United KingdomKinda Random...


Birmingham, Alabama


small world..hi from hoover :)

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-13 23:44:00
United KingdomKinda Random...

With any luck ill be saying HIYAAAAAAA from Alabama in the next month or so wink.png


oh nice! what part if you don't mind me asking?

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-13 12:55:00
United KingdomKinda Random...

Might be delayed on commenting on this but hi from down below(Alabama) :)

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-12 14:38:00
United KingdomLost lamb on this forum and need help with after NOA2 for I-129F :(

I posted over here after getting lost in the other one hoping for just UK only and not all the other countries feedback lol

You actualy helped me more than you know Nich-Nick. Sorry if I'm coming off as a loon this whole proccess some days makes me go cross eyed jest.gif

Did you see the pinned thread right at the top that is for K1s NOA2 to Interview? There's a list for each person to work on. I thought I had already given my answer to you in another thread yesterday that you do NOT need to do an I-134 as a sponsor if you won't qualify. I didn't answer again because I thought you probably didn't believe me.

Here's Joanne who interviewed Monday and will get her visa delivered Thursday http://www.visajourn...oved/?p=6322055

"They asked for my Affidavit (in the first interview) and then they asked "do you have any supporting documentation to use as evidence?" so I gave in the tax returns, bank statements, pay slips and the letter from my Co-sponsor's workplace. They didn't want to see any of my fiance's stuff cause he doesn't earn enough money (he's still in college with just a little part-time job on the side), they just wanted the Co-sponsor's stuff."

That's just the latest of many I have known since I've been following London on VJ for five years.


Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-26 08:59:00
United KingdomLost lamb on this forum and need help with after NOA2 for I-129F :(

Guess this will be up to me to find the right info and hope for the best :P

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-26 08:23:00
United KingdomLost lamb on this forum and need help with after NOA2 for I-129F :(

Hi, sorry to bother you guys but need some help from the UK people and was wondering if I could ask for your help without seeming too dumb. Sorry my reading comprehension skills are less desired so I find myself lost a lot. I'm just trying to get things together for my fiance so when he gets his packet I'll be prepared and send everything off without doubt and sleepless nights wondering if I did everything right lol. I'm curious since my mom is not going to be my fiances sponsor because my income is lower than the requirement I know she will need to fill out a I-134 form, do I need to fill one out too? I requested the past three years of her and my tax return transcripts but what else do I need for her and myself? Is there anything else I need to send to him so when he gets everything I covered all m bases? Sorry to ask so much but like I said my reading comprehension is horrible. I can read all day on these forums and the answer can be right in front of me and I'll still be lost unless someone says "This is what YOU (you dummy) need" lol I'm so embarrassed but I was always told you'll never learn unless you here I am :P

Many Many Thanks Guys.. now I'll go hide back behind my pillow

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-24 23:13:00
United KingdomCurious Question About Medical Examination

Fantastic! Thank you.. :)

Hi there

Yes he can go ahead and book the medical with the LND number and police report.

Good luck


Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 23:15:00
United KingdomCurious Question About Medical Examination

Oh the lovely things I think of before going to bed..


Just curious we have our LND number from NVC and confirmed our info is on its way to London(woohoo). Can my fiance book a medical examination with our LND number and also having his police report too? If yes what else would he need to take with him for the medical?

Thanks Everyone :)



Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-04 23:29:00
United KingdomFrom NVC to London

fantastic! and it says its ready as of today! this day gets better and better :D Thank you so much for your help!


My file was Received by NVC on June 28th, sent to London on July 2nd and arrived earlier today.  You can check to see if they have received your case in london by going to this link  https://ceac.state.g...ker/Status.aspx  and inputting your LND case file number.  Be sure to select IMMIGRANT VISA in the drop down menu.  Even though it's a non-immigrant visa, the only way you can check status is by using the immigrant visa selection.  Strange but true.  


Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-09 21:05:00
United KingdomFrom NVC to London

Just wondering.. I know everyone differs on time but was wondering how long does it take for your info to get from NVC to London? I just got a letter yesterday from NVC telling me our info was set July 1st *which I already knew since I bugged them till I confirmed it was sent teehee*


Thanks so much..just a curious person at the moment ..

