Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMy "collection" of evidence - which start date?

I think you're asking about over what time period the evidence must cover to establish a bona fide relationship over the entire course of the marriage.


If that is the case, and you're sure it needs to go back all the way to the marriage date before the CR-1 was granted, then I would use the marriage date of the certificate you submitted establishing you are in a union.  If you used the de facto union with USCIS to establish the January 2013 as the start, then I would go back to that date.  If you submitted the US marriage certificate, then use that start date of March 2013.  If you submitted both, perhaps an INFOPASS appointment just to be sure might be a good idea.


My apologies if I misunderstand your question.


Hope that helps.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-04 21:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGetting ready for ROC, need help of what we're going to send

Thank you for the input. For car title one is on my hubby's name since I didn't had a drivers license yet when he bought it and the dealer cannot add me without my dl. I will probably include hubby's voters id with our address on it as well. I read to many roc filer and some of them got rfes and it's kind of stressful.


Interesting that you couldn't get your name on the car title.  That was probably an objection from the bank as I believe the state will allow you to be on the title without being a licensed driver.  I was able to get my wife's name on our car title before she became a locally licensed driver.  It was the insurance that wouldn't carry her until she had a local license.


In any case, you have a great set of documents.  Good luck with your application!

Edited by BBCC, 08 July 2014 - 07:50 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-08 19:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGetting ready for ROC, need help of what we're going to send

Hi all,
We've been a vi member through out our process from k3 to now roc. We need help for evidence as we don't have that much of evidence to send. We are sending our ROC papers on August. We got married April 2011 and I came here in the US last November 2012, we lived with my hubby's parent from my arrival and moved out to our new place last January 2013.
Here are the list of our evidence since I came here.

Joint lease from 2013-2014
Tax transcript filing jointly 2012-2013
Utility bill both our names and address
Joint bank statement from 2013-2014
Credit Card copies and credit card statement
Car loan with hubby's name and dads name since he's dad is the co signer
Dental and life insurance together (employer based)
Our pay stubs with our address
Copy or our driver license with same address
Copy of my green card front and back
Plane ticket of our vacation
Family photos on our vacations, special occasions etc.
Cards from families with both our names and address.

I'm not sure if our evidence are enough, we have health insurance separately since we cannot afford to have insurance together. We both have cars but the title is only my hubby's name since he bought me my car without my dl license that time so I cannot be on the title.

Any input will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you vj family


You're in GREAT shape.  More than enough.  Here is what we were approved with in May:


Just to compare, we sent (to California Service Center around Feb 1st 2014)::


Fee payment

Copy of conditional green card

Joint property lease

2011 and 2012 tax return (not transcript)

1 month, most recent joint checking/savings account statement

1 month, most recent joint credit card statement

1 month most recent joint online investment account statement

Copy joint auto title, registration, insurance (we own the car, no loan or lien)

Copies of both driver license at the property lease address, indicating that is where we originally settled and never moved (don't know if that matters, but stability can't hurt)

Copy of my (USC) voter registration at that address


We didn't include photos, sworn affidavits or other materials.  I'm guessing those help in somewhat more complicated circumstances.




Edited by BBCC, 07 July 2014 - 11:03 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-07 23:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat kind of evidence can I gather?

The two big ones they like to see are co-mingled residence and co-mingles finances.  That means joint rental lease/agreement or mortgage and joint bank accounts.  If you haven't gotten around to opening a joint bank account together yet, it's not too late.  Lacking either or both of these, then refer to the ROC guide on this site and start going down the list for things you can use.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-17 15:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCommingling of finances

My question is this: can we end our joint account now and have her open her own account? We still have another 9 months before she is eligible to remove conditions, is it absolutely vital to have a joint account? We have plenty of other evidence,


The co-mingling of domicile and finances are the most important indications that USCIS use as proof of a bona fide relationship.  There are other indications, but these are the big ones.  For this reason, yes, I would say it is vital to keep that joint account open when you file for ROC.


