United KingdomHow long did it take for London to recieve your case?
Thanks Sundrop you're an angel!! innocent.gif But we're not really in a mad rush. If I get the interview by late January I'll be really please. We're not moving out th the States until the end of April but I've put on my checklist - Date of Marriage and date of Travel - Feb 2010.

There is one thing though, I am filling out the forms now and I am confused by one thing on the checklist... 'notarized statement' and a checkbox. What is this??? We have been told by everyone on here that nothing needs to be notarized... is this refering to the letter of intent???
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-02 05:44:00
United KingdomHow long did it take for London to recieve your case?
QUOTE (pdcvcm @ Nov 26 2009, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, I just looked at my ticket and I totally messed that up. Def arriving on Christmas but I am flying out on Monday the 4th. I just checked b/c when you guys said 2nd I was like that would be crazy if I was at the airport as well. smile.gif

Thanksgiving is just with my sister aka the Maid of Honor. smile.gif Family tradition movie and Boston Market. Usually we go to Florida (just dropped my parents off at the airport) but this year wanted to save some money. But next year, taking Craigy for our traditional FL Thanksgiving with movies, Boston Market and football.

Wish both of you couples Happy Holidays and anyone else who jumps on the thread. kicking.gif

Awww that sounds lovely! Russ is coming into Birmingham airport so not sure you would be there anyway. I'm not quite sure what we're doing whilst Russ is here... but we'll be off to London for the day when I have my medical though. And Im off from work everyday apart from New Years Eve whilst he's here! Yaaaaay! kicking.gif We're just gonna eat lots and relax (not going out though much as we're saving like mad for the wedding). And Im cooking christmas dinner! Hope you had a good thanksgiving Victoria!

QUOTE (SunDrop @ Nov 26 2009, 05:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
5 mins later:

OK, my interpretation (bearing in mind that I've not done this yet, so please do correct me if you know I'm wrong! lol)

You complete all parts of DS-230, but you sign ONLY part I. part II you have to sign infront of the CO at the Embassy.
You complete the DS-156 K but DON'T sign it
You complete the DS-156, print it twice and sign them
You complete the DS-157, print it twice but it doesn't need signing
You complete the IV-15 and checklist and sign it

Thanks Sundrop and everyone else who offered their advice! Well... our latset update is that Russ held off calling for a few days because of the Thanksgiving holiday but, yesterday was told by DOS that packet 3 has been sent out on the 27th!!!!!! I havent recieved anything yet though blink.gif But I cant believe it! He asked when London recieved it and the lady on the phone didnt know. (?) Could it be possible that someone didn't record the date of when it was recieved in the system, but processed it anyway??

So, now should I send off the checklist and forms before I even recieve packet 3???!!! Yaaaaaaay!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-02 04:39:00
United KingdomHow long did it take for London to recieve your case?
QUOTE (pdcvcm @ Nov 25 2009, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Rats, can't remember that part. At least one had to be signed but not all of them I thought.

I am arriving on Christmas Day and leaving on the 2nd. How long is Russ staying?

So excited. smile.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

NYE with my honey. awww!!! luv.gif

Ok I'll have to look into the signature situation then...
Awww Im sure you'll have a lovely time together. We're a bit upset this week to be apart for Thanksgiving but looking forward to Christmas! Russ is arriving on Sunday December 20th and leaving on January 3rd! The next time we'll see each other after that will be for moving day! Eeek! heart.gif wub.gif heart.gif

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 25 November 2009 - 12:28 PM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-25 12:26:00
United KingdomHow long did it take for London to recieve your case?
Awww thanks guys thats really nice of you to check on us. We think we're ringing the right number though. I did read it out to Russ the other day and it was the same one. Will check again though later when hes home from work. Thank you!! star_smile.gif

Ok so we send off all of the forms (unsigned?) and with the checklist? Ok we're all set!

