Russia, Ukraine and BelarusReport on Vonage service
My calls to Russia using Vonage were free until about 4 months ago, now I have to pay around 6 cents a minute. My Vonage bill now hits $ 45.00-55.00 a month which is not bad. The service seems fine.

Still, I think I am going to change to a Verizon land line and with the unlimited international calls for I belive $ 15.00 a month (could be 20) I can still save a few bucks.
TurboguyMaleRussia2009-12-25 07:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMailing Birth Certificates
You never send an original document to the USCIS anyway and the translation services only translate what they get so I would think you could just have her scan the front and back of the birth certificate and e-mail it to you and you could sent that to a translation service to get it translated and you would be set.

If you have any trouble finding a good translater I can recommend an outstaning one that is very reasonable. I could also give you her contact info and you could ask her since she does this day in and day out.
TurboguyMaleRussia2010-01-29 18:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDating Web Sites
Elena's Models is the one that has probably hooked up more marriages than anyone. That is how I met my wife as well and I know a lot of guys who have had success with them. Waitinggent mentioned Lucky lovers and Merry dating and I have heard good things about both of those as well. another option that might be worth while is They do get a lot of guys writing to women since it is free but probably a higher percentage of guys who are not serious. I believe and fiancee. (com or ru) may be some other decent choices. Sometimes it is better for a woman to list herself with many agenices.

I would agree, bringing her here for a long visit and using some of the Americian sites might be a good choice as well but I do think with the Amerian sites guys are often looking for someone more to date than to marry.
TurboguyMaleRussia2010-02-05 16:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPassport photo
We just applied for a new tourist visa for my MIL to visit from Russia. They have changed the photo requirements for a tourist visas and no longer take the printed 2 x 2 photos as in the past. Now they only accept digital and you have to email it to them. My reason for mentioning this is that the passport photo places are all set up do do digital photos. You could have her get the digital variety, send it to you and you could print it out. It would be to spec's, she could have it to you in a day and the cost would be low. Yours just isn't going to fly and why take the risk.
TurboguyMaleRussia2010-02-12 21:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusfriends with Russian wives..
One other way for the wives to meet other RW usually with American husbands that I have not seen mentioned in this thread is the free ESL classes that are about everywhere. It doesn't matter if your wife is already fluent in English, mine has a bigger English vocabulary than I do but goes for help with her accent and mostly for social reasons.

I live in an area that doesn't have a big population and where it is rare to see anyone Russian. My wife met one RW at the ESL classes and she introduced my wife to a half dozen more. My wife also made a good friend with a Mexican woman from the ESL classes. Most of the RW in the ESL classes would be fairly new arrivals which as some have pointed out is better.
TurboguyMaleRussia2010-01-29 18:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusJust a little worried.
At 6 a kids brain is like a sponge. He will learn English in no time and by the time he is 8 he will have less of an accent than your wife does if any accent at all. A move like that is tough on anyone but he will be fine.
TurboguyMaleRussia2010-02-17 00:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChristmas Vacation in the Dominican Republic
Cancun and the Mexican River are supposed to be very nice. My limit is a few hours on a cruise stop in Cancun. Personally I think you are going to have to make some sacrifices to what you want to do or what you want to spend or when you want to spend it.

As far as locations, the things you talked about in activities would be a little more difficult in some locations. We are in Barbados now. we just arrived yesterday. In Grenada where we were you had a choice of swimming or swiming or swimming. if you wanted to get creative you could tour a rum plantation or a few small things but there was not much to do. In Barbados it is the opposite. You could spend weeks finding new things to do like renting an ATV, or a moped, or a mountain bike or a moke which is a cool 4wd vehicle. You could take a two hour submarine ride to 110 feet or use one of the self propelled underwater things like in the james bond movies, go on a glass bottom boat, or a day trip on a catamarain, ride horses, go to any of 6 golf courses, minauture golf, tennis, para sailing, water skiing, scuba diving etc. I am not even scratching the surface. I think in the Domican Republic you will find it much like Grenada, Nice beaches, a few nice restaurants, a casino, clear water, good swimming, great for suntans but not much like you said you were looking for.

I think you should look at the Mexican Rivera (you may need a visa for her) Barbados, or Miami. the Bahamas might have the activities you look for but again a visa is needed for her.

I think from Christmas to the End of Feb is going to be expensive. Finding a better time might let you get more value for your money.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-16 12:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChristmas Vacation in the Dominican Republic
Christmas and New Years are not a time you can get any last minute special deals. You mention it will take you till then to be able to save the money. I think if you went 6 weeks earlier you could do it at half the price that you could going then. Just a thought.

