K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I don't see much of a difference other than that 1 is bigger but it's all about you and what matters to you and Matthew

Yeah, one is 3 and one is 5 tier .. but also.. one is real/fake roses... the other is cake/frosting made roses it seems? I think the details on the white icing are similar though the second picture is a little smaller so it's hard to tell.

I love both white gold and yellow gold and a lot of my pieces are a combination of both. Krystle and Seb both have exquisite taste!

Maggie I love the dress, it is beautiful!

With all the beautiful beautiful things popping up on here I should ask my husband if he wants to get married agian. Posted Image

I've taken on the task of painting the interior of my daughters home as well as her kitchen cabinets. Funny thing is I hired someone to paint the exterior of mine at the same time, so needless to say we have a lot going on here. My son found a great apartment for him and Najmeh and he will be moving this weekend. This is going to be a wild spring I can already tell.

For those who are wondering, I'm still smoke free!

Have a great day everyone!!! Posted Image

Best of luck to their move...and Congrats on still being smoke free!!!! Hard work is paying off! You should renew your vows!!.. have another honeymoon phase of the relationship too ;)
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-16 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-16 08:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Jenn it sounds like you're going to exhausted by the end of the week!!... hope you rest up a little before he comes and you're exhausted all over again ;) lol :blush:

Oh Kayla, I'm glad you found out before hand.. it would have been awful to end up disappointed the day of the wedding. I agree better safe than sorry and go with the one that is a bit more pricey.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-15 22:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
oh I like his ring too Krystle!!! Very beautiful engagement ring Seb!!!

Yes I love Maggie Sottero dresses.. it looks different IRL than it does on the model girl.. but it definitely screamed me.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-15 19:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

This is the ring...

that is beautiful!!!!! Im not normally a fan of gold unless it's white gold, but that style and set looks incredible like that!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-15 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I just ordered my dress!!!! Found a store that has it and can ship it right away..and cheaper than the local store here that was going to sell me the floor dress in 1 size bigger for almost 900$.. bleh.. total.. 629 (with shipping included) and the size thats right for me!

this is the dress.. My Wedding Dress - The shoulder/flower is detachable and I will be detaching it. It's everything I was looking for!! I am so happy right now!!!

Edited by Maggie_Kenyth, 15 March 2010 - 01:30 PM.

Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-15 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Seb.. once again you are at the top of the page :)

A & D.. I loved your post because NOW we know what the A stands for :) I have been trying to get for a long time.

Krystle.. I love the ring. Love it

Karen.. my flight gets into JFK at 6:30pm. Assume I will be at the hotel by 7:00pm

The new design isn't too bad.. and I have noticed that some things have been changed since this morning. Some of the "complaints" people made ( including me) seem to have been addressed right away.

I have been working my butt off every night this week. Trying to get closest and dressers and cupboards cleaned out. Have 8 bags of stuff in my car to go to Good Will. Although I have accomplished a lot I have too much to still get done. I shouldn't have waited, but I wasn't going to do ANYTHING until we had that visa. Not because I didn't want to do it.. but we are both a little superstitious and didn't want to assume anything.

Time to give him his wake up call and then I am off to bed.

Good night everyone!

Oh good morning everyone!!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-15 11:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I wish I knew of such because I'm currently looking for a dress as well...

Ooh good luck!! =)
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-13 18:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I know for a fact that the E and F train goes to manhattan, but I'm not sure where your hotel is to tell you where to catch the train.

does anyone know a good trusted site to buy wedding gowns? as in..I went to the bridal shop..fell in love with a dress but need to find it cheaper else
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-13 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Good morning everyone! Ready for a funny story?

Yesterday I was feeling pretty good and thought I was over the jet lag. Got dressed for work, walked out the door and went to the store. Did some shopping and then went into my office. Was thinking maybe I wasn't over the jet lag, because the whole time I felt like I was walking funny and couldn't figure out why. So... I get to my office, and am talking to one of my managers and... we both look down at my feet for some reason..

I was walking funny because I was wearing one brown shoe with a 1 1/2 inch heal and one one black shoe with a 1 inch heal :) Guess I was NOT over the jet lag and couldn't even dress myself properly :) I wonder how many people in the store noticed and thought I was a freak :)

Will need to make sure I am wearing matching shoes today.

Krystle, after he gets through the airport and we get to the hotel it will probably be around 5:30 or 6:00pm. We will get something to eat and then walk around Times Square a bit I am sure.. If he is not too tired my plan is to then go earn the need for some ice packs :):)

On Monday, we are going to do one of those hop-on/hop off bus tours of the city. Go to Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, etc. We only have the one day to see everything and that is the best way to do it. When I take my international employees there we do it that way and you can see pretty much everything in one day.

