IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
Quick update:

I have an infopass appt. in Atlanta Monday afternoon at 1pm. My friend, who is also there, will be accompanying me as we want to know whats going on or if anything knew. I will update you all what happens. Anyone with any questions or advice on what I should ask, feel free to post them here or message me. Hopefully this will be successful. I want to do this before I start my K3.
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-19 13:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I am also filing the K3, it's a shame that as a legal citizen and tax payer I have to run through these hoops and consider uprooting myself and moving to another country but it is what it is.

For the form my wife has to file, are you sure it's ok to have her sign and email me a scan or does it have to be her real sign with pen? I ask because IRS sometimes won't accept black ink sign since they may be a printed copy and not original.

I think you shoukd be fine with a printed copy of it. My question is do we stil have to provide evidence? Silly question but I havnt seen anything on K3 guide and etc. about providing evidence.
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-17 13:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Thanks for sharing. I just mailed in my package for the K-3 visa this morning. Although i will continue to persue the I-130, I have no confidence in Atlanta office processing them anytime soon. Its free, just attach your I-130 receipt notice to the package, and you should be fine. I am so angry now, but hopefully the K-3 wont take too long.

So does my wife have to sign anything? Or can I just send it? Howd you do your package?
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-15 15:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
Any Atlanta filers wanting to get on the K3 visa...I posted a thread in the K3 forum. I notice barely anyone visits or reads but heres the link.

abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-15 11:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
Okay so heres my question. I looked at the K3 guide and says you still need an I-130. Since I already filled that out so I need to just do the I-129F? Is that correct? I figure might as well its worth the try and then do AOS when she gets here. Am I understanding this correct?
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-14 22:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

The I-129f takes the same time as the avg 130 which is 5 months.
But if atl doesn't want to do anything, then 5 months could be nothing for some of you.
There's no charge for filing the I-129f so there's no harm in turning it in anyways.

I think involving the local ATL press is a FANTASTIC idea.

Ughhhhhhh...this is so highly annoying! Im so frustrated right now. I wish I knew about Atlanta's non-sense before! I would have gone with the K3 visa before and probably be way ahead of where im at right now! Urghhhhhhhhh my head is banging. I just want to break down honestly. My luck is ridiculous!

For my job it’s privacy concerns as to why we are not able to open the letters. I’m sure the US has similar laws/guidelines for mail. It can’t hurt to resend without the actual persons name on it. Hopefully it will help you feel like you are accomplishing something.

As for the press. The headline might not read the way you’ve said, but if people are made aware of the issues being felt by US citizens trying to legally bring their spouses to the US, it will make headlines. I get the impression that people are more willing to talk and be open to legal immigrants way more so than the undocumented.

Well said hiker! I should definitely re-send those letters addressed differently. I agree very much about the last part you said. I honestly have no way going about it. Maybe potentially a petition? Anyone have any ideas on how to go about taking it to the press? I would not mind putting Atlanta on blast! :devil:
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-14 19:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I was thinking about you guys and your situations last night. I came up with a couple of things:

- Where I work if a letter is addressed to a specific person, we are not allowed to open the letter as it may be personal. However if the letter is directed to a Position (i.e. Director or Assistant Director), we ARE allowed to open it and log it in and start to action it. If Denise is out of the office (presumably on sick leave or something equally serious) for the next few months, someone must be attempting to do her job. Perhaps if you address the letters that way instead they may get through to the right person.

- It may be time to involve the press. Rocking the boat isn’t usually my thing or even a suggestion of mine, but the Supervisors in Atlanta are clearly not doing their job and are ignoring the problem in the hopes that it will go away. Start with letters to the editors and such (most newspapers will withhold your name if you request it). If it’s in their faces and perhaps their bosses faces they may start to finally action your files. I was thinking of something along these lines for a story if it comes down to it:

Just a few ideas that I hope can help. IMO the situation in Atlanta is ridiculous.

Ive sent letters to both Paul and Denise and have heard nothing yet. Perhaps I should re-send the letters to how youve said and see what happens. I dont know though...I feel like anything I do, Its worth nothing. Involving the press would be great! But the thing is would they take a story like this? "Atlanta Field Office not doing their job". Sounds tempting and really would be awesome. Thanks for your thoughts and ideas. It may be the internet but when others get involved and advise such, It feels like a family. This website feels like a family and we are all together in the same process. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts.