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-09 19:38:00
United KingdomWhy so curious? teehee..

ok nevermind.. i keep finding answers after i ask my random nonsense questions.. he doesn't need to mail it to the embassy ..nurt nurt

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-11 21:45:00
United KingdomWhy so curious? teehee..

My fiance is going to send his info to the embassy for packet 3 and we're confirming if I'm right when he sends the form for DS-156K he doesn't need to send the requested info such as birth certificate, Evidence ect along with it, right?

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-11 21:34:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Medical


It took 9 very slow months for our NOA2 to come....


Anyway - that's all behind me now.  I'm a married woman of 2 weeks!


'6 weeks' is the standard reply from the 'extortion line'.  Take no notice of that.  I was told by them that there was no chance that I would make my wedding date and yet I arrived in the US 2 weeks before my wedding!  Things that I was told took '6 weeks' actually took 2 weeks.


I don't think there is no luck or any way of figuring out why it takes some longer than others on the NOA2.  It just teaches us to be patient and keep your love strong :) Congrats on your 2 weeks with your marriage! :D

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-26 17:33:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Medical


Yikes, I hope that isn't true. I'm also waiting for an interview date. Was it the call center you spoke to? I think 6 weeks is a generic response to everything there.


lol I hope its generic I remember the NOA2 was suppose to take 5 months and we got approved in less than 3 :P so fingers crossed ay? :P

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-25 19:47:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Medical

ouch! i really hope thats not true! :(

either way I know I have no right to complain because there is others out there who are still waiting to get their NOA2 :P

I'm just ready to see my lovey. But I will totally keep you up on how we are on the waiting.

Tracy&Greg keep me posted on his interview. The woman at the embassy told me that there is a 6wk delay in actually getting an interview date to be sent to you and then it could be 4 weeks for an interview date (about 10weeks then!) I'm wondering if it'll come any sooner ClockWatch2.gif


Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-25 19:40:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Medical

thats goooood smile.png are you going to join him in the interview date ????????


as much as i would love to i can't, starting a new job soon so i gotta be here for! trust me i will not sleep all night till i find out the outcome of his interview lol

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-23 13:11:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge Medical

Well my fiance had his medical today at 4 Bentinck Mansions Bentinck Street W1U 2ER with Knightsbridge Medical. Said he was the 3rd one in and 1st one out smile.png and that they are very professional. So if you need a photo of what to look for when you come to London here ya go! biggrin.png

Next step..Interview! (whatever that will be) heehee

Attached Files

Edited by Tracey&Greg, 23 July 2013 - 12:05 PM.

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-23 12:05:00
United KingdomDid we seriously forget to send our DS-156


So you mean he has sent the DS 156, but did not include photos?


If so, you have nothing to worry about. Take the photos along to the interview.


yeah sorry about the misunderstanding, i typed that all up last night while in a he did send the form he just forgot to include the photographs .. he sent everything all over again today just a precautionary.. better to be safe than sorry i always say :P

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-02 15:38:00
United KingdomDid we seriously forget to send our DS-156

You've sent everything else?  Have you had your medical? Just send it - include a cover letter reiterating to them the forms you've already sent and when your medical is/was.


Just confirmed from my fiance he DID send it but he did not include his picture. Okay that makes me feel better but we never got a proper answer from the embassy. so he is resendind his DS-156 with the two IDs and the form again with a letter attached with his info, case number, medical date he had and the forms he has already sent before. Think this should be good?

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-02 06:58:00
United KingdomDid we seriously forget to send our DS-156

Yeah everything else my fiance sent and his had his medical on 23rd of July. We are hoping this doesn't slow things down for us.

You've sent everything else?  Have you had your medical? Just send it - include a cover letter reiterating to them the forms you've already sent and when your medical is/was.


Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-01 22:08:00
United KingdomDid we seriously forget to send our DS-156

Yes..yes we did..ugg seriously mad right now at myself for not double checking what he sent. So my question and concern. What do we do now? Should he call the embassy tomorrow? Or just go ahead and send it?