We fly out Tuesday afternoon.

Another friend of his ( via web cam.. they've never actually met) asked to go to NYC with me to meet him. Fuat said he would rather it just be the two of us the first few days. I can definitely understand that :) But if you are going to be in the city on Sunday or Monday night maybe we can get together for dinner.. Or Saturday night if you are there. I will be alone that night.

At the moment I can't remember the name of the hotel. I will have to look in my emails. It's not a great hotel.. two star, but has great reviews, a free parking garage, decent size rooms, breakfast included and room service. I got it for $70 a night. I can send you the name if you want it.. found it on Expedia. Location is great.. one block off Times Square. Figured I didn't care if it was not a world class hotel.. it was cheap, near where we wanted to be...

I took a break from working to skim this forum... and I read this Jenn... lmao .. okay... that was definitely a good chuckle I needed during work. Loving your shoes ;)
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-12 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Try almost 100K in student loans :P
Now that's a debt NOT worth even been thought about

*steps back* I very much apologize for every complaining about my 15k debt. lol!!!!

I am so debt sucks.

Jenn, yeah I heard that happened with a friend of mine on hers too, she's trying to get them to go back to the original amount...we'll see.

Kayla, I forgot to congrats you on the weight loss!!! I don't know if it's easy for you or not, but personally I found it very hard - so I wish you all the best and you're doing a great job so far it seems!!! Keep it up and definitely treat/reward yourself. I finally did get into a routine that allowed me to go from 193lbs (my highest was 205lbs) and finally getting to my weight now which is 140lbs. I thought it would never come off (I didn't exercise much lol..too lazy). But if you can stick to it.. it definitely does happen. I try not too monitor myself too much, eat junk and such and just check my weight every few months to ensure I'm not gaining ..and if I do, I cut the junk out for awhile. I am a junk food eater.. I will eat whatever junk is in front of me, even if I don't like it. I do not and cannot have it in the house lol..I buy when I crave and if Im lucky enough to be too lazy to go get it, then I don't have it. I also can be a very emotional eater.

Krystle.. every 3 months! yikes, that would definitely add up... but I suppose worth it to be able to have seen him throughout the waiting process.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-11 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Lost 5 pounds already. Gonna celebrate by going shopping for Mathew's graduation. I need a new outfit in the worst way.

On a separate note, getting out of debt sucks. I just set up payment arrangements for one of my big cards and I want to puke. The balance is at $1503, so I'm doing 4 payments of $263.37 to get it taken care of as quickly as possible. After that's done I'll have one more card to pay off and then I'm out of debt. I wanted to get it all done before getting married, but I'll settle for only having one more to pay off.

I would love to have that as debt... don't even want to know what I pay a month. but I feel for you, and I hope you get it all cleared up as planned!!! :thumbs:
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-10 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

trying to adjust to the time difference and the jet lag. Went to bed at 6:00pm last night, woke up at 3:00am and couldn't go back to sleep... watched a movie and finally decided to get out of bed.

Was reading about everything for AOS and had a sad thought.. we won't all be doing this together. Some of us will be done before others even start... but at least we'll be able to help the ones who start the process after us.

Truth is.. I don't want to join some other group to do this. Would rather stay right here in our September forum :)

Fuat and I decided to do a quick Civil Ceremony so we could get everything done as soon as possible.. and will then try to do a "family ceremony" when our families can be together. I am terrified at the thought of telling my parents that we are going to just go do this as soon as possible and have a family wedding later.. I think they are going to be upset. My brother eloped... it really hurt my mom.

His sister is having a baby and we want to make sure we do AOS and he has his advanced parole in time to go home for that.. so if we stick with our original plan, and go out to Vegas in a few months, he won't have his travel documents in time.

Personally, I don't care if we do this in our Pajamas at city hall... but I can't help but think of my family. His family can't be here.. and that makes me feel even worse if we do something with my family and not his... especially since his family is still pretty upset about all of this.

My cousin did the quick ceremony, and a full blown out wedding later, but didn't let the whole family know she was actually already married. I don't think I can do that to them either.

Wish there was an easy answer... but will just have to hope my mom and dad understand.

Yes, stay in sept group please, us behinders would miss you too much!

I know it's a hard call. We went through the same thing... back and forth on whether to just have a civil marriage then a marriage later.. whether to have it in Indiana with his family or hope that they could all meet us in South Carolina.

