
Sorry to start a new topic for the recalled petitions, but the other one is getting too long and confused as well.

I check my status online all the time, and they just updated it.
It no longer says "This case has been approved...'

It now says:
"On June 22, 2006, we received this case back from the Department of State for further review. We will mail you a notice when our review is complete or when we take other action."

My case was recalled on May 17th due to IMBRA, and I didn´t get any update since then.
I´m surprised they don´t mention anything about RFE.

What should I think? Does it sound bad like a new security check thing or they will finally mail me the RFE?

Also, on May 24th I got an email from NVC saying they sent my case back to Vermont, which I confirmed this week with their officers.

Strange they got it back from DoS.
Why do you think that is????

I think it is the beginning of the good news for us all! Thanks for starting the new thread, that other one got out of control!
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-22 13:30:00
IMBRA Special TopicsTo those of you griping about IMBRA
Points well taken and thanks for understanding my views. I definitely appreciate your viewpoints and I do realize sometimes it's good to step back and look at the big picture. I know it is for the "greater good".

As for grumbling, I admit I have done some of that but I have also taken many other positive actions in order to find out about my case. The "grumbling" to our representatives may have had some benefits, who knows?

Didn't mean to offend by the "where have you been statement" it's just that our perspectives on what we discussed may be affected by the particular circumstances we are in. Too bad I didn't join VJ before all this, I wouldn't be so cantankerous and bitter! ;)
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-09 20:10:00
IMBRA Special TopicsTo those of you griping about IMBRA

diadromous mermaid

The comparison of "seconds" for putting on your seatbelt and waiting for "months" is a very significant difference. Being one of the recalled petitons has made it very obvious to me that the agencies involved in implementing IMBRA were totally unprepared.

That being said, I agree with the philosophy behind the law, I just disagree with how it was rolled out initially. As for the rest of the details behind the law, I don't care at this point, I just want to get the K1 process done. If someone is trying to abuse the system, hopefully the new law will make it harder for them, maybe not. It's been debated continuosly.

Do you realise just how short-sighted that statement appears? 'Seconds' everytime you buckle up, that could be several times a day, 365 days a year, for as many years as you continue compared to a month, once in a lifetime. Any law newly implemented will cause some ripple effect, it's nature. We don't have the ability to 'stop the clock, cease all activity, to put it into action, before we resume'. In business, this happens daily, and we all take it in stride. I think if those involved with IMBRA (and that means all petitioners and beneficiaries of K visas) were to begin to really contemplate how it is ensuring their own safety, you;d have less to gripe about. I'm not sure of your background (i.e. are you the petitioner or the beneficiary) and I haven't looked at your sig to confirm, but if you're the petitioner and have not commited any act that could give rise to any scrutiny by USCIS, think, if you will about your beneficiary. Someone you love dearly, correct? Had he or she not met you, it's quite conceivable that at some point in time he/she could be party to a petition by someone who does give USCIS cause to scrutinise. Woudl you wish that on your loved one?

Not shortsighted at all actually. In fact your statement comparing the time it takes to buckle up your seatbelt to the time people have to wait for the implementation of IMBRA is really totally irrelevant. You could have said the same about the time it takes to brush to prevent cavities or pick your nose to prevent boogers. :yes: The point is IMBRA was implemented or "rolled out" in a very inconsistent and inefficient manner. If you were not affected by the process, you possibly have less understanding of the process. I was affected as were many VJer's. I'm sorry if you can't understand my main point- I am not philosophically against IMBRA, just not happy with being a guinea pig for the new law ok? As for your statement about the business world, yes, that's wondeful businesses can adjust. The government is not a business, unfortunately, and nothing in the process after IMBRA was implemented has been done in a "businesslike manner". As many people have said before, if the government was in the businessworld, then it would go out of business rather quickly. As for griping, I'm not the one who is complaining about the law itself, I actually think the ideas behind it are good things.

All I can say is reread my post. I never said I was philosophically against IMBRA. As for the personal questions about my "loved one" I won't answer that because it's just a emotional appeal that attempts to cloud my original statement. I suggest you read some of the posts about the recalled petitions and the people that are still waiting to be approved.

