Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Hotel(s)

Congratulations on being approved for the K-1.  That is great news and thanks for the update about the apartment.

TurboguyMaleRussia2014-03-21 12:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Hotel(s)

Yes, I stayed at the Rossiya as well for about the same price.  My room at the most beautiful view of the Kremlin and Red Square.  I liked that hotel and was sad to see it close.

TurboguyMaleRussia2014-02-13 21:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Hotel(s)


I also stayed there before the renovation.  It is now the Radisson Royal Hotel.

I hope they did a great job on the renovation.  I think I paid around 80 bucks to stay there.  Now that it is the Radisson they want $ 438.00 per night.  

TurboguyMaleRussia2014-02-13 12:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Hotel(s)

I have stayed at the Cosmos probably 6-8 times for a total of 6-8 weeks worth of nights.  I is my favorite but is far from the Embassy.  Of course the metro is right across the street and it is easy to get anywhere.  The other hotel I stayed at a lot seems to be gone.  That was the Ukraina which was within walking distance of the Embassy.  If I do a search for Moscow hotels it no longer shows up.   The Cosmos seems to run about $ 115.00 a night.


An apartment might be a good choice.  Moscow Rick has a good reputation but I have never used him.  

TurboguyMaleRussia2014-02-10 12:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed Advice - Fiancee in Crimea

I was always under the impression that you could request an interview at any embassy that you want as long as they do that kind of interview.  Am I wrong about this? As an example my son married a gal from the Philippines who is working in Hong Kong.  They are requesting the interview in Hong Kong.  I think she could request the interview to be in Moscow even though her citizenship is Ukrainian.  If the situation resolves itself and Kiev is the better choice she could ask to have it there.  

TurboguyMaleRussia2014-03-21 12:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat did you do while waiting during visa process

Hi Moose,


We did a K-1 so the process was different and had some problems with spending about 4-5 months in A/R so ours took quite a while.  I never went back to Barnaul to see her but we spent a lot of time together while we waited for our visa.  I didn't see much sense to go to Barnaul in the Winter and so we spent time in Egypt (not so sure I would go there now) and Thailand.  Then when we were in A/R and it looked like we might get stuck there forever (I talked to people who spent years (up to 7 years) in A/R we started to look at alternate places to live if we didn't get a visa.  We went to Sochi as one possibility (didn't like it that well) and then spend the summer together in Grenada and Barbados.  If we would have had to pick a place to live it would have been Grenada.  Toward the end of our stay in Grenada we came out of A/R.  Three months later she arrived here and that was 6 1/2 years ago.  


My suggestion would be to either visit as much as you can (understanding constraints of time and money) or to go someplace you can be together such as the Caribbean or Thailand.

TurboguyMaleRussia2014-03-20 09:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBringing Belarus Mother inlaw to US for a visit?

My MIL is from Russia not Belarus but we have brought her here a few times with little difficulty.   Most of the application process can be done online and then they set up an interview and that is pretty much it.  I am sure this isn't of much help but the process is pretty straight forward and once you get the first visa you can get future ones without an interview.

Edited by Turboguy, 20 March 2014 - 09:27 AM.

TurboguyMaleRussia2014-03-20 09:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTravel to Russia: Green Card, Russian passport or some combination

I would disagree with your statement that the TSA wants the ticket in the same name as the green card.  They don't.  If she has her ticket in her maiden name and shows her ticket and passport she won't have a bit of problem.   She will use her green card when she reenters the USA.


We have been married for 6 1/2 years.  My wife is in Russia right now visiting her family.  This is her third trip back.  The only time we have had a problem with airlines was the one time we booked the ticket in her married name.  They would not let her board but did change the name of the ticket to her maiden name so we could make the trip.  That one was to Aruba.


Book the ticket in the name that matches the passport.  Take a copy of the marriage license just to be safe.  We have always taken it but never needed it.  The only place she will use her married name is coming through customs on the way back with the green card.  The will understand and see this all the time. Don't worry about this problem.  It won't be a problem.  


My wife has her application in for citizenship so traveling should be easier soon. 

TurboguyMaleRussia2014-06-09 21:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

But you can search through a larger set and be more selective on a search engine than at a social.

