Hi again!

Thanks again for your reply! Its a great help.

The reason why I said I didn't really want her to be boarded overnight is because pet shipping companies I've obtained a quote from in the past have all wanted to do that. I have no problem hiring the services of a pet shipping company though. Money is not the issue. We're by no means rich, but we're well prepared for the costs. My fiancee and I have been discussing this seriously for well over a year. Its not as if the price is really negotiable is it? Lol! We just have to do it! But I've heard on here from people who have shipped their pet (with cargo) themselves without using such company. Hmmm... I don't understand how that works then...

Anyway, I've had a look at Animal Airlines. I did a search and they can arrange flights from Birmingham. Its really important that we travel from Birmingham Airport. We have limited help getting to the airport and travelling down to London is not an option, besides I dont want to put my dog through that aswell. I believe most pet shipping companies in the UK send pets out from the larger airports instead. Have you ever heard of them?

It seems to me that getting into the USA with a pet is a million times easier than returning to the UK!

Well thanks for answering all of my questions. I have requested an quote from Animal Airlines and we'll get the rabies vaccine done when I return home.

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 26 July 2009 - 07:36 AM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-26 07:33:00
QUOTE (backeast09 @ Jul 25 2009, 10:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

it is HELL!!
i have a biggish dog. she is not much bigger than a labby, but the crate i had to get for her was custom made because no one could decide which of the varikennels was the right one, the giagantic one is too big and the next size down is too small, it has to be fitted with food and waterbowl, attached to the crate, extra food can be attached in a bag to the crate, (the whole thing gets xrayed, dog and all) you can throw in a t shirt or towel but no toys. someone has already sent you a link to continental (which is the airline i used both times) this tells you the dimensions of the crate you need and how to measure your dog...get your crate well before your journey and get your dog accustomed to it, dont force her...just throw a treat in now and again and leave the door open. depending where you are flying to your dog is in the crate for longer than 8 hours...i dont care what the airlines say about the length of time in a is bull...the trip out she was crated for 17 hours and the return trip she was crated for 19 hours. we went from glasgow to newark outbound and newark to manchester inbound. do not put your dog in the crate until you are absolutly ready to leave only need 2 hours for yourself to check in and board...and as long as you give yourself enough time to do the doggy paperwork you will be ok to catch your flight in plenty of time, i have heard people arriving 6- 8 hours before the flight and booking the dog in 6 hours prior to the flight just adds to your dogs in isnt that hard...everything else is! its the other side that takes time!!

injections are needed, you need to keep her updated with her yearly injections and get a rabies injection about 1 and half months before your flight, the rabies injection has to be done AT LEAST 30 days anyway, because she will need a blood test (serology test) after 30 days to make sure she has enough of the vaccine (this you need to get intouch with USDA - APHIS on the usa side, that is the usa version of DEFRA, i called a guy called Rocky in NJ...each state has different rules on rabies and importing pets. he can advise you for NJ but i doubt any other state, but he can at least point you in the right direction!)
this is where it gets fun...the uk rabies injection is valid for 3 years (verbac) but, the usa rabies injection is one if you are considering leaving the usa to return to the will be faced with even more hell trying to get your dog out! look at it stays there whatever happens.
she needs to be microchiped, you need a usa reconised microchip or have the equipment to read it attached to the crate...most vets use nationally reconised microchips. make sure the vet reads it every time she visits the vet...they tend to move...and make sure that the export company at the departing airport also read it prior to you leaving her with them.

make sure ALL your paperwork is correct, dated, signed etc...important that the rabies injection has a date on it! (if just for future)
most uk vets dont really know what to do...but, it is a good idea to do some research into vets, calling and asking them if they have experience of exporting to the usa...although everyone has to start somewhere it is a lot easier having a vet who at least has some insight into this.
on the usa side, there are lots of vets who are 'international vets'

she will also need a health check 10 days prior to flight, if you do this about a week before your flight it will give you a few days to cover accidents, missing the flight, missinformation, or just the weather, the certificate is provided and has to co-inside with your flight, most airports have a summer and winter in, to hot and to cold, best to check that with the airline, they wont fly pets if it is too hot on either the uk (LMAO) side or the usa side and the same for too cold.
you dog has to be on the same flight as cant send your dog on her own and your partner collect her...thought i cant see how this makes a if i never asked about my one else would bother to ask me!
DEFRA (who thought my dog was a snake!) do not really have a clue about american regulations, and on the other side USDA - APHIS dont really have a clue on UK regulations! but...all the airlines stick to the rules and the rules cover all of them. (im not sure of the links i found helpful...ill dig them out later)
you have to use an export company for your dog, this is since 9/11...i used 'pets on jets' to leave the uk...and 'airborne animals' to return (sally has a lot of info!) though both times was in excess of $2000 not to mention all the vet bills and stress for myself and my dog. (if you had a yorkie she could sit on your knee! lol) book in advance...they only carry 2 dogs in cargo on any one flight apparently.
once on the usa side, you will have to pay about $50 to get her out of customs...then you are both FREE!!! but, you need to get her registered with the township, youll get a little disc and it cost me about $11 for a year.