Actually, it's not at all irrelevant. And to compare it with brushing one's teeth is not at all the same thing. One brushes one's teeth to prevent cavities and to ensure continued health. If you don't brush then you only have yourself to blame should you end up with a mouth full of rotting teeth. In other words, the end result of not brushing is self-imposed. On the other hand, in everyday life, we do things such as buckling up to prevent harm from others' mistakes in judgment, not just our own. Whichever way you look at it, in a system where people are at different levels of processing, to implement any new procedure is going to cause a wrinkle or two. Perhaps it is unfortunate that this new legislation's implementation in 2006 just happened to catch a few who are in mid-stride, but on the whole, I can't imagine anyone grumbling about the procedure, if one is altruistic, that is. The incidence of battered aliens is on the rise. Many are fearful to report it, just as they are fearful to leave the abuser. And predators use that to their advantage, believe me.

If I were an intending immigrant alien at this time, and especially one for whom English may be a second language, I'd be thankful for the extra scrutiny, and with electronic communication as popular and as widespread as it is nowadays, the problems without more due diligence would only escalate. Predators have access to anyone in the world now, with online fora and chatrooms. And believe me, anyone is potential prey.

This is not meant to be a personal statement, but a general one. Rather than grumble about its implementation, I'd be thankful that your loved one has some comfort of knowing that what you say is a squeaky clean record, is indeed that. I know I would.

Irrelevant comparisons go both ways. The issue is not seat belts, toothbrushing , nor nose picking. I refuse to agree that "grumbling" about IMBRA implementation implies that one is not altruistic and I think many others affected by it would agree. You can choose to believe that just because people affected by the slowdown and backlog caused by the inefficient implementation of IMBRA are upset means they are against the philosophies behind the law but you are wrong. It appears to me you are more concerned about the law itself than how it actually has affected the present petition process.

A wrinkle or two? Where have you been?

You still don't get it, in my previous 2 posts I stated I agree with the general philosophy behind IMBRA. I really don't need a lecture on IMBRA and it appears to me at this point you are just using this opportunity to justify the reasons behind it. Why? IMBRA is already law. You don't have to convince me of anything and I'm done talking about it.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-09 19:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsTo those of you griping about IMBRA

diadromous mermaid

The comparison of "seconds" for putting on your seatbelt and waiting for "months" is a very significant difference. Being one of the recalled petitons has made it very obvious to me that the agencies involved in implementing IMBRA were totally unprepared.

That being said, I agree with the philosophy behind the law, I just disagree with how it was rolled out initially. As for the rest of the details behind the law, I don't care at this point, I just want to get the K1 process done. If someone is trying to abuse the system, hopefully the new law will make it harder for them, maybe not. It's been debated continuosly.

Do you realise just how short-sighted that statement appears? 'Seconds' everytime you buckle up, that could be several times a day, 365 days a year, for as many years as you continue compared to a month, once in a lifetime. Any law newly implemented will cause some ripple effect, it's nature. We don't have the ability to 'stop the clock, cease all activity, to put it into action, before we resume'. In business, this happens daily, and we all take it in stride. I think if those involved with IMBRA (and that means all petitioners and beneficiaries of K visas) were to begin to really contemplate how it is ensuring their own safety, you;d have less to gripe about. I'm not sure of your background (i.e. are you the petitioner or the beneficiary) and I haven't looked at your sig to confirm, but if you're the petitioner and have not commited any act that could give rise to any scrutiny by USCIS, think, if you will about your beneficiary. Someone you love dearly, correct? Had he or she not met you, it's quite conceivable that at some point in time he/she could be party to a petition by someone who does give USCIS cause to scrutinise. Woudl you wish that on your loved one?

