IMBRA Special TopicsAnother Article On IMBRA

Yes, they published an article by him. Go read the other articles. I wouldn't consider it an honour to be published there. It's all babble and drivel. Conspiracies involving Femi-Nazis, lesbians, disgruntled American women, and probably Satan too, I'm sure.

Well, since this is another rant post, I will join in!

I agree with your analysis. It's time for some to move on and stop blaming everyone they can find for IMBRA. Now is the time to focus on getting our fiance(e)s reunited with us and it is not the time to daydream about IMBRA. IMBRA was brought into existence by US legislators, PERIOD! They are the ones responsible for IMBRA's existence, no one else, according to the rules of logic. So yell at them, ok?

Personally, I can't fathom why some members continue to be obssessed with the "reasons behind IMBRA" and can not focus effectively and cooperatively to get reunited with their loved one. I'm here to be reunited with my love and I will do everything possible to make that happen. Rants about the "reasons behind IMBRA" really don't belong here, they belong in off topic at this point. The fact is, IMBRA exists for now and most of us are working together to find a strategy to deal with it. Another point, this "article" was already put up before earlier in some posts here and was already discredited. Other posts suggesting frivolous lawsuits have also corrupted and ruined posts that were originally intended to share clear and vital information about the new application process. I can tell you, it is difficult enough to read through this minefield of information and disinformation without having to deal with pure speculation and conspiracy theories.

I will say it again, the reason the majority of people are upset about IMBRA is because the USCIS was not prepared to deal with the new IMBRA law in a seamless and timely fashion. (which has nothing to do whatsoever with the law itself, that is a USCIS problem) All of us just happened to be the first group that has dealt with IMBRA and most of us are quite upset about it. We need to work together and share vital and relevant information about the ongoing process in order to understand what will happen next. In order to share info effectively, our posts should be clear, concise and they should contain information that is useful, truthful and relevant. The work we are all doing now will make it easier for the next batch of applicants facing the K1 process.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-13 17:39:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAn article on IMBRA by a feminist writer
Hey Vartan, flame on, I'm going to the beach! Don't let me down!

:devil: :whistle:
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-14 13:44:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAn article on IMBRA by a feminist writer
The Original Poster has lost total credibility in this forum due to misleading references to "articles" and the involved authors of said "articles" most of which have been posted multiple times.

I'll say it again, this forum is intended for people that are struggling to be reunited with their loved ones and not intended for uneducated trolls to spew misinformation.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-14 13:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAn article on IMBRA by a feminist writer

I recently ran into this article on IMBRA written by Wendy McElroy, a highly respected feminist writer. http://www.foxnews.c...,180487,00.html

:blink: Someone needs to crawl back into their cave and study some more US civics! And it isn't a "highly respected feminist writer" :lol:
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-14 12:54:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE sent but not I alone??

There are people who haven't received the RFE yet. It seems the second wave was sent out after the 4th of July even though the postmarks were June 29 and the emails said June 23 so there must be a third wave as well.

CSC is not going to help you because the email says "if 30 days have passed and you have not received the notice". Instead, I suggest contacting your Senator first thing tomorrow morning. Print out the privacy release, fill in your case information and fax to the Senator's office and call to follow up. Tell them you need the RFE in your hand before you leave on July 20. My senator's office said if necessary, she would get it faxed to me if I hadn't received it . I got the June 23 email and didn't receive the actual hard copy until July 11 - but she was willing to call and get a copy more than a week before that. There is NO reason why your Senator's office can't do the same. If one isn't helpful, call the other.


Good luck.

Great advice! :thumbs:
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-16 19:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsFirst RFE approval for a recall?

Rene, is it correct that you just received notice of RFE APPROVAL on July 13? What did the status update say? I saw where you just updated THE CHARTand my curiosity is killing me?. Congrats if your are the first, hopefully the others will follow soon.

The letter arrived today, 7/17; it is the exact same NOA wording as the first approval notice from 4/6/06: "the above petition has been approved..." -- there is no mention of the RFE - nothing. The notice date is 7/13 and the Valid dates are 7/14 - 11/13. I had been last touched on USCIS 7/14. Finally, there is no updated info on the USCIS website either stating that the RFE was approved, which I find curious.