I would say that is very true. Dating sites may have thousands or even tens of thousands of women to chose from where a social may have 50-300 women. I do think you can tell more about someone sitting face to face with the chance to spend more time with the ones you like so I can see some theoretical advantage to a tour. Plus you are there not sitting on a computer thousands of miles away. Of course for most of us here it is not important since most all of us have found our wifes or fiancees.

Although there are some "theoretical" advantages I have always recommended people to avoid the big agency tours. There is one good tour which is Jack Braggs First Dream tour, the rest are a long shot.

For the record, I met my wife through Elena's Models which is a site that I think is quite good and have always recommended.
TurboguyMaleRussia2011-06-17 06:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

My understanding is that the women at the social are new to you, meaning you have never contacted them before.
And the man doesn't have a listing of the women who will be attending ahead of time to preselect and vise versa for the women.

Maybe I'm wrong but it just seems like speed dating and for a difference in cost of $1,999, one can do that with modern search functions on websites.

When I did my tours I felt one of the advantages was that you could meet people who you had never contacted and many who were just coming there to sign up to be in the catalog. I have never tried speed dating but from what I have seen on TV it would be similar. The differences that I could think of is that in speed dating I think you usually go from table to table and meet everyone and make a list of those who interested you which is matched to the list she makes of the guys she finds interesting. Basically at the socials you could just pick the one you wanted to take to dinner. The only way they refused is if one of the other guys asked her first. The other difference is that in most tours you sort of pick out the ones you feel you would like to talk to, invite them to your table and chat for 15 mintues then move on to the next woman you want to talk to.

To me the search function on a website is not quite as helpful as sitting fact to face with a woman for 15 minutes.
TurboguyMaleRussia2011-06-16 19:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)
HappyGuy, I am glad to hear you had good results with your European Connections tour. I did three EC tours but really had bad results and I still have a number of friends from my three tours all of whom had bad results. So, I know the Steckel's (Kyle in particular) and to be honest I did enjoy the tours and they were well done. I did my first in Oct 2001, Kiev and Moscow then did a couple more over the next two years. I came to the conclusion that the lady I met on the first tour was a serial fiancee who had a number of guys thinking they would marry her and who were sending her money for English Lessons ect. On my second tour I met a lady from St. Petersburg who seemed really great and in my follow up visit to her spend $ 3000 on the ground not including hotel about half of which probably ended up in her pocket. She was a total scammer. My third and last tour on the follow up visit the gal had me shopping for $ 400.00 boots within an hour of meeting. I didn't by the boots and canceled my plans to spend more days with her.

European Connections was a 25 million dollar business and they have since sold their business to an outfit in Canada. I do think IMBRA was a big part of the reason.

I thought the problem with EC's tours was that a lot of the guys had little experience with RW and they would advertise for women in the newspapers and even had signs out on the street urging women to attend. I am sure many scammers realize that the guys attending don't have a lot of experience with RW (you can call it being a sucker if you want) and that a pretty woman will get them to open their hearts and their wallets.

I did one tour after with an outfit called first dream and that was quite good and they don't let women in off the street.

Of the guys I stayed in touch with most came home thinking they had found thier wife but none ended up having success. I do think back in the late 90's when women were more desperate to escape from the FSU most guys on the tours found a wife but most also got divorced not long after they arrived.

I did like the concept of where EC had their meetings much better than the nightclubs AFA had their tours in.
TurboguyMaleRussia2011-06-15 09:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

I think many of us have been speaking the truth for a long time. I haven't seen any of the experienced (ie., married for some time to a RUB woman) members ever say they are "Stepford wives" They aren't even for beginners! :lol:

It seems to be very simple. RUB women have to respect their husband and be comfortable with him and feel safe with him. Safe meaning that he makes for her a good home. He does things for her because he loves her and makes her his priority. THEN she will do anything she CAN do to make his life pleasureable, warm and cozy. But it is not free and it is not "one way" If you think you will marry one of these hot looking sex toys, get what you want whenever you want it and then leave her for your beer buddies or make her a "football widow"...forget it.

Nice post! I do think that a lot of the Russian Women dating sites and agencies tend to portray RW almost as real life Stepford wives who want nothing more than to be a 1950's style housewife, raise a family, dote over her husband and have sex every night until he drops. Submissive is one description that to me is the furtherist thing from the truth there is. RW tend to be very strong willed and as opposite from submissive as could be. To me they are really family oriented but the dream life for most is not sitting home playing Susie homemaker. I do think the agenices and web sites create some misconseptions in the way they portray RW.

