Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime it takes to schedule an interview at Moscow Embassy
I have sometimes had the impression of the entire K-1 visa process being that they have a stack of applications they are working on. New ones arrive and they add them to the stack and work through them. When I say add them to the stack I am talking about on the top. It seems like some get processed very quickly and those that keep getting new ones added on top of theirs may sit forever. I have seen interviews scheduled in Moscow as quickly as 8 weeks and as long as 4 months.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-18 08:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMail to Russia
I always used DHL. For me the reason I would avoid the USPS is that in Russia it puts your mail in the hands of the Russian Postal Service which is not real reliable. UPS would be my second choice. Anything will probably get it there with some luck.

Be careful you don't list much of a value to it. They may be valuable documents to you and her but anything over $ 100.00 and she will have to pay half the value in Duty. It is easy, for example, when you send a plane ticket that cost you $ 1000.00 to list the value as $ 1000.00 and that can create big problems. It is really just paper and your documents are just paper.

Edited by Turboguy, 16 June 2007 - 07:24 AM.

TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-16 07:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review
Congratulations, that is great. Maybe one of these years there will be hope for me. At least right now I am sitting in Grenada with my honey.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-25 16:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review
I have no choice but to hang in. Hanging seems to be a very correct word for what you do in A/R. You are definately left hanging.

It does get frustrating when you see others who are now with or married to thier gal and you are sitting around hoping for something to break so you can get your life back on track.

Less than 12 days until I leave to spend the summer with my gal in the Caribbean. I am trying to make the best of the time in A/R and to find as much time to be together as possible but I would much rather have saved the $ 8,000 this summer together will cost me and if it was not for the A/R, it would be totally unnecessary.

Jordoc, I hope you get your approval soon. The Embassy level is usually a little quicker.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-12 11:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review

Perhaps the statistics for the USCIS website that Turboguy has quoted (one third get out in 3 months, another third in a year, and a final third linger for over a year) is appropriate for cases that get stuck in AP/AR at USCIS, but not at State. (Does that analysis seem sound, folks?)

Actually the exact wording of the information on the USCIS website was that 68 % of the cases in A/R had been there for 3 months or more and that 35% had been there one year or more. At a glance it could be taken that 2/3rds of the A/R's take 3 months but in reality ones that were there for a few weeks rarely show up. I am tired and ready for bed but if you think about the wording it does not really say what it sounds like it is saying.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-11 23:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review
I am not implying that anyone I ever talked to there knew anything but I think the actual file never leaves NVC. When your file is sent there for A/R they really just send or fax copies to DOJ and the real file stays at NVC. They do use the terminology that your file was sent to Washington even though it is not true.

I think from the time the file arrives until it is forwared to the Embassy it is considered to be in Administrative processing even though it has not been flagged. You guys may be ok but only time will tell. I think they use that term to mean it is being "processed" Good Luck
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-11 10:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow common is Administrative Processing/Review
There doesn't seem to be any logical pattern to give us an idea how long we will be. I see some who are a few months, I see some that go a few years, and one who went 5 years and still is not approved.

Russia does seem to get targeted some and having been here before on a K-1 seems to trigger it.

Edited by Turboguy, 03 June 2007 - 09:35 PM.

TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-03 21:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourist visa

Hi everyone ,
I just wanted to ask how hard is it to get the U.S tourist visa 2nd time , we got the visa last summers and now at the new year time we are planning to visit U.S 1se more .



The second time should be nearly automatic. You should have no problems at all.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-03 06:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCongratulations, Turboguy
Thanks Voyager, Bills, Blues and Jordoc. I appreciate the good wishes.

That is the first time I ever knew you could call the Dept of State and get an interview date. I do have my MOS number right here and may give that a try. I have been checking the Moscow website every day since I got the news but no updates yet and they are up to the end of August with their schedule.

We are in the Caribbean together until mid August so there is probably not a lot we can do by knowing anyway but still, it is nice to know and to be able to think about all the million things you need to be doing.

Yes, I think it already seems like a bad dream but we just tried to make the best of it and to be together as much as we could during our long wait. We are still excited that the long wait in A/R is over.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-09 11:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCongratulations, Turboguy
Thanks Slim and Thomas for the good wishes. Yes, I hope the rest of the journey is quick and easy.

The timing should work out well. We will be in the Caribbean together until mid August and that should just give us enough time to get everything ready for the interview.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-08 08:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCongratulations, Turboguy
Thanks again for all the good wishes.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-07 13:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCongratulations, Turboguy
Thanks everyone. I really do appreciate the nice thoughts and congratulations. I am not sure yet exactly what date we exited A/R. We are down in Grenada and since we had been mentally prepaired for a long wait we are spending the Summer together in the Caribbean. I called NVC right before I left for here and there was no change. After we arrived it seemed like most everyone who was on a similar timeline as us exited A/R right before the end of June. I had high hopes that maybe there would be good news when I called yesterday and there was. We were jumping up and down and probably everyone in the other apartments here thought we had gone nuts.