Not shortsighted at all actually. In fact your statement comparing the time it takes to buckle up your seatbelt to the time people have to wait for the implementation of IMBRA is really totally irrelevant. You could have said the same about the time it takes to brush to prevent cavities or pick your nose to prevent boogers. :yes: The point is IMBRA was implemented or "rolled out" in a very inconsistent and inefficient manner. If you were not affected by the process, you possibly have less understanding of the process. I was affected as were many VJer's. I'm sorry if you can't understand my main point- I am not philosophically against IMBRA, just not happy with being a guinea pig for the new law ok? As for your statement about the business world, yes, that's wondeful businesses can adjust. The government is not a business, unfortunately, and nothing in the process after IMBRA was implemented has been done in a "businesslike manner". As many people have said before, if the government was in the businessworld, then it would go out of business rather quickly. As for griping, I'm not the one who is complaining about the law itself, I actually think the ideas behind it are good things.

All I can say is reread my post. I never said I was philosophically against IMBRA. As for the personal questions about my "loved one" I won't answer that because it's just a emotional appeal that attempts to cloud my original statement. I suggest you read some of the posts about the recalled petitions and the people that are still waiting to be approved.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-09 17:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsTo those of you griping about IMBRA

I recall reading that USCIS is being investigated for allowing visas for a good number of people who shouldn't have been given visas. Seems like they need to get their act together in the basic immigration process before they add more layers of complexity to the system. Refine what you've got before you add on more cr*p...

So true! :thumbs:
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-09 16:43:00
IMBRA Special TopicsTo those of you griping about IMBRA
diadromous mermaid

"Personally, I can't quite fathom the reason for all of the objections after implementing IMBRA. So it adds a couple of weeks, or possibly months to the process! Is that so critical? I know that waiting is difficult, but it's just a consequence of trying to ensure safe immigration for all, as a result of the acts of others. I look at this extra step as somewhat similar to attempts to stamp out drunk driving or enforce seat-belt use. We're all affacted, even if we are not the offenders. Sure, it takes a couple more seconds every time anyone gets in his/her vehicle before they can pull away, and it limts the number of drinks everyone should have before calling it a night, but it's for everyone's safety, when all is said and done."

The comparison of "seconds" for putting on your seatbelt and waiting for "months" is a very significant difference. Being one of the recalled petitons has made it very obvious to me that the agencies involved in implementing IMBRA were totally unprepared.

That being said, I agree with the philosophy behind the law, I just disagree with how it was rolled out initially. As for the rest of the details behind the law, I don't care at this point, I just want to get the K1 process done. If someone is trying to abuse the system, hopefully the new law will make it harder for them, maybe not. It's been debated continuosly.

Edited by Lewis, 09 August 2006 - 04:40 PM.

LewisMaleMexico2006-08-09 16:38:00
IMBRA Special TopicsTo those of you griping about IMBRA
Oh goody goody gumdrops! Another thread debating the pros and cons of IMBRA. This week was getting boring. :wacko:
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-09 16:15:00
IMBRA Special TopicsPBJ considered conviction

####### is PBJ???

Cousin of BLT?
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-16 17:30:00
USCIS Service CentersTalked with Vermont
:angry: I agree, there is no method to this madness so far.
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-16 12:53:00
USCIS Service CentersTalked with Vermont

I just spoke to Vermont!! They have our petition. I've been unable to locate it since the Embassy said they returned it a month ago. She said that of all the calls she's had this morning, ours was one of the few that she was able to actually confirm they had at the center! WOO HOO. She also said that they would be sending the RFE "soon." I'm just so happy to have confimation that it's in VT.

Reading that makes me feel somewhat better; they haven't been able to confirm that they have mine yet. But at least things are starting to move there.

I also got a confirmation yesterday that Vermont received my petition on June 12th.

Stay positive, this may take a while.

LewisMaleMexico2006-06-16 12:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuarez
:yes: Thanks for all the replies! I'll just give it to her in Texas.
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-16 12:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuarez
I'm going to Juarez at the end of this month by land through El Paso and I'm planning on giving my fiancee a ring worth over $1000. Does anyone have a similar experience they can share? I belive I could possibly face a flat duty/tax of 15%, I'm not sure about this though. I'm also wondering if I need to involve a customs broker or not.