I guess you just have to go with what is best for you both, and hope that the families understand. That's all you really can do in this situation.

Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-10 08:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Then use March 23rd as a good excuse!!

Ugh. Apparently my vaccum cleaner is broken. I just tried to vacuum the hallway and noticed that I didn't see any dirt rolling around inside, then smoke started coming out. Now I feel like I'm going to die because it's just been shooting the dirt particles back in the air and as I breathe I can almost FEEL my lungs getting full of the stuff.


if theres a belt on it, the belt may have snapped or came off, you could take off the bottom back to check. This happens to mine, same thing doesn't pick anything up and starts smelling like burning.

Right now breathing a big sigh of relief that we have the visa in hand. A friend had their interview in Ankara on March 1. They were told they were approved, but still had not gotten visa as of today.. they called the embassy and we told they were in AP.

This is what I feared would happen to us and I had heard of others being told they were approved, getting the passport back with no visa in it and a letter saying they were in AP. I almost cried when I saw the actual visa in the passport.

I feel so bad for this couple. They have known each other much longer than Fuat and I, had far more proof than us.. and she's actually been in the US as a student. They were so excited to get approved, and already bought her ticket.. and now to get this news today. I am just heartbroken for them.

I pray it will all be taken care of soon.

Im sorry for that couple as well, hopefully they get out of AP soon. I am glad you have the visa in hand though!!!!!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-09 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I AM HOME! Got in at 1:00am and slept a little.. now trying to go through 600 work emails that I couldn't access while my computer would not work.

He is coming in to JFK on March 21! I will be going back to New York on March 20 to meet him there!!!!! We'll spend 21st and 22nd in New York and then drive back to Virginia on the 23rd. Thought about flying there and back.. but decided to drive it instead.

Oh it sounds sooo exciting!!! Very happy for you!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-09 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Awww, just reading back a few pages makes me wish I had posted in here more. I suppose there's no time like the present, since I'm still waiting for our interview date (I still refuse to call it his interview date, because no matter what, we're in this together, lol...) and I think the wait might just drive me bonkers.

Congrats to everyone that's had their interviews and all the good news all around. :)

Why hello there ! I hope you find out your interview date soon!!

and that officially makes me...NOT LAST!! WOOO!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-09 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

April 10! Can't wait :)

Best wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-08 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers


I'm thinking about shipping my cats too, I'm not sure yet. GOOD LUCK!! on your interview date...

looks like im still last :blush: lol

Im glad everything is going well and that he is there with you =) Best of Luck! Oh yeah when is the wedding?

Im booking my trip now for Montreal, I wish I knew the area, or have been there.. trying to get cheap for the amount of time I need to spend there, and well.. I dont want to end up in seedy lane.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-08 18:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

In new York waiting for flight to Washington. So jet lagged. . . Fuat will be here in 12 days. I don't have time to be tired :)


Hi Everyone

Apologies for not posting on a more regular basis, I have been monitoring everyone's progress. Congratulations to everyone who has already received their visa and to those still waiting hang on in there..

The good news is that I have my interview date (1st April) which is fabulous news! Just in the process of getting quotes from removal firms as well as quotes for shipping my two cats, just hope I am not jumping the gun too much but with such a lot to plan I decided to try and get all the pieces in place.

I'm thinking about shipping my cats too, I'm not sure yet. GOOD LUCK!! on your interview date...

looks like im still last :blush: lol

Hi all! I know I never post here (I post more in the K1 procedures forum), but I do occasionally sift through & read everything and just wanted to say congrats to everyone - seems like everything is going great for everyone! Good luck to those who still have interviews. My fiance arrived Feb 24 and it is GREAT having him here :) Can't wait for everyone here waiting to be reunited with their fiance(e) to be in the same place! It's sooo awesome. Good luck everyone :)

Im glad everything is going well and that he is there with you =) Best of Luck! Oh yeah when is the wedding?
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-08 18:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

It's just a regular background check from the police station, to take with me to my interview.

and ..facebook..find me as Maggie Ranni

Oh and I was right, there is an expiry date on this one (peeked through the envelope through the window with it to see it lol)... it expires May 20th, 2010. I applied for it February 18/19 2010. So it is indeed in Nova Scotia, only good for 3 months.

So I suppose, with all the frustration of worrying that I may not get it in time, it's good that I waited and didn't apply earlier.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-08 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Groovy.. The group is "September Filers" ? I have Facebook.

