IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
By the way KDH, I didnt know about them not being processed until AFTER I sent my privacy release form and letter to the senator. I thought id see what he says and what we really know...and clearly senator didnt try to help at all.
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-08 08:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
Yes you both Roosha ans KDH are correct. They havnt even looked at them! I figured id get a generic answer the ole "help but no help" reply. I dont know what to do now....
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-08 08:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
So got another letter today from my Senator. I wasnt expecting much help but atleast he repled quickly. Here is what it said:

Dear Mr. *******,

I recieved correspondence from USCIS indicating that all I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, cases are outside of processing time at the Atlanta Field Office. USCIS is currently working on a plan to reduce this backlog.

Your I-130 application is still pending and no estimate on adjudication could be given, though the Atlanta Field Office is processing these cases in the order in which they are recieved. I will contact USCIS again in 60 days to follow up on the process of your petition.

I hope this information will be helpful to you, but should you need further assistance with this or any other matter, please let me know.

Sigh......back to the dark I go :(
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-07 22:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Logged in today and got the approved message, so it’s not the entire district. The Charleston Field Office is processing petitions.

I wish all of you a SPEEDY approval! I hope there is some movement very, very soon!

Congrats to you! :dance:

So now we know its Paul's fault! Hopefully they get to moving on these I-130s. :whistle:
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-06 21:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
Ive wrote both Paul and Denise and my Senator whos replied back to me and making an inquiry into the status of my case and what can be done. So hopefully ill hear some good news. I attached an inquiry into both the letters to paul and denise so we shall see :)
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-06 14:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

It would be interesting to see how many of the District 8 people have been adjudicated.

Since my file is being sat on in SC as well.

Maybe it’s a District-wide protest for being sent the I-130s?

If you or anyone else feel like this is the case, start sending letters to the district director and your field office director!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-05 10:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I just read all the posts and its crazy that we have wasted all this time waiting for nothing at this rate we would have received a quicker approval from CSC. This is ridiculous. I also will be writing to whoever I need to to get Atlanta moving.

Oh yeah it is crazy! I just dropped my letters off to both Mrs. Frazier and Mr. Onyango. Hopefully we hear something and this works!!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-04 14:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
Just a real quick update :)

I have typed out the letters I will send to both the director and the field office director. I will try and clean up the inquiry tomorrow at work see what I can do. If not I will go ahead and mail these letters to both of them.

Any update for you guys?
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-03 22:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I'd like to send a similar letter for the Houston office, so I'll be checking this space. Hooray Treva :D

You should make an infopass apt. with the Houston office. The inquiry she has says Atlanta on it so I dont know if it would work for Houston for you. But you should make a houston field office thread and get someone to go up there and grab and inquiry and see whats going on there. DO NOT WAIT 5 MONTHS! You'll feel our pain and suffering lol
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-02 13:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Oh you mean where it's says RECEIVED 2013 JAN 32 ?! LOL I had to laugh when I saw that!
Hmmm... It was a very rough clean up of just my personal information. I'll try to get some time this weekend to do a more detailed photo editing and get that out for ya.

LOL I laughed at that also! Jan 32 2013?! Atlanta is so off clearly! But yes please try your best to do a good clean up. I might give it a try also. If anyone knows how to do it then try and post it here so we all can fill this out!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-02 13:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
One question though Treva,

On the inquiry, its stamped it seems by them. Is there anyway you can provide one without that? I dont know if we can get that whited out without some of the words typed also whited out.
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-01 23:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Close your mouth, lol, and think of a lot to say about why you think the Atlanta Field Office should be obliged to go ahead and start processing our case files. Send your well-written letter to

Denise Frazier, District Director
2150 Parklake Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30345

and also send to

Paul Onyango, Atlanta Field Office Director
2150 Parklake Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30345

also, see my attachment for their official inquiry form. Print it out, use some white out to clean it up, make a clean photocopy, fill out your own personal information, and send it with your letters.