if you can think of anything i have missed or have any more questions, i can try an help...everyones process is different.

oh yes...tick and tape treatment 48 hours prior to depature carried out by the vet...tick carries lymes it...its nasty

a little story -
i returned to the uk with my pooch, paid out over $2000 to get her home, in boarding my flight in newark, i asked a steward if my dog was on the flight, he went to check and came back and told me she was still on the runway waiting until the doors on the plane were shut to be loaded into cargo (for some reason this effects air conditioning in cargo) i never heard no more, i sat the entire flight not knowing if my dog was loaded or not...the steward couldnt tell me anything else once the doors were closed! so 7.5hours later i get off the plane in manchester expecting to see my dog sitting on the runway, already off loaded...nothing...i go through the airport and head for information, ive no idea where to collect told eventually to go somewhere off the M56 and they will help, so eventually we find 'pets on jets' in manchester and the girl there has no idea that a dog was coming getting all worked up now, thinking my dog was still in newark...she sends me to servisair (who are something to do with customs and imports) and i ask where my dog is...they have no idea neither...time is passing and my dog is no where to be seen...still sitting in a crate somewhere...i stand in the reception listening to a member of staff tell others about his conquest the night before and f'ing and blin'ing while i am in tears because it is now 5 hours since i got off the dog still no where to be seen...occasionaly someone comes to the window saying sorry,...sorry...frikin sorry doesnt help me or my dog!! then a guy comes through and he has found my dog...sitting on the runway...she was loaded off the plane and left there...the plane i arrived on had since loaded and left...i was dog might be a toughy type dog...but she is a real softy and was probably petrified at all these planes reving up and taking off...
i had to fill in more paperwork and go back to pets on jets(they are the importers) the woman there explained to me that no one had filled the paperwork in on the usa side...for frikin $2000+ you would have thought that someone did their job properly! she let my girl through who tried so hard to jump the counter to get to me...knocking me on my backside and licking me to death...
didnt stop me from being p***ed about her being left on manchester runway though.

i hope your journey is less stressful than mine was...both times.

Hi backeast09,

Thank you so much for your input! Great to hear your sorry and I'm sorry it was so traumatic! My god! I have to say I felt a little dispondant after reading your story. How awful, your doggy was left on the tarmac with planes arriving and taking off. My poor Honey wouldnt know what to do. But thanks again for all your advice! Its a real help to hear your info! I have contacted USDA APHIS for any requirements specific to NJ - no reply. So I have contacted them again! As far as the requirements that a Vet needs to take care of that won't be a problem. I have even found a pet whos familar with applying for Pet Passports (within the EU though, not really worldwide).

The good news is, I cant see any reason why we would be travelling back to the UK. To be honest I feel terrible putting my dog through the trauma of enduring an 8 hour plus flight, but this is something we HAVE to do. My fiance and I both love her to death and we want her to be with us. I just want to apply for the Pet Passport (even though I dont have to) to cover every eventuality, plus I like the fact that every base is covered.

As far as leaving my dog at the last minute possible, dont you have to drop your dog off at the airports cargo department? That isnt close to the departure terminal where we'll be flying from so we'll try to leave it as late as possible but we just want to plan it out well, to avoid being stressed to the max.

Anyway, I hope you don't mind me asking a few other questions...
How does it work with the paperwork? Does the airline send you the labels for your pet's crate or do they do it for you when you arrive at Cargo?
What do they actually ask for when your pet is taken away from you?

Also, as you said you flew with Continental. Did your dog fly with 'Quickpak?' (
And how did you find collecting your dog from Newark?
How do you know where to go for collection? (is it true customs have to wait for a vet to check your dog over before she can be released?)
Can your dog be collected by your fiance? - As I presume I'm going to be interviewed in secondary passport control on arrival as I'll be travelling in on my K1 Visa), I'd really like my fiance to be responsible for collecting this to her to avoid her waiting even longer.

