctor, which states" Mr Craig
blood pressure is high monitor him for two days then fax down a plan of
action " great thank you for nothing, I've now seen my Doctor and I have to
go twice a day for blood pressure tests till Friday, oh happy days!

Hi guys!! Great review, mine is tomorrow! Eeek! Can I just ask, when they asked you to have the MMR, did you 'have' to have it or not? I just ask cos when I visited my nurse at my doctors and she gave me my vaccine history, even though I've had the MMR when I was a baby she said I may need it again. Is this true? Will I have to pay for it again?

Many thanks,
Rachel & Russ
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-20 17:29:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
I've got my medical tomorrow. Will give you all my review tomorrow or the following day. Feeling a bit nervous but I have my Rusty here with me to look after me now. We're having a look round London for the rest of the day aswell, so that will be awesome! Wish me luck peeps! huh.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-20 17:11:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
QUOTE (yorkshirerose22 @ Nov 21 2009, 12:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I had my medical yesturday and thought i let everyone know what happened smile.gif.

Woke up at 3.30am to get ready i didnt really feel nervous jus scared i might have left something, but lucky i didnt smile.gif. My dad was driving me down to london so the hole family came too lol. We set off at 6am we got half way down an stopped at a cafe for some breakfast. We arrrived at the underground at 11 am which was in woodside park london, we left the car there and got the underground to Bond street. I had a hour and a half before my appointment so me and my family did some site seeing of london, I hadnt been to london since i was a little girl so it was great, we took the underground to oxford circus, had a quick look round there , then we got the underground back to bond street, from there we went to marylebone lane which took us up to bentinken street, at first we walk straight past the knightsbridge doctors, they is no sign out side so nothing stands out, anyways i got there at 1pm, i was buzzed in and it was the door on the right ( flat 4 ). I went to the reception, i told then who i was , the lady asked me for my passport, questionnaire, vaccination records and photos, i then was asked to wait in the waiting room, about 5 mins i was asked to fill out this questionnaire which was the same as the one i brought with me just set out a little different and i had to sign also to say i agreed on having the blood tests done. I was called at 1.30pm and taken to discuss what vaccination i needed, which was the MMR and and HPV, the lady asked me if i wanted to have them done there or wait, i said i was going to wait,( as the MMR i can get for free on the NHS), so she jus said she sign me off, she then took me to another waiting room which i was in there for about 10 mins then i was called and taken for my chest x rays, i was asked to take off my top and put this gown on, then i was told to stand agaist this metal plate , had my elbow stuck out and and my hands pushing in to my waist ( abit like a chicken lol) then i had to hold this thing in my hands, then he asked me to take in a deep breath and hold, after that i was told to keep the gown on and go back to the waiting room, i was waiting for about 15 mins then a female doctor called me, she asked me about the questiones i answered yes to on my questionnaire, i had answered yes to question 1, 4, 12, 20 so she asked me alittle on Q1 & 4 and then she moved one to Q12 which was about when i was caused for being drunk and disordly in 2004, she wanted me to explain what happened so i did and then she said because i had this incident and it involved alcohol and america so hard up on things to do with alcohol ( which made me now nervous on what the embassy is going to say and do), that i had to have extra 3 blood tests to check that i didnt have a drinking problem ( not that you couldnt tell by just looking at me lol i dont really drink so much any more) which cost me extra £40 for the extra blood test, she then told me the limit for a women drinking is just 1 drink and that it also gose on your height , she then she was asking me how much do i drink a week? how many do i drink when im out? dose my fiance drink and how much? when was the last time i had a drink? she kept going on about how u shouldnt drink alot and telling me not to argue with the police ( which i had not argued ) so i was confused why she was acting like i had done, she was more interested in this caution then anything else, she then asked me my height and told me to weigh my self ( i had to tell her, she didnt get up off her chair to look ), then she told me to lay on the bed, she checked my heart, blood pressure, looked down my throught, shined a light in my eyes, looked down my pants lol and she said yes you are a women thats good lol, then she took the blood samples. that was it over and done with, then i had to go back to the waiting room , then the receptionist called me to pay, she gave me back my passport and vaccination records, she gave me info on the vaccinationes i needed, i asked for a copy of my blood test results, i paid £230 got a receipt and then left.I came out of the knightsbridge doctors at 2.30pm, after that we got something to eat then went more site seeing to few places like leicester square, piccadilly circus, trafalger square then we got the underground back to woodside park to where the car was and set off back home. we got home about 10.30pm , i was so glad to be home my feet was soo sore i could hardly walk lol.

Total cost of the day.

- Petrol £50
- Underground Tickets £5 each that was for the hole day .
- Medical with extra blood test £230
- Food £15

I found the medical to be rushed and its way to much money for what they do, the doctor was ok but she could of been more polite, but the overall day was good smile.gif.

Hi Yorkshire Rose22, great report! Thanks for doing it. It really helps us all be prepared.

Can I ask you a question, regarding the HPV Vaccine they said you would need to have...? I am 26 years old and I will be 27 by the time we apply for AOS after we get married. So do you or anyone else know whether I will still have to have this? I thought the vaccination requirements are for AOS not for the application of the K1.
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-22 16:52:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Frosty Mist, when is your medical scheduled for and what information did you have to give them over the phone? Also does anyone have the correct phone number to call and make the appointment? I'm going to try and make my appointment again today.
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-18 08:00:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
QUOTE (FrostyMist @ Nov 17 2009, 06:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
RUSSandRACHEL: That's very strange. I've had to speak with them on three seperate occasions, and each time found the receptionist to be perfectly polite and helpful. Could you not just call back in a few days and tell them you have received your packet if they ask? I'm surprised they did ask about those things: no one there has asked me whether I received my packet, or how I got their number when I phoned them.

Aww thanks Frosty Mist. What a cute pic! So have you scheduled your medical yet? I guess I will let things calm down for a few days and then call to schedule the appointment. So let me get this straight... what does it exactly say in packet 3 about the medical? Just so I can tell them I have it in my hand...

Btw, great reviews everyone. You're all so helpful.
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-18 07:02:00