K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA !!!
:dance: :dance:


(F) Peace to the world
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-04 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouches may be bad
It's all speculation at this point, but for people being touched at least they know their peitition is back at the sevice center. Many people still have not even recieved news that their petitions have even been returned to the service centers yet or logged back into the system.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-05 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWords of Encouragement
Ouch! I see lots of you have been waiting a long time, I feel fortunate even though I was affected by IMBRA. Hang in there, the hardest thing is to stay positive when dealing with the uncertainties. It's good to know there are people that can express positivity in these stressful times. That's right, keep the faith!Thanks!

LewisMaleMexico2006-07-04 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot Email confirmation! Case reopened!
Great! I think my original NOA2 is the same as yours. Here is a thread you may want to check out on NOA2 RFE info.

LewisMaleMexico2006-07-10 21:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2!
:dance: :dance: VERY COOL! GOOD NEWS FOR ALL!
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-10 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisiting on a tourist visa while awating k-1
It would be wise to have evidence of return to your fiancee's country, such as plane tickets, a letter from an employer or evidence of employment, a copy of a property deed and/or a financial document of some kind. When I visited my fiancee in Ciudad Juarez, we crossed the border to El Paso with no problem with her tourist visa. We had evidence similar to what I mentioned above, but they did not even ask for it. I realize the area I went through was a unique one but I hope this helps. Attached is the thread where I asked a similar question before my trip.

LewisMaleMexico2006-07-19 17:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew Processing Times Dated July 19

Why does USCIS even bother to post updates at this point? Are they trying to rub in the fact that there is huge disparity between the centers or that they are slow?

In 8 days, CSC moved up only 3 days in processing? #######? At this pace, it will take 60 more days to process through March.

Correct me if I am wrong, but VSC shows early April, yet I thought I saw May petitions being approved?

Yeah, it's basically pointless at this time until this massive bungle passes, all of us just happened to be the ones caught up in it. So far we have not seen any clear patterns yet when it comes to the "received date" and I'm weary of speculating at this point. Until we see enough ones getting approved to see a pattern, we will not know because at this point the USCIS has lost total credibility. Let's keep sharing info in order to help each other out. I agree with another poster, I'm planning ahead to make another trip to my love in the fall.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-19 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved
Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May your process speed along!
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-18 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGood News for people with cases at Vermont!!
There's still the big question of when the interviews will occur for the approved ones also.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-21 04:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGood News for people with cases at Vermont!!

I justed checked the dates of which petitions were being processed on the USICS website at the Vermont Service Center. It's changes they are now processing I129F with the reciept dates of April 3rd. I hope this helps some Vermont people.


Thanks for the positve news! :thumbs: May all of us complete our journey soon!
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-20 22:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre CSC Approvals Based on the NOA1 Reciept Date?
The end of the backlog probably means completing all of the petitions that required an IMBRA RFE. In any case, it does not appear that the backlog will be solved any time soon. In the USCIS universe, backlog is just par for the course. Of course if all of this specualtion is valid, that could mean that the processing times estimates the USCIS offers on it's web pages are useless now for individuals that were affected by IMBRA.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-25 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre CSC Approvals Based on the NOA1 Reciept Date?
I spoke to my state representative's office today and they said that the NOA1 date at this point is insignificant until the IMBRA mess is over. If you are one of the lucky ones to have your petition approved before someone else, consider yourself fortunate. The backlog is so enormous at this point I assume they are just processing the cases indiscriminately until they can get things back to "normal". LOL
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-25 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother CSC approval!
VERY NICE! And thanks for the info, it helps all of us!
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-25 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!!!!
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-26 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAK!
OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats! Good news for everyone, I knew July was going to be a month of action. May all of us get notices soon.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-25 19:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPraying for lots of approvals this week!
:yes: :yes: (F) (F)
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-30 21:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere are the March NOA1 approvals?

All I am seeing are April/May/June NOA1's getting approved. I am glad for you guys - the torture is over!

