IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE, I-551 & Green Card
Once our CR-1 is approved and my spouse enters the US, we would like to know how soon she can travel into Canada.
After searching through the forum archives, I see two answers:
1. You can get a I-551 stamp in your passport before the Green Card arrives and travel in and out as much as desired.
2. No, better two wait until the Green Card comes and then travel.

Which answer, or other, is correct?

Also curious how soon the Green Card will arrive after entry. I see numbers ranging from as little as 8 or 9 days to 2 months.
Did I miss something on the Processing Times statistics pages? I would expect to see this reported there but see no mention of it.

Thanks in advance for any answers.

Edited by BBCC, 17 November 2011 - 08:35 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-11-17 20:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTransfer NVC to different country consulate?

I'm serious - 3 times MORE, today.

Remember - NVC closes at 23:59, EST.

After collecting a set of data points as planned by making multiple calls to the call centre, we submitted our existing canadian visas with 4 months remaining.
NVC responded a few days later rejecting these visas as they do not have six months validity.

So we now are considering whether to rehome our visa interview to Taipei or just wait until our canadian permits are renewed on Feb 1st.

We contacted the NVC and asked whether we can do the medical here in Canada locally before traveling to Taipei. We got another 'no'. If we interview in Taipei, we must do our medical work there as well.
This lengthens our stay in Taipei to get this done as well.

We already have the vaccinations done. Presumably, the vaccination records and the recent vaccinations done here in Canada will be accepted in Taipei as it is not medically safe to repeat vaccinations, I have read.
BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-12-02 22:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTransfer NVC to different country consulate?

I suggest you call back 3 more times today, over the course of the day, ask the same question.
Record the answers.
Study the variance.

and then..

Tomorrow - call in again, this time asking for a supervisor - ask the question again.

Good Luck !

What a great suggestion.
I called twice last week thinking the same thing.
First agent: "Try sending your existing permit and explain you will renew in March"
Second agent, this time checked with her supervisor: "No way that Montreal will waive the six month requirement. So either wait until March and go with an Montreal Interview or change now to Taipei."
and then there is today's response...
Third agent: "Try and send in what you have to Montreal and see what they say..." and what I mentioned above.

At least, we don't have to pay for a Las Vegas holiday to enjoy a good wager ;)
BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-11-28 13:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTransfer NVC to different country consulate?

We had a similar situation in not knowing where we would be by the time the interview came around--Costa Rica or Mexico. NVC told us that they would schedule it it in either location so long as we notified then BEFORE it was ACTUALLY scheduled. So get on the phone to NVC Monday and ask for specifics so you can make a completely informed decision.

I just called the NVC and asked how long it would take to rehome and they said "they had no time frame" (didn't know, couldn't tell me). At least the agent was able to tell me that the change would entirely within the NVC at this point as Montreal or Taipei would not be involved with the transfer.

So my guess is, at best, we would get her CR-1 a few months faster if we switched to Taipei and coughed up an air ticket, give or take. plus the wind..... who knows.

He did say it might be worth a shot to send a copy of her current Canadian residence permit to Montreal, valid for another 4 months and state we are not allow to renew our Canadian permits early. Worth a shot I guess before we decide on the re-homing issue.

You'll be sure and think we're crazy but we've also decided to try for a tourist visa to get her in over the holidays in the interim. All it will cost us is the visa fee. More than likely we'll get the textbook 'no' given the immigration intent but, like the lottery, you can't lose or win if you don't play. Ha!

