K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Smiling. Thanks Maggie. I have to get him here asap before someone steal my prince charming. :devil:
Hey where's Kayla? Probably bought all the ice in Kentucky and had to go to Viginia for more :rofl:

hahahahhahaha, good one Krystle lol
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-19 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
yay jenn you made it! :thumbs:

Have sooooooo much fun!!! ;) I am getting excited and nervous for you as the day approaches.

Krystle, YES! I am so glad he's entering as soon as he gets the visa. /jealous !! and so veryvery happy for you!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-19 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Thank you Ney! We are all here for you too and I will be anxiously awaiting your post on Sunday.

I leave for the airport in one hour.. so, why am I screwing around on VJ? AAAWWWWE.... because I love you guys and wanted to say good bye :)

Have an amazing time Jenn!!!! BEST OF LUCK AND WISHES !!!! :thumbs: :dance: I hate flying so I do not envy your flight time lol!

so regarding that other thing, I am paying 475$ today. woo..
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-18 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

As you can see I put my interview on 25 because I am not sure that the documents David sent to me will be here on time. So, the lady ask me if I want to come on 23 and I said that 25 would be better.
You are before me!!! :star:
She is great!!! What to say!!! :goofy: :dancing:

Okay I am back from the funeral. Just got in last night. Sorry for the absence!

Jenn - you leave tomorrow!! Try not to be too nervous about the interview. I am putting all my hope and wishes with you! Enjoy the time there and the time with your mom!

AandD - Congrats!!!!!!! So happy for your interview date, best of luck!!!

Kayla - How was the time with Mathew?? Is he still there? I hope you enjoyed it!!!

Krystle - I just got done ordering my police certificate this morning, and the lady today me 7-10 business days and it was $30. I spoke with a friend of mine who works on the inside, and she said that the 120 days might be in reference to the online process they just started. So heres hoping!!!

I had one girl take a form for the apartment already... so hopefully she'll come back with it, she seemed very interested.

I did however, get issued a letter February 8th saying my 90$ cheque for the outstanding parking tickets bounced (thats because they lost it for awhile..then tried to cash it after I had done my xmas shopping). Anyway.. she said they may issue me a warrant.. I tried calling her to pay it and got no answer... came home to a letter dated February 14th (4 days after the first one) saying I am in collections for it and owe 420$ now.

hiccup..hiccup.. hiccup. Get one thing straight and another pops up.. lmao I am going to lose my mind.

But seriously, how can she write me a letter saying to pay the 90$ and then put me in collections 4 days later... I mean, that wasn't even enough time to receive the letter to know it bounced and to send it in...and it took 2 months for them to write that letter from the time they tried to cash it.. so.. frustrated.

I can't wait until this process is over...really. lol
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-17 09:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I think Maggie and Mathew win on the interview game. Although Maggie got first place! :P


I have to head to cape breton tomorrow for my uncles funeral. I'll be gone for a few days.

I do hope everyone has a magical Valentines day...and Im glad Mathew surprised you and showed up early Kayla!

(L) (L) (L) (L) (L)

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone..

Or as it is called in Turkey.. Sevgililer gunu :)

To those of you who get to spend today with your darlings.. LUCKY YOU! For those of us who got to wake up with phone calls wishing us a Happy Valentine's day.. well.. WE GET TO LOOK FORWARD TO NEXT YEAR :)

I sent the cutest little thing for Valentine's day.. but.. I think someone in customs is enjoying it :(

I sent Fuat's gift on the same day I sent a birthday gift for his 7 year old sister. Mailed same day, but in separate packages. Knowing how long it takes the mail to get there, and knowing they do not have mail delivery on Saturday and Sunday, I sent them with the plan that they would both get there on Friday.

Nuray's package got there on Tuesday ( earlier than I thought it would).. but Fuat's package has not arrived yet.

I thought it might take a little longer to get through customs, since it was food ( chocolates), but it should not have been delayed much more than Nuray's, and chocolate is not one of the "forbidden" things to send in the mail, so I have a feeling someone in Turkey is enjoying it.

I sent one of those annoying cards that plays a song when you open it... I really don't like those, but it played his favorite Elvis song, so just had to do it :)

And I had those personalized M & M's made. They have our picture ( the one from my profile) on them.. and then there were some that had writing on them that said:

You are my heart ( his name means heart :) )

Fuatim Benim ( means my Fuat)


Your Jenny

WHOEVER IS EATING THEM... I hope you enjoy them

Maybe they will come soon.. but I have a feeling they will "disappear" like the package I sent one of his sister's last March.

