K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Started off the morning to kind of a bad start today. My fiance went to have his medical exam yesterday, should have done it 3 weeks ago but that's a whole other issue, and he's got a thing for waiting until the very last possible moment.(something I'm going to have to learn to live with because I am a planner!) Anyway, he ended up having to receive every possible vaccination there is and it cost him hundreds of dollars yesterday. I really think just because he wasn't as well informed as he should have been, he might have gotten scammed a little bit. Also, he forgot his passport and has to go all the way back to capitol today too and then again tomorrow because I'm flying in. Somehow this is my fault.I need to vent! I just don't know exactly what I'm venting! I think the stress is getting to us even though we are so close now. Grr.

Anyway, second interview is Monday, and I'm more frustrated than excited.

Good luck on his interview!!!

Yeah, the closer we get the more worried/stress we seem to get. It won't go away until visa in hand and AOS filed. Don't worry though, it will all get done eventually and everything will be perfectly fine. All you can do is take it one day at a time, and do what you can within your means for that day... that's it. Deep breath...and remember... no matter what, this process will show you both how well you can work together, come together, and in the end strengthen you with patience and love towards each other.

and feel free to vent here anytime... that's why we're here. We all feel the stress from this process and life in general.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-29 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I hope your ankle feels better soon =(!!!!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-29 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I keep trying to convince Fuat it's not just ME...:) Takes me at least an hour.

Krystle.. I am getting excited for you :)

Me too!! lol :thumbs: :dance: go women!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-29 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Good Morning everyone...

Krystle you must be getting excited !
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-29 07:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Jenn: don't be so negative, think positive & be confident! I guess I'm a dork too coz I had no clue what games Maggie & Kayla were talking about. I wish that couple lots of luck!
Maggie: simple is just fine!
Kayla: glad you have a planning personality because the only thing I can plan is a getaway!

Thank you beautiful girl =)
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-28 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Well, the more I hear about these games the more I start thinking I am the dork because I have never played them :) Haven't ever even touched a Wii, Gamebox, Playstation.. my sister was really into a lot of these online games.... one of these days I will have to give it a try.

Anxiously watching the Turkish forum today. One of them had their interview today and waiting to hear the outcome. It seems Ankara has been handing out AP to majority of the males. Not the females though. Waiting to hear what happened and if they ended up getting AP. The petitioner lived in the US for 22 years, and has been with the USC for a while.. if they get put in AP I am going to really stress. If we get put in AP I don't know what I'll do :) That would add another 4-6 months wait.. and time is not exactly on our side with a lot of things.

I really hope they have good news!

We're heading into another weekend with a snow storm. Strange for Virginia.. but I am leaving for Michigan tomorrow, so I guess I will miss it. Of course, I am going somewhere even colder with MORE snow.. so maybe I would be better off if I just stayed here :)

They'll have good news, and don't you worry... It will work out for you both .. I just know that you will get approved and there will be no more waiting. Let us know the results though of that person, because if it does make you stress at their result, we'll be here to help!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-28 08:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I finally started getting Kenyth to order our wedding stuff...

I think we're going with the purple and silver interlocked double heart theme...

I'm starting to think I'm too simple though, idk... even our cake I want plain square, white frosting, sharp cornered, layer sitting on layer with just a purple frosting band around the base of each layer. Our topper on top, is a glass heart with engraved interlocking hearts and our names. No flowers. No design.

The other side too is .. it can be rather frustrating trying to design and plain things I am not even in the same country as.

Thankfully Kenyth is doing a lot and having a lot of input and help.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-28 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I'm not sure what server he's on in Aion, but as soon as I find out I'll blow it up! I tried playing it with him for a while, but something about this computer it doesn't like and wont run it without being laggy. I like the game and all, I just can't play it. Maybe when I buy a new computer I'll be able to and wont be so grrrrr.

I just recently started playing WoW like maybe a month ago. I picked my server based on what I thought was the coolest name, lol. Zangamarsh(sp) is what I'm on. But I've got characters on other servers. I've been trying to find the server with the least amount of stupid kids on it.

Mathew and I are dorks too. LOL

theres stupid kids on every server lmao.

We were mainly on Laughing Skull - leeeeeroy jenkins. His name is Kenyth (yes, he used his real name for his ..mine is Oobatnep .. When I'm alliance my name is pentaboo.