You could possibly compensate a lack of a joint bank account with accumulating some of the other documents, but why go to all that trouble?  The joint account is a strong indicator to them.


For our ROC, we used our joint bank account that really didn't have a lot of financial transactions listed on the joint bank statement.  This was not an issue to USCIS.  They approved our I-751 with it, no questions asked.  Because of this, perhaps you could consider each of you open your own separate bank accounts at the present time and still maintain separate finances if that is what you need to do.  But just hang on to the joint account and keep a small amount of activity on it.


You will also want to use a statement from a joint bank account a little after that to file for Naturalization, assuing that is also in your plan.


It is a good idea to keep the joint account open only as long as you intend to file immigrations or petitions.  Once you've concluded your business with USCIS, then go ahead and close the joint account.









Edited by BBCC, 19 July 2014 - 12:18 AM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-19 00:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNewbie Approaching I-751 Application


At the end of the day, the amount of "stuff" you feel comfortable collecting is what is right for you.  I didn't mind pushing the limit a bit for ROC, cuz we have a year to deal with an RFE if one were to occur.  I opted not to send the taxes, and like you, only sent one months' bank statement.  If the VSC were moving anywhere NEAR the speed of the CSC, we might know by now if I did right or not!   :)


The point I was trying to make in this thread is that more is not always better.  Especially when it comes to gubmint paperwork...


Good luck on getting your ROC and naturalization (if you go that far)!!

There is definately a balance to strike with every unique situation.


We're done with ROC.


Let us know how it goes


I hope your process goes smoothly.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-07 22:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNewbie Approaching I-751 Application


We sent no copies of tax returns and haven't had any RFEs (yet).  Just her ID and GC, my ID and pay stub, and a joint bank account statement.


We had that the IRS returns for the past 3 years and the joint property lease/mortgage were among the most important.  It would be interesting to see if you receive a RFE for the returns.


Also, we did not submit joint bank account statements over the entire two years.  The I-751 does not mention the need to do so over the two year period.  Just to submit "Financial records showing joint ownership of assets and joint responsibility for liabilities,"  So we included just the most recent month.  Perhaps the amount of co-mingled finances worked in our favor and contributed to the reason we didn't have to submit for the entire two years.  Maybe not.

Edited by BBCC, 07 July 2014 - 05:23 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-07 17:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNewbie Approaching I-751 Application

1. You want to request a tax transcript from IRS. Free. Go to their website and request last 2 years. I'll take a few days by regular mail

2. Yes


3. No need to get an attorney. Forms are quite simple. The documentation needed is not specifically listed except for a couple of things, so you need to figure out what applies best for you. AMong others: show finance commingling by having taxes filed jointly, bank accounts in both names, mortgage and/or title; or lease, car titles, loans...all in both names. state id/drive license showing same address, health insurance from company shpowing coverage for both, 401k showing benficiary spouse, travel together (borading passes, pics, etc) would be secondary.

There are also affidavits, from a couple of people.

There is a full list in the guides here..just search for ROC and i believe it's pinned


Has anyone reported having their application packaged returned for sending copies of tax returns instead of transcripts?

We sent copies of our returns, didn't bother with getting a transcript and they accepted it.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-24 13:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSending in extra Evidence before/without RFE

Does anyone know if it's possible to do so?  I ask because i only sent the last month's statement of our joint account instead of sending in a selection over the course of a few years.  I would like to avoid having an RFE.


Now I have my NOA it says to send a copy of it in with any correspondence.




Many here swear that you should never submit documents without the RFE first as it will delay your application.

I have no doubt this has been the case for some.


But in our case, we did not include our evidence of co-mingled finances with our initial I-751 package.

In the cover letter, we stated that we would forward these when they arrived in the mail.


About a month later, we sent in only the most recent month's bank statement showing co-ownership and not for the entire previous two years.  We did so without having received an RFE.