Unfortunately, this was supposed to be our interview trip, our I129F was even approved and sent to Juarez, but it was sent back to the USCIS along with all of the other ones after March 6th. We decided to do the trip anyway and we also plan to do the medical this time to get it out of the way. We checked today, the medical is good for one year. We will be staying at the Holiday Lincoln.

Thanks! ;)
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-12 21:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuarez to El Paso
Well, no. We were one of the recalled petitions. I had booked the trip two days before the consulate called to let us know the application was being sent back due to IMBRA. We both decided to do the trip anyway to meet again and knock out the medical and bank deposit for the application. I'm fortunate that we are going through Juarez and that we could get these two things done due to the fact that we already had our consulate notice sent to us earlier in May (which is what they need for the medical). It was great to see her again, give her a ring and take care of some of that stuff, next time will be a breeze. Just waiting at this point.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-03 11:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuarez to El Paso
You were right about crossing, there were no problems whatsoever, she also had a laser VISA. We actually walked across the Cordova bridge, that's the smartest way to go due to the long wait to get over in a vehicle. Thanks for the great advice everyone, Juarez was great.
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-01 12:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuarez to El Paso
Thanks! I feel much better now, I can't wait to get down there!
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-16 09:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuarez to El Paso
I have a suprise gift for her and I'm not interested in paying high duties.
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-15 19:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuarez to El Paso
;) Thanks E&K,

Your words give me confidence. All we are going to do is basically be in the border area of El Paso and return the same day. I'm researching restaraunts right now!
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-15 19:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuarez to El Paso
I'm not sure what that is, she got the B1/B2 visa in 2003. From what I have learned so far, it should be no problem just so we bring evidence of her returning to Mexico and just hope for an understanding border official.
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-15 16:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuarez to El Paso
We are considering a trip to a restaraunt in El Paso from Juarez, my fiancee has a B1/B2 VISA. Does anyone have any experiences in crossing while their K1 application was being reviewed? Will it affect the process in any way?

I assume all we have to do is show evidence of returning to Mexico, which we can do with her plane tickets.
LewisMaleMexico2006-06-13 12:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Im there Dude!
:thumbs: :thumbs:

Very cool!
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-12 20:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Touched After NOA2
I was touched the day after approval and the NVC received my petition 4 days after approval.

Blessings and good tidings to everyone here in the process!

LewisMaleMexico2006-08-11 12:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Touched After NOA2

Hi guys!! The same happened to me. I got my approval on July 31 st am I got touched 08/06 ( Sunday!!!) That´s really weird.... Did this happen to anyone at vermont?!!

I'm a recalled Vermont case, I was approved yesterday and touched today.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-08 14:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCiudad Juarez recent Packet 3 experiences?
Here is a good thread on the info, especially page 3. I highly recommend reading it. Unless the policy has changed, you do not have to wait to receive packet 3.

LewisMaleMexico2006-07-19 14:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCiudad Juarez recent Packet 3 experiences?
I'm kind of confused about the situation here. Is this a fiancee visa we are talking about?

Our application was approved and recalled but we actually received the fiancee packet before it was recalled. The packet was sent out in a reasonable amount of time. (timeline) I think that the people from the consulate may have been confused between the different "packets" they send out. I wish I could give you more info but that is all I know.

Here is a helpful link on the K1 process for Mexico which is quite different from many other consulates.


I actually was in Juarez last month and we knocked out the medical and the bank deposit for the visa application. Hopefully all of us will be going down soon!
LewisMaleMexico2006-07-18 20:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question
I'm wondering which income amount I should use for my I-134 from my tax return. I assume I should go with line 7 on my 1040A and box 1 on my W-2 (Wages, tips, other compensation) but I also made extra income through interest earned.
I could also use line 15 on 1040A (total income). Sorry if this question was asked before, i just searched for it.

Any opinions or insights on this would be appreciated. ;)
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-22 11:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAbout the Interview
Our interview was successful, I brought all of the docs previously mentioned in post 4.