And, I did read one story about how a flight attendant brought part of the crates live animal label (I dont know if it was perforated or something??) to the passenger who the pet belonged to on the plane, so she knew her pet was on board? Did this not happen to you on the way there?

How did you exactly go about booking your dog as cargo? I know you said it's the simplest step, but I just can't figure out who to ring in advance of booking, to get a price etc. The continental website doesnt allow you to book online when you are booking your seat and getting through to Continental for any queries is turning out to be near impossible.
Did you book via the QuickPak Cargo dept and not through Continental directly?
Also, I didint quite understand whether you hired a pet shipping company or not. I ask because the ones Ive contacted say they can provide the crate for me? I was thinking of doing the whole process (to go to the US) ourselves. All of the veterinary requirements and paperwork will be done ourselves, so why should I pay someone who wants to board my dog overnight and then put her on the plane (which is unnecessary anyway)?

Sorry for the million questions! Hope you're having a great day and thanks for helping us out!

ps - any links for more info would be great!

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 25 July 2009 - 05:08 PM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-25 17:04:00
QUOTE (Rebster @ Jul 24 2009, 12:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, the pet passport (PETS Scheme) is only if you intend to bring your dog back to the UK (or another EU country.) If you are leaving forever and have no intention of going back, then you do not need to have it completed. However, I would strongly suggest you do. You never know what can happen and how you will feel in a years time.

DEFRA requires you to 1st) microchip your dog, 2nd) get the rabies jab, 3rd) have a titre drawn to check immunity to rabies, 4th) have a physical with worming/tick treatment just prior to departure. Any veterinarian office should be familiar with the process and have no issue completing the paperwork. They have the forms so you don't need to obtain them yourself. All of these steps are to ensure you can bring your dog back into the country without having to put Honey into quarantine.

By contrast, all the USDA needs is proof of rabies jab (they don't care when it was given as long as it is still current) and a certification by a vet that the animal is healthy enough to travel. The carrier will also require the worming/tick treatment just prior to departure.

Have a look at the links above to the two agencies.

Also, make sure you have checked out the airline's policy regarding the crate you use for Honey. They have requirements for size (to prevent the animal being in too small of a crate) and materials (it must be sturdy/stackable.) And I noticed you said you thought that you had to be on the same flight - that is not true. I shipped my cat via BA a few days before I flew over.

It's a lot to sort through but lots of us have done it. So ask away and I'm sure everyone else will chime in with their experiences. smile.gif

Thank you so much for your reply! You have no idea how much your info has helped our situation!!! I have just emailed my vets with all of the information you gave me and I also found out all the requirements actually on the DEFRA website, just to double check. I don't know why I didn't find them before. But thank you so much!

I didnt get the two links you asked me to look at, though. Could you send them again, if you don't mind?

So, I travel home on September 22nd (I'm with my fiance in the US at the moment) and when I get home I'll have an appointment to start the application for the Pet Passport - I'm going with your recommendation of getting one to be on the safe side - and Honey will have her annual booster done at the same time. We also need to get looking into crates too. Oh and I also managed to obtain the cargo phone number at Birmingham Airport for more information! The ball is finally rolling... Just waiting on our NOA2 now...

Today is such a good day... I had my wedding dress delivered this morning (its beautiful!) our gazebo for the ceremony by the beach is provisionally reserved (just in case we need to change the wedding date because of USCIS) and I finally feel like Im getting somewhere with transporting our Honey! Yay!

Thanks again!!! You're a star!
Rachel xx smile.gif good.gif

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 24 July 2009 - 11:49 AM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-24 11:47:00
Actually you should NOT sedate your animal. Most carriers will not transport an animal that has been sedated. blush.gif

As for paperwork, if you have completed the PETS Scheme you will be more than prepared. You'll have to have the worming/tick treatment done just prior to departure but everything else will be already completed. The USDA is the authority over animal transport here and they are not nearly as strict as DEFRA. Rabies jab and certification of health is all they require. (Microchipping is not required by USDA, that is a DEFRA requirement)

When we brought our dogs & cat to the US there was a USDA rep there to verify everything was in order but it was a simple process. The only thing they asked about was if their food contained meat (I guess that's a no-no) but as it was dry kibble they let us through without any issue.

We didn't fly them (we came over on the Queen Mary) but I had flown my cat to the UK a couple of years earlier. I put food in her crate as well as freezing some water in her dish (so it could melt during the trip and not be spilt during the loading.) I had started to use a transport company but ended up doing it myself through BA Cargo. The company I almost used (AirAnimal) has a great website with lots of information. Also check the airlines websites as they will give you specifics regarding required crate sizes.