Seems inconsistent.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-08-05 16:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPROCESSING TIME FOR I-751.... 6 MO FOR CSC!!!

ROC is, and should be, one of the lowest priority things for USCIS to do.  You get your extension letter for a year, and life is normal for you after your GC expires.  They have a year to get back to you.  There is no need to go fast.  Let the people who are separated go faster.




:yes: !!!!!

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-08-08 15:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNeed help with our I-751 RFE

Can I add my wife's name on the car title? isn't it too late to do now? they demand the documents to be from the date we were married..

I can add the car insurance in both of our names as well as I didn't include that in the initial package. Any suggestions?  can they reject our application all together? should we get a lawyer's advice/representation? Thanks!


No, not too late to add her to the car title.  We joined the bank accounts the same month we filed our I-751 and it wasn't denied.

Go for it!


Don't worry about them rejecting your application.  It's just a RFE at this point.  A final rejection is a long way off. 

They'll probably take whatever you can gather together the 2nd time around and you'll be good to go.

Send whatever you can.


If you think they overlooked your health insurance, send it in as if you haven't sent it before.  Can't hurt.

Edited by BBCC, 11 August 2014 - 11:01 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-08-11 23:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionReceived RFE (Help)

I received RFE today. I pretty much sent everything we got the first time and they are asking it again?

We initially sent all these documents:

Marriage Certificate.
Joint Bank Statements.
Joint Costco Memberships.
Amex Credit Cards Copies and Statements.
Joint Tax Returns (Turbotax Online).
Copies of ID's License and Wifey's Intruction Permit.
Copies of Cable and Cellphone Bills on Both Names.
Copy of Vehicle Title on Both Names.
2 Affidavits from Relative and Friend.
Pictures of me and wifey with relatives and friends.

Now, I am going to add additional bank statements, tax transcripts, W2's, cable and cellphone bills, credit cards.

We do not have car insurance with my wife on it since she doesn't know how to drive yet. does vehicle title on both names count?
We do not have lease or house payments except for cable and cellphone bills on our both names but we are the ones who's paying for water, power and waste under dad's name since we are living at my dad's house.
Does sending or adding invitations from credit card companies count as proof of same address?



Your initial list is remarkable.  Very good.  And they still RFE'd?  Wow.  The case reviewer may have been looking for proof of joint residence (joint lease or mortgage) but since you don't have one all you can do is add to the additional list of evidence you are providing.


Does the employer of either of you provide a basic life insurance?  Many employers do.  It isn't for much but if they listed their spouse as the beneficiary, that would help.  Look through your employment records for *anything* that asked you to specify a beneficiary and put copies of those documents on your list.


You want to make sure that all of the financial statements you send are addressed at your joint home address, even if you don't have a lease/mortgage to show at the address.


They are looking for joint ownership of assets and obligations.  Next, you can continue to use the evidence of communication and other secondary components of the list of evidence.

Given how strong your list was to begin with, anything further you add may be adequate at this point.


Good luck!

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-08-06 13:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 No Biometrics?

Yes it is!  If you have had a biometrics done recently, they often just use that.


Enjoy it!

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-09 09:27:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoving conditions hell

When we went through the ROC process earlier this year, we had not yet merged our bank accounts.

We actually did so only in the month we were submitting our I-751.  In fact, we didn't send bank account statements that month.  We submitted everything except financials, obtained joint financial statements at the next month and then mailed them to USCIS when we received them.  We only sent that most recent month's statement.  They didn't send a RFE asking for any additional financial information.  The new green card was approved three months later.


Now I know the conventional wisdom here is to send a full two years of bank statements.

But for us, it wasn't needed.


So my advice would be merge whatever financial statements that you can.  Show joint assets.  Show financial liabilities.  It's not too late to quick deed your home to a joint mortgage, if that is possible where you live.


Do all you can and submit the documentation.  Just do your best.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-09-11 12:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSample Cover Letter, Submission Documents, Organization

I think people are being overly picky.


