I can't watch really highly important games...I get too mad, or too nervous, so I only saw a couple of goals.

Being a goalie for 22 years, I can tell you, Brodeur did NOT play well at all. He is a very good goalie, but the game has change, and he has not (his style...he remains to be a hybrid goalie whereas, the majority of goaltenders in the game today are butterfly style)

I'm going to try and break the goals down and let you know what he did wrong, and how, even though a couple were deflections, he could have had a chance to make the save.

Goal 1: Shot came from the point, and was deflected past Brodeur's blocker side. Brodeur went down, but only put out his left leg initially, causing him not to be able to react quickly enough when the puck was deflected. In fact, he didn't even move his right leg to try and make the save. Had he gone down in the butterfly to protect the entire net, rather than trying to just make the save on the shot, he might have had a chance to stop the deflection, as his reaction time would have been cut shorter, by his body and leg already being in position.

Goal 2: Brodeur should NOT have batted the puck out of mid air. That was Brodeur being Brodeur and having to go out and play the puck. Now, I'm all for goalies playing the puck (I'm one of them) but you hve to know when to play the puck, or stay in your net. He should have stayed in his net. He made the worst choice in where he ended up putting the puck. He put it in what I call the 'Dead Zone" right up the middle. So, it goes up the middle, and while the US pointman gets the puck, Brodeur is scrambling to get back in net to get in position, and ends up looking like Hasek in that he doesn't even have proper positioning as a Hybrid goalie! Why the heck did he go down like that???? He's an NHL goalie who's probably made that same countless times. If had had gone down into a butterfly, or even semi-butterfly, even with the deflection, he would have made that save because the puck stayed on the ice. Pads on the ice would have stopped it.
Who's at Fault for that goal? Brodeur. If he had let his defense just go and get the puck in the corner, we may have never had the puck up the middle, in fact, it probably would have stayed up along the boards.

Game should have been 1-0 Canada at the end of the first period.

Goal 3: Again, didn't stay in his net! Tried to pokecheck the puck and failed. As a goalie, you need to be 100% sure that you are not going to mess up with the pokecheck, because you are completely vulnerable. He missed and the US player passed it to his man who had a wide open net because Brodeur, once again was way out of position.

Should have been 2-0 Canada at this point.

Goal 4: Good power play goal. Had movement on the ice, good one-timer from the halfboards. If I were going to blame anyone, it would be whomever was in the box! :lol:

Should have been 3-1 (After Canada scored) at this point.

Goal 5: Obviously an empty net.

Reasons why we lost that game? Goaltending on both ends. Brodeur did not play well, and Miller did. Simple as that. Had Brodeur made the saves he was supposed to, and not put himself out of position (and as a goalie, that's WHAT A GOALIE'S JOB IS, to be IN POSITION) even with Miller's stellar performance, we should have won that game.

/stepping out of my crease now :D

Edited by J&K, 22 February 2010 - 08:57 AM.

J&KFemaleCanada2010-02-22 08:56:00
The Canadian women are good, and so are the US, but it would be nice to see the Russians put together a good women's team. You'd think with the men being so good, that the women would be as well!
J&KFemaleCanada2010-02-17 12:07:00
Guess what? I can't watch it either :lol:

Play it? You tell me where and when, and I'll be there. But as me to watch it on tv? Not a chance :lol:
I usually watch for a bit to say "oh I know her, played against her, stoned her on a breakaway, etc" :D
J&KFemaleCanada2010-02-17 11:50:00

I hope J&K doesn't want to kill me now, because I have a feeling she could...and I'll be living near her soon. : :huh:

No, won't kill you :lol:

Actually agree with both of you. As much as it hurts me to say it, but I agree, that the quality of women's hockey, just isn't there in the other countries that participate.

Canada, US and Sweden are about the only countries who have been able to field 'good' teams...and I say 'good' because women's hockey can be painful to watch. Don't take me wrong, I LOVE women's hockey, love playing it, but it's so different from the men's game, that it's not fun to watch.

It's slow, too much passing, shooting isn't that good, etc.

It's different when you play, especially with the women on the national teams, they are awesome for their abilities.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-02-17 11:44:00
They showed the game on CNBC as well.

The Canadian and US Women's team probably won't have a problem until they meet each other.