So now we are talking about all the things that go along with the interview and it is nice to be talking about proofs of relationships etc and not what we will do next as we wait out a never ending A/R. Once again, I get to watch timelines and speculate on ours and to check the interview schedule on the Moscow Embassy website. It is fun to be out of the big black never ending hole.

Thanks again for the good wishes.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-07 08:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFrom Russia with Love
Congratulations and best wishes for a happy life together. Keep us us updated on how everything is going.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-11 09:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow is interview setup by Moscow embassy?
Right after I made the last post I got word that our packet just arrived. If you have not received yours it should be coming soon.

I guess one of the good things about going through this for the second time is that you are a little less stressed and know more what to expect. Best thing to do is just not worry and try to cover your bases as well as you can.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-18 09:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow is interview setup by Moscow embassy?
We have not received our packet yet and our interview is 3 days ahead of yours. I really did not expect it quite yet and we do have to count on her mother letting us know it arrived since we are together elsewhere.

Yes, I think everything is on the website. That should not be a problem. I believe there is one form she needs to fill out that could be downloaded and printed otherwise it is mostly telling her what to bring and what to do.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-18 05:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow is interview setup by Moscow embassy?
Interview dates are actually set by the state dept before it even goes to Moscow. There is no packet 3 in Moscow. They combine packet 3 & 4 and there is nothing to return. She only has to show up at the embassy on the date she gets with everything ready. They are scheduled now through mid Sept so I would expect your interview date to be around the end of September.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-17 06:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDelta vs AeroSvit
I have flown both too and would vote for Delta. All the attentants speak Russian and the flight announcements are in Russian and English, the movie is in Russian and many of the people flying as passangers speak Russian. Won't be a problem.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-18 05:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 Moscow Interview
I don't think the budget is always that big a deal but if someone is staying around Moscow unnecessarily they are just wasting their time that they would rather be doing other things. Particulalry if your gal is there alone I would think she most often would want to get there, get done and get out.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-21 11:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 Moscow Interview
You can move your appointment back up to two times but they will never let you move it ahead. People used to get the visas in two days but three seems more common now.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-20 05:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusdivorce decree - original vs photocopy?
This is my second K-1 and I had originals of both there for the first K-1 and they never asked but I agree, they could and it is better to have them there.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-22 13:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusdivorce decree - original vs photocopy?
I don't see where you are reading that the original is not required. The website you quoted says then need to see the original, and a photo copy as well as a transaltion to English. It says nothing about not needing it for the petitioner. They are asking for an original to verify and a copy to put in thier files if one has not already been provided.

I filed a copy with my K-1 application. I am sending the original for her to have during the intervew as well as an original of my birth certificate. I don't expect them to ask to see either but they are requried and I will have them with her.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-22 06:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusquestion about embassy

We've got a new gig... it's called "invade your country and mess it all up." Two countries in less than five years, nobody can top that! Nobody else even comes close!

Ahhhh, didu forget about Adolph!!!!

I do agree with your speculation about the next 50 years. It is going to be a different world and finance or any service will not keep us in our current status. When you produce nothing and live off the production of others you are a fungus. Funguses can only do so much.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-22 13:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusquestion about embassy
When people consider it correct and a good thing to take away our liberties I think the days on those liberties are numbered.

I am older than many of you and if I think back to how many of our liberties have been lost while I have been here I think the rest will go in another lifetime or so.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-22 07:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOn to Moscow

Hey, Turboguy! Our interview is the day after yours. Will you be with her in Moscow? I'll be there with my wife ...

I don't think it is decided 100% but the best guess at this time is no, I won't be in Moscow. If I do end up there we will be happy to meet up with you and fill you in on how ours went and buy you a beer.

My original plans were to go. The timing came a short while after spending all summer together. Maybe she is sick of looking at me but it is her second K-1 so she knows what it is about and it is my second K-1 as well. I went with the first one and waited outside. Actually as far as I was aware I was the only fiancee waiting outside and the only one who did not come away with the visa that time.

The end result is that since we have spent so much time together lately and she feels it is not important for me to be there I am just going to DHL my stuff and we will save the several thousand it would have cost. Originally we were going to sigthsee in St Petersburg and then go to the visa interview.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-23 07:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOn to Moscow
I believe you have to show your passport when you request it Slim so she is going to have to do it. I think there is a good chance it will come through in time but if not we will just deal with it.

We had a problem as well with the packet from Moscow. The delivery people were not going to deliver it because she was not there to sign for it. The first attempt they said no, they would make one more try to deliver and then return it to Moscow. The second attemt my future MIL talked them into leaving it and they agreed only because her name is the same as her daughters. Hum, Maybe I will go to meet my fiancee at the airport and my MIL will be there instead. :help:
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-22 13:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOn to Moscow
I am a little concerned about us being ready. We have less time than I would like after she gets back from Barbados and Grenada three weeks from now. The police report is the one that worries me most along with my 2006 taxes that I sent to the Accountant in March and am still waiting for.