Thanks for the input everyone.
BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-11-28 12:28:00
CanadaVaccine documentation coversheet
Thank you thats awesome!!!
MattandRoseNot TellingCanada2013-03-21 12:18:00
CanadaVaccine documentation coversheet
Hey just wondering where you got the information from for the medical exam? Im still waiting for my NO2 but I was thinking I could get a head start on the medical exam by getting the vaccines. no longer exists which is where this forum indicates where to find the info. Any piece of info would help thanks!!!
MattandRoseNot TellingCanada2013-03-21 01:24:00
CanadaWhat is needed for medical exam?
awesome thank you guys!!
MattandRoseNot TellingCanada2013-03-21 21:55:00
CanadaWhat is needed for medical exam?
Does anyone know what is needed for the medical exam? What kind of immunizations they require? Do they want to see my medical report from the last 10 years? any kind of info is greatly appreciated!!
MattandRoseNot TellingCanada2013-03-20 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 K1 filers
Anybody on here at California? have you heard anything? I have never wished time away like i do waiting for this visa!!
MattandRoseNot TellingCanada2013-04-04 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC March Filer - NOA2!!!
Thrilled for you!!!!! Congratulations :)
Living ProofNot TellingUganda2013-06-08 05:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsinterview date already
Wow!! Congrats!!
Living ProofNot TellingUganda2013-06-26 00:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA IN HAND
Congrats my girl!!!! Wishing you the very best!!!
Living ProofNot TellingUganda2013-08-28 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRefused
This is not directed at the OP as her fiance did the right thing by admitting to the arrests. Don't think for a minute though that the feds can't see your arest record even if you were never formally charged or convicted. Plenty of police agencies abroad keep and report thi info. It is best just to be honest about whatever is in your past.

The same is true of all felony arrests, misdemeanor arrests for state laws, and some federal misdemeanor arrests in the US.


Captionguy14Not TellingCanada2013-10-02 05:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1
I got my NOA2 approval text last night. We have a NOA1 date of April 29th out of CSC.


Captionguy14Not TellingCanada2013-08-02 17:42:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill waiting...


Has he tried his congressman.  Sometimes they seem to be more effective in this than a senator. 


By congressman, do you mean their House representative?

(Senators are also referred to as congressmen/women)

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-04 22:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Canadian Citizen removed with 5 year ban - unique situation

You keep stating that he can challenge this without being able to state how he would go about it.

Please tell us how he would challenge this?


and every time you re-ask the question, it becomes more rhetorical. 


HE goes about it by hiring an immigration attorney with the specific experience (history) necessary to pursue it.


Yes, I am aware that he is officially denied any further process in the matter as a non-citizen.  But, do a little research and you will find people still pursue legal options of appeal and reconsideration in spite of this.


You can continue to be as belligerent as you want to but you won't change his legal options in the slightest degree.


Carry on your juvenile rant.  It is a waste of time to respond any further.

Edited by BBCC, 18 June 2014 - 03:23 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-18 15:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Canadian Citizen removed with 5 year ban - unique situation

You're missing the law.

You state his right to an administrative hearing without understanding the law.

The judge he would have appeared in front of would have been an immigration judge - an administrative judge - in an adminstative hearing.

That is what the OP gave up when he confessed in exchange for the ban and immediate release to Canada.


Based on how the "confession" was obtain, the matter is far from over.  He has further rights in the matter whether you choose to recognize them or not.


He has already chosen not to challenge it so it really doesn't matter.  He's proceeding to pursue a waiver.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-18 15:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Canadian Citizen removed with 5 year ban - unique situation

Essentially, you got nothing to back up what you said.

You know of no way for him to get a hearing.

By your own admission, you don't know if he gave up his right to a hearing in the statement that he signed. (FYI - he did because as Caryh has already pointed out and to which you erroneously disagreed with - he was given an opportunity to see a judge and he declined to be on his merry way.)


This makes no sense at all.  Why would he not have the right to start with an administrative hearing?  And then proceed to a court after that?  What do you feel I am missing?

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-18 14:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Canadian Citizen removed with 5 year ban - unique situation


So you're just playing dumb now? 


No.  I sincerely apologize.  I have missed the context of your question.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-18 14:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Canadian Citizen removed with 5 year ban - unique situation

How does the OP go about getting this hearing?


Do you mean how, physically?  I don't have the contact information.


His attorney will proceed with this.  He shouldn't do so without legal representation.  Given how complicated his circumstances have become, it wouldn't make sense to pursue this pro se.


Did the statement he sign explicitly waive the right to a hearing?  If so, I am not aware of it.