How are things coming along with you? Will you be together for christmas? Russ will be here in 3 and a bit weeks! Yaaaaaay! Can't wait! kicking.gif

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 25 November 2009 - 10:05 AM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-25 10:03:00
United KingdomHow long did it take for London to recieve your case?
QUOTE (Jay&Jo @ Nov 24 2009, 01:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
im pretty sure it wont be lost!!! i dont know that that has ever happened before...

so packet 3 is the first item of correspondance you'll receive from london. calling the DOS is the best way to find out if they have received your petition. from my experience of calling the dos, it sounds like your case will be at the embassy, they just havent got round to opening it up and imputting into their systems.

(someone correct me if thats wrong)

i waited 24 days from my case leaving NVC to receiving packet 3. at some point, around the 2 weeks mark i called the DOS and i was told the embassy had received my case, but packet 3 HADNT been sent out yet. i was among a group of people who all had their packet 3s printed on the same day. it really feels like london does things in bulk, as someone mentioned before... printing off a bunch of packet 3's, assigning interviews etc...

i know it sucks, but it really cant be too much longer now before you hear something!! got my fingers crossed for you! smile.gif


Thanks Jo! Good to hear that we've never heard of a case being lost in transit! Well, we called again ( rolleyes.gif ) yesterday and still no news. The lady said it had been recieved at London on the 12th. Erm, we said wasn't sent on the 12th??!!! Then she said erm yes thats right, I meant electronically on the 12th! Doh! The hard copy has still not been recieved. She said we should wait at least 2 weeks!
Well at least we're not alone in this. Ok back to waiting...

On another subject... I went to the London Embassy link you so kindly gave me, SunDrop, with the checklist and forms to download. Its not very clear which you are supposed to send off after recieving packet 3? Is it all of them? Or just the checklist and do you hold onto the forms until the interview?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-25 05:45:00
United KingdomHow long did it take for London to recieve your case?
Would anyone mind telling me the link for us to download the forms so we can start completing them and have them at the ready to send?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-24 05:45:00
United KingdomHow long did it take for London to recieve your case?
Thanks everyone for replying!!

That is the number we have been calling every day. So I guess that is the DOS. Russ has been fantastic calling and he calls them whilst we're on Skype so I listen in too. So theres no need for me to really call. But NVC are still saying that London hasnt recieved it yet. When we call, they say "Good news!" and we say "Yes?" and they say "NVC has recieved your case" And we're like "Uh, we KNOW!!!!!".

Its the same old story - its sitting on a desk doing nothing. I find it hard to believe that it hasnt been recieved. Why would a package with our exact dates have been recieved, but ours hasnt? This is so frustrating!

I just wanna ask how long was it beore you heard anything directly from London? Did you recieve a letter or anything saying they have recieved and are processing your case, before they sent out packet 3?

Thanks for your advice everyone about doing things in advance. We're definitely on the ball with that one and I have my medical scheduled for December 21st anyway. Hmmm... we'll see ClockWatch2.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-24 05:28:00
United KingdomHow long did it take for London to recieve your case?
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Nov 24 2009, 12:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think most people put arrived in London according to the DHL tracking -- That's what I did.

Now that it has left NVC, you need to call DOS, as that's a different department. Going by what I remember of the other threads London does seem to do things in little bursts, a lot of people didn't have their cases logged, and then all of a sudden they did, and then a lot of people didn't have their P3s logged, and then suddenly they all did, interviews...suddenly they all did...etc etc etc. Could be they just update the system in batches and it's not filtered all the way through yet. I don't think it's been long enough to worry yet, but I know that's hard advice to take - of course you're going to worry!

Thanks everyone for replying! We are getting a little but anxious now unsure.gif

I thought NVC was the Department of State? If not, then does anyone know what is their phone number is and how do they know any different to the NVC number we have been calling every day? NVC have advised us to keep calling back every day... I don't want to call London as judging by the amount of calls we've already made, it'd be like paying for our I-129F all over again! lol

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 23 November 2009 - 07:19 PM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-23 19:18:00
United KingdomHow long did it take for London to recieve your case?
We have been advised that NVC recieved our case from USCIS on November 9th and then NVC sent it to the London Embassy on the 12th. Since then we have called NVC every working day to see if London have recieved it yet. It is almost 2 weeks since they said they have and today, they are still saying London hasnt recieved it!