Sometimes I stop in often and sometimes I miss for a while. I missed Eduards incarnation here. I know Eduard pretty well from some of the other forums I visit. He is a good guy and runs a great service but has gotten himself in trouble a few places for over promotion of his services. I see his stay here was short lived. To me he would be wasting his time here. It would sort of be like a Mormon missionary attending services at the Church of Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City looking for people to convert to the Mormon religion.

HappyGuy, your post about using a tour made me curious. I am wondering whose tour you went on to find your wife? My reason for asking is just I have seen so few have success with tours. I went on four tours myself. I will say I came back thinking I had found the right woman but all I ever really found was scammers. I have only seen one tour that I thought was good and would recommend and I am just curious which one you had good results with.

Edited by Turboguy, 11 June 2011 - 05:57 AM.

TurboguyMaleRussia2011-06-11 05:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Also tell your friend... Go live in another country for a year (not specifically Eastern Europe) - and experience another culture because I feel thats another flaw Americans have - feeling like America is the greatest place on earth... yet its the only place they have spent their time for the most part (you cannot include any 1 week or 2 week vacations to another country). Americans need to stop drinking the koolade.

/end rant

That is a really good point and I do agree that most American's have a very distorted view of what life is like in other parts of the world. Vacationing abroad can help but living abroad would really change someones perspecive of life in other countries. I do agree totally with what you said.
TurboguyMaleRussia2011-05-16 08:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

I summarize your statements above to be that it really doesn't matter how you first learn about a FSU woman but it is in the quality and content of the correspondence that gives both a fighting chance at really learning about each other and possibly having a lasting relationship.

It doesn't matter from which set of ladies you've selected from.......the key is in the correspondence.

Personally I don't agree with you on that statement. I searched longer and using more different ways than most and do belive what website, agency, system you use to meet someone can make a world of difference. Someone who uses Anasatisa or Hot Russian Brides is probably going to spend a ton of money correspoding with someone who is not even the person he thinks he is corresponding with and has a low chance of success. Someone who goes on an Anastasia tour is more likely to meet a scammer than a sincere woman. The same applies to a RW someone meets on

Someone using Elenas, or Mamba, or or MerryDating is more likely to be corresponding with a woman who is looking for a good man to marry and build a happy life with. Still you can meet a good woman using a scam site or just going as a tourist or through any method.

On age difference. I was accused once of being in every age gap thread on the internet so since it is being discussed here I will throw in my two cents worth. Most women, Russian or American don't have a lot of interest in a man 20-30-40 years older than they are. A guy chasing young tail is more likely to meet a woman wanting to empty his wallet than to build a happy life with him. There are however women who are attracted to older men or who will accept a large age gap.

When I was 45 I spent 3 1/2 years living with a very beautiful (but slightly crazy) american girl. The only guys I ever heard her say that attracted her were older than me. That is not how most women feel but there are exceptions.

With my marriage I have one of the bigger age gaps you will find. We have a 37 year age difference. It doesn't seem to bother my wife at all and we seem as happy as any two people could be. I am not sure why my wife was accepting of an age gap. I do know that she had a very long term relationship during her late teen years with a Russian guy her age who cheated on her left and right. Perhaps the stability of an older guy was part of the appeal. She had a fiancee before me from France who was also considerably older. Unfortunately he was killed in a car crash in the Alps. I was searching for someone a little older than her and she was searching for someone a little younger than I was but her profile really caught my eye.

As I already said, most women would not consider a big age gap but there are women attracted to older men. If someone is set on a much younger wife it is possible but you will have to hunt harder and longer and have a much higher risk of failure.
TurboguyMaleRussia2011-05-16 08:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)
First off I would disagree with the poster who says if you have to worry about what it is costing you then you shouldn't be doing it. I will agree if things like the cost of a plane ticket are going to bother you then yes, you have no business even thinking about it.

However, there are lots of sites such as HotRussianBrides, Anastasia and many more where you will pay $ 8.00 for each email sent and received and most likly are communicating with on office worker who pretends to be the lady you think you are writing since it is so lucrative.

The general rule I would give would be to never use a site where you pay by the letter.

If I had to pick one site to recommend it would be Elenas Models. I met my wife there and since I participate in 5 different forums about RW and have for 6 years I am comfortable in saying more men have met their wife through Elena's than any other single site. There are others that are fine., MerryDating, Mamba (free), (also free). There are other good ones as well.