Edited by BBCC, 18 June 2014 - 01:43 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-18 13:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Canadian Citizen removed with 5 year ban - unique situation


 I don't see the coercion


For starters, the officer falsely claimed the OP was to receive a salary.  You seem to have a stark lack of attention to the details of the matter.  Why would the officer need to falsey assert a salary that did not exist?


The OP has not waived their right to a hearing and will get one.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-18 13:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Canadian Citizen removed with 5 year ban - unique situation


Unfortunately, the supreme court already ruled on this. Law enforcement are allowed to lie. You might want to think its criminal, and I don't actually disagree that it should be, but the highest court in the land has said its OK, it doesn't matter what you and I think should be allowed. Also the OP had his opportunity to go to court, he chose to sign the confession instead. This is a done deal, I don't see a path he can even challenge it at this point as there is currently no case. Its like paying your speeding ticket, then wanting to to go to court to, you've already plead the case out and signed you were guilty. Its too late at this point.


Again, there is a difference between lying and coersion.  While it is true that the supreme court ruled about lying, they do not protect LE from coersion.  The OP is perfectly legally entitled to a hearing on the matter and proceed to the courts.  Why would you suggest otherwise?

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-18 12:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Canadian Citizen removed with 5 year ban - unique situation

USA law enforcement officials are allowed to lie to suspects in order to get a confession. This is standard operating procedure now. 


There is a very fine line between lying to a suspect and illegally coercing a confession.  This CBP agent completely crossed it.  It should be clear to the OP that since the officer had to illegally assert false information into his coerced confession (that he was to be paid), the officer knew he did not have grounds without the false allegation.  US LE escape prosecution for their own felony misconduct every day in this country.  That doesn't make their misconduct any less criminal.


If the OP is fortunate enough to find an attorney willing/capable of arguing the entire case before the court, the OP will prevail.  The CBP, like all US LE, bank on the likelihood that the OP will not or cannot go that far due to lazy legal representation.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-18 10:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Canadian Citizen removed with 5 year ban - unique situation

Are you aware how easy it is to obtain a TN work permit under NAFTA for software development work?

Not sure you qualify for one with the ban.  I would DEFINATELY hire an immigration attorney who specializes in this specific type of case and demand a review and then a court hearing over this.

You have that right. 


Do NOT roll over on this no matter what the CBP officer threatened you with.  If you were coerced into signing the statement, and it is very clear that you were, stand up and fight it.


The ranks of the CBP are often nothing more than a job corps for the most obese, mentally retarded people.  You have to expect this kind of criminal misconduct on their part but you don't have to take it.  It will take time to resolve.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-11 23:46:00
United KingdomTaxes 2555/2555EZ?

You can file a zero-income tax return if that is what you need for the purpose of the I-864.   As posted already, you don't need to file any of the Form 2555 because you have no income to exclude.  So, no need to declare the type of housing you were in for that tax year.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-23 09:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americatranslation for degree técnico superior universitario

What was the subject (major) of the degree or diploma?

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-01 21:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresk3:where to file from, what consulate to specify
We just received our NOA1 for I-130 today in the mail. We filed our I-130 from Canada, specifying our home address in Canada.
We recently married in Taiwan. My spouse is a Taiwan national with a Taiwan passport.
We live together in Canada with temporary work permits.

We now want to file for a K-3 visa while we wait for the CR-1 process to complete.

We are confused as to
1. the address we must file on our I-129F
2. What consulate we may specify on the I-129F for the NVC to forward the paperwork to.

The cause of our confusion comes from the instructions for K-3 on, in accordance with the Life Act which established the K-3 visa,
which states "a foreign citizen who marries a U.S. citizen outside the U.S. must apply for the K-3 visa in the country where the marriage took place."
and the fact that we do not reside in Taiwan.

1. Must we use a Taiwan address in the I-130 application even though my non-US spouse does not reside in Taiwan?
2. If we must use a Taiwan address on our I-129F petition for K-3, does it matter that we used a Canadian address on our I-130?
3. Is a Taiwan consulate the ONLY location permitted for our visa application?