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-01 18:14:00
United KingdomFeeling anxious and worried.

A copy of the letter I've last seen posted is at the end this post #45 of you want to see what an interview letter looks like

The letter tells your date and time and refers you to the London website. That website document already has the new instructions for payment.


Fantastic! That is very helpful. I'd be so lost without you Nich-Nick :P thank you for being so awesome!

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-01 14:53:00
United KingdomFeeling anxious and worried.

So just to confirm that I am reading this correct, We will get a post in the mail for our 4th packet and it will directed on how to pay and what our interview date is ..the end? lol

Hey guys---

K1s can't pick an interview. A confused person was giving the wrong answer to GeeH in my opinion. Only people going to the embassy for student, tourist, and other non-immigrant visas can make their own appointment. They have always made their own appointment, but now they make it online.

K1s will still be notified of an interview date in a letter (packet 4) after their application forms, medical results, and readiness for interview document are received by the embassy. No change there. Then they do the new thing. Go online, pick K1 choice, pay for the visa fee, and either choose a free delivery depot for picking up the passport or choose home delivery,for $30. (No longer available is the old way of paying the visa over the phone and scheduling the courier in the corner of the waiting room on interview day,)

Problem-- people who got stuck halfway between old and new system. They already paid the visa fee over the phone last week or earlier. They went to an interview this week and the courier is gone so they couldn't pay or choose a delivery place. The embassy is trying to sort them out and says they will notify them when they figure something out.

If you are still waiting on an interview you hopefully will fit nicely into the new system unless you eagerly paid your fee over the phone early thinking it would get you an interview faster. Then you are also stuck halfway between old and new system. Maybe it will be sorted what to do with the half&half people with this weeks lot of interviews.

Methinks project planning was lacking before they went live with the new system Bam! over night.


Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-01 14:03:00
United KingdomWaiting on appointment, need help.

well said! :D


General point.....


If they did this part of the process in any sort of order it would be a break with established practice rofl.gif


The NOA2 process appeared utterly random and grossly unfair. In comparison the UK Consulate seems the model of process by comparison. The fact that they will make an attempt to accommodate peoples plans seems a plus point to me. The fact that some may choose to "abuse" it by making up wedding and travel plans is what could be construed as unfair.  That said as everyone gets a shot at bending the process to their timetables you could argue it is actually fair enough.


In my ever so humble opinion this whole problem comes about because people set fixed dates and then try to bend the visa process (if you can call it a process) to meet their fixed dates. I for one never thought it would be like that. I planned on going to the US in the Autumn, sorry Fall and consequently whilst I've slavishly followed any news of fellow January filers I've just sat back and done what was required by the stated process when I needed to. And so far it's pretty much gone to plan albeit I might have an interview a few weeks earlier than planned.


I've been in a long distance relationship for over four years now (scary....) so I can wait a bit longer - others ? well YMMV.



Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 08:43:00
United Kingdomds-230 being replaced by ds-260 on sep 1'st

Follow the link above to the big thread and read the responses.


oh duh i saw the link i just completely over looked it lol 

Thanks :P

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-01 10:14:00
United Kingdomds-230 being replaced by ds-260 on sep 1'st

This has me curious about my fiance, his interview is the 18th of September is he going to need to fill out the DS-260 before he goes, he's already filled and mailed the DS-230 Part I many changes and such a foggy clue on what to do ..

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-01 09:51:00
United KingdomVisa's in hand!!!

Congrats from us! :D heart.gif

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-08 15:57:00
United KingdomHelp please

And be advised "packet 3" is not a packet. It's not even close to a packet. It's not even close to a high quality document printed on some good paper and despatched in secure envelope. It is in fact some cheap crappy paper printed on someone's out of toner laser printer and shoved in a cheap envelope where the glue has dried out.