Good luck and feel free to PM for more info! good.gif

Thank you so much for your helpful answer. So, in order, what are the steps I need to take next? My vet wants to 'get sorted with the pet passport'. What does that mean? Is that the PETS travel scheme for the UK? Isn't that only for travel back into the UK?

And how far ahead do her rabies vaccinations need to be carried out?

Also, I didnt know about the flea and worming treatment!! How far ahead does that need to be done and soes it have to be verified with paperwork from a vet?

Sorry for all the questions, its just I'm really interested to hear from someone who has been through the same experience! Thanks!!

Rachel smile.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-23 14:32:00
QUOTE (English Muffin @ Jul 20 2009, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We have this sticky at the top of the page http://www.visajourn...howtopic=123420

I haven't read it myself so I'm not sure how useful it will be to you but I thought I'd point it out.

Thank you English Muffin, thats a really helpful topic, but I still couldnt find what I wanted to know on there, so I though it best to start a new topic just for dogs where people can share info. Thank you though!!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-20 08:12:00
Oh I just thought Id shre this with anyone whos interested. My fiance works for Petco here and he found this for us:

Its a water bottle for dogs! I dont think you can get that kind of thing in the UK.

Also, I happened to come across this:;product_id=all

A DAP Hormone that mothers naturally release to their puppies to reassure them to eliminate stress. I thought this was a great idea to spray on the crate!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-20 08:10:00
Hi everyone, this website is fab and thank you to everyone for their input, because without it, we woulld all be quite a bit closer to being cluless on this whole process.

So, anyway, my fiancee and I are currently in the US together (I flew over on the VWP on June 28th and I'm returning home on Sept 22nd) and whilst I'm here we sent off the I-129F petition and we've just had back our NOA1! Yay! I know we're just at the beginning but we've been talking about marriage, getting enagaged and the whole process of obtaining the K1 visa for at least 8 months now, so we're just so relieved that we're finally on our way now.

My main question however, is about travelling with dogs - particuarly large dogs. I have a labrador, called Honey, and as she is our pride and joy we have to bring her over with us. We're making loose plans for the wedding for the end of June next year but I'm hoping as soon as I have my visa in hand, I'll travel over to the US to get settled before the wedding. So hopefully, fingers crossed, all going well we should be travelling from the UK to the US April-ish time?? So it wont be too hot. We want to fly from Birmingham to Newark as travelling to London will be far too stressful with a dog that is very nervous and anxious anyway. Kennelling overnight is not an option either.

The reason I've made a new topic is because I looked on here and couldn't seem to find the info I really need. I have contacted my vet about moving Honey to the States and they dont seem to know anything. So I contacted a different vet, she told me the same, only to get in touch with DEFRA and get back to them with what the requirements are for Honey to enter the States. I have contacted DEFRA and the Kennel Club, and have had no such luck. They don't return phone calls or emails, so I just have to take matters into my own hands and find out what requirements she needs, elsewhere.

I would love to hear from someone the steps I need to take in order to get her ready for flying.
Info Ive managed to gather so far includes-
She has to have a rabbies vaccination and a blood test to prove the shot is effective.
I've also heard she needs to be microchipped - we aldready did this when she was a puppy.
Fit to fly certificate - within 10 days of flying.

Ok, so to me, this info leaves lots of gaps:
Can anyone tell me whether they recommend going with a pet travel company or organising it all myself?
How shall I book the flight? Well in advance? By phone or online? - I've heard she needs to be booked on the flight also...
Should I think about buying a container now to get her acustomed to it well in advance?
Is dog food permitted during travel?
How much water is permitted to drink during travel?
What other documentation do I need for her travel?
We are flying from Birmingham to Newark - does anyone have any experiences of travelling with pets within these two airports?
How far in advance do I need to get her rabies vaccine done?
Has anyone experienced travelling with their pets and Continental Airlines?
Are there any other steps I can take to be really prepared?

Overall, I'd love to start this thread to help people prepare for travelling with their pet (particuarly large dogs). Its stressful enough, this huge transisiton into a new life for us. But its a whole other issue, transporting our beloved pet too. So I was hoping everyone can pull together and help each other out.

Thanks to all of you!!