It's a different petition.
Transferring to field office:

The K3 requires an i-129f which is not a stand alone I-130

Do you have an idea about how long this process takes? I googled and you still have to fill out the I-130 but also the I-129. I have money thats not an issue...I just want a quick process so I can make my deadline in my head. Im so lost at the moment...
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-14 11:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Unfortunately, this is what they made the K3 visa for.
I suggest if you all have the money for it, then you all file immediately =\

Would the K3 be transferred to Atlanta though? Thats the thing....
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-14 11:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Guys, i have an update. I went to the Atlanta Field Office this morning, and they confirmed that my file is actually there. It has not been assigned to an officer yet, and no A# assigned. Per further inquiry, i was told that NON of the stand-alone I-130's transfered to the Atlanta office due to the work load balance at the servic centers have been touch, same thing they told Treva a few weeks ago. I asked again what was the way forward, and the officer told me that she brought this matter up during a meeting in december and it was ignored. She however stated that a meeting was held again yesterday, and confirmed with her supervisor this this matter was discussed. The office further stated that Atlanta normally concentrate on Naturalization, Permanent Residence, and AOS cases. She further stated that Atlanta is thinking about what to do with our files, but the problem is that workload for each of the officers has already been scheduled, and it is difficult to alter it with our stand-alone I-130s transfers.

She further stated that the supervisors have been talking about our cases, but she personally doesnt believe they have or are willing to implement a plan anytime soon. I asked the officer what are my options, and she said that i should contact my senator. I told her that i know people who did and they only received generic answers, and at that time, she couldnt have anything to tell me. I told the officer that i know people that are about 6 months into the process still waiting for a decision, and she said 6 months is not outside of the processing time, but she couldnt tell me what the processing time is because they have not started working on our cases. Although most appointments lasted for 15 or less, i managed to spend about an hour asking question. I made it very very clear to the officer that USCIS implemented this process since August of last year, and its very bad that Atlanta is still trying to figure how to handle it, six months later. She agreed.

I asked for Paul, and the Officer said i need to write a letter requesting for a meeting with Him. I asked for Dennise, and the office said she is out of the office until May/June.

I also asked by the birth certificate, and replied that she does not see why they will need it, and if they do, we will receive an RFE.

Long story short: Our files are there in Atlanta, they are at the back of the line with the lowest priority. Atlanta does not even have a plan to start processing them anytime soon. I filled out a service inquiry form, and plan to go back there about a month from now.

The officer said Atlanta is taking note of the number of people coming to ask questions about this and its advisable that everybody try to make an infopass appointment and go there in person, to boost our case.

God this is ridiculous. They have meetings about it..yet cant come to decision about how to handle these? December to February and still dont know how to do it? This is outrageous. Im going to have to have to make an infopass appointment and bring my NOA's and the letter from the congressman stating that they are beyond processing time. And Denise on vacation till May/June?! Wow hahaha. Thanks Bismark for your great update. Ill see about an infopass in the next week or two. Ill also check up on the inquiries I've made. :thumbs:
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-13 22:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I didn't even see this before, sorry! But LOL at your wife, that's DEF something I would say and I agree with her! Even though Alabama is strict with immigration law I don't see how that should affect you, a USC LEGITIMATELY trying to bring your wife to live with you! All the immigration reform has to do with legals and how to prevent legals, right? So what does that have to do with you? Nobody has any problems with USCs bringing their spouses/family over to live with them, that's not the issue with immigration.

If it was me and I knew this was happening I'd be contacting and re-contacting senators AND congressmen. Calling, like speedwell said, would be an option too and might get you more of a personal response. I think you should keep at it, you and Treva!

Hahahahaha my wife is a funny one indeed. Adore her to death. But yeah youre correct...I just dont know. Ive sent letters to all my Senators and Congressman today. Ive heard nothing of the inquiries I put with Paul or Denise. I dont know whats going on right now. Im just waiting on new charts to come out which should probably be in 2 weeks. Ill keep going at it because I refuse to wait 11 months like ive seen some people on here wait. Its sooooo unfair how we gotta wait so long :( But Ill keep going at :)
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-13 14:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
Anything new for anyone? This thread is very very quiet just like the atlanta field office :D
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-13 12:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLONDON EMBASSY MOBILE PHONE ALLOWED?