Aion is very detailed graphic wise, you can down all the settings but you'd probably still lag a bit (I know I do lol), I need a new computer too. Any new games come out and mine won't be compatible anymore.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-28 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Well.. things may have changed since I had financial aid, but it used to be that once you turned 24 you were considered "independent" even if you lived with your parents.. and THEN.. they gave you even more money.

My advice to anyone who will listen. DON'T TAKE IT. Take only what you absolutely need.. don't buy $500 razor phones.. or ( in my case) go on an insane shopping spree for clothes because guess what.. You have to pay that back some day. Oh, and if you go through an exit interview at your university where they tell you that financial aid payments will be between $50-$100 a month don't believe it.. and then when your first bill comes in at $350 ( and you are unemployed because hey, you just graduated).. send the bill to the exit interview person who told you to expect $50 - $100..

and then.. if you do take all the money they give you ( sometimes $2k to $3k a semester more than you actually need).. what you should NOT do if you can't afford to pay the bill is take a deferment. That interest really adds up and by the time you actually get a good job that will allow you to actually be able to make those loan payments... and still buy food and put a roof over your head...well, by that time you owe twice what you actually borrowed and will be lucky to have it paid off 20 years after you are out of school...

Oh.. but I digress..

Just wanted to say hello to everyone and check to see if there was any news from A & D :)

I was given a bit more than I needed, probably 2000$ more. I did spend it, and I do kick myself for it, I have 1000$ left to pay on my student loan. Would have been gone by Thankfully it's like 7% interest so it's not too painful... but with the rest of the debt, quite a bit my ex husband left me's a pain.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-28 08:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

So totally grumpy right now.

I started playing WoW as a way to irk Mathew. He doesn't like it. But he plays Aion like constantly, so as a way to make him grumpy I started playing the game he hated. LOL. Anyways, I get it, and then I do the trial for the second expansion and I really really love my Blood Elf. Well when I'm right in the middle of something it cuts me off and tells me to contact billing. I didn't even know my time ran out today on that expansion. Grrrsssss. Guess I'll have to buy it. :angry: Booh!

And it's sad that this phases me in the slightest because I was all set to hate it(but of course, stick it out until Mathew's head blew off, LOL), but then I slowly started to enjoy it.

Kenyth and I both play WoW and Aion!!!...Mostly just Aion now though Lol...what server?!

I played video games with this guy for years, he went off to boot camp - he was in the marines for awhile and came to visit me in Canada last year. He had this marine friend transfer WoW servers to ours, introduced me to him... it was Kenyth and that is how we first met. On Laughing Skull from a mutual friend. lol

Oh ..we're dorks =( lol
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-28 08:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Car. They've backed out of my cousins driveway too fast and rammed into it so many times that it's leaning and looks sad. So I had to buy a new one.


some people need to watch how they drive... lol
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-27 13:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I've spent the better part of the day being lazy and playing video games. I don't want to, but I guess I'll have to go to Virginia and buy a drill to fix our mailbox with. Some idiot keeps hitting it.

huh? like with a car or a bat?
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-27 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Glad to see I am not the only one wasting time. I'm still at work.. but for the last 40 minutes I have done nothing but play solitiare and stare out the window of my office.

I would say my productivity has gone out the window and no reason to stay any longer :) I really should have left at 5:00pm today!!! :blink:

LOL :thumbs:
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-27 10:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I've been sitting here for over an hour trying to code our website, but I just end up staring at the screen.

I don't feel like doing anything tonightttttt.

I get like that sometimes... I'm about ready for bed..and I've done nothing tonight cept play video games lol
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-26 21:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I read in the Canada forum that someone was bringing their cats down by driving and the BO never said anything about them...

Yeah I read that too I think

But I thought I also read something about needing documents if animals crossed the border, but I can't find anything solid on that now :\

It's a bit different for Canadian cats because Canada and the U.S. are so much alike. I would bring vaccination records just in case she's asked for them, but other than that she doesn't have to do anything. No chips or anything. Many, many Canadians have brought down their animals and either aren't questioned about them, or they are just asked for the vaccination records.

Mathew is bringing down his cat is the reason why I know. I'm not just making stuff up to spout out. I searched the Canada forums for the answer.