It's just a regular background check from the police station, to take with me to my interview.

and ..facebook..find me as Maggie Ranni
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-08 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

and Thank you to all my well wishing friends.. We are less than 2 weeks away from the wedding :)
I am excited and super tired. Cranking out a wedding is a lot of work in a short period of time..
Somehow we went from a Vegas style wedding or a wedding on the beach into caterers, Dj's and STUFF!!!

I can't wait for ALL OF US to start sharing wedding pics..

lol - good luck!!! It'll be so beautiful =) Enjoy it!

Can I open my background check? They gave it to me in an envelope?
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-08 08:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I've been throwing and packing.. and I still am managing to have more boxes than I had hoped.. yuck.

I didn't realize I had so much JUNK and so much stuff I don't want to part with lol. I guess it happens though.. living on your own for 10 years. There is probably more I could get rid of if I wanted to start completely over with gathering household items, but with all the expenses we have already for april, it's best not to.. and since he's been living on base - he didn't have the opportunity to gather that stuff himself over the I should bring mine.

I'm hoping to be pretty much completely packed before I go to Montreal.. this way during the wait for visa in hand, I can just pack the final stuff and be ready to hit the road lol.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-07 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Kayla, I'm sorry about your cell phone, I hope you recover it.

Kjenkins, your prediction was correct, it showed up on the website today!

SHE IS OUT OF AP!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Again, thank you all for your continued support!!!

YES!!! OH NEY! IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THIS!!! :thumbs: :dance: :dance: :dance: !!!!!!!!!!!

So happy to read the good news from ney. Leaving for home in the morning but this time I am not sad because he will follow in 11days . Can't wait to get home and get my daily fix of vj

Oh yes! Excellent!! Im glad to hear he is coming so quickly! =) :thumbs: Have a safe trip!!!!

Ney, I'm not even trying to be funny but I know within my heart that this group is blessed. We've all had our ups and down. I've been robbled, involved in a car accident, waited ages for my NOA2 but 5 months later he's laying here right next to me; PaciencaYfe passed her interview at a very hard consulate; Jenn, whoo, let's just say the blessings from this group went with her to turkey. Nydvo had a miscarriage but I'm sure they'll recover and try again; AandD afetr waiting for so long, just to get RFE and 2 weeks later NOA2, she was blessed tpo get an interview date very soon after and pass the interview. We are truly blessed and I can't say Thank God enough.
Congratulations Ney :dance: :dance: :dance:
But what now, she has to go back and hand in her passport, do another interview???

We are blessed.. and I am glad for all the positive you remind us to have Krystle.. because you are right..everything does work out for the best. :star:
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-07 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
gaynto, wedding day march 20th! are you getting excited??!

Have a safe trip Jenn!!!!

Had a horrible, horrible day today. I'm going to bed and I hope I wake up and find out it's a dream.

I'm sorry Kayla, I hope everything gets better
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-06 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
so very happy for you Krystle!

My background check is ready for pickup too! phew. That worked out.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-04 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Did he make it safe and sound?!?! Congrats!!!! :dance: :thumbs:

So happy for you both Krystle =)

Edited by Maggie_Kenyth, 03 March 2010 - 11:40 AM.

Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-03 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Social Security Pains.

We applied for Antonio's SS card 10 days after his arrival, today we received a call from Social Security that we need to give Homeland Security some data before they can release a number. We have to do an INFOPASS to Charleston, SC.. about 2 hours away since the rep at Homeland Security couldn't help us on the phone...ERRRR!!

I will let you know what they say, so you can avoid this royal pain in your near future.

Oh great, that will be a major help, thank you!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-01 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

That's great news Jenn. We are going to have a lot of people coming to the States in March and April.

I think everyone one here right now is just counting down the days. Til their interview or arrivals.

That is great news Jenn!! .. I really hope you hear something soon Krystle and you guys get that visa in hand!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-03-01 08:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
WAY TO GO A AND D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :thumbs:
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-25 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I confused you with my "boys"... :jest: :) :D

Kenyth and I are still working on our invitations.. lol. I never thought font would be such a big decision. :blush:

He's now working on his mcis for Sgt promotion. I'm still waiting for the Police Certificate... and someone is currently interested in my car, which would take a lot off my mind if that sells soon.

I'm trying to convince him to meet me in Montreal.. but vacation time is needed a few weeks later for wedding time.. so we'll see. I guess it wouldn't be such a big deal if he didn't come to Montreal, since I'd be seeing him soon after that anyway.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-24 10:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Just got back to Istanbul and now my computer seems to be working... I couldn't get online for several days, or would get online and then explorer would freeze and I couldn't do anything.

