Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWish us luck
Good luck! I am sure with all you have learned here it will be quick, easy and succesful. Tell us as much as you can about the details so we can be shaking in our boots as our interview time arrives.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-18 07:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChristmas Vacation in the Dominican Republic

How can the locals afford to eat? (If you don't see where I'm going with this.... where/what do they eat? Maybe you could eat the same things or at the same places.)

Sure, eat what they eat. I am not sure which grossed me out the worst in the supermarket. The package with about 50 chicken feet (tallons might be the right word) all lined up in a row in the package or the package of beef toungues.

They buy a lot of their stuff at the outdoor market on Saturday morning and it is a wonder they are not all in the hospital by sunday night.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-31 20:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChristmas Vacation in the Dominican Republic
We got curious how much people made who live both here in Barbados and in Granada since the food and housing is so high. We did a little internet search and found the per capita income in Barbados is $ 7,000 and in Grenada $ 2700.00 We then found a forum for the students who came from America to study here with three pages of discussion where they are trying to figure out how the natives afford the grocery prices here.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-31 20:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChristmas Vacation in the Dominican Republic

I would think about going somewhere else!

How can the locals afford to eat? (If you don't see where I'm going with this.... where/what do they eat? Maybe you could eat the same things or at the same places.)

Our grocery shopping has been in the supermarkets the locals visit. We have even looked for the cheapest markets to shop in but they are mostly about the same. We avoid the "convenience store" type places.

During our first 6 weeks here we only ate in a restaurant one time and that was in a food court at the mall. In the last few days we did hit one restaurant for a Lobster dinner for her surf and turf for me and the burger joint I talked about so we are now up to 3 restaurant meals. I don't really care and am not complaining just trying to give some insight into life here.

We also have not done much high speed tourist stuff but we are going out today and riding jet skis
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-31 09:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChristmas Vacation in the Dominican Republic
Well the sticker shock gets to you a bit. We have eaten most of our meals at home. Whey you pick up a small whole chicken in the supermarket and look at the price and it says $ 25.00 even though that is only $ 12.50 in real money it does make you pause for a second. A little lean cuisine personal pizza is $ 10.00 The last meal we ate out a 6 oz burger and fries were $ 20.00. in a very ordinary restaurant.

When you go to the grocery store and have two little plastic bags of groceries and the tab went over $ 100.00 it does make you think.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-30 12:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChristmas Vacation in the Dominican Republic

$1000/night is a little out (WAAAAAAY, WAY, OUT!) of our budget. We're looking more like $100/night.

There's no way I could afford a summer at $55/night either, that's amazing!

(I like the new avatar, TG!)

Well, I am sure I know which direction my savings are going in my account for this summer. Actually $ 55.00 in Barbados and $ 70 in Grenada. Food down here is expensive too and the money differnce gives you shell shock. In Grenada I said we should pick up some paper towels or napkins. She said "What we need those for". When I saw the price tag of $ 17.95 for a pack of napkins I was glad she did not want them. That was about $ 7.00 in real money.

Had a neat day today though. Took a submarine ride to 127 feet down and past an old wreck. Neat experenice.

Thanks for the comment about the avatar. That is one of our photos from here.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-28 21:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChristmas Vacation in the Dominican Republic
The superclubs might be great for Slim, and I agree, with us spending months here rather than days it is not right for us. We are quite happy anyway with our cardboard box and newpapers on the park bench. Well within our budget and we don't have to worry about freezing here.

Actually the summer seems like it has flown. Three more weeks and it is back home to the old grind.

Actually it is a lot easier to find a place down here for $ 1000 a night than it is for the $ 55.00 in Barbados and $ 70.00 in Grenada we are paying.

Edited by Turboguy, 26 July 2007 - 08:26 AM.

TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-26 08:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChristmas Vacation in the Dominican Republic
Groov, Now I find out you have connections down this way. Story of my life. Day late and a dollar short. Then time starts flying and inflation sets in.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-24 19:59:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaiver for 2nd K1 in 2 years
I hope you can post a follow up on this about what you had to do and how you made out. I am sure a lot of others, very possibly including myself will face the same thing and knowing what you experience will help us all.

That whole law gets my blood boiling. To me life, liberty and the persuit of happines are supposed to be basic rights and being with someone we love is sure my idea of persuing happiness. What right does the government have to tell us who we can marry and when. If you get turned down, I would contact the ACLU and see if they will file a suit and maybe we can get rid of this law.

Edited by Turboguy, 19 July 2006 - 05:12 PM.