Heres our baby:

hope the pic shows up

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 20 July 2009 - 07:58 AM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-20 07:57:00
United KingdomWhat Affadavit Support documents were requested during your London Embassy Interview?
Usually it is recommended to submit the last three if submitting them will BENEFIT and SUPPORT your financial status. But if they don't, like in your case, you say if you submit the last 3 years he did not meet the poverty guidelines, then it is best NOT to include the previous 3 years' returns. Just the most recent one (where he made above the poverty guideline is enough) with the rest of the supporting do (W-2s, employer letter, pay stubs, etc).

Ok thanks alot! That makes alot of sense! My fiance has only started his new job in June (we've only just recieved our NOA1 so we have plenty of time before the interview) and he will have maybe 6 months or so worth of pay stubs by that time. As he now meets the poverty requirements (he earns $32,000 per year) but he will have only worked half a year by the time of the interview will we qualify? I mean, does he have to have earnt the required amount in the last year (- ie January to December) or do they just base it on his monthly salary x 12? He wont have earnt his current salary in the last 12 months yet. Does that matter?

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-29 13:29:00
United KingdomWhat Affadavit Support documents were requested during your London Embassy Interview?
Thank you to everyone for their reply! So do I need my fiancees most recent tax return or the last three? Arent you supposed to give three if youre self employed? We dont have three to give... And for the last three years, he doesn't meet the poverty line guidelines at all. But his income now exceeds it and he is employed by a company.
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-29 13:20:00
United KingdomWhat Affadavit Support documents were requested during your London Embassy Interview?
I'm just wondering what documents to compile in time for my K1 Visa Interview in relation to the Affadavit of Support (we're still waiting on our NOA2) and I just wanted to hear what has been commonly asked for (and what they asked to see in your experience). Not the whole list really, just what was asked from you... Thank you!!! good.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-29 08:44:00
United KingdomReviews of Pet Shipping Companies Anyone?
QUOTE (imaisha @ Aug 21 2009, 09:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have you seen this thread? http://www.visajourn...h...123420&st=0

Yes, I have seen that! I couldn't find what I was looking for on there. I was looking, really, for specific reviews on specific companies. As its such a big responsibilty to place in their hands (well it is to me anyway) I really want to make sure I choose a company with a great reputation. Thanks anyway imaisha
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-21 15:11:00
United KingdomReviews of Pet Shipping Companies Anyone?
My fiance and I will be moving our beloved labrador over to the USA next year once we get the K1 visa. I need to make plans now to do this and before I take the plunge and put a deposit down with a Pet Shipping Company. So, I would love to hear of any reviews for any of these companies:

Pet Air UK,

Airpets or

Animal Airlines.

I think I'm ok now, after much research, on the proceedure I have to follow to get our doggy over to the States. But, if anyone can offer their experiences of how they found dealing with any of these (or other) companies and any recommendations, it would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

Thank you
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-21 12:35:00
United KingdomVaccinations needed for K1 process?
QUOTE (payxibka @ Sep 5 2009, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Officially there are no K-1 vaccination requirements but only for AOS... I believe however, London is one of those consulates that require the AOS vaccinations to be complete before the visa will be issued.

Ok thanks. Do you know what they are?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-05 16:43:00
United KingdomVaccinations needed for K1 process?
Does anyone know what exact vaccinations are needed

(1) by the time of my medical for the K1 Visa? - and
(2) by the time we file for AOS after we marry?

I'm female and will be 26 years of age at the time of my K1 interview and 27 by the time we get married. I've already had the MMR when I was a baby. Does anyone know if you are able to obtain a record of vaccinations like this from your doctor to avoid having them done again at the medical?

I can't find this information anywhere.. If anyone can help I'd be really grateful

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-05 16:34:00
United KingdomWhat to prepare whilst waiting for NOA2
Thank you so much. My fiance and I have talked it through and, yaaaay, he's started his return for 2008 and will have it sent off for Friday! I'm not that stressed about the transcript now, we'll just submit copies of the return and W2's instead. His 2008 return shows he only earnt $8,000 for 08 - Do you think that will be ok? He now earns $30,000.

I keep telling him it will be a relief to finally get this sorted.

Thank you so much for your help!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-08 08:21:00
United KingdomWhat to prepare whilst waiting for NOA2
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Sep 5 2009, 11:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My transcripts came in a week. They are free and you can get 3 years worth by faxing in one form.

Not sure if you're understanding taxes or if your fiance is just a real procrastinator.

The tax year is Jan 1 - Dec 31. So the latest taxes he should have filed were for the year Jan-Dec 2008. He had until April 15, 2009 to file those 2008 taxes and if he hasn't then he's kinda in violation of the law. Not to worry, they are far to busy to track him down and actually charge him with anything. Perhaps he filed the form asking for an extension by the April 15 deadline. If he hasn't filed 2008 taxes then that would be the #1 priority. A tax transcript won't be available immediately after filing.