It's always been like that (except in the last Olympics when Sweden surprised the US).

It's fun to watch the Canadian women though because I played with or against quite a few of them!
J&KFemaleCanada2010-02-17 09:06:00
CanadaCDN Passport photos in the USA before I read this thread, I went to Costco to get them done.

Wrong. Bad photos, so many things wrong.

After reading this thread, went to AAA and THEY did them wrong. I explicitly told them CANADIAN passport, and she proceeds to do a US Passport photo. I only had a few minutes on my lunch break to do them, so I didn't have time for her to figure out the correct way, to redo them.

Is there anyone in the DC area who has renewed the passport down here, and where did you get your photos done?

I am willing to travel anywhere around here, because I need to get it renewed like yesterday. If my mom goes for her transplant, I'm going to need it :lol:

J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-24 09:26:00
CanadaI'm Home!
Welcome Home! :)

Yes, sorry for the ####### weather, but then again, we'll all be complaining when it's too humid :lol:
J&KFemaleCanada2010-03-13 18:19:00
CanadaAuto Insurance in the U.S.
Actually, USAA Recently changed their membership eligibility.

Anyone can join USAA, but there are restrictions on what products and services are available to you.

If you don't qualify for 'full membership' you can't get Auto or Home insurance.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-03-23 16:24:00
CanadaNeed Help! Medical Emergency in Canada
I've been to the Scarborough office before. Know all about the zoo :lol:

flames, thanks for the 'secret' ;) but here, in the transplant area, they have specific visiting breaking them :D

I was going to see if the Whitby office could do the "urgent" request, but it looks like they only do the Express in which you have to go to Scarborough to pick up anyway.

So I go to Scarborough early (visiting hours probably won't start until early we go!
J&KFemaleCanada2010-04-22 08:31:00
CanadaNeed Help! Medical Emergency in Canada
Thanks flames and Leafgal :)

I'm going to actually get my passport done completely while I'm up there. I'll do the expedited process at the Scarborough office. Can't be at the hospital every minute.

When I get there, I believe the visiting hours start at 11am, so I'll hit Scarborough before I head into downtown.

I SHOULD have done all of this when I went to visit at Christmas, but me being the dummy, I didn't get the photos done. :bonk:
J&KFemaleCanada2010-04-21 19:51:00
CanadaNeed Help! Medical Emergency in Canada
Thanks for the replies everyone.

My mom is doing great, despite having a double lung transplant :)

We'll be driving up, so I'll just go ahead and use my birth certificate. John was able to go into DC today and get his passport expidited (he picks it up at 2pm).

Probably won't be on here much to update.

Thanks for your help!
J&KFemaleCanada2010-04-21 11:44:00
CanadaNeed Help! Medical Emergency in Canada
As my topic indicated, my passport expired in January, and I've been having a heck of a time trying to get Canadian style passport photos....I've been to countless places (either the don't do them, or they lie, take the photo and it's incorrect).

Yesterday, my mom got the call for a lung transplant (she's in surgery as we speak) and I'm going to need to go up there.

What do I need to do? The only proof I have is my expired passport and birth certificate(s) (short and long form).
J&KFemaleCanada2010-04-20 08:35:00
CanadaBack From Canada

I have no first-hand knowledge to back up this possibility, but how plausible is it that there might be detectors at the booth that sniffed out some kind of powder residue from the car? Probably less likely considering the arms were cased and it had been over a year, but who knows... :wacko:

I really think the guy was just on a power trip, trying to trip us up, for an excuse to search us.

If John had been driving across, I could see that happening, but I'm pretty calm and cool and that's probably why he DIDN'T pull us in.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-05-04 09:09:00
CanadaBack From Canada

Sounded like a jerk. hadn't you mentioned before that you had to get a special permit to bring some of your "guns" from Canada to the USa?? maybe they had a record of that on file!
Ya narcotics can really constipate ya! Nothing better than an enema to start the day,lol Glad she is doing well

I've never actually brought any of my 'toys' to Canada :D

Don't know, maybe buddy was jealous that I get to have the fun stuff and he doesn't haha.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-05-03 19:31:00
CanadaBack From Canada
Well, got back from Toronto / Oshawa on Sunday morning about 1am.