We are going to have 24 days to get the police report and I think that will take a bit of luck. It may just make it or it may just miss but if that is the only hold up we will do the interview and deal with the 221-G for the police report later. We should be ok on everything else but will have to hustle a bit.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-22 07:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOn to Moscow
They tell you to use the search feature to look for your number. I never found that to work very well. Actually we found ours up there after search said it was not there. Look through the numbers as well.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-20 20:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOn to Moscow
Slim, I think you are right that it is possible to get an interview date sooner than usual but I think it will only be in cases where it suits them such as when they have had several cancellations.

I have never ever heard of anyone asking for a quicker date and getting it and that includes being 8+ months pregnant or leaving for active duty. You always have to remember what our founding fathers said about it being a goverment by the government for the government. People don't count for much unless you happen to get in the headlines. Peoples, enough to effect an election, yes they get an ear.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-20 19:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOn to Moscow

they got the case on Monday and its already left for Moscow on Wed. Looks like interview will be mid to end Sept,

The schedule is posted through Sept 12th on the Moscow Embassy website so my guess is end of Sept might be about the best you can hope for but anything can happen.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-20 07:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Exam
Last year I had an experience that let me apprectiate how rabidly loyal the fans of Pittsburgh are. I was in Atlanta and had an offer to go with some people to the preseason Atlanta - Ravens game. I was to meet them in front of a particular gate and they were late and I was early. I had to stand there for maybe an hour and a half. The whole time I saw TWO people in Ravens attire out of maybe 4000 or so that walked past me. Had that game been against the steelers it would have been just like the other away games I have been to even though it was pre season.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-22 07:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Exam
That is the worst part of being here, I am going to miss 2 or 3 preseason games. I do think the Bengals have made a lot of improvement and will give you a good reason to watch them. I am looking forward to the season but with less confidence about exactly how good we will or won't be.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-21 19:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Exam

Had we stayed in A/R long enough I think we would have bought property here and just moved here perminantly.

Maybe not a bad option, even being out of A/R. Pittsburgh (especially the Steelers...) SUCKS!!!!!

Just kidding. Had to throw some snow (soon, anyway) at the rivals. WHO DEY!!!! OK. All joking aside, if you have the chance to live in the Caribbean, why on earth would you want to live anywhere in the States?

Well for one thing it is hard to see the steeler games down here and I always enjoy watching the steelers beat the Bengals. For another you stand out like a sore thumb down here wearing your Steeler tossle cap and jacket and waving the terrible towel. I keep worrying they are going to lock me up in the looney bin.

I am not sure how good or bad out team will be this year with the new coach but one thing I can say for the Steelers is they always have the best fans in football. I have been to games in Cinci and even Kansas city with more Steeler fans than the local team.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-20 19:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Exam
Slim, I think DHL will send it anywhere in the world that you pay for delivery. We are going to end our Caribbean time together in Mid August and she is going to go back to her city, Barnaul and get the police report and anything else she needs. I am going to head back to Pittsuburgh and get my tax, I-134, financial, employment etc info together and DHL it to her. Then do some work on the house before she gets here.

That timing was about our original plans anyway. I was going to head home for a few months and take care of business and then if we had still been in A/R we would have returned to the Caribbean for a few more months.

Had we stayed in A/R long enough I think we would have bought property here and just moved here perminantly.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-18 05:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Exam
I agree with you about customer service. I think particularly where you have a basically captive audience you loose competitive pricing and customer service.

I hear better things about the other clinic but it looks like we are going to go with MOM. With a Tuesday interview the one day service cuts her stay in Moscow signifigantly. Medical on Monday, Interview Tue, fly back home late Tuesday. Since there is only one flight a day (acutally 3 but they leave simultaneously if that is not the stupidest thing.) Sunday for travel just to be safe.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-14 13:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Exam

My wife was harrassed at MOM and, around the same time, they tried to run a TB scam on Searchers fiance.

We'll use a different clinic this time.

I have heard far more good comments on the other clinic than MOM. Even though it costs $ 15.00 more and you have to wait until the next morning for results I think there are some advantages in the way they treat people.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-13 08:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow long- to get the visa after the interview
There is always a risk getting the ticket before you have the visa. If something is missing you could get a 221-G. He could end up in Administrative Review. Anything can happen.

However usually the visas are sent out about 48 hours after the interview and I would say 2-3 days to get to Petersburgh. Figure 5 days and add some for good measure. Maybe no less than a week after the interview.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-27 10:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWish us luck
Fantastic. Glad to hear it. Someday you will look back on all this and almost forget how long the wait seemed and how frustrating it can be at times. Your days of a happy live together forever are about to begin. Good luck. :dance:
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-27 08:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWish us luck
Congratulations. That is wonderful. I think many of us sweat the interview so much that it has to be an enormous weight off your shoulders to have this stage behind you.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-20 07:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWish us luck
You can not have it held at the DHL office next to the Embassy for pickup but you can have it held at the main DHL office downtown and have it sent there and the ones at the DHL office she went to should have known that. (They are the ones who told me that) Probably too late to help you but some others may benefit.

Glad things went well so far. Good luck on the interveiw.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-18 15:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWish us luck
Good luck! I am sure with all you have learned here it will be quick, easy and succesful. Tell us as much as you can about the details so we can be shaking in our boots as our interview time arrives.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-18 07:20:00