When I had them made, I had an extra gift bag of them made so that I would have one too.. but one day, I was really craving chocolate.. sooooooo... I ate them :) DARN!

I did keep one of each.. just to have them. You would be surprised how long M &M's will last. I once had a boy mail me a green M & M in a "love letter" ( yeah.. love letters from young boys are so cute). I still have it.. that green M & M lasted 20 years before it turned grey and started to crumble.

Well, at least I kept one of each.. and I will take them with me next week, so that if the package doesn't come I can at least show them to him. I hope I can keep them from cracking or breaking before I get there. Maybe I will put them in a little bag and hold them in my hand the entire time on the plane, so that nothing happens :)

OK.. WHOEVER YOU ARE STOP EATING MY CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. and I hope you have a nice Sevgililer gunu.. and that you feel guilty and think of those people you are looking at on the M &M's with every bite.

I hope no one at customs is enjoying it and it's just delayed :(... but it's the thought that counts!! You are so sweet.. I hope he gets it though.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-14 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I'm in Montreal.

this is one of the firms I was referred to at the police station. I couldnt get a hold of them in Montreal, so I called a different one.

Oh wow, and this is accepted by Montreal Embassy?!? Awesome... I'm going to get a hold of them then and see about getting it done...THANK YOU SO MUCH KIZZA
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-12 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Hey there!

I dont know where you are in Canada, but I'm going on Monday to get my police cert and I was told I would get it in the mail in 7 to 10 days. There are several private firms offering it for around 50$.

... and congrats to all of you who are approved!
great news!! :dance:

Where in Canada are you! I'm in Nova Scotia..maybe when I go in Monday I'll ask them about the private firms and would it be the same.. thank you
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-12 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I just talked to her and they were APPROVED!!!

CONGRATS KRYSTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE MUST BE SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :thumbs:

YAY!!!!! I knew they would be!!! way to go!!!!


Kayla LMAO!! Hell yeah, what server, I'm glad you got it !!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-12 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I understand your concern with MENA countries, they are historically difficult. But to give you all some hope, my VJ friend went through Morocco at the end of January, a country known for automatic administrative review, and they received approval the same day of interview and a visa in hand one week later. I fully expected to be consoling her after the interview but it happened for them, and it WILL happen for Ney and Jenn.. :thumbs:

I can only imagine just how much more difficult it is for Ney and Jenn..and I try to remember that everytime I hit a hiccup.. I wish the best for you both! It definitely will work out. <hugs>
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-12 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers


:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Rockettes Valentine Day's special :blush:

Thanks, I've been calling in favors and I go in Monday to apply and see if I can expedite it by paying extra...heres hoping.

Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-12 08:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Gaynto, glad to see you back! Congrats on getting to move on with the wedding.

Umm, that is not as cute Kayla, but it's not too bad looking really. :blink:

Maggie, I can feel your panic. My son sent the final package to his fiancee and she still has not gotten it (she leaves for Dubai next Wed)
Why was it sent later in the game? He was waiting on last years W-2 to come in. The package contains the w-2, letter from his employer, bank records, and paystubs.

Hopefully, it will all fall in place for you and they can get it your paper to you sooner than they think.

Thank you mom!! I hope she receives her package soon too!!!!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-11 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Okay, okay I need to vent, I am freaking out a little....

It's my own stupidity, because I assumed my police certificate expired within 3 months, and I was waiting to hear about an interview date.. so I put it off...

to find out now that I'm ready to get one (either Monday or so this week), that they are behind by 120 days of receipt interview is in 55 days...

I'm cutting everything so close, I can't afford to miss any documents before going to the interview... my..
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-11 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Ney, you are such a wonderful person and have been a support to all of us....don't forget Seb and a few of the other men in here :)

Jenn I read your post back there and I starting tearing up. :blush: This group is wonderful.. and I agree with everything you have said. We became our own little family through this process. Honestly, I think I would have lost my mind a few times if I wasn't able to have you all around supporting me.