TurboguyMaleRussia2006-07-19 17:11:00
IMBRA Special Topicsanother question about wheres the coupe first met
If he paid to send you messages I would say it is not a MOB situation. If he paid to get your contact info to write you the messages then technically it is.

IMBRA did not exist when you met so they would not have taken into consideration any disclosure requirements of IMBRA.

I have a feeling that technically the box should have been checked yes but I doubt if it will cause you much problem.

The number of times you have visited has little to do with if it was or was not a MOB site but I am glad you have spent the additional time getting to know each other. It is a wise thing to do and the additional visits will be good at the interview.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-11-10 09:53:00
IMBRA Special TopicsFiled for K1 with IMBRA waiver request
I wish you the best of luck and I hope you keep us posted. I will be applying for a K-1 with a waver myself in a month. The K-1 process is nerve wracking enough without the waver being thrown in.

In my case it will be because it has been less than 2 years since I filed a previous K-1. I could wait 90 days and skip the waver but who wants to waste 90 days. My first fiancee when back to Russia in 89 days.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-11-05 14:29:00
IMBRA Special TopicsViolating restraining order question
If you admit it, they will ask her in the interview if she is aware of it.

If you don't admit it and they don't find it, they won't ask her that question

If you don't admit it and they do find it (which is likely) you may be lucky to ever get the visa.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-11-17 08:08:00
IMBRA Special TopicsViolating restraining order question
My two cents worth are yes it is and if you don't report it you could find yourself with serious problems when they do a background check on you.

It should just mean that you have to make her aware of it and they will talk about it in the interview to be sure.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-11-15 00:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSpecifics on my Waiver request and approval
Vermont approved my K-1 with waver without a problem. It did take 5 weeks which seems slower then most Vermont filers and I am assuming the waver request was the slow down. You can see my timeline or signature which both show the timing on it. When I have more time which won't be for a few weeks I will post a copy of my waver request in case it helps anyone.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-02-10 07:39:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSpecifics on my Waiver request and approval
Congratulations. This process is scary enough without the waver situation thrown in. I will be applying for my K-1 with waver in the next few days and found your post encouraging. My situation is just less than two years since my last K-1 with someone else.

Today and tommorrow I will be working on the wording for my waver request. I hope mine goes as smoothly.
TurboguyMaleRussia2006-12-11 08:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA forum closure? Feedback
I found this topic very useful and when I visit VisaJourney it is always one of my three stopping points. (K-1 and Regional are the other two)

I was dealing with needing to apply for a waver with my K-1 and the samples here were much easier to find. I do think it could be part of the waver topic but the heading should be changed to note that if this forum is closed.

I hope it stays for a while.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-01-06 16:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDisclosure of Domestic Violence in Past Relationship
Victim, I have never gone through that but I have read enough on the subject to tell you a little and I am sure somone with first hand experience will jump in sooner or later.

I would not worry a lot about being denied. They will grill him at the interview about it and it is important that he knows about it. So far they seem to want to mainly make sure a spouse or fiancee is fully aware of the history of their petitioner and is willing to accept that. They will also give him some pamplets about domestic abuse and his rights. You will be fine.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-01-25 23:40:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA

However, if you and your fiance did not use any paid marriage broker to meet, then you will not be subject to the provisions of the law.

I think what you meant to say and the way some people may read this may be two different things. Even if someone did not meet through an IMB the parts about disclosure of past problems still apply. If someone has a past background that includes substance abuse or crimes covered by IMBRA they must still apply for a waver and disclose it to their fiancee and it will be discussed at the interview.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-02-17 17:41:00
IMBRA Special Topicsconfused
Since he paid a fee it does qualify as a MOB under IMBRA unless it is religious in nature. Most all the IMBRA MOB sites offer some free service as a tickler. It is not a big deal anyway. I have never heard of anyone having a problem because of the way they met under IMBRA
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-03-06 12:58:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDUI-convictions

I know it specifies 3 or more alcohol related convictions is cause for reporting it. I only have two *whew!*

You are lucky. Just don't go out tonight and have a few too many to celebrate just coming in under the wire. :thumbs:
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-03-08 17:25:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDUI-convictions
My impression from the way the law reads is that you will need a waver. The odds of it being accepted and approved are pretty good.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-02-10 07:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSexual Exploitation
First off it has nothing to do with the Adam - Walsh act. It has to do with IMBRA. You will face the same things with either a K-1 or a K-3. It should not make any difference if you marry here or there. You really should face no problems with it.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-03-15 16:55:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSexual Exploitation
A waver is just a letter you write and include with the original filing. There are some samples in this section if you read through some of the posts. It is not a big deal and I have not heard of any denials. I think you are far better off doing it yourself.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-03-10 09:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSexual Exploitation
Lawyer or not has been discussed hundreds of times and more often than not they are a bad move. The one exception is where there are complications but a waver is not that much of a complication. I would do it yourself If I were you.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-03-09 00:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDo I need IMBRA waiver??
It starts at number 3 as long as there were more than two years between them. I am doing number 2 but only had 22 months in between them so had to do a waver.