Originals they kept:

I-134 form
Our last approval notice (recalled case) - They took this because our case was recalled and there were some processing holdups and confusion at the consulate. We also had a copy but I'm not sure if my fiancee offered it.

Copies of docs they kept:

My tax return for the current year
Pay stubs
Employment letter
Bank letter
Life insurance info
Retirement acct. info

All of the above docs were put in with the visa packet "mystery envelope" that was handed to my fiancee after the interview. Also included in the envelope were the docs she had to fill out for the interview along with the consulate's docs that related to the interview.

Being prepared with our docs and copies really saved us with our case. It actually enabled us to show evidence that backed up our contention that the consulate urged us to come to the interview even though the namecheck had not been started yet. Making copies and being organized was the key to success here.

The next step will also be much easier due to the fact that we have already assembled the majority of the docs required for the I-864 and other future docs.

Edited by Lewis, 02 September 2006 - 07:22 AM.

LewisMaleMexico2006-09-02 07:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAbout the Interview
Good point Mew. The evidence should/could also be a variety of things such as pics, postcards, giftcards, emails, chat sessions, phone bills, boarding passes, receipts, and letters. I'm assembling some evidence right now actually. I plan on having about 5 of each ready for the interview but plan on bringing the majority of my pics. For pics, I have them already saved on my pc, so I'm not bringing copies. For stuff like boarding passes, phone bills and receipts, I'm bringing them all. (only about 4-5 each anyway) Think of it this way, if you are bringing something to the interview and you don't want to worry if they require the original or not, just copy it. It is very wise to do so, IMO. Who knows if it may be required later in the process.
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-26 04:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about Ciudad Juarez
Exact wording body of letter:

"This office is pleased to inform you that it can begin to process your fiance(e) visa case. Please read and follow all of the enclosed instructions very carefully.

When communicating with this office either by telephone or letter, please provide your name and case number exactly as shown in this letter".
LewisMaleMexico2006-09-04 14:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about Ciudad Juarez
The letter identifies the applicant and case number and basically says it "is pleased to inform you that it can begin to process your fiance visa case"

According to the website, once the packet is received you can go for the interview. For our interview, they also questioned us why we came but we had called them repeatedly and they told us to come for the interview. Our case was different because we had already received the packet once before, that's why the people on the phone told us to come. After our recalled case was approved again, we never received the packet again. That's when I started asking them if we could go for the interview because we already had the "letter" from the first packet.

As for the email, I emailed them repeatedly with 2 addresses and they never replied. Calling them is best.

PM me for more questions.


Edited by Lewis, 04 September 2006 - 12:26 PM.

LewisMaleMexico2006-09-04 12:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCiudad Juarez interview pkt info
Good luck on your trip! Get some sunscreen when you are down there. ;)
LewisMaleMexico2006-09-08 19:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWoo Hoo! Interview in London!
Very cool! Here's to a great interview! :dance: :dance: (F)
LewisMaleMexico2006-09-29 14:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRight Consulate and new 156 in Juarez
When we submitted our I-129F, we put Guadalajara as our consulate and we experienced no problems with it. The approved petition was sent to Juarez.
LewisMaleMexico2006-09-21 11:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Sweettttttttttttttttttttt! Congrats!

:dance: :dance:
LewisMaleMexico2007-01-31 10:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134

I understand ans have all the documentation you have documented, but my question is on question 11 which reads;
That I intend do not intend to make specific contributuions to the support of the person(s) named in item 3. ( If you check "imtend", indicate the exact nature of the contributions. For example, if you intend to furnish room and board, state for how long and, if money, state the amount in United States dollars and state wether it is to be given in a lump sum, weekly or monthly, oor for how long)
Ok I am marrying the person(s) named in item 3, as in K-1 Visa. But I am not sure how long I will live to support her. So how do I answer this one Obi One, you are my only hope.