But where are the approvals for us March people?? I just can't help but be sad and wonder why they seem to be "skipping" over us... :(

Seems like most of the approvals are the transferees. I guess they have a special group of people over at CSC working on those files? Why can't we get the same fast and efficient service??

Here's a chart that some of the March NOA1 people have started. There are many people (NOA1 and NOA2)that have yet to be approved yet. It is starting to happen though, I have a good feeling that August will be a good month. As for any logical explanation of how or why approvals are done in any particular order, I have no answer nor does the USCIS or my congresspeople.

LewisMaleMexico2006-07-31 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt is a happy Monday!
VERY COOL! (F) (L) :dance:
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-31 22:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures9pm Approval from CSC !!!!!!!
YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance:
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-31 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMG! We are approved!
Congrats y'all! :dance: :dance: (F)

August will be a great month!
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-31 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast night I posted a depressing message, about now.

Flow approvals...............................Please!!!!!!!

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Wow, I just noticed we have the same NOA1 date. Let the approvals flow like a raging galactic tsunami!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck! :thumbs:
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-01 22:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreceipt number on check
Good luck, here is the case update page

LewisMaleMexico2006-08-02 04:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreceipt number on check
My receipt number starts with an EAC (3 letters) and is followed by 10 digits
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-02 04:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE=Start Over your Days


I was just thinking, if I'm the guy at USCIS answering the phone, and someone calls me up all irate and getting on my case, I might politely tell him his file has been moved back to the bottom of the stack, (whether its true or not - lol)


First of all, how do you know when I called I was irate, that statement itself is rude and presumptuous. I was not rude, irate or disrespectful in any way to the USCIS. I never am when I am on the phone, only in the case of salespeople. Second of all, what's up with the paranoia? Don't you ever wonder about your case or attempt to find out info by yourself or do you wait to read all the info here because you are worried about evil people in the government conspiring against you?

You obviously have no clue when it comes to understanding what I am going through.

Why are you discouraging us from trying to find out info about our cases is the real question.

Now it really is tequila time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Edited by Lewis, 04 August 2006 - 04:55 PM.

LewisMaleMexico2006-08-04 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE=Start Over your Days

Sorry man, my NOA2 also expires on 08/06. VSC had one recalled case approved on VJ this week according to our chart. Pitiful, tequila, yeah, I'm waiting 'til after 5. I'm pretty angry also. Feel for you kitkat1, it looks like our NOA1 dates are about the same. Praying, offering understanding words is just not enough, sorry guys. (F)

Lewis, I feel for you and Sleepless - I think it's much worse to be so close you can taste it and then go through this #######. At least you won't have to wait for an appointment date in Ciudad Juarez - that's about the only saving grace here . . .

Yeah, brings to mind what my Mom used to say about how you needed some adversity in your life to build your character. Or as my kids now like to quote Beavis & Butthead, "you gotta have stuff that sucks to have stuff that's cool". All I know is, this has been one h*ll of a character building exercise. Too bad we don't all live in the same neighborhood, would be nice to cry on each others' shoulders for awhile.

Lewis, my NOA2 expired July 31. I emailed CSC and NVC about that, got reponses from each telling me to contact the other#$*@(?(*&! With my luck, the next email I get will be a notice to inform me me petition has expired, go back to square one. Actually, from the looks of all the recent approvals, that would probably be better. I also tried calling the CSC emergency number that a VJ'r PM'd to me yesterday, but it is set up with a recording that asks you to leave a message as to the nature of your emergency and says they will get back to you. I called yesterday, and today. Apparently my pitiful story has not sufficiently impressed them with whatever it takes to be considered an emergency, as no one has called me back. I wonder what kind of emergency would get their attention? Any ideas?

First of all, start with some fresh lime juice and good quality agave tequila....

Well, my senator's office and the USCIS (asked a supervisor) said the petition technically does not expire really, it is in a kind of limbo, it was never really approved correctly so those dates are considered irrelevant now. When it is "reaffirmed" it will have a new expiration date. I'm not too concerned about that aspect. All of the reaffirmed cases back this up because all of them have new expiration dates.

