IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Article in NY Times
One of the things I have noticed about the media is when they do a story they don't care about presenting something honestly. They start of to do a story with a certain bent and then look for things that give credence to the story they want to write. They don't want to hear the other side. They want to sell papers or attract viewers.

Someone said something upthread about IMBRA possibly spreading to other areas of life in America. It is the best thing that could happen. Right now there are too few of us to raise a fuss that anyone will listen too and once you get through the K-1 hurdle you have a lot less interest in how unfair IMBRA is.

JS, you are right, it could have been worse. Search hard enough and you can find extreame examples anywhere. Still a lot of cases that some might consider extreame may have good intentions and be quite legit.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-11-12 01:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
If it is set up for members of your religion it is exempt from IMBRA
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-03-10 09:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Still waiting
It can be a slow process. Hopefully yours will be through soon. Sometimes it can be very slow. 10% of them take 3 years. The good news is that they are planning to funnel some of the money from the incresed fees to speeding up the process.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-17 10:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)one year of Ap and counting
That has to be frustrating. I would marry my fiancee in a second if it would get her here faster but with my luck when I did the K-3 they would put us back in A/R. Also with my luck as soon as we tied the not the approval would come through on the K-1 as yours did. Well, I hope the K-3 goes fast.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-06 12:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)one year of Ap and counting
Well you are not alone by any means. There are 138,000 people in A/R or A/P. According to the USCIS website 35% have been in A/R or A/P for over a year.

According to the website they are aware of this growing problem and hope to speed it up and make it more trasparent. Hopefully it may help those who follow us.

I have seen one vj'r who has been in A/P for 5 years. I don't think there is any excuse for that.

Once you are in A/P long enough you do have an option for a Writ of Mandamus. Hopefully I spelled that right. It basically forces the government to make a decision. If you are in a district with others in the same boat you could file a joint action. You would need a good attorney who practices federal law.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-06 07:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)State Dept - Pending Security Clearance
Is that number strictly for fingerprint checks or will they also give you information about FBI name checks?
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-22 07:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)USCIS Ombudsmans report - FBI Name Checks Pg 37

Good Lord, no wonder a lot of us wait.....and wait.....and wait......!

I will agree with that. When you see the percentages of people still waiting after a year or even still waiting after 33 months it does make you concerned. I am only in my 5th month of waiting. Not too encouraging to think I may have a year or three left to wait.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-03 05:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne way Tickets
No the old one is history. We almost got back together. She decided she wanted to play around while she was waiting to come back. Three days after she returned to russia she decided she made the biggest mistake of her life and wanted to do another visa. She was writing me all these stories about her keyboard was covered with tears and before the tears dried she was telling some guy in Germany to do a visa for her so she could come and visit him for two weeks. I did not need that.

I have a new one. I am heading for Moscow next Tuesday to spend another 10 days with her and taking the paperwork along. I think I picked a much better one this time. Actually she is from Ukraine but we are tourning Moscow together.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-03-20 00:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne way Tickets
One of the problems with the round trip ticket is that most of the airlines when I tried would only let you book the return within 30 days of the first leg without a hefty price.

If you want a good site to do one way tickets try I could have saved a fair number of bucks had I know that last year.

Glad there is no restocking fee. I had to send mine back. It was expensive enough as it was. I started with the round trip ticket with the intention of throwing away the other half which I did and ended up sending her back in 89 days but did buy the one way ticket that time at half the price of the first.

Hopefully Aeroflot is not too too bad. I will be on it in 10 days going to Moscow.

Also hopefully in a few weeks I get to start this whole process over.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-03-18 22:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBeing in Moscow for interview
The one he is talking about also was a little cheaper, last year anyway. The other with Medic in their name has the results the following morning. The gals like the Medic one better. Last year it was $ 100 vs $ 75 for the MOM one.