A lot of what you want is available at most resort properties so that part should not be hard. Maybe a few parts might be a little tougher but not impossible.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-14 13:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChristmas Vacation in the Dominican Republic
I believe she has her greencard which would open the US Virgin Islands for her. I have little experience there other than a few days in St Thomas a few years ago. Sitting here in Grenada which is one of the options they would have I would be hard pressed to recommend it as a choice. I think it depends a little on what is important to them. I think if they are looking primarily for a nice beach D.R. is excellent.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-13 10:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChristmas Vacation in the Dominican Republic
I was there for a short while quite a while back and it was sorta ok. My daughter and her husband went in the last year and were a little disappointed. I don't think they will be going back.

You both can go there with no visa requirements. The other options with no visa requirements are Jamaica, Grendada (where i am now) Barbados, (where I will be for 3 weeks starting Sunday) Costa Rica, of course some of the us places like St Thomas, St John or P.R.

Another option you might consider is I know of a small group of men with Russian wives doing a cruise to several islands starting Dec 28th. We would be on it if we had not gotten so tied up with the A/R but now I know the paperwork will not be far enough along.

I think if it were me I would also consider Barbados and Costa Rica as you decide. Visa's would not be a problem with each and you may find them more enjoyable.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-13 06:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruspacket 4 from moscow embassy
Yes, that is correct and it is just like pony express but with a horse that is dead.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-26 10:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAge difference survey
oh heck why not. I am 65 she is 27

I look bad on a good day and she looks good on a bad day.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-05-28 19:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussians in Louisville?
I think that is pretty normal for everyone from everywhere. Go to many places in the world and you will find ex-pat places for Americans who live there so we can do the same things.

I grew up in a very small town with a lot of imigrants from all over. In those days most spoke thier home language in thier houses. They had clubs for their own people. Sons of Italy for the Italians, Cro club for the Croations etc. People feel comfortable around thier own kind, they need a "fix" of talking thier own langugage. A part of our past always stays with us.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-11 06:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInternational Freight shipping services in Russia

Remember, she is still your fiancee, and you should be taking the entire 3 months to make sure, IMHO.

That is not true at all. They call it a fiancee visa not a "get to know her to decide if you might want to marry her" visa. You are supposed to be totally SURE before you do a K-1 visa. Read the govenment description of a K-1 and it is to give you time to plan and carry out your marriage.

As soon as my fiancee gets over the jet lag we start planning.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-13 19:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
Yea but they named a car after De Soto and guys are into classic cars. Maybe we should try Vaspuses (sp?) See if more guys or gals would kinow what they named after him!
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-10 14:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
There are a lot of very important steps you should be taking to protect yourself. I hope you got ahold of Maxx because he knows them all and can help you a lot.

I would suggest not contacting the USCIS. That would appear to your wife that you are trying to get her deported and may cause her to take more serious actions than she would otherwise. I have heard Maxx go over the steps for people many times. I know one is to never meet her alone in private without someone as a witness and to do the same on phone calls.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-05 08:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
James, RWG has gone way down hill since Spenser sold it. I was a little shocked at the value of a message board though. That one sold for 300 grand.

As far as the name check you have to remember you are dealing with the govt. I wish I could have had mine then instead of now. At least we would be together. This sucks.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-02 12:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
Slim, I have not heard of Russian Meeting house. I thought I new all the major forums

The one that I am hanging out most on is It is new but very active and growing like gang busters. It is a nice, helpful and intersting place.

The other that is excellent is It is also very active, very interesting, well run and good people. It is also my fiancees favorite forum but without intending to do anything wrong did get us both into hot water there and we are sort of in a punishment stage there. That should end soon. I believe my post count there is around 3000.

Two more that I don't like as well.

One is There is a ton of information there and it is well run but there are two many topics with too many stickies that make it hard to find new posts and I find it to be far less interesting.

The grandaddy of sites is It was acquired by a MOB agency last year and has been going downhill in a handbasket. Too many of the posts are people making fun of other people, people flaming at each other and people who really not giving good advice. I rarely go there anymore.

For women RussianWomenAbroad seems to be popular and if you want to turn your lady into a man hater there is always the russian woman site called The name says it all. It is sort of a Russian Womans version of the Klu Klux Klan.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-06-02 09:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
Sometimes the stories are far worse. Many times the man returns to find the house empty and the police there carting him off to jail.

Our DV laws are not very fair. American justice is supposed to be based on presumption of innocence until guilt is prove, with DV it is the other way and since the things supposidly went on behind closed doors it is hard to prove innocence.