We followed some of your advice on here and when we were told our case had been sent, we attempted to track it on DHL's website. A package we we hope was ours was sent from NVC on 12th and arrived on 16th! Could this be ours but London still havent got round to logging it in the system yet? Its now the 24th!!! helpsmilie.gif

We are getting a little worried now... and thinking that maybe our case has got lost?? A lot of timelines we have looked at show only a 2 day or 3 day period for transit to London.

How long did yours take to be recieved and how long was it before you heard anything from London Embassy?

Should we be worried? blink.gif

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 23 November 2009 - 06:57 PM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-23 18:55:00
United KingdomQuestion regarding checklist form
Thank you. Oh, I thought it was 4 months from NOA2 (it says from 'approval' on the checklist)? Oh well, we've sent packet three off now and ticked that box so we'll see what happens. I have heard from alot of VJ people on here that nothing needs to be notarized, not even the letter of intent. Hmmm... confusing blink.gif

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 03 December 2009 - 05:16 PM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-03 17:15:00
United KingdomQuestion regarding checklist form
Apparently, after much waiting, London have now sent out our packet 3 (on thursday - yaaaay!) so I am putting together the checklist and forms and am confused by one thing on the checklist... 'notarized statement' and a checkbox. What is this??? We have been told by everyone on here that nothing needs to be notarized... is this refering to the letter of intent???
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-02 04:56:00
United KingdomQuestion regarding checklist form
Ok thanks very much guys!!! You're amazing! We have all the documents at the ready, but as London havent even officially recieved our case yet (grrr) headbonk.gif we're not sending the forms back just yet. But we're well prepared with all documents needed just need more current pay slips from Russ's employer, but he'll give me those when he comes over for Christmas anyway. I'm sure I'm driving everyone on here crazy with my eagerness and organisational skills lol.

Oh and one more question if you dont mind?? blush.gif Do all forms have to be signed? There seems to a bit of confusion over this...

Sorry to take over the topic! Oops!

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 25 November 2009 - 12:42 PM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-25 12:38:00
United KingdomQuestion regarding checklist form
Ohhhh yes I have I was getting confused with the main application forms which only ask for travel plans, sorry.

So the IV-15k (Notification of Applicant Readiness) is all we send back or do we also have to send:
DS-230 Part 1,
Form DS-156,
Form DS-157 and
Form DS-156-K aswell?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-25 07:45:00
United KingdomQuestion regarding checklist form
Where does it say on the forms a space for the medical date? I filled out the forms yesterday and didnt come across that question. Nor a particular question about the specific wedding date? There is just a space to explain when you are intending to travel, yes? Am I right?

And also are you writing a cover letter to explain your plans too?

We put a provisional date of Feb 01 2010 for travel and said we'd be getting married as soon as possible, pending the interview. We really intend to marry on June 27th, but I would like the interview out of the way asap. I have also heard on VJ of people asking for an earlier date, as then the embassy schedules the interviews according to that more or less.
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-25 06:10:00
United KingdomPoverty Guideline Requirements Question
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Dec 26 2009, 11:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think the I-134 lays out instructions too well, so I read the instructions for the I-864 as a guide. That's the Affidavit of Support for AOS. I know with the I-864, if you didn't file taxes at all, you are supposed to write a letter explaining why. But from what you're saying he filed, but had no income. I suppose that was so he could get the tax rebate/incentive thing. Otherwise with no income he wouldn't have to file.

It sounds like you have enough documents and he has well above the required income. Be sure to be knowledgable about why he had no income or was unemployed for a whole year (2008) and half of 2009 and can explain if they ask about it. His current job and earnings are the most important. It would be best if his letter from the employer states that it is a permanent position. The previous tax returns are just to show a history of stable of income is what I have read in USCIS final ruling documents that are published online. Those USCIS docs normally explain the thinking behind rules and forms a little better. It is a subjective decision by the interviewing officer, but I think you've done all you can to show he can support you.