We left on Tuesday morning at 3:15am, and it took us a bit longer to get to Toronto than it normally would. Accident on the PA Turnpike near Pittsburgh closed the westbound lanes and we had to rushour. That added about 1.5 to the trip.

Then, we got to the border. I was totally expecting to get pulled in because I only had my birth certificate and expired passport. Nope! Didn't get pulled in, but the border guard was a complete a**. Asked the usual questions of citizenship, where we were going, etc. But then it got fun:

BG: Where do you live?
Me: Berryville, Virginia
BG: Virginia, is that VA?
Me: Yes sir.
BG: Do you have any Alcohol or Tobacco?
Me: No sir.
BG: What are you bringing into the country?
Me: A couple of clothing gifts and some grocery items.
BG: Any firearms or ammunition?
Me: No sir. (me thinking: I leave those at home!)
BG: No alcohol or tobacco????
Me: No, none.
BG: And you have absolutely no firearms or ammunition in this car. Or have ever carried any in your car.
Me: No. There is nothing in this car.
(Now he was getting really snotty)
BG: Because my computer is telling me to pull your car in for a search, and we're going to swab your car, your wallets and your hands and if we find any trace of GSR then you're going to have some trouble!
Me: Did you ask if we ever carried any in here? Because we are reenactors and have carried firearms in this car, but it has been a year, and they have been legally in my car, in cases.
BG: Ok, you can go.
Me: So no search?
BG: no.

We drove off.

That really ticked me off for a good 30minutes after!
As soon as we said Virginia, he went off about having any firearms. I totally felt harrassed because of that. In the USA, I can have firearms, and can carry them openly in my car or on my body (In Virginia anyway). Just really really bugged me, and still does. Thinking about complaining about that guy.

So we got to Toronto and went stright to Toronto General Hospital.

Mom is doing great with her new lungs, but she is having some other 'complications' with her bowels, since she was on some heavy narcotics. We're hoping things 'move along' quickly :whistle:

While we were there, I took John to the Hockey Hall of Fame. The Great Hall was closed that day, but I think he enjoyed it.
We also did some shopping.

Every day was pretty much the same, get up, go to Toronto, come home, go to sleep because we were exhausted.

Also, while I was up there, I renewed my passport. My plan was to go to the Scarborough office to get it done in 24hrs. Thankfully, I did a search in Toronto and found the passport office on Victoria St, just a few blocks from the hospital.
Went it, and was seen in less than 15 minutes. They did the Express pickup, and was ready in 2 days. They were great! Much better experience than the last time I went to Scarborough. If you can get to Toronto and do your passport there, I would definitely recommend that over Scarborough.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-05-03 09:05:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

What a way to wake up on a Saturday morning.
Long story short, a I get a call from John's cell...but it's not John. It's Officer so and so from the Berryville Police, informing me that John has just been in a motor vehicle accicent.

Good news: John is ok, no one else was hit or hurt and I'm glad I have insurance.

Bad news: John was given a ticket, truck has seen better days (going to fight to NOT have it written off), a damaged guard rail (which my insurance will cover, thankfully), and we still owe money on the truck so that if the DO write it off, I'll be paying for something we don't have anymore, and I can't afford to get another vehicle (even a crappy one.)

It just seems lately that things just can't go right, and when you think you have a a handle on the things that have happened in the past, more ####### gets piled onto the stuff that has already happened and you still haven't finished dealing with.

I just want to go crawl into a hole :crying:
J&KFemaleCanada2010-05-15 14:37:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
ARGH! So even though I have a new job, I agreed to continue to work for my old boss one day a week. Since I'm in training, I told him I would work Sundays until my regularly scheduled shift started.

The first Sunday, he forgets to send me a list of items to do.
So, we skip that Sunday and up to last night before I went to bed, I still hadn't heard from him on the list of items he wanted me to work on, even though on Wednesday, he asked if I were still on for working, which I replied to as soon as I read it.

I get up the morning at 8:30am, and find an email of the list he wants done....sent at 11:30pm!
He knows that today I cannot work very long because of a Caps game we are going to, so I needed the list early so that I could work early!