It does not matter if they were before IMBRA or not.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-03-23 20:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsMultiple K1 visa
They are correct, there is no real problem. I have to guess about this but they may find they go through adminstrative review during the K-1 process because of it. I am going through that now. We were tagged at NVC for A/R and I have a feeling that it was because my fiancee, (the beneficiary) had her name come up as being in the system from a prior K-1. It should not amount to much other than a delay.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-03-19 10:40:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA O.K. Under U.S. Constitution
It does look like they are working on your case so you may have some good news soon. California is slow. I agree it is the pits when you get passed one place and hit a snag in another where things are usually fast and automatic. This is also the second K-1 for my fiancee. She was here for 30 days on one a couple of years ago when she found out a secret about her fiance that she could not accept and returned home. A second K-1 for our beneficiary seems to trigger an A/R

I think you will be fine on what you were not able to tell them. Some of those forms seem like they were designed by a government offical. Places where you need space you don't have it and others where it is not necessary there is too much wasted space.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-26 06:59:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA O.K. Under U.S. Constitution
So, if I am reading your post right you married a guy before on a K-1 and then divorced him because he beat you up but you forgot all about that when you did your application. OK, Yes, I can see why you are worried. All I can say is you are just going to have to wait and see what happens. It sounds like something most people would want to forget anyway. I wish you the best of luck.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-25 19:56:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA O.K. Under U.S. Constitution
Just relax, with all the touches you are likely close to the NOA-2. I would be happy to trade places with you. Administrative review like I am in can go on for years with no information available.

Yes, you only have to prove you have met for the intitial filing. At the interview you need to prove a real relatiionship. It is better to send copies of things like the airline boading passes with your original application. You should have the originals for the interview. It probably won't be a big deal but you never get anything back you send in so copies are the order unless it is something they need the original for.

I have always felt it was better not to send too much with the first filing. The more they have to look at the longer it might take but that is just a guess. I think you will be fine and together long before my fiancee and I will be. Best of luck. What was the reason you requested the waver?
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-25 17:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA O.K. Under U.S. Constitution
They can find a few high profile cases that create sympathy for the law. Great, The cold hard facts are that every day 3 American women die from Domestic abuse. There was only one study ever done about domestic abuse among MOB's. It was done in 1999 by the government and showed the rate of abuse among MOB's to be 1/7th the rate of an all American couple. They are fixing a problem that does not exist.

So, they want to save these poor foreign women from a life of hell. If they do prevent some from coming to America and finding a great guy who will care from them many of them are now living in countries where women are treated as not much more than property and with a very high abuse and death rate. IMBRA will kill far more women than it saves.

The founding fathers barely had ink on the paper before they got to the point of saying we had a right to life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. What is happiness if it does not include being with someone you love becuase some of some stupid law that should never have been passed, that failled to pass several times on it's own because of the facts involved and only passed hidden in another law as everyone waited to go home for Christmas.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-25 15:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA O.K. Under U.S. Constitution
Journalism is not about spreading the truth or standing up for what is right. It is about selling newspapers and magazines and getting audience share. A story about a happy marrige will not draw people in like a little blood and guts, some sympathy for a battered defenceless woman and the like.

An article based on the only study ever done, back in 1999 that showed the domestic abuse was 1/7th the rate of American marriages just does not have enough gore to be interesting.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-04 16:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA O.K. Under U.S. Constitution
One other thing, there are teeth built into IMBRA which are not being used yet so we may see worse in the days to come. They have the right to deny visas to anyone who used an IMB who did not comply with the regualtions and if the regualtions were strictly enforced it would be far more burdensome than it is now.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-01 15:16:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA O.K. Under U.S. Constitution
I am all in favor of protecting immigrants but totally opposed to IMBRA. Mostly because it infringes on our rights. First off, I don't think the government has a right to tell us who and when we can marry. I think from an agency point of view I don't think it is fair to put regualtions on US based agencies that are very ackawrd and restrictive but with agenies based outside the US it is business as usual.

It does not probibit those with records of abuse from doing a K-1. They just make sure the fiancee knows about the persons record. I think it is unfair to make those of us who seek a foreign wife to follow stricter regulations when we want to meet a woman. The women that come her on a K-1 often come from countries where the chance of abuse is much higher. The abusive men will abuse American women if they can't find a foreign one to abuse. I don't see it solving any problems. Studys of domestic abuse with foreign women have found there is less abuse than in marriages with American women anyway. No matter what they do, they will never stop it totally.