THANKS EVERYONE! <hugs> We all need to get together after everything settles..and have a drink or..five.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-11 08:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

no...i have no idea what i'm going to do about the colors, i think i will most likely just use regular sand for both of us. since we'll be at the beach it will match. :) I know then you don't get the combining of colors in the final bottle, but for me still it's just the symbolic nature of the thing.

now, as far as colors in general...??? i don't have to pick much, just the color of the ties on my bamboo canopy and the color/type of my flowers...but i'm sort of up in the air about all of it...right now i'm leaning towards mango calla lillies for the bouquet (i thought maybe it would be simple and go well with the sun setting) and perhaps peach or mocha ties for the bamboo canopy (the canopy is ivory). oh and i have to decide whether to use bamboo chairs of the regular white chairs. though that's probably minor since there will only be 6 of them. :)

i know i know :blush: it's just really hard for me to read all the posts about smoking and not say something. but i promise that's it. :innocent:

Aww I don't mind honestly! It's nice that you care and wish to help people..keep on keep on woman =)
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-10 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I just ordered my cake topper, and 100 little cellophane bags for my favors. I'm going to put skittles and jellybeans in the bags, tie it with cute ribbon, and put stickers that have our name and wedding date on them. I found the bags for $9 on ebay and 100 of the stickers on there is $13. So I'm pretty excited about that.

Have you thought about what colors you want to use for your sand ceremony Karen?

My wedding favors are going to be 3 different sizes of heart shaped cookie cutters in a gift box with ribbon purple ribbon. lol. I figured since we're heart themed.. why not..they are cheap too.

And oh me oh my.. reformed smoker at their best!!!. lol jkjk paciencia y fe...

I know the best thing is to quit, and I know as soon as I get pregnant I will. (which will hopefully be this year ;)) and you better be there for the support...IM GONNA NEED IT LOL! but really good for you..quitting is hard..and I am glad you did it!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-10 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
thunder snow....

Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-10 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

YES! That's why they are going out like that. It drives me crazy.. and I still think part of the reason they did this is so we would have to buy MORE of them. Not all states are doing this yet.. but if yours are fire safe it will have FSC above the barcode on the package.

If there's a way to get them without the FSC then I want to know WHERE. Maggie, I have never tried to roll my own and would probably screw it up somehow. But.. if you roll your own do they have a filter? I tried non-filtered once and just can't smoke those.

Oh yes, they still have a filter...and filter size depends on the type of tubes you buy. It's just like a regular cig except that you stuffed or "injected" the tobacco in it yourself.

I no longer feel sick or like my lungs are full/sore...and I don't cough up grossness. I noticed that when I smoked regular cigs after a few I'd just feel gross... Rollies I could probably smoke the can and never feel like I shouldn't be smoking (which could be bad

I save a lot of money. Cig packs here range between 10-14$ for a pack (25 cigs in the pack). Pack would last me two days (more if I could restrain). I buy a can for 39$ and I have it for two weeks or longer (smoking the same amount)

Kenyth smokes Marlboro's..which I liked when I had them..but when he was here in Canada, he ended up rolling..and now he still rolls at home =)

Hmm.. you never know :) One of our parks is there.. Worlds of Fun. I may just have to ask if I can make a trip there for something.

I hope everyone has a good day today.. more snow for us. This is getting ridiculous

You have a good day today too!! ... No snowing here..the last very days were extremely cold though.. now it's warming up again. I love it!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-10 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Glad to hear she got there.. and I am sure she is enjoying herself.

Question... Does anyone else in this thread smoke? Perhaps I am the only one of us with that disgusting habit, but if not I am wondering if anyone else is seeing some of the side effects of these "new" fire safe cigarettes. I think only 20 states have them right now, but will soon be nation wide.

Smoking is bad enough.. what these cigarettes are doing is ridiculous. For a few weeks now I have been thinking something is really wrong with me. Have been putting off going to the doctor because there was NO WAY I was going to find out I had something serious that needed to be taken care of and was going to miss my trip next week. I had decided I would get myself to the doctor the minute I came back, but wasn't going now unless I had to be taken there in an ambulance. Now.. I find out about these new "fire safe" cigarettes ( made with carpet glue) and the side effects.. and it's everything that I have had going on. Now really, I should have quit ( for the second time) before this.. but this is enough to make me quit.

I smoke.. and so does Kenyth. He prefers the ones that aren't fire Safe. In Canada ours have been fire safe for awhile.. does that slow burning..puts itself out #######.. but i don't think it indicates it on the box like your guys does now.. However..I don't smoke premades. I roll my own..less chemicals..less cost..and no fire safe on the tubes.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-09 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Everything about my wedding is detailed. It's not that I have a princess complex, it's that as much trouble as I've gone through to get this man I'm going to have everything that I want. So far our wedding is still under 10k, and we're going to keep it that way but you'd be surprised at how much detail and sparkly things I can squeeze in there. LOL, maybe I really SHOULD be a wedding planner. I could cut wedding costs in half. :)

I'd hire you!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-09 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
NEY is the mama!