Hi Nich-Nick, thanks for your reply and advice! Maybe I wasn't clear about his 2008 return. He was self employed so earnt about $5,000 so didnt earn enough to have any tax owed. So he did earn something... just no where near the poverty line. His letter from his employer does state his job is permanent, so we should all be ok then? Phew!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-27 08:55:00
United KingdomPoverty Guideline Requirements Question
Hi everyone,

Im awaiting my interview date (shouldnt be too long now, I hope whistling.gif ) and so, I'm starting to read through some of the London Embassy Interview reviews. I noticed a few people on there were shocked to find out that they didn't satisfy the requirements for the Affadavit of Support.

Im just starting to think about this and am a little worried.
For my interview I only have:
My fiances -
Affadavit of Support,
2008 Tax Return (Transcript)
Loads of Pay Slips
Letter from his employer.

His earnings (as shown on the payslip and letter) are $31,000, and therefore meet the poverty guideline amount, but, his tax return shows $0.00 as he didn't earn enough to pay for tax during that year. The 2009 Tax return obviously isn't payable until April 2010. Also, he only started his new job in June 2009.

Do you think we will meet the requirements for the K1 visa or does anyone anticipate a problem because his earnings and the tax return don't match up???

Thanks to all in advance! kicking.gif

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 26 December 2009 - 05:34 PM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-26 17:31:00
United KingdomWho's still waiting on an interview date?

This is completely off of your topic, but how did your sweetheart find the trip back from the U.K.? I was stuck on the tarmac inside of the plane for over 2 hours because of the additional security procedures - this was after getting to the airport 3 hours early - utter hell!!

Hi Christi & Ian. Russ was ok. He flew from Birmingham and checked in online but arrived at the airport 2 and a half hours before. We were advised to arrive earlier but were reluctant to leave each other any earlier than we had to :blush: Turns out, every single person boarding, had their belongings completely emptied out of their bags and were searched at the gate. Security line though, was completely empty, he says. In the end they took off 30 mins late but more than made up for it on arrival. Where did you fly from?

I'm missing him like mad, but it was the last time saying goodbye, which is something good :blush:

We didn't get our date till Dec 7th along with several others. Claire called the extortion line before I woke up and they said no date set, then I called DOS just after noon my time and I was told we did have a date set.

Based on the trends over the past few months I'm guessing people will have good news this week or early next.

Oh ok, Dec 7th is nearly a month ago. We've been told by fellow VJ-ers that they issue dates once per month, so maybe its coming soon. Russ did call DOS this morning. The lady told us absolutely nothing we didnt already know. She didnt even seem to know what he was talking about hmm... I refuse to call the extortion line. They've had enough of our money. Guess we'll just sit tight a little while longer... I just really wanna book my coach tickets and hotel room

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 04 January 2010 - 01:50 PM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 13:47:00
United KingdomWho's still waiting on an interview date?
Sorry that looks really crappy, but it wouldnt let me edit it. If anyone else can do a nice fancy colourful table or something, feel free...
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 09:05:00
United KingdomWho's still waiting on an interview date?
Hi everyone,

We are still waiting to hear of an interview date despite returning our checklist and forms from Packet 3 over a month ago. We are wondering if we have been delayed with the christmas period.

I just wanted to see a show of hands of people who are still waiting, and who sent off their forms between late November and mid December. I will make a list and keep track to see how long its currently taking for people to get issued with dates. Feel free to let me know if you'd like to be added...

Date Packet 3 recieved Date Packet 3 returned Date Received Interview Date Date of Interview[/b]

Rachel & Russ Nov 27th 2009 Dec 2nd 2009 STILL WAITING STILL WAITING
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 08:59:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate Help
Yes I agree with doghandler! No dialling numbers, just UK address needed.
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-05 07:22:00
United Kingdomnotorization in the UK
Hold on a sec, am I right in saying you only need the letter of intent notarised if 4 months have passed since you recieved your NOA2???

