IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Call this number and ask them to confirm your application was recieved at the Vermont Service Center.

press 1 pause 2 pause 6 pause 1
Enter receipt #
press 3 pause 2 pause 1
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-16 13:58:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
;) It definitely helps to be positive and to share as much info as we can!

Unless people have not updated their timelines, I have not seen any NOA2 petitioners from Vermont that have received an email that informs them that they are being sent an RFE. I hope I am mistaken.

Maybe for those of us who already have a NOA2, the RFE doesn't show up in the system/email?

Just trying to stay positive here...

I called the USCIS today and asked about the above detail, "is there a problem with the email system because it recognizes the NOA2 as already approved". I made a very clear point to her that the USCIS has not at any time communicated to me that my petition was "recalled". The person I had on the line could not explain any of it. She just said wait 2-3 weeks.

I'm staying positive also and knowing all the details about this process can help all of us.
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-16 12:00:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

lewis go to the 84 of this thread there were just two vj members who have offcially obtained the email requesting for further evidences today... COME ON CALIFORNIA WAKE UPPPPPPPPPPP grrr

Thanks, I realize the RFEs are coming I was just saying that it does not appear that there is a chronological method in respect to NOA2 dates in dealing with the process so far. I looked at the timelines of the two that had the emails sent and there were no NOA2 dates on their timelines. Also, the NOA1 dates of the ones that received email notices were not consecutive days:

03/08, 03/25

Unless people have not updated their timelines, I have not seen any NOA2 petitioners from Vermont that have received an email that informs them that they are being sent an RFE. I hope I am mistaken.
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-16 11:29:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
From what I have read on this forum, it appears there is no chronological method in reference to receipt number or NOA2 in sending out the RFEs. I have not seen any NOA2 petitioners from Vermont that have received an email that informs them that they are being sent an RFE. If I am wrong, please correct me.

I assume it really depends on where the petition is and whether or not the USCIS actually has it.
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-16 11:10:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
This is good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-16 09:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
:thumbs: Cool!, I'm calling again tommorow, the lady I spoke to did not even know my case was there until she checked. Let's hope this is good news for everyone going through VSC.
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-15 13:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
This is good news for everyone, we need exposure of this massive backlog in our government, thank you very much Bill! You rock!

LewisMaleMexico2006-06-13 15:49:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Spoke to Vermont today I used Igor’s method it worked! They told me that my case is under security check and that they are still processing march 6th applications. He told me to call back in 30 days and just keep on checking online :(

Spoke to Vermont today I used Igor’s method it worked! They told me that my case is under security check and that they are still processing march 6th applications. He told me to call back in 30 days and just keep on checking online :(

Sorry about that lost post, I was trying to let you know that I also used the same method and it worked. I also received the same message from the person on the phone, "keep checking back, 2-3 weeks"
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-09 10:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsBad news from Senator regarding NOA 2's from Vermont
Thanks very much!

I also will keep everyone informed. I have contacted all of my congresspeople and they are in the process of looking into it at this point, I probably won't get any info for at least a week or two. My expedite request was sent in on June 19th, the USCIS gave me no info about their response. My lawyer says just be patient, the NOA2s are being processed slower due because they had to get back to the service centers and be reunited with the original files to be put in the system. He also says that sometimes he gets the rfe and sometimes his client does, there seems to be no pattern whatsoever to what the USCIS is doing. Most likely it just has to do where the petition is and how easy it is to be logged back into the system.

NOA2s are starting to get their cases back in the system, this is a good thing. After reading most of these posts, it seems at this time only one of the VJ NOA2s has received an email that they are getting the RFE at this point but many other are starting to get emails that their cases are being looked at. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Thanks again!

LewisMaleMexico2006-07-01 11:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsBad news from Senator regarding NOA 2's from Vermont
I agree that there is a lot of misinformation being spread out there by many different people, including our own representatives. The facts are that no one knows how these cases will be processed at this point and we will not know until the cases actually start being processed, approved, and reapproved.

It is still a good thing to put pressure on your representatives, USCIS, NVC and consulate to let them know we are disastisfied with our government. The more of us that get involved and get active with the abovementioned entities, the better off we will be.

Any guesses about the order of processing is pure speculation at this point.

LewisMaleMexico2006-07-01 10:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVermont and RFE (involving IMBRA)
Not necessarily, it means that people that are having RFEs sent already had their petitions back at the service center to be looked at.
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-20 08:54:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSpoke to Vermont Today
I have no idea, I don't work for the USCIS and I hope everyone's case gets approved in an expeditious manner.
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-30 22:31:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSpoke to Vermont Today
Hey, whatsup, just got back from my trip. I just read some of the new threads. I sent in an expedite request last Monday and I will call tommorow and ask about it. The 72 hours probably begins once the package is opened. I have called once before with no results. No status changes at all on my online case status. Good luck everyone.
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-29 22:58:00
Hey, good luck! Thanks for the info, but many of us have already attempted this.

Your request most likely will be denied, the USCIS either does not consider this situation their error or their position is that there are so many petitions that were in error, there is no possible way to "expedite" them all. The RFE being sent is particular to each case also. This, of course, is just my opinion.

It's a shame some USCIS employees have actually encouraged an expedite request when the USCIS already had a policy in place to deny them. It was interesting, though, the day I received my expedite request turndown letter, I got a case update message online saying my case had been received back finally. (Just speculation, probably a coincidence)

Hey, if anything it puts them on notice you are still there putting on the pressure and you are motivated enough to try anything to get your case moving. In my opinion, the call centers actually spread misinformation and I have actually had better luck going through my representatives, the NVC, the consulate, and VJ, of course!

My request for expedite was denied along with all of the others that have submitted one. (All NOA2's) I submitted my request on June 19th and received my turndown letter on June 30th.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-04 08:51:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThe IMBRA Song
Nice, cigarovich! Hey rlt, I also play. I have a Gibson SG, what do you have?
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-02 18:44:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHow does one call the Vermont Service Center?

How does one call the Vermont Service Center? Thanks

press 1 pause 2 pause 6 pause 1
Enter Receipt #
press 3 pause 2 pause 1

I have tried several times using the right numbers listed above to reach the VSC, and it finally worked. Frank anw phone with Vermont Service Center. Frank said he was not an adjud. officer but just a technician. Was able to tell me our case was returned to VSC on June 22nd. So the numbers above do work as many posters have indicated.

Did you get any online updates yet? Sorry if I missed that.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-06 16:48:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHow does one call the Vermont Service Center?

Now people call congressman as well. I have not seen anything come from a congressman or anyone that is positive or information that we dont know already on this board. So save yourself the aggrivation, your headaches, and just be pissed..... just try to relax as much as possible and keep waiting.. phone call , senator no senator no phone call your petition will be approved in the same time. it is out of your hands. sorry man

not exactly true. I work for a Congressman and we have, in fact, expedited a number of cases. Usually a Congressman can't help speed up a normal case and avoid a wait time (hey, i'm waiting for mine!!!), but if you have any kind of problem or unusually long delay, they can often get to the bottom of it and get the ball rolling. Your Member of Congress and Senators are in office for 1 reason: to serve you. Use them! :thumbs:

Very good points! I got all of my congresspeople involved in this, I have no idea if it had any effect but I'm inclined to believe it did. My case is now moving. It will not hurt to put pressure on all of our representatives at this point. It is their duty to help us in times like these. If we all put the pressure on together, we may have more of an effect. I understand the frustration, mainly mine is with the USCIS in dealing with their lack of any transparency towards American citizens.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-06 14:34:00