My fiance traveled alone himself and he took directions with him on how to find the embassy from his hotel and the day before his interview he walked to it just to give himself an idea what to prepare for the next day as far as how to get there. If you are staying over the night before your interview you can always ask the hotel if they could hold your items till you get back too :

Good Luck!

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-21 21:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAnother RFE

Moved from AOS to ROC

Thank you!
Jay&JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-03 19:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAnother RFE
Sorry, posted in the wrong forum! I'm removing conditions on my status!
Any chance anyone can move it for me? Otherwise I can just repost it in the correct forum :)
Jay&JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-03 18:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAnother RFE
Well after filing my I-751 in March, I received an RFE today, and would love advice on what else to send.
According to the RFE I submitted:
- personalized envelopes,
-a bank account summary but no statements or transactions
- a tax return transcript
- 2011 tax returns (joint)
- a health insurance card and documents
- a partial lease agreement document
- flight and travel documents
- photos

I feel like I screwed up big time! I can see now that I really didn't send enough proof but at the time I was sure it was enough. Does anyone have any advice on how many bank statements I should send, because 3 years is a lot of bank statements!! Also I can tell I need to send the full documents for our lease. Any other advice? Also, we don't have kids, so can't send any evidence for that.

I know it'll all be fine, but it's a constant reminder that my life here isn't guaranteed!

Thanks for the help!
Jay&JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-03 18:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMy List to Submit for ROC

thanks for the replies.

The extra Bank statements is a good idea. I thought I didn't have any more but I have about the whole year of 2011 also I could add. I don't have any saved from 2010. I read what others have said about bank statements that the first page is not enough and they want to see transaction history so I will be including almost all pages from the statements. That's the best I can do besides requesting the bank send me statements from 2010.

I did not have the family letters notarized. I read somewhere that notarization really wasn't needed probably on a thread here somewhere.

I do all my banking online, so didn't have any statements at all. Just 2 days ago I went into the bank with my I-751 instructions and said I needed statements from January 2010 onwards or I'll be deported (that's a joke, but I did explain my situation very politely). The bank teller was happy to print out full statements for every 3 months while I waited! It was quick and I didn't waste any ink at home!! Worth a try if you have a bank close by.

Good luck, and thanks for the response about the notarization :)
Jay&JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-08 17:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMy List to Submit for ROC

I am about to do the same thing as you and have only 1/2 or maybe only 1/3 of what you have. I think your good to go.

This looks like a great list.
Do you have any more bank statements than just the previous year? I believe they like to see statements for the duration of marriage?
I only mention, because I got an RFE based partly on the lack of bank account evidence.

Did you decide to notarize your family letters? I'm considering having friends and family write letters as supporting evidence, but don't know if they need to be notarized or not.

Good Luck!
Jay&JoFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-08 16:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!!!!!


BuvRahlMale02013-10-08 07:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

after nearly 10 months, APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-07-03 15:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
so i just got a letter in the mail saying my file was trasfered june 5 to north carolina due to backlog in atlanta, so basically that means im screwed
ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-06-18 18:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

im 9 months today!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-06-17 12:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

in my honest opinion no it wouldnt help....but you never know you could try im about to be 9 months i know how it feels. i may go for an infopass soon for the hell of it.

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-06-10 12:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

i got a letter in the mail

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-06-06 15:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

my case it "pending adjudication" which basically means nothing in all 9 months here i come!!!! ROLL TIDE ROLL!! i quit caring! 

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-06-06 14:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

well i was able to do a service request today when calling the uscis, due to the fact that im outside of normal processing times, i should hear something within the next 2 weeks or so hopefully...but het i dont even know why im trying!!! 

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-05-21 11:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

today marks 8 months iv been so tired of this, i really just want to give up. Atlanta is on some bull ###### excuse my language but im pretty sick and tired of this, and i dont have anything else to do but let it out on this forum. i just want my wife here, i dont even come close to understanding why the hell its taking this long to approve my wifes i-130!!!! all the damn proof is there to show them that were married and happy and in love and all that good stuff, but this is just stupid, looks like im gonna have to go overseas soon to see her because of this bull, but whatever i dont even give two shits anymore. 

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-05-18 13:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

your i-130 is at Atlanta field office?