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs: A good sign for us all, now we all know for certain the expiration dates will be renewed based on the "new" approval date. It is also interesting to note Rene's NOA1 date was March 8th. May all of our petitions be approved soon!
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-17 20:37:00
IMBRA Special Topicsany noa 2's approved??
Mew, of all the people here you have helped the most and I appreciate it so much! Sorry I took it out of context, I was kind of shocked at first.

There have been days when I wanted to share good news but then I see all the venting posts and I just decide to pm a couple of people. It really has been that negative. I want to say I did not intend to imply you were negative all the time, just this particular comment. Thank you for all of the hard work and information.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-24 15:42:00
IMBRA Special Topicsany noa 2's approved??

I´m also curious...

I kind of feel like calling the Consulate in Brazil to se if they have any news.

Lewis, even if the pattern says 15 days, we saw some people having their case approved in 10 days or even less.

I know, I know.. but I´m still hoping it will be at anyday now..

I like how we behave like Pollyanas. It's so nice...

Are you serious?

That last comment above helps no one at all. There is a major difference between being optimistic and blindly optimistic, which none of us are. Also, many people have been dealing with this group and contributed to this group in different ways. I understand people are pissed but I refuse to waste my energy that way. IMO, the best way to express your displeasure and get a response is through your congresspeople which I have recommended numerous times. The bottom line is people are responsible for their own choices and words. I will continue to encourage people to stay positive.

It's been quite challenging lately to contribute to this forum in a positive manner due to all of the anger and frustration around. I have even seen newbies and others getting criticized for saying their petition was approved. It's getting to the point where just being positive is being criticized.

The fact remains that all of us have recalled petitions and it would be wise to work together to share info.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-24 15:17:00
IMBRA Special Topicsany noa 2's approved??
Exactly, the procedure will be the same most likely for the processing of the IMBRA RFES. We have already seen a pattern develop with the NOA1s getting approval (about 15 or more days at least) which coincides with the statement on the RFE about the 14 day minumum for processing. The one approved recall NOA2 does not appear to follow any of the patterns of the other approved NOA1s.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-23 22:36:00
IMBRA Special Topicsany noa 2's approved??

As for the supposed recall approvals - since they erroneously approved cases before, I suspect they may have erroneously approved a couple recalls, seeing as how they apparently erroneously do everything. Otherwise we would be seeing more approvals than what we have. (NOTE: both the people JenT listed are NOT recalls, aka NOA2's with rfe's, so I suspect there are no approved recalled cases.)

At the end of the day they should have let the 1100 erroneously approved cases go and not recall. I can only dream........erroneously.......

So you think the recalled case approved at CSC (rene's) was erroneously approved?

On a positive note, if the RFE is processed in a timely manner, we may see some action this week. The RFE itself states a "minimum of 14 days" is needed for processing. Also, I'm under the impression we will receive our news via snail mail (new i-797C notice of action) and that may be the reason for some more delays. Just pure speculation though.

I think rene got un update through e-mail. Otherwise, she wouldn't have know it was approved in just 1 day.

My speculation on Rene's case is based on what she posted (lower portion):

6/26 - RFE letter (received by me 7/3)
7/5 - overnite RFE to CSC (arrives to CSC 7/6)
7/12 - USCIS website touch
7/13 - USCIS website confirm received RFE
7/14 - touch
7/17 - receive noa stating case is approved. Again, it is the EXACT same format as the first approval - NO mention of the RFE. The Notice date is 7/13; and the valid dates are 7/14 - 11/13. Also, it is curious that there is no mention of it on the USCIS website -- just the same touch from 7/14 stating the standard notice of reciept of the RFE from 7/13. The NOA envelope is postmarked 7/14 and it is sent presorted first class.


According to her post, she did get a confirmation they received the RFE and then received one touch the next day. She then received her I-797C notice of action in the snail mail which indicated the notice date which is the "approval" date. In my interpretation, she never received any email that indicated her case was reapproved. Being that it was CSC, this process may be different from Vermont although in the RFE receipt email notice I and many others have received it mentions that written notification will be provided in the case of further action. Hopefully, the next approved cases will also provide email notification of approval.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-23 21:28:00
IMBRA Special Topicsany noa 2's approved??
On a positive note, if the RFE is processed in a timely manner, we may see some action this week. The RFE itself states a "minimum of 14 days" is needed for processing. Also, I'm under the impression we will receive our news via snail mail (new i-797C notice of action) and that may be the reason for some more delays. Just pure speculation though.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-23 18:16:00
IMBRA Special Topicsany noa 2's approved??