They will give her a sealed envelope. Make sure she does not open it out of curiosity. You will have to do it over if she does.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-03-25 08:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSilly I-129F question
Don't forget they will use the address you give for her to send her packet 3. It is better to get it as close as you can. I think some of those formats could confuse them. I would put the Ulitsa part on but it would probably get there anyway.

the correct format is

??. ?????????, 20-18

That is the street, the building, the apartment. You might confuse them with anything else.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-03-23 23:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinancial Info (prior to interview)
[quote name='Neonred' date='Mar 2 2006, 06:07 PM' post='55634']
You are free to send more returns if you want. I sent two to be safe, but if your returns are complicated (like mine) this can be a lot of paper ( a few hundred pages in my case for 3 years). If I had three handy and they weren't too long, I'd probably send them all.

I ordered tax transcripts and fortunately they are condensed to just a few pages. My very thick return for 2004 ended up on four double sided pages.

They only ask for the schedul 1040 and w-2's Mine are close to 100 pages also. I gave her the 1040's for one year and since I was in Moscow I had with me two more years and one complete set of the full return just to be on the safe side. If they are in the mood if you are self emplyed they can ask for three years. I am an employee but also own 100% of the company I work for so I wanted to be safe. They were happy with one year.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-03-23 23:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinancial Info (prior to interview)
You definately need a tax return for the most recent year along with a w-2. If you are self employed you need 3 years returns. You need a letter from your bank or the last 12 months statements. You need three consecutive pay stubs. You need the I-134 of course. I would not worry about assets. They don't look at those very hard unless you don't have the required income.

Some things they never look at. As far as the relationship goes they seem to look at phone records very closely. You might want to include those, along with some e-mails. You never know what you will run into in the interview. They may ask no more than how are you today and they may want her to tell them your great grandmothers middle name. Well that might be a little extreme but sometimes they do get very detailed.

As much as you have riding on this I would not send her unprepaired.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-03-18 22:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Apartment
The Ukraina is within walking distance of the embassy if anyone prefers a hotel. That is first hand experience. Just cross the bridge, walk past the right side of the white house, and make a right about a block up and there is the embassy.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-04-13 17:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Apartment
Stay far away from Moscow Rick. I have heard nothing but bad about his apartments. You could stay at the Ukraina hotel for about the same price as an apartment and it is an easy walk to the embassy. I know that first hand. I did it last year. Should run you just a bit over $ 100.00 a night. Sometimes I can get in there under $ 100 sometimes it is as hight as $ 128.00
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-03-18 23:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa application Questions
Yes, within 25 miles of the Embassy it would make a lot of sense just to do it yourself. Way back I tried to do one myself and it was a nightmare. That was back before so many people went and there were fewer agencies and no internet at the time. I did find an agency that rescued me in more ways than one. Yes, go there and do it.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-04-15 10:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa application Questions
I believe the format that use is day first, month second, year third. for example 23/10/06 I would suggest you list it that way. I would suggest circling the proper answer on the Yes no questions unless they give you a box for an x.

My vote goes with centurian, It is a lot easier to use an agency. gotoRussia is good. The one I really like is I have used them about 8 times. You can apply online (you still have to send the passport and photo) they have online tracking and are really good at keeping you posted when things will be happening. I have recommended them to some friends and the only one who ever had problems was screw up by FedEX who sent it to the wrong distribution center and Russia-visa worked hard to fix the mess up that was not thier fault and made sure he had it in time. GoToRussia is good for not only visas but for apartments, airport transfers and airfares.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-04-13 18:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUS Embassy location in Moscow

Anyone know if that is still by Novinskiy in the western neighborhood near Arabat? Just curious about apartments for rent in the area. Thanks.

I have spent a lot of time on Arabat and a lot of time in front of the Embassy as well as walking all around the area and the Embassy and I don't think the two are that close. I never tried walking from one to the other. I would say it is better to take the metro from Arabat.

I will be spending 10 days in Moscow starting next week. I am not going to the Embassy this time but I will try to see how far apart they really are.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-03-21 00:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother visa application question
I have always traveled on the exact dates on my visa, but actually as long as the travel is within the time specified in the visa I would not expect a problem. Lets say you wanted to travel from June 1 to 10, If you did the visa for June 1 to 30 it should cover you.