I think USCIS will be quite happy to get something this well organized.


Can't speak to what will actually happen, but if I were the examiner, I'd be leafing through each folder to spot-check it and say Yep found this, Yep found that, and I'd be done and approved.



BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-09 15:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2014 Filers


Good to know!  I have a neighbour checking on our cat and mail, so she will be able to bring it in for me :)  Thanks!


We were in Canada, too.  Over the holiday week.  Victoria habour fireworks on Canada Day.  Beautiful.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-25 23:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2014 Filers

When the new card arrives, do you have to sign for it?  Or is it just like regular mail?  I am going to be in Canada for a week in August and am kind of worried that it may get lost somehow.  I guess if I have to sign for it, I could always let the post office know I am out of town and maybe expecting something that needs to be signed and ask them to hold it for me...


It would be nice for it to arrive before my trip, which is in 2 weeks.  I guess there is a chance that could happen, but who knows? 


We were out of town when it was delivered.  It was on our doorstep in a US postal service priority envelope when we arrived home, only a week after we received noticed that it had been approved..

Edited by BBCC, 25 July 2014 - 05:42 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-25 17:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2014 Filers

VSC approval 7/16





BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-23 13:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2014 Filers

Wow, that was quick.  I got the card today!!!



BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-07-02 01:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2014 Filers

hahahaha !!! that would be an awesome idea.


I just noticed over on the December 2013 thread that they are transfering cases over from VSC to CSC.


You have to wonder if VSC is experiencing an unplanned staff shortage.


It will be interesting to see if they start doing that with the January filings as well.  Might be an indication of what is to come for later groups.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-24 21:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2014 Filers



California Service Center (14 applicants, 12 approved - 86%)


VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
DLMORRI..............02/07/14.......02/10/14......03/07/14......05/15/14 (Early Bio 02/28)
FLORA01..............02/21/14.......02/24/14......03/20/14......05/21/14(Early Bio 03/05)
DIVS.................02/27/14.......02/28/14......03/27/14......06/20/14(Early Bio 03/21)


Vermont Service Center (14 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)
VJName.............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
DIANA AND CHRIS......02/03/14.......02/10/14......03/11/14......--/--/--
CHXRYL...............02/06/14.......02/10/14......03/18/14......--/--/-- (Early Bio 03/11)
CRYSMIKE.............02/19/14.......02/21/14......04/01/14......--/--/-- (Early Bio 03/31)
VANCEDAN.............02/20/14.......02/21/14......--/--/--......--/--/-- (Early Bio 09/16/13)
* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
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* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA. Also please check that you have not deleted the name of the Service Center.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your petition
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-24 19:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2014 Filers

Wow.  How can VSC be so far behind?  This is a case where they should establish a little competition between service centers. :)

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-24 14:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2014 Filers

We're going to be moving in August, we're a VSC filer.  What's the procedure for changing address/notification?  I hope it becomes a mute point and VSC gets moving. 


From the I-751 instructions:


Address Changes
If you have changed your address, you must inform USCIS of your new address. For information on filing a change of
address go to the USCIS Web site at
or contact the USCIS National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.
For TDD (hearing impaired) call: 1-800-767-1833.
NOTE: If you checked box 1.e. or 1.f. in Part 2. Basis for Petition, you may NOT file a change of address request
through the USCIS Web site or by calling the USCIS National Customer Service Center;
you must contact the appropriate Service Center where you originally filed your Form I-751.
Hope that helps!

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-18 18:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2014 Filers

Yay!  We're in!  Thanks!