There are two so far:




Those 2 approvals cited do not appear to be recalled NOA2 cases.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-23 17:47:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVermont NOA2 tidbit
I just spoke with representative Van Hollen's office and they also said they believe the recalled petitions will bypass the NVC. I asked about the significance of the NOA1 date and they said there really was none until this mess gets cleared up at the USCIS. They also said once the RFE is processed and the case is ready it will be sent on to the consulate. Hopefully, by tommorow I will get more info from my senator's office.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-25 14:20:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVermont NOA2 tidbit
You're right Rene did say that in this thread:


I just hope what I heard today is correct, if not, it wouldn't be the first time I got incorrect info from the USCIS.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-24 18:08:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVermont NOA2 tidbit

Hey, Lewis. Thank you so much!!!

Did she tell you if there´s anything yet to be done regarding the recalled petitions? I mean, if they can simply reapprove it after the RFE or if they still need more instructions to dela with the new and correct noa2 date?

Also, I think rene, the only reapproved case we have so far, mentioned that her case was going home through NVC...
Rene, correct me if I´m wrong.

Again, thanks a lot, Lewis.

Yes, like my disclaimer says, it all opinions here. She said as soon as the petitions are processed, they will be sent on to the embassy. We have all gotten misinformation from the USCIS at times, I hope this is all correct. She did not mention anything about "extra processing" due to the new NOA2 date. She said since the petition was already approved, once the RFE is processed the petition is ready for the embassy. It seems easy enough, all they have to do is put a new NOA2 date on our previously approved petition. I think this one petition that has been "approved" has thrown a wrench into the works for us all, it does not seem like it was handled like any other case.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-24 17:54:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVermont NOA2 tidbit
The nice lady I spoke to on the phone from the USCIS # assured me after the recalled NOA2 is finished processing with the RFE it will be sent directly to the embassy.

She also let me know the original NOA1 date will be on the new petition with a revised NOA2 date.

I asked about the significance of the pattern of touches and/or no touches and she could not tell me anything. She could give nothing on approval times/estimates. She did say that the I-129F is one of the fastest petitions to go through for the USCIS for what it is worth.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-24 16:52:00
IMBRA Special TopicsService Centers are making headway on processing times
Not sure about that, I believe the fiancee petitions are a small percentage of the overall business most embassies perform.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-25 22:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsService Centers are making headway on processing times
:thumbs: :thumbs:

Be positive!
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-25 22:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsService Centers are making headway on processing times
Very good points about the significance of processing times and NOA1 dates, there is really not much significance at all on a personal level. Everything you mentioned seems to be manifesting itself at this point. The backlog is so tremendous that it really makes no sense to handle it any other way from a management perspective.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-25 21:53:00
IMBRA Special TopicsService Centers are making headway on processing times
The thing that confuses me about this data is that the recalled approved petitions may be lumped into together with petitions that are technically "approved" when almost all of the recalled petitions on VJ are actually still waiting for further processing to continue. Please let me know if I am mistaken.

On a big picture view, it is very nice to see that it appears a turning point has been reached, thanks for the encouragement.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-25 20:50:00
IMBRA Special TopicsNew IMBRA Restrictions on Petitions Make Sense

Listen people. My big problem with everything that has gone on with IMRA is the total lack of common sense in the implimentation and application of the the new Law. I worked for the State Of Ct. for a couple of years. It's the same way there... People on the top make a decision based in a good idea but wont contact and discuss it with the poor SOB's who must enforce the new decision. That's all.
I just believe that too much Governmental controll Slows Efficiency that's all. George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and even Thomas Payne agree with me on that point.
"A necessary Evil in it's best form, an Intollerable Evil in it's worst form." :yes:

Sorry about the Politics!
It just frosts me when people just accept the nonsense the Gov. hands out on a daily basis.
Enouph Politics?
Anybody want a Beer? B)

Yes, a beer sounds good right now! May the process move on for all of us affected by the incompetence of the USCIS. And may people that want to discuss politics move to off topic. As for politics, I also agree with you. The more steps they add to this process, the longer it will take; this is the one aspect of this new legislation that the people who created it basically ignored.

In my opinion, this issue has been discussed to death, RIP.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-29 12:39:00

Well, I think it at least explains one thing a lot of people have been wondering about....