The man seriously needs a lesson in clear communication.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-03-28 07:50:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Oh I know what the reference was to, but I have friends who fought in Vietnam, were wounded in Vietnam, or in the case of my FIL tried to volunteer for Vietnam duty 3 different times and was turned down. So the fact that he even suggested that angered me.

I was thinking more of the immigration side of it actually :lol:
J&KFemaleCanada2010-03-08 11:30:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Sorry you had to endure that last night Shaun. I know how you feel in regards to a sibling who just isn't 'right'. My brother and I had some major issues when we were growing up and into our teens, but thankfully, he has completely changed, and I still consider him my brother. I didn't think that would be possible 10 years ago.

So here's my vent from Saturday.

John and I went to Gettysburg to celebrate our 3rd anniversary with dinner at the Dobbin House. We eat there a leat 4 times a year, and every time we do it has always been great. Even when the food wasn't 'their' best, it was still good :lol:

So anyway, we are seated in a small room where there are 4 tables. 3 of these tables have couples (us included) and the final table has 6. 3 adults and 3 children (the oldest about 14).
This table from the time we sit down, to just before we leave had loud conversations where every other table either didn't talk, or couldn't be heard.
That's annoyance number one.

Annoyance number 2, oldest gentleman and 14yr old boy talk about WWI and WWII and make comments about history that are completely wrong, but think that everything they are saying is completely right.
Now John, who is too nice sometimes, will attempt to correct people, and most will take the info with no problem. These people, comepletely ignored him and continued to spew incorrect information for all to hear.

Did you know that Archduke Franz Ferdinand was from Italy and was assassinated by the Germans?

Not to mention that the 14yr old had to proclaim for all to hear that from "New York, to Paris, to Instanbul, this is the best lamb I have ever eaten!"
Multiple times.

The one that made John the most angry was that the mother of the 14yr old said that if she could, she wouldn't sign her son up for Selective Service. And the Grandpa, said that they should all go to Canada to get away from it.
I almost stood up and said "We'd just ship your a$$ back. Canada is fighting in Afghanastan too you idiot" (as I was wering my Olympic sweatshirt with CANADA across the front"
She kept going on about "why would anyone want to fight for their country, what do they get in return"
John is a Navy veteran, and again I wanted to stand up to her face and say "How about the freedom to live in this country."

Ugh.... <_<

Dinner was great, but the company was not, and pretty much ruined the experience.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-03-08 10:44:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I think they were more worried about Poulin drinking because she's only 18 legally underage.

Otherwise, I don't think they would have had a problem with it.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-02-26 11:52:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Just found out it's going to cost us $514 to fix our truck for now...and there is more that needs to be done :(

We don't drive it very much, but when we do, I don't want to worry about anything breaking on it.

Both front Ball Joints need to be replaced, and then a wheel alignment.

Just when I feel like we're getting ahead, stuff like this happens.

I really hope I get that FT job.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-02-25 13:50:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

So sorry to hear about your situation :(

I was worried about John not being able to support us, as he sounds much like your husband, but luckily he has stepped up his game and is doing really well at work now.

I know you're in California, and his parents are there, but would there be any chance when looking for employment to relocate?
Just thinking about Cali's job situation, it might be worth it to look at big companies and where they are hiring.

I wish you both luck, and a speedy AOS process so that you too can start looking for employment.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-02-22 15:29:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
My vent this morning.

I left early to get to work so that I could be here at 9am (I usually don't start until 10).

Because of the rain and flooding, my 45minute commute took me 2 hours.

Roads closed, trees and power lines down, cars backed up because of Mercedes broken down in the middle of lane of a 2-lane road.

Not fun.

So what time did I get to work? 10:15 :angry:

Oh, and we have a leak in our roof, which I noticed this morning because of a nice water bubble in the ceiling in the bathroom.

Thankfully the only thing that really got wet in the attic where we have a ton of our stuff stored were my hockey pants...which are meant to get wet :lol: I have to have my landlords come over and fix it, and the house is in a bit of a disarray because of not being able to tidy up this weekend. So tonight will be a whirlwind cleanup so that I can have them come over without being embarrased by the state of everything. *sigh*

Is it Friday yet? :wacko:
J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-25 11:27:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

but I really worry about him being able to get his CDL renewed and getting into the field office for his biometrics without his passport.