The other option would be the expidited service available at some of the companies doing visa. They can do a visa for you in 24 hours. You do pay extra though.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-04-17 07:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShots for Russia
You might want avoid salads too. They wash the veggies in water. Take something like Immodium with you just in case. I had one trip with a group where the whole group got sick. I thought it was just me till we got talking. That was total misery. I have been there about 20 times and as long as you follow what everyone has said you should be fine.

The drivers are the worst part. My last trip there was the first time ever that the cab driver going into moscow was going faster than my plane was going getting to moscow.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-04-30 21:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruslil bit illegal

interesting username you have there..... :thumbs:

Yes, it sort of reminds me of another AKDiver whom used to post on this forum until the Feds came to his door to arrest him. Because his wife stole money in Russia...... maybe I am wrong and it really did happen//// :hehe:

Voyager, are you serious? I remember AKDiver was talking about his wife bringing $ 50,000 in cash with her. You shocked me a bit with that one. Why would they arrest him if she stole the money?

Edited by Turboguy, 29 April 2006 - 06:57 AM.

TurboguyMaleRussia2006-04-29 06:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPrenuptial Agreements II CautionNot for the Idealistic)

If you decide on a Pre-nup, you may want to have it prepared in the US. Then, send it to your fiancee and have them get it translated and certified. They should then get their own lawyer to explain it to them what it contains along with someone with a video camera taping the discussion. If they understands it and agrees to it and signs it, then you may have a solid Pre-nup agreement. They could not argue that they did not understand or you made her sign it.

Just my thoughts. Good luck in your decision.

As I am underdstaning your suggestion John, you are saying have it explained to her and signed in Russia? If that is what you mean they could come back on you because the party in Russia would not have been familer with US laws.

One of the thoughts I had was to discuss the need for a pre-nup in e-mails before you start the K-1 process. That would eliminate the duress arguement. You could keep a copy of the e-mails and that way she would have come to America aware and having agreed in prinicpal to a pre-nup.

There is a really good book you can get on Amazon. The title of it is "write your own pre-nup" I am not suggesting you write your own but a lot of the lawyers don't know didly about one and you can go in with a fair amount of expertise and make sure all the bases are covered.

You do need to have a lawyer for her and a good translator so she understands what is going on.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-06-03 00:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruspetition is returned back to NVC

It seems like IMBRA is affecting all who filed after March 6th too.

I think the restriaining order only covers the part affecting the marriage broker operations and it is only valid in the Georgia district. Another suit has been file in Ohio by another agency.

So far from what I have been able to read and understand it does not involve RFEs and there is a new 129-F coming but the old one was posted on the website as of yesterday. There is a link to the proposed new one but the new form has been taken offline.

I think the procudure seems to be that the visa aps at the Embassy level have been returned to NVC where they will do a criminal background check and return them to the Embassy to reschedule the interviews. The visas that have been approved but not mailed have been cancelled/recalled for futher processing.

I read one report of an interview at Kiev that sounds more like an interrogatiion of a war criminal than a visa interview. The guy involved had one minor criminal problem for which he had been sentanced to doing a few hours of sweeping the city sidewalks or something like that. There are now posters on the walls of the Kiev Embassy saying that a green card takes two years but if they file domestic abuse charges that will be waived so they are encoraging false domestic abuse charges. They are also passing out a handout explaining the domestic abuse charges and how to do it. They also discuss any background issues with the fiancee and ask things like how many trips to the country and how many were to meet her so if you made some trips to meet other gals you never told her about you could be in trouble.