The simple answer here, based on the instructions on and, it only in Taiwan.
Is this a strict requirement?

Today, I called
1. The USCIS. The first agent told me not to send the I-129F to the Chicago Lockbox as stated on the form but to send it to the CSC where our I-130 is pending. This was the instruction on prior printed instructions for I-129F but this is no longer stipulated in the instructions. Next, the agent told me to contact the NVC since they are the ones who forward our approved I-129F to the consulate and it is really their decision where they are willing to forward it to.
2. So I next called the NVC who were unwilling to give me the answer for an application they have not yet received. They sent me back to the USCIS.
3. I next called the USCIS again and was told that I could "probably" specify Canada as the location we intend to submit our visa application to but "they didn't know for sure."

Now I am really confused here.

Comments, answers anyone?


Edited by BBCC, 30 September 2011 - 09:47 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-09-30 21:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisa spouse and stepchildren

Don't EVER say anything in CDJ about trying to get an IR-1 visa because he was turned down for a B1/B2--you need to show intent for him to immigrate, not to visit. Once he has his green card, he will have to be in the US 6 months a year to keep it valid, and after three years, he can apply for citizenship and then he is free to leave the US as often as he likes--even to live the rest of your lives in Mexico, but he MUST get citizenship first--don't even think about not doing that. And don't even think about letting the green card expire due to lack of presence--three years is NOTHING in your life when he can be on the road to citizenship so easily.

Just do it, girl, and if you or he are ever wavering on that score, I will haunt you until you take that step which allows complete freedom to come and go for the rest of your lives. It's a one-time offer that you must not turn down or walk away from.

My wife and I have the same problem. We live in Canada and have no desire to live permanently in the US. My non-citizen (& non-canadian) wife was turned down for a B2 visa twice as she was a student, did not own property, etc so could not overcome this so-called burden that she wouldn't immigrate.

I work with green card holders at my job who live near the US but not in it. They just return enough frequently, never stay out of the US for more than a few months at a time and their green card status has ever been questioned. Citizenship is not necessary to do this either.

There needs to be a way for a non-citizen spouse to visit the US with their US citizen spouse when they permanently reside outside the US. This burden needs to be different than for the general B2 visa requirement because such circumstances are quite different for such married couples.

Eventually, she will obtain Canadian citizenship and none of this will matter.
BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-10-06 11:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I even get a K-3 now?

I assume you mean your NOA1 arrived September 30. Are you certain your I-130 is approved? If so, see the line above and take it literally. Yes, I'm sure.

Based on the circumstances described, the choice is gone. See earlier post.

Yes, we received our NOA1 I-797C in the mail on 30 September 2011 informing us that they had received our I-130 effective 20 September 2011 and is in process.

Then, yesterday, 5 October 2011 received (3!, three identical I-797C in separate envelopes) NOA2s informing us that our I-130 had been APPROVED effective 20 September.

So, technically, they took less than a week to approvate our I-130. We did not request for expedited processing.

The only possible explanation for this is that we filed a I-129F for a K-1 Fiance visa 60 days before this in July. Both this I-129F K-1 and the I-130 were processed at the California Service Centers. Perhaps their work was so similar for a I-129F vs I-130 that their I-129F work, perhaps already completed, was then carried over to the I-130?
BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-10-06 12:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I even get a K-3 now?

November? its not November yet.

You can choose to go K-3 but CR-1 is cheaper and generally the K-3 is closed at the NVC anyways.

Sorry. Typo. Meant September. NOA1 30 Sept. NOA2 5 Oct. Dunno how so fast. But, hey....

How is the CR-1 cheaper? Is it cheaper NVC?
BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-10-06 10:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I even get a K-3 now?
Well I'm stunned. It's official. Last Friday 30 November, we received our NOA1 for our I-130 in the mail. I mailed off our I-129F K-3 petition yesterday morning and when I arrived home from work, the NOA2 (!) had arrived notifying us of approval of our I-130.

So is there any way our K-3 petition will be approved, particularly if the remaining I-130/CR-1 processes gets stalled?

BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-10-06 10:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to pay application fee (I-130) from overseas

Interesting. From which bank did you purchase the money order?