"B. Treatment of Forms I-129F approved after March 6, 2006
Cases that were approved in error after the effective date of IMBRA have been identified and returned to USCIS by the Department of State. For such cases, adjudicators should complete a Service Motion to Reopen and Reconsider. The adjudicator should then issue the same RFE described in section A above."

I would guess that the "Service Motion to Reopen and Reconsider" would add a little time to the process for those who were approved and then recalled.

Actually, they've figured out how to do it by now. What takes them time is to actually work on our cases. Once they reopen them, it doesn't take too long for them to send us an RFE.

Rick, thanks for the link. :thumbs:

Mew, the section quoted above is the only info offered in reference to the recalled petitions and as we know it is nothing new. The memo does further clarify the position on waivers though.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-01 21:37:00
IMBRA Special Topics61-day RFE delay because of IMBRA??
There has been massive amounts of misinformation being disseminated by the USCIS and their horribly trained employees. I'm inclined to go with observing the patterns of the already approved RFE's and go with that. It is very difficult for me to believe anything the USCIS says at this point. After I contacted my congresspeople and had an investigation into my case started, I received my RFE but it may have been a coincidence.

It was a slow day all around. Good vibes to everyone here and may we all see our cases move on soon.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-02 19:13:00
IMBRA Special Topicsany RFE approvals been forwarded to NVC or consulate?

It can't be that bad because only the recalled petitions are being sent directly to the Consulates/Embassies. There are only 1100 of them and are mostly from VCS. Maybe that is why VCS have not reaffirmed any of the recalled petitions recently. I was lucky because mine was approved in just 9 days from the time they received my RFE.

I was told that NVC complained bitterly that they were not prepared to handle all the 10,000 petitions which were on hold in all the Service Centers due to IMBRA in addition to the 1100 which they had already processed. So VCS was on notice since May 2006 that they will be returning those reaffirmed petitions to the Embassies/Consulates directly.

I know this because I tried to change the embassy where my fiancé will get her visa from Abu Dhabi to Casablanca but the USCIS/VCS said I could not because it will require new processing.

Sorting these petitions will not be difficult because the first three letters on the number assign to each petition identifies the embassy or consulate the case came from. It will get there within a week, I predict. I have sent an email to my embassy and they have not received it yet but they promised to schedule for interview as soon they received the reaffirmed petition. I am more worried about them using DHL than anything else

Thanks for the good info.

Looks like you have it together, may you get your interview scheduled soon!

Keep us posted please. ;)
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-03 19:42:00
IMBRA Special Topicsany RFE approvals been forwarded to NVC or consulate?
Returning the petition to the consulate from USCIS will be unpredictable because:

No standard procedure involved for all consulates
Some consulates may be slower than others
They may not know what a "reaffirmed" petition is
Not all consulates may notify immediately when the petition actually arrives

All these reasons justify communicating with the consulate through email and phone. I realize even the communication aspect is diverse from consualte to consulate, some being better and more educated than others.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-03 17:43:00
IMBRA Special Topicsany RFE approvals been forwarded to NVC or consulate?
I'm planning to have a strategy in place to make sure the consulate does not mess up like possibly emailing them evidence of petition reaffirmation followed up with phone calls. I'm using Mexico, I doubt I will have problems but I think some other consulates may.

Have you guys started bugging the consulate down there? I would. Mew, she did not tell me any specific time so it really is still a guessing game. Good tidings!
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-03 14:37:00
IMBRA Special Topicsany RFE approvals been forwarded to NVC or consulate?
Spoke to the USCIS today about this (VSC) and asked about where the petition would go next. The person on the phone asked their supervisor and they said it would go directly to the consulate. I asked how long, they said probably a few weeks.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-03 14:15:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWhy "pick on" March applicants, USCIS?
Hey Mike I'm totally with you on that be positive and take action, which many of us have done. IMO, the only action that is feasible at this point for myself is contacting the head of the service center and the USCIS because I have already covered everything else imaginable.

All the March people from all service centers are having difficulties, NOA1's and recalled cases. Good luck on trying to speed up CSC! There are some very good writers on VJ that could make up a good team to create a letter.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-05 23:53:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWhy "pick on" March applicants, USCIS?
I have often mused about moving to Mexico and living near the ocean. Then the economic reality sets in.

Have a mellow weekend, I'm trying to stay positive along with you guys. Not much to say, I'm perpetually p2352352ed off. I think if we see more March people get approved and reaffirmed this week, people will start feeling better. If not, more misery will abound.