Well... thats ages away for us (March 4th), surely most people dont have to wait 4 months!?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-26 17:04:00
United KingdomGetting a tax refund?
Hi everyone, I read something on here ages ago that explained that theres a possibility you can aply for a tax refund for the last year if you are leaving the UK. I'm not sure about this, I just have a vague memory of coming across this information. Is this true and if so, how do you go about doing it?

Thanks! :thumbs:
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-03 06:22:00
United KingdomAffadavit Questions
I am not 100% sure on this, but from what I have gathered on here on VJ along with the affadavit of support, you are only required to provide 2 forms of additional proof from this list:
most recent tax return/tax transcript
Employers Letter
Bank Statement

I have all of those except the bank statement as that is not applicable to us. I also am only taking Russ' most recent tax return. In the case of your fiance being self employed I think you may need more than just one return though.

I have never heard of having of give an additional letter to show your fiance is willing to support you - I think thats what the actual Affadavit of Support is for.

If Im wrong, anyone can feel free to correct me
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-05 07:18:00
United KingdomIs anyone going to their interview alone?

Although my step-father will be coming with me to the interview, my fiance will have to remain in the US. I know he really wants to be here, it just wasn't practical due to costs and customs already having issues with how much time he's spent in England. Him being here to help me prepare to leave for the US is actually more of a priority than him accompanying me to the interview.

Hmm me too. Just wish I had it both ways. My interview will be at 8am, so thats 3am for my Rusty! Hes happy to wake up though so we can congratulate each other on the new though! Lol!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-06 16:07:00
United KingdomIs anyone going to their interview alone?

I went alone, the week after my fiance went back to the US.

I wasn't really nervous until the night before... then I was re-checking all of the forms, freaking out over minor details and couldn't think of anything else! I left for London at 4am or something, and was feeling sick the entire way - especially when the bus stopped at Heathrow on the way there, and I was remembering all of those horrible feelings from the week before.

I'll tell you what, though... you're going to be fine. There is a feeling of anticipation when you're in the waiting room (I waited 5 hours) but once you're up there and talking to the interviewer and handing over forms, you'll be fine. Just remember that it's just a quick chat that asks the same questions that everyone asks when they find out about your American fiance! And also that the chances of denial are extremely low - that helped me. The interview was painless and he only asked about three questions.

I skipped out of there with my massive X-Ray in my hand, bumping into everyone with it, texting everyone to let them know. And guess what? When the bus stopped at Heathrow on the way back, I felt so happy! :D

Thank you so much Gemmie. I have to say I felt so emotional when I read your last line. :blush: Its so true! I cant wait for us to be together!

The issue of denial doesnt bother me. I think its more the anticipation. If I have to wait 5 hours I'm gonna be in a right state by the time I step up to meet the consular officer. I have visions of me collapsing on the floor in a sea of papers lol! :unsure: I know it'll be ok really, but I was like this with my medical and Russ was with me then. Unless you have been through this process, no-one can truly understand.

Thanks for the support everyone!

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 04 January 2010 - 01:31 PM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 13:30:00
United KingdomIs anyone going to their interview alone?
Thats all it is to me. Company and emotional support. We dont see it as my application to get married and live tiogether - its ours. We have gone through this whole journey together of trying to get to this point and thats what upsets me about going alone - the fact that its our application and he wont be there to experience it with me.

And btw, my fiance doesnt sit around all day with nothing to do. Being together at important times is a priority to us and nothing usually stands in the way of that (christmas, anniversaries, birthdays). I know there are people like us who havent seen each other for 10 months or more thats why I know we are very lucky to be in that position.