I sure would like to see a class action suit against the visa part of IMBRA and would be happy to kick a grand in to anyone with a serious effort even if it did not affect me. This is the worst law in ages but since it affects so few people I think we are going to be stuck with it. It is supposed to help women from being abused and murdered but it is going to keep women in countries where domestic abuse is common and accepted. It is supposed to help the immigration situation and insted encourages green card fraud.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-06-04 12:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview CANCELLED!
Oh I think they are trying to discourage a few from marrying us to protect them so they can stay there where they probably have 10 times the chances of marrying someone who will beat the sh*t out of them or kill them.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-06-17 15:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusConfused
Many embassies have a packet 3 and 4 but Moscow just has one. I would not get too worried about not getting the packet yet. I was going through the process not quite a year ago and the packet arrived about 6 weeks before the interview so you should see it soon.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-06-17 15:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWife not allowed to leave Russia for U.S.

Russians are big on registration. For example in Russia all Russian citizens by law must register an address where they live with the authorities. This is part of the old Soviet control which has remained. For communal living the amount of people registered per flat determines the utility bill and the like. Also the registration in Russia is used for all sorts benefits including getting a job to buying a cell phone. Otherwise the Russian citizen faces burdensome fines at every juncture that registration is required.
Now in the US the Russian registration means nothing to US authorities. A Russian citizen does not have to register at a US consulate. But in this case the Russian citizen is treated as a temporary visitor and not a permanent resident in the US to the Russian authorities. Keeping a local registration back in Russia is one option, although it can be burdensome on the family members that are left behind. Having no registration is fine too as long as you stay away from Russia or are prepared to pay fines.
Now the greatest perk of registering at a Russian consulate in the US is that the Russian citizen gets a registration that is good in every city for up to 90 days while traveling on return "temporary" trips to Russia. Otherwise by law Russian citizens like foreigners must register in every city they stay in for over 72 hours. Moscow is notorious for stopping everyone to check their documents to check these matters.
Other benefits of being registered include receiving permanent resident recognition by the consulate for services like passport renewal and other citizenship issues concerning Russians. Once again, if you have no intention of ever dealing with Russia you can do nothing.
It's okay either way, if it is too difficult don't bother, it is not the most important thing in the world.

What if she went someplace like Ukraine where she can just go. She would be dealing with different authorities.

That registration thing sucks but I have to wonder if someday we won't be as bad. I have been around longer than most of you and have slowly watched our feedoms being taken away. IMBRA is the latest. Want to bet that 10 years from now anyone won't have to have a background check to go on any dating site. 1984 (the george orwell book) is coming, it is just taking a little longer. Our government does not always move as fast as they would like.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-06-03 07:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmissing some food ..
I wish I would have read this post before I went riding the last time a milliion years ago at a Dude ranch in Colorado. That ill tempered nag almost killed me and I could easily have fit nelly in the back of my truck and given you a years supply of horse meat. I haven't wanted to get on a horse since but might smile as I ate a horse steak if I thougt it was Nelly.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-06-04 15:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmissing some food ..


There is probably no horse meat in America.


By the way, is there a special word for "horse meat"? "Cow meat" is beef, "pig meat" is pork :)

Of course there are name for it

Filly of sole,
Nelly strogonoff
Filly mignon

lots of good dishes.

It is ironic they are living in Kentucky. It may give some real opportunity. I can recal a friend who used to live in Modesto right after they granted the boat people asylum saying that all the cats in the neighborhood disappeared not long after they arrived. Maybe we will never know who a future Derby winner would have been.

Seriously, I think you just need to learn to like beef. I learned to like Borch, you can do it.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-06-03 07:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRe-visiting Russia
You said you might stay in a hotel the first night. That would register your visa and you would not need to worry about it. It only takes one stamp on the back of your entry card to fulfill the requirements. There are services that will register it if you don't but most are in the major cities. If there is a hotel where you are going they can probably register your visa for you too but they will charge you for a one night stay even though you don't get the room.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-04-29 07:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Pick-up at DHL Office
I am not sure if anything changes since IMBRA but last year they were usually arriving on the second business day after the interview in the moring. Don't cut it too close though.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-07-18 22:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow bound, soon!

Have fun and enjoy your trip!