I think a smarter choice would have been to require a criminal background check on the petitioner in all K-1 cases when the visa is applied for not when they want to meet a woman also. The foreign beneficiary already has to do that. I have no problem with both doing it. Then all successful K-1 pettioners should have to attend several classes where the help available to them is fully explained. Then up the fee's, which they are doing anyway, and build a better support system in the USA for the women who do find themselves in an abusive realtionship.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-01 15:14:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA O.K. Under U.S. Constitution
That is a real bummer. Of course they were challenged on the basis that it was unfair to the American agencies to have to compete with foreign ones who they are now at a disadvantage to and there could be other basis to challenge it. It has never been challenged as it pertains to K-1's. Of course most of us could not afford to challenge it.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-03-26 22:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA filers
Wow, that really sucks. You are the first that I have heard of to have a problem with the IMBRA law. I had a feeling it was going to be enforced more before long but I hate to see that. I think they were cutting some slack for the early guys as they got thier ducks in a row. The USCIS example of who could be granted an IMBRA waver always seemed to me to be extreame. I hope it does not become the standard.

Your best option if the K-1 is denied is a K-3. At this time IMBRA does not apply to K-3 applications. Good luck and keep us posted.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-29 10:13:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA filers

then if most are being granted waivers.. why did they make the rule up to begin with if a whole waiver system is in place..

AND DCF is the same way... some people are skirthing the system anyway

It is the government. Doesn't that explain everything.

I have not seen anyone with wavers being denied. It does seem to create more of a problem if the beneficiary was here before on a K-1 visa (even if they returned in less than the 90 days) than if the petitioner has multiple K-1's and does a waver. That seems to trigger an A/R which really is the pitts.

I just called NVC last night and there is no change in our status. I am sure as some have mentioned lenghty delays can kill a relationship, especially when a feeling of hopelessness sets in. I e-mailed my fiancee and updated her last night. I just got one back from her and I have to agree with what she said. The delay for us has made our relationship stronger. It is a problem we are facing together, side by side and helping to create a common bond. It has helped us know we really want to be togther no matter what we have to go through or do for that to be reality.

I did check to see if we had been assigned a case number at NVC and we were. Those who believe in lucky numbers would have expected ours to be lucky. We were the 7th one processed that day which gives us an ending number of 007. Perhaps that is what really triggered our Administrative Review. They looked at the ending number and thought I might be the famous Brittish secret agent.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-26 06:50:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA filers

any news turbo guy?

Nope, still sitting in the dark with my thumb stuck in my ear. I am going to try calling again tonight to see if anything has happened but so far nothing at all.

Getting back on topic. If someone loses their S/O over the delays in the visa process, even if it goes on for years, then they did not have anything that was worth saving anyway. My fiancee and I are facing challenges we had not expected with our visa application and it has made our relationship even stronger because we are facing the adversity together, sharing the worry and fear and working to find the best possible solutions.

It is a little like the expression about the problems we face will either kill us or make us stronger. It is making us stronger. If it kills you it was never really alive anyway.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-25 14:51:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA filers
Well, mine doesn't seem to be going very well. I sent the K-1 on the 14th of December to Vermont. My NOA-2 was January 22nd. Most take about 2 weeks. I was notified that my name had been added to a Database of Multiple filers. From then, absolutely nothing. I have not received any notices from NVC. One other guy using Vermont with a fiencee from Russia and with a NOA-2 date the same as mine has his interview on March 25th. I just have to assume the IMBRA waver is slowing it down but I really thought if it did slow it down it would be in Vermont.

I had decided to wait until the end of this week (tomorrow) before I start trying to find out what is happening. Anyway, that is my story.

Edited by Turboguy, 02 March 2007 - 09:54 PM.

TurboguyMaleRussia2007-03-02 21:53:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWhat is the meaning of "Met"
I agree with you, it is always better to be honest with the USCIS. Not being honest can catch up to you. Remember this, never ever lie and if you do do a really good job of it.

Answering you met through an IMBRA MOB should not be that big a deal. It sounds like since they paid nothing they can honestly say no.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-05-01 18:48:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWhat is the meaning of "Met"
Yes, I guess the same word can mean different things. When they ask how you met they want to know the sorce of your initial contact. When they ask if you have met within the past two years or how many times you have met they are talking about face to face.

Bride.RU has both free and paid contacts. Since neither of you paid it is not considered a MOB under Imbra.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-05-01 11:00:00