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-05-16 15:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

@Ahmed&rannen ,

  You are very right , i am really very sad regarding this. I don't know what to do. Abezyo gave me link the senators and also to my congressman which i contacted them and also sending them a paper which allow them to ask about my petition from USCIS. But two days ago, my congressman sent me a letter through the mail box which i need to sign and send back again, which shows that they are doing something regarding it. So i just hope everything will be fine.

ya i also wrote my senators and they snt me back a papper saying they have contacted the uscis regarding my case and when they here something they are going to let me know, so i hope that soon i will here some good news which will make me beyond happy at this point. 

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-05-02 13:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

see iv written to a few senators and congressman within the last 2 weeks im hoping to hear something soon from them, but if i dont im thinking about going even further and contacting more people. it sucks to even have to do this in the first place, but i guess when no one else is doing the work then you must.

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-04-29 12:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers


Folks, I'm not in Atlanta, but I think my Senator is on the immgration committee. If it's not too much work, I recommend you find out the members of that committee and write their offices as well. They can't directly represent you but maybe they can see how much hardship and suffering the Atlanta office is bringing upon innocent people who are trying to obey the law, and pressure that office to get back to work.

do you know how i could get in contact with the do you know there emails? or addresses that would be alot of help. 

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-04-29 11:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

hello mrsoyetunji 

ya in all honesty its quite pathetic i do not believe we should be waiting anywhere near this long, were both going on to 8 months and still nothing im getting really impatient and angry. im happy to see atleast my boy abezyo got approved but come on!!!!!!!!! what about us, if y'all4 are doing one file atleast do ours too, im extraaaa pissed off. i want something done about this #######. i need my wife here beside me and she needs me beside her i dont need to spend another 5,000 dollars on a trip to just go see her! i want to start my life with my raneen and have kids and all that good stuff but instead i have to sit here on this page and let out my anger on uscis and there bull! 

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-04-29 09:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Hey im an Atlanta Filer as NOA1 is September 18. Im also abezyo's friend. Im very pissed. I know we seen some progress with my homies approval but damn...when is it our turn?! I wrote my senators and congressman like my homie did but we havnt got any responses yet. I hope they can help me out. whats up people?

ahmed&raneenMaleJordan2013-04-27 16:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED FINALLY !!!

Thanks to everyone with the congrats.

I wish you all the best in the rest of your


From one Alabama Journey member to another.. Congrats!!! to you and your wife..

Tim&HelgaMalePhilippines2013-11-08 13:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC info needed

1 ya 2 haftay .

y it took more than year for your case to be approved
aneel123Not TellingPakistan2013-08-07 16:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswaiting since long time
Which service center
aneel123Not TellingPakistan2013-08-08 18:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIslamabad Embassy: APPROVED July interviewers, BUT still no VISA package/passport yet!
What was ur income in 2012
aneel123Not TellingPakistan2013-08-03 19:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 sent to Atlanta...
Bump? :D
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-18 12:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 sent to Atlanta...

K3 is almost dead! It is not faster than CR-1/IR-1, but in long run, it takes longer time for PR status, and more money.

I understand in aspect, regarding the PR status, It is not faster. But in total eyes view, its way quicker than the way Atlanta is "working" on these I-130s. Atlanta confirmed they arnt processing I-130s and Im almost at 6 months and they plan no time soon to process them. So this is why I want to take this route. Money is not an issue. I just want the quickest way possible as I have been waiting 6 months for nothing what-so-ever. K3 may be almost dead but its not dead yet. So it wouldnt hurt to try it.

Refer to this post about the way Atlanta is working at the moment.

Edited by abezyo, 15 February 2013 - 12:14 PM.

abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-15 12:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 sent to Atlanta...
Hello. My NOA1 for my I-130 is August 21, 2012. It was sent to the Atlanta local field office. All filers of Atlanta have confirmed that Atlanta is not processing I-130s at this time due to the fact they cant figure out how or when to process them, because they are busy with AOS and Naturalization cases. I completely understand this but Im almost at 6 months and want to have my wife here by this summer.

My question is should I go ahead and take this route? I want to so badly. I hear it wont be transferred to a field office and it will go to a service center. What is the process time for the K3 visa? Anyone been successful with this visa recently as Ive heard this visa is almost obsolete?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-15 11:24:00
United KingdomKinda Random...


Birmingham, Alabama


small world..hi from hoover :)

Tracey&GregFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-13 23:44:00