Another option is to take a tour. Having done 4 tours there is only one worth the powder to blow them up and that is Jack Braggs, First Dream tours. Stay away from AFA and AWeb tours.

Of course there are guys who have met their wives in ways that may involve more luck than anything but the odds are probably not that great.
TurboguyMaleRussia2011-04-08 12:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDenied CR-1
To the best of my knowledge they never do an out and out denial. I think what she got was a 221-G which is technically an "Intent do Deny". They will furnish a reason for the intent to deny and you have 30 days to disprove the reason for denial. They will likely want more evidence that the marriage is bonifide and not an immigration scam. Usually a 221-G can be resolved. If you have not provided enough evidence in that 30 days the procedure was and probably still is that the application is returned to the USA and you can appeal it there but that is usually much more difficult. I think you will be ok so don't panic.
TurboguyMaleRussia2013-03-19 14:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYour experience in E. Europe or Russia

Well I have been to the FSU about 25 times starting around 1993 or 4 and with the last trip in 2006.  I have been to perhaps 20-30 different cities in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Azerbaijan.  All of the trips were great.  I will agree with the others that Sochi is beautiful with great weather.  St Petersburg during the white nights was also cool. For a tourist St Petersburg is hard to beat.  In my early trips it was interesting to see how fast life in Russia changed.  I have also been to a lot of countries in the rest of Europe, England, France, Spain, Italy, Monaco, Belgium, Holland, Germany and a few other places such as Thailand, Japan, Egypt and more.  

TurboguyMaleRussia2014-09-02 13:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Terrific job Awsome.

I thnk expanding the part about DHL service might be good. Addresses for both with a notation the one office is downstairs in the building next to the embassy but the other is where you need to have the visa held.

Maybe something about jfk and the temproary AOS.

I think I had one more but my fiancee came out of the shower and started kissing me and turned my brain to mush. Maybe as I think more about it. Still great job.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-07-27 06:01:00
Asia: East and PacificHelp...we got blue slip!
I think you should respond with whatever you can. If you do nothing the file may just sit there for the alloted 60 days and then go back to NVC and you are toasted at that point.

Do you have any additional photos you have not submitted. Try to think of anything you can add. Resubmit what you did previously and everything else you can think of. Letters from friends, family etc. I had the same thing happen but we were together when we got the blue slip. We took photos for the next few days. I sent 40 photos of us together, more messages, the few phone bills we had and all I could think of. a week later we had the visa.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-01 10:49:00
Asia: East and PacificHelp...we got blue slip!
I am sorry to hear about that. I went through a 221-G with my first fiancee so I can empatize with the feeling.

If they gave you the blue slip, the 221-G then they did not deny you for fraud. Usually with a 221-G they do one of two things. Ask for more information about something they want more proof on or tell you it is going to go through Administrative Processing which is basically a check of names for terrorist or criminal activity (or visa fraud). What was noted on the blue slip?

If they kept the passport and gave you a blue slip then it really is not that bad of a sign. I think in reality you are running into the same thing I am but at a different point. It is the second visa for different people for both me and my fiancee and we are in A/P at the NVC level.

I wish you the best of luck. Tell us more about what was checked on the blue slip and we might be able to tell you more.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-01 00:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC
You can also call. 603-334-0700, Press 1 for English and 5 to speak to a rep. You will need the WSCIS case number and benificiary name and DOB 7:30 AM to Midnight.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-03-20 22:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)For those whose case are under administrative review at NVC

Just called again 5 mins ago. The NVC told me that the security check has been cleared today and the case will be on its way out this or next week! Hopefully that means something good..

Congratulations. That is great. I think if I ever call and they tell me that it will be a toss up between me screaming so loud from happiness that I take his eardrums out and just passing out cold from the shock of it.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-25 11:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)For those whose case are under administrative review at NVC

We have been in administrative review for almost two years now and the entire process has been about 4 years.

Darn wynn you really know how to start a guys day off in the dumps. That is horrible that you have had such a long, long delay. I can't say I agree that even doing a search there is much info here on A/R. I do appreciate all I can learn and there is some info and it more or less echos what has been said here.

Russia and the Muslim countries seem to get targeted more with A/R. When it goes on extreamly long there is a court action you can take to force a decision. It does need to be years and it seems to me that Wynn might be reaching that point.