California Service Center (14 applicants, 10 approved - 71%)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
DLMORRI..............02/07/14.......02/10/14......03/07/14......05/15/14 (Early Bio 02/28)
FLORA01..............02/21/14.......02/24/14......03/20/14......05/21/14(Early Bio 03/05)
DIVS.................02/27/14.......02/28/14......03/27/14......--/--/--(Early Bio 03/21)


Vermont Service Center (14 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)
VJName.............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
DIANA AND CHRIS......02/03/14.......02/10/14......03/11/14......--/--/--
CHXRYL...............02/06/14.......02/10/14......03/18/14......--/--/-- (Early Bio 03/11)
CRYSMIKE.............02/19/14.......02/21/14......04/01/14......--/--/-- (Early Bio 03/31)
VANCEDAN.............02/20/14.......02/21/14......--/--/--......--/--/-- (Early Bio 09/16/13)
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* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA. Also please check that you have not deleted the name of the Service Center.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your petition
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-12 00:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2014 Filers

California Service Center (12 applicants, 2 approved - 17%)


VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved


DLMORRI..............02/07/14.......02/10/14......03/07/14......05/15/14 (Early Bio 02/28)






FLORA01..............02/21/14.......02/24/14......03/20/14......--/--/--(Early Bio 03/05)




DIVS.................02/27/14.......02/28/14......03/27/14......--/--/--(Early Bio 03/21)


Vermont Service Center (14 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)
VJName.............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved

DIANA AND CHRIS......02/03/14.......02/10/14......03/11/14......--/--/--

CHXRYL...............02/06/14.......02/10/14......03/18/14......--/--/-- (Early Bio 03/11)






CRYSMIKE.............02/19/14.......02/21/14......04/01/14......--/--/-- (Early Bio 03/31)

VANCEDAN.............02/20/14.......02/21/14......--/--/--......--/--/-- (Early Bio 09/16/13)









* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA. Also please check that you have not deleted the name of the Service Center.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your petition
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.


BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-05-26 19:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCanadian assets to supplement income

It might depend on what the assets are. 


In our case, both of us had Canadian employers when we filed our I-130 petition.  The USC's legal residence was on the US side but near the border and commuted between US and Canada for work.

Once the GC petition approved and the LPR spouse landed in the US, we both continue to commute daily across border to Canadian employers. 


In this case, we submitted the Canadian income for the USC along with the tax returns filed from within the US (from the US legal address for the USC) for the I-864.  These tax returns even used the Foreign Tax Credit resulting in a zero tax liability to the US.  All of this was acceptable to the USCIS.  I don't recall we took Canadian pay stubs to the visa interview.  Just copies of the IRS tax returns for the past three years.


I hope this helps.





Edited by BBCC, 24 June 2014 - 03:27 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-24 15:22:00
PhilippinesIR-1/CR-1 consulate received?
Just to be sure what you mean, your I-130 has been approved by USCIS and your application has been submitted to NVC, all docs submitted and NVC has notified you that your cases is completed with them, right?
BBCCMaleTaiwan2012-01-22 20:57:00
PhilippinesBuying Airline Ticket for Spouse through Delta Airlines

What if you purchase the Delta ticket through an online broker, like Expedia or Travelocity?

Must you still confirm purchase from the Delta terminal customer service?


Unforunately, Delta's confirmation policy may be limited to purchases outside North America.  I don't recall needing to do this when I booked tickets for my spouse.  We fly Delta a lot.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2014-06-26 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYepeee

We just made our interview appointment online. 22 Mar 2012.. Thanks to all of you for the help here. Its been a 3 year ordeal for us. But now the light is really bright at the end of this visa tunnel.

good for you!!!!
Victory is at hand.
BBCCMaleTaiwan2012-02-06 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED application in 4 months and 6 days with CSC - Wow!
BBCCMaleTaiwan2012-02-14 15:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEarly I-130 Xmas present?!?!?!
We received our initial Notice Of Action (NOA1) on Friday in the mail to us here in Canada:
I-130 was sent overnight on 15Sep2011 to Chicago Lockbox.
According to our I-797C, they received it on 19Sep2011.
The notice date is 20Sep2011, stating they forwarded it to California Service Center for processing.