Was on a computer in the hotel lobby, this morning, and the Turkish keyboard was driving me crazy.. plus we had to get to the bus station, so didn't take time to read through all the posts I have missed lately.

Ney, I am soooo sorry to hear everything that happened, but I can only hope that it will be taken care of quickly.

I will definitely post our whole story later.. either tonight or tomorrow! When I thought they weren't going to let me in the embassy I thought I might have a nervous break down :)

But.. this part is behind us. Will fill you in as soon as I can. A & D.... I will be looking for news from you!!!!

I enjoyed reading your story. It was riveting. Oh I couldn't imagine all the emotions that morning. I think I would have threw up. I am kinda glad to hear you were shaking though, it's also something I tend to do in those situations. I really am so glad it worked out for you and that the interview itself was very positive and with a kind interviewer. I hope you are enjoying the rest of your trip with your mom too! Celebration!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-24 08:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Well everyone, tomorrow is wednesday and we bought the ticket for Friday evening and still haven't heard anything from dhl so pray and keep your fingers crossed that the visa is available for pick up by atleast Friday morning so he can pick it up and be on his way to the airport.

Fingers crossed and locked!

I plan to come around April 20. David should come for us on April 16. We are intending to buy the plain tickets after my interview.
I have to give the notice to my boss and say that I am leaving. I hope that I will not have an obligation to work 30 more days after that because I have my whole vacation for this year.
I have to prepare everything to a big removal across the ocean. :star:

Krystal, I hope you will receive the visa on time. :star:

They are locked for you as well!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-24 07:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

We had an opportunity to speak to her in detail when she got back to Iran yesterday. The first day that she went to the embassy it was an Iranian woman who worked at the embassy that was being very rude to everyone and told them to come back the next day with no explanation other than laws have changed (we still don't know what that was about). The next day when she returned she was interviewed by an American woman who was very nice to her. The woman interviewed her in English, and told her all the papers are in order, asked her a couple of questions, and told her to watch the website for her number to come up in the next few weeks (She said that everyone from Iran has to go through this process now).

Najmeh said that many of the interviewers were being hard on some of the people who were being interviewed, but she didn't know thier personal situations. She said some people were denied quickly and left really upset. The interviewers were also checking pictures with a special light to see if they'd been photoshopped, but they didn't do that to her pictures. The interviewer seemed to be impressed that there were so many family members on both sides that supported and attended the engagement party in Dubai. They didn't look at her emails, phone bills, or skype pages, but they had a huge package on her and my son (I think it was all of the things that he sent in the original package for the K-1, which included airline tickets for everyone who attended the party, tons of pictures of everyone, all of the reciepts (hotels, dinners, activities, flowers, shopping), and a DVD of the engagement party).

I feel confident she will get the visa it's just a matter of time.

Okay, well I am keeping my fingers crossed that her name comes up quickly.. it does seem positive though, even with the wait. Good luck!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-23 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

:dance: :dance: :dance: CONGRATS JENN & FAUT!!!

Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-23 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Congrats Jenn!!!! I knew you guys were going to get it without an AP.

I KNEW IT JENN!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance:


Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-23 08:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Hi Ney!

Im sorry to hear about how it went down (with turning her around --how weird!-- and AP).

I hope she gets out of AP really quick and your son and her can be together soon!
Maybe because she is female it wont be as long as it can be?

Ahh I am sorry Ney! I Hope she gets out of AP soon too... They should be together. Keeping my hopes high for you and your family.

Jenn tomorrow is the big day... I hope it goes well.. Keeping fingers crossed!!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-22 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Good luck Ney!! :thumbs: I hope everything will go smoothly!!

CONGRATS DRIVER, good luck ney!! Welcome back Kayla!!!! good luck Jenn!!!!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-20 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Glad to hear Jenn had a safe trip, Jenn keep your spirits up and enjoy!!!

Kjenkins, how long will it take to get the visa in hand?

It is odd that Kayla hasn't been here yet.

Hopefully she's just really really busy with her company =)

The weekend is just about here... :dance: I am so tired... but.. so far *keeps fingers crossed* everything is working out. I know a lot of hiccups have been happening, but thankfully it seems, everything balances out for me.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-19 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Smiling. Thanks Maggie. I have to get him here asap before someone steal my prince charming. :devil:
Hey where's Kayla? Probably bought all the ice in Kentucky and had to go to Viginia for more :rofl:

hahahahhahaha, good one Krystle lol
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-02-19 09:25:00