Kayla, I am loving your flutes and the pearl bouquet clasp. Also, you should be a stylist coordinator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those dresses are beautiful and suiting!!!

Goodmorning everyone.
I know I should be happy but I feel Ugh...
Tired, hungry and frustrated!
Took 2 hours just to check in, damn Jetblue & their "new SLOW system"
Have a great day everyone and I'll be sure to text Kayla when I land. DON'T talk up a storm w'out me ;-)

Have fun and best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbs: :dance: I'll be sitting on the edge of my seat for the 12th!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-09 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Oh you guys are so fantastic and helpful!

those dresses are BEAUTIFUL!!

I think I'm having trouble because I don't know my style or what my style should be ..other than train..and plain lmao
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-08 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I cannot for the life of me..find a wedding dress and tiara/veil. Everything for the wedding is picked out.. right down to the last detail.. except for my wedding dress. Sleeveless, with sweep or chapel train please.

Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-08 13:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Goodmorning VJ family, so so so happy! But then I gotta go to work :angry:
My boss got some darn nerve schdeluing me for a workshop from 845-1115 and then I have to go to work from 1130-530 (my regular work time). She's so mean coz there's a workshop that starts 1130-530 but she just don't want me to have a free daybut I'll be going in late since I don't have a car and I go by the bus, I can finish shopping :devil:

Have a great day everyone :star:

:dance: 3 days Til Our Interview :dance:

oh 3 days..3 days!!!

Kayla I saw your post and went and then quickly went to facebook to see the photos... OMG SHE'S PREGGO!!! yay!!! I am so happy for them =) :dance: :dance:
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-08 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I'm sure that everybody is going to have a great interview this month with no problems :) So much happening on here and working so much it's so hard to keep up to date. I just have enough time most times to just read what is going on and then off to bed lol. I learned something when working with one day off each month since September you really need to find the sleep or you are dead tired each day. Hopefully I can work something out with the company that I can start taking days off atleast one day a week when Joanna gets here. Good luck everybody.

Update on our end Joanna is flying into JFK on March 20th staying a week in New York then flying down here to Florida. So everything go moved up a week earlier :) I'm so happy can't wait. Also can't wait to take my vacation it starts Easter April 4th and I'm out of work for a week. Some of you people are really lucky to have really fexilbe jobs where you can take the vacations and time off so easily. I'm the boss so it's hard to get away lol.

Take care everyone have a good night and weekend. I stopped naming people now since a lot of things are happening I don't want to miss anyone out. So everyone have those good trips seeing you other and everyone good luck with your interviews this month know we are getting a few in a row there from all over the world :) Don't worry it's going to be a breeze with all the paper work we have :)

Just quickly looked at my reply and dang I use a lot of smiles haha

Oh yay!!!! A week earlier is fantastic =) You must be excited.. !!

(Singing) Goodmorning, goodmorning, goodmorning to youuu, our day is beginning, there's so much to dooo, Goodmorning, goodmorning, goodmorning to youuu!
I'm so happy! 1 more day and I'll be in la la land only waking up to eat & reach for the ice-pak. Kayla, 10 more days and you'll be there too.
Jenn: 15 more days til you and Fuat nail that interview!
Have a great day everyone!

I'm so jealous right now - Krystle, Jenn and Kayla! lol.. but I hope you guys have a fantastic time and everything goes smoothly for the interview Krystle!! :thumbs:
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-07 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Good to hear she got approved. I talked to her last month and she told me about some really horrible problems she had been having... aside from the co-sponsor problem they had. She said she was so depressed and stressed out that she thought it was better just to stay off the site for a while. I'm a little surprised she didn't at least come and say she was approved.. but who knows what outside circumstances might have been going on.

Look at Alex Barrow.. he was on here more than any of us at one point.. he's been approved for months, for all we know he's already married.. and he still has yet to come back and update his time line to show he got NOA2.

In his case I think it was that he just got busy and now he's moved on to other things.. but I think it might be a different situation with 4lovewelive.

Then again.. I could be wrong!

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH She was the co-sponsor issue one.. yesyes I remember now!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-06 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
whoa.. I missed a lot going on LOL.