Bought my ticket today. Arrive in Moscow on the 9th and depart Moscow on the 4th.

Now, - what to do while I'm there ... ... ... ;)

Humm that is the shortest trip I have heard of. You are returning 5 days before you arrive. You should think about staying longer. :blush:
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-07-18 22:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShould I fly to Moscow for interview?
With my former Fiancee I went to Moscow to be there when she had her interview. As far as will it seem strange if you are not there. As near as I could tell I was the only fiancee waiting outside. There were lots of people out there but no fiancees. So out of the dozen or so that day there was one there, me.

The CO asked my former fiancee when she had last seen me and she told him I was waiting outside. Hopefully it scored a few points but not enough. We did not get the visa that day. I was a little shocked because I thought I had the best documented case they would ever see but we got the blue slip instead. I forget what they called it 221G or something. My gal had never flown. I wanted us to fly together to the US and had tickets for us 3 or 4 days after the intereview. I came home alone. We did get the visa about 3 weeks later and I just met her at the airport she entered at (Atlanta) and we flew back to Pittsburgh together.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-07-29 16:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRecent Moscow Interview Questions?
Congratulations Slim and thanks for sharing that with all of us. We all wish you a lifetime of happiness together.

One nickname my former fiancee never had for me was slim. I remember her rubbing my tummy one time and asking me when I was due.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-06-17 15:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRecent Moscow Interview Questions?
Hi Voyager,

Thanks for the good words. Yes, I thought I was going to have the best documented relationship they ever saw but getting the visa turned out to be a big struggle. It was funny to calm her nerves before the interview I tought her a new slang American expression "Piece of Cake" Everytime she would seem worried I would say Piece of cake. After we didn't get the visa she would look at me and say "piece of cake" and we would laugh.

We did get the visa about 3 weeks later. Most of the guys here find the happiness they want. In my case it did not work out. Luda stayed 89 days and went back to Russia. I made some good friends with the guys that were going through about the same time, Voyager, AKdiver, Spadude, Skywolf. Skywolf didn't make it either. Natalie ended up going back to Russia too. I don't think he comes here anymore. I am sure he would not like me telling his story but it is a little funny. He caught her doing naked web cam with about 20 guys she had met on adult friend finder while he was at work.

My recommendations are to make sure she knows as much as you can. You may find some new questions since IMBRA. Be prepared. I was reading one report at a different site about an interview in Kiev a few weeks ago. It was sure not like they were a year ago. It was more like a grilling. Some of the questions they asked were things I had not heard before. Like how many times he had been to her country and how many of those were to see her. I am sure there are some guys who have made trips looking for thier dream girl that they never talked about that much and it could catch up to you. In the case of the guy I read about he had a very minor run in with the law and was sentanced to 30 days of community service and there was a really intesive grilling about that and how aware she was of what happend and that he had the problem.

Someone gave me the advice that I listened to that I should not grill Luda before the interview. To let her go in relaxed and at ease and going over the questions would only make her uptight. Had I not listened, we probably would have had the visa on the first try. Luda missed a couple of questions. My advise is to talk about anything they possibly could ask and make sure she knows as much as she can. Good luck.

Hopefully before long I will be having a timeline again with a new gal and going through this again myself.

Centurian, I just went back and reread your post. The interview I read about on another site had a different take on things than I believed. I also thought they only knew what was on the 129-F and the 325. According to that post they had about a 20 page computer print out with the guys whole history on it.

In my former fiancees interview last July 29th she told me she missed two questions. She never told me what one was but the other was the names of my two kids. She knew I had two grown kids and one was my son and the other my daughter. When ever I talked about them I usually said my son this or my daughter that and I did not use their names a lot. At the time I thought she could have made up any two american sounding names and passed that one but these days I think it might not fly to do it that way. Better to be prepaired.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-06-06 22:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone have experience with ESL schooling ?
Most areas have free ESL classes. The want to get them acclimated and paying taxes. The ones I have taken my former fiancee to were for adults but I am sure they are available for kids too.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-08-29 22:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusgoing to moscow. any suggestions?
As far as things to see in Moscow one of the things we enjoyed the most was the Moscow Circus. It is very awsome. As of the last I heard the Bolshoi Ballet is closed for renovations. There is a theater that is to the immediate left of the Bolshoi that is open and quite nice. I can't remember if it was an opera house but it is nice.