The I-134 was often used for those travelling to the US on a temporary basis, hence why that particular question when support was required to be shown for the temporary stay in the US. It is now often used in K visa nonimmigrant cases....the difference being that K visas are processed in much the same way as an immigrant visa as those entering on a K visa will be seeking immigrant status. The I-134 is also not legally binding. By the fact that an I-864 will be required when adjusting status, answering N/A (K1 visa process) for question 11 of the I-134 is acceptable.

Thank you for the clarification. :thumbs:
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-21 18:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134

I understand ans have all the documentation you have documented, but my question is on question 11 which reads;
That I intend do not intend to make specific contributuions to the support of the person(s) named in item 3. ( If you check "imtend", indicate the exact nature of the contributions. For example, if you intend to furnish room and board, state for how long and, if money, state the amount in United States dollars and state wether it is to be given in a lump sum, weekly or monthly, oor for how long)
Ok I am marrying the person(s) named in item 3, as in K-1 Visa. But I am not sure how long I will live to support her. So how do I answer this one Obi One, you are my only hope.

Check the example form: http://www.visajourn...xp-04-30-07.pdf

I just did and it said this for question 11: N/A ( K1 visa process for permanent residence )

I'm not sure about that answer, this is what I put for mine: I checked intend and wrote: Room and board and living expenses for three years. My lawyer said that was acceptable. But now I'm starting to wonder about that. I have read many times through this site and have seen this particular advice given many times: Never use the answer NA so I wonder why it is used in the example form?
LewisMaleMexico2006-08-21 14:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTravelling with green card
QUOTE (1HappyGuy @ Aug 4 2008, 12:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If your wife's passport is in her previous name and the green card is in her married name, then a copy of the marriage certificate could also be useful.

Thanks! We feel much better about our trip now.
LewisMaleMexico2008-08-05 19:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTravelling with green card
Thanks very much!
LewisMaleMexico2008-08-03 16:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTravelling with green card
Hello, I think this site is a great resource!

I have a question about travel, specifically to Mexico. My wife and I are going on a two week trip to Mexico. She has her green card already and we will be applying to lift conditional status in about two months. I'm kind of confused about what we need to return to the US after our trip to Mexico. Because our trip will be brief, I think all we need to have is her green card and any other proof of id, like her MD driver's license. Hopefully, I am correct. I appreciate any guidance on this matter.

From what I have read, a reentry permit should be used for trips for six months or more for travellers with the same status as my wife.


LewisMaleMexico2008-08-03 16:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFew pages in my package!
This is what we recently sent for our I 751:

Application and fee;

• Copy of permanent resident card and passport
• Copy of our deed to our home and list of all residences
• Copy of real estate tax bills
• Copy of I-797C Notice of Action regarding change of address
• Two sworn affidavits by U.S. citizen relatives, attesting to our relationship and marriage.
• Copy of our joint federal tax returns for 2007 and 2006
• Copy of our home insurance
• Copy of our health insurance documentation and of our health insurance cards
• Copy of our joint bank account documentation with Wachovia
• Copy of electric bill documentation
• Copy of car insurance documentation
• Copy of the title of our car, showing joint ownership
• Copy of our VISA credit card statements showing a joint account
• Photos (in a Ziploc bag)documenting our relationship over time
• Copy of travel documentation
• Copy of Christmas card envelopes from friends and relatives

Our accounts and bills basically show a 2 year period; that is we produced documents for about every 6 months. Our packet was not 300 pages, but I think a bit larger than 30 pages. I think the main point is to provide enough evidence to establish a clear relationship over time. I realize some of the things I included may be considered uneccessary, but the process is moving along so far.
LewisMaleMexico2008-12-04 11:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCIS online status not working?
I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I recently received a biometrics letter with receipt number and it is not working with case status online either. I found the info below on the USCIC website:

USCIS had an unprecedented number of applications filed over the summer. Our efforts to enter these applications into our systems have caused a delay in the transfer of information from our case control system to the Case Status Online system. We are experiencing delays of up to 3 to 4 weeks between receipting your application and its status being available If you have additional questions after your information is available on Case Status Online, please call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.

Retrieved from:
LewisMaleMexico2008-12-08 00:40:00