Russ is also returning to the UK in April to say goodbye to my family and help me and my labrador, Honey, make the big move. Hes going to take holiday leave from work for that, and also for the actual wedding. I have a few UK friends attending, so of course, we both want to be available to spend time with them then, too. I guess the price we pay for all of that time off work is him missing the interview :huh:

Thanks to everyone for your helpful opinions and experiences. I wish you all the best! :yes:
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 05:25:00
United KingdomIs anyone going to their interview alone?
Thanks so much to everyone for their kind words. This morning I went to the airport with Russ to see him off and was hit by the familiar anxiety feeling, seeing the airport and knowing the next time I go there will be the last time!!! Its so exciting but sooo nerve wracking, thats why I'm stressing a bit about going alone to the interview. I know I'll be ok but its just nice to hear from people who are going through the same... :) Thanks guys!

Oh and hi again NikkiUK, yes we may get the same date! I've been to London quite a few times so think I will be ok to get around, its just the waiting and everything... :unsure: making sure you have everything you need etc... Thanks also for your sympathy. Its always so hard to leave each other, we keep telling each other its not long now. Thats whats keeping us going.

I will let you know as soon as I hear anything about the interview. Russ is going to call DOS tomorrow to ask aswell. Fingers crossed!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-03 09:17:00
United KingdomIs anyone going to their interview alone?
Hi everyone,

Just looking for a bit of support from my fellow VJ-ers. My Rusty has just gone home this morning ( :crying: ) after a wonderful two week holiday together here in the UK.

Anyway, my medical was two weeks ago and now we're waiting on a interview date - which we hope won't be too long a wait now.

Our initial plan was to attend the interview together but as we're saving like mad for the wedding and Russ has a limited amount of time off work, I'm now going alone. I get really stressed out and nervous with situations like this and I wish he could be there for support. I don't really have anyone else I'd want to go with. No-one really understands what we've been through, the process etc...

Is anyone else going to go alone or has had to? How did you find it?

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-03 06:14:00
United KingdomItems allowed into the embassy?
Thanks for the input about needing the UCS's passport. I did think we didnt need it as they've already had form of id we own. Thanks also to sweets85 with the suggestion of taking something to eat and drink. Im hoping I wont be there 5 hours though. Two weeks today for our interview... oooh Im really excited now. A lil nervous (cos Im going down to London, staying there alone and then going to the interview) but Russ is waking up early to share the good news with me once Im done. FrostyMist, I was in a right state about the medical (have no idea why) but I also didnt understand what I was worried about after. Im sure you'll be fine at the interview. Sending you lots of luck :thumbs:
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-11 16:24:00
United KingdomItems allowed into the embassy?
Thanks for keeping us informed about the briefcase Beatlesrebel! I think Im just gonna take a handbag and a shopper bag for my A4 folder. Mine also has the sections like someone suggested for finding things quickly. I'm a bit worried about getting in a tiz trying to find stuff.

Anyway, as I said before, many congratulations on your successful interview! :dance: I cant wait til were in the same position!

Can I just ask a silly question? Hope you dont mind... all this preparation plays tricks on your mind... You don't need the USC's proof of ID do you? I mean their passport of birth certificate. I don't even have a copy. Is that ok?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-08 10:21:00
United KingdomItems allowed into the embassy?
I'm wondering about this too... Does anyone else have any ideas about bag size? What are you supposed to do with your A4 size documents etc...?

Are you allowed a carrier bag, at least, with an A4 folder in then? :unsure:
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-06 16:04:00
United Kingdominterview cost ??
Is it ok to pay by debit card for both the courier and visa fee? Or do you have to provide cash?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-23 17:11:00
United KingdomLast minute interview Checklist
Couple more questions while I have the chance...

  • Where do you actually go when you arrive at the Embassy (I was thinking of arriving at 7.45am)?
  • Is there a main entrance?
  • Does everyone who's had their interview think that 45 mins for queuing is enough?

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-24 04:32:00
United KingdomLast minute interview Checklist
Thanks everyone!!! Yay! I cant wait for this all to be over! I'm feeling ok at the minute actually, I'm more excited than nervous, but I just wanted a few people to cast their eyes over my list. Looks like I'm good to go! :D
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-24 04:23:00
United KingdomLast minute interview Checklist
My interview is Monday (eeeeek!) I'm so excited!!! Not looking forward to all the waiting around though, I just want to get it over and done with. My interview is for 8.30am so I'm planning to arrive outside at 7.45. Does anyone have any suggestions about whether this is advisable?