It would be nice if there were some timelines here for A/R and A/P at both NVC and the Embassy level so those of us who fall into this big black hole would have some idea what we were facing but it seems that there are not enough of us to have much influcnce or hope of even that happening.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-25 06:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What does the NVC actually do?

How long does the NVC sit on things lately? Got my NOA2 on March 13th and nothing since. Normal?

Mike W

No, it is not normal. NVC can turn it around as quickly as 2 days and is rarely more than 2 weeks. Sometimes they have processed it but miss sending you the letter. Hopefully that is the situation in your case.

I will disagree with some of the posters there about not making decisions. They do a name check and you can get tagged there for Administrative Review which is one of the worst nightmares in the Visa process.

The odds are about 80% that the packet is on the way to the embassy and they just did not notify you. Call them at 603-334-0700. Press 1 for English and 5 to speak to a real live person. Hours are 7:am - midnight and you are better off calling very early or very late and not on a Monday. (I tried from 10-midnight on Monday and could not get through. You will need your receipt number the name of your fiancee and her birthdate.

Good luck
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-04-25 07:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Still waiting for an answer from NVC
I have seen a couple come out. One at about 9 months and another a one year and 2 months. I have seen another still in at a little over two years but he says there is now some movement in his case.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-05-22 07:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Still waiting for an answer from NVC
It almost seems like someone had a hair up their whatever about the third week in January. So many of us seem to have originated then.

I agree with bin, talk to your congressman. It won't help but it never hurts to try. A lawyer can't help either. There are 138,000 people in A/R. 68% are still there after 3 months. 35% are still there after a year. That is from the Govt website. I have a feeling IMBRA has created such a stack of these things that they are totally buried in cases to process. Perhaps when the new drastically higher fees go into effect it will give them some funding to do this faster.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-05-22 07:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview Documents
Yes, or you can take them to the gate at certain designated times. The info is on the website or the form itself. I forget which but it if happens you will be able to find out what to do. I think you will be ok.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-10-09 12:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview Documents
She is supposed to have an origional copy of your birth certificate and divorce decrees with her at the interview as well as hers. Most of the time they don't ask to see yours but they do have the right and have asked to have it there. If she does not have it and they ask at worst you will get a 221-G and have to supply it. Of course if it came to that you would probably never get it back but that is not a big deal.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-10-08 23:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusApostil for documents??
I have a feeling that the answer to this is both yes and no.

I think they do need to have apostil, but I would be they come that way automatically if they are originals as required.

If I think about the stamp on my divorce decree, it says "certified to be a true copy" If I think about my birth certificate it has a seal and would be certified by the court. I would bet the Russian equivilents are the same way. I recall some sort of seal on my fiancees BC.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-10-09 12:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHotels in Moscow
With my first fiancee we stayed at the Ukraina. The last time I was there it was $ 138 a night but winter may be cheaper. It is a short walk to the embassy, cross the bridge, go one more block, turn right and the embassy is on the left. I would say a 10-12 mintue walk.

There is an apartment a friend manages that is two - three blocks from two metro stations, near stores and restaurants, very close to MOM for a medical and in the same general part of town as the embassy. ( I think one metro stop). It is first floor and very secure and a decent apartment. My fiancee stayed there for her interview. It is $ 100.00 a night If it is of any interest I can send you the contact info. I have no concection with it.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-10-10 18:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSetting up the household before she arrives
Well, let's see we are in day 3 assuming she wakes up after 12 hours in bed and has not contracted sleeping sickness. She did move about 4 hours ago so I do know she is alive. Of course in trying to keep her company I am normally a 5-6 hours sleeper but managed over 11 myself.

I can't say anthing much different than anyone else would say. You already can't reconginze my house and I think she has barely started. I am probably lucky that she was here on a K-1 once before so she had a better idea what to expect. She has probably been a little less into cooking than some so we are splitting those duties. Having survived a long time as a batchlor I can survive on my own cooking but pizza and burgers are not quite her thing.

Today I will go to work for a few hours so it will be our first time apart. She should be fine. I had sort of planned some heavy duty shopping for clothes for her over the weekend but we were too busy on the house so my budget is still intact.

I could probably get her to post some of her impressions but again she has been here before so may have known more what to expect.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-10-15 07:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSetting up the household before she arrives
Well, I am a day and a half into this and it has been interesting and great actually. Funny how much you can clean and how much you will miss. I envy guys with an efficiency apartment.