Here Maggie:


If you're flying just bring a letter from the kitty vet saying they're okay to travel. Sometimes they aren't asked but I'd do it to be on the safe side. If you're driving just make sure the kitty is healthy!

and I should continue reading before I

Okay great!! thank you Kayla!!

I woke up this morning and I prayed that God would let me have a good day... Glenoi's medical went great btw.
But my highlight of the day: anyone remember that picture that Kayla posted that said "always kiss me goodnight; it's on the last page of my lovebook" My coworker saw my lovebook, knew how much I love the picture and she got me a big poster with the words on!! So I can actually put it on the wall above my bed! It feels so good to be reminded that you're loved and thought about!

Glad his medical went good!!!
Yes, I remember that photo... Ohhh that was so nice of your co-worker =)

You need to vaccinate them against rabies, put them the chips and at least 2 weeks before you travel you have to get the confirmation of your vet that they are capable for the travelling. I asked my vet and she told me that. This is in Croatia and maybe for you in Canada is different but I think that it should be the same everywhere.
Be sure about that and check all details to avoid eventually misunderstanding on the border.

Thanks AandD!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-26 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Does anyone know if I need documents for my two cats to cross the border? or can I just take them with me?
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-26 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Let me know when and we will have Italian food waiting on you at our house! My family has a little vacation spot in Beaufort, I will have to let you know when we go down.

Oh Definitely!! It would be nice to meet the great people from here!

Krystle: yay!! lol I hope you enjoy it
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-26 13:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

"YEAAAAA!!! Congratulations Canadians!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thank you thank you, looks like I'll be next door to you really soon
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-26 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Yes I was asking how long before you can leave. Thank you for the information too!

I'm trying to arrange my medical now.. waiting for the second place to call me back but as of right now medisys can do me April 1st with guarantee that I get my results for the interview but that means expensive week or more stay in Montreal :S Not really want I want to do...

Krystle I hope the medical goes great for your honey!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-26 09:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
AandD I really do hope you hear something soon.

How long is the AOS period before we/they are allowed to leave? Like if they wanted their honeymoon in Jamaica.. could they or would it be a year later almost?

Seb, Ney, Jenn: Thank you and Yes!! .. I'm so excited.

When I saw Kayla's post this morning, I was shaking.. lol great day.. wonderful day.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-25 20:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

OMG finally!! CONGRATULATIONS Kayla and Maggie!!! :dance: I am so happy for you guys! :star:

Thanks lol =)!!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-25 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I just wish y'all had gotten yours on the same date that way we could have waited in the cold together!

Is Kenyth coming for your interview?

No, he used most of his vacation time spending xmas and new years with me, so he needs to save up the rest over the next few months so he can have the wedding off and helping me settle in lol

I've been calculating all the fees for the next few months.. it's disgusting lol
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-25 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

YAYYY!! I'm so happy Maggie! Now you can make your wedding date!

Yes, I am happy too, I didn't care when it was as long as it was before April 25th, lol.

And I'm glad yours is before mine, because I can watch how long it takes Mathew to get his in his hand, so then I'll have a rough idea of how long mine may take.
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-25 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I'm so damn happy for you, whoo hoo :dance: :dance:
So now we're just waiting for AandD's NOA2... C'mon AandD, I see you have a few touches in the past couple days, post the good news already!

positive thoughts for AandD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and thanks krystle =)
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-25 10:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Ok, I'm gonna take a shower (too much info lol) and I wanna see your date posted!



since I have my date, I can get everything ready so that all I'm doing is waiting for visa in hand, cutting it close but I think I can make my april 25th wedding date!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-25 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

C'mon Mggie!

still on hold... tick tock..tick tock.. omg this is the most intense phone waiting I've ever had... lmao
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-25 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I hope you got yours!!! Kimbear got hers too!

I'm having a hard time getting through lol..oy
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-25 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Magggiieeeeee did you call?????

My heart wont stop beating so fast. We've waited soo long.

im trying to call now..omgomg.. CONGRATS GIRL!!! :dance: :thumbs: :dance:
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-25 09:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I love the book!!! :thumbs:

I love the book as well. It is so sweet and beautiful.

I can't believe your interview is coming up so fast.. heeh!! Good luck!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-25 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
wow.... some people... I don't understand their thinking at all... that's terrible!!!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-24 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I just found the cutest and most addicting thing on EARTH.