Also, I have my paperwork all ready but just wanted to run it by everyone to see if I've left anything out...

I have:

Appointment Letter
My Birth Certificate (long version) & a copy
My passport (and copies of each page)
My police certificate (& copy)
x2 US sized passport photographs
Our Affadavit of Support (& copy just in case)
Russ' 2008 Tax Return & Tax Transcript (& copies)
Russ' payslips (& copies of each one)
Russ' employer letter (& copy)
Additional Evidence June - present - I know this is never really asked for, but just in case...
Updated letters of Intent (& Copies)
x2 recent photographs (taken after I-129F)
Recent proof of posting packages to each other
Recent Flight Itineraries & Boarding Passes

$131 - Visa Processing Fee (has this now increased to $350?)
£14.20 - Courier Fee

Have I missed anything?? :blush:
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-23 18:11:00
United KingdomBrits In New Jersey
I haven't moved from the UK yet but will be on May 31st! Russ has just found us a lovely two bedroom house to rent on the bay in South Amboy - quite reasonably priced too. He has lived in NJ all his life and I love it there too! He will be moving in to the new house on April 1st and is a little upset about moving from Montclair (extremely affluent area :blink: ) to the shore but we're very, very happy to be starting our new life soon. I cant wait!

I love NJ cos of the shore which is so relaxing and the proximity to NYC. Its like two different worlds. I think when the time comes, I'll be trying to get a job in NYC as the train station direct is only down the street from our new house.

What area are you moving to?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-21 05:37:00
United KingdomCheap Flights from Continental

So glad you've got your flights booked. I have to laugh that the dog's flight costs more than Russ's!
I'm looking at around £4000 for both of mine to fly from Edinburgh to Charlotte, SC. The price of dog love!

Hi Christine,

I was wondering how things are going with you... :star: £4,000 seems quite a lot, even for both... Is it direct from Edinburgh or not? If not, maybe the extra connecting flight is why its more? Do you have the pet passport yet? Are you doing that?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-07 04:32:00
United KingdomCheap Flights from Continental
Well, I dont know how much Continental actually charge as we've gone through the pet shipping company, PBS Freight, for Honeys booking. Part of the price also includes her kennel (which is also the biggest size available) but it was £1137.
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-03 07:29:00
United KingdomCheap Flights from Continental
Thanks everyone... hmmm makes sense about the BA strikes. I never thought of that. Well, we bought our tickets yesterday!!! Yay! We both slept really well last night for the first time in ages. Its such a relief! I bought a return (even though I'm obv. not returning) for £387 and Russ's ticket to come out and flight back with me was £566 - which is still extaustionate (sp?) in my opinion but it was the cheapest price. Every other surrounding date was £700+. Hes coming out a little earlier than planned which means more unpaid time off work for him as well, which is exactly what we don't need but oh well. At least we'll be together soon! Soooo excited! :yes: Counting down the days now...
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-02 05:05:00
United KingdomCheap Flights from Continental
Hi everyone,

I will be moving to New Jersey in the United States, to be with Russ and get married at the end of May! Im so excited!!!! I cant wait!

Anyway, the last hurdle for us is to get our flights. We need to fly with Continental from Birmingham to Newark. Our dog, Honey, and I are booked on the outgoing flight.

I bought mine last night for £387 (return even though I'm not returning - but its half the price to get a return rather than one way). And Russ wants to buy his flight to come over here a week prior to help me move and then us two and my labrador Honey, will all be flying back together.

So, I searched for his flight last night and they want nearly £700!!!! Almost double what I've paid!!!

We cant pay that and I don't know what we're going to do. Does anyone work for Continental (ie know when the prices of flights go up or down) or does anyone know of any discount codes to make this price somewhat more realistic?

Help! :blink:

Thank you!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 05:17:00