To summarize what I was told this morning... my case is indeed there. It has not been assigned to anyone. It has not been given an "A" number. They haven't bothered with the shipment of I-130's that were transferred because they have not received any protocol from upstairs with regards to what to do about them. And since their focus is on the AOS applications and Citizenship applications, those I-130's get put on the back burner. They have no processing time goal for them whatsoever. Clerk #1 gave me an inquiry form to fill out, and said they respond to these forms by mail within 30 days. When I explained that other field offices have been processing the transferred files within three months or even two months, he gave me a couple extra blank sheets of paper to attach to the inquiry form and said I should write everything down, explain why they need to hurry up with my case, and he will give the letter to the director as well. He was actually very nice and tried his best to be helpful.

When I asked for someone in the I-130 unit, clerk #1 said they all adjudicate I-130's, he can adjudicate an I-130. At first he said all I-130's at ATL field office require interview, then after going to confer with a colleague, he told me they realize some of the casefiles received due to the workload transfer will not require an interview. Several times, due to my pestering, he did go back and ask a colleague or supervisor, but I personally did not get to speak to any one else other than the first clerk.

What else... I asked about the beneficiary BC and could not get a straight answer even after he went back and talked to some people. He basically said, if they need it, they'll send us an RFE.

I'm imploring everyone to write in as soon as possible! Denise Frazier is over USCIS District 8 which covers Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, and South Carolina. If I understand correctly, Charleston has started processing a long time ago, so why can't Atlanta? Both offices are under her watch. Let her know the adjudicators downstairs from her are slacking! Maybe it's Paul telling them to hold off on our cases, so write him, too!

Well done and detailed Treva. Atleast they have answered a lot of the questions as to why they arn't processing them yet. I will definitely be writing both of them the same letter. If any of you want to put a rough draft of a letter so we all kinda have a matching letter to show we are seriously upset about no I-130s being processed, feel free to post it.

Also get your Senators involved. If we show effort and our Senators do, maybe this can do something good for us who have been waiting for so long. Lets get Atlanta working and get this woman Denise to give the go. Or Paul. I feel like it Might be Paul but if we send letters to Denise hopefully she can get on Pauls butt and show theyre slacking on an easy process that we want done!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-01 23:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I can't believe how some of the local offices are NOT helping by processing the applications any fast!! grrr! this is INSANE! Our case is being handle by the Chicago office and I have a feeling they are not working on any cases also. We sent our I-130 back in Aug got an RFE submitted our stuff back in Dec and up to now still have no answer.

Atleast youve recieved an RFE...that means they did something! None of us have heard anything!!! Its ridiculous!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-01 13:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Out of 6 chicago filers, ranging from August - December, none have been approved.
I'm wondering if contacting my congressman to inquire about IF they are even processing cases would be possible.
I'd HATE to get to the 5 month mark and find out what you guys just did.
That's SO terrible.

Maybe a good idea. You should try it before 5 months. Now all my hopes of bringing my wife here by July are out the window. Im so upset...wonderful start to the weekend.

My letter to the field director will not be a nice one you can believe that!

I feel you. I am moving to Columbus, Ohio (where there is a USCIS office) in mid March. Maybe I can have my file transferred there as I already have the address of my new place even though I haven't officially moved yet. Though if I do that, will my file go to the bottom of Columbus' stack? Their office has been approving I130s in 2.5 months. Not sure what to do, but I sure am frustrated.

If I were you, I'd try everything to get your file there ASAP. Find out what you can do because Atlanta looks hopeless at the moment.
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-01 12:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Does this qualify an expedite based on USCIS error in NOT DOING THEIR JOB?

I hope so...this is stupid. I want to take my file out of Atlanta and take it somewhere else. Wish it was that easy....ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-01 12:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I could cry right now. I was still hoping that my husband could be here by the end of May, but now I have lost almost all that hope. I also wrote our senators but I don't know if they can do anything. Feeling depressed right now...