It is however very welcome wherever it lands dancin5hr.gif


rofl.gif  It could have been on toilet paper for all we cared! we were just glad we got it :D

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-11 18:35:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Hi everyone, i have my medical booked for tomorrow ..yippppeeee, now my question is.... you guessed it... How long are interviews after that date, can anyone who has done this recently let us know what their time frames were/ are. I saw the posts from August but I am hoping that a more to date look will bring us better information. Good luck to you all where ever you are in your journey. It is a long and testing road but the end result will be so amazing xxx


My medical was September 3rd, three weeks ago tomorrow and still no news on an interview date sad.png my forms that were signed for on August 21st were only logged on September 18th. Seems like they are not rushing things!


They say that your interview is scheduled usually 4 weeks after they receive your medical results but there can always be delays too(and no its not anything you did wrong so no worries) I just suggest after 4 weeks and you still don't get anything in the post try contacting the embassy, I found the best way is through the website and telling them detailed information about who you are, DOB, LND Number and when you had your medical and also when you sent your 3rd packet info in. This helps them find info about you and how far you in the process. It takes about a week to get a contact back too.

Hope this helps.

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-23 18:18:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

thank you :D relieved is an understatement lol I am still glowing heehee


I see you got your interview date....congratulations I bet you are as relieved as we were to get the news


Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-20 21:42:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

lol i know exactly how you feel :)


Thanks, yes patience is definitely an important virtue in this process.  I had been doing pretty good, but now that the time is getting closer, she's wanting to plan the wedding and it's no fun having to tell her we can't commit to anything yet.  It's both one of the most frustrating and exciting times all rolled into one.  


Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-20 17:40:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Hang in there, this is the easy part..just have to have patients. End of the day you know you will be with your fiance soon :)


Thanks for the information.  We tried calling the new number, but got a lot of misinformation, so we sent a letter last week to let them know that our plans had changed slightly and to see if there was any way we could get an interview booked for September.  Hoping we hear something back.   Best of luck with the interview and the big move


Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-19 20:48:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

thanks so much, my fiance had his medical on July 23rd. I contacted the embassy through their website last week if they could help us with our interview date and told them our LND number, when my fiance had his medical, when he sent his packet 3 in and just waited and they replied today to us :)

One thing I learned with this whole journey of the K1 visa process is expect the the unexpected never know how it will go with you'll get a notice. So hang in there! I know it sucks with being apart but its worth the wait in the end.


Congratulations.  When was your medical done and how did they notify you?  She had her medical done July 30.  I am guessing that since tomorrow is 3 weeks, we have until next week before we'll hear anything.  I'm guessing we'll get an interview in the last week of September, but am not holding my breath


Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-19 19:54:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Well...some good news today..WE GOT OUR INTERVIEW DATE!!! September 18th :D dancin5hr.gifjest.giftongue.pngenergy.giflaughing.gif

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-19 18:00:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

thank you dear.. i really really hope so too.. just gotta stay strong and positive :)


I really hope you hear something this week xx



Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 19:16:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

October 2nd (its the day he proposed to me)


really crikey sad.png what date did u put as ur wedding date on the cover letter?


Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 16:53:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

well guys a new week starts tomorrow wishing you all a speedy journey  heres hoping this new week brings us all luck


Thank you! :D Tuesday will be 4 week since my fiance had his medical hope some good news come soon

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 16:43:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

I rather not try to think there is a science to how they process things and in what order who will be selected for their interview next especially lol. Am I impatient right now? VERY! but I know our time will come. End of the day I know I have a great man who loves me in the UK and waiting and just as impatient as I am, our day will come and I'll take his name ...blah blah blah Happily Ever After :P

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-12 18:41:00
United KingdomMedical Before Interview Date?

To confirm to help you feel better..Knightsbridge will send your results to the embassy for you. So once the embassy gets that and your forms its requesting you to send back your interview will be booked. Hope that helps

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-09 22:00:00
United KingdomSSN

From our personal experience my hubby is here on K1 and he got his social security card in no time, he had to bring with him was his passport and 1-94. Just that simple. Only problem we have now is they misspelled his first name by switching two letters *doh*. How it got passed Homeland Security is beyond me. I hope we get it sorted soon.

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-09 23:40:00