Our intended next step was to proceed with a I-129F petition for a K-3 visa.
In the course of several phone calls in the past few days to USCIS and NVC for assistance with this new petition,
the USCIS customer service center informed me that our I-130 petition had been approved. I then went to
and learned the same thing. According to the agent and the status on their web page, they mailed out another NOA &
I-797C on the 26th.

How could we have been approved in only one week? Is this a mistake? Or do I misunderstand the information?

The only possible explanation for such a quick response is that they already started our background checks and other paperwork from the I-129F petition we filed in June for a Fiance Visa. We filed this while engaged but then decided to proceed to a wedding with her family outside the US. We filed the I-130 petition the week we arrived home in Canada.
Would they have transfered the work on the I-129F over to the I-130?
BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-10-03 10:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of a Bonafide Marriage

I was wondering if anyone could let me know what types of evidence could be used to prove that my marriage is real other than the types shown in the guide here. I have traveled to her country and spent months there and will be returning again soon to marry her I hope but it really depends on whether or not I can prove that our marriage is real.Her apartment is in her name only and we share no bank accounts..There must be other forms of proof that do not involve these things that her and I can provide. I would really like to file using the CR-1 and not the K1 so any help would be appreciated. Thank You

I think the options to provide joint bank accounts or apartments are meant for those who have been together for longer periods of time. I have friends who recently submitted the affidavits from friends as to the bona fides of the marriage and they were accepted OK. Others on this forum report submitting long distance (trunk) phone bills, photos and emails of correspondence with success as well.

I hope this helps.
BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-10-05 17:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresquestions about filing a CR1 petition for wife in India

Thanks BBCC.

I have another quick. Should I write a personal check or get a money order? What did you guys use?

Either are acceptable to USCIS as long as it is drawn on a US bank in US$.

I used a US Postal Service money order (obviously drawn on US$) for our K-1 petition earlier this year and then used a personal check for our I-130.
Both were accepted. If you use a personal check, you can see the cancelled check go through your account and know you're in process.
BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-10-03 21:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresquestions about filing a CR1 petition for wife in India

For evidence of a marital relationship, we used our apartment lease as we reside together outside the US.
Any ONE of the docs listed in the instructions will work.

I can't imagine a newly wed couple having any joint property. I can only suggest this option is available for a married couple that has resided outside the US for some time before beginning this process. My wife and I don't even have joint back accounts yet either.

A sworn affidavit from friends having personal knowledge of your relationship was used by friends here without any problems. Beyond that, phone bills and emails work fine.

Has anyone on this forum ever had a problem with this? The only problems I have heard with this proof is for marriages from countries rife with abuses of the system from marriage brokers, however, India is not such a country so I think you'll be fine with at least either of the last two proofs above.

As for the G325A, yes it must be original including signature.

The photos along with the other docs go in a single envelope in one mailing so one of you will need to gather all of the documents into one place a mail it all in one envelope. While this might not be an explicit rule, if they receive an incomplete package they will respond with a Request For Evidence (ROE) and this will significantly delay the processing of your petition (you don't want that I suspect).

One mistake we made was to go to a local post office in a foreign country and buy a US$ Money Order. Even though the money order was drawn on US funds, it was drawn from a non-US bank which the USCIS does not allow so they returned it and we had to start all over again.

It is NOT necessary to hire an attorney unless you don't have the time to do the study here and to fill out the forms yourself (i.e. you make so much money that it is of no financial consequence to pay for the service). This forum can make the whole process work for you on your own. Just be willing to do the research at, and this forum.

Hope this helps.

Edited by BBCC, 03 October 2011 - 11:03 AM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-10-03 10:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS260 vs DS230 at Interview in Montreal

So I filed electronically - and have my interview in Montreal November 21 (YAY)... I see that some people are being asked to fill out the DS230 at the consulate even though DS260 was filed online - I printed off my DS260 can I not just provide that? or do they still want the 230? Seems ridiculous

We're headed to Montreal as well for the interview (eventually).
Our IV invoice was just marked paid and will complete the DS260 and submit the forms.
on what day did you electronically file? Sorry if it obvious on your signature or elsewhere but I am still not sure from reading your post.
On what day did you receive notice of your interview?

BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-11-15 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 received so fast, not ready.

Wow, well good luck, but your worry is almost an insult to those of us who have been waiting. Makes me wonder how they decide who gets theirs and in what order, VERY frustrating!

One thing that I think made a difference with us is when we became engaged, we filed a I-129F for a K-1 Fiance visa not knowing exactly when or where we would marry. We filed the I-129F in case we decided to go to the US right away and marry there. Another reason we filed the I-129F was because we had heard that the K-1 process is often shorter than other immigrant visa processes.

Then, a few months later we decided to marry in her home country. When we arrived home, we proceeded with a new I-130 petition for the CR-1. I can only guess that the USCIS internal process for our I-129F might have carried over to the new I-130 petition. It is the only explanation I can think of to explain a 5-day approval of our I-130. Even the USCIS call centre told us over the phone that the fastest she had ever heard of an approval before was one month. We have not requested expedited processing.

I hope I'm not frustrating anyone by mentioning this. It's just I wanted to do so for the benefit of others...maybe it's better to file a I-129F immediately when becoming engaged even though you may not need it, perhaps (maybe) it helps with the eventual I-130 that is filed if you marry outside the US.

The only other thing we did in all of this was to file electronically within 24 hours after any contact from the USCIS for the petition process or NVC for the visa application process.

We received one RFE (Request For Evidence) due to incorrect payment of our I-129F earlier in the year and so have been careful since to submit every document exactly as they want it. We've been lucky so far and have had no further RFEs which has helped avoid any other delays.

Hang in there!

Edited by BBCC, 16 November 2011 - 12:05 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-11-16 12:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 received so fast, not ready.
We have a similar situation. Our CR-1 is going through at breakneck speed. Far faster than expected. I-130 approval in 5 days and now the NVC is processing very quickly as well. My wife and I live together outside the US and she wasn't planning on leaving her job outside the US and proceeding with her move to the US until later in 2012. We are financially far better off outside the US right now. Given the double-digit unemployment rate in the US, we are in no hurry to leave secure jobs outside the US for the near term as we do not have jobs waiting for us when we arrive.

If our IV Invoice was marked paid this morning, how long are we allowed to delay submission of our Visa Application? We are submitting electronically to Montreal.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-11-15 15:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy Petitioner has not filed US taxes.
I'm confused. What do you mean when you say petitioner didn't file due to no US income? One must also claim income outside the US. It has always been that way.

If the need this discussion of tax returns is in reference to a I-864 sponsorship and petitioner hasn't filed income taxes, then it may be of benefit to proceed for the visa without using the petitioner as the Sponsor for the I-864. In that case, find someone else such as a family member or close friend who's tax returns are current who would be willing to sponsor you on a I-864.

Edited by BBCC, 17 November 2011 - 02:42 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-11-17 14:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE, I-551 & Green Card
Thanks everyone!
BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-11-18 12:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE, I-551 & Green Card
Once our CR-1 is approved and my spouse enters the US, we would like to know how soon she can travel into Canada.
After searching through the forum archives, I see two answers:
1. You can get a I-551 stamp in your passport before the Green Card arrives and travel in and out as much as desired.
2. No, better two wait until the Green Card comes and then travel.

Which answer, or other, is correct?

Also curious how soon the Green Card will arrive after entry. I see numbers ranging from as little as 8 or 9 days to 2 months.
Did I miss something on the Processing Times statistics pages? I would expect to see this reported there but see no mention of it.

Thanks in advance for any answers.

Edited by BBCC, 17 November 2011 - 08:35 PM.

BBCCMaleTaiwan2011-11-17 20:32:00