A local post office, which drew on a local branch of CitiBank for US$ denominated money orders, I think.
BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-10-06 16:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to pay application fee (I-130) from overseas

I will try that, appreciate the help, thank you.

Make sure it is drawn on a US branch of a US bank and not the foreign branch of a US bank.
I tried submitting a foreign money order drawn on US$ funds and it was returned by USCIS.

Hope this helps.
BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-10-06 10:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMontreal Consulate question

We had our interview the end of May in Montreal, I, the USC accompanied my hubby to the interview. I was by his side the whole time...


Nice to see the change.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-14 14:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMontreal Consulate question

Best not to bring your phone inside.  When my wife went to her interview there, those with phones and other personal items were directed to a locker outside the office area.  You only bring our immediate interview papers in with you.


Spouse does not accompany in to the interview.  I read elsewhere that some consulates allow it but did not for the interview at Montreal two years ago.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-14 09:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa interview location

I read somewhere that Vancouver used to handle immigrant visas but no longer do so.

Now, they only handle non-immigrant visas which includes K-1.


Given the distance and costs involved with traveling to Montreal, I hope one of the consulates in western Canada starts to handle them again.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-14 15:00:00
CanadaInterview Dates - Montreal?

People who are having Spousal visa interviews are given interview dates. They need to sign up for the DHL service on the site so that their visa and package can be sent to them.

Where would we be without this forum? Wow. I just managed to register on and I think we're registered for DHL courier service only. I then reached a page with a list of documents to bring to the interview. This is quite different than the list we received with our interview appointment from the NVC.

From the, we also need to bring:
"Specific Application Documents for Canada

Examples of proof of income/ties:

A current letter of employment (or that of the family member or person providing the applicant financial support) showing date hired, salary and position
Pay slips and tax documents
School letter with proof of tuition payment and a copy of official transcript
Property deeds
Canada Immigration Documents showing the applicant's current legal status in Canada (permanent resident card, student/work permit and/or visa, and/or temporary resident permit)
Monthly bank statements
Proof of sufficient funds to cover all expenses while in US
Evidence which shows purpose of trip

So far, I have info from NVC that I need to bring original tax returns in support of the I-864 that was filed with the NVC. The need for Pay slips is new. Monthly bank statements is new. Proof of sufficient funds is new. Is this necessary or applicable only to other visa types?

Thanks in advance for assistance.
BBCCMaleTaiwan2012-01-11 18:32:00
CanadaInterview Dates - Montreal?

People who are having Spousal visa interviews are given interview dates. They need to sign up for the DHL service on the site so that their visa and package can be sent to them.

Is the DHL package delivered to the home address or to a local DHL office for pickup?
If pickup is needed, can one arrange for home delivery?

BBCCMaleTaiwan2012-01-11 16:53:00
CanadaInterview Dates - Montreal?

Hmm...I'm not sure what you mean by booking an interview. Interview dates are assigned...or at least they were two years ago. Has something changed?

I'm in a I-130 process and wondered the same thing.

Perhaps for K-1 applicants, the US Visa Service is used and the appointments are booked there?

We have our interview in a few weeks and I was wondering if we should follow the Montreal-specific instructions that direct applicants to register on the US Visa Service web site or if that is only for people in the K-1 process.
BBCCMaleTaiwan2012-01-10 16:30:00
CanadaSchool Shooting discussion gets my son in trouble??

As a father, I would get my butt down to that school now and give them a piece of my mind.

Ha ha. Good one. The US is a fascist state. Period. Free speech? Any open, constructive debate? Forget it. Particularly in public schools. Case in point- the murder of an 11 year old by police in Texas. And this kind of criminal misconduct by school and law enforcement can only get worse given their immunity from prosecution.

They won't give someone's piece of mind any attention whatsoever.
A properly filed lawsuit by a finely tuned attorney would, however, get their attention.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the only recourse in the end is to move outside the country to live under cooler, more rational heads. You won't find it in the US.
BBCCMaleTaiwan2012-01-10 14:51:00