Gorky park will probably be closed when you are there and it is not exactly awsome but it is somewhere to go if it is open. The Zoo is fairly nice and they have some extra shows such as the Dolphin show that was nice too. If it is time to eat the Elky Pelike a few doors away is nice and resonable and there is a very nice Pizza place a few blocks from there.

Gum is interesting and the (I am going to mis-spell this) Oxhotny Ryad underground shopping plaza a few blocks away is also very nice (and expensive like GUM.) If you go to the VDHK metro stop they have a nice but small space museaum, You see a concrete rocket going way up in the air over the entrance. There is also one of my favorite shopping areas just behind it. You can wander through small stores and past Kiosks for along time.

I have never done it but I believe there is a tour through the former KGB headquarters or if you don't want to spend $ 1500 a night for a hotel room but want to blow some money you can get a ride in a Mig at Mach-3 in Moscow.

One of the nice things about this world is the diversity. There are many people who feel spending $ 1500 a night for a hotel room is treating themselves to something special. I could afford to stay at those rates but I would be more miserable than sleeping on a park bench. I am just sort of a plain simple guy. The worst meal I had in Moscow on my last trip was at a seafood restaurant with a tab that came to about $ 600.00 for two. The food tasted terrible, I can do without the extra services like when I asked where the restroom was and the waiter walked me to it and stood outside the door waiting to escort me back. I enjoyed the Elky Pelky, Sbarros and Mickey d's a lot better. Everyone has their own style and there is nothing wrong with any of it.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-08-30 12:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMOSCOW HOTELS
Dan, I am sorry you took so much offence to my post. I have never stayed in one of Rick's apartments to have any first hand experience. I have just read so many posts that were negative about them on differnet forums that personally I never would. I am glad you have had good experieces with them. I am not saying the 6 or so different guys who were shocked at the apartments means anything. Maybe they expected the waldorf moscovia. I have heard of someone else besides you who seemed happy with them. Perhaps he has cleaned up his act or whatever. You have stayed in his apartements. I have not. Therefor I have not a bit of problem saying you are right and I am wrong.


I looked Rick's website over a bit and to me the apartments look fine. I have no idea why 75% or the people I have heard comments from complaned so much.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-08-30 12:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMOSCOW HOTELS
Just in case someone reads my previous post and is interested I do need to correct the information that I gave.

I just had an email from the gal who handles the apartment. I had sent a newly married couple to her who were visiting for two weeks. They had some relatives of the wife stay with them in the apartment without notice and without any extra payment. The landlady got po'd about it and has raised the rent to $ 90.00. Still not a bad price for a nice apartment in Moscow but I sure liked the $ 65.00 better. Just didn't want to have any mis information here.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-08-30 09:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMOSCOW HOTELS
If it helps you I have a friend who rents out an apartment in Moscow. I believe the price is $ 65.00 a day. I have stayed there two times. It is a nice apartment about two blocks each way to a metro station, near shopping and restaurants. Equipped with all the essentials and washing machine (never figured out how to use it though) It is not within walking distance of the embassy but it is on the same general side of town. It is near the Zoo if you know where that is. If you are interested PM me and I will give you an e-mail address. I have sent a few others to the apartment who were quite happy with it.

I would be very carefull of Moscow Rick's apartments. I have heard some horror stories up to people walking out with no where to go because they would not stay in such a dump. I think all the other services are ok. Uncle Pasha might be another option.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-08-29 21:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmoscow embassy affidavis of support
Yes, you should have three recent pay stubs and a letter from your employer outlinging your job, title, duties, pay and prospects for continued employment.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-09-01 23:24:00