It's live puppy cam!!

haha that's so cute!!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-24 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Maggie you never said what you'll be doing for Valentines (unless I missed it)
Quick question: who's writing their own wedding vows?
Also, is it me or the song "If You're Not The One" by Daniel Bedingfield is the ultimate love song? Gosh I love it!!!!

oops, I'm sorry, I did miss it :blush: .. I am not sure honestly.. I am trying to convince Kenyth to come back for Valentines even though he just went home a few weeks ago... lol... but if I call DOS this week and we have an interview for March... then that won't happen! Save moneys time!! .. I suppose we'll just spend time with each other and I will probably send him a corny letter and some chocolates =)

I would love to write my own wedding vows... Kenyth wouldn't have a problem with it but I'd get so nervous with all our friends and family listening and probably forget it all and turn bright red and shake... lol so maybe the traditional repeat after me, 'i do'. lol

yes, it is a beautiful song =)
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-24 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I'm not pressing charges.. Only because he knows where I live, what car I drive etc.
I'm just scared that I might regret pressing charges. Another reason is that the system is f***ed up. NO detective have contacted me since I got robbed, matter of fact NO DETECTIVE have been assigned to the case and it's been 2-3 months. If I do decide to press charges, they'll find him, lock him up, he'll post bail snd a court date will be set umpteenth years from now... Thus leaving me vulnerable to anything that he might think of doing to me for revenge.
So I rather Be safe and broke instead of dead and broke!

gah, yeah I suppose you're right.. that sucks!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-23 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

It's as if I can never get a break. Just when I was slowly coming out of my depression, I'm hit with something again
As you guys know, I was robbed in November and I had a disability check in my wallet. I submitted a fraud claim to disability stating that the check was stolen.
Today I come home to a letter sayig that my claim was denied because the check was signed by me and once the check is signed it's the same as losing cash. I swear that's exactly what the letter says. So in other words, I can deposit someone's check in my account as long as it's signed by that person... Doesn't seem right but I will call 1st thing monday morning. I can't be anymore down than I already am :crying: :crying: :crying:
I hope passing that interview will be the ultimate picker upper :(

yeah.. you can deposit someones check into your account as long as it was signed by sucks right..I know :( I am so sorry Krystle

wait..if they cashed it.. isn't there a way now to track who cashed it/who robbed you?!

Edited by Maggie_Kenyth, 23 January 2010 - 07:45 PM.

Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-23 19:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Oh, and Maggie!!! Monday morning you need to call DOS because there's been a burst in scheduling. It's been mostly for CR-1's, but we might get lucky!!!

Oh, I really really hope so.

OMGOMG..okok..ok.. I will .. good I was getting a little depressed.. in case you couldn't tell.. I get quiet when I get depressed.. lol
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-23 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

ooh i'd love to see pics of both krystle's love book and kayla's save the dates!!

i'm happy because i just checked DHL and it looks like my honey's visa is ready for pickup! I was worried because he has to go back to the galapagos tomorrow for work and we didn't know if he'd be able to get his visa before he left.

Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-22 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
It's going to be fantastic =) :thumbs:
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-22 09:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I haven't checked in for a while but just an update, my fiance had her interview in Jakarta Indonesia on January 12th and was approved, and her visa was issued today, January 21st!

I thought it was strange that it took 9 days from interview approval to visa issuance, they actually told her to fly back to Bali and they will mail her visa and passport to the Bali consulate. I guess they were very backed up in their visa admin.

Thanks for all the help, VisaJourney!

Oh wow!!! Exciting!! Congrats!!! :thumbs: :dance:
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-21 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Thanks to all of you for nice wishes...we are so close. :star:
They touched us on January 15, 19 and today. I have a good feeling... :whistle:

yes!!!! good sign, great sign!!!! Hope it comes soon!!
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-20 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Gaynto: that's great!
Jenn: that sounds like a great idea!
Kayla: feel free to call back today.
Seb & Karen: I'm sure you both can't wait for your honey to arrive!
On the downside I start school today. Excited to meet the professor because he's the chairman pf the field I want to get into. (human services)
Everyone, have a great day, btw Canada should be recieving some fingers & toes because I went and cut off my ex's! Maggie & Kayla that interview date is coming.
22 Days til our interview!

hahahahahah - that was so kind of you lmao rofl - That made me laugh and smile this morning, thanks Krystle
Maggie_KenythFemale02010-01-20 07:55:00