He should be able to use just his license or the greencard at his biometrics appt.

I don't think I had to show my passport this time when removing conditions, because I already had my 2 year card. I believe I just showed the 2 year card, and my state license.

In Virginia, I didn't have to show my passport either at the DMV. Not sure on the CDL may want to call your local DMV about that.

I'm glad he was ok, as you said, it could have been a lot worse.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-25 11:21:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
If I had to move in with my in-laws I'd probably be divorced and in a mental institution :lol:

The in-laws are self proclaimed hillbillies in the deep dark holler where family is stone's throw away from each other...and they all love and hate each other. I can spend an afternoon there, and that's about it :lol:
J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-24 22:44:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I've used Simply Hired before.

Most jobs around me are really industry specific (So I don't qualify). Makes me wish I'd gone into nursing :lol:
J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-20 13:57:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I'm usually a very self confident person, but these days it's hard to be.

The panic attacks are mainly to do with money. If I don't make any, I don't know how we'll survive.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-20 13:53:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Don't give up hope, J&K. It will turn around for you. You have to go to a lot of interviews before you find the right fit. I hope it is right around the corner.

Do you like what you are doing now (even if it isn't enough hours)?

Nope...hate what I'm doing. Mainly because I'm not formally trained in it.
I've been working for my boss (I'm his only real employee) for 2.5 years and I still feel like I shouldn't be here.

I'm sick and tired of being lied to, and some of the comments he makes to me.

I just wish I could find something else....full time.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-20 13:47:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I'm starting to feel really lost, and having panic attacks.

I just found out I didn't get another job.

I've had a few interviews, but apparently I'm not good enough :(

I'm really worried because my UI isn't going to last much longer, and I don't know where to turn to, or even know if my current job is going to pick up.

I was promised that it would at the beginning of the year....well it hasn't.
Of course, I have been promised a lot of things by my boss that haven't happened.

Like that I would be Full Time by May 2008. I work at most 15hours/week. That I would be making 60-75000 a year. I make like 23000.

Not good :( Not good at all.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-20 13:34:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
My parents had a Brown Chevette! I loved that car.

When the sold it, they sold it to a girl down the road from us. That thing just wouldn't go away. I think she had it for at least another 5-6 years and it was old when we sold it to her!

Edited by J&K, 18 January 2010 - 07:48 PM.

J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-18 19:48:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I think you said you were tested out the wazoo for allergies, but do you think your hives could be caused by something else other than allergies?

I heard something on the radio yesterday about hives, that actually made me think of you.

Any family history of certain diseases? They mentioned Lupus as a possible cause, even things like stress, or depression.

I know it must be such a pain in the butt for you, but now whenever I get hives or hear about them, I'm wondering how you are doing...and here you are, posting about how bad they are. :(

Feelin' for ya! :)
J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-14 20:05:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

So Monday felt pretty ill, Tuesday, achy and sore. Yesterday morning, I feel good! Even went for a job interview. By the afternoon I started feeling sick again, by yesterday night I'm all stuffed up, fever and chills. Today...It's like a 180 from yesterday morning.

Went to clinic, no flu. Just weird that it came on so quickly.

I hate missing work, I have a feeling my boss is going to be ticked, but what can I do?
J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-14 11:14:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Me too! Only I'm not pregnant. :hehe:

OMG me too! :P

Huggles...soooooo jealous that you're looking for a house, but happy for you too! :)
Wish John and I could look for a home, I always torture myself by checking out the homes for sale, but then I get depressed when I find one I like :lol: Maybe I shouldn't do that anymore :lol:

Raven, I'm sure your mom will come around :)
J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-11 17:21:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Ya, I was looking at the Owen's Corning R24 on home depot. I really like my landlords, but I know that they are dealing with the economy as well, so I don't know if they would go for doing it for us.

The kitchen used to have a baseboard heater, that never worked when we moved in. They gave us a spaceheater for the kitchen, but it's not really efficient (but neither is electric baseboard!)

I just want to be able to come downstairs in the morning and it not be 46deg down here.

I'll have to talk to John and see if he'll do it...with my help of course.
J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-11 10:58:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

John started to feel sick on Saturday, so he was in bed all day yesterday.

Then yesterday I started to feel sick.