I'm more concerned about getting it reaffirmed and when it will occur. You are CSC which means they may do things differently with yours, who knows? The problem is we still have no clear patterns on these recalled cases at either SC. The RFE says at least 14 days for processing with a max of 60 ouch! I think I'm at about 16 days now.

This is a list of all I have done and I'm not even sure any of it had an effect:

Contacted senators and representative and had everyone investigate my case
Submitted expedite request- rejected
Called USCIS- a joke at this point really, we know more than they do
Talked to my lawyer- he says be patient

I'm considering drafting a new letter that shows significant dates in the process and that it has exceeded the normal processing time. I think that could be a key to getting some results, maybe not. I'm just not sure who to send it to yet. Let's keep in contact about stuff!

Go light on the lime juice! ;)

Sorry man, my NOA2 also expires on 08/06. VSC had one recalled case approved on VJ this week according to our chart. Pitiful, tequila, yeah, I'm waiting 'til after 5. I'm pretty angry also. Feel for you kitkat1, it looks like our NOA1 dates are about the same. Praying, offering understanding words is just not enough, sorry guys. (F)

Lewis, I feel for you and Sleepless - I think it's much worse to be so close you can taste it and then go through this #######. At least you won't have to wait for an appointment date in Ciudad Juarez - that's about the only saving grace here . . .

Yeah, that's funny I was thinking the same for you. We are fortunate to go through Mexico. ;)
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-04 15:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE=Start Over your Days

"the remaining processing time will be less than the maximum stated in this message"

What was the maximum stated in that message? When I received that message, there was NO date, as I am sure there wasn't with you either. See how deceiptful it is. Enough to give you that glimmer of hope, until you know your case just sat around for 4 months.

When you first get your NOA1 and a case # then you create an account online. When you fisrt log in to your account and check status it states the NOA1 date and approximate processing times. Mine for instance stated 80 to 110 days.

Unfortunately there really is no other way for them to process other than by RFE receipt date. Which really sucks for some people who have waited so long. But for instance if someone has a march NOA1 date but they still haven't returned their RFE and someone who filed May returend their RFE right away. Should they sit around and wait for the March people to return their RFE or should they start working on files as soon as they receive the RFE back? It is really the only way for them to do it.

Well we've gone back and forth on this one already. They are no longer stating approximate processing times. Isn't that convenient? And it's rather ridiculous for them to refer to the processing date in their email when they don't show any processing dates anymore. Ah, such is the stupidity of CSC.

The thing they SHOULD have done was to send out RFEs based on NOA1 date. That would have been the equitable and correct way to handle it. After they sent all the March NOA1 date RFEs, they could have moved on and sent out the next batch a few weeks later. If someone in the March group was out of the country or unable to return the RFE, they would not have had to "hold" any other petitions that were ready for approval and had the returned RFE. But sending out RFEs randomnly with no regard whatsoever for original NOA1 dates is where they f*cked up royally.

I personally would like the head of the director of CSC on a platter . . .

CRRRAAAAPPPPP!!!!! Is it too early to get into the tequila? Another day of disappointment. I don't know how much more I can take of being ignored - something I don't deal with well. Beam me up Scottie! Scottie, where are you, man? Well, dang it then, somebody just shoot me and put me out of my misery!!!

Sorry man, my NOA2 also expires on 08/06. VSC had one recalled case approved on VJ this week according to our chart. Pitiful, tequila, yeah, I'm waiting 'til after 5. I'm pretty angry also. Feel for you kitkat1, it looks like our NOA1 dates are about the same. Praying, offering understanding words is just not enough, sorry guys. (F)
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-04 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE=Start Over your Days
We feel the same over here at VSC. All March people have been totally disregarded besides a lucky few. This week on VJ VSC has almost seen no action whatsoever except for a small amount of cases. It's managment from top down, it's a joke and bad example of governemental inefficiency throughout the USCIS.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-04 14:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC Recall Approval!!
Great news! Congrats!
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-04 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIssues getting visa for my Mexican fiancee?