Im so livid....SO DAMN LIVID!!!!!! This is crazy!!! Excuse my language but Im mad...SO MAD!!!!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-01 12:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

So I went this morning to the infopass... and just like we thought, they have NOT BEGUN PROCESSING ANY OF THE I-130's transferred from Missouri. I filled out an inquiry application thingy and attached two pages of handwritten letter.
ALL OF US PETITIONERS need to write letters to the field office director asap. Sorry for the caps, but this is insane!
I will add more details later this evening or tomorrow, and I'll try to attach a scan of their inquiry application form so you guys can print it out and send in with your letters.

WOW!!!!! I am completely shocked!!!! This is an outrage!!!! Its been almost 6 months for some of us and they have not even started to even process ONE of them! They have just been sitting on the shelf in Atlanta!!!!!! Im so mad right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be more than willing to write a letter to the field office director! This is complete madness!!!! Post the inquiry and Ill be sure to get a letter going right away!!!!!! And yes please do let us know more details about the visit!

I faxed my privacy release form and mailed it to my Senator...but now it seems like not even he could do anything as they havnt even tried to process them!!!!! Im so upset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-02-01 12:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
Okay I got a letter today 2 days later from Senator Shelby and it was very nice of his response! He said thank for contacting him about my I-130 and the complaint against the Atlanta field office's processing! He also included the privacy release form to fill out and give to him so he can handle the situation ASAP! I know it may seem like a standard letter from him but it atleast made me a bit happy that I got a reply lol.

So im going to fill this out and fax it to him in the morning! Hopefully I can hear something then! Also I suggest all of us write a letter and send it to Treva so we dont make her seem lonely in her infopass appt. Contact her for more details!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-31 22:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I sat down and wrote Senator Shelby and Senator Sessions last night! Not sure if it will help at all, but it made me feel better so I guess that's worth something. Abezyo, is there a place on the senator's website where I can submit the release form? The only option I saw was to print the forms and take them to the local senator's office. Is that what you did?

I didnt do the release form. I just filled what the Senators had on the way to contact them. Didnt really think of doing a release form. Cant we mail those to them? I think I will with a typed letter as Ive heard nothing from Senator Shelby. Let me know if you hear something!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-31 12:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
So I did a little charting from this topic to show the charts how they trend...

August - 2600

September - 3600

October - 4460 Reciepts - 1217 Completions - 528

November - 4918 Reciepts - 1039 Completions - 660

No reciepts or completeions for august and september as I forgot about posting those haha.

abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-29 10:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Work was super hectic today but I hope to write tomorrow. Is it better to do a senator or house rep? Or does it not matter? I haven't looked into it too much yet.

If you write a Senator, I'd think it would be more helpful. Not real sure though.

Hi y'all,

Just wanted to post on my call to USCIS.... spoke to Officer Mencia who was very pleasant. He said that Atlanta does not have a set processing time as in 5 months or 6 months, but that for I-130's they are on now working on May 28.
(What does that tell you, when NBC didn't start routing stand-alones until late August at the earliest?)

Officer Mencia also said that my petition was transferred to Atlanta on October 3rd. Lol, when I called USCIS in December, a not very pleasant officer Taylor said my petition was still in Missouri, so what does that tell you? (Do ISO's know what they are talking about??)

Officer Mencia said, of course, that one of the reasons our I-130's are routed to the field offices are because we're supposed to be scheduled for an interview there, and that Atlanta should schedule the interview within 60 days of getting my file. Since they haven't done that he suggested I can either call back every 20 days to find out if there is an interview scheduled yet or find out by Infopass.

I do have an Infopass appointment already set for this Friday at 8:00am, and if anyone wants to join me, you are welcome!! Any tips, Darnell, on how to get to the I130 supervisor?

Oh, just one thing about that May 28 date... May 28th is the filing date that USCIS shows VSC is currently working I-130's. I have an EAC number. I couldn't file a e-request online a couple weeks ago because it's reading my EAC number to mean my file is in Vermont, and so since I did not file prior to May 28th, the e-request was denied. I'm wondering if Mencia maybe pulled out that May 28th date the same way?

Alright, I have to work now! Later!