Do talk to Maxx. There are steps you should be taking. If you have any problems finding him let me know and I will find him for you.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-05-31 07:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend

This is certainly sad to hear and makes you wonder sometimes what's going on in our mate's mind.
Time usually heals our wounds....then we can gather it all back together again and move on in life.


Well I am sorry to hear that but believe me I have heard worse stories. I will strongly urge you to do something. If you don't it could be a big mistake. There is a guy named Maxx who has been through the same and can give you some advice that may make a big difference. He is a really great guy and he works with men all over the country going through what you have just started with. Actually it would have been better sooner but better now than later.

The easist way I can tell you to reach him is to go to and register and pm him. Do it as soon as you can. Maxx is the guy. You may see a Maxxim there, that is not the right guy. Take my word for it and do it.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-05-30 18:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlanning my 3rd trip to Russia since January
QUOTE (Jason-Sasha @ Aug 26 2007, 09:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kotenochek @ Aug 23 2007, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Russian guest visa takes very long to arrange-about 2 months and then it costs bunch of money and efforts such as quing up for hours...

This is not true. I have never waited more than 2 weeks for my visitor visas to Russia. And never paid more than 160 dollars. I order mine online and simply send the passport to DC. I get it back ready to go within 2 weeks.

I do the same and have the same results. If I wanted to pay a little extra I could get 24 hour service (plus shipping time) I use but another good one is GoToRussia. Russia-visa is great on communicaton, has online tracking and when FedEx goofed up a visa for a friend at the last minute they busted their tail to make sure he had it in time.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-26 21:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlanning my 3rd trip to Russia since January
I don't think you need to worry about it. I was going every 5-6 weeks at one point in time. They won't think anything of it.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-07 07:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoving to Russia
Sorry to hear your life sucks. From the facts about your life you have given it sounds like it sucks without reason. You might want to think about getting on some medications that may really help you a lot.

Life can be very beautiful. Enjoy it while it lasts. It doesn't last as long as you think it will. Happiness is a state of mind. Success is a journey not a destination. How could anything in life be a destination. We all end up the same place.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-25 05:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoving to Russia
Wow, I think I will have to bookmark that post and read it every morning at the start of the day. Makes me real happy that I find my life happy and fulfilling and enjoy every minute of it. I do sort of remember feeling like that when I was married to my first wife though.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-24 05:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusleaving today
Well I wish you the best and hope that week everyone in the Embassy is in a kind romantic mood since my fiancee's interview is the day before yours.

I have to think how funny it is in a way that we all put so much work into this and worry ourselves silly for something that lasts a few minutes. We have a few gaps in ours that I wish we did not but I think we have more than enough evidence to show a serious relationship.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-31 06:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKharkov
Have you tried posting in the regional section that deals with Ukraine. Personally I think the Former FSU coutries would fit better with the Russia regional section but that is just my two cents worth.

If I knew more of why you were asking maybe I could help. I know a few women who were originally from Kharkov. Nice town by the way. I have been there and liked it.

There is another forum I could recommend who should also have a lot of wives from Kharkov. Try Someone there could likely help you.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-09-05 18:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFOOD!!!
Well down here in the Caribbean I am getting to experince my first taste of eating together that is not in a restuarant. We are doing ok and I will survive.

My fiancee's breakfast is usually a sandwich made with bread, a banana and a yogert topping. Today i had hot dogs for breakfast, yesterday was ham sandwiches.

She is a Mango eating machine and probably eats a bucket of Mango's a day. The rest of her diet is either rice. (we have bought 12 pounds of rice in the month we have been here.) oreos or M&M's

She complains anytime I want a coke so I have had about 3 here that she knows about and two more that I did when she wasn't around. I am more a burger, pizza coke guy.

Anyone up for a banana and yougurt sandwich?
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-26 08:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWedding Invitations
I would be a little surprised if European Connectons or GoToRussia can help you much. The Stekels, (European Connections) have a 20 million dollar family business and the most they can do is refer you to an immigration attorney. I know Kyle Stekel moderatly. GoToRussia is a great company for visas and travel help but that too is out of their field of expertise.

It all boils down to you either forget it or they pay the hundred bucks each and take their chances. If they don't have really strong ties to Russia it is probably not worth the gamble.