People will not start doing their 2009 taxes until about February 2010 and will file them by Apr. 15, 2010.

Hi again, thanks for the advice. As I'm a UK citizen and employed, filing taxes it not really something I know anything about. It has never concerned me.

However, I am starting to understand this slowly... I was under the impression that he needed to file for his earnings from April 2008 to April 2009? I didnt know its actually for January 08 to December 08? No, he hasn't applied for any sort of extension. So we'll get that done immediately. Do you know How long it takes after filing his outstanding tax return before we can get the transcript?

But all going well, our visa interview should be Feb/March sometime next year... So, would that mean his Jan - Dec 08 tax return would be the one we need to present at the interview? Yes?

I just have one problem though, his earnings back then were minimal. He now has (and has had for 6 months plus) a good job whereby he more than meets the poverty guidline requirements. Why, in that case would they care what he earnt nearly 2 years before the interview? Its his current situation they are concerned with isn't it?

And yes, he is a major procrastinator. He's not trying to get out of it, just loves to put things off to try and sweep them under the carpet. I have been reminding him to get the employee letter for weeks now as I know he will leave that to the day before the interview. Uhh men... rolleyes.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-05 17:45:00
United KingdomWhat to prepare whilst waiting for NOA2
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Sep 5 2009, 10:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Some useful links for you to start reading. Everything you want to know should be covered if you dig deep enough and check all the links from Embassy website that take you to other information (including the fine print in the right hand column under "MORE".)





And a map that you can zoom or move showing locations for medical and interview and the place to leave your phone and keys before entering the embassy. http://www.click2map.../Embassy_London

A video of what your interview day will be like.

Don't spend time printing pictures of your relationship. London does not ask for or look at proofs of an ongoing relationship or an updated letter of intent. Just prepare everthing in the list on their website in the first link above. I know VJ and people in the K1 forums promote the scrapbook thing for the Embassy, but that is just not the case in London. Spend your time getting spot on financial evidence together like ordering your tax transcripts from the IRS right now.

Thank you so much! That info is all a great help. Im going to have a look at all of those links now.

Do you know how long it takes to recieve the tax transcripts? My fiance still has to file for this year. I've been telling him we need to do it now, but I think he's leaving it to the last minute.
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-05 16:47:00
United KingdomWhat to prepare whilst waiting for NOA2
Hi everyone,

My fiance and I like to be really organised and we are currently waiting on our NOA2 for the I-129F. We had our NOA1 on July 10th and we have an estimated date on our timeline for as early as November 20th. Lets hope it comes soooooon!

So anyway, we want to get prepared for my embassy interview and the next step. Can anyone give any advice about what would be a good idea to have, ready prepared so we don't waste extra time compiling documents before the interview?

And also, with regards to the medical, if you have had certain vaccinations throughout your life, did you find it easy/helpful to obtain proof of this, so you dont have to have them all over again at the medical appointment. And how did you get proof of these as well?

And, how much does the medical cost and what vaccinations are mandatory for the K1 visa? (I'll be 26 at the time of medical, but 27 after we get married)
Thank you!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-05 08:52:00
United KingdomAny UK beauty therapists out there?
I know this is a long shot but Im looking for anyone who has been or currently is in a similar situation to me. My fiance and I are still waiting on our NOA2 but I'm starting to think about what Im going to do for a job for once I get over to the USA next year.

Im a trained Beauty Therapist with NVQ Level 2 & 3 Beauty Therapy Qualifications. As I've done this job in the UK for about 6 years and have good experience, I'd really like to contuinue this career in the US. But it just seems near impossible.

However, I've done a little research and been in contact with NCBTMB - The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork and it turns out that massage and beauty in the US are two totally separate things. Many therapists don't do both, either one or the other. So, this is very different to the UK. Also, for most states you are required to carry either an aestheticians or massage licence in order to carry out work.

To get this licence, you have to have completed 500 hours of education. This is not how UK education is really graded at all. So anyway, the short of it is basically if I want to keep doing this job and avoid having to re-do my education all over again I have to get proof of the hours I studied at college (6 years ago!) and retake an extremely difficult exam to obtain the licence. The massage licence requires you to be completely familiar with knowledge of the body that a doctor would know, definitely not the way its learnt at home. I think all of this jumping through hoops is because in the US, Massage Therapists only go through minimal training compared to the UK (which is 2 years minimum) in order to control the quality of therapists out there.