Now, we both feel like death warmed over :(

I hate feeling like this.

Plus, it's really cold in our house. The kitchen was an add-on many many many years ago and they didn't insulate the crawlspace underneath, so it is freezing in there. The downstairs gets all of it's heat sucked out.
We've put plastic up on the windows, I've tried to fill in the cracks between the floor and the wall...and now, even though it's not my house, I'm tempted to buy the insulation and vapor barrior myself and get John and I to do it.

My landlords are great, but I don't think they would go for it.

I'm going to price it out today...since I'm home and can pretty much just sit without falling over.

J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-11 10:16:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Awww I'm sorry to hear about your dog :(

My dog had Cushing's Disease back when they were first learning about it, and there was nothing they could do. When she passed, we donated her body so that they could learn more about it. This was 13 years ago.

Now, I know they do have some treatment for it, so that it can make the dog more comfortable, but no cure yet. :(
J&KFemaleCanada2010-01-06 13:48:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 30 2009, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I am looking for an apartment - kind of - our 6 month lease is up here at the end of January (yes, it's been 5 months since we left the sun drenched land of Florida!) Looking for an apartment in this city is totally annoying - not due to a lack of rentals but a HUGE over abundance of rentals - there is tooo much to choose from. I have a set of criteria and one will have one thing but not the other etc etc - or the price is something ridiculous (these people renting out their places in Calgary need to get real - the boom is over for the moment people)

Actually, people have started to leave Alberta YAY! 2400 left like last month...bye. laughing.gif

Good luck with the search!

When John and I moved into this rental house last year, we were saving $50/month from our previous rental, gaining independence from living in an 'apartment' (ie: privacy), more bedrooms, 1/2 bath more, and just cool landlords.

Now, I like to look at the rentals available and our old place is renting at $100 less than what we paid for it, and there are plenty of homes for rent for less than what we're paying.

But, when we look at everything, our rent didn't change (even though they told us when we signed the lease a year ago that it would go up $100....I think they don't want to lose us as tenants), they are right next door so if anything happens they are right there (and they cool people too smile.gif ) we're happy, and most importantly (two things) We don't want the hassle of moving (until we buy a place of our own) and we can afford it.

Obviously, if something were to happen and we couldn't afford it we would move, but things are 'ok'.

They aren't great, but I'm looking forward to starting the Total Money Makeover so we can become debt free and look towards buying our first home with a nice down payment.

Whoa...sorry to kind of 'not vent' in the vent thread....

So to make it a legit post, here it is:

Why must my clients who are on vacation use the PADLOCK to lock the door so that I cannot get in because I don't have a key for that specific Lock when they KNOW I'm coming to work for them?????

So here I sit in a Starbucks, working remotely...uh I mean 'working' biggrin.gif hehe, while I wait for the bossman to arrive with the backdoor key.

/vent laughing.gif

J&KFemaleCanada2009-12-30 12:37:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Why must some people have absolutely no feelings or emotions when it comes to money???
I was just in our truck, which John normally drives, and all I hear is squeaking and creaking.....which he should have heard, even though he has legitimate hearing problems, or the RADIO really loud.

We don't have the money to fix it right now, and when I tell him, he's very nonchalent about it.

Well *I* have to drive it...worried about that, and second, our car has been having issues as well, so what happens if both break down.

I absolutely cannot stand when he does this.

J&KFemaleCanada2009-12-28 11:51:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Since it's the Holiday's I really haven't had much to vent about, which is always good.

But I dread after the holidays...when my worries return about work and money sad.gif
J&KFemaleCanada2009-12-27 19:56:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Malrothien @ Dec 27 2009, 06:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today's vent:

The faucet knob in our tub fell off this morning. I tried to put it back on, but it wasn't having any of that. I emailed the landlord and hopefully he'll get it fixed tomorrow.

It's a pain in my #######. We can only turn on the water with pilers on a plastic piece that could break at any time. Annoying. ><

Ugh, my last apartment was like that, and I could not stand our landlords (or as John called them...the Asshats), who lived 10 miles away, were never reliable and ended up cheating us out of some our deposit money.

My new landlords live right next door, and are the best.

Hope you get your faucet fixed soon without any issues smile.gif

J&KFemaleCanada2009-12-27 19:51:00