I got a response from my state representative that says one of the reasons for the recalled delays was that my case was in storage in Harrisonburg, Va. It will retain the original receipt date. It goes on to say that the consulate knows what's up and my case is in the process of being ajudicated. We already knew all this.

Be cool
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-05 22:00:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWhy "pick on" March applicants, USCIS?

Well something is happening for us Marchers though. I just got the I-797C and physical RFE in the mail today!

:dance: :dance: Send it on back!
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-05 15:49:00
IMBRA Special TopicsResponse from my rep. about recalled cases

The biggest problem is that USCIS processes are primarily manual, paper based. An good insight into USCIS

Thank you very much, I'm beginning to understand the USCIS better at this point. They really do need to get away from their antiquated system. Wow, 56 pages and I only have gotten to #12! :no:

Have a nice Sunday
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-06 14:32:00
IMBRA Special TopicsResponse from my rep. about recalled cases
It does confirm all of our earlier assumptions.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-06 11:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsResponse from my rep. about recalled cases
I'm kind of confused about it. I think it means that my RFE was not sent there but the answers to my questions were sent there so they would be prepared ahead of time. Who knows at this point. When I talked to my rep on Friday, they did not mention it. I'll ask them about it next week.

Mentioning the receipt date is something else, so far it does not seem to have any significance whatsoever. Hope we get reaffirmed this week!
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-06 00:06:00
IMBRA Special TopicsResponse from my rep. about recalled cases
Here are some excerpts from the doc. my rep. sent me:

"When an I-129F petittion is approved, the original petition is sent to a federal storage facility in Harrisonburg, Va. As a result, the service center did not have a record of those approved I-129F petitions that were not issued visas under this new regulation".

"Your I-129F petiton will retain the original receipt date. The American consulate in Ciudad Juarez received the information requested in the Request for Evidence from you. As a result, your case is in the process of being reviewed by an ajudications officer. Once a final decision is made, you will be notified directly".

Hope this helps somehow. No big news here, I'm still waiting.

LewisMaleMexico2006-08-05 22:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSent the RFE back- here's hoping
speed on, speed on!
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-08 19:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS direct to Embassy?
Your turn now k? ;) The person was very nice, of course my petition was not there because it was approved yesterday. I hope we can see a normal pattern of some kind soon, that would be very relieving to the peeps coming next. I also sent NVC an email with my approval notice attached. B)

Oh yeah, touched also today! :unsure:

Edited by Lewis, 08 August 2006 - 06:08 PM.

LewisMaleMexico2006-08-08 18:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS direct to Embassy?
I just spoke with the NVC, they said they have received some recalled cases already and sent them on. Hopefully, as the process goes on we can start seeing a pattern of about how long it generally takes to go from USCIS-NVC-consulate. Very good news.

I'm still going to pay very close attention to this process, I don't trust the USCIS with anything at this point. The quicker the petition gets out of their hands, the better. :innocent:
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-08 17:58:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS direct to Embassy?
I'm right on this also, I just emailed my consulate with my approval notice attached, I'm calling them tommorow. On my approval notice there was no mention of the State Dept., NVC, or where it would go next. I have already asked the USCIS repeatedly where it will go and they can never give a solid answer.
I'm going to focus on the NVC and the consulate from now on, the USCIS consistently gives inconsistent answers.

Thanks all for the updated info!
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-08 14:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS direct to Embassy?

they also told me at NVC that it's possible that USCIS sent it directly to the consulate since NVC did everything they needed to w/ the petition

Hmmmm. I was just going to post NVC number here. Well, here it is for future reference.

(603) 334 - 0700

Have you contacted the consulate yet?

yeah... actually - NVC suggested i call the consulate and gave me the number. not that that means anything in particular. I called the consulate and they said they don't respond to inquiries via telephone. so i emailed them today with the approval letter as an attachment - asking them to see whether they had received the case.

Smart move, when I contacted my consulate they always gave me more clear and helpful info through email. This is going to be interesting to see what the next step is. May the case go without a hitch!
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-31 20:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS direct to Embassy?

I was once told somewhere that all, and I mean all, corespondance with embassies and the US go through the DOS/NVC without exception.

I think this is correct also but at this point anything is possible. :lol:

Edited by Lewis, 31 July 2006 - 07:45 PM.

LewisMaleMexico2006-07-31 19:45:00