This process is also extremely expensive and to be honest I don't know if its worth it. Where I currently work in the UK, its a high end spa in a prestigious hotel and where I'll be moving to in New Jersey there is nothing in comparison, apart from in New York City (whereby you have to qualify in first aid AS WELL!)

Anyway sorry its long, but basically, I just wanted to find out if anyone has moved over to the US and continued to carry out this profession (or something related) and generally how they found it.

Thanks in advance!! Good luck to you all! good.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-18 07:57:00
United KingdomHaving children after marriage?
Hi there,

I am just wondering about what the situation would be about having children after marriage and before the AOS process is complete? Obviously the child born would be an american citizen automatically but would it effect my application and where would that come into play, if at all, on the forms from AOS right up until becoming a US citizen?

Just wondering... Im not pregnant or anything, but would just like to know...
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-17 08:14:00
United Kingdomhow to watch UK tv Online
Am I totally missing something? I have registered with the website and don't know where to start... how do you watch your favourite tv programmes? Im not familar with sites like this at all, have no knowledge of torrents etc...

Help is greatly appreciated!

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-08 09:01:00
United KingdomIs you fiance allowed to accompany you to the interview?
Just a quick question...

We're currently waiting for our NOA2 (should be any day now) we're starting to gather documents needed for the interview.

Money is very tight, obviously, but I would really like Russ to come over to England to come with me to the interview in London, whenever we get our interview date - christmas time, new year?? So, we need to factor money for flights into the equation but can anyone tell me if your fiance is even allowed into the building with you when you go for your interview? And can they actually sit and wait with you?

Thanks everyone!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-30 06:20:00
United KingdomDont have W2's to go with tax return? 1099's instead?
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Sep 30 2009, 10:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RUSSandRACHEL @ Sep 30 2009, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh ok thanks very much.

Yes the 1099's add up. But his 2008 Tax Return in no way matches his current earnings at all. He was self employed during 2008 and on the return is actually in the minus'. Hope this wont be a problem. Hes been in his current job since June and earns $30,000 now. So I dont really see the sense in presenting the tax return to them at the interview but hey ho...

You'll need to present the returns anyway, I think they want to see them just to be sure that the obligation to the feds is met.

As for qualifying as a sponsor, get an employment letter and some pay stubs to document current income. This is the part that London will care about when assessing the USC's sponsorship capability.

Thanks Nik and Heather. That wont be a problem... just waiting on his employee letter now
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-01 03:30:00
United KingdomDont have W2's to go with tax return? 1099's instead?
Oh ok thanks very much.

Yes the 1099's add up. But his 2008 Tax Return in no way matches his current earnings at all. He was self employed during 2008 and on the return is actually in the minus'. Hope this wont be a problem. Hes been in his current job since June and earns $30,000 now. So I dont really see the sense in presenting the tax return to them at the interview but hey ho...
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-30 14:06:00
United KingdomDont have W2's to go with tax return? 1099's instead?
Whilst waiting for our NOA2 (should be any day now) we're starting to gather documents needed for the interview. My fiance has given me a copy of his 2008 Tax Return, signed Affadavit of Support and his pay slips. Now we're just waiting on a letter from his employer and my Police Cerificate.

Ive just noticed on some of the London Embassy Interview Reviews that people have become delayed in getting final approval because they have the tax return but no W2's. Russ hasnt given me any, but has given me 1099's instead. Will this suffice? And do I really need a tax transcript or will a copy of the filed tax return do instead?

Thank you!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-30 06:16:00
United KingdomAnyone used Pet Air UK?
We're about to sign on the dotted line, we have our quotation and all the requirements we need in place to take our labrador over to the States with us next year. I just wondered if anyone has dealt with this company before? We'll be flying with Continental from Birmingham to Newark.
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-05 12:33:00
United KingdomIs anyone applying for the Petscheme Pet Passport?
I know theres another thread about travelling with pets on the UK forum but it doesn't contain anything specific and I wanted to start another thread as people dont seem to really respond on there anymore anyway. We're about to sign on the dotted line to bring our labrador, Honey, over to the United States next year when we (finally) get the K1 visa. Is anyone else planning on doing the same and if so, are you planning on applying for the pet passport?

Honey is having her rabies vaccination at the end of the month... poor baby
and so it starts... unsure.gif

Edited by RUSSandRACHEL, 23 October 2009 - 03:13 PM.

RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-23 15:12:00
United KingdomYou Tube London Embassy Interview
Yes! Yes! Thats the one! Thanks very much! smile.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-29 16:11:00
United KingdomYou Tube London Embassy Interview
Hi everyone, just a simple quick question.

On VJ a while ago someone quoted a link to a really helpful video on You Tube about The London USA Embassy and the interview process.

I've been looking for this on You Tube and also for the link of VJ but can't find it. Can anyone help me out? Thank you!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-21 09:51:00
United KingdomCan my fiance attend my interview?
Awwww yaaaaaay! Glad that its all worked out for you too. I wish my fiance could come with me...
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-17 12:03:00
United KingdomCan my fiance attend my interview?
Oh jeeez! So complicated! Deep breath! Ahhh...

Well get back to me fellow VJ peeps and let me know what you hear next! Thank you! good.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-16 15:41:00
United KingdomCan my fiance attend my interview?
What checklist is this? Is that with packet 3 or 4?
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-15 03:35:00
United KingdomWhere is my police certificate?
Yaaaaaaaay! My police certificate arrived this morning! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I have never committed a crime but still took a sigh of relief when I read it said 'no trace' hehe! I am always thinking the worst... that it might all go wrong and they might mix me up with someone else??? blink.gif Silly me
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-18 08:18:00
United KingdomWhere is my police certificate?
Well I called them this morning and spoke to a helpful lady who told me it is due for dispatch tomorrow (Thats convienient. Whenever you call anyone why is it always being sent out 'tomorrow') Hmmm... anyway cant complain, so we'll see. Hoping I get it for the end of the week star_smile.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-17 12:08:00
United KingdomWhere is my police certificate?
Oh thanks everyone. Hmmmm seems I'm not alone! Can't believe you had to pay again Welsh Cookie!

gmjdmj do you still have the email address so I can chase it up? star_smile.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-16 15:26:00
United KingdomWhere is my police certificate?
Thanks everyone! I just want to be organised thats all innocent.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-15 06:38:00
United KingdomWhere is my police certificate?
I mailed off my police certificate application over 2 weeks ago and my cheque had only cleared from my bank account at the begginning of this week but I still havent recieved my certificate yet. Does anyone know how long it takes? I was under the impression it took 5 days or so... And how do you get in contact with them to chase it up, should there be much more of a delay?

Thank you!! star_smile.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-15 03:51:00
United KingdomWhen can I book my medical?
Hi everyone, thanks for your replies. I actually got the first one from Lioncub4 and made the call right after that. I got through to a really nice lady (I guess a different one) and she took my details down and booked me in for December 21st! Yay! So now me and Russ can go together and have a day out in London together too. She did ask me if I had the 'checklist' and I was just like yeah... hehe. But I downloaded all of the medical info from the London Embassy website including the questionnaire and I'm good to go.

Ahhh... thats another thing sorted, but, £190 though?! Jeez... But I suppose its all worth it in the end yes.gif
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-18 16:48:00
United KingdomWhen can I book my medical?
Hi everyone! star_smile.gif

I am struggling to get a clear answer on this one. I have been advised by quite a few people on VJ to go ahead and book my medical with Knightsbridge Doctors in London once the NVC have recieved my case and I am issued with my new case number. Well, we now have that information and we are waiting (and it should be any day now) for the London Embassy to recieve our case. So, the other day I tried to ring and schedule my medical and was met by a very rude receptionist on the phone who asked me 'why I was bothering calling', 'where did we get their phone number from' and 'who instructed us to make the appointment'. When I told her I want to schedule it for when my fiance is here over christmas and in advance so we can be organised she told me 'thats not how the embasy works and you can't make your appointment until you have been istructed by the embassy' blink.gif (!!??)

I have talked to a few other VJers and they have conflicting stories, all having been able to book their medical with only their new case number and having not yet recieved packets 3 and 4.

Can anyone advise what I am supposed to do and what is the correct phone number to ring and when are you supposed to book the appointment? Do I really have to wait until packets 3 and 4?

Thanks in advance!
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-18 08:10:00
United KingdomHow long did it take for London to recieve your case?
Thanks Sundrop you're an angel!! innocent.gif But we're not really in a mad rush. If I get the interview by late January I'll be really please. We're not moving out th the States until the end of April but I've put on my checklist - Date of Marriage and date of Travel - Feb 2010.

There is one thing though, I am filling out the forms now and I am confused by one thing on the checklist... 'notarized statement' and a checkbox. What is this??? We have been told by everyone on here that nothing needs to be notarized... is this refering to the letter of intent???
RUSSandRACHELFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-02 05:44:00