Hello all.

I am starting to prepare all of my documents for applying to get the Fiance Visa for my Mexican fiance. I got an estimate of timing for the whole process but was wondering if it is taking longer for visas for Mexican nationals due to all of the news about illegal immigrants from Mexico and the issues at the border.

Can anyone comment?

Thank you.

It should not affect it. I know of a couple of people right now going through Mexico, I am one. Good thing about Mexico is there is no visa appointment like other consulates, once they have your approved petition, you can go essentially as a walk in for the interview unless this has changed recently. Theoretically, this means it should take less time.

The reason for the slow up recently is IMBRA, a new law pertaining to marriage brokers. All K1 applicants are affected. Once the backlog is cleared up, processing times should be "normal" :lol:
Here is the consulate you will go through, it is right across the border from El Paso. On the site they have the actual docs and directions you can print out for the fiancee visa interview.


pm me if you have some more questions.
There are some more threads in the consulate, interview, regional and K1 sections on this. Do a search on Mexico, Juarez, K1 there.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-05 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with my unique situation
Seriously take some time to analyze the situation ok? I also think kitkat's advice may be well taken. My situation was unique, I crossed and came back the same day as do many people in Juarez/El Paso. Why not fly out of Mexico city? It does make much more sense when you consider the risks of being denied entry.

You still have plenty of time to plan this, relax, read these threads and keep asking questions ok?
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-05 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with my unique situation
Read these threads, the first one is the best:


LewisMaleMexico2006-08-05 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with my unique situation
Here's how I found out:


Yes, she can, just bring evidence of return to Mexico.

Edited by Lewis, 05 August 2006 - 03:21 PM.

LewisMaleMexico2006-08-05 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with my unique situation

It is my understanding (I may be mistaken, and you guys, correct me if I am) that your fiance would be able to go to the U.S. provided she shows strong ties to Mexico, that is, evidence that she doesn't have any intention to stay for good (steady job, lease agreement, property). In that sense, waiting for a K1 could be seen as a good thing (you're going through the legal way to get her in the U.S.) or a bad thing (the immigrant officer at POE) might see the pending K1 as a red flag.

This would be the case if she has a valid tourist visa already in hand. But even then, it can go either way at the border - it would be very risky to make the plans to fly out of Tucscon for the honeymoon because she could very well be denied at the border. I would suggest flying out of Mexico City instead to avoid all of that potential heartache.

I would also recommend that if the visa interview or the border crossing comes AFTER the religious ceremony in Mexico, that she is extremely careful to never never never uses the word "husband" as this will most certainly cause further confusion, problems, and heartache.

Kitkat1 very good points. :thumbs: I crossed to El Paso from Juarez while our petition was pending no problem, but she had a 10 year tourist visa. We also had evidence of return but they never asked for it. Also, we were just visiting the El Paso area and returning that day to Juarez, which is very common in that spot.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-05 15:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMG WE BOTH NEED CPR
(F) (F) :dance: :dance: :thumbs: :thumbs:

I'm very happy for you!
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-06 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 We got it Woooha
Very nice! (F) (F) (F) :) :)

I definitely am happy for you! May this week be a good one for all VJers!
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-07 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi got my NOA2 TODAY
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-07 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApprovado!
Very cool! :dance: May the rest of the process speed along! May August be the month for cleaning up this backlog for all of us. Special shoutout and good karma to my bud rlt, sleepless and kitkat1. Guys, I'm pulling for you! :yes: :thumbs:
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-08 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved! Finally!! :-D
:dance: :dance: Oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good news from CSC!

May your process go smoothly, rapidly and successfully! (F)
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-08 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere we go again!!!
It is nice, I've been milking a $10 SKYPEin credit for a few months now.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-03 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLong time for NOA 1
Here's something my lawyer actually did that helped me: he told me if my check was cashed they would print my case number on the back of the cashed check. Luckily, my bank posts my cashed checks online so I could access the case number. Then I went online to register for online updates on the USCIS website. Soon after it was cashed, I got my NOA1.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-30 11:45:00