First thing when she walked through the door was to ask me (ask???) to get rid of the Russian stuff I had, Stacking dolls, etc) All in all it has been great. People at JFK were rude but the lady customer at the yogurt counter in WalMart ballanced that off with striking up a conversation with her and telling her the weight watcher's yogurt was the best thing ever and just being very friendly. It left a good impresision of America with her.

Today we are off to the outlet malls.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-10-14 07:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSetting up the household before she arrives
A lot of areas have free ESL classes in the hopes of making them more productive, able to hold a job and than of course pay taxes. Here it is the branch of Penn State University. Free is not deductable on your income tax but still a good deal.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-10-08 11:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSetting up the household before she arrives
I have to agree the pink razor could do more harm than good.

If she brings her own hair drier or curling iron you will need to rewire your house for 220 and Russian plugs so it would be easier to just have one waiting for her. I would suggest leaving it in the box and getting a good quality one.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-10-08 08:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSetting up the household before she arrives
She will like that John. My fiancee specifically asked for one. I thought about just running the garden hose in through the window but since I had one of those laying around I just installed it a few weeks ago.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-10-07 20:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSetting up the household before she arrives
I am busy right now getting my place ready but my fiancee is not the typical homemaker type. I have to say if she walked in now she might go home since I have things all torn up putting some finishing touches on a kitchen remodel. I would be surprised if my gal spends the first week cleaning and redecorating. She is not much on cooking either. Still I will sweep most of the dirt under the carpet before she arrives.

She is a little different in a lot of ways. She doesn't like Russian food and likes ice cubes which I guess is not normal. She will be happy to have some AM-RW couples as friends but has no interest in looking up what little we have of RW living here.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-10-04 19:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 approved!
Congratulations Blues, That is wonderful and a big step forward in the happy life you hope to find together. The wait will be worth it. Your guy is lucky and I think you do have a very good guy who will make you happy.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-10-28 08:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK1 interview - what language?
If she can do it in English it will be a big plus for her. When they are told the couple communicates in Russian they look at it about like an offer to sell the Brooklyn Bridge.

They do give them a choice in language. My first fiancee was told that she could do the interview in English or Russian but if she picked Russian she would not get the Visa. In theory they are not supposed to require English though.

I would say for you to tell her to use English without a doubt.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-10-30 21:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat Are Your Experiences With Language Issues
QUOTE (Satellite @ Sep 6 2007, 11:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Turboguy @ Sep 6 2007, 06:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
From what I have heard about 5% of the women who look for a foreign husband ever find one.
And I was the reason my wife is in that 5%. LOL, keeping the self esteem up?! I'd love to see some data on it. But I guess it makes sense. Not every person on the on-line catalog will find themselves a husband. But what is the rate in reverse? What percentage of American men succeed in finding a foreign bride? 95%?

I would be willing to bet it is not more than 15%. I have heard that 90% of the guys who write women from overseas never make a trip to meet any. I think those armchair romantics believe some day they will go or hope to find a real life equivilent of the scammers on who write and say they have a visa and want to visit for the summer. Real girls who have a tourist visa or work visa to America are pretty rare. I have met a lot of guys looking for a wife from Russia. Many have had no luck. Some just have unrealistic expectations. Maybe a dumpy average guy looking for a beauty queen 40 years younger. Maybe someone who thinks his money is going to get him a woman that would not spit on him here. Maybe someone can't afford or can't get the vacation time to persue a woman properly. It is hard to find the right woman if you have two weeks a year to work with.

For me I think I have always been drawn to somene with an accent and a differnt culture. Hearing a woman speak with an accent was like a big magnet for my attention. I have dated women from all over the world as well as a lot of American woman. When I think back to the ones that might have been worth being "keepers" only one was American.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-09-08 08:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat Are Your Experiences With Language Issues
From what I have heard about 5% of the women who look for a foreign husband ever find one. I am sure some who really want a better life may have to get a little desperate in thier choices. I am sure if they felt they were acting out of desperation they might not stay any longer than they have to.

I think a lot of the reality of it is if they get here and have a nice life and a man that treats them well they are likely to stay. If they get here and have a life that is worse than they expected or they think they can have a better life with someone else or no one else they won't stay two seconds longer than they need to for the green card and may go sooner.
TurboguyMaleRussia2007-09-06 20:08:00