Working on May 28 I-130s? thats silly! I dont believe that at all one bit! Let us know how the infopass appointment goes though! I would love to join but im busy Friday with work! USCIS is not very helpful at all lol
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-29 09:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I'm going to write our senator too. Can't hurt to try, right? Let me know if you hear anything back.

Who'd you write? I wrote Senator Shelby :)
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-28 13:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

For my Senator there was only a little box on his website to write about what your problem was. I tried to keep it concise - sort of a hey here is the situation. It then asked to specify what they could do to help you. I would be very blunt and clear, "I want to know why it appears that the Atlanta field office is not approving the I-130s sent to it in a timely fashion, if at all. I would also like your help to get them moving to start working on the standalone I-130s which due to recent immigration changes they have been tasked with." Maybe it is a bit colloquial, but it is clear.

I'm sure that someone will tell you that you need something very formal, but I'm not really sure it is necessary.

Okay done. I used the contact form our Senator from Alabama provides and hopefully I hear something. I also used what you typed along with a bit more information. Heres to hoping for the best! :)
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-28 12:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

You can write congressman in the meantime, yes?
Might not actually help the process, but makes you feel good.
Maybe you get a helpful one like NOLA.

Do you think this will be helpful? I have no idea. I did some research and it says I should send a consent to privacy information form along with my NOA1 and I should probably attach the 797C action transferred to NBC letter. Does anyone have the slightest idea about how to write one? I dont want to start a new topic so any help will be very helpful. :D
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-28 11:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Today is 136 days for me. 4 months, 2 weeks, and 1 day. I am also waiting for the processing dates to come out for November. Is it 5 months or 5 and a half months that we can submit an inquiry on our cases? I can't wait to hear of your approval, abezyo, because it means that mine will be coming soon! have you tried to submit a service request yet?

I heard that you cant submit one until 5 months and 2 weeks. I have tried but it wouldnt go thru yet. Im scared to do it because I dont want to get that email about waiting an extra 6 months :S...but yes I cant wait for my approval! I hope I hear something these next 2 weeks...Im staying hopeful but who knows. Maybe one of you guys will get an approval before me!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-28 10:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Mr. abezyo, i hope you are doing well. I can see that you have crossed the 5 months mark. I am wondering if you have heard anything from them. Thx.

Today is day 160 for me. Which is 5 months and 1 week since my NOA1. I have not heard anything yet. I am just really trying to stay really hopeful and see what happens. I dunno what im going to do. Anyone else heard anything? Im waiting on the latest stats to come out.
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-28 10:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Ok I definitely will ask those questions last time she just gave me CSC time and thats no help at all I am going to try and call today before I go to work hopefully I will get someone on the line before then. I will keep everyone updated once I know something.

Thank you :thumbs: :D
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-18 13:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I would like to get more answers, but I do not know how to go about getting these answers. I dont have a problem with getting transferred to a tier 2 I just have a problem getting the right answers I am going to try to call soon. I wanted to see if I can get some good questions from everyone at ATL that we all want answered

If you could, ask the Tier 2 what is Atlantas status on I-130 filings. And also ask what the current processing times are so we can see when to put in a e-service request. Those are mainly the questions I have. I see theyre updating the stats. We should be seeing them I assume Monday or Tuesday. Cant wait to see those files up to 5600 with no completions or receipts. :reading:
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-18 12:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I am so happy for all these people getting approved but I feel like we have been forgotten over at Atlanta I dnt understand what there doing over there. And what sucks more is we cant even get any truthful info from these people I wish they would atleast approve one of us atl transferrers so we could atleast have some hope.

I also am so happy for everyone getting approvals and so pleased for them and even the people who are at the CSC and VSC and filed in June and July are getting approvals...BUT WHEN IS IT OUR TURN!?! Im really stressing out extra hard now! I want to bring my wife back here in July with me when I return...and that chance slims each passing day! Im trying to stay hopeful and hope for the best but its just hard. Im leaving May 24 to see my wife...and I dont plan on coming back until she can. Hopefully the best happens for us......