Darn, you know that would be a pretty good business. The visa's I mean. They just sit there, collect $ 100 ask a few questions and say no. Most businesses have to provide something for the fees they collect.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-31 23:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAlla accepts proposal for marriage
I would guess that Vermont will be processing a lot slower now that they are doing a much bigger area. I have not heard anything for sure but it just seems logical.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-09-05 23:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAlla accepts proposal for marriage
Congratulations. It seems like yesterday I was there myself (getting engaged not Rostov but I have been there too). It will seem like the wait for the K-1 lasts forever but really it goes pretty fast. Good luck.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-09-05 18:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-134 question
There is a very excellent book on the subject by the name of "Write your own Pre Nup" I would not suggest writing your own, nor does the author in reality but if you read it you will know more about Pre Nups and Post Nups than the lawyer who does write yours. The book is excellent. It is available on Amazon.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-28 12:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-134 question
A Post Nup is every bit as good as a pre-nup and some assets such as retirement funds can only be covered by a post nup rather than a pre nup or so I have heard. A post nup would also take the pressure arguement out of the equation (by that I would mean the spouse trying to claim she signed under duress with the threat of sign or I won't marry you and you have to go back.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-27 17:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-134 question
We are doing a pre-nup. We both want it.

A pre-nup is not necessarly something designed to make sure if the marrige doesn't work you are protected and she gets the shaft. A prenup that gives her a plane ticket to Russia and the first months rent on an apartment is likely not going to stand up in court. Nor is one done under duress such as sign the prenup or we won't get married and I will pack you back home. She also needs to be fully aware of her options and she has to have her own lawyer. It really should be a lawyer fluent in Russian or second best a competent translater even if her Engish is not too bad.

In our case I have a business and both my kids work in the business. My biggest concern is protecting the business even though I have a lot of faith in my fiancee and her intentions. In her case she left a good job and will be leaving a nice life as well as her family and she feels safer knowing that if things don't work out that she will have enough reserves to get a start on her life or to get her life back together if she would choose to go back. My intention is to do one that protects my business while it is very fair to her.

Naturally if you are 24 years old and have no assets it is not an important thing. If you have a business or a fair amount of assets then it is a good idea. I know one guy who married a Ukrainian gal, stayed married for about a year and the divorce about ruined him financially. A lot of it was not that she got that much but the legal fees of the divorce probably totaled well over 50 grand including $ 10,000 arguing about who owned a $ 7.00 snow shovel.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-26 15:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-134 question
I think the official wording is that it "may be required". Most do send it along but I don't think they pay a lot of attention to it. I was always under the impression that it needed to be notarized but someone said the Moscow web site says it does not. I have mine sitting here ready to fill out in the next day or two but have not had time to visit the Embassy website to see what it says. For a few bucks I will likely get it notarized anyway. Yes, she just takes it to the interview with the rest of the stuff.

No, nothing else needs to be notarized but they do ask for originals of your birth certificate and any divorce decrees to be available at the interview but usually they don't ask to see them.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-23 21:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-134 question
The letter from the bank should include how long you have banked there. Total deposits for the past 12 months, Average and current balance. Going from memory that should cover it. There are some guidelines here about the bank letter posted somewhere.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-16 12:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-134 question
My memory of reading the requirements were that it was one year if you were an employee and three if you were self employed. I looked very hard at that on my first go round since I am sort of between the two. I am legally an employee but own the company I work for which unofficially makes me self employed. I went with one year by the way. You should have at least your last three pay stubs as well.

Ryan, your guess of Sept 17th sounds about right. We too are doing some guessing and it sounds like you are looking at the same time lines.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-13 08:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical in Moscow - Blood test.....empty stomach?
QUOTE (slim @ Aug 30 2007, 09:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Americans are already fat enough, I'm pretty sure importing any new genes will help, not hurt our gene pool.

Walk around any American city and look at the women and than walk around a Russian city and look at the women and you might think those genes are pretty desirable. Not a bad view either.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-30 20:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical in Moscow - Blood test.....empty stomach?
I have never heard of them reqesting the ladies to fast.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-08-27 16:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmoney transfer to Russia?
If it is going to be a regular thing a debit card with citibank might be the best way to go. If it is one or two times emoneygram is probably about 1/3 the cost of Western Union and maybe even less than that. Once i started using eMoneygram I would never go back to WU
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-09-09 14:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMore Interview Evidence questions
QUOTE (semga @ Sep 9 2007, 01:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Turboguy @ Sep 8 2007, 01:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For this one our interview is next Tuesday...

Good luck to you both!
... my wife just asked what I am doing. I said I am reading posts from the guy who wished us good luck in April. She remembers her experience and wishes everything is all right for you both!

Reading the story of your interview does not fill me with confidence. Of course when things go smooth you expect them to continue that way and when they don't you don't have the optimism you might otherwise. In our case we should have had our interview about when your wife did, maybe even a few days before since NVC received our file a week ahead of yours. I think we are both braced for anything. I will almost be surprised if I get the SMS message I am expecting in a little less than 36 hours and it says the interview went well and we got the visa.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-09-09 14:23:00