It's good that she got approved... I don't recall her though :blush: .. but it is good to see they got approved. Two interviews coming up fast...KRYSTLE AND JENN ..getting excited I bet... and your both taking trips soon...Krystle in 2 days or so?...ENJOY IT!

Well surprisingly, I have had a few interests in the apartment already... so I might just be able to sublet this baby after all. Thanks to all your input and advice and letting me rant about it too!

And yes, it is great that everything with the church worked out...and I agree.. our group does have a lot of good vibes and luck!! Everything just seems to always work out for us all..(yay!) (hope that doesn't jinx anything)
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-06 14:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Maggie: told you things would work out! So what do you plan to do about the leave?? Great that you're getting your sunday wedding.
And yes, time DID fly by!!!

Kayla: you know time goes fast when you're "getting busy" that's why the ice-pak never fully freezes!!!
Good luck finding your flutes!

Karen: yup, 3 days!

I'm looking to get a sublet now, but either way I will just handle it as it happens and leaving no matter what ;P
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-05 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Today I am determined to find my toasting flutes for the wedding. Determined!!!!!!!!!

Of course, I probably wont find any that I like and will just be more frustrated than before, but darnit, I'm gonna try!

11 days until I see him. :luv:

What kind/style are you looking for?

What kind/style are you looking for?

thanks everyone =)
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-05 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

6 days until interview.........OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time did fly by!!!! Good luck!!!

OH YAY!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE CHAPLIN !!!!!!!!! She was able to pull some strings and we can get married on the sunday in the church!!!! oh yah! oh yah!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-05 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Goodmorning my VJ family, I'm a GREAT mood today, maybe because it's friday and my weekend will be spent preparing to leave...

*3 Days Til I See My Honey Bun, 6 Days Til Interview*

I can't believe how time flew by coz I thought it would never get to this point, literally. Don't laugh but for whatever reason I thought that after NOA2 that the case would be forwarded to my consulate and they'd schedule an interview to pick up the visa, really didn't know about this interview phase until someone on here actually went to their interview... I know, me and my silly thoughts!

6 days until interview.........OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time did fly by!!!! Good luck!!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-05 08:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Not sure about Canada, but here if you break your lease they can continue to charge you monthly rent but only until the rent it to someone else.. so if you leave and they rent it a month later, they can only charge you one month's rent. Of course, some places write other clauses into their lease, with big fines for doing this, so you essentially end up paying them more money than if you just paid the rest of the lease amount.

Did you sign a new lease for 2009? I have always had to sign something saying I am going month-to-month or sign renewing for a year. Do they have something with your signature that they can hold you too?

I don't think it will affect your AOS as I have met a few people who live here, but still own houses in their home country.

Today was a busy day for me. Trying to plan my mother's time in Turkey.. and the trip she and I will take to Greece after we leave Turkey. I'll be in Istanbul for 11 days, she'll join me on the 7th day there and we'll be there together for 5 days. Then we'll be in Athens for an overnight stay and Santorini for three days.. then back to Athens for a day and a half.. then she's fly home from Athens and I will go back to Turkey for two days.. then home ( hopefully going home to get the house ready for a new resident : ) )

I never realized there were so many combinations of ways to look for flights. Tried every possibility.. one way,round trip, multiple stops, some one way.. some round trip... My head is swimming, but I was able to find a good deal.

We'll fly from Istanbul to Athens, then Athens to Santorini, then Santorini to Athens.. and then I added Athens to Istanbul on to mine and got tickets for both of us for less than I usually pay just for one round trip ticket to Istanbul.

I should have been a travel agent :)

Oh great! Good to know and yes I looked it up - Apparently if I give my 3 months notice, they can't stop me from leaving, the most that would ever happen to me is ending up with bad credit , no charges or anything like that. They could keep my deposit too. It's company owned so it would most likely get rented (especially based on location). I am trying to hopefully I find someone. I really don't like having anything bad on my record. According to the tenancy board though - them not letting me out of my lease with 3 months notice is pretty much them being ...ahem..mean, because they could let me out if they wanted.

I signed my first lease in 2007 and then before that was up I talked to my landlord about going month to month (in fact hes the one that reminded me) and I could have swore I gave a letter or I was under the impression I was month to month. (as for previous buildings thats all I did..was give a letter before the end of the lease).. but they have no record of it. This lease apparently renews each year if they don't have a letter of change to month to month. As I said Ive lived in an apartment building before this.. 3 leases and always switched to month to month with a letter right after.. so I knew the procotol. Just seems odd that theres no record of me doing it.