Edited by abezyo, 15 January 2013 - 05:13 PM.

abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-15 17:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
Treva my 5.5 months would be the second week in Feb. So if you like since youre so close make a shot at going yourself at the end of Jan. and if you succeed ill make mine in Feb. Completely up to you though how you wanna do it. Id prefer a Friday to drive to Atlanta and inquire about it because I am a 2 hour drive which is no big deal for me as I drive to Atlanta sometimes for work.
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-15 10:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

Maybe it would also help if those who lived too far away wrote letters?

Truth...that also could help! We all just need to do something honestly!

Does anyone know the normal processing times for right now? Since I have a WAC number I would go by the CSC processing time correct? I dont see it at all! And Atlanta doesnt have I-130 processing times! Ahhhhhh this sucks!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-14 13:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I wish I could but im about 6 or 7 hours away from ATL, and thats a far distance specially with my job and school. But im down for anything else yall can plan.

Ah okay. Well then I believe Im going to be making a infopass appt. when I hit the 5 month mark next week. Im going to see whats going on...unless I hear something this week but im not very hopeful at all. I will have more info for everyone when I get it done!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-14 11:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

remember - you must get an infopass appointment - y'all figure out the dates, aye?


Will do Darnell!

Treva is close by so we have now:


Would be helpful if we have somemore Atlanta transfers do this with us! I think we could make some noise with this! Come on! I wont make an appointment until we have just a few more!

Edited by abezyo, 13 January 2013 - 12:57 PM.

abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-13 12:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I am over 4 hours away in Alabama so I am unsure if I would be able to make an appt in the near future due to my job/the distance. Keep me updated and I will see if I can possibly get a day off for an appt.

I also am in Alabama in Birmingham. Lets see what we can work out here. Bismark is game and so we need others on board. Arabianprincess? Treva? I know you guys are ATL transfers!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-12 20:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

maybe you guys should form an infopass posse?

set a date, go in all together, en masse so to speak,
and have a nice sit down with the I-130 unit Supervisor ?

If you want to make that happen, I can prep you with questions , some generic enough to post the answers back here.

Best done in a group, really !

This is a great idea! Im willing to do it also if anyone else is up for it! I can set up an infopass appointmeny and whatever date it is we can meet at the local office there in Atlanta! Whos up for it? We are one of the only offices to hear of no appprvals!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-12 16:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I haven't heard anything either. :crying: I can't wait til you get approved abeyzo because I filed about 2.5 weeks after you so your approval will give me hope that mine will be coming. I need my husband here by the beginning of June and I pray that will be able to happen.

Anyone have any idea what other forms/cases the ATL office processes and how long all those petitions and cases are taking to be approved? (like AOS, employment authorization, work permits, etc). I'm trying to see how long those files are taking.

I hear ya mrsaloto. Im almost at the 5 months point where I actually think ill be picking a phone up and giving them a call. I just booked my ticket to Jordan for May and im hoping I can bring my wife back when I come back July 5. That is when I plan to have her here.

As far as I know Atlanta deals with a lot of citizenship paperwork. The only way I know this is because my dad took Oath there for his citizenship back in 1996 and also my grandparents back in the early 2000s. All there paperwork was done there. So I have no idea. Any information will be helpful!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-10 23:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
Yup! Me as well! Should be out in 10 days or so. Im thinking the numbers will be 1000+ being processed and no changes in reciepts and completions. But lets hope for different :)
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-10 21:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers

I haven't heard anything yet. You mean seeing approvals from ATL office?

Of course not ATL approvals....just overall approvals. And darn I hope one of us lucks up real soon!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-10 21:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
So anyone with any news yet? Starting to see some more people getting approvals and wondering if any of you got one or an RFE? Something!!!!!!
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-10 17:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAtlanta Transferrers
Nothing here yet...and in about 18 days it will be 5 months for me. And I do believe i will be sending a e-service request as soon as its 5 months! Unless I hear something before...
abezyoMaleJordan2013-01-03 12:51:00