The trip with your mom and to visit Fuat sounds amazing!! I hope you all have a great time.. especially you and your mom, it's nice to hear you guys have a trip for the two of you as well after visiting Fuat.

Edited by Maggie_Kenyth, 05 February 2010 - 08:02 AM.

Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-05 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Oh no :blush:

does anyone know if this will effect my aos or any other process if I still technically have residency in canada....

I've been looking into it and I guess legally they can't stop me from just leaving...and apparently by not letting me end it with 3 months notice is them just being mean about it because they could let me out early if they wanted to. I am trying to get a subleter now... but if I don't..I'm worried.

I don't even know how this is possible, I remember talking to my super about going month to month in 2008. gosh.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-04 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers


so im stuck in my lease ..
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-04 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

NVC has our application!!! :dance: :star: :dance:

I know you are in other clouds but...just to remind the rest of Septembers that we are moving...yesssssssss... :dance:

Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-04 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Congrats to Fuats sister!!!

Kjenkins, the wedding sounds great, I agree you should jump on it.

Maggie, no worries everything will fall in place for you too!

I have to admit you ladies crack me up with your icepacks. :P


We just finished all the wording last night for the invitations.. just waiting to see if we have to adjust date/time now..

I can't wait to print them
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-04 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

BOOO!! Maggie, did that take care of the hiccups?

Probably not.. I think it only works on people :)

Get them to show you a copy of the new lease, but also check to see if there is a relocation clause. I don't know if it will work for marriage, but I got out of a lease once because I was being relocated to a job that was more than 60 miles away from my apartment. There has to be a way around this.

You lucky people and tax time.. I usually get about $150 back from federal and that just about covers what I owe for state taxes. It's my own fault of course.. that's what I get for claiming 2 dependents on my tax forms ( My cat.. and my plants).. get more money now, but can't claim them when I actually file of course, so end up not getting much of a refund.. No problem. I would rather have more money now, in each check, than a big check later ( though that IS fun).

Fuat's sister has just announced that she's pregnant :):) YEAH! I'm so excited.. I just want to run out and buy tons of stuff for cute, little Turkish babies :) He's excited too, though I know him well enough to know that he wanted to be first ( he's older).. either way.. I get to go shopping for cute baby stuff!

LOL.... Thanks Jenn.. I hope it worked..I'll find out later today.

I'll look into the lease thing. Thank you!

Taxes..ugh.. I'm lucky if I get 200$.

Congrats to Fuat's sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooh, You're gonna be an auntie =) :dance: :dance:

I'm Ms. Do It Alot and proud of it!! I'll wear my ice packs with pride, cause that boy has got talent!!! ;)

Is my mind in the deep gutter or is that gutter intentional.......

LOL :blush: :whistle: :thumbs: :dance: :innocent:
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-04 08:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I just did!

Soooo... I just filed my taxes. I'm a very happy girl right now. I'm getting over 3k back this year. Whheeeee.

And it's 13 days until I see my honeybunnybabybunnybutt!!!

Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-03 13:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I had a very smooth sailing from petition to waiting for interview date... very smooth.

So I guess it's to be expected that the hiccups are coming now...............................

original wedding date the 24th - reception place was unavailable - changed to 25th (both April 24th and 25th are important days to rolled into the other and in the wee hours of the 25th, he told me he loved me for the very first time).

His step mother cannot change her vacation time.. so as of right now it works.

DJ is now unavailable for the 25th, he was available the 24th. DJ.

Chapel apparently does not perform weddings on sunday.. the ..25th. Chaplain is going to try pull strings for us...

Apparently.. when my year lease was up in nov. 2008, there is no documentation that I went month to month rental (but I know I did!)... gave my notice yesterday to be told... that it'll be sent in but I am in a year lease until november...........f**k.

Still can't get my medical any closer to my interview date...

I can't even prepare the wedding invitations that we wanted to send out this week..because we can't nail down our times anymore.

/boo :blink:
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-03 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
yay seb! :thumbs: :dance:

Jenn: .. Stay strong. Even though the majority of the males have been put in AP - you guys may not be. I hope for the both of you that it doesn't get put into AP, that he is approved and handed his visa. <hugs>

Best of Luck!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-03 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers


exciting news tonight! Congrats deann and yay kayla have fun with him!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-02 23:18:00